How to know if your workout was successful. How to know if your workout is a success

Muscle pain and severe exhaustion are not always indications that the workout was really successful. What actually indicates the effectiveness of physical activity and how to correctly identify these signs? Pay attention to the following factors.


The best and most accurate way to get ahead of how effective your cardio exercise was is to measure your heart rate. Any physical activity makes your heart beat faster, which increases your strength and endurance.

The optimal workload will be that at which your heart beats at three-quarters of your maximum heart rate. How to determine this indicator? To do this, use the formula:

208 - (Age x 0.7)

Accordingly, if you are 23 years old, then, according to this formula, the maximum heart rate should be 191 beats per minute. If we count three quarters from this figure, then we get 143 beats per minute. If at runtime physical exercise if you keep your heart rate at this level, you can be sure that you are getting the most out of the exercise. In order to measure the heartbeat, you can use special sensors.

One more important point: if after a long rest, as well as immediately after waking up, your heart still beats a little faster than normal, then this means that you have overtrained, and your body still has not recovered from the load. This information is great for those who do cardio, but if you prefer strength training, then this figure may not always accurately reflect the real picture.

You feel stronger

There is another way to test yourself, which, however, is somewhat subjective. For this, conditional formulas are used, in which how well you worked on the load is measured in points from 1 to 10. Accordingly, if you feel that you have given your best, then set yourself a high indicator, if not, then low.

If you are really honest with yourself and can confidently say that you have worked on the 8th exercise, then you have certainly achieved your goal. This is a great way to increase your motivation and become stronger and more resilient. In a situation like this, you work as efficiently as possible, but you still have something to work on.

In addition to this, the body must be given time to rest. Rest days for the body are just as important as training days. It is on these days that your body recovers and becomes stronger and more ready for new physical exertion.

You recover faster while doing interval workouts

Many people focus on interval training, which builds stamina and burns huge amounts of calories. The essence of such a load is that for a certain time you perform the exercise very intensely, then slow down for a while, and then increase the intensity again, continuing to repeat the approaches at these intervals.

A measure of how fast your heart rate returns to normal during a low-load period and indicates how effective the exercise is. physical work... A stronger and more trained heart bounces back much faster than one that is not used to stress. If you notice that your heart rate returns to normal within a minute, then you are in good shape.

You challenge yourself

The bottom line is that when you work on yourself, you do not want to lower the bar, but, on the contrary, you are trying to challenge yourself and demonstrate what result you have already achieved and what exactly you are capable of. If you start to have this feeling, then you are on the right track.

To test if you are actually performing at a level that is challenging enough for you, try talking while exercising. If at the same time it is a little difficult for you to pronounce the sentence normally, then you are working at the optimal level for you. If you are short of breath and you do not have enough air at all to say a few words, then the intensity of the exercise should be reduced.

Your sleep quality will improve

One of the benefits of exercising is that you become more active and less sleepy, but that's not all. Numerous studies claim that even one physical activity will improve the quality of your sleep. You may find that you fall asleep more quickly, and the sleep itself becomes deeper. If, on the contrary, after exercising you observe insomnia or other similar problems, then this indicates that you have overtrained, and the intensity of the load should be reduced.

You are more focused during the day.

In addition to the physical benefits, regular exercise also improves your brain activity... If you feel more focused and focused, then you've done a really good job. In addition, you feel more confident and also happier, for which the endorphins that are released through regular exercise should be thanked.

It also improves your productivity, mental clarity and concentration. In addition, experts say that in order to improve your mood and increase your performance, just five minutes of exercise is enough.

Evaluate the effectiveness sports activities it is necessary according to how the task is being performed.
To do this, you need to understand what you want to achieve, and keep records in a training diary.
Your training should always improve the performance you train!

This means that if I train to increase strength and muscle mass, then the effectiveness of my actions will be assessed by these indicators:
1. An increase in muscle volume and body weight
2. Increase in the working weight of the bar and maximum strength
3. I will be evaluating muscle definition (whether I am gaining fat).

If my goal is to lose weight, remove excess fat and tone muscles, I will evaluate the following data:
1. Body weight and change in volumes (circumferences) of body parts.
2. Development of endurance
3. Appearance and muscle shape

The tasks can be different - weight loss, increase in muscle mass, development of endurance, strength, speed, and others. Accordingly, the training programs will be different, and the parameters for control will also be different.
In addition, when checking the effectiveness and correctness of training, I always evaluate general state organism - well-being, sleep, ligaments, joints, pressure. Because you can "drive" the body and at first get, it would seem, an increase physical indicators, but then comes the "payback" - poor health, injuries and absences from classes. I do not consider such "increments" to be correct achievements.

Conclusion - there should be progress in those parameters that you train,
while training should strengthen the body and health.
If your task is gradually being fulfilled and your health improves, then you are acting correctly and effectively.

If you want to lose weight, then as a result of your workouts and diets, the weight should decrease, if you are jogging, then the time during which you run the distance should improve, if you develop strength, then strength indicators should increase.
This will be the best estimate of the effectiveness of the training.
There are periods of stagnation, when the results do not move, there are breaks in training, there are fluctuations associated with the season or with the characteristics of the body. All this must be taken into account and analyzed. Sometimes you need to give the body rest and reduce the load, or work on others physical qualities... Therefore, a temporary decrease in results is possible, but then there is an exit to a new level of achievements.
But, if for a long time, your sports activities do not lead to the progress of the desired qualities, then you are making mistakes and acting incorrectly.
To analyze and track changes, I recommend keeping a training diary.

To assess the effectiveness of your sports activities, you need to do the following:
1. Statement of the problem
You must understand exactly what you want to get from sports activities.
As I said, goals are different, they can be sports achivments, or wellness purposes, or simply good mood and a charge of vivacity
Having a precise task, you select the type of load, training program and diet to achieve the goal.

2. Recording and control of the required parameters
Everyone has professional athletes there is a training diary, which records data for monitoring and evaluating the training process.
By changing certain parameters, you can easily see if your actions are effective or not.

Some parameters that can be easily monitored and evaluated:
1. Body weight - measurement on scales
2. Volumes (circumferences) of various parts of the body - measurements in centimeters
3. Pulse at rest and under load - measurement with watch
4. Power indicators in different exercises- strength tests
5. Endurance - running as well as endurance in everyday life
6. Muscle relief (amount of body fat) - photo diary, assessment of appearance
7. General health - sleep, energy, muscle condition, etc.
Read the article, there is a lot of information you need.

You can get author's diaries for monitoring achievements for free.
To do this, you need and three diaries will be sent to your mail
1. Weight loss diary (with instructions and tips)
2. Universal workout diary (for exercising in the gym or at home)
3. Running training diary (for joggers)

Dr. Sidhu is a Toronto-based chiropractor with over 20 years of experience. Graduated from Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College in 1994, followed by a three-year certification course in rehabilitation.

The number of sources used in this article:. You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Regular physical activity is good for the body. Aerobic and strength exercises have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. Sport allows you to keep weight under control or lose weight, keep pressure at the desired level; sports reduce the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, heart attack. Sports also boosts your mood. However, if you exercise too much or too intensely, it can negatively affect your condition. You may develop insomnia and your heart rate may increase. With regular, excessive exercise, the risk of heart disease increases. Too much intense workouts also lead to muscle breakdown. This is due to the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. Immunity can also be compromised, which increases the risk of developing various diseases. Monitor your body condition to know when to rest.


Exercise and signs of overwork

    Keep track of how much strength you have left and how quickly you recover. One of the first symptoms that appears with excessive physical exertion is a general decrease in strength and an increase in the time it takes to recover. If you exercise too much, you will tire faster and take longer to recover.

    Watch your sleep. One of the signs of overload is sleep disturbances, and these disturbances will show up fairly quickly. Insomnia and abnormally long sleep are signs of overuse.

    Monitor your mood and motivation. Perhaps you underestimate the relationship between mood, emotional state, motivation, and exercise. Any change in your usual mood could be signs of overwork.

    Measure your heart rate. If you exercise regularly, you are likely to monitor your heart rate at rest and during exercise. If your resting heart rate rises, it can be a worrying sign.

    Keep track of your menstrual cycle if you are a woman. Excessive physical activity can lead to a lack of menstruation, as sports affect the production of hormones. Amenorrhea may be due to physical activity... Menstruation may disappear or become irregular, depending on how intense your workout is. Hormonal disturbances can negatively affect bone mass, which increases the risk of sprains, fractures and osteoporosis. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

    Track your progress. Many athletes and people who are involved in physical education track changes in the usual load. It doesn't matter if you develop strength or endurance. In any case, you should know what your goals are and what kind of load you can handle right now.

    Analyze the reasons why you play sports. While sports are undeniably good for their health, many people do it for the wrong reasons. If you start to abuse training or are trying to lose a lot of weight through sports, you should stop and try to love your body as it is.

    How to find the right load

    1. Talk to your doctor. If you feel like you are exercising too often or too intensely, it is worth stopping and talking to your doctor. This is especially important if you are showing signs of overtraining or if you want to start over.

      • Make an appointment with your doctor if you feel like you are exercising too much, or you are not sure that you can do the exercises that you have chosen. The doctor will explain to you what will be good for your health.
      • See your doctor as soon as possible if you have signs of overtraining. If you do not stop, they will intensify, and this is dangerous to health.
    2. You need to move a lot, and cardio loads are especially useful - running, swimming, training on an ellipsoid. However, generally accepted recommendations regarding the frequency and duration of training should be adhered to.

      Plan 1-2 strength training sessions per week. In addition to cardio workouts, strength training is also needed. You don't need to exercise too often or too much to achieve tangible results.

      Warm up before your workout and don't forget to cool down after your workout. Gentle exercise before and after your workout can help you recover faster. After strength training, you need to do 5-10 minutes aerobic exercise- run or walk. This will warm up the body and prevent injury.

      Start moving more in your daily life. If you want to be active and a healthy person, you should not go towards this goal by increasing the duration of your workouts. Try to move more in your daily life - it will make you feel better.

    Pause training

    1. Keep a training diary. The workout diary is a very handy tool. It allows you to record the type of load, intensity and repetition rate of exercises. With the help of a diary, you can assess your workload and consider whether you should take a break.

      • You can keep a paper diary or use a mobile application. Mark training days, exercise types, duration and intensity.
      • Also record your feelings. For example, you worked with the weight as usual, but it was difficult for you to complete the last set. Or you ran 8 kilometers, but the last kilometer was given to you with difficulty.
      • If you've already noticed signs of overwork, take a look at the exercises you've been doing over the past weeks. Consider as many training days as possible to get a better understanding of what you were doing.

Zozhnik decided to figure out how much time it really was without trainings will take place before we start to lose shape.

Each of us skips workouts for different reasons. But we know perfectly well that often even an unplanned absenteeism of one workout, like a snowball, develops into absenteeism for 3, 5 and 10 workouts. At the same time, many fear that by missing one workout, they will immediately lose their athletic form.

In the process of regular training (especially intense), our body is under stress. That is why from time to time it is necessary to take a short break from training in order to give our central nervous system, muscles, ligaments, tendons and bones to recover. But it is important not to overdo it with the duration of the rest, because in otherwise the rule "Use it or lose it" will come into play, which implies the loss of specific abilities of our body (muscle volume, endurance, strength) with the termination of training.

Science says that there are 2 most important factors affecting the rate of loss of shape: the length of the break and the level of fitness at the time of its beginning.

How quickly experienced athletes lose their shape

It is much easier to regain lost fitness level if you exercise regularly for a long time. Simply put, if you have systematically trained 3-4 times a week for over a year, your muscle memory and endurance will retain better than beginners.

It is also important to emphasize that fitness loss can worsen at different rates depending on whether you are doing strength training or cardio training.

Loss of strength

For most experienced athletes, loss of strength begins after 2-3 weeks of stopping training, but this also depends on the conditions in which the body is during the break. If you get sick and your body is under stress, you will begin to lose strength after 2 to 3 weeks. If you are healthy and moving enough, you will not begin to feel a significant loss of strength until after the 4th week.

In 2001, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) journal MedicineinScienceandExercise reviewed several studies that examined the effect of interruptions in training on strength performance in runners, rowers, and strength athletes. All groups of trainees showed a minimal decrease in strength indicators even after the onset of the 4th week without training.

However, the following feature was noticed: while the general strength indicators practically did not decrease, the specific muscle fibers of the athletes began to noticeably lose strength. Endurance athletes have most of the "slow" muscle fibers(just responsible for a large number of repetitions) has significantly lost in strength. The siloviki showed the same changes in type II fibers (responsible for strength).

Loss of aerobic capacity

According to the expert in the field of sports medicine Elizabeth Quinn, the loss of aerobic capacity in experienced athletes occurs quickly enough. The specialist mentions a study in which experienced athletes, after a year of training for 3 months, completely stopped exercising. As a result, scientists found that athletes' endurance performance dropped by as much as 50% in 3 months.

Also in 1985, scientists from Denmark conducted an experiment in which 9 experienced athletes participated in an aerobic exercise. Before starting the experiment, participants allocated 6 to 10 hours of endurance training per week. During the trial period, their workouts were reduced to one high-intensity 35-minute session per week. After 4 weeks, athletes' endurance scores dropped 21%.

But don't be discouraged, as strength and conditioning specialist Molly Galbraith says, while endurance scores drop more compared to strength, experienced athletes return to their previous levels faster.

How quickly beginners get out of shape

If you have just recently come into the world of fitness and for some reason have to take a break from training, you should not stretch this period for a long time. The main key to achieving any fitness goals is consistency and regularity of training, and here it is very important not to lose the gained momentum too early.

Loss of strength

The strength indicators of beginners are better preserved and recover faster after a break in training compared to athletes. And this is logical: the further a person has gone from the usual level in his sports development, the more difficult it is for him to keep himself at this high level, respectively - and the loss in fitness - higher for any reason. Conversely, beginners don't have much to lose compared to athletes. And science confirms this.

Let's turn to an interesting study carried out by Japanese scientists in 2011. During their experiment, 15 newcomers were divided into 2 groups. Both groups performed a bench press. horizontal bench with high level intensity. At the same time, the first group trained for 15 weeks in a row, and the second, after 6 weeks of training, took a 3-week break and resumed training for the next 5 weeks. After 15 weeks, the scientists compared the results and found that, as a result, both groups of subjects had identical strength indicators.

Loss of aerobic performance

However, the opposite is true for aerobic performance. There are quite a few studies on this topic, but we found the following. According to the same Elizabeth Quinn, beginners lose their aerobic performance much faster than experienced athletes. The specialist refers to an experiment in which beginners leading a sedentary lifestyle trained on stationary bikes for 2 months.

Subjects showed significant improvements in performance after 8 weeks. of cardio-vascular system, their aerobic performance also improved significantly. But as soon as the subjects took a 2-month pause, the scientists found that all improvements were lost. As a result, the subjects completely returned to the level of aerobic capacity that they had before the start of training.

How to slow down the loss of fitness

Regardless of whether you took a planned break from training or due to health problems, there are ways to help slow the loss of the gained form.

  1. Do light cardio

If your physical condition allows, do a few light runs a week. This will help you slow down the loss of your aerobic performance.

  1. Connect strength training

Reasons for suspension strength training there can be many, including injury. However, if the injury is localized, for example, in the ankle or wrist, it is not at all necessary to use your injury as an excuse. For example, nothing prevents you from doing twists with an injured wrist or swimming a short distance with a crawl with a minor finger injury.

If you have a really serious injury or have a cold and are in bed with a high fever, then you should completely refrain from any exercise.

  1. Eat right

Eating right during your workout pause will help slow muscle loss and prevent fat loss. Eat enough protein, choose healthy sources of carbohydrates and fats. Also, during the period of rest from training, it is important to follow the principle rational nutrition, in which the amount of energy received should be equal to its expended amount.


Actually sports uniforms is not lost so quickly, but if you experienced athlete - you have very little cause for concern. In general, the more experienced the athlete, the easier it is for him to regain his strength level through muscle memory, and the slower his aerobic capacity is lost, which he can recover relatively quickly.

Have newbies everything is a little different. While they don't need to worry about the temporary loss of strength as they quickly return after resuming training, this is not the case with aerobic performance. But they are newbies because their aerobic abilities are not so well developed as to be afraid of losing them.


o How long does it actually take to get out of shape,

o How fast do I lose fitness if I stop exercising,

o Madsen K., Pedersen P.K., Effects of detraining on endurance capacity and metabolic changes during prolonged exhaustive exercise, Department of Physical Education, Odense University.

o Ogasawara R., Yasuda T., Effects of periodic and continued resistance training on muscle CSA and strength in previously untrained men, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo.

o Mujika I., Padilla S., Cardiorespiratory and metabolic characteristics of detraining in humans, Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo, Athletic Club de Bilbao, Spain.

It is often difficult for us to objectively assess the effectiveness of training - you regularly appear in the gym, make volitional efforts, master new simulators, even sweat, and the relief muscles are in no hurry to show up. In this article, we have collected 6 reliable signs that will help you make sure your workout was not wasted.

The usual manifestations of physical fatigue, such as a T-shirt that you can squeeze out, pleasant muscle pain or brutal hunger after training, are very subjective. For example, according to research by scientists from Fairmont State University, on average, a person can lose from 800 milliliters to 1.5 liters of fluid per hour of exercise - the variation is quite large and depends on individual indicators. Muscle pain will also not help measure the effectiveness of a workout, as the body quickly adjusts to new loads. The feeling of hunger that comes after a good workout is a myth. We offer 6 scientifically based signs that you did not work in vain. Next time leaving gym, go through the following points:


Next time, in order to check how efficiently you are working, try to exchange a few phrases with one of your friends in the gym during the next set. If you can easily maintain a lively conversation, you are doing something wrong.

For skeptics, a more scientific approach: create your load scale from 0 to 10, where 10 is your maximum and 0 is your state of rest. So, during the exercise, the load level should be kept at 6-7 - this means that you are working quite intensely, and you can hardly easily chat with a neighbor.


As the last set of reps approaches, do you slow down, put in more effort, literally complete the final set with your last bit of strength? Fine! This is a sure sign that the muscles are working great, which means that the training was effective.


The most accurate way to gauge the intensity of a workout is to figure out what percentage of your maximum you're working out. For example, define your maximum heart rate can be using the following equation, proposed by scientists at The American College of Sports Medicine: 206.9 - (0.67 x age). “For a workout to be called effective, it is necessary to work at 80-90% of 100% of the maximum possible,” advise the scientists of the aforementioned university.


Indeed, every time you leave the hall, you should feel that you are overcoming yourself and become closer to your goal, but apathy and weakness are not at all the sensations that leave correct workout... If, despite physical fatigue, you still have enough strength and energy to actively spend the rest of the day, then you are on the right track.

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