Crossover Triceps Extension. Extension of arms on the block

Triceps is triceps shoulder, which consists of three heads - lateral, medial and long. It originates from the outer surface of the shoulder and scapula and attaches to the olecranon. Her main task is to extend the arms in elbow joint... To pump this muscle, you can perform various kinds, extension of the arms in simulators or using dumbbells, barbells, etc. But many athletes try to pump triceps on the block, thus achieving complete isolation.

Extension of the arms for triceps is one of the most effective exercise which is often performed by both men and women. You can build the target muscle group in isolation thanks to crossover work ( block trainer). You will achieve the following goals:

  • Increase your triceps strength.
  • Purposefully pump the triceps muscle of the shoulder.
  • Increase your arms in volume and also make them look tighter. Superfluous body fat will simply burn out.
  • Strength indicators in heavy basic movements (such as bench press and deadlift) will increase several times.

It is very important to perform all movements technically correctly. Before exercising, knead the desired muscle groups well.

Technical features of the exercise

Effectively simple enough. Follow the exact algorithm for performing the movements.

Starting position

The athlete should walk up to the block trainer and attach a straight bar or rope handle to the upper block handle. Next, you need to set the desired weight of the weights. The position of the hands on the bar should be comfortable, the grip is straight, not very wide. Press your elbows against your torso. The body can be tilted slightly and the knees can be bent.

Exercise process

As you exhale, begin to unbend the bar down, work only with the efforts of the triceps. The handle should touch the upper thigh, straighten your arms fully. Fix the position of your body in this position for a moment. At a slow pace, return to the starting position, take a breath. All movements are slow and controlled, you cannot relax the triceps. Perform the desired number of repetitions.

Many athletes do this exercise reverse grip... Thus, the main load is transferred from the lateral head to the long one. You need to perform the exercise only due to the tension of the triceps. The pulldown will help you to effectively load the triceps. Most often, this sports element is performed at the end of a workout. Work with relatively light weights.

The pull of the block for the triceps is a fairly traumatic exercise. It is important to monitor the condition of the joint. Don't be afraid to skip a workout if you experience painful sensations in the deltas or triceps area. An athlete in one lesson should do only 3-4 sets of extensions on the block. The number of repetitions per set depends entirely on training goals and physical capabilities.

Common exercise variations

There are several options for performing this sports element... Experienced bodybuilders take turns doing a variety of exercises to effectively build triceps. The target muscle group does not have time to adapt to the load.

We draw up a high-quality training program

Consider your personality in order to create a quality lesson plan. Regular block triceps extensions will not be enough. You will not be able to pump this muscle group qualitatively.

Bodybuilders are most often engaged in. In one lesson, several muscle sections are worked out at once. Many men and women combine triceps and chest pumping. An effective exercise plan can include the following athletic elements.

Exercise name Muscle groups involved Number of repetitions Notes (edit)
Dips on the uneven barsPectoralis major, triceps muscleMaximum number of timesPerformed at the end of the warm-up. Alternative exercise- pushups.
Bench pressPectoralis major, triceps muscle, deltas10 -12 Do 3-4 working approaches. You can also exercise with a dumbbell.
Raising hands with dumbbells lyingTop chest8-10 You need to work at a slow pace. Do the exercise on a horizontal bench.
French pressTriceps8-10 Exercise with a dumbbell or barbell. Work through the efforts of the triceps.
Extension of arms on the blockTriceps10 -12 There are several variations of the movement, use different handles.

As we can see, triceps take an active part during pumping. pectoral muscles... Severe contributes to an increase in the total muscle mass body.

You should not do the extension of the arms on the block very often. It is enough to pump triceps once a week. Thus, the muscles will recover well between sessions. You can avoid the effects of overtraining. Within a few weeks after starting the training, you will notice real changes. The triceps will become much larger and more prominent!

Extension of arms on the block while standing - isolated exercise for the triceps, which engages the lateral and medial heads of this muscle. This exercise can be performed both at the beginning of training to warm up and warm up the triceps, and at the end of the session to finish off a muscle or get a pumping effect. Extension of the arms on the block can be performed with different grips and with different levers. When performing the movement, it is very important to follow the technique so as not to get injured.

Extension of the arms from the upper block with a direct grip

Execution technique

  • Approach the simulator, grab the handle with a grip slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart, straighten your back and bend your knees slightly, feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward slightly. Hands are tightly pressed to the body.
  • Inhale and as you exhale, straighten your arms completely, at the end point of the amplitude, pause for a second to feel the peak muscle contraction.
  • Smoothly and under control return to starting position... Make sure that the movement occurs only in the elbow joint. When lifting, do not raise your arms to the end, but only to the middle, when a right angle forms between the forearms and shoulder.

This exercise is best done at the end of the session, in order to finish off the triceps.

Reverse grip allows you to emphasize the load on lateral head triceps. There is also a static load on the forearms. The exercise is recommended to be performed immediately after extending the arms on a block with a straight grip.

Execution technique

  • Approach the simulator, grab the handle with a reverse grip, elbows pressed to the body.
  • On exhalation, the arms are unbent, and on inhalation, they bend.
  • Movements occur smoothly, without jerking, so as not to get injured in the elbow joint.
  • The weight on the apparatus is selected so that the athlete can perform about 10-12 repetitions.
  • The movement takes place at the maximum amplitude.

Extension of arms on a block with a rope handle

This type of standing block extension is considered the most effective by many professional athletes, as the rope handle provides the ideal isolated robot and maximum triceps contraction. The lateral head is most of all loaded.

Execution technique

  • Walk up to the simulator and grab rope stick direct grip. Press your elbows against your torso and begin to unbend your arms. At the lowest point of the amplitude, you need to spread the ends of the rope and pause for a second to obtain a peak muscle contraction.
  • Return smoothly to the starting position. Exhale while lowering the handle and inhale while lifting.
  • Make sure that your hands are tightly pressed to the body, and the movement occurs only in the elbow joint.

Triceps training with arm extension at the block

For better growth stimulation muscle group, we must first warm up the muscle, then perform several heavy basic exercises, and after them several isolated ones. This approach is considered the most effective in modern bodybuilding. Let's see how this would look like for a triceps workout:

  • Extension of arms on the block for warming up with a straight handle (2 X 15-20);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Extension of arms from the upper block with a rope handle (3-4 X 8-12);
  • Extension on the block with a reverse grip (3-4 X 8-12).

Now you know everything you need to know about triceps block extensions and can apply this exercise to your workouts. If you have any questions, or want to see how to perform live extensions, we recommend that you read the video below.

Video with the technique of performing arm extension on the block while standing

Flexion of the arms in the crossover from the lower block is considered simple exercise, since the handle of the simulator is taken with one, but with two hands. During flexion, the bulk of the load goes to the biceps. They tend to tense when the elbow flexes and contracts. Additional work includes brachialis muscle, but it receives a much lower degree of stress.

Correct technique

  1. To perform the exercise correctly, you need to grab the handles of the simulator from below. In this case, the elbow joints are firmly fixed in the area latissimus back and slightly laid back.
  2. The back bends, the shoulder blades come together, and the head rises up. It is important to keep your knees slightly bent so that they do not suffer from heavy stress.
  3. If the handles allow this movement, then they can be pulled up, turning the hands so that the palms are facing outward.
  4. When the biceps contracts as much as possible, the hands are pulled apart to the side so that the athlete can perform supination.
  5. Having paused for a couple of seconds in the place where the peak muscle contraction is felt, the athlete can lower his arms to the starting position.
  6. The required number of repetitions is performed. Male beginners and female beginners are advised to do 15 reps in 3 sets. The working weight for women should not exceed 15 kg, and for men - 25 kg.


In any exercise performed in a crossover, it is important to observe correct technique... This is the only way to protect yourself from possible injury. Any jerky movements should be immediately excluded, as they pose the greatest danger to the joints. If the weight set on the simulator seems completely overwhelming, then it can be reduced.

Like any isolation exercise, crossover curls from the upper block should be done at the end of the workout and. The fact is that this type of exercise involves an increased load on one working muscle, so it must be ready to receive it. Otherwise, the training will be useless.

Typical mistakes

Elbows are lifted from the torso... This mistake is often made by novice athletes, since they cannot keep the elbow joints near the trunk. This usually happens due to the use of too heavy weight which cannot be lifted without swinging the elbows. It is important to remember that they must firmly press against the torso, otherwise the biceps will not contract intensively, and the efficiency of the exercise will drop.

Body rocking... While doing the curl of the arms, you need to try to keep your back and the whole body in a stable position. No need to stretch the weight by rocking your back. This makes the exercise simpler, but ineffective.

Incomplete extension of the elbow joints... In some exercises, it is not necessary to fully unbend the joints, as they can be damaged at this moment, but in this case it is very important to unbend the elbows, since they increase the range of motion with their help.

Jerking hands... Such movements are often performed on the last repetitions when there is not enough strength to perform the flexion smoothly. In this case, you need to work at half the amplitude, but you should not "tear" the cables.


The exercise is performed in a weighted block machine. From additional equipment, athletes may need gloves, since when working with a lot of weight, calluses can be rubbed, and with them it is not very convenient to do other exercises where hands are involved.

  1. To make the load on the biceps even greater, it is necessary to move away from the block as far as possible. Thus, the muscles, contracting at the top point of the amplitude, will receive the maximum load, since the force of gravity is directed not downward, but towards the cables of the simulator. Even if you throw your arms back, your biceps will contract well.
  2. It is advisable to fully straighten your arms during extension, since this significantly increases the efficiency of the entire exercise.
  3. Flexion of the arms in the crossover from the lower block differs from the press of the bar in that the load is evenly distributed along the entire trajectory of movement. When performing the same exercise with a barbell, it is maximum only at the beginning and at the end of the movement.
  4. Flexion of the arms in the crossover can be performed not only while standing, but also sitting or lying down. However, it is important to follow the correct technique in all cases.

This exercise uses all triceps bundles, but to a greater extent - the lateral (external lateral) bundle. The main purpose of its use in bodybuilding is to give relief and clear detailing of the contours of the triceps muscle, visual separation of its bundles among themselves.

Shoulder triceps
Auxiliary: ulnar muscle.

Execution technique

  • The exercise is performed on a block device with a D-shaped handle attached to the cable. Approach the simulator so that the working arm is in the same plane with its cable, step back a little with the same leg so as not to interfere with yourself while extending the arm. Tilt the body forward, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to perform the exercise.
  • With one hand, grip the machine bed, and with the other, grip the handle with a lower grip so that the palm and thumb were directed in your direction, then, bending your arm and bringing your elbow to your body, pull the cable and lift the weights over the stops. This is the starting position.
  • Inhale, and while holding your breath, pull the handle down, extending your arm at the elbow joint. Straightening your arm to the end, exhale, and, after a short pause, begin to bend your arm in the opposite direction.
  • During the negative phase, do not let the weight pull your hand, resist, try to do your best to hold the handle. Of course, the negative phase should last at least twice as long as the positive one. After completing all planned reps with one hand, turn the other side to the block and repeat all over again.

All the time the exercise is performed, the back should be in the position that was taken initially, no movements in the lower back are allowed. The wrist is strictly fixed until the end of the exercise, and the elbow is tightly pressed to the body. If you release your elbow, training process the muscles of the back will immediately turn on, and with movements in the wrist joint, the muscles of the forearm. These errors are forced to occur when working with excessively large weight, so do not load the simulator, use a weight that will allow you to skillfully perform the exercise 10-12 times.


at the end of the workout, after heavy pressing and extension exercises, in combination, for example, with "back" push-ups from the bench and French press, or bench press narrow grip and extension of the arm with a dumbbell.

Video "Extension of the arm on the upper block while standing"

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Genus. 1984 Has been training since 1999. Has been training since 2007 .. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1 rank by weightlifting... 2-time medalist of the Krasnodar Territory Championship in m / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date: 2012-05-29 Views: 695 945 Grade: 5.0

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Major muscles -
Additional- no (with the right technique)
Complexity of execution- light

Extension of arms from the upper block

Weight and repetitions for beginners

For men: 10-15 repetitions of 15-20 kg. 2-3 sets.
For women: 10-15 repetitions of 5-10 kg. 2-3 sets.

Muscle group load

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (total load is summed up)

Exercise Description

An even more effective option is when you take the straps instead of the handle. Thus, you lower your arms down and spread them to the sides, which allows you to better work out all 3 triceps heads. The bottom grip also makes sense. But for beginners it is better to do without it for now.

Main features

1. I advise you not to lean forward almost. The more you bend over, the more you will help yourself with the weight. own body... In addition to the fact that you will unbend your arms due to the triceps, you will also press with your whole body from top to bottom. And this is cheating. 2. The elbows must be fixed in one position. Don't turn your arm extensions into presses. 3. In addition to the iron handle, you can also try to do it with ropes or special straps. Such straps allow you to turn your hands, palms up, at the top point. Which stretches your triceps more. Or you can still straighten your arms down and to the sides. This will cause an additional contraction in the triceps. But this is a little more difficult to do. Therefore, it is better to put less weight. 4. Try to straighten your arms all the way. 5. The back should be straight and the chest unfolded. For more stability, you can put one leg slightly forward.
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