Quotes by Greg Stove. Greg Plitt's nine rules for getting the body of a cover model

Greg Plitet explains how to achieve beautiful figure... Want the body of a cover model? Then you must not break these nine rules. Indeed, in life it sometimes happens that breaking the rules can be beneficial. But not in the gym. If you want to achieve a slim, strong, model body, these rules are best followed.

In the gym, pride is your worst enemy. And if you, having come there, do not hold her back, then you can forget about progress on this day or in general. Pride allows the worst to come true - it allows others to influence your workout.
Pride can make you give the impression that you are taking on more weight than you can handle, you are losing correct posture and often get injured.

Pride makes you lift large weights to prove something to someone. The resulting injury deprives you of exercise for a month or more.

The fastest route to muscle development and growth is always through perfect shape, which usually means less weight. Growth is not due to the weight being lifted. It is due to the work of the muscles.

"Respect level"

We start to deal with limitations and some specific parameters of strength and form, based on our current level. physical fitness... To improve these parameters, we must force our body to go beyond the limits. When we lay down to squeeze, for example, eight times, when we could 10 or 12, we are unfairly acting with our potential.
The speed of body improvement depends on the mood in the gym. Perhaps the gym is the only honest, objective place where progress, or lack of it, directly depends on our efforts. Consciousness determines success and the speed of its achievement.
If we stop after eight times, when we could have done 10 or 12, we are missing the point and not training at the "respect level."

Exercising at a "respectful level" means doing it to the maximum, without regret. When you leave the gym, you should be proud of the work you did and your progress.

Leave with increased self-esteem and respect from everyone who was watching you. Consistently practicing at the "respect level" will make your dreams come true.
Beautiful body- a combination of sweat, blood and tears. These fluids represent victory in testing willpower, determination, and desire.
Failure is your friend; it is the best mark of the level you were at and where you are now. When you fail, you should rejoice, because you have just crossed your own limit and taken a step forward. Failure Leads to Growth!

Appreciate every day

Most people fail to change and keep training because they lack an ultimate goal in their minds.
When we get behind the wheel, we plan to arrive at a certain place. And at the same time, even diligent people often forget to train with the ultimate goal.
Without a goal, we move into the unknown. Such training leads to lack of motivation and inaction. People without a goal will put off today's workout until tomorrow because they don't value every day.
The goal can set a deadline: if you have a competition / vacation / wedding in 90 days, then today is one of ninety possibilities, each of which is important for the success of your ideas.

If you don't have a goal, then one day is worthless, and going to the gym can easily be replaced with a party, a movie, or a cafe.

If, before the day you are training for, ninety days, every day is especially important.

Ideal body equation

Aerobic Exercise + Anaerobic Exercise + Proper Nutrition + Rest = Ideal Body
An ideal body is the sum of four equal parts. If you neglect any part of the equation, your shape will never be perfect. Throw out part of the equation and you never reach your goal.
Without doing aerobic exercise, you are sacrificing your health and the ability to force oxygen and blood to flow to your muscles. If you don't tense your muscles with anaerobic exercise, they won't grow.
If you fail to maintain your muscles proper nutrition, they won't grow! If you don't rest, your body won't repair itself and muscles won't grow either.

Pulse and fat burning

Your heartbeat affects what your body uses to generate energy to stay active. If your rhythm is too high for too long, your body may start burning muscle instead of fat.
When your heart rate is low, your body is able to break down fat fast enough to keep you energized.
The heart rate at which muscle begins to burn instead of fat depends on the individual's aerobic fitness, but in general, this heart rate is considered to be 65% of your maximum.
If you want to burn fat, then lower your heart rate to 65% of the maximum or lower and exercise at that pace from 45 minutes to an hour, three times a week. And soon you will be rewarded with your reflection in the mirror.

Load sharing

I distribute it like this: chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs. And for 10-15 minutes I swing the abs at the end of each workout.
There are three main areas of the press; I focus on one of them every day. For example, if this is the lower abdomen, I do 10-15 minutes of various leg raises, and so on.
I do one set of 30 to 50 repetitions of one exercise and immediately move on to the next, and continue to alternate exercises after each set for 10 to 15 minutes.
My five-day schedule doesn't match the days of the week. After the fifth day, I go to the beginning of the cycle, seven days a week. Given that each muscle group rests for four days, I don't need a day off.
Due to the work, activities and lifestyle that a person leads, we do not always manage to train without interruptions at all. On such days I have a day off. However, I don’t allow myself two weekends in a row.

Training time

I come to gym at half past five in the morning every day, because I know that at this time I am free.

Very rarely, something prevents me from sticking to such a schedule. At first my body was sleepy, but now it literally craves a morning workout.
After I started going to work after training, I began to feel faster, livelier and smarter than my colleagues. I could almost cut circles around them before they knew what was going on. This kind of schedule suits me, although in reality I would prefer heavy loads in the evening.
However, since I do not always manage to work out in the evening, I tend to a constant morning schedule.

Constant changes

I change my workout every time. And do not think that this is a difficult task. Changing the course is easy. Keep your body in the dark, don't let it adjust to the monotony of your workouts.

If your body begins to guess your route, then it will find a more efficient path through it. Adaptation is a wonderful ability in the human body, but it gets in the way of our goal of becoming stronger.

Your body improves when it has to adapt to new challenges. Your body gets stronger to handle these challenges.

You can easily change the course of a workout: by swapping parts of it, or exercising with dumbbells instead of barbells, or barbells and dumbbells instead of simulators.

Vary your weight and rest time. Do the same, but with more weight 6-8 times per set, then with less 18-20 times. This makes your workouts more fun and interesting, as well as stimulates your progress.


I usually do three cardio workouts a week, sometimes even five. Swimming is my favorite. It strengthens the muscles and helps to give them a look. I usually do cardio late at night before bed to make sure all the food in my stomach is burned.
If you are gaining mass, you can still do cardio in the evening, just make sure you eat a high-protein meal or drink before bed. protein cocktail.
I collect all my worries, stresses and problems in my head. And then, at the end of the day, while running through the streets near my home, I solve them. I schedule tasks for the next day; Thinking over what I would like to happen.

In previous articles, you and I have already managed to get to know the unique one more closely, as well as consider in detail itself. In today's final article in the "MFT28" series, we will explore the diet that Greg advised to follow during the program. Well, first things first.

The MFT28 Power Plan will surprise and challenge you at the same time. It is a combination of advanced supplements and nutrition old school- the diet of the "caveman". Your diet will consist of 6 liquid supplements and 1 complete meal.... And remember, this is a hardcore, four-week strategy for top performance, not a lifelong diet. It's not about what you will eat, but what nutrients You will receive.

Most likely, you have never heard of such a power supply system before. You may be worried that you will lose muscle or be a little skeptical. Think NON-STANDARD! A liquid diet will provide all the nutrients you need in a convenient, quickly absorbed form... You may even be able to burn more fat and build more. muscle mass with this plan than eating 5-6 times a day.

Your body needs more food at certain times of the day than at other times. Exercise creates demand. If you consume food that your body does not need, then it does not just disappear. More than likely, your body will process this food and store it as fat for use as energy. The MFT28 Power Plan GIVES YOU WHAT YOU NEED AND WHEN YOU NEED IT.

You will only chew one solid food per day. Everything else is liquid. Fluids are easily absorbed by the body and deliver the right nutrients in precise amounts. Greg Plitt built this diet around what worked for him and what he believed would produce the most impressive results in 28 days.

When Greg ate whole foods, he didn't eat anything packaged or processed. Greg believed in a high-protein, low-carb diet of meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, and vegetables. And by the way, you do not need to limit yourself - consume as much meat and vegetables as you want.... EAT LIKE A LION!


  1. Liquid Pre-Workout Food
  2. Liquid post-workout food
  3. Liquid intermediate food
  4. Full reception
  5. Liquid Pre-Workout Food
  6. Liquid post-workout food
  7. Liquid food before bed

Pre-workout cocktail

  • Pre-Workout Complex - 1 Serving (Contains Caffeine & L-Arginine)
  • Creatine - 1 serving

Post-workout cocktail

  • Whey Protein - 2 Scoops (40-50g)
  • Simple carbohydrates - juices
  • Creatine - 1 serving
  • Glutamine - 1 serving

Intermediate cocktail

  • Casein Protein - 2 Scoops (40-50g)

Whole Foods - High in Protein, Low in Carbohydrates

  • Your choice - beef, fish, chicken
  • Broccoli, green beans, peas, corn - you can mix


As always, don't forget to experiment and find out what works best for you. So if you feel that the MFT28 meal plan is not quite right for you, make changes to it, for example, replacing one or two meals from your usual menu with liquid supplements.

Greg Plitt is an actor, model and idol for many people. All men dream of the same body.

Anthropometric data:

  • Height: 185 cm;
  • Weight: 188 cm.

Gregory Plitt Jr. was born on November 3, 1977 in Burbank. His father was in real estate, and his mother was an employee of a design agency. Greg was the second child in the family, since the Plitt couple already had a daughter. As a teenager, he began to actively engage in sports, playing golf and football, as well as attending the arm wrestling section.

The love for an active lifestyle was passed on to the boy from his father, who made with his own hands in the house gym, in which Greg spent a lot of time, practicing on such projectiles as the bar and parallel bars. His sister trained at the New York Naval Academy, and when she returned from the first year for summer vacation, she made a huge impression on the teenager.

After graduating from school in 1996, he followed in the footsteps of his older sister and went to the same educational institution.

No one was given any concessions at the Naval Academy. Greg often remembered how tough the morals were there. It was especially difficult for the guys who were not used to strict discipline. This also applied to those who went through the "school of street life" and tried to expose their own ego, but the teachers quickly put them in place.

Only those who were aware of the importance of discipline, subordination and obedience to order remained in the academy. The rest just went home. Having learned this lesson, Plitt became a paratrooper and ranger. He served as a ranger for the next five years. During these years, he visited various hot spots of the world, rose to the rank of captain and made more than 1,500 parachute jumps.

Plitt moves to Los Angeles and becomes a licensed trainer and educator for young athletes. Greg joins MET-Rx. He is honored with the title of "Athlete of the Year", develops his own training program called "MFT28", which is quickly gaining popularity among bodybuilders. He attracts attention to himself and often appears in magazines in which they write about healthy way life.

Most of the time he is taken away from training, but this does not prevent him from developing in other directions. He becomes the face of the project called "Thierry Mugler's Angel Men", and also acts as a guest model in the commercials of such famous brands as ESPN, Calvin Klein, Old Spice, MTV and other companies with a worldwide reputation.

Plitt has graced the covers of fashion magazine more than two hundred times and has participated in the filming of over thirty clips. In the United States of America, he was recognized as the most successful male model. He is the only one who managed to get on the cover of a famous fitness magazine for five years in a row.

Plitt has had tremendous success as an entrepreneur. Greg has launched several successful projects that have brought in multi-million dollar profits, including Whey Up (a protein supplement) and Metaball (a multifunctional trainer). Plitt's success was not limited to achievements in sports and modeling. He was remembered by many for his roles in such films as "Downhole Revenge", "False Temptation", as well as "Terminator: May the Savior Come." Greg has been invited to many popular television shows.

In 2014, Plitt entered the list of twenty-five most influential men United States of America. This rating was compiled by the reputable Fitness Magazine. He even competed with President Obama and such an iconic actor as Will Smith. On the TV show EXTRA, Plitt was named the most eligible bachelor in the United States. According to the rating from the publishing house DNA, Greg entered the list of the sixty most sexy men in the history of mankind.


I train for 5 working days, training a specific muscle group every day. It looks something like this: chest, back, shoulders, arms, legs and at the end of each workout I devote 10-15 minutes to the abdominal region.

As a rule, I start on Monday and Tuesday I work out the chest, on Wednesday shoulders, on Thursday - arms, on Friday - legs. Then everything starts all over again, as if in a circle. Those. on Saturday, the chest again, and Sunday I start with the shoulders and so on. As I said earlier, at the end of each workout, I devote 10-15 minutes to the press. Based on the fact that there are 3 main parts of the abdominal region, I focus on a specific area on day 1. For example, if on the first day I chose the lower abdomen, then for 10-15 minutes, without rest, I begin to perform exercises only in this area - I raise my straight legs to the horizon, etc. I do each exercise for 30-50 repetitions.

You can see that my 5 day workout regimen is kind of circular. Those. after the 5th day I return to the first one and everything is new. Given that I have 4 days of rest for a specific muscle group, I don't need a weekend. However, if you take into account my nature of work and other daily hustle and bustle, there is definitely 1 day when I just do not have time to go to the gym. I do not plan days of rest, they appear somehow by themselves.


I start my training at 5.30 am. At this time, every day I go to the gym, because I know that I will not find any other free time.

At first glance, this sounds shocking, I understand and do not deny that at first my body is sleepy and obviously does not want to train. But after a few weeks of training, my body has adapted and now it craves itself morning workouts... By exercising in the morning, I become faster, more active, mentally more stable and more alert. In short, my training works for me.

However, if I could say with confidence that I can train every night, then I would most likely choose this option, because after several hours of exhausting workouts, I don't really want to go to work. It is better to go to bed and give the muscles rest and the opportunity to grow, if not a whole day of exertion. But since These are just dreams and workouts are followed by a work sequence, then when I come home I drink a protein shake at night in order to help the muscles recover faster.

My workouts are not the same. I constantly, change something - this does not happen intentionally, but arbitrarily, probably because I do not plan my training. I know there is a chest workout going on today and I am starting to do chest exercises. Differences may be not only in the fact that today I do the bench press, uneven bars, dumbbell spreads, etc., but in the next. times I do push-ups from the floor, push-ups on a fitball. It can also be the number of approaches and repetitions, the order of execution and other differences from the previous workout. Or, for example, you can take one day maximum weights, and in the next. time to take a working weight and work out muscles. This prevents the body from returning to its usual rut. Such training becomes more effective and does not allow you to get bored during training.

Plitt's training program:

  • Monday morning - chest, abs; evening - pool (45 min).
  • Tuesday morning - back.
  • Wednesday morning - shoulders, abs; evening - running 8 km.
  • Thursday: morning - hands, abs; evening - pool.
  • Friday morning - legs, abs.
  • Saturday: morning - chest, abs; evening - walk with dogs (2 hours).
  • Sunday morning - back.

I always try to devote 3 days a week to cardio training. Most of all I love swimming, running, cycling and other analogs. Because swimming helps not only to develop endurance, but also to stretch the muscles, work them out. As a rule, I do cardio workouts in the evening so that I can go to bed with a clear conscience, knowing that in the evening workout I burned all the food that I could have left after dinner. But anyway, before going to bed, I drink a protein shake about 30 minutes before bedtime to provide the body with the necessary amount of protein.


Before training, Plitt drank a cocktail made from the following ingredients:

  • 50 grams of whey protein;
  • 1 serving pre-workout complex(1-arginine, caffeine);
  • 1 serving of creatine.
After completing his workout, Gregory drank a cocktail of:
  • 50 g whey protein;
  • 1 serving of creatine and glutamine;
  • juice from a regular carbohydrate.
Plitt's intermediate cocktail was prepared from:
  • 50 g casein protein.
Among the foods that are rich in protein and contain a minimum of carbohydrates, it should be noted chicken, peas, broccoli, corn, green beans, beef, fish.
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