Why does a horse dream in a dream? If you dream of a white horse with wings Flying white horse in a dream.

Why is the horse dreaming? This noble animal is associated with power, freedom and strength.

Universal dream book

The position of the rider is always preferable to that of the person on the ground.

The interpretation of sleep also depends on the emotions that overwhelm you in a dream. Does the horse not carry you wherever it wants? This is a very important point.

If you are on horseback, then your forward movement will be victorious and fast.

Is there a working horse under you? Or maybe a treadmill? The dream will show the state of your affairs.

"Dark horse" - you should carefully analyze your position.

Pay attention to the condition of the horseshoes. The Lost Horseshoe encourages you to be prepared to defend your territory. If you lose your horseshoe, you can lose everything.

Family dream book

Why is the white horse dreaming? The dream predicts happy meetings with pleasant people, good friendships. But this is only if you rode a white horse.

Dirty horse - trusting in vain. Jealousy, maybe even deceit will not make you happier.

Bay horse - desires will be satisfied. But a woman needs to part with an annoying admirer.

Black horse - a business result is guaranteed, but, completely unexpectedly, you will be disappointed in the business you are doing. To well-being in life - participation in exciting races.

The horse is restless, kicking? Striving towards the goal, you will encounter obstacles and difficulties.

To the bitter news, a dead or wounded horse will dream.

Dream interpretation of esoteric Tsvetkov

We got on a horse - hopes will be fulfilled. Get off her - the situation may worsen.

A horse that has entered the house will dream about marriage.

Seeing a white horse in a dream means getting married. In general, things will be fine.

Esoteric dream book

You think the impending punishment is unfair. We saw a dead horse. The dream hints that retribution can be avoided.

Dream interpretation of Meridian

The horse is dreaming - what is it for? Beware of lying from someone close to you.

If you met a horse on the way, it means that you will have a reliable protector, maybe even a savior.

Your desire to have children will be indicated by a dream where you are in the role of a horseman.

Eastern dream book

Unharnessing your horse? You will have to rethink your family responsibilities. Knowing that the seller is a deceiver, you still acquire a horse in a dream - to loss.

Luck will come if you kept a fine thoroughbred horse and sold the worse one.

Success is assured if you have moved across a crystal stream. Look at the dark water - your joy will be overshadowed by an unpleasant event.

Brush the horse yourself or see how someone else is doing it - a dream predicts difficult trials and exhausting work on the path to prosperity.

Unsaddled the horse - perhaps miss your benefit. Young people often see horses for the upcoming marriage.

Sleep is very good for people of creative professions and businessmen if they are engaged in decorating the tail and mane of a horse.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Harnessing - losing a loved one.

Will you be able to demonstrate professionalism and talent if you saw yourself flying in a troika on a sled in the snow? Such a case will present itself.

Riding in a carriage - luck is in the details. A good harness in a dream - to the fulfillment of desires.

We saw an old and torn harness - your rash conclusions and actions will bring troubles.

A loved one will offend if you see a horse with a mane to the ground.

Tail to the ground - yourself, unwillingly, offend someone. It's all in the past when the horse's tail is cut off.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Why does a woman dream of a horse

A favorable and dramatic change will come when a horse is taken by the bridle and it obeyed.

In a female environment, you ride a horse - you are dependent and do not know what you want.

The girl gallops, the horse under her is a crow - chance contributes to the fulfillment of desires.

Have you admired a perfectly shod horse? A dream guarantees that the most faithful friend will appear, forever.

The girl dreamed that her beloved was riding behind her. Successful fans. Nice and helpful communication.

A man will torment him with jealousy if he dreams that the rider was frightened.

Why is a herd of horses dreaming? Business partners act in concert. Business is booming.

To see dry land, pasture - to have faithful but poor friends.

What is the dream of a horse with a foal? A foal in a dream - to the joyful chores associated with the birth of a baby, to the guests.

A foal sucks a mare - sleep promises significant changes, independence, honor.

Horse - grace, strength, natural energy. A prancing horse - what could be more graceful and beautiful. A horse in a dream is in most cases a favorable sign, especially if the horse was beautiful and well-groomed, it had a thick silky mane and a long tail. All these dreams promise the support of friends, success at work and family happiness. However, such a horse does not always appear to us in our dreams. It happens that we dream of a thin, emaciated horse, kicking or rebellious. What if the horse bit, kicked, or threw the rider off its back? Of course, such dreams are interpreted in a completely different way. Let's figure it out and consider in detail what horses mean in our dreams.

White horse

  • Why does a white horse dream - Dream interpretation: a white horse in a dream - joy, happiness.
  • What is the dream of a white horse (girl) - marriage, marriage, wedding.
  • What is the dream of a white horse (for a man) - an increase in wealth, to be right, a beautiful and virtuous wife.
  • What is the dream of a white horse (woman) for - calm family happiness.
  • Why is a white horse dreaming (for a pregnant woman) - a child will be born who will be a happy person in life.

Black horse suit (absolutely black)

  • What is the dream of a black beautiful horse - Dream Interpretation: a black horse in a dream - troubles, sadness, experiences.
  • Why dream of a black horse - Dream Interpretation: a black horse in a dream - troubles, sadness, experiences.
  • What is the dream of a black horse (woman) - "black stripe" in life.
  • Why does a black horse dream (for a man) - Why does a black horse dream for a man - business losses, troubles, the wife is rich and angry.
  • What is the dream of a black horse (girl) - to meet with an ordinary or completely poor person, it is not a fact that he will call you in marriage.

Bay horse suit (light and dark brown, chestnut, red-red with black mane and tail)

  • Why did the brown horse dream - Dream interpretation: brown horse in a dream - dreams of a family with children and a home, making loyal friends.
  • What is the dream of a brown horse (woman) for - success among fans, the desire to get pregnant, taking off on the career ladder.
  • Why is a brown horse dreaming (for a man) - success in business, the desire to have a child.
  • What is the dream of a brown horse for a girl - health, a desire to start a family.
  • Why is the bay horse dreaming? - Dream interpretation: bay horse in a dream - good career, fulfillment of desires, material gain.

Horse with apples

What a horse in apples dreamed of - Dream Interpretation: a horse - a husband, wife or groom will be mestizo, their parents are of different religions.

Cowray horse suit (red)

  • What is the dream of a red horse kauray - Dream Interpretation: a red horse in a dream - doubts, minor worries // success will abruptly change to failure, and joy to tears and vice versa.
  • What a red horse (woman) dreamed about - a lot of problems, trouble, mistrust in her husband.
  • What is the dream of a brown horse (man) - alcoholism.

Muscular horse color (light and dark gray, mane and tail are slightly darker)

  • What is the dream of a gray horse - Dream Interpretation: a gray horse in a dream - piety, success, tranquility.
  • What is the dream of a gray horse (for a man) - an acquaintance with a pious woman, a girl.

Undersized horse (pony)

  • Why dream of a pony, a stunted horse - Dream Interpretation: a pony, a stunted horse in a dream - your failure will play into the hands of an enemy or competitor. This is what little pony horses dream about.

Horse pacer (special elaborated step)

  • What is the dream of a pacer horse - Dream interpretation: a horse is a pacer in a dream - you will choose the wrong path, but you will not be able to turn off it, even when you realize the wrong choice.

Circus horse

  • Why dream circus horse- Dream interpretation: circus horse in a dream - selfishness. (cm. )

Horse of other colors

  • What is the dream of a blue horse - Dream Interpretation: a blue horse in a dream - blue is a symbol of sadness and trouble - a blue horse is a symbol of desire, relationships between people, sadness.
  • Why does a pink horse dream - Dream interpretation: a pink horse in a dream - a pink horse dream of the birth of a new love or the revival of former tender feelings in a spouse.
  • What is the dream of a multi-colored horse - Dream Interpretation: a multi-colored horse in a dream - you need to remember what colors were present on the horse and look at each separately, then connect the interpretations.

wild Horse

  • What is the dream of a wild horse - Dream interpretation: a wild horse in a dream - diseases, unbridled thoughts will lead to failure.

Giant horse

  • Why do giant horses dream - What does a big horse dream about - Dream interpretation: a big horse in a dream - if the horse was giant in a dream, it is disproportionate big size, then this means that soon a respectable respected person will patronize you and provide serious help or protection.

Wooden horse (toy)

  • What is the dream of a wooden horse - Dream Interpretation: a wooden horse in a dream - you are a hardworking and responsible worker, since wooden horse flexible character. Your original idea will soon find support and implementation.
  • What is the dream of a toy horse - a dream book: a toy horse in a dream - changes in life will seem to occur, but everything seems to remain as it was. A model of replacing real events that are effective and efficient with some visible and contrived ones.

Horse in action

Actions performed with the horse

Horse and foal

  • Why is a pregnant horse dreaming - a horse in a dream - soon a person will appear in your life who will either become a patron or a good friend who will help you and support you in difficult times.
  • What is the dream of a horse giving birth - Dream: a horse gives birth in a dream - your friend or patron will appear in your life very soon.
  • Why dream of a horse giving birth to a foal - Dream Interpretation: a horse gave birth to a foal in a dream - if the foal was healthy, then a meeting with a patron friend will take place the other day.
  • What is the dream of a horse with a foal(to a man) - longing for a beloved.
  • What is the dream of a horse with a foal (woman) - if you fed him by hand, then make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel, the birth of a strong son.
  • What is the dream of a horse with a foal (girl) - one innermost desire will come true.

Different parts of the horse(See in the section - Different parts of the animal's body)

Miscellaneous about a horse

Mythological horse

If you dreamed about an unusual horse in a dream (Unicorn, Centaur, Pegasus, etc.) - then you should find out the interpretation of dreams with these mythological horses.

  • Dream interpretation: in a dream, a horse, a human head in a dream is a Centaur.
  • Dream interpretation: a white horse with wings in a dream is Pegasus.
  • Dream interpretation: a gray little horse grazing only near the water is Kelpie.
  • Dream Interpretation: a horse hippogriff in a dream is a half-horse-half-griffin, and the griffin itself is a mixture of an eagle and a lion. The most famous hippogriff to a large circle of people is mentioned in the book and in the film of the same name "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".
  • Dream interpretation: a water horse in a dream is Tangi.
  • Dream interpretation: a horse with one horn in a dream is a Unicorn. (Cm. )

Freud's Dream Book Horse

  • The dream "horse" according to Freud is interpreted as a symbol of a woman, ideal woman, in which both a sexual partner and a wife are perfectly combined.
  • The herd of horses in your dream says that you cannot imagine such a woman, because you have never met her in real life.
  • Why dream of riding a horse (woman) - you want to have children.
  • I dreamed of a sick horse - you are constantly worried about the health of your sexual partner and your children.

Small Velesov dream book

  • In a dream, I dreamed of a horse (horse) - an enemy, a deception.
  • Dream interpretation: buying a horse in a dream - news, hope.
  • Dream interpretation: a large horse without a tail is a dispute.
  • What is the dream of a fallen horse - ruin, decline in business.
  • Dream interpretation: seeing a black horse in a dream is trouble.
  • Dream interpretation: seeing a white horse in a dream is good luck.
  • The interpretation of the dream "white horse" (for a girl) is a wedding.

Dream interpretation of Meridian

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • I dreamed of horses running in different directions - misfortune.
  • I dreamed of a lot of horses rearing up - you have strong protection.
  • Own herd of horses in a dream why - well-being, money.
  • Riding a horse in a dream - you will be assigned to a prestigious place, work, entrusted with a responsible business.
  • Dream interpretation: a horseshoe is forged - you will reach a high position.
  • Sleep: black horse in a dream - sad events.
  • I had a dream about a white horse - joy, happiness.
  • The dream "a herd of horses grazed in the meadow" says that for some time you will be absolutely calm, there will be no sorrows or worries.
  • The dream "dead horse in a dream" predicts you hard work and meager pay.
  • The dream "thin horse in a dream" - prophesies numerous obstacles.
  • Had a dream to climb on a horse - get someone's protection.
  • I dreamed of a "beautifully saddled horse", the dream book says that this is for a good homely wife.
  • The dream of "harnessing a horse" dream book predicts that you will have to lose your beloved.
  • The dream "horse racing (hippodrome)" says that successful business will go uphill.

Dream Interpretation of Yogis

What is the dream of a horse in a dream? To the thoughts that "sit" in your head. And what kind of thoughts will the color of the horse that dreamed in a dream say? If in a dream you dreamed of a white horse, then your thoughts are pure and they lead to the Upper worlds.

Dream interpretation of psychologist Meneghetti

  • What does it mean if you dreamed about a horse - it means that you are worried about everything related to female beauty, eroticism and female vitality.
  • What a beautiful horse dreams of for a woman is a positive attitude and a healthy desire for sexual intercourse, and with one specific person.
  • If a man dreamed of a horse - an erotic orientation towards a particular woman, sexual relations and an unconscious strong attraction to her. Unfortunately, this attraction is more negative than positive, since the horse is a rebellious animal and must first be curbed and subdued before it begins to obey you.

Children's dream book

  • Dream interpretation: dreamed of a horse - symbolizes a person close to you, to whom you relate well, respect and even love.
  • I dreamed of riding a horse - a friend will offer you help, do not refuse it, it will be useful to you soon.
  • I dreamed of "the horse is eating grass", the dream book says that you will participate in a business that is profitable for you.
  • Hand-feeding a horse in a dream means that you yourself will soon be helping.

Gypsy dream book

Gypsies know everything about horses like no one else. It is not surprising that they also consider dreams about a horse carefully and anxiously:

  • Dream interpretation: interpretation of dreams "horse" is an auspicious sign.
  • Dream interpretation: riding a horse in a dream is a perfect success in business.
  • Dream interpretation: catching a horse in a dream is a false acquisition.
  • Sleep: a black horse is a rich but angry wife // loss in the house.
  • Dream interpretation: seeing a white horse is a beautiful, virtuous wife // multiplication of wealth.
  • Dream interpretation: what does a horse with a temper mean - an obstacle, confusion in business.
  • Dream interpretation: shoeing a horse's hoof is hard work.
  • Why dream of a herd of running horses at large - happy times are coming, your desires will come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: ride a horse - if there were other riders nearby, then to profit; if surrounded by ladies, then treason.
  • Dream interpretation: another person is riding a horse - you will learn about the infidelity of your spouse.
  • Dream interpretation: bushy tail of a horse in a dream - friends will provide you with significant help, successful affairs, a happy marriage.
  • Dream interpretation: riding a calm calm horse is fun and well-being.
  • Dream interpretation: buying a horse in a dream is new good news.
  • Dream interpretation: horses in harness in a dream - the state of your affairs is good.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Miller's Dream Book Horse

Why is the horse dreaming? Miller's dream book does not distinguish between a horse and a horse and interprets it as a single dream, so if in a dream you saw a horse, then this is almost the same as a horse. So, what is the dream of a horse according to Miller:

  • Sleep: horses are beautiful, healthy - success and well-being.
  • Riding a black horse in a dream - if you dreamed of riding a black horse - you will go for a long time towards your intended goal, and then you realize that it is unnecessary.
  • Miller's dream book: a white horse to ride on it - to ride a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign - promising the strength of friendly ties.
  • Seeing the run of brown horses in a dream - favorable unexpected circumstances will be replaced by worse ones. Also, brown running horses in a dream mean your superficial hobbies.
  • Dream interpretation: why are dirty horses removed - deception and envy of people to whom you have entrusted yourself.
  • spotted horses - Seeing horses in apples in a dream is a profitable business that you recently started.
  • Dream interpretation: to ride a beautiful chestnut horse - dream interpretation: to ride a chestnut horse is the satisfaction of your desires.
  • Why dream of riding a horse (woman) - take courage and refuse an annoying and unpleasant admirer.
  • Why dream of riding a chestnut horse (woman) - get financial help.
  • Dream Interpretation: a herd of horses and my horse joins it - get news of someone's terrible disease.
  • I dreamed of riding a horse across the stream in a dream - great luck awaits.
  • I dreamed of jumping into the water on a horse in a dream - if the water was clean and transparent - success in business, good luck.
  • To dream of a horse in muddy and dirty water is a failure in business, misfortune, sadness. (Cm. )
  • Dream interpretation: riding a horse in a dream that constantly kicks - various difficulties on the way to success.
  • Dream interpretation: dead horse - sad news.
  • Dream Interpretation: a mad horse to pacify it - sharp, successful changes in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: the horse hits the back with a hoof - you have some hidden opponents, enemies, competitors, expect a trick from them.
  • Seeing in a dream a white horse, perfectly shod (for a man) - your success will amaze not only those around you, but also yourself.
  • See a white horse in a dreamsavvy (woman) - meet a reliable man for life.
  • Sleep: a rider on a horse at the races - a prosperous future life.
  • Dream: shoe the horse yourself - you will acquire property in a rather dubious way.
  • To ride a horse without a saddle in a dream, which means that you will earn your well-being in a difficult struggle, but reliable friends will help you.
  • Why dream of riding a horse among female riders - your independence, your future desires are uncertain.
  • Why dream of seeing a horsecleaning it with a scraper is hard work, great trials will lead to honor and solid stable well-being.
  • The mane of a horse is a dream book - if it is beautiful and well-groomed - for writers the most prosperous dream.
  • I dreamed of decorating a horse's mane in a dream - the best dream for peasants and business people.
  • Seeing harnessed horses in a dreamin the dream book crew - on the way to your happiness you will have to overcome some difficulties.
  • Why dream of riding a horse up a steep mountain - you will achieve a truly strong position in society or at work. If you had to climb to the very top of the mountain on foot because the horse is tired, the price of this position will be too high. Why dream of going downhill on a horse - failure. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed about a black horse and I was a rider on it (a girl) - an unexpected case that will help fulfill one cherished desire, it is also possible to meet a wise interlocutor.
  • I dreamed of a horse, I am riding and beloved from behind - you will enjoy success with gentlemen who will be respectable and respectable people.
  • Dream interpretation: the girl on the horse was scared - the jealousy of a loved one.
  • Had a dream of jumping off a horse that instantly turned into a pig - you will recklessly and stupidly reject all marriage proposals. Left alone, you will regret it bitterly.
  • A black horse is behind, in front of a white horse in a dream what is the dream - a period of alternation of "white" and "black" stripes in life.
  • I had a dream: a girl on a white horse, and behind a man on a black horse - constant anxiety about some very important business for you, fear that a "white" lucky streak will alternate with a "black" unlucky one.
  • A horse flew in the sky, a dream book, and then fell to the ground - a serious failure, unjustified expectations, an unfulfilled dream. An unsuccessful desire to take control of everything and somehow fix this state of affairs.
  • I dreamed of a dry pasture with hungry horses - friends will be poor, but devoted.
  • I dreamed of a hungry horse in a dry meadow (for a girl) - a harbinger of a happy marriage.
  • Dream interpretation: many horses were sold at the bazaar - material gain in a very risky enterprise, as they say: "the game is worth the candle."
  • Dream interpretation: a merchant gave a horse for free - a loss.
  • Sleep: a sick horse left, and a healthy one came - great luck.
  • I dreamed of selling a sick horse, and leaving a good one for myself - great luck.

Islamic dream book Horse (Muslim dream book Horses)

Why is the horse dreaming? The Islamic dream book gives a very detailed answer. Everyone knows that in Muslim countries there is a special reverent attitude towards horses. Therefore, they see horses in a dream quite often and interpret these dreams carefully, considering every little thing and every action that the dreamer performs in a dream. Another nuance: all dreams about a horse are interpreted exclusively for men:

  • Dream interpretation: a horse's tail is long in a dream - there will be many followers in life.
  • I dreamed of a short horse tail as a cropped one - no one will follow in your footsteps.
  • In a dream, I dreamed of a horse with wings - if you sat on it and prayed, you will receive honor in this world, and when you die, you will be honored with all respect.
  • What does it mean in a dream: to buy a horse - you will gain good and good, defeat your enemies.
  • Sitting astride a horse in a dream is greatness, high position and wealth.
  • Dream interpretation: sitting on a horse behind another - with the help of this person, the dreamer will become a great person or his governor (noib).
  • "A horse laden with bags" interpretation of the dream book is as follows: greatness to the one to whom she approaches in a dream.
  • To dream of a herd of running horses in an aul or a city - long rains.
  • Dream interpretation: saddle a horse in a dream - you will comprehend joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: a horse whinnied in a dream - symbolizes the authority and speech of a noble person.
  • I dreamed of a talking horse in a dream book - you need to understand the words spoken by a horse in a dream literally, the animal cannot deceive, it speaks exclusively the truth.
  • Why is a red horse dreaming - meet a rich and very beautiful woman.
  • Islamic dream book: what is the dream of a black horse for - to meet a religious pious woman.
  • What is the dream of a gray horse - a pious domestic woman you will meet on the way.
  • Muslim dream book: what a white horse dreams of - to joy and good energy.
  • Why do I dream: a horse comes into my house - to the guests.
  • What is the dream of a horse lying in the dust - a symbol of wealth.
  • Dreamed of a horse bitten - your wife is cheating on you.
  • Why does the death of a horse dream - the imminent death of his wife.
  • Seeing riding a horse in a dream is a long journey.
  • Dream Interpretation: Riding a horse without a saddle in a dream - commit a great sin in reality, as you sat in a dream on an unprepared, unprepared horse.
  • In a dream to fly a horse, a dream book - move with the whole family to more favorable housing.
  • To see a horse running away in a dream and not be able to hold it - in life, your wife commands you.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

The dream "a horse harnessed to a cart laden" says to a woman: do not take on a lot of responsibilities at once, share your problems with your spouse, colleague.

What is a galloping horse dreaming of? To the fact that you need to pay attention to your appearance.

Erotic dream book (Love dream book Horse)

  • Seeing a horse in a dream is considered a love dream book as a symbol of femininity, grace, female sexuality. The love dream book examines the appearance of a horse in a dream separately. If beautiful, graceful or prancing, then you are beautiful in sex. If the horse was sick, exhausted, emaciated, then draw appropriate conclusions about your sex life.
  • Why dream of a herd of horses (woman and man) - exhausting love relationship will lead to physical overwork, you will simply be oversaturated with this love.
  • Wash a horse in a dream (for a married woman) - you want your sexual partner to see you as a person first, and then as an object of desires.
  • Why is a horse dreaming (for a young woman) - if in a dream you cleaned or washed a horse, then such a dream speaks of the betrayal of a lover.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova Horse

  • A horse in a dream is fate, hope.
  • Dream interpretation: dreamed of a white horse - hopes, arrangement of various affairs.
  • Dream interpretation: what is the dream of a white horse (girl) for - a wedding.
  • Dream interpretation: getting off a horse in a dream - you will either lose your place at work or your position in society.
  • Dream interpretation: horseback riding - your hopes will come true.
  • Sleep: two horses - the different directions of your interests. If the horses were of different colors - a diversified nature.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • A horse in a dream, which means - hear a lie in your address.
  • Dream interpretation: the horse reared up - a quarrel.
  • In a dream, a lying horse is a dream book - if it does not sleep, but has fallen, then to ruin.
  • In a dream, leading a horse by the bridle is a danger.
  • Why dream of a dead horse or horse - move to live in the countryside.
  • Dream interpretation: seeing a white horse in a dream is a successful case.
  • Dream interpretation: bay horse dreamed of - meet a person who will become a good friend.
  • Dream interpretation: beautiful black horse - trouble.
  • I dreamed of buying a horse dream book - news, news.
  • The dream of "buying racehorses" for a man means saying that you are "picking up a run" at work, there will be an expansion of the company, more orders, etc.
  • Why dream of riding a horse - if she was meek, then to family happiness.
  • Riding a horse in a dream - you will experience joy.
  • Catching, but not catching, a horse in a dream is a loss.
  • Seeing a horse in a dream, not a horse - you will be in a hospitable home.
  • Dream interpretation: a sleigh with a horse raced at full speed - a difficult matter and completely useless.
  • Why do you dream of riding a horse - if it was not you who drove, but you just watched, then to changes in your personal, and maybe in business life.
  • What is the dream of a horse (man) for - a good auspicious dream.
  • In a dream, falling from a horse under the hooves is a terrible sign - a tragic blow.
  • Saddle a horse in a dream - get ready in reality for a long trip.
  • What a dancing horse dreams of is trouble.
  • Sleep: a horse in the house is happiness. (Cm. )
  • What is the dream of a horse with a sleigh full of values ​​- you will lose your place.
  • Dream interpretation: horse bite in a dream - you will advance in the service.
  • Why dream of riding a horse without a goal, back and forth - things related to literature or art.
  • Dream interpretation: why dream of a herd of horses - troubles will go away, calm comes.
  • Dream interpretation: a man on a horse drove into the house (for a girl) - an early engagement.
  • Dream interpretation: milking a horse in a dream - a change in business.
  • The dream "a herd of running horses" is an auspicious sign: a woman - peace in the house, a man - a lot of money, a girl - marriage.
  • I dreamed of a horse with a foal (man) - longing for his beloved.
  • The dream "a horse and a foal frolicked and jumped" speaks of pleasure, fulfillment of desire.
  • Seeing a horse with a foal in a dream and feeding it from your hand - make peace with those with whom you are currently in a quarrel.
  • To dream of a stable with racehorses is good luck in business, success at work, happiness in the house.
  • In a dream, to see a stable with dirty, tired horses is exhausting work.
  • I dreamed about two horses - you develop harmoniously and versatile.
  • The three horses are dreaming in a dream book - in reality, because of momentary pleasure or even bliss, you will have to pay for a long time.
  • Horse riding dream book (for a woman) - if you were rolled in a dream on a dashing troika, then in reality, because of coquetry, you will miss your real happiness.

Psychoanalytic dream book

I dreamed about a horse - vital and sexual energy... In a dream, a weakened or dying horse is a weakening of the dynamics that can carry a person forward. It is important in such a dream to know the reason for the weakening of the horse, this may be a hint for real life: what in reality will stop you, make you stand in a stopper or enter a period of stagnation. I dreamed of a winged horse - a poetic image - an unconscious instinct that allows you to live spiritually, see good in everything and live by inspiration.

Dream interpretation of the healer Fedorovskaya

Dream interpretation: what does a horse mean in a dream - deception, lie.

Dream interpretation: beautiful white horse - to the deceased, mourning.

Wanderer's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see a horse in a dream - symbolizes your destiny, vitality, the course of business.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of "white horses dreamed" will be as follows - love, marriage, marriage.
  • I dreamed of a herd of horses for what it is - to the fact that great forces are involved in your destiny.
  • To see dead horses in a dream - go to live in the village.
  • Sleep: a horse with wings - creativity, extraordinary luck.

French dream book

  • The dream "horse" is a good omen.
  • I dreamed that I was riding a horse - a particularly auspicious dream.
  • Seeing horses running in a dream is a good sign - your plan, a plan that has been hatched for a single year, will come true.
  • Curbing a horse in a dream is a success in official affairs, show dignity and courage.
  • What is the dream of a lame horse - the obstacles will be temporary.
  • Why dream of a luxurious team of horses - stable position, good reputation, consistently high earnings.
  • White horse interpretation from a dream book is a joyful event, a meeting with an important person, a wedding.
  • Dream interpretation: to see a black horse in a dream - temporary difficulties, sorrows and worries.
  • What does it mean if a red horse is dreaming in a dream - a lot of worries and troubles.
  • Dream interpretation: watering a horse with water means recovery for a sick person, healthy and further good health.
  • Dreamed of a horse bit the bit in a dream - an unkind sign - you will survive defeat.

Lunar dream book

Dream interpretation: to see a horse in a dream - the dula will settle down in a favorable way.

In a dream, getting off a horse means losing your position at work.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea

  • Dream interpretation: dreamed of a horse in a dream - your sensual aspirations, and desires interact with sexual needs.
  • Dream interpretation: beautiful horses in a dream - a creative upsurge, a surge of vitality, inspiration, success in love, in creativity.
  • Dream interpretation: sitting on a horse astride a saddle - a risky situation is under your control.
  • What does it mean to see a horse in a dream, frozen (nag) - failure in business.
  • Dream interpretation: riding a horse in a dream - in the near future, after seeing a dream, you will emerge victorious from any situation.

Assyrian dream book

Dream Interpretation: the horses of the horse went to meet - a defender and even a savior will appear.

Dream interpretation: horse meat in a dream is a shame in court.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

  • Seeing a horse in a dream means deception, illness.
  • Sleep: horses run on the races (hippodrome, horse races) - things will be successful.
  • Why are horses running in different directions in a dream - misfortune.
  • I dreamed of a mad horse in a dream - misfortune.
  • I dreamed of a horse rearing up - you have great protection.
  • What does it mean to see your own horse in a dream - if in reality you have never been the owner of a horse, then to well-being.
  • Why dream of riding a horse - get a promotion.
  • Which means, when a horse is shod in a dream, you will reach a high position.
  • Sleep: black horse which means sadness.
  • What does a white horse mean in a dream - joy and happiness.
  • Sleep: there are a lot of horses in the pasture - you are now entering the most peaceful period of your life, without anxiety and sadness.
  • Dream interpretation: a sick horse - hard work and meager pay.
  • Sleep: the gray horse is thin - numerous obstacles.
  • Sitting on a horse in a dream - get someone's protection.
  • Sleep: riding a horse beautifully saddled (for a man) - a good homely wife.
  • To see a black horse in a dream is harnessed (to a man) - the loss of a loved one.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing a horse from afar is a trap, you are suspected of a bad deed and they want to lure you into the nets that have already been placed.
  • Sleep: riding a horse - they want to take revenge on you for something.
  • Why is a dead horse dreaming about - you will get away from punishment, although even so you consider them unfair to you. Attention: if you know for sure that a dead horse, and not a horse, then the above interpretation is correct, and if this is a dead horse, then there is a completely different explanation and it must be considered from the side of the horse.

Persian dream book Taflisi

  • Why dream of saddling a horse or horse - taking off through the career ladder, fame, wealth.
  • Sleep: a team of horses in disarray - soon your status will drop.
  • Dream interpretation: riding a horse without a saddle - you will commit big sins.
  • Dream interpretation: white horse horse (girl) - an early marriage to a noble rich man.
  • Seeing a black horse in a dream(to a girl) - marriage to an ordinary person.
  • The meaning of a piebald horse's sleep (for a girl) is marriage to a mestizo, his parents will be of different religions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a horse bites in a dream why (a woman) dreams - the spouse has secrets.
  • I dreamed that I drove two horses - you will greatly let down because of your haste the people you will need in the future and you were counting on their help.
  • If you dreamed about a horse or a horse dragging me along, you will get wealth, solid money.
  • I dreamed of talking to a horse in a dream - your act that you do very soon will amaze all the people around you to the very depths of your soul.
  • Dream interpretation: a horse with a foal (for a woman) - a strong baby will be born.
  • In a dream, losing a horse means divorce.
  • Dream interpreter: a horse was stolen in a dream - an unfavorable sign - the loss of a husband or his death, or a final break in relations.

Female dream book Horses

  • What is the dream of a horse for a woman in a dream book - success, an increase in wages.
  • What a sick horse dreams of is deception and envy of the one you trusted.
  • Sleep: a wounded horse is sad news.
  • Dream interpretation: the horse has died - you will receive terrible news.
  • Dream interpretation: ride a white horse in a dream - good sign- there will be a joyful meeting with people close to you or with a good reliable friend.
  • Seeing black horses in a dream - when you finish things, you will understand their uselessness.
  • Seeing a horse in apples in a dream is a future benefit in your current affairs.
  • Seeing yourself on a horse riding a horse that constantly kicks in a dream is a lot of obstacles and difficulties on the way to completing the business you have begun.
  • Sleep: the horse kicked - illness or enemy.
  • Why dream of leading a horse by the bridle - abrupt favorable changes in life.
  • I dreamed that I was riding a horse at the races - well-being and good luck in business.

Explanatory dream book

  • What does it mean to see a white horse in a dream - things will be settled, everything is fine.
  • What does it mean if you dream of a black horse - trouble.
  • Why dream of a mad horse beats with a hoof - a quarrel, a scandal.
  • Dream interpretation: killed horse - if the horse was killed and it fell in front of you, then to ruin.
  • What is the dream of a dead horse on the road - moving to the countryside. (cm. )
  • Buy a horse in a dream - get news. Based on what kind of horse you bought, there will be such news.
  • Why dream of a ride on horses of meek - happiness in family life.

Modern dream book

Women's dream book

Folklore dream book

What is the dream of a horse for a man who stumbles - failure in business.

Dream interpretation of the healer Akulina

What a horse is dreaming of - successful deeds, loyal friends.

Star dream book

  • Why does a girl dream of a horse - a symbol of a partner, friend, beloved - what was the horse in a dream, what she did, so is your friend.
  • Dream interpretation: riding in a carriage with horses is a successful business, a profitable enterprise.
  • Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of a black horse - a symbol of a hidden enemy, an implicit competitor - the appearance of a horse seen in a dream will indicate the state of your enemy, whether he is strong or powerless in front of you, can harm you or not.
  • Dream interpretation: interpretation dreamed of white horses - a symbol of openness, honest relationships.

Home dream book

  • Dream interpretation: wild horse - vital unbridled energy, passion.
  • Seeing a beautiful horse in a dream is an abundance of vitality.
  • Dream Interpretation: what horses are dreaming of, many beautiful horses in a dream - success.

Jewish dream book

  • What does a dream about horses mean - deception and illness.
  • I dreamed of a horse without legs or a lame horse in a dream - sorrow, misfortune.
  • Why dream of galloping on horseback - ruin the whole thing with your impatience.
  • Why dream of a black white horsespeck - get good news, which will soon turn out to be false.
  • What is the dream of a horse and a dog or a horse with a dog's head in a dream - the mood will soon improve, well-being, too, the patient will recover.

Big dream book

  • Sleep: white horses herd herd - things will be arranged in the best way for you, joy and happiness.
  • Sonic: dreaming of a black horseblack - troubles, sorrows, outwardly you seem to be a happy and joyful person, but inside you feel dissatisfaction with yourself and your affairs.
  • I dreamed about a red horse kauray - your success will abruptly change to failure, and favorable circumstances with worse consequences, and vice versa.
  • To dream of a red horse with a black tail (bay) - all your desires, material gain, success in business will come true.
  • Seeing a two-legged horse in a dream - a dream book: a two-legged horse in a dream - will have high confidence and honor.
  • Seeing a shod horse in a dream is a dream book: a shod horse in a dream - success will surpass your wildest expectations and hopes.
  • Seeing a horse in a pony dream - Dream Interpretation: a pony horse in a dream - unfavorable circumstances will immediately go into the hands of your enemy, a competitor.
  • Why dream a lot beautiful horses thoroughbred - things at work and at home will change for the better.
  • What is the dream of a young horse pacer - choose the wrong path, from which you will not be able to get off.
  • Why dream of a jumping horse, kicking - Dream Interpretation: a jumping horse kicking in a dream - many obstacles and difficulties.
  • A horse that is lying in a dream, what does it mean, is a serious test, perhaps it will be further aggravated by a serious illness.
  • Sleep: the horse falls at full gallop - the final ruin, need, poverty.
  • I dreamed of a dead horse - hard work away from home in the village.
  • I dreamed of a dying thin horse - you will live or are already living with a person who has the opposite character to you.
  • I dreamed of riding a horse saddled - a good husband, a happy family.
  • Why are running brown horses dreaming - an accident.
  • Why dream of a herd of brown horses - at an evening party in your new dress (suit) you will cause a real sensation
  • Dream interpretation: why horses dream a lotgraze in the meadow - a serene life close to wild nature.
  • I dreamed of a mad horse - you are now surrounded by luxury that will ruin your character, you will become arrogant / arrogant and arrogant / arrogant.
  • Dream interpretation: horses in a stall in a dream - serious health problems will be if you do not take it now.
  • I dreamed of feeding a horse and caring for it - you will have to pass a test of endurance and endurance.
  • If you dreamed of taming a wild horse, a horse - show amazing courage in an extreme situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: to go around horses in a dream - you will soon master the specialty, which will then turn out to be your main one.
  • Riding a horse in a dream - gradually you will gain authority and you will strengthen your position.
  • Why dream of riding a horse across the river - good luck if the water in the river was clear, and failure if it was dirty.
  • Sleep: to swim across the sea on a horse, and then slip off your back and swim on your own - annoying inconsistencies can frustrate the matter.
  • I dreamed that I was riding a horse uphill - a high position will be achieved by hard work.
  • If you dreamed of jumping over cliffs on a horse, a thoughtless decision would threaten you with the loss of your own health.
  • Dream interpretation: riding a cart with a horse will carry you, but only in small things.
  • Sleep: the horse sleigh is racing - soon there will be an opportunity to open all your abilities and apply all your knowledge. Success and professional growth.
  • Sleep: harnessing a horse in a dream - losing a loved one.
  • Sleep: unharness the horse - you are oppressed by an uncertain position, this state will last for a long time, but everything will be resolved for the better.
  • Why dream of a harnessed horse in a gorgeous harness - the fulfillment of all your desires.
  • In a dream, a couple of horses are harnessed to a tattered old harness - your hasty hasty decisions and actions will not lead to anything good.
  • Had a dream "decorate the horse's tail and mane with a bow" - if you are busy with creativity, literature or writing, this is the most favorable sign for you.
  • I dreamed of a horse with a mane to the ground - a dream "the horse's mane to the ground" - you will be greatly offended by a loved one.
  • I dreamed of a short, cropped horse tail - unfortunately, all the best is behind you.
  • In a dream, to have your own horse - an unpleasant business will end happily.
  • In a dream, watching horse races at the hippodrome - you will be lucky in cards, at bets or in other gambling games.
  • I dreamed of "bargaining with a horse breeder about the price of a horse" - a risky venture will bring a good profit. If you bought a thoroughbred horse for cheap, you will incur losses. If you paid dearly for a bad horse - unexpected money in the form of a find or a bonus.

Magic dream book

  • Why dream of a herd of horses and cows - if you dreamed of a herd of horses mixed with cows grazing in the field - hard work, diligence, work, deeds.
  • I dreamed with long mane the horse is ambition.
  • Why is a beautiful white horse (girl) dreaming - an imminent marriage, a wedding.
  • The dream "circus horse" is a dream to say that you are selfish by nature.
  • Why do you dream of riding a horse - you are successfully using other people's labor.
  • Why do black horses dream in a dream - desires will not be fulfilled soon.
  • In a dream, horses in apples are profitable business.
  • I dreamed of a black horse - you are under the protection of powerful people.

Horse for a man:

  • Dream interpretation: dreamed of a white horse (man) - you will be right.
  • Dreamed of horses frolicking in the pasture - love affair on the side.
  • The man dreamed of a horse rearing up - something that had been waiting for a long time to finally come true.
  • Dream interpretation: feeding a horse from your hand - you will invest money in the business.
  • Dream interpretation: shoe a horse - get a stable high position.
  • Dream interpretation: harness a horse - you will lose your beloved.
  • A beautiful horse in a dream, festively decorated - you will be proud of your wife.
  • In a dream, horses grazing in the meadow - you will be free from anxiety for some time after seeing a dream.
  • In a dream, a thin, emaciated horse is for what - for hard exhausting work a meager pay.

Eastern dream book in Feng Shui

  • Dream Interpretation: a man on a horse - if it was you, to fame, money, success.
  • Dreamed of a beautiful horsewith an expensive blanket - a rich life.
  • Falling off a horse in a dream - you will be demoted in the service.
  • To water a horse in a dream is a demotion in service.
  • If you are sick and saw a horse in a dream - to recovery.

Old dream book

A horse in a dream symbolizes different sides of your life. such dreams are interpreted based on what the horse was like in your dream, what it did and what you did. All these minor details will help to reveal the meaning of the appearance of this dream:

English dream book

A strong clever horse has always been a friend of man and his great helper. A hardy horse, galloping, carrying luggage, harnessed to carriages and carts from time immemorial, in all legends, myths and stories, has been a symbol of travel and movement. Let's look at dreams about a horse:

  • Dream Interpretation: a horse with a cart in a dream is a symbol of the movement of your life, the course of affairs and everything that happens around. If we drove calmly without problems, then everything is fine in life. If we drove over bumps, broke down or stopped for repairs, then there will be obstacles in life, stagnation in business and problems.
  • The dream "to ride in a cart with a horse" says that if you were traveling alone, then the dream indicates that you are trying to do everything alone, do not listen to other people's opinions and advice.
  • The dream "riding a horse alone" means your desire for power or sexual impulses.

Dream interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream interpretation online Horses

  • What does it mean to see a horse in a dream - energy, life path, promotion at work, career, family life. The dream is interpreted according to the appearance and actions of the horse in your dream.
  • Why dream of a horse in the distance - successful affairs, a calm family life.
  • Stroking a white horse in a dream is a very auspicious dream - successful business, harmonious relationships, a happy family.
  • I dreamed of a red horse in a dream book - doubts, distrust, minor chores.
  • A brown horse in a dream which means - Dream Interpretation: what is a brown horse dreaming of - friends, dreams about children, about family.
  • Dream interpretation online black horse - bad dream - failure, failure, misfortune.
  • Why dream of hand-feeding a horse - investing in a profitable business.
  • Why dream of watering a horse (woman) - heal about the disease.
  • What is the dream of a dying horse - Dream Interpretation: a dying horse in a dream - stagnation in business, lack of money.
  • Why dream of killing a horse - Dream Interpretation: to kill a horse in a dream - you yourself will become the cause of bad events.
  • Seeing killed horses in a dream means moving closer to nature, possibly living in a village.
  • What is the dream of a flying horse - Dream Interpretation: a flying horse in a dream - success in creative affairs, good luck presented by fate itself.
  • Horses in the sky are a dream - success will surprise even you and surpass all your dreams.
  • Pregnant horse dream book - seeing a pregnant horse in a dream means changes will occur in your life, thanks to a new person who will help and support you.
  • A horse gives birth to a dream book - a good kind person will appear in your life.
  • Why dream of a horse giving birth to a foal - if during childbirth you saw a healthy foal - a patron, friend and just good man will appear from day to day.
  • Dream Interpretation: to save a horse in a dream - to save a horse in a dream means to load, take all the worries on yourself, overwork, exhaustion.
  • Dream Interpretation: to lead a horse by the bridle in a dream - to take control of affairs, to be at the head of business.
  • Why dream of a horse in blood - Dream Interpretation: a horse in blood in a dream - a blood relative will be fine.
  • Dream Interpretation: horse little pony in a dream - your enemies will immediately use all your unfavorable business circumstances against you.
  • I dreamed of a big horse - the patronage or help of a respectable person.
  • Dream interpretation: horses bathe in a dream - great tests, a test of strength.
  • Dream Interpretation: 2 horses - to see two horses in a dream means that you are developing both spiritually and physically, you have a diverse personality development.
  • Dream interpretation: hugging a horse is a meeting with a good friend, you have not seen him for many years, an opportunity to start a common business.
  • Dream Interpretation: the horse has been hit - you yourself will ruin your business at work or your personal life with your own hands.
  • In a dream, a horse struck - the disease will be strong, but curable, enemies, heavy obstacles.
  • Sleep: a horse in an apartment - if you dreamed about a horse in an apartment, then this means great happiness.
  • Why dream about a horse bite on the hand - Dream Interpretation: a horse bites a hand - moving up the career ladder.
  • Dream interpretation: kissing a horse is a romantic date with a beloved person.
  • Dream Interpretation: the birth of a horse - a friend or patron will appear in life who will help in difficult times and support you.
  • Why are falling horses dreaming - you are on the verge of poverty, ruin, bankruptcy.
  • What does it mean to run away from a horse in a dream - if a horse is chasing you in a dream, then such a dream speaks of near misfortune.
  • Chasing a horse (girl) in a dream is an unpleasant engagement.
  • The dream "three horses" says that soon there will be an opportunity to demonstrate their intelligence, skill and professionalism.
  • Dream "horse" of a pregnant woman dreams of good childbirth, and the child will be happy during life.
  • To control a horse in a dream is to take the reign of affairs into your own hands, to be at the head of it.
  • Looking for a horse in a dream is an unfavorable dream - a family is on the verge of collapse, business is on the verge of failure, business is on the verge of ruin.
  • Sleep "falling off a horse" - an unfavorable dream - a decline in business, failure, failure, loss.
  • To dream of a horse hammering its hooves is unforeseen obstacles and problems that you will have to urgently solve.
  • To receive a horse in a dream as a gift - fate will present you with a gift that will be the most important in your life.
  • Seeing horses in a corral in a dream is a warning dream - if you dreamed of horses in a corral, then the dream warns you that there will soon be serious health problems. Therefore, go to the doctor, go through a full examination before it is too late.
  • The dream "horse head" says that if you dreamed about the head of a horse, then be more selective when choosing friends and occupation.
  • What is the dream of a rider on a horse - Dream: a man on a horse - you will achieve success thanks to someone's help.
  • What to see a wolf horse in a dream - success will be overshadowed by the stupid tricks of your friends or colleagues, material gain is overshadowed by the distribution of debts, etc. (Cm. )
  • In a dream, I dreamed of a white horse and angels - the most favorable dream of all possible - happiness, protection, tranquility. (Cm. )
  • Seeing the constellation of a horse in a dream is strong support, patronage, serious help in difficult times, tremendous success.
  • I had a dream that an elephant ate a horse - a consistently successful business will bring a stable good income.
  • What is the dream of a cheerful horse - Dream Interpretation: what is a good horse in a dream - to cheerful events, cheerful children, a happy family life.
  • Why do bathing horses dream - if the horses bathed in a transparent clean water- a very auspicious dream; if in a dirty and muddy - an unfavorable dream. (Cm. )
  • Seeing a horse with a cart in a dream - if you dreamed of a horse with a cart, then the dream says that things will go slowly, but purposefully, the income is stable.

Dream Interpretation of Vanga Horses

  • Why do horses dream? Vanga's dream book interprets this dream as an early resolution of problems at home and in the family.
  • Why does a woman dream of a horse? Dream Interpretation Wangi says that such a dream predicts the dreamer a quiet, happy family life.
  • Why does a woman dream of a gray horse? Wanga says that it makes no difference which horse was black, bay, red or gray in a dream, with one exception: a white horse.
  • According to Vanga, a white horse is interpreted as complete happiness, fame, wealth and a wonderful peaceful family life.
  • Vanga's dream book "the horse turned the car over in a dream" interprets it as stopping activity, disrupting the trip, stagnation in business.


A dream about a horse is one of the dreams that is interpreted in a rather complicated way, and most importantly, it is versatile. It all depends on the details seen in the dream: what color the horse was, whether it was tamed or wild, calm or furious, ran freely across the field or stood in a stall. Also, the interpretation of the dream depends on what she did in your dream and what you did. Therefore, after reading all the interpretations, you can find the one that most closely matches your dream.

The most detailed description: "horse with wings dream book" - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

With a foal

A dream in which you have to see a white horse with a foal- promises pleasant and happy events in life. Career growth, respect from superiors and honor among colleagues are possible. Financial well-being will significantly improve, and the money issue will no longer bother the dreamer. Often, such a vision speaks of a replenishment in the family.

To see a playful foal galloping next to a horse - to a joyful and pleasant pastime... Coming grandiose holidays or celebrations, meetings with friends and sincere gatherings in a friendly company.

If a mare feeds a foal in a dream, it means that in reality the dreamer will be able to secure respect and a worthy position in society, achieve independence and material wealth.

The interpretation of a dream in which a stately well-groomed horse enters the house - portends a meeting with a loved one and an early wedding. Family life in this case, it is seen as joyful and auspicious.

In general, the appearance of a horse in the house symbolizes in reality a happy and cloudless future, health and well-being of all family members.

With wings

Snow white horse with wings Is a good sign. As you know, pegasus - the favorite of the muses in ancient Greek mythology - is directly related to creativity and inspiration. The appearance of a winged horse in a dream predicts inspiration, a surge of vitality and creative success.

If the pegasus tries to cover the dreamer with its wings- perhaps a serious danger threatens, from which it will be possible to escape by a miracle. Therefore, you should be careful on the street and careful while driving.

Battered white horse

Many dream books interpret this image as a loss of contact with family or loved ones. Moreover, this can happen due to the carelessness and carelessness of the dreamer himself.

Another opinion says that news will come from afar - sad and unpleasant. Perhaps in reality, due to sad thoughts, a person will lose vitality, and this will entail discord in business.

If the beaten horse is also thin and exhausted- such a dream will not bring anything good. Perhaps a dishonorable new acquaintance will appear, or one of the old friends hatches insidious plans against the dreamer.

On this score, there are conflicting opinions in many dream books. Some sources believe that a white horse in water is a dream to the implementation of all plans at work and in the family... But it is worth paying attention to the purity of the water.

If the reservoir is clean, the water in a dream is transparent, and in it you can see the body of the animal well - success in business is guaranteed. A if the horse is swimming in muddy water - the dreamer's grandiose plans will turn into trouble and will not bring the desired result.

Why does a horse dream in a dream?

Most dream books consider this image to be positive for the dreamer. However, the accuracy of interpretation will depend on many nuances. Why is a horse dreaming in a dream? Let us consider in detail the meaning of a horse in different dreams.

Popular interpretation

A beautiful horse in a dream is a symbol of good luck in life, overcoming obstacles of any complexity. The image of a graceful horse represents power and strength, courage and bravery. What plots can be seen in a dream with a horse in the lead role?

  • see a lonely horse;
  • see a herd of horses;
  • graze horses in the meadow;
  • color of the horse's suit;
  • the size of the animal;
  • ride a horse;
  • animal attack.

See a lonely handsome stallion in a dream - to sensual pleasures, romance in love, the beauty of relationships. A beautiful horse symbolizes high vitality, high self-esteem and success in love.

Herd of horses symbolizes the power of energy. If the herd is quietly grazing in the meadow, it means that your energy is still not enough to accomplish your plan. The right time has not come, do not rush things.

The herd rushes through a meadow or road - events await you that will literally confuse you. You will not be able to control the situation. A rushing herd of horses can express strong emotions experienced the day before in connection with the events that have occurred.

If a woman sees a stallion, it portends the appearance of a man in her life. The character of the stallion will tell about the character of the new boyfriend - obstinate, docile, uncontrollable, meek, tame.

See pony in a dream- you do not have enough patience. Moderate ambition, moderate ardor. However, a pony in a dream of an insecure person symbolizes a lack of self-esteem. Don't be afraid to express your feelings, share your thoughts. Be bright, ignite those around you with enthusiasm - and fate will smile at you.

Unnatural huge horse symbolizes the priority of feelings over reason. The dreamer is led through life by emotions, because of which he is not able to adequately perceive the events taking place. Take control of your emotions, otherwise you can make many stupid mistakes: then you will regret what you did.

The image of a giant horse advises emotionally withdrawn people to think about their life: are there many happy moments in it? If you consciously repress your emotions, it can lead to stress and depression. Allow emotional waves to spill out, do not hold them back by force. Don't suppress your feelings.

Horse color

Why dream White horse? The white horse in Celtic mythology is called the Unicorn. If you happen to see a Unicorn in a dream, it symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and the transition to a new spiritual level.

In everyday life, a white stallion or mare denotes success in endeavors and a white streak in life. A white horse symbolizes the fulfillment of desires, and a horse with wings is the patronage of heaven. Faith is not important here: the dreamer is protected by higher powers.

Why dream black horse? This image can express the awakening of animal instincts and the image of death. The black horse is a symbol of the uncontrollability of the situation, a fatal coincidence of circumstances. If they saw a rider on a black horse, this portends bad news. Impulsive natures should keep passions to themselves: they will not lead to good.

Knight of red suit expresses unfulfilled carnal passion. The fire of desires burns the dreamer from the inside, does not give rest. Otherwise, a red horse can be a symbol of an eternally unsatisfied desire: a person strives for the unattainable and suffers from his dreams.

Knight of the golden suit in a dream symbolizes creative work. The time has come for the successful implementation of the plans, the successful start of a business or project. Everything that you have in mind will come true. Not without difficulty, of course.

Knight of blue suit or purple color symbolizes the spiritual growth of the dreamer. This image shows the priority of intuition over reason, the ability to penetrate with consciousness into the secrets of being and see inaccessible to the eyes.

The blue horse indicates an esoteric direction in life. However, for people with an unstable psyche, this image recommends paying attention to their nervous system, an ascetic lifestyle can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Knight of gray suit expresses despondency and boredom. However, wool with a silvery sheen is a symbol of a successful start of business: the dreamer will have enough energy and knowledge to start a conceived project. Do not give in to doubts and despondency: you will succeed.

Running horses

Horses are racing along the road- the dreamer experiences a surge of strength to accomplish his plan. However, the excess energy must be learned to manage, to keep in check. The herd is fleeing - postpone making decisions, now is not the time to direct energy to implement your plans.

The herd is heading towards the goal- Feel free to get down to business, success awaits you. Perhaps the dreamer is waiting for an invitation to a new job - agree, but do not dissipate your strength. Keep your emotions in check.

Saddle a horse and ride it - you are in complete control of your life, in control of the situation. Keep moving in the intended direction, luck awaits you on the right path.

  • Riding a horse through the forest - to self-development, self-knowledge.
  • Driving along city streets - to successful self-realization in the social field.
  • Riding a horse is to master your senses and obey their mind.

Horse attacks in a dream? This is a symbol of pipe dreams.

Horse riders

The rider in the dream is the image of the messenger of fate. If a rider dreamed of a woman, this portends the appearance in her life of an important man with whom a strong marriage is possible.

  • Seeing a rider on a black horse - expect bad news.
  • Seeing a rider on a white horse is good news.
  • Seeing a rider on a pale horse is the news of death.
  • A horse rushes without a rider - to an unexpected turn of events.

To grab a running horse is to master the life situation. Saddle a rebellious horse - take control of an uncontrollable situation, move up the career ladder.

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Dream interpretation

Horse wings

Dream interpretation horse with wings dreamed why the Horse dreams of wings? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Horse with wings in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Wings

Dream interpretation - wing

Dream interpretation - Horse

riding a white horse or seeing it is a wonderful sign;

to climb on a horse is a safe end to a difficult struggle;

Dream interpretation horse with wings

Why dream of a horse with wings

It has been proven many times that our dreams not only reflect reality, but are also capable of opening the veil into the future. Often night scenes appear in distorted silhouettes, and what in reality would seem unimaginable, in a dream becomes absolutely believable.

It is considered auspicious when animals endowed with good magical powers appear in dreams.

So, for example, if in a dream a fabulous flying horse appears with wings, reality can change dramatically, both in a favorable and negative direction.

See in a dream clean white horse with huge wings - the upcoming reality will not be overshadowed by anything. It's good to fly on a winged horse and look down on the ground. It is believed that such dreams make people think in reality and make the right informed decisions.

Black winged horse also will not become a harbinger of negative events if she is supportive of you in a dream. If a horse has broken or scorched wings in a dream, in reality someone is trying to do you a great meanness and blame another person for this.

To you have to heal the wings of a horse, and you succeed - your help will be appreciated, and you will be well thanked.

See in a dream pegasus, unicorn- in reality, your fantasy disturbs you a little, because you transfer non-existent images to real people and require them to behave accordingly.

Feel like a flying horse in a dream, horse, unicorn - in your life there is not enough room for simple joys. It is worth taking a long time out at work and dedicating this time to the holidays and talking to nice people.

Why dream of a white horse with wings that flies?

Sometimes creative people have prophetic dreams, especially often with artists, writers and poets who need a well-developed imagination and inspiration to work. There is no need to explain to the creator why the white horse with wings is dreaming, because this image can give an incentive for fruitful activity.

What if you dream of a white horse with wings?

It is known that the symbol of creativity is a white horse with wings, which is also called Pegasus, when a poet dreams of such an animal, genius poems are born. An artist, after such a dream, will paint a beautiful picture, near which even the most sophisticated art critics will linger. The artist will be able to play the best of his roles, and the singer will be able to win the attention of the whole audience with divine singing.

Some astrologers who prefer to interpret dreams “by contradiction” inform the dreamer that the muse will turn away from him for a short time. The dreamer is free to believe in any of the predictions, but it is known that works of genius are created not only by the will of inspiration, but also by ordinary diligence and perseverance in achieving a goal. Therefore, you should not pay attention to bad dreams or predictions, you just need to persistently overcome difficulties and laziness, then everything will definitely work out.

The white winged horse, according to astrologers, dreams of talented people who persistently and industriously improve their art, and the dream only adds to their confidence in their abilities, the belief that his works will be needed and will be useful.

If the dreamer flies astride a winged horse, it means that when solving problems he needs to use not brute force, but intellect. However, stupid people cannot dream of such a dream, so there is a chance to come up with an unusual move and turn the situation in their favor. When in a dream a horse covers the dreamer's wings, it means that he has to get into an extremely dangerous situation or catastrophe in which he can only miraculously avoid death.

Quite rarely, Pegasus dreams of ordinary people who are deprived of the ability to write books, paintings or music, but in this case, perhaps the dreamer will soon have a magical talent. He will be able to talk with spirits, see magical energy and heal the sick with his power, knowledgeable people say that a person will open inexhaustible source energy that he can direct to solve all sorts of problems. Astrologers recommend looking for a teacher who can reveal this talent and direct it in the right direction.

What portends?

When the dreamer rides a horse with white wings, it can be assumed that at the moment he is dependent on a cruel person, but the time of freedom will soon come for him. The sleeper will find a way to get rid of addiction, make new friends, and begin to live a full life in which there will be no place for obedience and fear. If the horse tries to throw off the dreamer, it means that he will have a hard struggle for his interests, but sooner or later the victory will be his.

Sometimes a white horse in a dream portends a serious illness, this happens in those cases when Pegasus managed to throw off the rider. A woman who has seen such a dream can hope to satisfy all desires, in addition, Pegasus promises her to receive a large amount of money, this will most likely be a lottery win or an inheritance from a distant relative. The white horse also portends a meeting with old friends and a fun party that will take place in a picturesque place on the shore of a lake or in the mountains.

It is known that a horse with white wings symbolizes inspiration for people of creative professions. In addition, the dreamer will be lucky to find money or profit from a deal that was considered unsuccessful for some reason, but at the last moment everything will change due to the fact that the person makes some unusual move.

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Dream Interpretations interpret why a white, black or brown horse is dreaming. The symbol of a noble animal in dreams.

The image of a horse in the interpretation of dreams is the embodiment of strength, endurance, determination and vitality. When interpreting a vision from the world of dreams, attention is paid to the color of the horse, its condition (sick or healthy, weak or strong).

White horse

Seeing a white horse in a dream - good sign, good luck will accompany your endeavors.

To see a dream in which a herd of white horses rushes rapidly across a field or road - in reality you have to make decisions quickly, actively act in situations in which every minute counts.

Black (black) horse

Black horse (black) - there will be benefits in business.

Catch and saddle a strong, healthy black horse - you emerge victorious from difficult situations... You will actively defend your interests, and your opponents will be forced to agree with your arguments.

To feed a black horse - to a meeting with old friends or people dear to you, whom you have not seen for a long time.

The black horse kicks you or tries to trample, maim - to the sad news and disturbing news.

Brown (brown or bay)

In night vision, a horse of this color is associated with associates, companions, in general, with those people with whom you have common business interests.

To dream of a peacefully grazing horse of this color - to a calm course of affairs, well-coordinated work.

If the horse is sick, emaciated, then it is possible that one of your companions may need your help.

Feed bay horse- you will come to the aid of a companion in need, provide assistance and patronage.

A horse or a horse was seen by a woman

Caring for the family, well-being, family chores portends a dream in which you see a horse peacefully standing in a stall.

The girl dreams about the animal

Desire to move forward awareness of their strengths and capabilities- a reflection of such intentions is a dream in which a girl observes a horse, which is racing at a rapid gallop.

Trying to saddle a horse torn to freedom in a dream - a gamble ahead, a risky business.

Seeing a horse with wings in a dream

An influx of strength, a second inhalation will open when solving important issues, a good chance that should not be missed - this is foreshadowed by a dream in which you see a winged horse.

To a sick person such a dream dream of recovery.

With white mane

A dream in which you see a horse with a white mane foreshadows meetings with the people you need and pleasant to you.

A horse with a white mane is walking along the road - such a dream promises the beginning of new business in a pleasant company for you.

A horse with a white mane leaves you - such a dream promises empty aspirations and unfulfilled hopes, resentment and disappointment.

Seeing a horse in clear water - such a dream promises a calm, favorable stage of life; all matters during this period will be resolved quickly, without delay.

To see a horse swimming in dirty or boiling water is to be hard work, but you won't have to count on a decent reward. On your way there will be obstacles that will be difficult for you to overcome, you may not have enough strength.

The horse that runs towards you

To stand in the way of a rapidly rushing horse - such a dream is a reflection fears of the future, you have concerns that you will not cope with the responsibilities entrusted to you.

In modern dream books, this dream has the following interpretation: critical situations during the next three lunar months, in which you will have to make fateful decisions in an extremely short time. In this case, the horse is associated with fate, fate.

Horse with cart

Measured work, small financial profit, responsibilities in relation to loved ones - such situations promise a dream in which you see a strong, healthy horse with a cart.

Seeing in a dream an emaciated horse harnessed to a cart - to your illness, oppressive circumstances and the appearance in your life of a burden that will weigh on you.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Trusted friend, faithful helper will appear in your life in the near future if in a dream you saw a well-groomed, healthy horse.

Seeing a sick, thin horse in a dream is a sign of trouble, resentment and tears.

Miller's dream book

A strong horse of light color, not burdened with a harness, is a good luck in business, interesting and useful meetings with people you did not know before.

A horse of light color is harnessed to a cart or drags some heavy load- in reality you underestimate the seriousness of some events, which will soon turn out for you the appearance of a burden, additional responsibilities... It is possible that in reality you have to do not your job or someone else's responsibilities.

according to Miller's dream book

Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, he promises you the strength of friendly ties and the joy of meeting with fellow-spirits. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy on the part of those whom you trust are possible. If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will be successful in business for a long time and unexpectedly for yourself will discover the vanity and futility of your studies. Watching the run of brown horses promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies. Seeing horses in spotted apples is a future benefit in business. Riding a beautiful bay horse - portends exaltation, satisfaction of desires. For a woman who saw this dream, he promises decisiveness in refusing an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future. Seeing your horse running away, joining a wild herd, means that you are waiting for the news of someone's illness. In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity. If in a dream you ride on horseback across a transparent stream, luck awaits you, but joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into the dark water. Fulfilling many dreams and gaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are swimming across a clear river on the back of a horse. But to see a wounded or dead horse in a dream - to sad news. Riding a kicking horse - to various difficulties on the way to luck. If the horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the face of opponents or you will get sick. Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subduing it to your will promises you dramatic favorable changes in life. If in a dream you admire a well-grounded horse, your success will soon amaze even your own imagination. For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life. Taking part in the races is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your horse yourself means acquiring property in a dubious way. If you dream that you are dexterously riding a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to gain prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, while in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible. Riding in a female environment promises you uncertainty in future desires, your dependence. If you watch how a horse is being cleaned, or you clean it yourself with a comb, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the way to honors and a solid position in life. For business people, peasants, writers, a dream is very favorable in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse. If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles on the way to happiness. If you dream that on horseback you are climbing a narrow path up a high mountain, you will in reality achieve a very strong position in life. If, with such a rise, the horse does not stand and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts. If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected incident that will help fulfill her desires, as well as her communication with wise respectful interlocutors. Going down a hill on horseback is a failure. Seeing that her lover is riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting prosperous fans. If the rider is scared, then this foreshadows her anxiety and jealousy of a loved one in reality. If a girl dreams that she is jumping off a horse and that instantly turns into a pig, then this portends her a reckless rejection of advantageous offers of marriage, after which her preferred freedom will soon seem hateful to her. If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse on hilly terrain and, looking around, constantly sees behind her a rider on a black horse, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul for the fate of an important matter for her. If you dream of a horse falling from heaven and turning into a stranger who throws something at you, this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and, for some time, the failure of your attempts to master the situation. If in a dream you see horses grazing in the meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. Barren pastures, dry land promise you poor but loyal friends. For a young person, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage. Seeing a horse trader in a dream promises you material benefits, but risky ventures. Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you is a loss. Selling is not very good good horse, leaving yourself a thoroughbred - to great luck.

Why is the horse dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fate, hope; white - complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for women); getting off the horse - loss of position; horseback riding - fulfillment of hopes; went into the house - happiness, to marriage, if saddled; bareback - love affair; (for a woman) - hope for a relationship, for marriage; to ride a well-saddled horse (mare) - a wonderful and rich wife; riding on someone else's horse is joy, joy with a beautiful lady; someone rides your horse - a temptation among loved ones; ride a horse with a long tail - help from friends; harnessing a horse - the loss of a loved one; to sit on horseback - protection, success in business; see Drive.

See a horse in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Has a dual meaning. As solar power white, gold or fire Horse appears with the sun gods, harnessed to their chariots; as the lunar element of moisture, sea and chaos power are the war horses of the ocean gods. Thus, the horse symbolizes both life and death. The horse also symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, reason, nobility, light, dynamic strength, agility, quickness of thought, the running of time. She has an instinctive sensitive animal nature, magical powers of deification and symbolizes the wind and sea waves. Appears in the images of the gods of fertility and Vanir. The devil can ride on it, and then it becomes phallic. If the rider is Wild Hunter and Earl King, it means death. The winged horse is the sun or the space horse. He represents pure intelligence, innocence, purity, life and light; it is ruled by heroes. In more late time the horse replaced the bull in the sacrifices. Both of them personify the gods of Heaven and fertility, masculine strength, as well as chthonic forces. The white horse of the ocean has to do with both the principle of water and the principle of fire. A lion killing a bull or horse means the Sun, which dries up moisture and fog. A black horse is a sign of a funeral. Foreshadows death and symbolizes chaos. Appears during the twelve days of chaos between Old Years and New Years. The sacrifice of the October horse means death to death. In Buddhism, a horse is something indestructible, the hidden nature of things. The winged or Space Horse "Cloud" is one of the images of Avalokiteshvara or Guan-Yin. Buddha left home on a white horse. In Chinese Buddhism, a winged horse carries the Book of the Law on its back. For the Celts, the horse is an attribute or image of the horse gods, such as Epona, the Great Horse, the mare goddess, Mebd from Tara and Macha from Ulster, the protector of horses as chthonic deities and the forces of death. The horse can also be a solar symbol as a sign of courage, fertility; besides, he is a psychopomp and messenger of the gods. In Chinese mythology, the horse is Heaven, fire, yang, south, speed, perseverance, a good omen. The horse is one of the seven symbolic animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. His hoof is not a horseshoe that brings good luck. When the cosmic horse is solar, it is contrasted with the earthly cow, but when it appears with a dragon symbolizing Heaven, the horse personifies the earth. A winged horse carrying the Book of the Law on its back is a sign of good luck and wealth. In marriage symbolism, the horse means speed and accompanies the groom, a strong lion, flowers accompany the bride. The horse is a typical symbol of fertility and powerful power. In Christianity, a horse is the Sun, courage, nobility. Later, during the Renaissance, he began to symbolize lust. In the catacomb images, the horse meant the fast running of time. The four horses of the Apocalypse are war, death, hunger and epidemic. The horse is the emblem of Saints George, Martin, Mauritius, Victor; wild horses - the emblem of Saint Hippolytus. It is noteworthy that the horse is completely absent from Egyptian symbolism. Among the Greeks, white horses carry Phoebus's solar chariot and, being the principle of moisture, are associated with Poseidon as the god of the sea, earthquakes and springs. Poseidon can appear in the form of a horse. Dioscuri ride white horses. Pegasus means the transition from one level to another, he carries the lightning of Zeus. Centaurs often appear in rites dedicated to Dionysus. In Hinduism, the horse is a bodily ship, and the rider is a spirit. The mare Manu is a deified land. The white horse Kalki is the last incarnation or vehicle of Vishnu when he appears for the tenth time, bringing peace and salvation to the world. Varuna, the cosmic horse, is born of the waters. The Gandharvas, the horse people, are a combination of natural fertility and abstract thinking, intelligence and music. The horse is the guardian of the South. In Iranian mythology, the chariot of Ardvisura Anahita is harnessed by four white horses: wind, rain, cloud and sleet. The Chariot of the Magician is harnessed by four war horses, symbolizing the four elements and their gods. In Islam, the horse is happiness and wealth. In Japanese mythology, a white horse is a vehicle or a form of manifestation of Bato Kwannon, corresponding to the Indian Buddhist Avalokiteshvara and Chinese Kuan-yin, the goddess of mercy and the Great Mother. She can appear either as a white horse, with a horse's head, or with the figure of a horse in her crown. The black horse is an attribute of the rain god. In Mithraism, white horses carry the chariot of Mithra as the sun god. The Romans have white horses harnessed to the chariots of Apollo and Mithra. Epona, borrowed from the Celts, becomes the Roman goddess - the protector of horses. She was also a funeral deity. Dioscuri ride white horses. The horse is an attribute of Diana the hunter. In Scandinavian and Teutonic mythology, the horse is dedicated to Odin, who rode the eight-legged mare Sleipnir. The horse appears accompanied by Vanir as the god of fields, forests, sun and rain. The clouds are the war horses of the Valkyries. In the shamanic tradition, the horse is a psychopomp; means the transition from this world to another. In addition, it is associated with sacrifice and is a sacrificial animal in Siberia and Altai. The skin and head of a horse have ritual significance. The skin, like the golden fleece, bears the symbolism of fat, and the head contains the principle of life. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the chariot of the sun god Marduk was harnessed by four horses. The horse's head was the emblem of Carthage. The winged horse appears on Assyrian barrels and Carthaginian coins. In Taoism, the horse is an attribute of Chang Kuo, one of the eight immortal Taoist geniuses.

Dreamed of a stable

according to Miller's dream book

A stable in a dream is a good sign predicting good luck and a pleasant environment. If you dream of a burning stable, this is a sign of either happy changes, or a harbinger of a similar event in real life.

See a centaur in a dream

This symbol represents the lower nature of man, his animal nature, combined with a higher nature, human dignity and the ability to judge; the fierce and kind aspects of human nature and the conflict between these opposites. The horse personifies masculine solar power and is a footboard for the ascending spirit of a person. It is a combination of blind power and a guiding spirit. In Christianity, the centaur symbolizes sensuality, passion, adultery, cruel force, a person torn between good and evil, animal and spiritual nature, a heretic, an incarnation of the devil. The bow and arrow are fiery darts of evil. In ancient Greece, the centaur Chiron, who raised Achilles, personified wisdom. The centaurs sometimes accompany Dionysus Bacchus.

Dreamed of a horseshoe

according to Miller's dream book

To see a horseshoe in a dream portends success in business, and for women - happy cooperation. Seeing a broken horseshoe is a failure. Finding a horseshoe hanging on the fence means that your success will surpass all your wildest hopes. If in a dream you find a horseshoe on the road and pick it up, then you will unexpectedly receive funds from a source that you did not know about.

Why is the horseshoe dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

find - happiness.

Dreamed of the reins

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing reins in a dream portends that you will overcome any obstacle on the way to success and happiness. If they break off on their own or you tear them up, this means that you will be forced to yield to the enemies.

Dreamed of a saddle

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream about a saddle, expect good news, as well as unexpected guests. Plus, you might go on a trip that turns out to be winning.

Dreamed of cavalry

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a cavalry division in a dream portends you personal achievements and differences. However, your elevation may be accompanied by a slight sensation.

Dreamed of a pony

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a pony, it means that your modest deals will be crowned with success.

See a zebra in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Zebra dreams are often a reflection of a sense of impermanence in your real life. You may perceive yourself as two or more distinct personalities competing for dominance in your behavior, morals, and other life roles. This is especially true for those who are struggling, who are ethically questionable, or who are unfaithful to others.

The meaning of the zebra dream

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about a zebra, this means that your partner has an extremely volatile and fickle disposition. What he liked yesterday and was fine with today may be maddening tomorrow. Therefore, you can compare your state with being on a powder keg, waiting for an explosion every minute. It is possible that your partner has never shown concern for you in his life and has not asked: are you satisfied with the existing rules and would not you like to make some adjustments to your union? Harmony reigns in you only in bed, since there he is frankly weak and therefore hesitates to dictate anything. But as you know, life is not limited to one bed, but continues beyond it.

Unicorn in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The unicorn is a symbol of purity, chastity, purification, death. If in a dream you are trying to catch a unicorn, in reality all your efforts are aimed at resisting evil. A dream in which you managed to catch and tame a unicorn means spiritual purity and chastity of a person close to you. To dream of an angry unicorn is to commit a shameful act in reality. The unicorn chasing a person is a symbol of the eternal game of man with death. If in a dream you saw a golden unicorn - this is a symbol of spiritual and physical cleansing, good health.

The meaning of the unicorn dream

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a unicorn in a dream means that in the near future they will instruct you with horns, and this message will reach you to the last.

See a unicorn in a dream

according to the dream book of mythical animals

It symbolizes the lunar feminine principle, chastity, purity, virginity, perfect goodness, dignity, strength of mind and body, incorruptibility. The merging of two horns into one means the unity of opposites and the indivisible power of the sovereign. Unicorns are sometimes depicted on either side of the Tree of Life as its guardians. The battle of the lion and the unicorn symbolizes solar and lunar forces and pairs of opposites. The unicorn is the "ruler of the waters", its horn helps to detect poison in the water and render it harmless. For astrologers, the unicorn is mercury, and the lion is sulfur. Among the Chinese, the unicorn is often identified with the tsilin, one of the four spiritually gifted animals, he is the essence of the five elements. If it is depicted as white, then it is a lunar symbol, yin, an animal, but as a qilin, it represents the union of yin and yang. It symbolizes gentleness, benevolence, goodwill, bliss, longevity, splendor, wise government, glorified offspring. The unicorn's horn is a fortunate prophecy for the emperor. Riding a tsilin means gaining glory. In Christianity, Christ is the "horn of salvation." The horn, as an antidote, symbolizes Christ's ability to forgive sins; the unity of Christ and God the Father, as well as Christ as the only son of God. As the owner of purity, purity and virginity, the unicorn is the emblem of the Virgin Mary. If the unicorn is depicted alone, it symbolizes monastic life and is the emblem of Saints Justin of Antioch and Justin of Padua. In Egyptian mythology, the unicorn personifies all moral qualities. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the unicorn is an attribute of all virgin, moon goddesses, especially Artemis Diana. Among the Jews, it symbolizes royal greatness, strength and power. In heraldry, it has the head and body of a horse, the tail of a lion, the legs and hooves of a deer, and a twisted horn in the center of the forehead. He is depicted with a lion, which means the unity of the lunar and solar forces. For Iranians, a unicorn is perfection and all moral qualities. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, he is a lunar symbol, an attribute of virgin goddesses and is depicted with the Tree of Life. For Taoists, the unicorn is one of the most important symbols, the essence of the five elements and qualities; tsilin.

Why dream about a unicorn

according to Vanga's dream book

The unicorn is the personification of purity, happiness and prosperity. If in a dream a unicorn passes by you, it means that soon you will be lucky, it will be easy for you as never before, everyone will call it luck, but in fact your well-being will be deserved, you yourself will understand what it will be caused for, for what granted. Feeding a unicorn from your hands - in reality you will experience bliss that people rarely experience. You will receive a rare and expensive gift of fate, after which you cannot remain ungrateful. A dream in which you see how a unicorn is killed or dies predicts misfortune and suffering due to fault evil people living for profit, you will know this and worry, but you will not be able to correct this situation. The perpetrators will be punished and calm will resume. If you manage to stroke a unicorn, then such a dream says that you are undeservedly using the benefits that you have. You should thank not only fate for them, but also the people around you. Until you acknowledge it with your soul and realize it with your mind, you will not experience real happiness. Chasing a unicorn in a dream or trying to catch it - in reality you are putting a lot of effort into achieving your goal. But your goal may not be worth the effort you put into it. Think about it so you don't end up just being disappointed.

Why are the races dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be present is an unexpected success; to participate - whatever you come to, the number of the place means the time until the victory (in years).

Dreamed of cattle

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of beautiful and well-fed cattle peacefully grazing on green pastures means prosperity and happiness that you will share with a pleasant life partner. Seeing dirty, skinny cattle in a dream means that you will have to work hard all your life, since you will direct your forces to the wrong place, and you will not love your work. After such a dream, you need to think about changing your habits. Seeing cattle running in panic means that you will have to make every effort so that your career does not collapse. Seeing a herd of cows during milking means that you will be the happy owner of the condition that many have claimed. For a young woman, this dream portends that her love will not suffer from her choice. Seeing in a dream how a cow with a full udder is milked means that great luck awaits you. If you see a calf sucking milk, then you are on the verge of losing your beloved, for you hesitate to show your reciprocity, or the loss of your property due to neglect. Seeing calves in a dream is a sign that you will become a favorite of society and win the heart of a faithful person. In commercial matters, this dream portends profit from trade, for a lover - bonds that he will cherish. If the calves are not very good, do not expect well-being and it will be much more difficult for you to get what you are striving for than you thought. Long-horned and black, filthy cattle promise you enemies.

The meaning of a dream about a stallion

according to Freud's dream book

This symbol is intended to be used by women only. So, if you dreamed about a stallion, it symbolizes your other half, your man. Seeing a wild, unbroken stallion in a dream suggests that your man has an extremely proud and independent disposition and you are unlikely to be able to subdue him to your will, break his character. The only thing that you can achieve with the effort is the final break with him. He does not allow anyone to dominate him, and if you want your union to be harmonious and lasting, do not try to remake it. If in a dream you dreamed of a calm stallion, allowing you to stroke yourself, comb, feed, etc., this indicates that your man is characterized by a calm disposition and you can easily make him "dance" to your tune, because you do it is very Skillful, without humiliating the dignity of his chosen one. If in a dream you ride a stallion, this suggests that you will live an emotionally stormy life with a person. And as much as you would like to make him less impulsive and more balanced, and life more calm, do not try to do this, as in any case you will fail. If you dreamed of how a stallion ran away from you, did not give it into your hands, this indicates that you do not fit each other and are unlikely to ever become a harmonious couple. Until you so acutely feel your incompatibility and alienation of character, but your subconscious mind signals you about this.

Why is the stallion dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fate (quality depending on color), foal (for mother) - son; fled from the yard - loss, separation; harnessed a stallion - victory.

Dreamed of a stallion

according to Miller's dream book

To see a foal in a dream means that they are coming for you Good times where you will take a worthy and honorable place. Riding a beautiful stallion in a dream means that your prestige and social position will increase in the most phenomenal way, however, this success will damage your morality and conscience. A dream in which you see a furious stallion warns that the surrounding luxury will make you arrogant and arrogant, and this will turn your friends away from you and push you to dubious pleasures. Seeing a stallion is a sign that you will start new successful businesses.

  • Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, he promises you the strength of friendly ties and the joy of meeting with your fellow-spirits. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible.
  • If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will be successful in business for a long time and unexpectedly for yourself will discover the vanity and futility of your studies.
  • Watching the run of brown horses promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies.
  • Seeing horses in apples (spotted) is a future benefit in business.
  • Riding a beautiful bay horse - portends exaltation, satisfaction of desires. For a woman who saw this dream, he promises decisiveness in refusing an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future.
  • Seeing that your horse is running away, joining a wild herd, means that the news of someone's illness awaits you.
  • In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity.
  • If in a dream you are riding on horseback across a transparent stream - good luck awaits you, but joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into the dark water.
  • Fulfilling many dreams and gaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are swimming across a clear river on the back of a horse.
  • But to see a wounded or dead horse in a dream - to sad news.
  • Riding a kicking horse - to various difficulties on the way to luck. If the horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the face of opponents, or you will get sick.
  • Grabbing the horse by the bridle and subduing it to your will promises you dramatic favorable changes in your life.
  • If in a dream you admire a well-grounded horse, your success will soon amaze even your own imagination.
  • For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life.
  • Taking part in the races is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your horse yourself means acquiring property in a dubious way.
  • If you dream that you are skilfully riding a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to gain prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, while in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible.
  • Riding in a female environment promises you uncertainty in future desires. Your addiction.
  • If you watch how a horse is being cleaned, or you clean it yourself with a comb, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the way to honors and a solid position in life.
  • For business people, peasants, writers, a dream is very favorable in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse.
  • If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles on the path to happiness. If, with such a rise, the horse does not stand and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts.
  • If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected incident that will help fulfill her desires, as well as her communication with wise respectful interlocutors.
  • Going down the hill on horseback is a failure. Seeing that her lover is riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting prosperous fans.
  • If the rider is scared, then this foreshadows her anxiety and jealousy of a loved one in reality.
  • If a girl dreams that she is jumping off a horse and that instantly turns into a pig, then this portends her a reckless rejection of advantageous offers of marriage, after which her preferred freedom will soon seem hateful to her.
  • If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse on a hilly terrain and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul for the fate of an important matter for her.
  • If you dream of a horse falling from heaven and turning into a stranger who throws something at you - this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and, for some time, the failure of your attempts to master the situation.
  • If in a dream you see horses grazing in the meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. Barren pasture, dry land promise you poor but loyal friends. For a young person, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.
  • Seeing a horse trader in a dream promises you material benefits, but risky ventures.
  • Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you is a loss. Selling a not-so-good horse while keeping a thoroughbred horse is a great luck.
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