An unknown Russian junior signed a contract with San Jose. question in a million

Article 40

    “First Team Plus Farm Club” contract (bilateral contract) – a contract between the Club and the Hockey Player that provides for different remuneration of the Hockey Player depending on whether he plays in the main team of the Club or in the Farm Club.

    In the process of playing for the main team of the Club, the Hockey Player receives the salary established by the First Team Plus Farm Club Contract (bilateral contract) in case of playing for the main team. In the process of playing for the Farm Club, the Hockey Player receives the salary established by the First Team Plus Farm Club Contract (bilateral contract) in case of playing for the Farm Club.

    The first Contract can only be a First Team Plus Farm Club Contract (bilateral contract). Upon reaching an agreement between the Hockey Player and the Club, the First Team Plus Farm Club Contract (bilateral contract) may be concluded with any Hockey Player, regardless of age and status.

    The Hockey Player’s salary specified in the First Team Plus Farm Club Contract (bilateral contract) when the Hockey Player plays for the Farm Club cannot be more than 50% and less than 20% of the salary specified in the First Team Plus Farm Club Contract. club” (bilateral contract) in case of playing for the main team of the Club.

Article 41

(trial contract)

    “Training camp” contract (trial contract) is a contract between the Club and hockey players, whom the Club invites to work during the pre-season training camp - to perform temporary (up to two months) work in order to determine the level of professionalism of an athlete and the possibility of concluding a Contract with him.

    No Hockey Player has the right to take part in a pre-season training camp without a "Training Camp" Contract (Trial Contract) duly approved and registered by the CIB of the League.

    The "Training Camp" contract (trial contract) signed by the Club and the Hockey Player must be sent for approval and registration to the CIB of the League within 5 calendar days after it was signed by the parties.

    If the “Training Camp” Contract (trial contract) is not approved and registered by the CIB of the League, then a written notification of such a decision must be sent to the Club and the Hockey Player by fax and/or e-mail within two calendar days from the date of the decision of the CIB of the League. The notice must specify the grounds on which the CIB of the League cannot approve and register this Contract "Training Camp" (trial contract).

    The "Training Camp" contract (trial contract) is allowed to be concluded by hockey players who have reached the age of 16 at the time of signing the Standard Contract of the League Hockey Player "Training Camp" (trial contract). The training camp contract (trial contract) has the right to conclude the following categories of hockey players:

    not having a Contract with any of the clubs of the League;

    selected by the Club in the League Junior Draft.

    It is prohibited to conclude “Training Camp” Contracts (trial contract) with Hockey Players who have a Contract with another League Club, as well as with Hockey Players selected in the League Junior Draft by other League clubs.

    If the level of professionalism of the Hockey Player satisfies the Club, the Hockey Player may be offered to sign the Contract.

    The Hockey Player does not have the right to simultaneously conclude the Training Camp Contract (trial contract) with more than one League Club. If the Hockey Player simultaneously concludes the Training Camp Contract (trial contract) with two or more clubs or concludes a new Training Camp Contract (trial contract) with another Club before the expiration date of the current Training Camp Contract (trial contract), he is disqualified for a period of 6 (six) months and has no right to take part in competitions held by the League during this period of sports disqualification.

    In case of early termination of the “Training Camp” Contract (trial contract), the Hockey Player is paid wages for all the time actually worked.

Article 42

    The terms of this contract for training in sports school regulated by civil law Russian Federation.

    The Junior's contract (contract for training at a sports school) is concluded between a sports school ( hockey club if the sports school is part of the club’s structure) and the Hockey Player’s parents (legal representatives) aged 10 to 14 years old, or with the Hockey Player aged 14 to 16 years old with the consent of his parents (legal representatives) to conclude such a Junior Contract (agreement for training in a sports school). The Hockey Player's age is determined by the calendar year and not by the date of birth.

    The Junior's Contract (contract for training at a sports school) must expire on April 30 of the year in which the Junior turns 17 years old. By the start of the Junior League Draft, all 17-year-old players' Junior contracts must end. This requirement does not apply to hockey players exempted by clubs from the League Junior Draft.

Article 43

    The contract is allowed to be concluded by hockey players who have reached the age of 17 years at the time of signing the Contract. Hockey players exempted by clubs from the League Junior Draft can sign the first Contract from the age of 16. Regardless of the age at which the Hockey Player entered into such a Contract, its expiration date is April 30 of the year when the Hockey Player turns 22 years old. From the specified period, the Hockey Player acquires the status of "Restricted Free Agent".

    Hockey players with a Junior Contract (a contract for training at a sports school) and graduates of sports schools whose training contract has expired, exempted by clubs from the League Junior Draft, are required to conclude the first Contract for a period of five years with the Club, which includes a sports school, and which the Hockey Player graduated from, or where he studied for the last year.

    A 16-17-year-old Hockey Player who has entered into a Contract has the right to continue playing for the junior team of the relevant Club. The contract takes on acting force at the moment of the start of the Hockey Player's performance for the main team of the Club taking part in the League competitions.

    A hockey player of a junior team (under 17 years old) who has concluded the first Contract and has not played 10 games in the Championship may be sent by the Club to the junior team or to the Farm Club. In this case, the start of the Contract is postponed for a year, and during the performance in the junior team or the Farm Club, the Hockey Player receives wages not in accordance with the concluded Contract, but in accordance with his earlier Junior Contract.

    After returning to the junior team or the Farm Club, the Hockey Player has no right to play in the main team of the Club until the end of the current season.

    Hockey players playing for the junior team of the Club and under the age of 17 (according to the year of birth) have the right to play for the main team of the Club in the League competitions only if they have a Contract.

    Hockey players playing for the junior team of the Club and under the age of 17 (according to the year of birth) have the right to play for the Farm Club without a Contract.

    The Hockey Player's age is determined by the date of birth at the time of conclusion of the Contract.

    Violation of the requirements of this article entails the impossibility to conclude a Contract with any other Club of the League and gives the Club the right to seek disqualification of the Hockey Player in the entire system by all legal means Russian hockey and in foreign clubs, organizations.

Article 44

(Article 44 does not apply in the 2008-2009 season)

    For hockey players (juniors) who signed the First Contract, the following fixed annual salary is established when playing for the Main Team of the Club:

    exempted from the Junior League Draft rub.

    Selected in the 1st round of the League Junior Draft

    Selected in the 2nd round of the League Junior Draft

    Selected in the 3rd round of the Junior League Draft

    drafted in the 4th-5th rounds of the League Junior Draft

    The above salaries are for the first season of the First Contract.

    Increasing coefficients are set to the base rates of the specified wages:

    second season - 20% increase;

    third season - 30% increase;

    fourth season - 50% increase;

    the fifth season (if the Contract is concluded by a junior from 16 years old) - an increase of 100%.

    Hockey players who have concluded the first Contract, for the entire duration of such Contract, are entitled to receive bonus payments in the amount of 100% of wages, provided they play for the Club's Main Team.

    The rules established by this Article apply only to juniors of clubs in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Latvia. Hockey players from other countries must enter into Standard League Hockey Player Contracts for a period of at least two years in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.

Article 45

A Club that has salary and/or severance pay arrears to hockey players is deprived of the right to invite new hockey players to the Club (to conclude new Standard League Hockey Player Contracts with hockey players). If the debt on the indicated grounds exceeds a three-month period, the question of the further stay (membership) of the Club in the League is submitted for decision by the authorized body of the League.

Article 46

In case of disqualification of the Hockey Player by decision of the League, the time during which the Hockey Player does not take part in official sports competitions of the League is paid in the amount corresponding to the amount of work performed in training and other events in preparation for sports competitions, but not more than 10 (ten) % of his monthly salary, and not less than the minimum wage established by federal law.

Article 47

    In case of early termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Club, the Hockey Player is paid wages for the hours actually worked and severance pay in the following amount, unless otherwise provided by these Regulations:

    if the Hockey Player has not reached the age of 28 by the time of termination of the Contract, then he is paid a severance pay in the amount of 1/3 of the amount of wages unpaid for the period remaining until the expiration of the Contract;

    if the Hockey Player has reached the age of 28 by the time of termination of the Contract, then he is paid a severance pay in the amount of 2/3 of the amount of wages unpaid for the period remaining until the expiration of the Contract.

    The basis for the payment of severance pay are: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the collective agreement, agreements, the Contract and these Regulations.

    Severance pay is paid to the Hockey Player on a monthly basis, in equal parts in proportion to the period remaining until the expiration of the Contract. The payment of severance pay is terminated by the Club from the moment the Hockey Player signs a new Contract with any Club of the League, regardless of whether the severance pay is received in full or in part. Upon termination of the Contract on this basis, no compensation is paid to the Club.

Article 48

    In case of early termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Hockey Player (of his own free will) without good reason, as well as in the event of termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Club on the grounds that relate to disciplinary sanctions, the Hockey Player makes a cash payment in favor of the Club in the following order and in the amount:

    if the Hockey Player has not reached the age of 28 by the time of termination of the Contract, he shall pay to the Club 2/3 of the total salary under the Contract;

    if the Hockey Player has reached the age of 28 by the time of termination of the Contract, he shall pay to the Club 1/3 of the total salary under the Contract.

    The basis for making a cash payment are: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 348.12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the collective agreement, agreements, the Contract and these Regulations.

    The Hockey Player is obliged to make the specified monetary payment in favor of the Club within 1 (one) month from the date of termination of the Contract. At the same time, the Hockey Player loses the right to conclude a Contract with another Club of the League for a period equal to the period remaining until the expiration of the Contract, and the Club with which the Hockey Player terminated the Contract will still have all the rights to this Hockey Player.

    A hockey player who left the League Club without permission and entered into a Contract with an NHL club or another club hockey league not included in the IIHF system, in the event of his return to the League, he is obliged to fulfill his contractual obligations to the Club with which he had a Contract before his unauthorized departure from the Club. If the Club gives written permission to transfer this Hockey Player to another Club of the League, the latter is obliged to pay compensation, the amount
    which is established in relation to paragraph 1 of Article 66 of these Regulations.

Article 49

1. The contract is terminated on the grounds, including terminated in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics provided for by the Federal Law "On physical education and sports in the Russian Federation.

2. The Club has the right to terminate the Contract and dismiss the Hockey Player in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation without payment of severance pay in the following cases:

    inconsistency of the Hockey Player with the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification;

    repeated non-performance by the Hockey Player without valid reasons of labor duties, if he has a disciplinary sanction;

    a single gross violation of labor duties by the Hockey Player;

    absenteeism, that is, absence from the workplace without good reason throughout the working day;

    the appearance of the Hockey Player at work (at his workplace or on the territory of the organization - the employer or the facility where, on behalf of the employer, the employee must perform a labor function) in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other toxic intoxication;

    sports disqualification of the Hockey Player for a period of six or more months;

    use by the Hockey Player, including a single use, of doping agents and (or) methods revealed during doping control in accordance with the procedure established in accordance with federal law;

    disclosure of legally protected secrets (state, commercial, official and other), which has become known to the Hockey Player in connection with the performance of his labor duties, including disclosure of personal data of another Hockey Player;

    committing at the place of work theft (including small) property of others, embezzlement, its deliberate destruction or damage, established by a court verdict that has entered into legal force or a decision of a judge, body, official authorized to consider cases of administrative offenses;

    a violation by the Hockey Player of labor protection requirements established by the labor protection commission or the labor protection commissioner, if this violation caused serious consequences (accident at work, accident, catastrophe) or knowingly created a real threat of such consequences;

    submission by the Hockey Player to the Club of forged documents when concluding the Contract.

The certification procedure is established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulatory acts of the Club containing labor law norms, local regulatory acts of the League regulating relations between the Club and the Hockey Player, collective agreement, agreements.

Article 50

    The Hockey Player has the right to terminate the Contract, except in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, without making a cash payment to the Club, in the event of a gross violation by the Club of the essential terms of the Contract, including such as non-payment or late payment (more than two months) of wages, if the Hockey Player will receive, in accordance with the established procedure, permission to terminate the Contract by the League. Upon termination of the Contract on this basis, the Club is obliged to pay the Hockey Player all wage arrears and the corresponding severance pay.

    In other cases, upon early termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Hockey Player, no severance pay is paid, and the Hockey Player loses the right to conclude a Contract with another Club of the League and the Club will still have all rights to this Hockey Player.

Article 51

    The contract of the Hockey Player enlisted in the National Team cannot be terminated while the Hockey Player is in the National Team.

    If the Hockey Player is unwell due to an injury sustained in the course of performing a job function, the Contract cannot be terminated by the Club until the Hockey Player is restored to work or a disability group is established.

    In the event that the Hockey Player believes that the terms of the Contract are violated by the Club, he has the right to file a complaint with the management of the Club and the League in the manner prescribed by the Code of Local Regulations of the League. If the Club does not eliminate the violations within 14 days after receiving an order from the League, in the form of a decision of the Disciplinary Committee, the Hockey Player is considered free from obligations under the Standard Hockey Player Contract of the League and may terminate it in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the Club is obliged to pay the Hockey Player all wage arrears and severance pay in the manner and in the amount established by these Regulations in relation to the termination of the Contract at the initiative of the Club. The Club from which the Hockey Player is dismissed on these grounds does not receive compensation for the transfer.

Article 52 League Scholarships

    League clubs have the right to offer and conclude a Contract on any financial terms with a Hockey Player who has a contract with an NHL club or with a Hockey Player of his Club who has received a contract offer from an NHL club. The amounts of such Contracts do not count towards the Club's salary cap.

    A contract offer from an NHL club must be legally binding, i.e. have all the essential terms of the contract (place of work, term, amount of the contract, signature of an authorized person of the NHL club). A copy of the contract offer of the NHL club must be presented to the leadership of the League Club and the Board of the League, which gives a final opinion on the validity of the contract offer of the NHL club.

    By decision of the Board of the League, the most talented Hockey Players who are under 22 years of age may receive personal scholarships from the League. The amount of such scholarships in each specific case is established by the Board at the request of the League Club. The personal stipend of the League is not taken into account in the "salary cap" of the Club for which the stipendiary stands.

Article 53

    All disputes, disagreements or claims arising from contractual relations between the Club and the Hockey Player are subject to consideration by the Disciplinary Committee of the League in accordance with the Regulations on the Disciplinary Committee of the League. The decision of the Disciplinary Committee is final and is not subject to appeal to other bodies and instances of the League.

    When considering cases, the Disciplinary Committee of the League is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, and also takes into account other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, local regulations of the IIHF, local regulatory acts of the Club containing labor law norms, local regulatory acts of the League governing relations between the Club and the Hockey Player, as well as the terms of the collective agreement, agreements.

    If the Hockey Player transfers to any other hockey club, including a foreign one, without the written permission of the Club, then the Hockey Player and the Club agree, in the event of a dispute, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (hereinafter referred to as “CAC”) under the Autonomous non-profit organization"Sports Arbitration Chamber". The Hockey Player and the Club also acknowledge that the CAS decision prohibiting the Hockey Player from playing for any other hockey club, including a foreign one, is in full force and effect in Russia and in any other country, and the Hockey Player agrees not to challenge the CAS decision prohibiting the Hockey Player from playing for any other hockey club, including foreign.

    The Club and the Hockey Player agree that the conditions and services provided to the Hockey Player under the League Hockey Player’s Standard Contract are unique, invaluable and cannot be adequately reimbursed to the Club, therefore the Club has the right to demand and receive through the relevant authorities of the IIHF, FHR, judicial and disciplinary procedures prohibition for the Hockey Player to play for any other hockey club in Russia or another country. These conditions in no way restrict the Club's rights to make any other claims to the Hockey Player.


Article 54. Status "free agent"

    A Hockey Player whose Contract has expired shall receive the status of a “free agent” from May 1 of the year of termination of the Contract. The Hockey Player is a “free agent” until the conclusion of a new Contract with the Club.

    A hockey player may have the status of "Junior", "Restricted free agent" and "Unrestricted free agent".

    Transfers of hockey players are carried out both after the expiration of the Contracts and during the validity of the Contracts, taking into account the specifics provided for the exchange of hockey players who have reached the age of 28.

Article 55. Status "Junior"

A hockey player who has concluded a Junior Contract (a contract for training at a sports school) acquires the status of a Junior.

Standard contract hockey player "Trial contract"

  1. "Trial contract" - a contract between the club and the hockey player, whom the club invites to work during the pre-season training camp - performing temporary work in order to determine the level of professionalism of the hockey player and the possibility of concluding a contract with him.

  2. A “trial contract” is entitled to be concluded by hockey players who do not have contractual obligations to any of the JHL clubs.

  3. Until August 1 of the year of the event with the club that chose it.

  4. "Trial contracts" can be concluded from the start date of the pre-season training camp, and end no later than three days before the start of the Championship.

  5. The amount of wages in the "Trial Contract" cannot be less than the minimum wage (minimum wage) established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (for hockey players Russian clubs MHL).

  6. No hockey player is eligible to take part in the pre-season camp without either a professional JHL hockey player contract (unilateral or bilateral) or a “Trial Contract” registered by the CIB.

  7. The "trial contract" signed by the club and the hockey player must be sent for registration to the CIB within 2 calendar days after it was signed by the parties.

  8. If the "Trial Contract" is not registered by the CIB, then a written notification of such a decision must be sent to the club and the hockey player by fax and/or e-mail within 2 calendar days from the date of the decision of the CIB. The notice must specify the grounds on which the CIB cannot approve and register this Trial Contract.

  9. The Hockey Player does not have the right to simultaneously enter into a "Trial Contract" with more than one JHL club. If a hockey player simultaneously enters into a “Trial Contract” with two or more clubs or enters into a new “Trial Contract” with another club before the expiration date of the current “Trial Contract”, he is subject to disqualification in accordance with the Regulations for a period of 6 months and is not entitled to during the entire period of disqualification to take part in competitions held by the JHL.

  10. "Trial contract" may be terminated at any time at the initiative of either party without good reason and compensation.

  11. In case of early termination of the "Trial Contract", the hockey player is paid wages for all the time actually worked.

Article 149
Junior contract (contract for training at a sports school)

  1. The terms of the contract for training in a sports school are regulated by the norms of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

  2. A junior contract (a contract for training at a sports school) is concluded between the sports school (hockey club, if the sports school is in the structure of the club) and the parents (one of the parents) with whom the hockey player actually lives, the legal representatives of the hockey player aged 10 to 14 years , or with a hockey player aged 14 to 16 years old, with the consent of his parents (one of the parents), with whom the hockey player actually lives, legal representatives to conclude such a junior contract (contract for training at a sports school). When concluding a junior contract, the age of a hockey player is determined by the date of birth.

  3. The junior's contract (contract for training at a sports school) must expire on April 30 of the year in which the junior turns 17 years old. By the start of the draft, all 17-year-old hockey players' junior contracts must end.

to the Regulations on the status and transitions of juniors and graduates of hockey schools, approved by the Board of the FHR (Minutes of June 29, 2017 No. 2/17)


MBU "SSHOR "Chemist"" Voskresensk, hereinafter referred to as the "School", acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and a citizen

________________________________________________________________________ (_______), hereinafter referred to as the "Representative", acting on behalf of and in the interests of

Guided by civil and other provisions of the law of obligations, recognizing the mutually beneficial terms of this Junior Contract (hereinafter referred to as the Contract), we have come to an agreement on the following:


1.1. The school accepts the Junior as a member of the relevant age group and ensures the implementation of the Junior's sports training according to the training program approved by the School, and the Junior and the Representative assist in the passage of sports training within the limits established by the Contract and local Schools.


2.1. The school is committed to:

2.1.1. create everything the necessary conditions for a successful Junior training process;

2.1.2. provide a qualified trainer and medical support;

2.1.3. strictly observe the rules of compulsory state medical and social insurance in relation to the Junior;

2.1.4. inform the Representatives (upon request) about the course and results of the Junior's training, as well as about his health, living conditions and living conditions.

2.1.5. provide medical support in the scope of first aid for injuries and other nosological conditions.

2.1.6. not to allow the Junior to compete and train without accident insurance for the duration of participation in tournaments and other competitions.

2.2. The school may, but is not required to, bear the costs of participation in training camp Junior.

2.3. Representatives undertake:

2.3.1. ensure the fulfillment of the requirements for Juniors of the School;

2.3.2. attend all meetings, seminars, meetings held for Representatives coaching staff, the leadership of the School;

2.3.3. in case of Junior's illness or accident, immediately notify the coach of the School. After the Junior recovers, provide the coach with a medical report confirming the absence of contraindications for playing hockey.

2.3.4. prevent interference in the internal activities of the School related to the organization and conduct of training process, including:

Building and conducting training sessions and games;

Determining the composition of the team for the games;

Appointment of coaching staff, etc.

2.3.5. comply with the requirements of local regulations of the FHR, Regional Ice Hockey Federations, Leagues and Schools.

2.4. Junior undertakes:

a) fulfill the obligations imposed on him by the Contract, local regulations of the FHR, the School, the regulations (regulations) of the competition;

b) comply with the sports regime established by the School, follow the instructions of the coach, carry out in full the activities provided for by the sports training program and plans for preparing for sports competitions, undergo medical examinations in a timely manner;

c) take part in sports events, including in sports competitions provided for by the program of sports training in hockey implemented by the school, subject to the requirements of the regulations (provisions) of the competitions;

d) comply with the requirements of local regulations of the FHR, Regional Ice Hockey Federations, Leagues and Schools.

2.6. A junior may transfer to any other school only if there is a properly executed transfer in accordance with the local regulations of the FHR.

2.7. In the event of a Junior's transfer from one school to another, the school to which the Junior transferred must pay compensation to the Junior's previous school in the amount and in the manner established by the local regulations of the FHR.

2.8. The Parties agree that the conditions provided for in this section of the Contract are objectively necessary, appropriate and are accepted voluntarily.


3.1. Contract validity period: from "_____" ___________ 2017 to May 31 of the year in which the Junior turns 17 years old or until the conclusion of the first professional contract with the hockey club (if the specified event occurs earlier).

3.2. If the Junior is a non-resident, this Contract shall remain in force until June 15 of the year in which the Junior turns 17 years old, solely in terms of fulfilling the obligations stipulated by clause 2.1.4 of the Contract.


4.1. Before the expiration date, the Contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the Parties, executed in a simple written form.

4.2. The School has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement:

In the event of a Junior’s systematic failure to comply with the requirements of the leadership and / or coach of the School and malicious violation of the sports regime (including missing more than 40% of training sessions during the season without good reason); if it is impossible to transfer the Junior to the next stage of sports training due to failure to comply with the established standards; in case of an illness that prevents the continuation of training, confirmed by an appropriate medical certificate; in case of misconduct that discredits the Junior as a representative of the School; in case of violation by the Representatives of the obligations stipulated by the Contract.

4.3. The Representative/Junior (upon reaching the age of 14) has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute this Agreement:

In the event of the final decision of the Junior to stop classes in hockey schools; in case of the Junior's departure abroad, subject to the payment to the School of compensation, the amount of which is established by the School; in other cases stipulated by the provisions (regulations) of the competition.

4.4. In the event of a unilateral refusal of the Representative/Junior to execute the Contract, the School has the right to demand that the School actually incurred in connection with the implementation of the Junior's sports training.


5.1. All disputes, controversies or claims arising in the performance of the Contract or in connection with it, including those relating to its violation, termination (cancellation) or invalidity, are subject to consideration by the FHR Disciplinary Committee (or the Joint Disciplinary Chamber of the FHR and the KHL) in accordance with the Disciplinary Regulations FHR and/or KHL Disciplinary Regulations.

The decision of the Disciplinary Committee of the FHR (or the Joint Disciplinary Chamber of the FHR and the KHL), except for the cases provided for in these Regulations, may be appealed by the parties within 7 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of the final decision in the manner prescribed by the Disciplinary Regulations of the FHR and / or the KHL Disciplinary Regulations.

5.2. Subject to the procedure and requirements provided for in clause 5.1 of the Contract, if the Junior transfers to any other school, including a foreign one, without the written permission of the School, then the Junior and the School agree, in the event of a dispute, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the FHR Disciplinary Committee (or the FHR Joint Disciplinary Chamber and KHL), the FHR Appeals Committee recognized by the FHR and / or the KHL as an arbitration court. The Junior and the School also acknowledge that the decisions of the Jurisdictional Bodies of the FHR or the Joint Disciplinary Chamber of the FHR and the KHL, an arbitration court recognized by the FHR and / or the KHL, prohibiting the Junior from competing for any other school, including a foreign one, have full legal force on the territory of the Russian Federation and in any other country.

5.3. The School and the Junior agree that the conditions provided to the Junior under the Contract are unique, invaluable and cannot be adequately reimbursed to the School. Therefore, the School has the right to demand and receive through the appropriate authorities International Federation Ice Hockey, FHR, League, disciplinary and judicial procedures to prevent a Junior from competing for any other school in Russia or another country. These conditions do not in any way limit the right of the School to make other claims to the Junior.

5.4. The conditions provided for in clauses 5.1-5.3 of the Contract may be specified by the provisions (regulations) of the competition, regulatory documents of the FHR, other agreements governing sports training Junior at School.


6.1. The Parties agreed that the costs of training one Junior at the School, which are subject to compensation (clauses 2.6, 4.3.2, 4.4 of this Contract), are objectively justified and include:

Provision of services of a trainer, medical and other personnel serving the training process; provision and clothing, if possible; providing the opportunity to use sports facilities and ancillary facilities; cash payments and other material costs associated with travel, meals, training in general education school etc. The School and the Junior agree that the Contract is registered in accordance with the provisions (regulations) of the competition. The Junior and the Representative agree to the transfer by the School of the Junior’s personal data, including health data, to the FHR, MCC FHR, the Regional Ice Hockey Federation for the purposes of their processing (including automated), as well as the transfer by the School or the FHR of personal data, including about the state of health of the Junior, to the doctors of the national team of his country.


7.1. The Junior assures that before the conclusion of the Contract, he had the opportunity to study all the documents stipulated by the Contract.

7.2. The contract comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties, and in order for the Junior to participate in the competition, it is subject to appropriate registration in accordance with the provisions (regulations) of the competition.

7.3. The Contract is drawn up in three copies, one of which, after registration, is kept by the organization that registers the Contract, the rest - by the Parties (School and Junior), each copy of the Contract has the same legal force.

7.4. The contract is the complete written agreement between the parties. Oral agreements are not valid. Making any changes to the Contract after its registration is strictly prohibited.

After reading the Contract, the School and the Junior, as well as the Junior's Representatives, agree that all the conditions and obligations of the Contract, as well as their interpretation, are fully understood by them. All Parties to the Contract had a full opportunity to discuss all the conditions and obligations with their lawyers, doctors, agents, other representatives before signing it, and the Contract is signed with the free will of the Parties.


  1. The terms of the contract for training in a sports school are regulated by the norms of the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

  2. A junior contract (a contract for training at a sports school) is concluded between the sports school (hockey club, if the sports school is in the structure of the club) and the parents (one of the parents) with whom the hockey player actually lives, the legal representatives of the hockey player aged 10 to 14 years , or with a hockey player aged 14 to 16 years old, with the consent of his parents (one of the parents), with whom the hockey player actually lives, legal representatives to conclude such a junior contract (contract for training at a sports school). When concluding a junior contract, the age of a hockey player is determined by the date of birth.

  3. The junior's contract (contract for training at a sports school) must expire on April 30 of the year in which the junior turns 17 years old. By the start of the draft, all 17-year-old hockey players' junior contracts must end.

Article 150

Standard coaching contract form

With members coaching staff the team concludes the “JHL Coach Employment Contract” (Appendix No. 21). When registering a standard form of an employment contract with the CIB Main coach is required to provide a document confirming his qualifications.


Article 151

at the initiative of the club

  1. In case of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the club, the hockey player is paid wages for the time actually worked and severance pay in the following amount:

  • upon termination of the contract in the period from May 1 to the date preceding the start of the regular Championship - 25% of the amount of wages outstanding for the current season, and 20% of the amount of wages provided for the remaining seasons of the contract;

  • upon termination of the contract during the period from the start of the regular Championship to December 31 - 50% of the unpaid wages for the current season, and 20% of the wages provided for the remaining seasons of the contract;

  • upon termination of the contract in the period from January 1 to the date preceding the start of the playoffs - 100% of the amount of wages unpaid for the current season, and 20% of the amount of wages provided for the remaining seasons of the contract;

  • in the period from the start date of the playoffs to April 30, the club does not have the right to terminate the contract ahead of schedule on its own initiative.

  1. The basis for the payment of severance pay are: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), agreements, contract and Regulations.

  2. Severance pay is paid to a hockey player regardless of his subsequent employment. The first part of the severance pay (25%/50%/100% of the amount of wages unpaid for the current season) is paid within two months from the date of dismissal, the second part of the severance pay (20% of the amount of wages provided for the remaining seasons of the contract) is paid in equal installments with an installment plan for the period of validity of the terminated contract, or other terms for the payment of severance pay may be established by agreement between the club and the hockey player.

  3. Early termination of the contract at the initiative of the club is formalized by agreement (Appendix No. 6). The agreement signed by the parties must be sent to the JHL within 3 days after its signing, including through the CIB electronic database. If it is impossible to sign or the hockey player refuses to sign the specified agreement, the club must submit to the JHL an act on the impossibility of signing/refusal to sign the agreement, signed by the commission, which includes the club's management, as well as an order to dismiss the employee and an act on the impossibility of familiarizing the employee with order, if such familiarization is not possible. In case of late notification of the JHL about terminated contracts, as well as submission of agreements that do not comply with the standard form, sanctions may be imposed on the club by decision of the Competition Department.

Article 152
Early termination of the standard contract of the MHL hockey player

at the initiative of the club on the grounds,

relating to disciplinary action

  1. In case of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the club on grounds that relate to disciplinary sanctions, a hockey player who has not reached the age of 29 by the time of termination of the contract pays to the club with which the contract was terminated 2/3 of the amount of wages unpaid for the period remaining before the expiration of the contract.

  2. The basis for making a cash payment are: the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 348 12 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), agreements, contract and Regulations.

  3. The hockey player is obliged to make the specified monetary payment in favor of the club within two months from the date of termination of the contract.

  4. For a period equal to the period remaining until the expiration of the contract, the club retains the rights of sports affiliation to such a hockey player. If at the end of the specified period the compensation provided for in this article has not been paid, the rights remain with the club until the compensation is paid.

  5. During the specified periods, the club has the right, at its discretion, to dispose of its rights to such a hockey player.

  6. If the rights are not exercised within the specified period, the hockey player acquires the status of "Unrestricted free agent".

  7. In case of early termination of the contract at the initiative of the club on grounds related to disciplinary sanctions, the club must submit to the JHL: an order to dismiss the employee, the hockey player's written explanations, an act of disciplinary offense signed by the commission, which includes the club's management. If the hockey player cannot sign / refuse to sign the order to dismiss the employee, an act is drawn up on the impossibility / refusal to familiarize the employee with the order, if such familiarization is impossible, as well as an act on the impossibility to take explanations from the hockey player. In case of late notification of the JHL about terminated contracts, as well as submission of documents that do not correspond to reality, sanctions may be imposed on the club by decision of the Competition Department.

The conditions and obligations of the contract, as well as their interpretation, are clear to them in full. All parties to the contract had a full opportunity before signing it to discuss

All conditions and obligations with their lawyers, doctors, agents, other representatives and this contract is signed with the free will of the parties.


Club __________________________ Hockey Player __________________________

Application No. 4


KHL Central Information Bureau

№ __________

"____" ______________ 20__

Standard Form 5

"Junior Contract"



To the attention of the parents (legal representatives) of the junior!

Before signing a contract, you should carefully study it to be sure that all the conditions and obligations stipulated earlier are included in the contract and its content and interpretation are clear to you.

№ ___________________

g.____________________ "___" ____________ 20__

G. ___________________, (hereinafter referred to as the “School”), represented by _____________



acting on the basis _____________,

on the one hand, and legal representatives __________________________,


hereinafter referred to as the “Parents”, on the other hand (hereinafter referred to as the Parties), guided by the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, other provisions of the law of obligations, recognizing the mutually beneficial terms of this Junior Contract (hereinafter referred to as the contract), have agreed on the following:


1.1. Parents, acting on behalf of and in the interests of __________________________

(degree of relationship, full name, day, month and year of birth, series and number of birth certificate)

(hereinafter referred to as the "Junior"), they instruct, and the School undertakes to accept the latter to the hockey school and, at its own expense, at its own expense, train him according to the training program for an athlete-hockey player. At the same time, the School advances for the Junior and Parents all the material costs associated with this training, and the further payment procedure is provided for by the terms of this contract.


2.1. The school is committed to:

a) Create all the necessary conditions for a successful process additional education Junior.

b) Provide a qualified coach and medical support.

c) Strictly observe the rules of compulsory state medical and social insurance in relation to the Junior.

d) If the Junior is a non-resident, pay him a scholarship, provide proper living and learning conditions in a general education school, pay travel expenses to and from the place of permanent residence twice a year, if these actions of the School do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the School.

e) Regularly inform the Parents about the course and results of the Junior's education, as well as about his health, living conditions and life.

2.2. If a Junior is injured during the game, when moving with the team, on business trips from the School, as well as on training sessions, The School pays for his hospitalization in due course, up to discharge, provided that the hospital and the doctor are determined by the School.

2.3. The school may, but is not obliged to, bear the costs of the Junior's health resort treatment and recreation, as well as his maintenance in summer health camps.

2.4. Parents undertake:

a) Ensure that the requirements for students of the hockey school are met.

b) Attend all meetings, seminars, meetings held for parents by the coaching staff, the leadership of the School.

c) When the Junior reaches the age of 14, agree to conclude a contract with the School on further cooperation.

d) In case of Junior's illness or accident, immediately notify the School coach. After the recovery of the Junior, provide the coach with a medical report confirming the absence of contraindications for playing hockey.

2.5. Parents have the right to transfer a Junior to any other School only if there is a properly executed agreement between hockey schools.

2.6. In the event of a Junior's transfer from one School to another, the School to which the Junior transferred must pay compensation to the Junior's previous school in the amount and in the manner established by the League Regulations.

2.7. The parties agree that the conditions provided for in this section of the contract are objectively necessary, appropriate and are accepted voluntarily.



4.1. Before the expiration date, this contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties, executed in a simple written form.

4.2. The contract is terminated at the initiative of the School:

· in case of the Junior's systematic non-compliance with the requirements of the School management and malicious violation of the sports regime;

a disease that prevents the continuation of education;

· in case of misconduct that discredits the Junior as a representative of the School;

in case of violation by the Parents of the obligations stipulated by the contract.

4.3. The contract is terminated at the initiative of the Parents:

· in case of the Junior's final decision to stop classes in hockey schools;

in other cases provided for by the League Regulations.


5.1. All disputes, controversies or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, including those relating to its execution, violation, termination (cancellation) or invalidity, are subject to consideration by the JHL Disciplinary Committee in accordance with the League Disciplinary Regulations in accordance with this disciplinary clause.

The decision of the Disciplinary Committee of the League may be appealed by the parties within 7 (seven) working days from the date of receipt of the decision in the final form in the Sports Court of Arbitration(hereinafter - CAC) at the Autonomous non-profit organization "Sports Arbitration Chamber" or Sports Arbitration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - SA CCI) in accordance with their regulations in accordance with this arbitration clause.

5.2. Subject to the procedure and requirements provided for in clause 5.1. of this contract, if the Junior transfers to any other School, including a foreign one, without the written permission of the former School, then the Junior and the School agree, in the event of a dispute, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Disciplinary Committee of the JHL and the CAC or SA CCI. Also, the Junior and the School acknowledge that the decisions of the Disciplinary Committee of the league and the CAC or SA of the CCI, prohibiting the Junior to play for any other School, including a foreign one, have full force in Russia and in any other country, the Junior agrees not to challenge the decisions of the Disciplinary Committee and the CAC or SA Chamber of Commerce, which prohibits the Junior to compete for any other School, including a foreign one.

5.3. The School and the Junior agree that the conditions provided to the Junior under this contract are unique, invaluable and cannot be adequately reimbursed to the School. Therefore, the School has the right to demand and receive, through the appropriate authorities of the International Ice Hockey Federation (hereinafter referred to as the IIHF), the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Hockey Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the FHR), disciplinary and judicial procedures for prohibition for the Junior to play for any other School of Russia or another country. These conditions do not in any way limit the right of the School to make other claims to the Junior.

5.4. The conditions provided for in paragraphs 5.1.-5.3. of this contract may be specified by the Regulations, other requirements of the JHL as an organizer sports competitions, agreements.


6.1. The Parties agreed that the costs of education of one Junior at the School, which are subject to compensation (clause 2.6. of this contract) are objectively justified and include:

provision of services of a trainer, medical and other personnel serving the educational process;

provision sports equipment and clothes;

providing the opportunity to use ice arena Palace of Sports and other sports facilities and ancillary facilities;

cash payments and other material costs associated with travel, meals, education in a comprehensive school, etc.

6.2. The School and the Junior agree that this contract is sent for registration to the League's Central Information Bureau, in the manner prescribed by the League's Regulations.


7.1. The junior assures that before the conclusion of the contract, he had the opportunity to study all the documents provided for in this contract.

7.2. This contract comes into force from the moment of its registration in the league.

7.3. The contract is made in three copies, which after registration are stored in the league and one for each of the parties (School and Junior), each copy has the same legal force.

7.4. This contract is the entire written agreement between the parties. Oral agreements are not valid. Making any changes to the contract after its registration by the league is strictly prohibited.

After reading this contract, the School and the Junior, as well as the Parents (legal representatives) of the Junior, agree that all the conditions and obligations of the contract, as well as their interpretation, are clear to them in full. All parties to the contract had a full opportunity to discuss all the conditions and obligations with their lawyers, doctors, agents, other representatives before signing it, and this contract is signed with the free will of the parties.


School Address: ________________________ TIN ______________________________________ Settlement account ______________________________________ ______________________________ Head of the Club ______________________/_____________/ MP Parents ______________________________________________________________ ____________________ Passport: ________________________________________ Passport: ________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________ ______________________/___________________/ ______________________/___________________/ Junior upon reaching the age of 14 years: “The terms of this contract are understood, accepted in full and the transaction from now on is considered concluded personally by me.” ______________________/___________________/ (signature, date) Parents upon reaching the age of 14 by the Junior: “We agree to conclude this transaction” ______________________/___________________/ (signature, date) ______________________/___________________/ (signature, date)

Application No. 5


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