A man is a fiery horse and a snake in love. Snake man and Horse woman - family union

The relationship between the Horse and the Snake can develop in an indefinite way. Friendship and even falling in love is possible between them, but for creating a family this is not the best option. Too often, disagreements arise in such a couple. It will be very difficult for people with such conflicting personalities to reach a compromise on anything. But as soon as they make an effort, and this union can turn out to be a pretty strong family.

1 Characteristics of the signs of the zodiac

The Horse and the Snake are opposites of each other. These are people with completely different views on life and everyday life. But despite this, such an alliance is possible.

According to the eastern horoscope, people born under the sign of the Snake have the following qualities:

  • incredibly smart, wise and judicious;
  • their patience and perseverance allow them to achieve their goals;
  • they can find an approach to any person, skillfully pull the right thread to get their way;
  • in love relationships, they are terrible owners, and with friends they can easily behave like real selfish.

Those born in the year of the Metal Snake according to the eastern horoscope are quite restrained. Such people come out of any situation as winners. Water Snakes can be talented in a certain area, Wooden ones are smart and charming. Fiery fellows are ambitious and adventurous, Earthlings are very pleasant to talk to.

Unlike the Snake, the Horse can be:

  • cheerful and soft;
  • energetic;
  • impulsive and quick-tempered;
  • free and independent.

She likes noisy company and fun.

These are adventurers, whose life views seem unacceptable to others, and whose actions are often put in awkward situations. In friendship, Horses want to be leaders and play the main roles; in love, they are easily addicted natures. The enormous vital energy keeps the Horse in constant motion.

Her character traits, depending on the patronizing element, are also different. Metal Horses beat on the forehead with their straightforwardness. Aquatic - friendly, have a great sense of humor. Wooden ones are easy to establish contacts and connections. Fire Horses have authority among those around them. In the year of the Earth Horse, wise and judicious people are born, they are often successful entrepreneurs.

2 Sign compatibility

The compatibility of the Snake and the Horse in most cases is in doubt. On the one hand, these are conflicting signs of the zodiac. On the other hand, partners in a harmonious pair that complement each other. The friendship between the two can be perfect. But the union will remain harmonious as long as this relationship is free, without any obligations. To create a strong family, both signs must make a lot of effort and even partially change their worldview.

The snake needs to constantly feel its importance, necessity and usefulness. The horse needs reliable support in difficult situations, which the Snake will easily be. Both signs should turn their qualities in the right direction:

  • The Snake needs to give the Horse the necessary freedom, to be allowed to do some stupid things and pranks;
  • The horse will have to be allowed to curb itself a little and understand that the Snake is doing this for the good of their union.

The success of the relationship and the possibility of a happy marriage will depend on the efforts of the wise Snake. It is she who, with her diplomacy and ability to give in, will be able to establish and maintain love relationships in the family.

3 Marriage of a man Snake and a woman Horses

The question of the compatibility of such a pair is difficult to answer unequivocally. Having met a woman with a Horse, a Snake man will easily be carried away by such a bright personality, and she will pay attention to a mysterious and restrained man who stands out so much from the people around her in everyday life.

In a love relationship, it will be quite difficult for them to reach mutual understanding. An immediate and life-loving horse will not become a housewife for his man, creating coziness in the house and fully dedicated to his family. She enjoys a variety of hobbies, entertainment and building a successful career.

The Snake man is conservative and slow. Dynamism is not his strong point. He is unlikely to decide on hasty and rash acts that are so typical of his woman. In the end, for all his authority, such a man will simply bore the Horse woman. In this pair, the husband simply does not keep up with the energetic wife.

Only the willingness of both partners to make compromises will help to keep the relationship. A man must come to terms with the fact that his woman will not devote herself entirely to the house, for her it is unacceptable to restrict freedom. She must learn to be more organized and moderate her ardor a little.

Sexual relations in this couple are developing in the best way. If a relaxed and passionate Horse tunes his partner in the right way, he will amaze her. To some extent, excellent sexual compatibility can help in the struggle to create a happy family.

4 Marriage of a man of a horse and a woman of a snake

In this combination, the pair looks more promising than in the previous one. The wise woman Snake will be a reliable rear for a successful Horse careerist. According to the horoscope, she is patient enough, which will allow her to more easily perceive the shortcomings of her partner. The Horse man loves comfort and coziness, he will appreciate the efforts of his wife.

In such a pair, the Snake will become more relaxed, it will be easier to look at many situations. She can organize her husband a little. With her help and thanks to his hard work, he will achieve great success in his career.

Conflicts in this pair cannot be avoided, but the woman is able to compromise and smooth them out easily.

In any combination of these signs of the zodiac, a man and a woman will have a bright and dynamic life. The success of the union will depend on the desire of both to make compromises, to develop intellectually and spiritually, catching up with their soul mate.

It is difficult to call the union of this pair harmonious. Sharp conflicts often occur between the Snake man and the Horse woman. Partners have diametrically opposed views on all areas of life, their points of view contradict each other. It is for this reason that it is extremely difficult for them to come to a common denominator when sorting out the relationship.

The compatibility of the Snake and the Horse raises a lot of questions and doubts. The Snake man is characterized by caution, stubbornness and fortitude. He always has everything planned out, he is a tactician and strategist. A woman, on the contrary, is too impulsive, active, active. She is driven by emotions that are often beyond the control of reason and not amenable to logical explanations.

Among other things, a representative of the strong half of humanity is a supporter of conservative views on life. It is difficult for him to interpret the rash decisions and actions of his companion. He is often simply not able to understand her. It should be noted that the Snake man and the Horse woman have excellent chances of becoming close friends or passionate lovers. However, in order to create a successful marriage, each of them will have to try hard to correct the traits of their difficult characters.

Snake man and Horse woman: general compatibility

The Snake and the Horse do not often marry. The main reason for this is, of course, that they are too different, they have practically no points of intersection, common interests, aspirations. Usually, their relationship does not last long, but ends quickly.

The compatibility of the male Snake and the female Horse favors friendly relations between them, partnership, joint activities. However, their love relationship does not work out. They regard each other's pluses as disadvantages. They have too many claims against each other. But it is worth noting that there are no obstacles in the way of love. And the pair of the Snake and the Horse is no exception. A union can be formed if the priorities are correctly set in the family of partners. In order to be there, everyone should reconsider their preferences and preferences. The Snake man will have to come to terms with the freedom-loving disposition of his companion. And the Horse woman will have to come to a clear understanding of the importance of family values, home.

The Snake man has its own mystery

The Snake Man is a secretive and mysterious nature. It is with this that he attracts the representatives of the opposite sex. He is characterized by boundless self-confidence. But his weak point is the sudden change in mood.

The Snake man is calm and quiet, however, he is well oriented in the environment in order to understand that something is about to change radically. It is at this moment that he transforms into a fast and proud man. He loves to comprehend everything, wanting to find all the best: a great home, fascinating books, outdoor activities, delicious food, gourmet drinks and stylish clothes. For him, money does not matter at all. He will not save by depriving himself of something worthwhile. He will not be exchanged for fakes when the original can be purchased. The Snake Man wants everything around him to be perfect. Based on the same considerations, he chooses his other half. He is brought up and behaves with restraint, does not show his emotions. He intuitively feels a lie, which he does not accept in any case. For this reason, there should be a sincere and honest companion next to him. He has a hard time believing people. It is difficult for him to open up. Plus, he is subject to fits of jealousy and cannot stand being led around his finger.

A woman who was born in the year of the Horse is very energetic, sometimes even too much. She sweeps away everything in her path. She is characterized by excessive activity, an inexhaustible love of life, energy and an adventurous spirit. If something really interests her, she gives herself up to this occupation completely and completely. Sometimes she does not know the measure. Free-thinking in all respects plays an important role for her. Its absolute independence is obvious.

Horse Woman is a loving nature

The Horse Woman is a purposeful person. She loves to work, however, productive work must be accompanied by good rest. Many women who were born in the year of the Horse are selfish. Such people are often obsessed exclusively with themselves. The Horse Woman knows that she is attracted to the opposite sex. And it flatters her. The Horse Woman never sits idle. She likes to communicate. She is attractive and sexy. It is very easy to succumb to her charm. Horse Woman loves entertainment. She certainly wants to discuss someone and, of course, flirt. If a Horse woman gets bored with one boyfriend, she will change him to a new one without a twinge of conscience.

The love relationship between a Snake man and a Horse woman is often non-standard and impetuous. The partner will not hide what is happening inside her. At first, the beloved will be wary of this behavior of the partner, but he will be flattered by her excessive attention. Getting to know each other better, it will become clear to both partners that it will be difficult for them to meet expectations.

A man doesn't like change. His life follows a strict schedule. He planned his life, in particular, his personal. A woman, on the other hand, never thinks about tomorrow. The partner, in view of this attitude towards life, considers it short-sighted. The point is that his chosen one does not want to compromise her priceless freedom for anything. Any framework is not for her. Own freedom is above all for a woman born in the year of the Horse. She wants to develop herself all the time, to get new knowledge. Planning makes her sad and apathetic. She is driven by a craving for beauty and a desire to constantly improve. She will easily embark on a trip around the world. For the Snake man, the ideal is the companion who will meet him from work with dinner on the stove. He cannot understand how in life there can be something more important than the family hearth. Of course, the beloved will idolize her companion and their children, but she will forever retain her activity. It is important for her to impress at events and build a successful career.

Snake man and Horse woman: compatibility in marriage

In a marriage between a Snake man and a Horse woman, it is very important for both partners to make concessions

The compatibility of a Snake man and a Horse woman in marriage depends on whether the spouses can reach an agreement. The partner is plagued by doubts. He then decides to come to terms with the character of his beloved, then he thinks to give up everything. He cannot accept the extravagant behavior of his woman. She blames him for deliberate seriousness and rationality. A man born in the year of the Snake, in view of his boundless jealousy, makes attempts to limit the freedom of his woman, which is perceived by her as an outright challenge.

In this marriage, it is the woman who is ready to make concessions. The chosen one in no way wants to change anything in himself. In this regard, the possibility of this family union depends precisely on the Snake man. Each of the partners has its own character, which, in fact, is the cause of all the troubles. They find it difficult to accept each other's features. But nothing is impossible. If a man gathers his strength and can break himself, then he will be rewarded in full.

A woman born in the year of the Horse will help him realize all his aspirations and plans. Her seething energy will give her partner the necessary acceleration and dynamics. It is next to such a woman that he will feel that he is needed. The partner will be able to consider in the beloved a person on whom you can always rely.

A man must clearly realize that his wife will never accept the rules of his game and that it is worth putting up with it. She will not devote herself exclusively to household chores. She needs self-realization like air. The main thing is that a man born in the year of the Snake can overcome himself and go to meet his beloved.

Snake man and Horse woman: compatibility in love

The sexual life of partners will give both new and vivid impressions. The Snake and the Horse are well compatible in this regard. But you have to wait until the beloved can open up. At first, a man is characterized by a lack of emotion and passivity. He doesn't want to give up his habits. In the event that the partner succeeds in reaching out to her man, then the relationship of both will be made happy. It must be borne in mind that with such harmony, they will not think about parting with each other, not paying attention to other troubles.

The not very successful compatibility of the Snake and the Horse does not yet put an end to this alliance. The main thing is that partners want to change. A woman born in the year of the Horse should learn reliability from her lover, calm down a little and give more strength to the family. It is time for a man born in the year of the Snake to start trusting his beloved and less jealous of her with or without. And he generally needs to forget about regularity. A man must accept the idea that there are no more rules, that he will never be able to drive his partner into any framework. The main thing is to accept each other and start changing.

An important fact is that it is easier for lovers to find a compromise if they are representatives of the same social stratum.

Despite all the contradictions, such an alliance may well be successful. A woman will give the relationship ease, excitement and dynamics. And a man will be able to realize all his plans if he understands his wife. Her circle of acquaintances will be useful to him. He will constantly feel his relevance. The Horse Woman will find a reliable spouse in her lover.

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The compatibility of the Snake and the Horse is not the most favorable according to the eastern horoscope. Relationships between people born under these signs promise to be difficult. Therefore, you will have to try to maintain love and achieve true harmony.

Despite not the most favorable compatibility, the relationship between the Snake and the Horse can develop safely. But only on condition that a man and a woman join forces, will be able to find an approach to each other and reveal his best qualities in a partner. Then they will not only turn the relationship into a happy and harmonious union, but they will also develop successfully together.

The snake is a wise man. She is capable of a balanced approach to solving any problem situation, so she will become the person who settles conflicts in a couple. And the Horse is an energetic sign, so it will become responsible for joint development, and will also be able to provide the family with a solid material rear.

In real life, these partners often part, and at the initiative of the Snake. Therefore, the fate of the relationship will depend on her willingness to work on them and on the desire to preserve love at all costs.

Horse man and Snake woman

In this union, a man will rightly expect a girl to fulfill traditional female duties. He will want her to become the keeper of the hearth, do the housework and create comfort. And he wants these tasks to become a priority for the chosen one.

But this is his main mistake, because a woman does not want to correspond to his idea of ​​an ideal life partner. She loves and values ​​freedom too much, is extremely independent, never wants to limit her world only to her family and the walls of a common home.

But at the very beginning, the relationship develops extremely smoothly. The snake delights a man with its spontaneity and wisdom. But a little later, problems may arise. What is characteristic of this union:

  1. The girl loves to be in the spotlight and receive the attention of the opposite sex, she has a lot of acquaintances. This is not very pleasant to her chosen one, who will certainly try to limit her in communicating with friends. And the more ambitious he is, the more difficult their relationship will develop.
  2. She is always open to new opportunities, and takes advantage of them. Even with a strong love for the chosen one and the presence of common children, she will never miss an exciting event, go to a meeting with friends.
  3. She has a lot of influential acquaintances who are not averse to patronizing her. This provokes a partner and creates a lot of reasons for jealousy.

To maintain love and harmony, a man will have to learn to accept the chosen one with all her flaws, respect her desires and needs, or break off relations. Because she will not want to change for anything. Above all, she values ​​only her own interests, not wanting to sacrifice them to relationships, even with strong love.

Snake man and Horse woman

There will also be many problems in the relationship between these people. However, astrologers promise them much more chances for happy love.

What is characteristic of this union:

  1. A woman is able to abandon her interests and share her man's desire for success. But she must be driven by strong enough feelings.
  2. Both personality partners are energetic, strong and active. A boring and routine life is definitely not about them. The snake becomes a wise "resolver" of conflicts, it successfully resolves conflicts and bypasses sharp corners in relationships. But it is desirable that the level of spiritual development of partners is at the same level, then it will be easier for them to find a common language.
  3. A woman beckons the chosen one with her multifaceted character. Every day he reveals all new attractive features in her, she will never be a completely open book for him. Therefore, the relationship will last until the Horse itself decides to part.

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Compatibility of signs woman Horse and man Snake is not the most successful. Partners are quite different and their outlook on life is markedly different, which reduces the possibility of reaching a compromise. Friendship of such people may well develop, but a successful marriage that will satisfy both is very unlikely.

Difference of characters

The Snake man is looking for stability, plans his life and tries to build serious love relationships. The Horse woman has absolutely opposite outlooks on life, so the man's expectations may not come true. The Horse woman is used to living one day and not thinking about what will happen tomorrow, so that she can prepare for this in advance. She loves freedom too much, so she will always resist its restriction, even imaginary.

Building such a relationship requires a lot of effort on the part of the partners. They have to do serious work on themselves - they will have to change something in themselves, admit and accept the bad sides of their partner and tune in to optimism.

The Horse woman is more inclined to accept the demands of the Snake man. He is unlikely to immediately agree with the need to adjust to his partner and change his plans in order to stay together. Therefore, the prospect of a relationship, and even more so marriage, entirely depends on the man - whether he has enough wisdom to consider a true soul mate in a partner.


It is the Horse who will bring the necessary dynamics, excitement and lightness to the union. She is smart and active in coming up with new projects and their implementation. Together with her, the Snake man will be able to implement most of his ideas. The creative spark and energy inherent in the man of the Snake will make him feel useful and needed.

The prudence of the Snake man is able to defeat the possessive instincts and then the relationship will develop successfully and the marriage will be happy. With the right attitude to the Horse woman, he will receive a lot. She, in turn, will see in a partner a reliable and stable person who will always be there and help solve problems.

It is very important that the Snake man understands that in a relationship with this woman he will have to change the rules of the game that he invented for himself. She will not become a housewife who devotes her whole life to family and home. It desperately needs implementation in the social and external spheres. If on this issue he can make concessions, everything else will turn out by itself.

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In this thread:

The nature of those born in the Year of the Snake

This year, thinkers are born who prefer to have all the best in life. A beautiful home, interesting books, culinary delights - this is the sphere of their interests. It is the metal Snake that is a true connoisseur of fine cuisine. Each Snake perfectly feels the moment when new opportunities open up to achieve the goal, and uses them in a timely manner.

The snake is mysterious and attractive. The greatest mystery emanates from the sign of Libra. And Aries has a tendency to mood swings. The peculiarity of the character of this sign is the reason why the successful compatibility of the Snake and the Horse is a rarity.

Main qualities:

  • arrogance;
  • self-confidence;
  • devotion.

Character born in the Year of the Horse

The horse is active, cheerful, a little adventurous. For her, the main value is freedom in thoughts, in relationships. Its independence is visible at first glance. Among the Horses there are one hundred percent egoists who do not notice anything except themselves loved ones. There are also altruists who are able to share with everyone. The horse is hardworking, but it needs good regular rest to be able to fully perform at work. They are purposeful individuals, capable of much.

For example, Aquarius will stop at nothing at all to get what they want. The horse is admired by members of the opposite sex. Virgo is considered the sexiest and most active of the world of horses. The horse is very sociable. An exception is Cancer, which tends to be secretive.

Main qualities:

  • sociability;
  • mobility;
  • purposefulness;
  • independence.

Snake man and Horse woman compatibility

A man in such a pair is at a loss because his wife does not put household and family first in her life. A woman will love her husband, adore children, but she will not be able to sit in one place. It is fundamentally important for her to shine and please everyone.

In this pair, the compatibility of the Horse and the Snake in love is too complicated. A man can accept the situation as it is, or break the connection.

Horse man and Snake woman compatibility

With this combination of partners, the compatibility of the Horse and the Snake according to the horoscope is more prosperous. A man will conquer the world and raise funds for his family. If the partner remains satisfied with how much he earns, then the economic Snake and the business Horse will live in complete harmony.

If he fails to become the rear for his family, the horoscope suggests that she may be disappointed in him and find a stronger shoulder.

So that the low compatibility of the Horse and the Snake in marriage does not interfere with the creation of a relationship, each partner will have to rebuild. The horse must moderate its ardor, become a more reliable partner. She can do it if she wants. But the Snake does not want to part with her dreams of stable family happiness for the sake of a relationship with her horse.

It should be noted that successful compatibility, when the partner Snake is the partner of the Horse, is possible if both of them are at the same level (education, social status).

Prospects for the development of relations

Compatibility horoscope for Horse and Snake is not very successful. These are different people, they rarely get along. The Snake strives for stability in the relationship, but the Horse dreams of something else. Therefore, the first may become disappointed in a partner over time.

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