Boxing clubs on metro Slavyansky Boulevard and Victory Park

Swimming pool - a hydrotechnical structure intended for training aquatic species sports such as swimming, diving, scuba diving, water polo, synchronized swimming and others.

The usual size of baths in swimming pool- 25 or 50 meters. The number of lanes is usually from 5 to 10. In the center of each lane at the bottom, as well as at the ends of the bath, markings are made to make it easier for swimmers to swim without deviating from a straight course. Across the bath, at a distance of 5 m from the beginning and end, two cords with flags are suspended; they are needed by swimmers on their backs to see the proximity of the wall and prepare for the turn. At a distance of 15 m from the start, a cord is suspended across the pool, which falls into the water during a false start and stops the participants. In front of each lane, at the beginning and at the end of the pool, there are start tables, from which swimmers jump into the water at the start with a crawl, breaststroke and butterfly. The nightstands have handles that the swimmers hold on their backs before the start. Children's pools can be of any shape and are usually shallow. ...

  • Group programs

    If you prefer to go in for sports with friends and like-minded people, work out in the gym group programs- the most optimal option for you.

    If you love to dance, for you a good choice dance direction. Do you want to lose weight? Strength training or aerobics may work for you. Do you dream of achieving peace of mind? Yoga or qigong classes will come to the rescue. ...

  • Children's fitness
    • Children's dances

      You want your child to learn to move well, become more plastic and acquire beautiful posture, then you can give it to children's dances. Currently, there are many interesting children's directions.

      This and ballroom dancing and choreography and all kinds of club dances. Group lessons dancing is good for children not only to strengthen physical health, but also help to liberate, get rid of embarrassment. ...

      Children's dances

    • Kids club

      If you want your child to develop quickly and turn into a harmonious, versatile educated person, then you should look kids club for your child.

      As a rule, in children's clubs, the development of a little person is taken thoroughly: he can attend dance, martial arts, gymnastics lessons, and go in for sports. The program is balanced so that the kids have time to cope with new exercises and do not get bored in the classroom.
      Some kids clubs even offer programs for 8 month old babies. As a rule, a child of 3-12 years old can be sent to a kids club. ...

      Kids club

      10 specialists, prices prices
    • Workouts for children

      Exercises for children will help to make a beautiful posture, develop a habit of regular physical training, gain flexibility and endurance.

      It's a good idea to send a boy to a karate, aikido or other martial art class, where he will be taught to defend himself and control his aggression - and he will grow up as a confident man in himself and his strength.
      It will be useful for the girl to practice dancing or rhythmic gymnastics- then she will grow up to be a graceful beauty with a superbly developed body.
      A variety of children's sports sections are at the service of parents - from football to equestrian sports, you can also find children's fitness, children's yoga, club dances for the little ones and much more. ...

      Workouts for children

      1 specialist, prices prices
  • Martial arts

    Martial arts- sports or martial arts, assuming that the participants compete together, one on one, without the use of firearms.

    The goal of single combat - Acting within the framework of the agreed rules, carry out techniques that can cause maximum physical damage to the opponent or put the opponent in a disadvantageous position, and also, accordingly, defend against similar techniques of the opponent. ...

  • Slimming

    Few are born with overweight... There are still not many schoolchildren and students who complain about excess kilos. Perhaps up to a certain point we do not care about our own weight at all. Our life is a busy work week, hectic snacks, soda, fast food, stress, hormonal contraceptives ... ...

  • Dancing

    Dance- a type of art in which artistic images are created through plastic movements and rhythmically clear and continuous change of expressive positions of the human body.

    Dance is inextricably linked with music, the emotional-figurative content of which is embodied in its choreographic composition, movements, figures. Dance existed and still exists in the cultural traditions of all human societies. Over the long history of mankind, it has changed, reflecting cultural development. There are many types, styles and forms of dance.
    Dance used as a way of self-expression, social communication, for religious purposes, as a competitive sport, as indicative view art. ...

  • Gym

    If you need to quickly and efficiently "sculpt" beautiful figure, get rid of excess weight or just feel strong and a healthy person, without gym not enough.

    Each gym has a trainer who will professionally determine the characteristics of your body and develop an individual training program, with the help of which it will be easy to achieve your goal - to lose weight, build muscle or improve your health. ...

    • Cycle

      Cycle- bumpless cardio load, imitation of group road race on special stationary bicycles.

      This is a great opportunity to improve the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, relieve stress and enjoy cycling. The program eliminates stress on the joints of the knee, lower leg and lower back. Medium and above average intensity. ...

      12 specialists, prices prices
    • Cardiolinia

      Cardiolinia is a line of simulators: Treadmills with the possibility of recording heartbeats, simulators that simulate skiing and walking up the stairs, exercise bikes with vertical and horizontal supports.

      Cardio equipment needed to strengthen of cardio-vascular system and effective reduction weight, increase the body's endurance. ...


    • Powerlifting

      Powerlifting(from the English powerlifting: power - strength and lift - to lift) is a power sport, the essence of which is to overcome the most heavy weight.

      Powerlifting is one of the sports whose task is to lift weights. Class powerlifting Is a great way to make good sports career or just improve the body.
      This sport is also called powerlifting. Powerlifting was born in the 60s of the last 19th century. For the first time, we held a powerlifting championship in the United States, and since then this sport has become very popular not only in the United States, but also in Russia. Modern Russian athletes have reached great heights and compete with dignity with other athletes in the world. Though powerlifting hard and tough sport, even the girls liked it.
      Catching up powerlifting, the athlete assumes a natural body position with the addition of power load. Powerlifting includes the performance of basic exercises: deadlift, barbell lifting, with the body lying, squats with a barbell. ... A personal instructor should not tell you how this or that exercise is performed, he should guide, support you, advise on all the issues that arise. In addition, the instructor, in addition to the set of exercises, can advise his clients in other aspects: general state health, recommendations regarding nutrition, etc. Qualified personal trainers are constantly improving their knowledge in the field of medicine and nutrition. ... The main goal strength training - strengthening the body, giving it flexibility, fit. It is for this purpose that special equipment is connected to the classes, among which the most popular and widespread are step platforms, dumbbells, body bars, etc.
      Strength training perfectly trains endurance, aligns posture and strengthens the cardiovascular system. ...

      Strength training

      11 specialists, prices prices
  • Before boxing clubs on m. Slavyansky Boulevard and Victory Park were presented by the "Golden Gloves" section of boxing. Now the section is closed and residents of local houses have to look for boxing training in other areas of the capital. In any case, even if you do not find a boxing section anywhere nearby, we invite you to visit one of our halls in Moscow.

    Boxing club Moscowboxing

    The boxing halls of our club are open to everyone throughout Moscow. Trainings are carried out in the mode of group and individual lessons. Group lessons are held in the evening, except on weekends, and individual sessions are held in the morning and afternoon, but you can also agree on the evening time.

    Our club has been operating for several years already, and we know from our own experience how it can be difficult to take the first step and call the boxing section. However, we assure you that having come to us once, you will stay here for a long time - we have a good team, we know how to teach boxing, we will be happy to help you become stronger and better than you were before joining our club.

    If you have searched but did not find a suitable one for you boxing section on Slavyansky Boulevard and Victory Park, You can easily call one of the phone numbers listed on the site. We will explain in detail how to get to us - to one of the most popular boxing clubs in Moscow.

    In our trainings, you can bring yourself to an excellent physical fitness... Under the guidance of professional trainers, you will learn the basics of boxing, including mastering the defenses. You will be hit!

    Just give us a call and come train! The rest is ours!

    Not far from the Victory Park there are halls of the Udarnik boxing club. Our boxing section is easily accessible by metro and car.

    About the club "Udarnik"

    All our coaches are professionals in their field, who have brought up many strong athletes over the years. Our gyms are equipped with professional rings, boxing bags, pears, pneumatic bags, medicine balls and other equipment. We accept everyone without medical contraindications from 8 years old.

    You can come to any of our gyms for a free trial training!

    Train always, in section or on your own

    It is impossible not to mention the large park, after which the metro station is named. The park has several good equipped sports grounds... There you can go in for sports, do exercises for general physical training, work on sacks.

    However, for mastering the boxing technique and achieving high results, independent training, of course, will not be enough. It is necessary to visit the boxing section, where the trainer will teach you the correct posture, movement in the ring, give you a knockout blow, teach you how to defend. Therefore, if you decide to practice boxing at Victory Park, then we invite you to our club!

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