Russian heavy draft horse breed characteristics. Russian heavy truck

This breed comes from small heavy draft horses from the mountainous part of Belgium - the Ardens, which began to be imported to Russia about a century and a half ago. True, looking at the "then" photographs of these horses, it is difficult to believe that they have something in common with the modern representatives of the Russian heavy draft breed. The Ardens for the most part had a disharmonious constitution and many exterior flaws, they were far from an ideal heavy draft horse. But at the same time they possessed a number of valuable qualities: good mobility, dry constitution, unpretentiousness to the conditions of feeding and maintenance. Ardens began to spread rapidly throughout Russia, and by 1904 they were already bred by 376 farms, including the Khrenovskaya and Derkul state stud farms, the farm of the Petrovskaya Agricultural Academy and many small private stud farms. In order to quickly increase the livestock, the Ardens were not only bred clean, but also crossed with mares of other draft breeds, mainly Brabancons.

The main method of pedigree work with a Russian draft truck is “clean” breeding along the lines. The initial genealogical structure of the breed was formed under the predominant influence of two ancestors of the lines - the red-haired Guard (born in 1909) and the red-haired Casket (born in 1918), and the leading role belonged to Karaul and his descendants. Further improvement of the breed was accompanied by the breeding of new progressive lines. So, in the 70s "from the depths" of the line of the Guard came the line of the Scout, and in the offspring of Larchik, the line of Kovarny was formed. With the advent of demand for a larger heavy truck, new Gradus lines (issued in 1994) were withdrawn from the Scout and Svist lines (issued in 1990) from the Kapitan line, which represent a new enlarged type of Russian heavy truck with a height of 155 cm and above. The most valuable livestock of Russian heavy draft horses is in Russia, in Kuedinsky (Perm region) and Vologda stud farms. The factory staff of the Kuedinsky stud farm includes about a hundred mares, in the Vologda stud farm - about fifty. It has been calculated that a modern Russian heavy-duty truck is not inferior to a small tractor in productivity, and significantly surpasses it in terms of efficiency. In such works as on-farm transportation over short distances, processing of small-contour plots of land, maintenance of livestock farms, etc., it is much more profitable and cheaper to use horse power. After all, horses do not need expensive fuels and lubricants - the "fuel" for this "living engine" literally grows underfoot. And what is important, this "engine" is environmentally friendly, its rational use will help restore soil fertility and improve the environmental situation in general. In a small farm, the relatively medium-sized growth of a Russian heavy truck is even a plus. You need less feed, besides, it would be more difficult for a larger horse to work at inconveniences, where there is nowhere to turn around. Meanwhile, in terms of strength, carrying capacity and endurance, the Russian heavy truck is slightly inferior to larger breeds. And if we add to this his mobility, productive movements in step and trot and the ability to develop a sufficient high speed with a load, it becomes clear that the "baby" is very competitive among working breeds and can even get around them somewhere. Records set on tests of working qualities speak about the capabilities of the Russian heavy truck: a distance of 2 km with a pulling force of 50 kg (the weight of the cart is about 1.5 tons) was overcome at a trot in 5 minutes 20, 3 seconds; step the same distance, but with triple traction force (150 kg or 4.5 tons) covered in 13 minutes exactly; in tests for pulling endurance with a pulling force of 300 kg, which is equivalent to a nine-ton wagon, 1091.6 meters were covered. And the maximum traction force is generally amazing - 869, 5 kg of tractive effort, or about 26 tons of cargo! One of the most valuable properties of the Russian heavy truck, inherited from the distant ancestors of the Ardennes, is its amazing unpretentiousness. Russian heavy trucks adapt well in any climatic conditions, in the mountains and on the plains. They are undemanding to feed and, in the absence of hay and concentrates, they can get by with only straw for some time. They can even shame as horses of aboriginal breeds: this is how Russian heavy draft horses successfully survived the winter at the Torey stud farm in Buryatia. In addition, Russian heavy trucks have great durability and high fertility. The output of foals per hundred mares in stud farms is 80-85%, and in the most favorable years it rises to 90%. Pedigree use of many stallions and mares continues until the age of 20-25. Russian heavy trucks are widely used in regions with developed meat horse breeding to improve the productive qualities of local horses. Nice results crossings were obtained in the steppes of Buryatia and Kazakhstan, and in the Altai Republic, Russian heavy trucks participated in the breeding of the Novoaltaiskaya breed. Mares are distinguished by high milk production, in terms of their small weight by heavy draft standards, they give even more milk than the absolute record holders for maximum milk yield - large heavy trucks. So, on the kumys farm of the All-Russian Research Institute of Horse Breeding, Russian heavy draft mares for full lactation (236 days) received an average of 2782 liters of milk, and the mare Lukoshka showed the maximum productivity - 4870 liters for 305 days of lactation. By the way, in last years kumis farms are being created around large Russian cities, which are completed mainly with horses of heavy draft breeds. But mare's milk is not only kumis, but also an excellent product for baby food: as a substitute for mother's milk, it is much better than cow's milk. However, this area of ​​application for the Russian heavy truck is not limited to. Small, energetic, but calm and good-natured, and at the same time inexpensive and unpretentious - what is not a horse for tourism! An inexperienced rider, an old man, and a child can be put on the broad back of such a kind-hearted man. In recent decades, difficult times have come for heavy draft horse breeding. And almost all the problems arose because of the current economic situation in the country. The draft horse has always been an inexpensive horse. Earlier, “under socialism,” the high profitability of the breeding of heavy trucks was ensured by planning the development of the industry, production and sales of products by horse farms. Today the situation has changed radically - horse farms that breed heavy trucks are suffering losses. On the farms, the material and technical base has deteriorated, which entailed a decrease in the number of breeding stock, violations of the technology of raising horses, especially in terms of the level of feeding due to lack of feed or their low quality, a strong decrease in the level of reproduction. If earlier horses of the Russian heavy draft breed were bred in five specialized stud farms and 22 branches of the factories, where more than a thousand queens were kept, now the number of livestock has decreased by 3.5 times. Due to low wages, the personnel issue is very acute. But, despite all this, we still have a valuable gene pool of the Russian heavy draft breed - this unique achievement of domestic breeding. Of course, stud farms are trying to adapt to new conditions of existence, to provide at least the necessary minimum conditions for raising horses. However, for the continued existence and development of the breed, serious support from the industry is needed. And an indispensable condition is the preservation of the system of breeding activities: centralized pedigree registration, publication of state herd books, centralized planning of work with the breed. Only with the joint efforts of practitioners and scientists can one expect that heavy draft horse breeding will not only be preserved, but will also take its rightful place in modern world... Russian heavy truck is the only domestic breed not large heavy trucks... Its modern representatives are horses of medium height, with a pronounced harness type of constitution, a long and massive body, on strong and bony legs. Average measurements of stallions 153, 4-166, 8-22, 4 cm, mares - 150, 0-161, 6-21, 2 cm, live weight about 580-700 kg. The Russian heavy draft truck is characterized by a dry, light broad-browed head, a beautifully curved and rather long muscular neck, a wide withers, a long, sometimes soft back, an even and muscular loin, a wide, forked, slightly drooping croup. The ribcage is barrel-shaped, the legs are short, dry and strong, the hind legs are often slightly saber-shaped. Legs are slightly covered, and the mane and tail are thick and long. The predominant colors are red and red roan, less often bay and brown, sometimes black horses are found.

This breed is a medium-sized heavy truck. It was bred in the USSR through complex reproductive crossing, selection and selection by type in conditions of moderate feeding and the use of horses in agricultural work.

Of the breeds used for crossing, greatest value local horses of Ukraine, mountain Ardens and some other heavy draft breeds (Percherons, large Belgian heavy trucks, etc.), as well as the Orlov trotter had.

The import of the Ardennes stallions of the mountain type into Russia began in the middle of the 19th century, while systematic work with this breed began in our country from the 60s of the last century. In 1861, they began to breed ardens at the Petrovskaya (now Timiryazevskaya) Agricultural Academy and in the Chesme plant, Voronezh region, in 1868 - in the factories of Kochubei and Chaplits, Poltava region, and in 1872 - in the Derkul state stud farm in Ukraine ... The success of breeding Ardens in these factories, especially in Chesme, prompted a number of other horse breeders to take up them, and by 1904 there were 376 farms in Russia in which Ardens were bred (it should be noted that in some cases large Belgian heavy draft horses were called Ardens).

At the same time, the use of the Ardens in mass horse breeding grew. So, in 1875 there were 9 Ardennes stallions in the factory stables, and in 1915 - 597, which was 25.8% of all heavy draft stallions in the state factory stallions.

At the end of the 19th century, the Arden were the most popular working horses. They were especially appreciated for their strength, good movement and relatively low demands on feeding and maintenance.

At the beginning of the 20th century, state factory stables and stud farms pay more attention to large heavy trucks, and in many factories Ardennes mares happen to Brabancon stallions and switch to breeding this breed, although they often retain their old name - "Ardennes" for their horses. This change in the direction of breeding with the Ardens in Russia was caused, as in other countries, an increase in the demand for large workhorses for growing cities and industrial centers. Mainly, only a small part of the factories have retained their former direction of work.

The leading place in the Ardennes horse breeding was initially occupied by the Chesme stud farm; he was the main supplier of producers to other stud farms and state-owned stud stables. At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, with the transfer of the Ardennes breeding stock of the Chesme stud farm to Pershino and the deterioration of breeding work with this group of horses, the Dubrovsky stud farm took the leading place.

The Chesme stud farm began working with the Ardens in 1861. It consisted of 4 brood mares and 2 brood stallions (Arlon and Arden). In 1871, the hatchery stallion Bizori entered the plant, and in 1875 - Kalach. A small number of breeding material forced from the very beginning to take the path of using close, simple and complex inbreeding. Most often in the first period of work, inbreeding was used on Bizori and on the Bizori-Kalach complex. The pedigree of the stallion Baz is typical for this period.

Only small mares and stallions were selected for the breeding composition, while larger ones were discarded.

The Chesme plant created a fairly consolidated type of arden. His best representatives were Kolpak 2 and Baz. The ancestor of the very widespread line at this time - Karaul, the grandson of Kolpak II, ascends to Kolpak 2, and Baz became the ancestor of the line, continued to this day through his son Bazik, grandson of Zapoy and great-grandson of the Day laborer.

In Pershin, where the breeding stock of the Chesme stud farm was transferred in the early 90s of the 19th century, the previous direction of work changed dramatically. The factory was replenished with a rather diverse group of brood mares, among which were small - of the Ardennes type and large - of the Brabancon type. Then work began on the enlargement of production by using large Brabancon stallions, and, finally, the infusion of trotting blood was applied through the stallion Razmach.

Since 1910, the use of large Brabancons as producers here has become widespread. All this led to the loss of the uniformity of products that distinguished the Chesme plant.

The Derkul State Stud started working with the Ardens in 1879, when the Ardeno-Brabancon stallion Travnik was mated. V next year in the plant began to use the outlet ardena Burka. There were few mares in the broodstock of the Ardennes; most of the mares were crossbreeds of Percherons, Danish horses, English coachmen, trotters and Arab horses. The Ardennes branch was not clearly defined in the factory, and there were cases when the Percheron mares "for small stature" were transferred to the Ardennes branch.

In 1890, all heavy trucks from Derkul were transferred to Khrenovoe (Voronezh region), where, as in the Pershinsky stud farm, Ardennes mares began to happen not only with Ardennes, but also with Brabancon stallions, and in the last years before the revolution and in the first years after it, the proportion of Brabancons in the composition of producers increased significantly. The horses were generally large, long, with good hugging measurements. But, as in the Pershinsky plant, the products were not of the same type, and among them there were many small, short horses with relatively smaller gripping measurements.

In the Dubrovsky stud farm, the Ardennes branch was organized at the end of the 19th century (around 1895). Along with Derkul mares (with Percheron blood), separate Ardenne mares of the Chesme plant (daughters of the Chesme stallions Karavaya, Quiver and Baza) and one braban-trotting mare were included in the broodstock. At first, only the Ardennes stallions of the Chesme plant (Baz, Kub, Quiver) were used as sires, and then the stallions raised in their own plant of the same lines and complexes - Bazik and Karaul (see pedigrees).

In addition to these stallions, several manufacturers of new lines were used in the plant. The most influential of them were the siblings Boom and Brus from Badu and Brusniki, the stallion Mouton and the Ardeno-Brabancon stallion Boy.

As a result of the skillful use of these stallions on fixed-type mares, Dubrovsky Zavod created its own type of heavy draft, smaller than the Chezme one, but with better development of latitudinal measurements. It should be borne in mind that in the Dubrovsky stud farm, as well as in the Chesmensky stud farm, a strict selection by type was carried out, with the exclusion of larger individuals from the breeding composition. In this plant, the main successors of the old lines were brought out - Karaul and a number of his children, Zapoy with his son Day laborer, and also a new line was created - Casket (see pedigree).

Of the other factories that had an impact on the formation of the modern breed, one should point to the Mariupol people's farm, at which in 1912 a factory with a trotting and Ardennes branches was organized. The broodstock of this breeding farm had partly the same roots as the original composition of the Dubrovsky stud farm, partly ascending to two mares - one with trotters among the ancestors, and the other with riding horses. The producers here used Arden Chief and Brabancon Ladny (half-brother of the Dubrovsky Boy). The breeding work of the plant was based on the combination of these two lines with partial inbreeding to the Chief, as a result of which a fairly homogeneous group of horses was obtained, larger than the Dubrovsk Ardennes, but with a relatively narrow body.

Kochubey's plant, which at the end of the 19th century mainly switched to the absorption of the Ardennes by the Brabancons, left a noticeable mark in the modern composition of the breed through the Rubicon stallion and partly through the Razmakh stallion, which has trotters among its ancestors.

By the end of the 19th century, the type of Russian arden had several options: the most aligned and smaller chesme-dubrovsky somewhat larger and less aligned Pershin, even larger and also insufficiently aligned shitty... These differences in type are quite understandable when you consider the methods of working with the breed in individual plants.

Long-term work on the consolidation of desirable types through appropriate selection and selection was crowned with success: by the beginning of the 20th century, a new one had been developed. " Russian heavy"a breed that does not have identical representatives in other countries. At the Paris show in 1900, it attracted everyone's attention.

One of important conditions, which determined the success of the work, in addition to selection and selection, were the conditions of feeding and maintenance. In most of the farms where Russian heavy trucks were bred, they were used as work horses, which was very important for the development of good manners, good movement and endurance.

Feeding for heavy trucks in most factories was not plentiful. For example, in some factories the average daily dacha for a horse was 5-6 kg of hay, 1.6 kg of straw and 5.25 kg of oats. In summer, suckling mares received 5-8 kg of oats during work. Young growth in the first winter, in addition to roughage, received 3 kg of oats; one-year-olds were not fed in the summer, and for the second winter one and a half were given 1.5-2 kg of oats. By 1920, only the horses of the Dubrovsky, Pershinsky and Khrenovsky stud farms and the Mariupol people's farm survived, and even then not completely. In 1924, there were only 92 Ardennes stallions in the factory stables.

In 1923, the heavy draft horses of the Dubrovsky stud farm were transferred to the Novo-Aleksandrovsky stud farm, Voroshilovgrad region, where in 1929 the composition of the Mariupol folk farm was also transferred. The heavy draft department of the Khrenovsky stud farm in 1925 was transferred to Pershino, from where all Russian heavy trucks in 1927 were transferred to the Uralsky, and later to the Kuedinsky stud farm, Molotov region.

Initially, in these factories, work was carried out with the same manufacturing composition that was obtained from the previous factories, and the same methods that were used in them.

In the period 1927-1937. the main stud farms (Novo-Aleksandrovsky and Uralsky, and later Kuedinsky) continued to work on the consolidation of the breed and the improvement of intra-breed types.

The separation of Russian heavy draft horses into an independent breed was made in 1937. This work was based on both the origin and the type of horse. At the same time, it was pointed out that it was necessary to call them "Russian Ardennes" in order to avoid mixing our heavy trucks with the French and Swedish (and at the present time with the Baltic ones). Now this breed is called "Russian heavy truck".

Nowadays, this breed is quite widespread. The main areas of its distribution are the Ukrainian SSR, with a dry climate characteristic of its steppes, and the Molotov region, with a rugged relief and a humid climate. In addition, Russian heavy trucks are bred in the Byelorussian SSR, the Udmurt ASSR, the Kirov, Sverdlovsk, Vologda and Arkhangelsk regions. Such an area of ​​distribution, significant in terms of diversity, indicates the broad adaptive abilities of Russian heavy trucks.

For the most part, Russian heavy trucks are small in stature, but massive, have a long, deep and wide body, short, correctly set, sufficiently bony, with well-developed joints of the limbs. They perfectly combine massiveness, dry build and mobility.

Their head is medium, wide in the forehead, with a straight profile, the neck is short, wide, and muscular. In stallions and some mares, the crest of the neck is strongly developed. The neck set in horses of the Novo-Aleksandrovsk type is low, in the Ural type it is high. The withers are low, broad and muscular. The back is long, wide, often soft. The loin is convex. The croup is long, drooping, bifurcated. In the Ural horses, the croup is less bifurcated than in the Novo-Aleksandrovsky horses. The chest is deep, wide, the rib is steep; groin is not long. The shoulder blade is predominantly steep; sometimes horses with a sloping shoulder blade are found. The forelegs are short, set wide apart, the pasterns are short and steep. In the formulation and structure of the forelegs, there are deviations from the norm and disadvantages: a substituted leg, a sunken wrist and insufficient muscularity of the shoulder. The muscles of the croup and lower leg are well developed. Most of the hind legs are set correctly; shortcomings in the setting include saber fence in the Novo-Aleksandrovsk horses and direct back leg- among the Ural, especially common in the offspring of the stallion Liman. The joints of the limbs are bulky and dry. The tendons are well developed and prominent in many horses; brushes are small or even missing. The hooves are small correct shape, the horn is durable.

The movement of Russian heavy trucks is free, they have a good step and trot. Their temperament is energetic, good-natured character.

The predominant color is red of various shades (in 50.4% of horses); there are also suits of bay (12%), brown (11.3%), roan (17.3%), black, gray (from 3 to 6%).

The Russian heavy trucks recorded in the first volume of the State Studbook had the following average measurements and indices (Table 23):

The current composition of stud farms is characterized by a larger growth. According to appraisal data in 1948-1949, full-age mares had measurements:

Three main types can be distinguished in the breed.

Most common (up to 50% of all horses) Novo-Aleksandrovsky type, bred in the plant of the same name in Ukraine. This type has a significant proportion in the Ural stud farms (through the Novo-Aleksandrovsk stallions). Mares of the Novo-Aleksandrovsk type are characterized by the following average measurements and indices:

As a percentage of the height at the withers:

Horses of this type, when small, are deep, massive, long and dry. They are characterized by some rearrangement in the croup, an elongated back, and (often) drooping of the croup. They are pedigree, dry, harmonious and energetic, have good stride, free trot, high carrying capacity. All records for carrying capacity, walking speed and trotting speed were set by horses from the lines of the Novo-Aleksandrovsk type. Most of the horses of the lines of the Guard, Casket, Day laborer belong to this type.

Ural type formed in the stud farms of the Urals on the basis of breeding material of Pershin-Khrenov origin. It was formed under conditions of a more humid climate, more abundant feeding, insufficient movement during the stall period, and a short grazing period. The quality of forage, especially the main ones - pasture and hay, was also different than in the Novo-Aleksandrovsk stud farm, which had virgin steppes.

Horses of the Ural type are larger than the Novo-Aleksandrovsk ones; their body is relatively shorter, the topline is better (rearrangement in the croup and a soft back are less common), the croup is less bifurcated; the constitution is less dry, the skin is thicker, horses with large brushes are more common: the head is large, more elongated in the facial part, the ganache is massive. The legs are longer and more bony.

Average measurements and indices of mares of the Ural type:

As a percentage of the height at the withers:

This type includes: most of the horses from the Rubicon line, part of the Kuhl offspring (from the Guard line), Lawn, etc.

Weighted type formed as a result of the use of Sorvants and Twilight, the sons of the Captain, in the Ural stud farms. This type also includes the largest descendants of the Rubicon and Kuhl. Horses of this type are the largest in the breed. They are rough, cheesy, not deep enough and long enough, and less energetic at work. Their topline is good.

Average measurements and indices of weighted mares:

As a percentage of the height at the withers:

In addition to these basic types, there are groups of horses in the breed that cannot be attributed to any of the described types. The most numerous group of horses lightweight type... These horses are characterized by the following measurements and indices:

As a percentage of the height at the withers:

In connection with the pronounced breed of horses included in the group of the lightweight type, the correct addition, as well as their value in origin, this group in the future, through the appropriate selection of horses and directed rearing of young stock, will be mastered by the main desirable types of breed.

It is also necessary to mention a group of horses with trotting ancestors... These horses, bred in the Ural stud farms, are interesting due to their free gaits. In terms of measurements and indices, they are not inferior to horses of other types. Their measurements and indices:

It should be noted that in horses of this group, the improvement in the quality of the gaits was often accompanied by a deterioration in the structure of the forelegs - the appearance of an interception under the wrist, the end face of short pasterns, a decrease in the volume and relief of the fetlock joints. Horses in this group are less typical in mass. This should warn against trying to "improve" the Ardens with trotters.

There are a number of lines in the breed.

Guard Line, red., born. 1909, in the Dubrovsky stud farm, from the Quiver and the Budka, measurements 143-155-187-20 are the most common in the breed. Branches have already emerged in the line, of which the stallions Kalyan with their offspring and Kul are the most different from each other.

In general, the horses of the Karaul line are typical Novo-Aleksandrovsk: massive, long, dry, pedigree. They are especially pedigree, of the same type, correctly built and are distinguished by the outstanding depth of the chest and the efficiency of the horse from the offspring of Kalyan (Karaul's grandson), borer., Born. 1929 But they are somewhat smaller in stature and less bony.

Hookah has already given a number of manufacturers of factory value: Scout, dr., Born. 1936, measurements 150-164-218-22.5, from Laziyka; Leaf, drill., Born 1937, measurements 148-163-194-21, from Lastivka; Forester, drill., Born. 1937, measurements 149-158-199-21, from Lesstka, etc.

The second branch of the Guard line through Karavaya, t-red., Born. 1926, represented by the factory producer Burny, red, born 1935, measurements 151-165-205-21.5, from the Evil Baroness, and a number of mares. They are powerful horses with a low, thick neck.

The stallion Kul, Bur., Rozhd. 1926, measurements 145-164-195-22, from the Guard and the Old Lady. It is coarse and, being used on the Ural type queens, gave birth to offspring that deviate to the weighted type. His children are very bony, massive, sometimes rough and damp.

Casket Line... The ancestor of this line is red-haired in gray hair Casket, born. 1918, from the Boy and the Snuffbox, was very short in stature, but deep, long and had a large live weight. Its measurements are 139-154-193-20 and live weight is 586 kg. It was widely used in the Novo-Aleksandrovsk plant and left a fairly large offspring (about 30% of the mares of the plant belong to his line).

Due to the fact that this line developed in combination with the line of the Guard, its representatives have many features in common with the latter, uniting them into one intra-breed type. Horses of the Casket line are simple, they often have a soft back, and their legs are better set than the horses of the Guard line. In terms of efficiency and fertility, the Larchik line is inferior to the Guard line, although some of its representatives were distinguished by a high carrying capacity (for example, the Insidious, red stallion, born in 1936, from Lech and Kovarnaya, which carried 7,265 kg of cargo). Just like the Karaul line, this line develops in two different branches through the sons of Casket: Lech in the Novo-Aleksandrovsky plant and Liman in the Uralsky plant.

In the Novo-Aleksandrovsky stud farm, the descendants of Larchik (through Lech) are somewhat rude, such as, for example, Prologue, n.-chal., Born. 1938, measurements 148-159-198-22, from the Plate, or rather large, such as, for example, Insidious, measurements 153-168-205-20.5. In the Ural factories, from the rustic, with a low output of the neck of the small estuary, red., Born. 1928 (Casket - Tunica), which had measurements 142-161-188-21, obtained pedigree, with a light dry head, harmonious horses, among them the factory producers: Merry, red., Born. 1936, measurements 148-157-199-22.5, from Veselka; Solid, red, born 1945, from Stroka, who had measurements 146-157-200-22 at the age of three; Kalinnik, red, born 1944, measurements 146-155-190-21, from Kalina, and a number of others. Along with them, from Liman and Dragonfly, a stallion such as Style, red-chal., Born. 1941, measurements 155-166-214-22.5 and weight 710 kg. With a large mass, the stallion Style is dry, energetic and mobile. It is used as a factory producer at the Kuedinsky stud farm.

Dayman's Line, bur., born. 1918, from Zapoy and Koloda, measurements 142-145-205-22, live weight 577 kg, belongs to the Novo-Aleksandrovsk type. The day laborer was a medium-sized, but massive and bony stallion, had a soft back and drooping croup. The Day laborer's line is poorly represented, its share in the mother composition is 5%. Horses of this line are small, rather massive, dry in constitution and pedigree. They often have a straight back and a short croup. Of the limb deficiencies, there is a sunken wrist and saber resistance.

One of the valuable qualities of the representatives of the line is unpretentiousness to feed and the ability to perfectly hold the body. Stallions grow fat quickly without hard work on conventional farm rations.

The stallions continue this line: Slice, bur., Born. 1937, from Stepson and Lute, measurements 146-158-212-21.5 and weight 643 kg. His son Klad, red-haired, born 1945 (from the Doll), measurements at the age of three years 152-157-190-21, and Tabor, t-bay., Born. 1937, from the Day laborer and Turochka, measurements 146-157-203-20.

Rubicon line created in the Ural stud farms, represented by relatively large horses with a higher neck, less drooping and bifurcated croup and less rearrangement in the croup. Their topline is also better in mass. Horses have a well-developed bone, voluminous joints, a large head with massive ganaches, sometimes somewhat rough. Some representatives are characterized by dampness of the constitution.

Horses of the Rubicon line are fertile, durable, constitutionally strong. This line goes well with all the Novo-Aleksandrovsky lines.

The most outstanding sons of the Rubicon were: Bravy (from Bulka), red-haired, born. 1929, measurements 148-160-215-23.5; Eye gauge (from the Curtain), n.-chal., Born. 1926, measurements 144-185-22.5; Garun (from the Curtain), born. 1936, measurements 149-163-209-23 cm.

Bravy and Garun are used in the Ural stud farms. Bravoy's offspring are rather large in stature, of the same type, mainly of the Ural and partially weighted type. Among him there are many coarse bony horses with good top and shoulder and often with drooping croup; some horses are damp.

The offspring of the Glazomer, used in the Novo-Aleksandrovsky stud farm, differs from the rest of the horses of this stud in their larger stature, roughness and some dampness. The features of the Ural type are less pronounced in it due to the influence of the mother base and the condition of growing in the steppe zone with a dry climate.

The sons of the Rubicon-Dignitary red-haired, born. 1927, and Mighty, n., Born. 1929 g.

The weighted type is represented mainly by the offspring of Captain through his two sons - Twilight and Tearaway, descended from the famous Ardennes mare Sokha.

Captain's Line... Horses of this line differ from the rest of the Ardens by a certain dampness of the constitution (especially the offspring of Sorvants), by their roughness and relatively shorter body length. The tomboy offspring are more uniform than the Twilight offspring, but raw horses are less common among the latter.

In breeding, horses from the Captain line are used in combination with dry and pedigree representatives of other lines in cases where it is necessary to increase the size and boneiness. Basically, work is underway with the line to improve the exterior by means of a heterogeneous selection.

Russian heavy trucks are durable: cases of using stallions and queens over the age of 20 are not uncommon (for example, Dignitary, Bravy, Kalyan, Liman, Kul, Kalina, Rogozhka, etc.). They are highly fertile; for example, the Ural stud farm annually receives more than 90 business foals per 100 queens; the pregnancy rate of queens from Bravoy for a number of years is 95%, from Karaul - 88.5%, from Rubicon - 86%, Casket - 85%, etc.

In absolute terms of traction, they are inferior to larger heavy trucks, although relative to their live weight they are capable of showing greater strength. They often excel when tested for speed at pace and trot.

On different types tests have obtained the following best results:

Russian heavy trucks are used as improvers for small local horses. Based on the materials of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Horse Breeding (V.I. mothers: in height - by 7-10 cm, in chest girth - by 11-12 cm, in cannon girth - by 1.2-2.2 cm. At the same time, hybrids have more pronounced harness forms and better addition.

To obtain a horse with a live weight of at least 500 kg, necessary for modern large-scale mechanized agriculture, it is necessary to have large improvers. The Russian heavy draft breed, which has a number of valuable qualities, is still not large enough. The main task of breeding work should be the harmonious enlargement of Russian heavy trucks, while maintaining the type of constitution, dryness of the constitution, vigor of temperament and mobility. This task can be achieved by strict; selection of breeding composition, selection of queens for stallions and directed rearing of young animals. An important role in the breeding of Russian heavy trucks, and even more so in the improvement of the breed, is played by the feeding and maintenance of the breeding composition. Leading stud farms devote Special attention full-fledged feeding of breeding horses, their exercise, rational use at work and training of young animals.

In the breeding season, stud stallions receive 7-8 kg of concentrates per day (including 6 kg of oats) and up to 12 kg of hay (including 6 kg of legumes), and in summer 35 kg of freshly cut grass. In a non-accidental period, the yield of concentrates is reduced to 5 kg. In autumn and winter, up to 3 kg of carrots are introduced into the diet. Stallions are used in household work: hay harvesting, harvesting, transporting forage and building materials, transporting manure to the fields. Each stallion works half a day. On days off from work, they are passed with a traction force of 50-70 kg over a distance of 6-8 km. In addition, they are released daily in cooking or levada for 2-3 hours in winter and 4-5 hours in summer. Old stallions use exercise in cooking and walk behind a cart at a distance of up to 5 km per day.

Breeding mares in the stall period receive 3-5 kg ​​of concentrates, 12-18 kg of hay, 2-6 kg of spring straw, 2 kg of carrots. If necessary, instead of carrots, adult horses are given 500-600 g of germinated grain. In the grazing period, mares are given 2-3 kg of oats per day.

Foal mares are used for harvesting; the rest of the time they are daily released for cooking for 5 hours and herded into the field for 6-8 km. Walks in the field stop when deep snow falls, after which the mares use only boiling. In the last two weeks before foaling, the exercise in cooking is replaced by double wiring for 5-20 minutes. In snowstorms and snowstorms, mares are not allowed out of the stables. Single mares are regularly used at work.

Feeding of young animals begins from the time when the foal learns to eat oats. For weaning, foals receive up to 4 kg of oats, by the year - up to 5 kg (per day per head). In addition, weaners receive up to 8 kg of hay and freshly cut grass, and in winter - up to 9-10 kg of hay and 2-3 kg of carrots. On the pasture, they receive oats up to 2-3 kg.

Young animals begin to race in winter. The training is carried out in accordance with the "Manual for riding, training and testing horses of heavy draft breeds", developed by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Horse Breeding in 1950. Daily ration Trained young stock consists of about 5 kg of oats and 10-12 kg of hay in winter, and 6 kg of oats and 12 kg of hay in spring. In the summer, young animals undergo in-plant or inter-plant tests. Raising young animals by this method, the best stud farms grow a broodstock, characterized by the following average measurements: height at the withers - 148 cm, oblique length - 157 cm, chest girth - 192 cm, cannon girth - 21 cm.

The leading farms for the breeding of Russian heavy trucks are currently Kuedinsky, Novo-Aleksandrovsky and Uralsky stud farms.

This breed is related to a separate group of small heavy trucks. The Russian heavy truck is designed in a special way for its use in the field of agriculture. And the use goes, as a breeding and workhorse. Incredibly excellent meat quality as well as high level milk productivity, opens up an excellent prospect for the use of animals of this breed in horse breeding of a productive plan.

Breeding began in Russia about a hundred years ago. At the time when they began to import small horses of a heavy type, directly from Belgium. That is, the Ardens. Rigorous selection ultimately helped to ensure that harmony of constitution and an excellent horse was acquired. Well, in 1900 in the capital of France during the World Exhibition, the Ardennes had a chance to attract everyone's attention. And the Russian ardens, thus, made an impression as a separate and peculiar breed of workhorses.

Russian heavy truck in all its glory

Well, one of the best at that moment was the adorable brown stallion of the Khrenovsky stud farm. Back in 1887, this horse received gold medal, so what can we talk about here! Well, in Belgium by that time, the former Ardennes breed had already ceased to exist. There she was swallowed by the largest horse. Well, the Russian heavy draft horse breed had huge differences from the real Ardens from Belgium, so it was decided to call it differently in the Soviet Union, back in 1952.


These are horses with dry and light, broad-headed heads.

Russian heavy truck in harness

Lively eyes and sturdy, muscular that is beautifully arched. Moreover, their neck is of sufficient length. As for the withers, it is very wide. These horses have a wonderful temperament. They are energetic and balanced. And about their good disposition, you can make up legends. The Russian heavy draft horse breed has a dry and very strong constitution. In particular, one of their most valuable qualities is that they are completely unpretentious to the feed they receive.

They don't care what conditions they are kept in. Plus it's incredibly durable horse breed... Moreover, these animals are extremely fertile. Such high rates that it is difficult to imagine. And the service life of the breeding plan (), for many stallions with mares, can last up to twenty to twenty-five years. And these are excellent indicators.

Russian draft haulers are often used for household work by the stud farm. And this contributes to the fact that the best working qualities are developed, as well as the selection of the most capable horses for work.

In Russia, the breeds of heavy draft horses are relatively young and cannot boast of a long history. In world history, heavy trucks have been known for a long time and were used for field work, delivery of goods, clearing forests, as transport animals and riding. To this day, heavy trucks carry out part of the work, are actively used in rural areas and are a national treasure in some countries.

Any breed of heavy draft horse is distinguished by a large and muscular physique, tall(up to two meters) and great strength and endurance. These giants of the equestrian world have a deep chest, chunky, strong legs with wide hooves, powerful shoulder girdle, strong back and croup. With their size, horses have a calm and good-natured disposition, lively temperament and curiosity. They are unpretentious and adapt well to a wide variety of feeds and living conditions.

The use of heavy draft horses today is not limited to agricultural work.

Heavyweight athletes take part in many disciplines of equestrian sports, including children's, various shows, national monobreed exhibitions, competitions among heavy trucks, parades.

Russian breeds of heavy trucks

Vladimirsky heavy truck

History of the breed

The history of the Vladimir heavy truck begins in 1886, when several dozen were purchased for the Gavrilo-Posad stud farm. Scottish Clydesdals to breed a new draft heavy draft breed. Scottish stallions were crossed with local strong, stocky and small mares. The breeders were faced with the task of consolidating strength and exterior, high adaptability and endurance. The first results were obtained at the beginning of the 20th century - horses of a new breed began to be acquired for work on local farms. Ten years later, the tribal nucleus of the stud farm was formed. And the residents of Vladimir received official recognition in 1946.


Average measurements of horses are:

  • at the withers from 162 cm to 171 cm,
  • chest girth up to 200 cm,
  • pastern - up to 24 cm.

The head is large, with a slightly humped profile, the neck is long, with a pronounced occiput, strong, oblique scapula. The shoulders are well muscled. The back is long, the croup is slightly lowered. The feet are correct, the hooves are wide, with a strong and firm horn. Color - often bay, black, red. Densely overgrown tail with mane.

Features of the breed

The Vladimir horses are active and energetic, intelligent and friendly horses, with a balanced psyche and lively temperament. Free movement with good grasp of space. Today, the Gavrilovo-Posad stud farm, the Monastyrskoye Compound and several private breeding farms are engaged in the breeding of Vladimir heavy trucks. The livestock numbers about 200 queens. Vladimir heavy trucks have good health, are hardy and unpretentious to the conditions of detention. The breed is used not only in national heavyweight competitions, but also in driving, equestrian tourism and ladies' riding.

Heavy truck of the Vladimir breed Lazurite

Russian heavy truck

History of the breed

The breed began to form at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. For breeding, heavy trucks of the Ardennes breed, Percherons, Russian draft horses were used. They received an official registration and a national herd book only in 1952.


Russian heavy draft horses are medium-sized, muscular, stocky horses. Average measurements:

  • at the withers up to 154 cm,
  • pastern in girth - 21 - 23 cm,
  • the average weight for mares is 620 kg, for stallions - 655 kg.

Animals have long body lines, a deep muscular chest, a long back, which often seems soft. The croup is drooping. The neck is long, with a nice curve and a well-defined ridge. The color is most often red of all apprentices, roan, there are bay and black individuals with an admixture of roan or gray hair.

Features of the breed

Russian heavy trucks are unpretentious to the conditions of detention and can only do with scarce roughage. They perfectly tolerate both severe frosts and hot summer temperatures. They are used in various horse shows, take part in exhibitions, driving, competitions among heavy trucks.

Russian heavy truck - champion Etalon

The mares are distinguished by high milk yield, which allows them to be used for the production of kumis. During the lactation period, the mare gives up to 3500 liters of milk. The second use of milk is in the manufacture of infant formula, since its composition is very close to breast milk.

Soviet heavy trucks - the result of crossing French Brabancons and local large horses... The blood of the Suffolks, Ardens and Percherons was also added to the breed to increase endurance and better adaptability to the conditions of the Russian climate and life. The breed was officially registered in 1952.


Soviet heavy trucks among Russian breeds are champions. Their height can reach 175 cm with a weight of 950 - 1000 kg.

Horses have strong, short backs short neck with a pronounced crest, developed chest and powerful shoulder girdle... The loin is wide. The croup is slightly sagging. Legs are strong, dry, of medium length with flat, wide hooves. The head is not large, with well-defined ganaches, the profile is more often straight or slightly humped. Large sizes and heavy weight sometimes lead to defects in the exterior - clubfoot, saber fence. The color is more often red of all apprentices.

Features of the breed

Horses of this breed are distinguished by their calm disposition and kindness. They are quite strong and can move loads of several tons over long distances. Absolute record belongs to the stallion Force, who dragged behind him a load of 23 tons several tens of meters. Horses are actively used in agriculture. You can also find them in sledding equestrian sports, at all kinds of horse shows and exhibitions, as well as under the saddle.

Foreign breeds


History of the breed

There is no consensus among hippologists about where and when this breed was created. According to some data, the breed has ancient roots and was bred many centuries ago, according to others, the breed was formed in the middle of the last century. One thing is known for sure - during the breeding, not only heavy-draft and thick-boned horses were used, but also Arab thoroughbreds.


Modern French Percherons inherited an elegant gray suit from their eastern ancestors, beautiful shape heads, correct movements. The height at the withers ranges between 155 cm and 177 cm. The chest circumference can reach 205 cm, and the pasterns up to 25 cm. The average weight is about 800 kg. A beautiful and graceful head, a long and expressive neck with a curvature and a well-defined crest. The chest is very broad, the back is short and wide enough. Legs strong and dry, wide hooves.

Features of the breed

Percherons are distinguished by their endurance, harmonious build, soft and comfortable movement and calm character. It is these qualities that made the Percherons so widespread - the broodstock numbers more than 5,000 individuals. In France, the state helps farmers who use Percherons on their lands with financial subsidies and feed, stimulating the popularization of the breed. Several times a year, various monobreed exhibitions and shows are organized, where horses appear in national harness and ornaments, and take part in various competitions.

Big Jake of the Perchenon breed - the largest horse in the world

Ardenne heavy trucks

History of the breed

The Belgian heavy draft breed has a long history and originates from strong local horses - the Belgians. At the beginning of the 18th century, several Arab stallions were brought to the monastery of St. Hubert, where the Ardennes were bred. This was done with the aim of lightening the horse type, improving the performance of the movements and making the appearance more elegant.

The Ardens took part in several wars, not only as transport animals, but also as riding horses. They did not differ in agility, but their endurance allowed them to cover long distances.


Ardennes are not large and reach a maximum of 163 cm at the withers. The average body weight is about 700 kg. The color is often red and gray, with a roan. Black and dark bay animals are not considered purebred. The head of the Ardennes horse is small, with a straight profile, the eyes are large and expressive, the ears are pointed. Neck with pronounced muscle relief, short, but with a beautiful curve. Developed shoulder girdle, short and broad back with good muscling, wide, slightly drooping croup. Legs are relatively short, well overgrown. The hooves are wide, with an even and strong horn.

Features of the breed

Despite their small size, ardens are distinguished by mobility, endurance, calm disposition, intelligence and strength. With a load, they are able to travel up to 50 km in 4 hours without stopping for rest, and in a day they can transport up to two tons of cargo along broken and impassable roads for a distance of up to 30 km. This trait made horses so popular not only in agriculture but also in logging. They are not particularly demanding on food and can do with scarce pasture for a long time. The Ardens took part in the creation of such breeds as the Russian heavy draft, Comtois, Baltic Arden, Sokolskaya, du Nord, Tori, Boulogne.

In Russia, Ardennes horses are very popular - they are bred in several stud farms and many private breeding farms.


History of the breed

Today the Clydesdale is a national treasure in Scotland, and just a few decades ago, the breed was on the verge of extinction. The first horses were obtained more than three centuries ago, by crossing large heavy draft horses exported from England and Belgium with local aboriginal breeds. The result of a long selection work was tall, strong horses, with their bones more reminiscent of riding breeds, but distinguished by greater strength and efficiency. In the era of agricultural development, horses were widely used in the fields, but with the advent of technology, the breed was not in demand. Since 1975, an active restoration of these beautiful and powerful animals has been underway, and at the moment the livestock numbers several thousand individuals.


The Kleydesdals are real giants of the equestrian world - at the withers, the height often exceeds 180 cm, and the weight is more than a ton.

Animals have long strong legs, thick friezes, and hooves in diameter are twice the hoof of a riding horse. The head of a heavy truck is large, with a hump-nosed profile, expressive eyes, long ears. The neck is also often short, with a pronounced cervical crest. The back is short with a well-defined withers. Strong and muscular. The color is most often roan, black, red and bay of all apprentices. A distinctive feature is the well-markedness of the head, abdomen and legs.

Features of the breed

This breed is known to everyone who has ever seen an advertisement for the Budweiser company. It was this company that made a great contribution to the development and popularization of the heavy draft breed, making the bay beauties its recognizable business card... Animals are bred not only for field work, shows and exhibitions, which are especially popular in England, Scotland and the USA. Many private ecotourism farms purchase these horses - they are hardy, have a comfortable ride and delight tourists. Another feature of the breed is all-permeability. Horses are able to overcome long distances over rough terrain, pass water obstacles well, and easily orient themselves in mountainous terrain. They are able to cover long distances at a trot - the horse's movements are comfortable and soft, not tiring for the rider.

Despite its name, the Russian heavy draft horse breed has its origins in Ukraine, which used to be a single whole.

Powerful and muscular are very often found throughout Russia, from Siberia to the Caucasus, making them the most popular Russian breed of heavy trucks, which is no coincidence.

The Russian heavy-duty truck is slightly inferior to some other heavy-draft breeds, but it is still an excellent helper and hardy worker in agriculture. These horses grow up very early and are not afraid of either cold or heat. The Russian heavy truck is unpretentious in food and does not require any special care, therefore, practically no costs are required for it.

Russian heavy-duty breed horses (Russian heavy truck)

Historical facts

The direct ancestors of the breed of Russian heavy trucks were, which began to be imported en masse into Russia in the 18th century. The Ardens, or, as they are also called, Belgian heavy trucks, had an unassuming appearance and disproportionate, they were distinguished by a huge reserve of strength, unpretentiousness in maintenance, feeding, care and hard work.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Belgian heavy trucks gained recognition throughout the territory of the Russian Empire and began to be densely used in almost all types of farms. Farmers did not interfere with the crossing of the Ardennes, which led to a change in the breed.

It was very popular among breeders to cross the Ardennes and, which led to positive results and changes in the breed. After that, Russian heavy trucks at the beginning of the XX century were recognized by the world exhibition in Paris, where the stallion Karavai was awarded the highest award.

At that time, domestic heavy trucks had not yet received their modern name. Then they were called the Ardens from Russia.

Russian heavy truck

After the revolution, Russian breeders began to improve the Russian ardens even more closely, making them good and hardworking workers, strong, powerful, well-built and unpretentious. Such horses had to work tirelessly in the fields.

At the beginning of the 30s of the last century, new heavy trucks appeared on the farms, which almost completely met all the requirements of agricultural work. The only drawback was the catastrophically small stature, which affected the quality of the work of the horses. Soon this deficiency was corrected, and in 1950 the heavy trucks were officially named the Russian heavy-harness breed.

The Russian heavy draft horse breed is the pride of domestic breeders. They are medium-sized, well developed physically. These horses have a proportional body, a powerful and strong body, muscular legs, with broad and strong bones.

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