Acrobatics champion. History of acrobatics

Word "acrobat" came from Greek "Acrobates" which means "I walk on tiptoe, I climb up"... Acrobatics, as a form of physical exercise, originated in ancient times. Images on surviving monuments, vessels, frescoes and other items indicate that this sport was known in ancient Egypt as early as 2300 BC.

They also practiced acrobatic exercises in Ancient Greece. In Crete, along with theatrical processions associated with harvesting and various ceremonies, games with bulls were held, part of which were acrobatic exercises.

Acrobatic exercises with bulls in the 19th century also met among the African Fulbe tribe in northern Nigeria (West Africa), among the Moravan tribe in southern India. The Russian professor Efimenko saw such games with bulls even in 1913 among the Basques in the Pyrenees.

Similar games with bulls, apparently, existed in antiquity among the peoples of our country: the name "bull roll" has been preserved in Tajik wrestling to this day.
In ancient Rome, acrobatic exercises were demonstrated by itinerant artists - "circulators", who, along with these exercises, showed other types of art: walking on a tightrope, training, etc.

In 420 BC. NS. dancing on a spinning potter's wheel, combined with acrobatic exercises, was widespread. Some wealthy Romans kept "acrobats and all kinds of magicians" with them. There is information about acrobats who performed various exercises on a pole, which was held on the forehead. Mention is made of acrobats who performed complex flexibility exercises.

During the Renaissance in Italy, the Venetian Republic organized "contests of living architecture", that is, the construction of acrobatic pyramids. The Senate awarded the prize to the group that would build the tallest pyramid. There are known cases of building pyramids with a height of about 9 meters.

For the first time, Tyukkaro tried to describe the technique of acrobatic exercises in a special guide for professional acrobats. At the end of the XIX century. Streli wrote the book "Acrobatics and Acrobats", in which he described various genres of professional artists and described the technique of a number of acrobatic exercises.

In Russia, acrobatics developed independently. She enjoyed great success among the broad masses of the population and was an obligatory part of entertainment shows. Old Russian buffoons were dancers, magicians, jugglers and acrobats. At first, they performed one at a time, and then united in twos, threes and in groups.

In the first half of the 17th century. Russia already had its own master acrobats of various specialties who taught acrobatic exercises.

At the end of the 18th century. acrobatic exercises appear in European stationary metropolitan circuses, which quickly become an integral part of professional circus performances. And in the XIX century. acrobatic exercises are beginning to be included in the bourgeois national gymnastics systems. Thus, two lines were outlined in the further development of acrobatics: professional circus and sports amateur.

The professional direction developed along the path of increasingly narrow specialization. This happened because the artists could perform for a long time with the same number, traveling around different cities and countries. Instead of universal, versatile artists of the past, virtuosos appear in one genre and even in one trick.

There are relatively independent types of circus acrobatics: acrobatics on horses, power acrobatics, vaulting (shoulder) acrobatics, "Carian games" and jumping acrobatics (with and without shells). These main types are cultivated in the circus to this day.
The second direction in the development of acrobatics - sports - is associated with the inclusion of acrobatic elements in gymnastics and with the emergence of circles of amateurs of acrobatics (especially in Russia). From the floor, acrobatic exercises are transferred to the apparatus.

In 1900, amateur acrobatic circles appeared in St. Petersburg, and in 1901 the first performance of amateur acrobats took place. Until the imperialist war of 1914, such performances of amateur acrobats accompanied most major sports evenings.

A large role in the popularization of this sport was played by the All-Union Physical Culture Parades, which have been held regularly since 1936. But only in 1938 A.K. Bondarev, head of the All-Union section, developed the first classification program and rules for acrobatics competitions. In 1939, the first All-Union acrobatics competitions were held in Moscow, which became the first in the world.

Since 1940, women have taken part in acrobatic competitions. Youth competitions have been held since 1951. Since 1967, the Federation of Sports Acrobatics of the USSR has been organizing international matches on television, since 1972 - international competitions for the prize in memory of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, honorary president of the federation V.N. Volkov.

In 1974, the 1st personal world championship was held in Moscow (athletes from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, the USSR, the USA, Germany and Switzerland participated). 13 Soviet athletes became champions. In 1975 in Switzerland, the first competitions for the World Cup in acrobatics were held.

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We lead a healthy lifestyle with sports acrobatics

Sports acrobatics Is a beautiful sight with the performance of various acrobatic stunts. This sport is not extreme. Exercises are associated with balancing, torso rotation with and without support.

World Championship in sports acrobatics: website, Russia 2018

When you watch a sports acrobatics competition, you will surely take your breath away with admiration. After all, there is a spectacular performance that will not leave anyone indifferent.

For children, this sport can be a wonderful way out of the state of virtual reality. After all, a huge number of children spend most of their free time, after school, near TV screens and computers. This significantly reduces the quantity and quality of physical activity, which is so necessary for a small growing organism.

Some terminology and interesting facts

The term "acrobatics" has its roots in ancient Greece. Initially, acrobats were called circus performers. They amused the visitors of the circus with stunts, coups, difficult jumps and numbers in which they demonstrated agility and grip.

Over time, a new direction appeared, which was marked by:

  • balance training;
  • independent versatile body turns;
  • somersaults;
  • coups;
  • handstand;
  • "Wheel";
  • "Bridge".

Such activities have a name -. 2018 year, already marked by its achievements and winning prizes in the Championship Of Russia on sports acrobatics... On the website Federation Sports Acrobatics RF, you can see information about the past championships.

Some terminology and interesting facts

Athletes of our country have won awards in such sports as:

  • Championship the world among men and women brought our gymnasts 5 sets of medals in the all-around. The athletes of the Russian national team won 5 medals: 4 gold, 1 bronze.
  • Championship and primacy world in acrobatics took place in Belgium, April 01-16, 2018. 20 sets of awards were played in four age categories. Russian gymnasts won 10 gold, 5 silver and 2 bronze medals.
  • On the championship the world in sports acrobatics in 2018 year, among juniors and juniors, 5 sets of medals in the all-around were played. The Russian national team won 2 gold and 1 silver medals.
  • At the world championship among boys and girls, athletes of the Russian national team won 3 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals from 5 sets.

Benefits of sports acrobatics for children

Trainings for children begin at the age of four. There are special groups for babies of this age. The child is as energetic as possible at this age and preschool institutions do not satisfy all his physical activity needs.

Benefits of sports acrobatics for children

Formation of a muscle corset and posture, beautiful and correct posture, the ability to climb ropes and stairs, grouping during a fall - all these skills a child can acquire during sports acrobatics.

If your baby is phlegmatic, shy, feels discomfort in a group of peers, then classes will be able to liberate him and improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. After all, acrobatic ones are mainly performed with several children at the same time. The correct and accurate execution of the trick depends on how much the children in the team are able to work synchronously with each other. As a result, acrobatic exercises will not only strengthen physical development, but also help to form a socially adapted child correctly.

Parents should make an effort to motivate their child to exercise. Gymnastic training will qualitatively increase endurance, physical tone, and strengthen the health of the child. But how to interest a fidget?

You can visit the circus and the kid will be delighted with the performance he has seen. Then, in a playful way, offer to perform some tricks that he remembered. If the child is enthusiastic about gymnastics, it is easy to find a professional trainer and a suitable training schedule.

Types of sports acrobatics for classes

Sports acrobatics competition are carried out in the following species groups:

  • Jumping - consists in acrobatic jumps on a 30-meter track, performing "flick", "rondada", "somersault";

Types of sports acrobatics for classes
  • Steam room - paired acrobatic elements are performed (a pair of two boys, a pair of two girls, a boy and a girl);
  • Group - power acrobatics is performed (three girls or four boys);
  • Combined - a competition of different species groups connected together.

How to learn acrobatic tricks

To learn the elements of acrobatics and the opportunity to participate in competitions, training must begin at an early age. The baby's body in these years is especially flexible, flexible and stretchable. And psychological fears and barriers are at their lowest.

How to learn acrobatic tricks

But in history there were facts when athletes achieved high results, starting to practice acrobatics not at all in childhood. The only obstacles to achieving your goal can be fear and prejudice. But if, you are determined to achieve the tasks set, then nothing on your way will be an obstacle.

People far from sports think that acrobatic stunts cannot be learned to perform without injury and pain. But this is not the case. It all depends on the attentiveness of the athlete, if you listen to the mentor and start training after a proper warm-up, then you will not be afraid of any injuries.

In Russia, acrobatics developed independently. She enjoyed great success among the broad masses of the population and was an obligatory part of entertainment shows. Old Russian buffoons were dancers, magicians, jugglers and acrobats. At first, they performed one at a time, and then united in twos, threes and in groups. In the first half of the 17th century. Russia already had its own master acrobats of various specialties who taught acrobatic exercises.

In 1900, amateur acrobatic circles appeared in St. Petersburg, and in 1901 the first performance of amateur acrobats took place. Until the imperialist war of 1914, such performances of amateur acrobats accompanied most major sports evenings. A large role in the popularization of this sport was played by the All-Union Physical Culture Parades, which have been held regularly since 1936. But only in 1938 A.K. Bondarev, head of the All-Union section, developed the first classification program and rules for acrobatics competitions. In 1939, the first All-Union competitions in acrobatics were held in Moscow, which became the first in the world.

Since 1940, women have taken part in acrobatic competitions. Youth competitions have been held since 1951. Since 1967, the Federation of Sports Acrobatics of the USSR has been organizing international matches on television, since 1972 - international competitions for the prize in memory of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, honorary president of the federation V.N. Volkova.

In 1974, the 1st personal world championship was held in Moscow (athletes from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Poland, the USSR, the USA, Germany and Switzerland participated). 13 Soviet athletes became champions. In 1975, the first competitions for the World Cup in acrobatics were held in Switzerland.

The socialist countries had a great influence on the development of world acrobatics; since 1957, traditional acrobatics competitions have been held among countries. The International Federation of Sports Acrobatics (IFAS) was established in 1973. Since 1974, the World Acrobatics Championships have been held every 2 years, and the World Cup in the intervening years.

Acrobatic exercises are widely used in various sports. First of all, in gymnastics, diving, figure skating, wrestling and many others.

Until 1939, acrobatics in our country was only amateur. But even then the first organizational steps towards the development of this sport in the Russian Federation were outlined.

In 1934, the Department of Acrobatics and Rhythmic Gymnastics was created at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture.

An important role in the popularization of acrobatics as a sport was played by the All-Union physical culture parades, which have been held regularly since 1936.

In 1938, the All-Union Section under the leadership of A.K. Bondarev developed the first ever classification program and rules for acrobatics competitions.

In 1939, acrobatic exercises were included in the TRP complex, and, at the end of the year, the first All-Union competitions in acrobatics were held in Moscow, which were also the first in the world. 90 athletes took part in them.

During the Great Patriotic War, acrobatics competitions were not held.

Since 1945, work has been under way on a new classification program and rules for acrobatics competitions. In 1947, exercises of the category of masters of sports were included in the competition program for the first time.

In 1948, the All-Union Conference on Gymnastics was held, at which it was determined that acrobatics is one of the types of gymnastics with a sports orientation. After that, acrobatics received universal recognition and widespread among boys and girls, as well as among adults. Competitions for the championship of the republics, sports societies and departments began to be held.

The development of acrobatics in Russia can be roughly divided into two stages. The first from 1949 to 1973, the second from 1974 to the present.

The development of sports acrobatics in Russia at the first stage was carried out on the basis of documents developed by the All-Union Federation of Acrobatics before the Great Patriotic War. At the second stage, the classification programs and competition rules are regularly updated, which contributes to the growth of the athletes' performance skills, and the increase in the complexity of the exercises they perform.

In 1949 T.G. Vavich creates the All-Russian Federation of Acrobatics, organizes and conducts the first ever championship of the Russian Federation in sports acrobatics from November 26 to 29 in the city of Tula. It was attended by 78 acrobats from 9 regions and regions.

The most rapid development of acrobatics in the regions of the Russian Federation began in 1950, when the All-Union Committee for Physical Culture and Sports issued an order to hold complex competitions in artistic, rhythmic gymnastics and acrobatics. Since 1950, acrobatics competitions have been regularly held for the championship of the cities of Moscow and Leningrad, the Russian Federation, sports societies and departments, both among boys and girls, and among adults. 34 organizations have already taken part in the 1952 Russian Championship. In the fifties, acrobatics became firmly established as a sport.

Having adopted several significant changes in the rules of acrobatics competitions, the All-Union Federation, headed by the USSR pilot-cosmonaut V.N. Volkov, in 1970 in Kaluga she held the USSR championship, where for the first time pair-group acrobatics used musical compositions in a free program. The competition was held as an exciting musical performance.

After the death of V.N. Volkov in 1972, the first international tournament dedicated to his memory was held. And in 1973, during the second international tournament dedicated to the memory of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut V.N. Volkov in Moscow in the House of Friendship with the Peoples of Foreign Countries, the founding congress of the International Federation of Sports Acrobatics (IFAS) opened. Representatives of 10 countries - Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, East Germany, Cuba, Poland, USSR, USA, Germany and Yugoslavia took part in the meeting of the Congress. On November 23, 1973, the governing bodies of IFAS were elected and the Charter of IFAS was adopted.

In recognition of the merits of the Soviet Union in the development of sports acrobatics, it was decided to hold the first world championship in 1974 in Moscow.

The second stage in the development of acrobatics, which began in 1974 with the holding of the World Championship, was marked by a sharp revival of the work of federations in all regions of Russia. The number of people involved in acrobatics has increased, the difficulty of the exercises performed increases, sportsmanship and methods of training acrobats are improving.

The eighties are significant in acrobatics in that it was first included in the program of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of Russia - 1983, the All-Russian and All-Union Youth Sports Games - 1985, the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the Soviet Union - 1986. All these measures raised the importance and role of acrobatics in the physical culture movement of the Russian Federation and contributed to the further development of the mass character of acrobatics in the regions of the country.

In 1986, the International Olympic Committee recognized sports acrobatics as an Olympic sport.

In May 1992, a reporting and election conference was held in Voronezh, at which the new Charter was approved and the Executive Committee of the FSAR was elected, headed by the ZMS of the USSR Yu.A. Zolotov.

At the 10th anniversary World and European Championships in 1992, the national team of the Russian Federation played for the first time, joining the IFAS together with other republics of the former Soviet Union. In the 90s, the Russian Federation of acrobatics trained 525 masters of sports of Russia, 67 masters of sports of international class, 19 athletes were awarded the highest sports title - "Honored Master of Sports of Russia". Twenty sports mentors were awarded the honorary title "Honored Coach of the Russian Federation".

For 20 years, IFAS has held 12 world championships, 10 world cups, 3 world championships among boys and girls and 15 European championships in sports acrobatics.

For the last 10 years, the Federation of Sports Acrobatics of Russia (FSAR) has not lost its leading positions. Although there have been huge changes, both in the structure of the international federation and in the rules of acrobatics competitions.

Being a member of the International Gymnastics Federation, acrobatics is like the "little sister" of the Olympic gymnastics family. Although in terms of entertainment, mass character and skill, competitions in sports acrobatics are no less interesting than competitions in other types of gymnastics.

Since 2006, the Federation of Sports Acrobatics of Russia is headed by D.Yu. Pogorelov. Thanks to his help, the Russian national sports acrobatics team has the opportunity to qualitatively prepare for the main official international and All-Russian competitions. To hold Russian championships, conferences and symposia in well-equipped modern bases.

At the last world championships in Scotland in 2008 and in Poland in 2010 and in the USA in 2012, the Russian team under the leadership of the USSR ZT V.R. Gurgenidze confirmed her leadership in the world acrobatic family by winning gold in the team competition.

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