How to fish correctly with a line. How to fish with a float: the secrets of fishing

Among the available fishing methods, one of the most interesting is spinning fishing. A wide variety of predatory fish is caught on spinning, as well as some species of fish that can be classified as peaceful. Everyone today can successfully fish for spinning, in any lake, river or bay.

With the help of a spinning rod, you can catch different fish

In this article we will tell you about the features of spinning fishing different types fish, methods of casting a spinning rod, choosing a fishing spot and preparing tackle. The information will be useful not only for novice anglers, but also for spinning anglers with certain experience.

How to fish with a spinning rod

To successfully fish with a spinning rod, you should have a suitable rod at your disposal, own correct technique casting, know the habits predatory fish and its habitat. There are many different videos on this topic on the network. Well, we will consider the features of fishing the most popular types predatory fish that can be found in our waters.

Nai best time for pike fishing is spring. Pike spawning begins immediately after the ice disappears from the reservoirs, so catching it before this moment is the easiest way. At this time, pike can be hunted in places with underwater vegetation, near driftwood and snags. During the spawning period and 2 weeks after that, the biting weakens sharply. The next 2 weeks are characterized by a real predator zhor, which can be caught with any bait. After another 2 weeks, the zhor stops.

In summer, the pike loses its activity and descends into the pits. An exception may be small pikes, weighing up to 1 kg, which live near coastal vegetation. In autumn, fish activity increases again and continues until freezing. The advantage when fishing for pike is given to wobblers and spoons.

It's better to catch pike in spring

Even a beginner who has no fishing experience can catch a perch. This predator is ubiquitous, but there are several small tricks for spinningists:

  • Perch avoids fast currents preferring to be near quiet streams.
  • Among its favorite habitats, one can note thickets of reeds from the side open water, the surroundings of pitfalls and snags, places under the trees hanging over the water.
  • Large specimens stay away from the coast, and go hunting in the evening and early morning.

Perch is caught all year round, but spring is considered the best time. On warm days, biting is activated in the morning, until 10 o'clock. With the onset of darkness, the biting stops. Perch are less active on colder days. It is caught with a variety of baits, insects and worms.

You can fish for perch all year round

Pike perch loves clean water, therefore it lives in flowing water bodies, on the river, in lakes with flowing water. The fish usually stays at a depth of more than 4 meters. Its sites can be found near snagged places, stone ridges, thickets of underwater vegetation. Active biting of zander begins immediately after the ice melts and continues until spawning. The predator spawns in the second half of April and almost all of May. Then, after a two-week rest, he begins to be active again. The best bite is observed on small lures.

In summer, you should look for pike perch at great depths, and even then only in the early morning and at night. In autumn, the peak of activity falls on the period of the first ice formation. The best baits jig heads with silicone fish are considered.

Pike perch lives in reservoirs with running water

The predator prefers large rivers, avoiding stagnant water bodies and narrow streams. It turns out to eat only during the day.

In the spring, the asp is kept at a depth. Active biting begins after spawning. At this time, he goes to small places and snags, where he begins to hunt for fry.

At the end of summer, the asp gathers in flocks and begins an active hunt. Places of accumulation of asp are called cauldrons. Long-range lures are needed for fishing in the places where the cauldrons are formed, since the predator does not allow fishermen to come too close to him. In the fall, the fish descend to a depth where they can be caught with deep-sea wobblers and live bait. They catch asp with a variety of lures: wobblers, poppers, turntables, jig heads, streamers, etc.

You need to fish for asp during the daytime

In early spring, the catfish comes out of the wintering pits on the shallows, to the underwater islands. There he can be tempted by a slow-moving bait along the bottom. In summer, catfish can be found anywhere in the reservoir. But more they prefer whirlpools near steep shores, underwater shelters made of snags or flooded trees. At the onset of the first frost, catfish are sent to deep pits.

Catfish spinning is different from other predators. Catfish will not chase a fast-swimming bait, but will prefer its slow movement. Therefore, it is necessary to lead the bait near the very bottom and very smoothly. For catching catfish, heavy jig lures, large deep wobblers and large spoons are used.

Catfish prefer pools and underwater pits

The chub does not belong to predatory fish, but, during the period of its growth, it actively feeds on fry, therefore it is successfully caught on spinning. Prefers small rivers with strong and moderate currents. It feeds on the very surface, so the bait must be carried in the upper layers of the water. In spring, the chub's bite increases as the water warms up, reaching a peak before spawning.

In summer, the chub also behaves actively during the period of insect emergence. At this time, he prefers places with whirlpools, near thickets of water lilies and reeds. In autumn, the fish is not active. The best performance is shown by small wobblers and artificial baits. Wiring should be slow.

Chub likes rivers with strong currents

How to cast a spinning rod correctly

Learning to spin fishing is easy enough. It is necessary, for a start, to practice on an open land, and only then go to the reservoir. Only after you have mastered the shots from the shore well, you can move on to trolling from the boat. Consider the main methods of casting bait using a spinning rod. The choice of a particular method depends on the fishing conditions and your personal preferences.

This is the most popular casting technique and allows you to send the bait a considerable distance. Differs in accuracy.

Before casting, the rod is pulled back behind the head. The fishing line with the bait should hang from the tip of the rod by 30-40 cm. The rod handle, directed forward, shows the direction of the bait's flight. The line near the reel is pinched with a finger. At the moment of throwing, when the rod passes the vertical position, the line is released.

Using this technique, you can cast the bait over a considerable distance.

Throwing gear from under the arm

This type of casting is used in cramped conditions. For example, when fishing from a boat or when there are bushes around the angler. The spinning rod is retracted in the direction opposite to the hand holding it. It does not provide the desired range, but it is quite accurate.

The spinning rod with the bait hanging on the line is retracted to the side. The line is pinched with your fingers. With a sharp movement, the rod is thrown forward and slightly upward. When the tip points forward, the line is released.

In cramped conditions, casting from under the arm is the most suitable option.

This technique is usually used when throwing over the shoulder is impossible. For example, if there are tall trees behind the angler. The spinning rod is retracted to the side of the hand holding it.

The fishing line with the bait should be suspended from the tip of the rod by 30-40 cm. The spinning player takes the rod horizontally to the side and back. The line is clamped with a finger. When throwing, the rod is directed forward-up. At this point, the clamped line is released.

Side casting does not provide sufficient accuracy of the bait falling, but it can be done under almost any fishing conditions.

Side casting is a versatile way of casting a lure

When can I go spinning?

You can catch predatory fish with a spinning rod at any time of the year with a few exceptions. Fishing is prohibited during the spawning season. To preserve the offspring of fish for the future, it is better to refrain from fishing during this time. Specific dates are set every year.

How to find a fishing spot

You can catch a predator in almost any body of water except an artificial one. There are certain periods of the best bite. This is the time period in spring, before spawning, and in autumn, from late August to the onset of frost. The rest of the time, the biting of predatory fish is much weaker.

How to find fish spot? It is necessary to learn one feature of catching predatory fish with a spinning tackle. If peaceful fish should be lured to your bait, then the predator should be looked for in the reservoir, since it is not attracted by the bait from the feeder. Usually the predator stands in ambush in snags, in thickets of grass, not far from trees hanging over the water. Farther from the shore, fish can be found on the edge of the border. standing water and currents.

In summer, the predator moves closer to water lilies and reed thickets, where fry gathers. In autumn, the fry go to the depths, followed by the predator moving away from the coast.

In summer, the fish lives in thickets of reeds.

Choice of rod and rig

Fishing with a spinning rod will be successful if the rod and equipment are correctly selected, and the necessary artificial bait is applied.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of rod:

  1. Plug-in. Consists of several parts that are connected together during assembly. Differs in reliability and high sensitivity, but more bulky than a telescope.
  2. Telescopic. A small-sized and mobile rod, but inferior to the plug rod in terms of reliability and sensitivity.

You should also consider what kind of fish you are going to fish. For example, when fishing for catfish and chub, the type of rod will be radically different.

When choosing a bait, you should focus on the season. In the spring, during the zhora, brighter and larger baits work better, and in summer, in the heat, it is better to use smaller ones.

We have covered the basics of fishing for different breeds of predator on a spinning rod, as well as the main methods of casting lures. Knowing the characteristics of the fish that you are going to catch, as well as the ways of catching it in different seasons of the year, you can always boast of worthy trophies.

Most anglers dream of catching small and big fish. They constantly, going fishing, dream of capturing large individuals, but dreams come true, but very rarely. Basically, there are small individuals in the catch, and no matter how hard they try, they can't catch a good fish. As a rule, all the blame for failure falls on the fact that there are no large fish in the reservoir. At the same time, they notice that some fishermen carry only large individuals, not paying attention to the statements of some "losers".

To catch a big fish, it is not enough to arrive at the reservoir and cast your fishing rods. You need to prepare for the capture of large specimens, spending part of your precious time on it. What is needed for this?

The outcome of the entire fishing trip may depend on the choice of a promising place. As a rule, large fish behave very carefully and try to stay at depth, being at a considerable distance from the coast. To catch only "krupnyak", you will have to try and try to study the bottom relief of the reservoir. To do this, you can use a marker float.

Usually, large fish are found in hard-to-reach places, such as driftwood or heaps of broken branches. In such places, the fish feel safe. But such places are quite difficult to fish because of the high probability of snagging. For fishing in such places you need a powerful tackle.

If the reservoir is not wide and can be thrown to the opposite bank, then there is every chance of catching a large fish. This is especially true when there is vegetation on the shore. In this case, we can say with confidence that at some distance from the coast (opposite), there are heaps of old branches in the water. The bait is delivered to the border of the alleged blockages and pure water... The fish will certainly find the bait and try to eat it. In this case, you need to constantly monitor so as not to miss the bite, otherwise the fish will try to pull the tackle into the branches. If she manages to get the tackle behind the underwater obstacle, then fish or tackle breakage cannot be avoided.


There is nothing to do without bait on the pond, especially if there is a desire to see large specimens of fish in the catch. Moreover, the bait should be enough to lure the fish and try to keep it in one place. It doesn't have to be expensive. It is enough to boil the porridge, add the makuhi and you can go fishing. Alternatively, you can add a pack of purchased mix to your own groundbait. In any case, it will be cheaper if you use only a commercially available mixture.

Groundbait is delivered to the place of fishing, by any in an accessible way... This can be a hand throw. Naturally, you can't throw far with your hand. Therefore, you can use a slingshot or a special feeder, such as "rocket". This method allows you to deliver feed over a considerable distance.

If funds allow, then you can purchase a special boat with remote control and deliver bait in this way, combining business with pleasure. With a toy boat, you can start the bait at any distance.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the bait does not start working immediately, but after some time. Sometimes you have to feed the fish all day and only in the evening or the next morning a positive result is possible.

Therefore, catching a large fish requires a serious investment of time and money. If one of the fishermen managed to catch a large fish, then it is rather an accident and luck, if he did not feed the place.


If you purposefully catch large fish, then you should create conditions in advance so that small fish do not take part in the bites. To do this, you should take a hook of the appropriate size and bait on it, which will be too tough for the "little things". For this you need to take:

  • corn;
  • peas;
  • worm (crawling);
  • pearl barley;
  • boilies;
  • frog (for catfish).

First you need to pick up a hook of the appropriate size. Hook # 10 is perfect. To cut off small fish, several grains of corn, peas or pearl barley are planted on the hook. The hook must be completely filled. You can leave some free space so that in case of a bite, the nozzle can move out, freeing the tip of the hook. At the same time, the sting of the hook can protrude, but no more than 1 mm. Then the hooking can be successful and the fish is reliably spotted.

Sometimes a hair rig is used when the attachment is attached separately from the hook, and the hook is left free. As a rule, such equipment is used for carp fishing. A feeder with a reel is used as an accessory. Since the carp sucks in food, it sucks in the bait together with the hook. Having found a foreign object in his mouth, he tries to free himself from it, but it is not so easy, and he is on the hook.


This is something that many anglers lack. As a rule, the tackle is checked very often, depending on the bait used. This period is about 5 minutes and depends on the rate at which the bait is washed out of the trough. But in order to catch a large trophy specimen, it is necessary to leave the bait in the water for a long time. But some experienced anglers leave the bait in the water for 2-3 hours and wait. In this case, the tackle is checked if:

  • in case of blank bites when the bait is damaged;
  • if the bottom is muddy, then there is a possibility that the bait will swim and the fish will not be able to find it;
  • if you want to replace one nozzle with another.

When the tackle is in the water for a long time, there is an opportunity to go about your business on the shore. As a rule, these are works to prepare the camp and create proper living conditions in it. After all, this type of fishing requires you to be on the pond for several days.

In shallow waters it is warmer, more food, more oxygen, so there are always a lot of fish. In the coastal zones there are small carp, crucian carp, roach, breeder ... The cautious large fish... It is best to fish in shallow water near the coast with a swing rod or a plug, as the quietest tackle that allows you not to frighten the fish under the coast.
Much will depend on the equipment, on the design of the tackle. The significance of this for shallow water is increasing.

Features of a fly rod for fishing aground

When fishing medium-sized fish from a gentle bank, it is necessary to cast further - at a distance of 12 - 15 meters, where the fish feels more confident. It is also important that on a shallow fish is especially sensitive to the severity of the thrown load and to the roughness of the rig. It is necessary to lighten the tackle to the maximum, otherwise the fish is medium and large sizes it is unlikely that it will turn out not to frighten and hook.

But always the load should be heavy enough so that the fly rod can easily cast a 7-9 meter line. After all, without the controllability of the tackle successful fishing will not be.

Swing Rig Specifications

It is known from practice that for a rod with a length of 7.0 m, the working weight of the load is 1.0 grams, and for a rod of 8.5 m, a weight of 1.5 grams is required. But this is true if the thickness of the main line does not exceed 0.1 mm, and the wind is not strong.

What rod is needed for coastal fishing

Many anglers choose lightweight, stiff "ringing" rods in the belief that they handle the rig better. But a softer action rod is better suited for such conditions.

  • A soft rod of a decent length is harder to damage and will not crack like a stiff rod when accidentally hit.
  • Working like a whip, a soft rod allows you to cast the lightest rigs, while a stiff one is much more difficult to cast.
  • The soft rod makes it possible to play out large fish without increasing the diameter of the line, compensating for jerks with its flexibility. At the same time, small fish, bending the rod, will give pleasure while playing, and will surprise the neighbors along the shore ....

    Fly rod length

    To fish aground from a gentle bank, you need to stock up on at least a couple of fly rods - 7.0 and 8.5 meters, which will allow you to feel confident in the main range of distances - 11.0 - 15.0 meters.

    Apply fly rods more than 8.5 meters long with light rigs is not worth it, as there is a threat of rod breakage during a whipping cast, especially in windy weather.

    How to cast a rig with a long rod

    Casting from a gentle bank to a decent distance with a swing rod is performed only from behind the head in the following order:

    • the rod rises vertically upward and tilts slightly backward;
    • a pause is maintained so that the load deviates back as far as possible;
    • with a smooth forward swing of the rod, the load is sent to the fishing point over the head.

    Other types of casting of light weight with long rods are practically impossible and are not used.

    Do you need ultralight rigs

    Should you make ultralight long rod rigs? The following equipment can be called ultra-light - the diameter of the main line is 0.08 mm and the weight is 0.5 grams.

    As practice shows, such relief does not justify itself, since the equipment becomes inoperative due to too low strength and significant entanglement. Have a good result fishing with such a rig cannot be achieved.

    A float for light weight on long rods should be selected with a minimum dead weight. In this case, the large mass of the float increases the risk of overlaps, since the float may float down first. Models are selected without a significant layer of paintwork, for calm conditions - with a light keel.

    Another way to reduce overlaps is to put a long silicone tube over the keel of the float to run the line through.

    Do you need complex loads

    Also, do not overdo it with complex loads. As a rule, 3 pellets are enough on the line for all occasions. In addition, two of them are constantly next to each other. If necessary, the middle pellet is lowered to the support to anchor the rig. Variants of loading for a smooth lowering of the bait with many weights are justified by the risk of overlaps, unless during a good zhora ... You can learn more about how to make a leash for a fishing rod.

    Features of using the plug in shallow water

    Practice shows that fish in shallow water are not afraid of a plug rod, fears in this regard are unnecessary.

    The main difficulties with the plug, with a shallow fishing depth, arise from the relatively short fishing line.

    When the plug is put in, it jerks and vibrates, the tip of the plug pulls the rig, as a result of which overlaps occur. This is a serious hindrance when fishing with a plug in shallow places. But it can be overcome, you need to do the following:

    • Align the exact position of the roll-back roller. At the moment when the butt of the rod comes off the roller, the center of gravity of the rod should be in the hands of the angler. Then the power of the jerk is much reduced and the rod can be controlled.
    • You need to learn how to insert and remove the plug smoothly, with interceptions, without creating artificial jerks with your own hands. Naturally, the rod should not be allowed to sink into the water, as this will scare the fish away when aground.

    Plug advantages

    Now about the advantages of fishing with a plug at the same distance of 13-14 meters.

    • The weight of the rig can be reduced to less than 1 gram. Usually 0.4 - 0.5 grams is suitable even in the wind, since the rig can be held on the wave by the rod itself.
    • The plug can be used for wiring - twitching, dragging, repeated lowering, swimming….
    • Can be caught under trees.
    • You can feed with a cup very accurately, quietly. Precision is also ensured with friable feed.

    When fishing with a fly rod in shallow water in still water, casting of supplementary feed in balls is practically not used, since the noise scares off carp fish. As a rule, they are limited to starting feed in balls, and supplementary feeding in bulk using a slingshot.

    Disadvantages of the plug

    The disadvantage of the plug is the special control technique of this tackle, which many anglers find laborious, boring and slow. Such ideas interfere with the popularization of this tackle.

    Another urgent question for us is high price good plug-in rod.

    Often, the main advantage of a swing rod is manifested, including when fishing from a gentle bank - high-speed fishing. The plug is not capable of this.

    Time will tell in terms of popularity whether the plug will outstrip the swing rod, its direct competitor. And now you can arrange an experiment - what will be more effective on the shallows from a gentle bank - the speed of swing with some inaccuracy and roughness, or the verified slowness of the plug ....

I wanted to talk about the most ancient occupation of mankind. Fishing! How do you know exist different types fish and to catch them you need to know the simple secrets of professional fishermen.

First, let's talk about the depth: if you go for a crucian carp, then you need to take into account that it can hit both at depth and on the surface, especially if it is hot. In general, carps like to take the bait on top, for example, a crust of bread, you also need to take into account that the fish, when it swims on top, is more visible and fishermen should not run along the shore and wear bright clothes so as not to scare the fish away.

Fishing line
also has a significant value in fishing, so you need to choose how thin the line is, if the line is thick, then the fish can get scared. If you go for large fish, then the thin line may break, you just need experience. You should not take a multi-colored line, it can scare the fish, the line is very translucent in the water, so you need to take a line as thin and not noticeable as possible.

Our next item is cargo... The load should not hit one of them should hit several, let it be 3-5 grams, depending on the float. The smaller the load, the less fear the fish have.

Next, let's talk about an elastic band and how to fish with it. How to fish with an elastic band? What are the advantages of a fishing rod z rubber shock absorber(rubber bands) from an ordinary fishing rod? Now we will try to understand these issues. To begin with, I'll show you once how to assemble a fishing rod with a rubber shock absorber (rubber band). A line of 0.35-0.4 mm, 80-100 m long, is wound on the Motovilts (reel). To prevent the line from getting tangled, the end of the line is tied to a swivel. An elastic band is tied to the swivel. Then, an elastic band is passed into the eye of the swivel 4-6 times, and tied in 6-7 ordinary knots, you also need to leave 2x-3x centimeters of the tail of the fishing line so that when the elastic is pulled, the knot does not untie. When you tighten the elastic, the line must be moistened with water.

An elastic band cannot be tied to a load; it will not break. Then we tie a rope to the elastic band, you can use a nylon cord. We make a loop on the rope and tie the elastic in the same way as on the swivel. Next, we need a load that we tie to a rope, it can hit the lead, if you throw it from the boat, it can hit a brick. A stone, a bag of sand is tied to a load, a buoy is an empty bottle. Leashes are tied in different ways. The most popular "loop in loop" method is used to make loops on the fishing line, and leashes are tied to them. The fishing line is wound together with an elastic band so that the fishing line does not break, you do not need to wind the line tightly. Fishing with a rubber band is a popular method of catching fish, the only drawback is the long preparation process for fishing. They catch sabrefish, pike perch, pike, bream, silver bream, ide, burbot with an elastic band.

And the last choice of fishing spot... Arriving at the pond, we choose a place convenient for ourselves, this is a mistake the fish will not bite at the same place, we must remember that it is not us that fish need, but fish for us. For example, a small fish loves to be near the reeds where it can hide, which means somewhere there is a predator swimming. By the time of day, the fish also goes to feed, then to rest.

There are many types of fishing tackle, but fishing with a line is still a favorite way of fishing for many. And beginners are usually primarily interested in how to fish on the bottom or float rod.

How to fish with a float rod?

For good catch it is important to choose the right quality tackle for a float rod. Gone are the days when almost all fishing rods were made of bamboo, today there are many different plastic products on sale that are durable, flexible and lightweight. For fishing from the shore, you need a rod longer than 3 meters, and for those who are going to fish from a boat, such a long one will only interfere. Before buying a rod, you should hold it in your hands - it should lie comfortably in your hand.

When choosing a fishing line, it is better to rely on the size of the planned catch - the larger it is, the thicker the fishing line should be. Keep in mind, however, that too thick line can scare the fish. The main condition for a high-quality float is its visibility on the surface of the water. The load is selected so that the float stays on the water and does not sink. Live worms, insects, larvae are used as bait for fishing rods - the choice is made according to the preferences of future prey.

Tips from seasoned fishermen:

  1. You need to cast the rod carefully, without touching the water with the rod. Until the hook has sunk to the bottom, you can bring it up a little.
  2. You cannot often take the fishing rod out of the water - a large fish looks closely at the bait for a long time, unnecessary manipulations will frighten it.
  3. A large predatory fish swallows the hook together with the bait, and the small one takes the bait to the side. Best moment for undercutting - pulling the float.
  4. You cannot abruptly pull the fish out of the water - the small one will tear the lip and fly off the hook, while the large one can break the line or break the rod.
  5. Before changing the “fishless” place, you need to try all types of bait, casting the hook at different depths.

How to fish with a bottom line?

Donka is a type of fishing rod adapted for catching bottom fish. Most often donka it can be short (instead of a long rod, a short one from a spinning rod is used), and instead of floats, bells are fixed on it. The line, sinkers and bait for the donkey are selected depending on the expected prey.

The casting of the donkey is carried out carefully, upstream: the line of the donkey must be unwound and folded in rings, then, take the line at a distance of about 1 meter from the sinker, swing it away from you like a pendulum and lower it into the water, holding the unwinding line with your left hand.

Most good fishing on the donk it happens with the use of a feeder - a mesh bag with porridge or bread, as well as special purchased additives. You need to lower the feeder just above the place where the donka is thrown.

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