Naked bodybuilders. Famous bodybuilders women women bodybuilders dominate

Meet the formidable yet charming female bodybuilders of the early 20th century. It was they who stepped over social norms and trampled on traditional ideas about female beauty. They were both strong and brilliant. Judging by their sculpted muscles, they are unlikely to be inferior to men in strength.

"Strong women" first appeared in the 19th century. They took part in sporting events and competitions. However, most often they were treated only as another circus curiosity. Unfortunately, it was considered very strange and simply wild for a woman to have a well-developed body. This is why many of these women were seen as a sight to behold.

For example, Katie Brumbach was one of the most famous "superwomen" of the early 20th century. She was born into a circus family and followed in the footsteps of her parents. Her father was a "giant" and her mother was also a "strong woman."

Brumbach took a job with the Ringling Brothers and the Barnum & Bailey Circus as a weightlifter, bending iron rods with her bare hands and lifting her husband above his head with just one hand.

Although at one time these women were perceived as an anomaly, they courageously paved the way for modern women to become professional bodybuilders and wrestlers. If these strong women were still alive, they would give odds to many sports young ladies.

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There are many different sports destinations in the world for every taste. Almost all have representatives of both male and female sex. One of the sports that, it would seem, should only be practiced by men is bodybuilding. But the women succeeded here too. In bodybuilding competitions, in addition to huge men who resemble the Hulk from the comics, there are also female bodybuilders, whose muscles are sometimes larger than men.

Not everyone is unambiguous about women's bodybuilding. Huge, muscled male athletes look more natural than ladies who have a 40cm bicep. Most ordinary people will say that they just look like men.

Naturally, there is no comrade in taste and color: there are lovers of thin petite girls, someone likes "donuts". At the same time, there are true connoisseurs of such female power among the males. Many people like naked women bodybuilders, this is everyone's personal business.

A popular thesis is the following: “The utopia of female bodybuilding is not that they strive to have perfect body, but in the fact that their concept of the ideal is fundamentally different from the accepted norms of life and standards of the majority of people in our society. "

Increasing popularity in recent times gains another sports direction- fitness bikini. In this sport, girls, although they have good athletic development, do not have large voluminous muscles.

But all this does not prevent girls from training in hardcore style today, building up huge muscle volumes. Despite this, almost all famous female bodybuilders who are champions do not suffer from male attention deficit, many have families and children.

Many athletes say that bodybuilding allows them to add confidence, overcome some female fears, shyness. Only in this kind of sport they feel their freedom, they can create for themselves the body they want. And they are actually sculptors, because women bodybuilders before and after are just different people... Even today, a girl can be fragile and sweet, and in a year or so she can give a head start in muscle development to any familiar man.

Let's take a look at some of the outstanding female athletes who have achieved serious results in female bodybuilding and are idols for beginners.

Iris Kyle

The undisputed leader in the number of champion athletes is the United States of America. The clearest example is Iris Kyle, a black athlete. She is arguably the most popular female bodybuilder to win the Miss Olympia title every year, despite her years.

Michigan State became the first cradle for the future champion. In 1974, a beautiful girl was born in it. Who would have thought that such a crumb in a few decades will become stronger than most men. As her parents say, the child from childhood was more active than his peers. Softball was her favorite game. Iris even managed to play for the US basketball team.

After winning the Ironmaiden Championships in 1994, she won her first bodybuilding medal. But only four years later, Iris took up this sport professionally.

In 2001, the athlete took part in the Miss Olympia contest, which was the first serious test for her. She coped with him and won. Three years later, she managed to conquer all the judges already in the absolute category. Two years later, she was able to repeat her success. Since then and to this day, this title has been won every year. So many female bodybuilders want to be like her. She is the living embodiment of incredible perseverance and ability to work, which is not inherent in the female sex.

The growth of the athlete is 170 cm, and the weight is 75-76 kilograms in the non-competitive period. During preparation for the competition, the athlete loses her body weight to 70-73 kg.

Valentina Chepiga

Miss Olympia 2000 was born in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov in 1962.

As a child, she was very fond of skiing. Valentina, 25, took up bodybuilding in 1998. She trained under the guidance of Yuri Kapustnik. Her champion path began with winning the Ukrainian championship. In 1997 she participated in the European and World Bodybuilding Championships and won gold medals.

These victories allowed the Ukrainian woman to receive the status of a professional athlete. Without thinking twice, she decided to take part in the Miss Olympia competition, the most famous competition of champions. And then, in 1998, she took 12th position. She then moved to the United States of America.

Already in 2000, she managed to win the long-awaited victory in this competition. At the same time, experts note that she was able to preserve the female constitution of the body behind a chest of muscles: with a height of 165 cm, the weight fluctuated around the sixty-kilogram mark in competitions.

Juliet Bergmann

Juliet Bergmann, an outstanding athlete from the Netherlands, became a three-time Miss Olympia winner, was born in 1958 in the city of Vlaardingen. While little Juliet was growing up, her two younger brothers died. Future champion I was very worried about such a loss in the family. The death of the brothers tempered Juliet, she became more disciplined, independent, and also developed in herself great strength will.

At the beginning of her sports career, Bergman was fond of journalism and fitness. The athlete herself believes that she has become a bodybuilder since 1983. It was in this year that she participated in bodybuilding competitions and made a good impression on the judges.

A year later, she managed to become the first in the Dutch championship. Then, in 1985, at the same championship, she confirmed her unsurpassed level and won again. In the same year, she participated in the amateur world championship. She managed to win it.

After a number of such victories, she began performing in professional competitions. For three years in a row - in 2001, 2002, 2003 - Juliet Bergmann won the Miss Olympia competition.

Lenda Murray

Truly a genius athlete. She won the Miss Olympia competition 8 times and at one time terrified other participants.

The athlete was born in 1962 in Michigan. Landa became interested in sports during her school years. Then she liked running, she also took part in a support group.

Bodybuilding came into her life with 1985. She progressed so quickly that in 1989 she became a pro.

It may sound incredible, but she became Miss Olympia for 6 consecutive years from 1990 to 1995. In the next two years it became the second. After a short break, she again won the title in 2002 and then in 2003. next year completed her sports career, finishing in second place in the Miss Olympia competition.

Yakseni Oricuin

Venezuelan sportswoman Yakseni Oricuin was born in 1966. Her family had 8 more children, she was the youngest.

After three victories in amateur competitions in 1993, the athlete moved to live and play sports in the United States.

Yakseni's form flourished in 2005 when she took first place in the Miss Olympia competition. In addition to this victory, the track record includes victories at "Miss International" in 2002, 2003, as well as 2005 and 2008.

Since 2007, the athlete's shape began to gradually deteriorate: for example, in 2007-2008, she took 3rd place at Miss Olympia.

Yakseni's height is 170 cm. In the off-season, the weight is on average 84-86 kg, and during the competitive season - only 72-77 kg.

Russian women bodybuilders

Let's talk about domestic bodybuilding. It is worth noting that among Russian athletes there are worthy women bodybuilders. But you need to take into account the fact that after all this is the mentality of the Russian people that he does not consider big muscles the girls are attractive and beautiful - this is the reason for the low popularity of this sport among the female sex.

Of course, not all women bodybuilders in Russia can boast good results on professional level, so let's look at the most famous of them.

Natalia Batova

Natalia Batova is the Russian fitness and bodybuilding champion. The judges always told her that her body is strongly masculine, a lot of relief. But this does not stop the athlete, she continues to do what she loves. She also likes to be photographed naked.

Elena Shportun

Today one of the most popular Russian athletes. In 2014 she won the World Bodybuilding Championship in weight category over 57 kg. Then Elena was awarded the title "Miss Olympia".

Lyudmila Tuboltseva

The won title of world champion in bodybuilding is a great achievement that Lyudmila Tuboltseva achieved. In addition, she is a multiple champion of Russia.

Maria Bulatova

The Yekaterinburg athlete has already managed to become two-time champion of the world of bodybuilding. She turned into a pile of muscles in just three years of training. Maria says that she really likes bodybuilding, and admits that the most difficult thing in competition is the stage at which the competitors are compared.

Lyudmila Kolesnikova

Lyudmila is the absolute bodybuilding champion in Russia. She became famous not only for being an outstanding athlete. She is not against an erotic photo shoot. At the moment, erotic pictures of her with a sword are widespread.

In comparison, Russian women bodybuilders lose in almost all respects to the most famous world-class athletes. They are much smaller in size and also look more feminine. Often, women's bodybuilding in Russia is mixed with body fitness and fitness bikini. Probably, Russian girls are not yet ready to look like monsters performing in bodybuilding competitions abroad.

Oldest female bodybuilder

In addition to professional women bodybuilders, there are famous women bodybuilders in the amateur direction of this non-female sport.

For example, one of the most famous women in the non-professional bodybuilding world is Ernestina Shepard. She hit the pages of the World Book of Records in 2012 at the age of 74! She was noted in this edition as the oldest female bodybuilder. Today Ernestina lives in Baltimore.

Ernestina's form and state of health amaze all doctors; she can give odds to young athletes. Probably, the words “the main thing is not how old a person is according to the passport, but how he feels” is just about her. The intensity of her training cannot be sustained by any athlete.

According to the athlete, her ten-mile runs every morning help her to maintain her health, as well as proper nutrition and training in the gym.

During her life, she managed to win two titles and run as many as nine marathons. But, perhaps, the main achievement is her family and marriage, which has been going on for more than fifty-five happy years.

Let's sum up

Few men would call women's bodybuilding a great sport. Not everyone likes nude female bodybuilders. But in fact, to do it or not is a purely personal matter. Indeed, if you look at the girl who chose female bodybuilding, before and after she began to actively engage, you can see how femininity disappears. Although femininity is perceived as a weakness among modern girls, maybe that is why they start going to the gym in order to be stronger in every sense of the word.

Almost all Russian women bodybuilders are still far from their foreign counterparts. This is due to a slightly different in Russia, a more traditional understanding of beauty.

But it is always worth remembering that women bodybuilders in life are at heart as fragile and gentle as the rest of the female. They require the attention and care of loved ones.

When it comes to bodybuilding, many people have a picture of pumped-up muscular men in front of their eyes, and this is quite logical. But what if instead of men, we imagine the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity? Women bodybuilders - beauty or ugliness?

It would seem, not at all female look sports, but this did not stop some ladies. What do women bodybuilders look like? We present to your attention a selection of TOP-10 powerful female bodybuilders:

    The most famous woman bodybuilder originally from America. She began to engage in wrestling and bodybuilding professionally in the late 80s. Despite the fact that her appearance was far from the representations of female beauty, Nicole, like all girls, dreamed of being an actress. And she succeeded, from 1997 to 2000 Bass-Fachez acted in films. In 2017, one of the most powerful women in the world did not become. At the age of 52, Nicole Bass-Fachez died of a heart attack.

    She simply cannot imagine her life without bodybuilding and training. Brazilian athlete, despite her mature age, has a perfectly pumped figure and constantly catches the enthusiastic glances of others. Inflated women simply cannot leave others indifferent.

    American athlete bodybuilder. She belongs to those strong women who succeeded in early stages achieve overwhelming success in his career. Who would have thought that a young girl who started her sports with acrobatics would become an IFBB professional in 3 years ( International Federation bodybuilding and fitness) Despite the fact that after the birth of two children, Kim ended her sports career, she did not leave the sport, and is organizing competitions.

    The athlete is still in early childhood realized that sports is her vocation, and she began to engage in bodybuilding in her youth. Thanks to her passion, which has grown into something more, Jennings is popular all over the world.

    She began to engage in bodybuilding in 1986, and went to her first competitions after 2 years of intensive training. Rivizzo spent 15 years in the rank of amateur athletes. And only in 2003, after a serious victory at the NPC Nationals, the athlete moved to the professional rank. In 2005, the American won the New York Pro gold. Naked women bodybuilders

    This American athlete is considered one of the most famous age bodybuilders in the world. Betty is now 61 years old, and she worked diligently in bodybuilding until she was 54 years old. Since the beginning of the 90s, the bodybuilder began her sports performances, and in 1996 she received the status of an IFBB professional. Parisot became a real role model for many women - she not only achieved high results in sports career, but at the same time is a loving wife, mother of two children and a caring grandmother. A woman bodybuilder before and after is very different, but this does not mean that she stops being a woman, and Betty Parisot proved this with a personal example.

    This is not just a woman bodybuilder, but also a participant in gladiatorial fights, in which she performed under the pseudonym "Gold". The American won the Miss International title in 1991. Two years later, Knight was forced to leave the sport due to a serious injury.

    Canadian bodybuilder who has been in bodybuilding for 15 years. Her most significant achievement is the first place in the Canadian Championship, which she received in 2007. Women bodybuilders of the world with their pumped bodies motivate other representatives of the fair sex. Who wouldn't want to be the owner of a beautiful figure ?!

    This woman bodybuilder is famous all over the world. She has three victories in the Miss Olympia contest. The American athlete of Dutch origin today works in the editorial office of a women's magazine, the subject of which reveals all the intricacies of bodybuilding, fitness and wrestling. Famous women bodybuilders continue to delight their viewers with new achievements to this day.

    Who Said Beautiful Women Bodybuilders Are Nonsense? Christina Roth is the brightest female bodybuilder in the last 20 years. In 2002 and 2003, the athlete fought for the champion title in the Canadian bodybuilding championship. Then only the 2nd and 3rd places were submitted to her. The mouth cannot imagine itself without sports. Women bodybuilders in old age do not lose the muscles that they pumped up during their professional career... And someone demonstrates good physical fitness even in old age.

Russian women bodybuilders are not far from their American competitors. They also have a pumped-up body, set records and win in international competitions... Despite the fact that all these muscular women look frightening, they are happy, because they managed to find their calling in life.

The Russian 24-year-old bodybuilder Sergiy Mironov has not been spared for days. A whole young bodybuilder at the Tamteshny Fitness Industry for the last hour has risen to the heart of honor and good luck. The protest of "good-naturedness" was known in the Internet for the video.

Immoral disqualification

As a result of Sergiy Mironov's life, they were disqualified. The ruthless Russian federation of the IFBB was breaking up, the officers of the Russian federation of the IFBB, which were the best way to do it for the boys - to give them the right to stand up to the people. True, if an athlete is seen as a particular athlete, it’s not a sight to behold.

Photo chi video?

On the Internet, there are two reasons for disqualification: the photo doors and the video itself.

“The provocation against the athlete was carried out the next day after he took 1st place in one of the sports categories at the tournament at the end of April. V social network Several pages appeared on VKontakte, on which his photographs were posted, followed by several videos with ambiguous content. From the logos, you might think that these are camera recordings from online sex sites. All materials, judging by the screenshots circulating on the network, were accompanied by homophobic revelatory inscriptions. There were other compilations that discredited the athlete, too… ”, - write

Scho tsіkavo: Sergiy Mironov as a beach bodybuilder successfully debuted in tsiy rock. Obviously, such a turn will be great.

“Someone snitched! What a rat, envious and bad. I took it ... I dug it out - I dug it. And then he did something like that. Who can do this kind of chernukha? Would love to find out, and I think not only me! Because everything can be expected from such a RAT! Moreover, the circle of suspects is not that large, ”- author's allowance.

"I don't meet guys"

And what about Sergiy? On my page on Vkontakte I wrote: “Thank you all for your support ... Disqualified for life ... It's my own fault ... I shouldn't have been such a punk ... Several years ago ... I never lose heart .. Do not worry !!))”.

Shchodo zvinuvachen at nachebto non-traditional organization, immediately after the scandal, he said: “I am 100 percent straight) I don’t meet guys) there is a girl) all the world))”.

All just to fix it?

Yak has become so, that the lad has come down to such a video in the messages "Iron rating": "Buv an important hour and know such a salary. Tse bulo three rocks to that. Without thinking, I’m so "whimpering" with such great praise. The first axis is I at once change the fitness star. "

Sergiy will not, but will not be victorious, now he will vistupati ... for the land.

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