Why do small children have legs with a wheel? A child has a wheel - what to do? How to independently determine the structure of the legs

01/09/2015 at 7:03 pm

This information is from scientists. Maybe someone will be interested. THE MYSTERY OF THE WATER OF THE BAPTISM
The sun makes her special
The discovery, which may lead to the Nobel Prize, was made by a metropolitan scientist, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Tsetlin. Having become interested in the properties of water in Baptism, he was the first in the world who decided to analyze this phenomenon from a purely scientific point of view. As a result, the scientist offered a solution to the global mystery of the "relationship" of man with the Sun and the Earth.
It all started two years ago. Studying the properties of water used by cosmonauts on the International Space Station, Vladimir Tsetlin drew attention to the fact that daytime water differs from nighttime in its current conductivity. So, at 10.00 and at 18.00 it had the maximum ability to conduct, that is, its molecules were more active than ever. But at 13.00 and at 4 am the water seemed to fall asleep, calmed down.
- Many scientists suspected that this was somehow influenced by astrophysical factors. But no one proposed a serious study of the mechanism, says Tsetlin. - I continued to measure, because my main job required it. In my laboratory there were several vessels with water, each with electrodes for measuring the conductivity of the current. And then one day the measurement time fell just on the eve of Epiphany. I was amazed to find that the molecules calmed down much earlier than usual on the evening of January 18th. Water has reduced its conductivity to a minimum since 18.00. And she stood in this state until midnight.
- Was that the notorious Epiphany water? Have you figured out what her mystery is?

Yes. I started by understanding the variability of water depending on the daily cycle. Surely it has a connection with earth vibrations. Our earthly shells can vibrate both vertically and horizontally - this process depends on the gravitational influence of the Sun and the Moon. But I focused my attention on the Sun, because its effect is stronger. So, when the shells move under the influence of the luminary, they begin to tidal friction. And with friction, electromagnetic radiation is emitted. Stronger or weaker, it is captured by the water in the ocean, the river, and also by the aquatic environment of our body. That is why sometimes we are visited by extraordinary vigor, or, on the contrary, lethargy piles on. We proved this with the Mexican prickly pear in my office. Having brought electrodes to the roots of the tree and to its stem, we began to watch. My hypothesis was confirmed! As soon as the hours of water calming in nature came, the plant biopotential also decreased.
- What is the manifestation of this biopotential?
- In the state of the membrane - cell membranes. With increased electromagnetic influence, it seems to be stretched, its tone rises. Why all living things also begin to activate, some become too active, even aggressive. Conversely, when the membrane potential is weak, which is due to the effect of reduced terrestrial radiation, all life on earth feels more relaxed.
- But what effect does the Sun have during these periods?
- At 13 o'clock local time, it is at its zenith, and from this the strength of the tidal wave emanating from it increases. Earth's shells seem to be stretched, their friction decreases, reducing the electromagnetic radiation of the Earth. The same effect, but less pronounced, we get at night, when the Sun "pulls" our planet from the opposite side.
This is for the daily cycle. But the Sun also has a 27-day cycle - during this time it makes a complete revolution around its axis. What if you track him? - I thought. Ancient people always celebrated New Year during the winter solstice, approximately December 22-23. At this time, the distance between the Sun and the Earth was maximally reduced, reaching 149 million km. Together with my assistants, I took measurements during this period. Everywhere the water on December 22 “abnormally” changed its properties. That is, she calmed down not for an hour, as it happens every day, but froze immediately for 6 hours.
What do you think happened to the water in the next 27 days? On the calendar was the evening of January 18, the eve of Epiphany ... We checked the indicators of the electrical conductivity of water and did not believe our eyes - everything was repeated. Then, every 27 days, the water turned into “Epiphany”. And what is surprising, these days were always close to some Orthodox holidays: Sretenya, Matryona's Day, Annunciation ...

If a child has a wheel, it comes about the O-shaped curvature. In what cases is such a manifestation considered the norm, and in what cases is it necessary to carry out treatment?

During the period of intrauterine development, the child is forced to stay in a position with legs tucked into the body. Therefore, in the first months of life, the O-shaped curvature of the legs is a variant of the norm. As the muscle tone decreases, the limbs align. In a healthy baby, such a deformity can persist for up to 12 months until the development of muscles and ligaments that support the bones in the desired position is completed.

The formation of the skeleton is monitored through regular visits to the orthopedist. Since the musculoskeletal system is plastic at an early age, it is important to timely identify any deviations with the aim of their subsequent elimination. Equally important is the fulfillment of all the rules for caring for a child in the first year of life. It is necessary to avoid mistakes due to which the legs can be bent.

If the baby's legs remain bent a year, it is necessary to consult an orthopedist. He will conduct an examination and decide on the correction. If pathological changes are detected, treatment cannot be abandoned; all the recommendations of specialists should be followed.

O-shaped curvature of the legs is not only a cosmetic defect, it can lead to a change in gait, the appearance of pain, a decrease in physical activity... Trying to get rid of unpleasant sensations, the baby will put his legs incorrectly. This contributes to deformation of the spine and large joints.

Causes of curvature of the legs

Rickets is a dangerous disease that, if untreated, leads to damage to all parts of the musculoskeletal system. Its occurrence is associated with a deficiency of vitamin D, leading to a gradual decrease in bone density. The stresses of walking can deform the lower legs, which can cause the child's legs to bend.

Currently, this disease is rarely diagnosed, pediatricians prescribe drugs for its prevention. When selecting these funds, the patient's age and the season are taken into account. When summer begins, parents should spend more time walking in the fresh air, because vitamin D in the body is produced under the influence of sunlight. Massage that reduces muscle tone is no less useful.

A child should master any skills in the first year of life as the musculo-ligamentous apparatus develops. All of them must be acquired in a certain sequence, any advance can lead to deformation of the legs. Many parents try to make sure that their baby does not lag behind peers in development. They force him to sit up before he is 6 months old, and start teaching him to walk even before he is 1 year old.

However, the musculoskeletal system may not be ready for such loads. This negatively affects not only the bones and muscles, but also the condition of the internal organs. Deformity of the legs at 1 year of age is often found in children who begin to walk at 9-10 months. Therefore, the baby should begin to perform any actions on his own.

It doesn't matter at what age it happens. The main task of parents is to make sure that the child does special exercises aimed at strengthening muscles.

Availability excess weight in children 1 year of age, not only prevents the development of certain skills, but also contributes to deformation lower limbs... The doctor strictly monitors the increase in body weight and makes recommendations for proper nutrition. If you are overweight, you cannot take the first steps on your own at an early age, since overweight put pressure on plastic bones.

For 1 year, it is necessary to strengthen muscles and take medications that increase bone strength.

In some cases, O-shaped curvature of the legs in children under one year old is associated with a genetic predisposition. If, after reaching a certain age, the signs of deformity do not disappear, you should pay attention to the structure of the lower limbs of the parents. Perhaps this feature was inherited by the child.

Uncomfortable shoes can contribute to an irregular gait. The kid will put his feet so that he does not experience pain when walking. Over time, the joints become deformed. In order to avoid the occurrence of such a complication, it is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes at the age of 1 year. You cannot buy shoes of a larger or smaller size.

Pathological causes of deformity

Dysplasia hip joint- a congenital anomaly that is detected during a routine examination at the age of 1 month. Its occurrence can be caused by:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the body of a pregnant woman.

In addition to curvature of the legs, this dangerous disease can have other symptoms. Incorrect positioning of the joints negatively affects the functions of internal organs, and also contributes to the occurrence of pain. Treatment of dysplasia in children is a long and laborious process.

The baby's leg can be bent due to muscle spasm. The most common type of deformation is precisely O-shaped legs. This is due to the immaturity of the soft tissues surrounding the knee joint. From the outside, they turn out to be weakened, from the inside - tightened.

You can treat these conditions with massage. The specialist will work on the outside of the knee, while the inside will be lightly stroked. Such actions eliminate muscle spasm and stimulates weakened tissues. The number of sessions is determined by the condition of the child's joints. As a rule, 1 course helps to establish joints in correct position, each subsequent sessions consolidate the result obtained.

Prevention of curvature of the legs

In order to avoid long-term treatment, it is necessary to take care of the child's health from birth. Joint development occurs in conjunction with the strengthening of soft tissues. Therefore, swaddling tightly does not help to align the legs. Timely mastering of basic skills and special exercises help to avoid curvature. Correction of body weight and intake of vitamin preparations is mandatory. From 4-5 months, the diet should become more varied.

Massage sessions can also be performed at home.

How exactly to perform the procedure, the specialist will explain. You should not push a baby 1 year old to master new skills, you can take the first steps only after the completion of the development of muscles and ligaments. The child should wear comfortable footwear that does not disturb the gait.

Crooked legs in children always cause concern for parents. When is their unevenness a temporary phenomenon and a physiological norm, and when should urgent action be taken?

Features of the baby skeleton

The child, being in the womb, is located there very compactly. His legs are drawn to the body and slightly arched in an arc. Therefore, the first time after birth, the lower limbs of the newborn still keep a similar shape, gradually straightening out as the muscle tone decreases.

In a healthy child, crooked legs can remain for a whole year until there is sufficient strengthening of the muscles and ligaments that support the skeletal bones of the lower extremities.

The orthopedist monitors the correct development of the musculoskeletal system during routine examinations in the first year of the baby's life.

Since the skeleton of children is very plastic, it is important to notice slight deviations from the norm in time and correct them. It is also necessary not to make certain mistakes in caring for the baby in the first year, so as not to provoke the development of deformity and not to bend the legs of the crumbs.

If the child's legs are still crooked even after a year, be sure to visit an orthopedist.... The specialist will examine the baby and decide whether such a curvature is a physiological age norm or requires a certain correction. If a pathology is detected, it is important to immediately start treatment and follow all the recommendations of the orthopedist. After all, crooked legs in a child are not only an aesthetic problem:

  • the child's legs will be very tired;
  • the baby will suffer from heaviness and pain in the legs;
  • due to discomfort, the child will strive to limit his activities and will not walk;
  • trying to reduce pain, a child in a year may begin to place his legs incorrectly, which will lead to deformation of the knee joints and feet;
  • the child's spine takes on serious stress, which leads to defects in its formation.



If you do not notice the signs of rickets in time and do not start treatment, this disease can deform the joints of the child. Due to the lack of vitamin D in the first year of life, there is a calcium deficiency in the bone tissues, which makes them malleable. The loads that the joints experience when walking deform the bones of the lower leg, and the legs of the crumbs become crooked.

But such cases are quite rare, since pediatricians prescribe the intake of drugs containing vitamin D in courses, depending on the state of health of the child and the time of year. If parents strictly follow all the recommendations of the pediatrician, crooked legs do not threaten their child:

  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • course intake of vitamin D during the "sunless" months (from October to May);
  • preventive massage that relieves muscle tone.

Early loads

Any motor skill can be learned strictly by the baby as his muscles are strengthened. All his skills are connected, follow each other, and any unprepared "advance" can lead to the fact that the legs and other joints are deformed. Many parents, striving for their child to master a certain skill on time or even earlier than their peers, encourage the baby to sit down for up to 6 months, decide to put him on his legs and encourage him to walk with support when the child is not yet ready for this. Similar exercises negatively affect the condition of the skeleton and the location of the internal organs of the baby.

If you put the baby on his feet and encourage him to take the first steps at 9-10 months against the background of muscular immaturity of the lower extremities, this can provoke deformation of the legs and spine.

Therefore, it is important to observe the basic rule: any new movements in the first year, the baby must make himself.

The child must sit down and take the first steps on his own, and no matter how many months this event occurs. Your task is with the help of certain exercises to strengthen the muscles of the crumbs as best as possible so that he can do everything himself.

Excess weight

Excess weight not only slightly slows down the pace of development of certain skills by the baby, but can also lead to the curvature of his legs. Pediatricians, as a rule, strictly monitor the weight gain of children, and give recommendations on the diet so that the child's weight can be corrected in time and brought to normal.

Moreover, such babies should not be put at the support ahead of time.

You should strengthen your child's muscles as much as possible in the months leading up to standing up and talk to your pediatrician about taking calcium supplements for additional strengthening bones.


Sometimes crooked legs are a hereditary phenomenon. If the physiological deformation does not go away even in a year, and you or your relatives have lower limbs with a "wheel" or "X", then it is likely that the child could have received them "by inheritance."

Influence of shoes

Uncomfortable or tight shoes can negatively affect gait. one year old child... He will try to put his legs in such a way that he is more comfortable, but this can lead to deformation and curvature of the joints. To avoid such a pathology, a baby at any age should choose the "correct" shoes with a hard back, a small heel and an instep support. Do not put on someone else's shoes, as they have taken the shape of another child's leg and will negatively affect the development of your baby's foot.


Dysplasia of the hip joint is a congenital pathology that is diagnosed in a newborn either in a maternity hospital or during the first routine examination by an orthopedist. It occurs due to vitamin deficiency, stress, bad habits, hormonal disruptions, or previous diseases during pregnancy. The disease is very serious and is characterized not only by the fact that the child has crooked legs. Improper joint placement affects internal organs crumbs, and makes movements very painful. The treatment of dysplasia is delayed for several months and must be carried out strictly according to the recommendations of the orthopedist.

Legs "wheel" as a result of spasm of the ligaments

In a child in a year, the curvature of the legs is most often noted by the "wheel". It is associated with immaturity or improper development. knee joint... The ligaments on the outside are very stretched, and on the inside they are spasmodic.

To eliminate this developmental defect and straighten the legs, the orthopedist will prescribe a course of therapeutic massage. The specialist will intensively massage the outside of the knees, and lightly stroke the inside. With the help of this effect on muscles and ligaments, tension can be relieved from spasmodic areas, and stretched areas can be stimulated. How many sessions you need will be determined by the orthopedist, based on the state of the baby. As a rule, in one or two courses of therapeutic massage, it is possible to achieve that the joints begin to be located correctly, and the child's legs are straightened.


In order not to think about how to straighten crooked legs at the crumbs, it is important from birth to take care of his health and correct development... The formation of joints takes place along with the strengthening of the muscles and ligaments that support them, therefore tight swaddling will not affect the "straightness" of the legs. Gymnastics and the timely development of motor skills will help to avoid bone curvature.

  1. Monitor your baby's weight and adjust with your pediatrician.
  2. From 4-5 months with the introduction of complementary foods, try to make the baby's diet balanced.
  3. Do a little gymnastics, a massage therapist in a children's clinic will show you how to conduct sessions according to age.
  4. Follow all your pediatrician's recommendations and give your baby vitamin D supplements.
  5. Take your time to master motor skills - you can put the child on his legs when his muscles and ligaments are strong enough for this.
  6. Buy high-quality and correct shoes for your baby and watch his gait. Sometimes, in order to teach a child to put his feet correctly in a year, you can change the shoes in places, so he will not be clubfoot.

In newborn babies, there is often a slight curvature of the legs. If the defect does not disappear by three or a maximum of five years, it must be corrected. In addition to the psychological factor, a person also has physical problems. When the legs are deformed, the load on the knee joint is unevenly distributed, which leads to osteoarthritis and flat feet.

Why does a child have legs with an X or a wheel. We analyze the causes of curvature

Orthopedists distinguish between 2 main types of lower limb deformities - O-shaped and X-shaped.

The cause of the curvature of the legs in a child can be factors such as:

Causes of pathology Curvature shape


Features of the structure of the body, and, accordingly, the curvature of the legs can be laid down at the gene level and transmitted from parents to children. This curvature can be corrected, at times, only by surgical intervention.



A disease associated with a lack of vitamin D in the child's body leads to impaired formation and growth bone tissue... Your baby's bones become softer and warp under the baby's weight.

Both types of deformations

Early loads on the lower limbs

Certain skills correspond to each age of the baby. Many parents want their baby to get back on his feet faster or take his first independent steps. Using the walker early or driving by the handles increases the strain on the fragile legs and leads to their bending.

This happens especially quickly in overweight children..


Deforming osteochondrosis (Blount's disease)

A congenital condition that causes the legs to bend in the shape of a wheel. More often than others, leg deformity occurs in girls with a weight above normal.


Our grandmothers also used tight swaddling to keep the baby's legs straight. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is not true. Actually,

with tight contraction of the legs of the newborn, a dangerous disease can occur - dysplasia of the hip joint.

How to independently determine the curvature of the legs in children

If the baby's legs are curved enough, then this can be seen with the naked eye. To determine even minor deviations from the norm, ask the child to stand up straight and connect the heels together.

Compare the baby's legs with the diagram below:

As you can see from the pictures, the child's legs can be normal, X-shaped or O-shaped. If your child is not yet 3 years old, then his legs may be in the shape of the letter "O". At an older age, X-shaped deformities of the lower extremities are more often observed.

It is important! If you notice deviations in the shape of the legs from the norm in a child, do not engage in amateur activities, but consult a doctor - an orthopedist. Only a specialist should prescribe massage, corrective exercises, or a course of remedial gymnastics.

We treat the X-shaped curvature of the child's legs

Doctors advise to start correcting the legs in the form of the letter "X" as early as possible.

Pathological abnormalities are completely cured if the child has not yet reached school age, and treatment should be started no later than 2 years.

For the correction of the lower limbs, methods are used such as:

Massotherapy Only a specialist should conduct treatment sessions.. The procedures include massage not only the child's legs, but also the back, gluteal and lumbar regions... It is recommended to conduct 4 courses per year. Under the guidance of a doctor, you can master several simple tricks (unable to harm the baby) and additionally use massage at home.
Electrostimulation Electric treatment is used when, in addition to the curvature of the lower leg, deformity of the feet is observed... Impulses with a current of 50 mA of different duration (from about, 5 to 300 ms) pass through the legs, excite the cells and stimulate the motor activity of the muscles.
Physiotherapy The exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs, back and correcting deformities.

Remedial gymnastics consists of a number of exercises:

  1. Walking... It is useful for a kid to often run barefoot in the summer (on sand, small pebbles, shells). Teach your child to walk on the outer edges of the arch. Walking on ribbed surfaces is helpful.
  2. Grips... With your toes, you need to grab pieces of fabric or small objects in both a sitting and standing position.
  3. Sitting in and getting out of a pose in Turkish without outside help with alternating legs. Sitting in Turkish is not only possible during gymnastics.
  4. Full leg squats, and then only on the toes.
Orthopedic shoes It is a preventive measure after a leg defect has been corrected. The shoes are made to order, equipped with a solid back and an orthopedic insole that follows the shape of a child's foot.

Healing shoes should:

  • Wrap tightly (but not rigidly) around the foot and ankle joint.
  • Be with a small heel.
  • Must-have insole- instep support and roll of the sole.
Physical activity The best medicine is the baby's mobility. He should walk more - run, jump, play outdoor games. Can be purchased for crumbs wall bars... It is also useful to jump while sitting on a large ball or walk on a ladder lying on the floor. Children with X-shaped legs are useful for swimming and any games in the water.

During outdoor games and exercises, it is necessary to exclude the prolonged load of the weight of the baby's body on the knees and ankle joints, while helping to strengthen the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

To make the child interesting, turn morning exercises with exercises that help to correct the shape of the legs, into a fun game:

  1. Offer the baby to walk like a clumsy bear. This will allow the child to stomp on the outside of the foot.
  2. Let the kid try himself as a tightrope walker... Walking along a narrow board or path of flat figures, the baby will put his feet closer to one another.
  3. Remind the kid a familiar oriental tale and offer to sit like a turkish sultan.

Important! With an X-shaped curvature of the legs, it is not recommended to stand for a long time, especially with your legs wide apart. This posture enhances the inward displacement of the knees and the extension of the feet outward.

Features of the treatment of O-shaped (varus) deformity of the legs in children

Deformation of the legs in the form of the letter "O" should be started to be treated as soon as the first signs of pathology appear. Otherwise, the child has a gait disorder, he often falls, cannot walk long distances. In addition, the baby's spine suffers and the posture is bent.

Varus deformity of the limbs causes:

Uneven development knee joints.
Squeezing internal meniscus.
Extension joint space on the outside and tapers on the inside.
Development clubfoot.
Stretching ligaments that strengthen the knee joint.

Treatment of O-shaped deformity takes a long time, so parents need to be patient and follow all the prescriptions of the orthopedic surgeon.

During treatment, a whole range of measures are used, which are carried out as directed and under the supervision of specialists:

  • Children are prescribed calcium electrophoresis
  • Paraffin boots


Special shoes and devices are prescribed by the orthopedist after examining the child... In each case, he recommends using instep supports, correctors (splints) or special insoles.
Complex massage In case of varus deformity, the procedure is performed in combination with a general tonic body massage. Much attention is paid to the lumbar spine, since nerve endings go from there to the gluteal zone and leg muscles.

In this case, the following massage sequence is used:

  1. Back area in the lumbar region.
  2. The gluteal zone and sacrum.
  3. The back of the leg (thigh, lower leg, Achilles tendon and sole).
  4. The front of the leg (the surface of the foot with back side, ankle and lower leg joints, knee joint and thigh).
Physiotherapy Gymnastic exercises help to correct the shape of the foot and strengthen the muscles. Exercise therapy helps to increase the effect of massage procedures.

With varus pathology, you need to do the following exercises with the baby:

  • Supination of the foot - turn the legs with the sole inward.
  • Bend the back of the foot.
  • Bend the sole.
  • Bend your fingers.
  • Hold the toys between the feet with the legs raised.
  • Rotate with your feet, with your right foot - clockwise, and with your left in the other direction.
  • Walk along the path in the form of a Christmas tree (in summer, the path can be trodden on the sand, and in the winter - in the snow).
  • Walking on heels.

It is useful for the baby to sit in the position "between the heels" more often. For this, the child needs to be put on his knees, spread his feet with socks apart and sit down between them.

Gymnastics with X-shaped and O-shaped curvature of the legs in children

If the child has a pronounced curvature of the legs in the form of the letter X or O, do not hope that with age everything will go away and the legs will return to their normal shape. Curvatures can and should be fought. One of the most effective ways is physiotherapy... A simple set of exercises will help to cope with the irregular shape of children's legs.

Exercise 1. We alternate walking on toes and heelsNS... Give your child a short path, for example, from wall to wall in a room. To make the child more interesting, let the baby first walk in one direction on his toes, and in the opposite direction on his heels. Then - half of the track on the toes, half on the heels. By the end of the exercise, you can alternate 5 steps on the heels and 5 on the toes. The total duration is 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 2. Teddy bear... Show your child how to walk using only the outside or inside of the foot. You can perform the exercise in the same way as walking on toes and heels - alternating the positions of the legs. The duration of the lesson is no more than 3 minutes.

Exercise # 3. Chatting with our legs... SP ( starting position) - sitting on a chair. The arms rest on the waist, the legs should reach the floor. First, we pull the fingers up, then bend them down. We repeat several times. We put our feet alternately on the outer and inner sides. The total duration of the exercise is 1-2 minutes.

Exercise 4. Rubbing leg on leg... IP - sitting on a chair, the legs are slightly raised. With the foot of the left leg, we try to wipe the right leg from bottom to top, then with the foot of the right leg - the left. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times with each leg.

Exercise # 5. We perform captures... IP - sitting on a chair. Next to the chair, under the feet, small objects are laid out - pencils, pebbles, small soft toys and rags. You need to grab any object with your toes and hold it for as long as possible. You need to perform the exercise alternately with the left, then the right leg, and then with both legs at once. The duration of the exercise is 2-4 minutes.

Exercise 6. To complete the task you will need a ball... IP - sitting on a chair. The ball is placed under the feet. First, with the left, then with the right leg, roll the ball forward - backward, left - right. After several repetitions, they grab the ball with the inner sides of the feet and try to raise and hold it above the floor. The total duration of the exercise is 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 7. IP - sitting on a chair... Put a stick of small thickness under your feet (you can use a regular rolling pin). Put your feet on it and roll the stick back and forth. In this case, the entire foot should be involved - from heel to toes. The duration of the lesson is 1-2 minutes.

HaveExercise 8. IP - sitting on the floor in Turkish... First, the child sits in a yoga pose ( left leg on the right) no more than 2 minutes. The child's task is to get up off the floor, relying only on the legs. At the same time, an adult stands behind him, supporting his hands. After changing the position of the legs (right to left), the exercise is repeated. The duration of the lesson is 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 9. Log walking... In the cool season at home, and in the summer outdoors, the child should walk barefoot on the log. At the same time, the parents are nearby and insure the baby. The duration of the exercise is 2-4 minutes.

Exercise # 10. We use the Swedish wall... The baby goes up and down sports equipment barefoot for 2-3 minutes. For the safety of the child, an adult must provide insurance.

Potential complications - when is surgery necessary?

The intervention of the surgeon in the pathology of the shape of the legs in children is used in only 7% of cases of the total number of pathologies. The operation is prescribed when conservative methods of treatment have not led to desired result or with an advanced form of the disease.

With the hallux valgus, modern medicine after surgery makes it possible to do without plaster and metal devices. The surgeon changes the angle between the bones and straightens the ligaments. On the second day after such an operation, the child can walk independently. Surgical intervention is not resorted to before the child reaches 6-7 years of age.

In order not to bring the situation to the operation, contact an orthopedist at the first signs of curvature of the baby's legs.

Many parents wonder at what age the curvature of a child's legs can become an alarming sign, what degree of curvature can be considered an acceptable norm?

Ideally, when straightening your baby's legs, the inner sides of the ankles and knee joints should converge. But to a certain extent, the curvature of the legs in a small child is a physiological norm.

Causes of curvature of the legs in children

A newborn baby has crooked legs, because for a long time he was in the womb in a compact position. Over time, this curvature disappears, because there are no more obstacles that limit freedom of movement. Then the child begins to carry out independent attempts to take an upright position and walk. The skeleton of a small child is still very plastic, and the load on the cartilage, ligaments, muscles is increasing. Until the child's musculoskeletal system has adapted to the new conditions, the legs may bend slightly.

Up to about a year old, an O-shaped curvature of the legs is observed, while the child is slightly clubfoot. By the age of three, the legs can take an X-shape, that is, when the knees are brought together, the feet are spaced a considerable distance from each other. The reason for this is the weakness of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus. Overweight of the child is often a provoking factor. By the age of five, the curvature of the child's legs usually flattens out.

In any case, it is necessary to discuss the curvature of the child's legs with the doctor. A pediatrician or orthopedist should monitor whether the curvature of the legs is a consequence of diseases and prescribe remedial measures to get rid of the defect.

Among the diseases that cause curvature of the legs, rickets and Blount's disease are the best known.

Blount's disease is congenital and manifests itself at about 2–3 years of age. Curvature is caused by damage to the cartilage of both legs. In the early stages, I use plaster casts, massage and exercises for treatment, and in the later stages, surgery.

Blount's disease

Rickets is a much more common cause of curvature of a child's legs. Lack of vitamin D leads to poor absorption of calcium, as a result, the child's skeletal system does not develop well, the bones become soft and cannot support the body's weight, deforming at the same time. Vitamin D deficiency can be caused by a poor diet, being without sunlight for a long time, as well as dysbiosis, which leads to impaired absorption of vitamins.

What to do if a child has crooked legs?

  • Prevention of rickets should be done even during pregnancy: take vitamin complexes recommended by your doctor, walk a lot;
  • After the birth of a child, it is necessary to monitor the child's diet, regularly walk with him, perform hardening procedures and do gymnastics;
  • In no case should you rush things and put the baby on his feet or force him to walk ahead of time, including with the help of a walker. Especially if the child is well-fed. This can adversely affect the condition of the legs.

It is undoubtedly necessary to treat the curvature, since this is not only a cosmetic defect, but also an orthopedic problem. Arise additional loads on the joints, which leads to pain in the legs, curvature of the spine may develop.

A very useful method is the treatment of rickets with the help of physiotherapy exercises, read more in our article at the link - in childhood, it is quite possible to correct the curvature of the legs with conservative methods.

  • When rickets is detected, the first thing to do is to fight the lack of vitamin D by taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Most often, doctors prescribe vitamin D3 preparations;
  • Additionally appoint classes physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapy procedures to strengthen the muscular system and the skeletal system;
  • Normalize the child's day regimen, providing good rest and walks in the fresh air;
  • If by the age of 2-3 years the legs do not straighten, then plaster casts can be used.

Foot massage

It is necessary to carry out therapeutic massage at least four times a year in courses of 15–20 procedures. If it is carried out by a specialist, then this is an extremely effective method.

  1. With an O-shaped curvature, the knee joint has an abnormal development. From the inside, the ligaments spasm, and from the outside they stretch. During the massage, the lower leg from the outside is massaged more intensively, since the muscles there are stretched and weak. The inner side should be massaged lightly; strokes are used to relieve tension. To correct the knee joint itself, when performing massage, press on it from the outside.
  2. With an X-shaped curvature, the opposite picture can be observed. Ligaments are spasmodic on the outside. Therefore, the muscles of the thigh and outer surface they try to relax the lower legs, and strengthen the inner ones. The X-shaped curvature is more difficult to treat, it can only be corrected before the age of three.

In addition, you can give your child a light massage yourself at home. For this, the baby is laid on the back and stroking and rubbing from the toes and feet towards the knee is performed. Then kneading movements and light pats are made in the same direction. With an X-shaped curvature, movements are performed along inside legs, with O-shaped - on the outside.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky believes that rickets is a fairly rare disease, and if a child is breastfed or outdoors, then he receives a sufficient dose of vitamin D, and many of the symptoms taken for signs of rickets are actually not. Therefore, we recommend that you read the symptoms of rickets according to Komarovsky.

Serious diseases that can lead to curvature of the legs are usually rare congenital pathologies associated with impaired metabolism and absorption of calcium and phosphorus, for example, kidney disease, in which they cannot retain calcium in the body.

Doctor Komarovsky believes that you cannot force a child to sit and walk, the later he begins to take an upright position, the stronger his legs and the smoother his back. Crawling of the child should be encouraged exclusively. If the child is healthy, and the only thing that worries the parents is the curvature of the baby's legs, then most often we are talking about hereditary anatomy.

If the clinical picture really corresponds to rickets, and laboratory tests have confirmed it, treatment is necessary.

In infants, rickets is treated with cholecalciferol in a daily dosage of 2000-4000 IU. After the symptoms disappear, the dose is reduced. If rickets is caused by impaired absorption, then the dose of the drug is significantly increased. Sometimes, to help cholecalciferol, calcium gluconate and potassium phosphate are introduced into the diet. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

During treatment, monitoring of calcium in the blood and urine is necessary.

Surgical correction of the curvature of the legs is performed in extremely rare cases: if up to the age of 3-4 years it was not possible to solve the problem of curvature, when one leg is shorter than the other, when the curvature interferes with walking or is a consequence of trauma. In all other cases, with the help of vitamins, massage and gymnastics, it is quite possible to straighten the legs of the child.

Often there is such a pathology as legs with a wheel in a child. Many parents have an obvious worry about this. Consider when pathology should not be alarming, and when you should go to an orthopedist. And also what to do if a child has a wheel.

Characteristics of the disease

O-shaped legs are numbered according to the ICD classification 10 - 21.0. Legs with a wheel in a newborn are of a physiological nature. This is due to the intrauterine development of the child, during which his legs assume a forced position, slightly arched in an arc. At first, in a newborn, the limbs still adhere to their usual shape. Over time, muscle tone decreases, they straighten.

On a note!

If parents notice a curvature of the legs, then it is necessary to consult a pediatric orthopedist, who will determine whether this is a pathology.

The mechanism of development of the disease

By the age of 2-3 years, the O-shape of the legs should disappear. By this age, a slight curvature of the lower leg may remain. At the initial stage of varus curvature, the external femoral condyle increases with a reduced internal one. The inter-articular gap becomes different. In the inner part, it narrows, in the outer, it increases. Because of which there is pressure on the meniscus, the ligaments outside the joint are stretched, the heels are deflected inward.

Over time, the disease progresses, a compensatory reaction of the body is formed, in which the feet are deformed. With a severe stage of pathology, the legs change their location inward, the thighs outward. As a result, bending in the knees becomes limited, gait is disturbed, and the child gets tired. The load is incorrectly distributed due to a shift in the center of gravity, posture worsens, and the spine is bent.

Up to what age is the curvature-norm

In a healthy child, O-shaped legs can be observed during the first year of life. Until the ligaments and muscles are sufficiently strengthened, the role of which is to maintain the skeleton of the lower extremities. Usually, a child's legs with a wheel at 1 year old are characterized by a slight curvature, which is a variant of the norm, he is like a clubfoot. By 3-4 years, this phenomenon should pass and there is no need to engage in treatment.

If, after this age, the problem remains, then it is necessary to visit a pediatrician and orthopedist. Attention should be paid to pathology in order to prevent leg fatigue, pain and heaviness when walking. As a result, the child restricts walking, deformation of the skeleton and weight gain occurs. Parents need to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • If children over 3 years old have legs with a wheel;
  • Feet too turned inward;
  • There is an external difference between the legs.

Only an orthopedist will be able to give accurate information about whether O-shaped legs are a pathology.


A pediatric orthopedist will be able to tell you exactly why a child has a wheel. Usually, this pathology occurs for the following reasons:

  • Rickets, which is a dangerous disease that affects the lower extremities. It develops due to an insufficient amount of vitamin D, as a result, the lower leg is deformed, the legs are bent;
  • Any stress on a child in the first year of life should occur as his muscles and ligaments develop. Any anticipation of physiological readiness causes deformation of the legs. Some parents force the baby to sit under six months and walk until the age of one. This has a negative effect on the musculoskeletal system. Often, wheel legs are found in children who began to walk by the age of 9 months. Any action of the child must be independent;
  • Dysplasia is most often diagnosed in the hospital. This disease not only leads to the curvature of the legs, but also has a negative effect on the entire body;
  • Excess weight in the crumbs is an obstacle to the development of important skills, causes deformation of the legs. If the baby is not thin, then he should take the first steps on his own. Since the presence of excess weight gives additional pressure on the undeveloped skeletal system;
  • Sometimes O-shaped legs are associated with genetics. This problem is hereditary;
  • Incorrectly fitted shoes. With this arrangement, the child has to put his feet in such a way that it does not hurt him to walk. Therefore it follows Special attention devote to the choice of shoes.

Komarovsky's opinion

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky denies the negative impact of rickets on the musculoskeletal system. He argues that the development of the problem is influenced by a hereditary factor, kidney disease, which leads to impaired absorption of minerals by the body. Komarovsky gives the following advice to parents to avoid clubfoot:

  • It is important to ensure that the child receives the correct nutrition, all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • Water treatments will help remove increased tone muscles;
  • To prepare for walking, massage the outer, inner side of the lower leg, foot;
  • After bathing, massage your feet well with a stiff brush;
  • Two feet joined together - good exercise for the muscular apparatus;
  • Keeping the child in an upright position strengthens his legs and back;
  • An overweight baby needs more time before walking.


  • Physiotherapy, which includes paraffin therapy on the feet, calcium electrophoresis;
  • Special devices in the form orthopedic instep supports, correctors, insoles;
  • Massage with an O-shaped curvature of the legs in a child should start from the lumbar zone, then moving on to the buttocks and sacrum. Then the specialist continues the procedure on the back of the thigh, lower leg, tendon, sole. At the end of the massage of the bones of the back of the legs, the movements move to the anterior region.


Special role in treatment O-shaped legs the children are engaged in physiotherapy exercises. During the training, the shape of the foot is corrected, the muscular apparatus is strengthened. The following exercises will help you achieve the desired result:

  • Turn the feet with the soles inward;
  • Bend the part of the foot that is not in contact with the floor;
  • Arch the sole;
  • Curl your toes;
  • Hold objects between the feet;
  • Make rotational movements with the left foot counterclockwise, right - clockwise;
  • Make movements with a herringbone pattern;
  • Walk on your heels;
  • Sit with the feet apart inward.

Approximate complex

With help simple complex exercise, you can get rid of the O-shaped legs. Below are the exercises in their order of execution:

  • Alternating walking on toes and heels for at least 2 minutes;
  • Walking with support only on the outside of the legs, then on the inside for no more than 2 minutes on each side;
  • The child sits on a chair, his arms are at the waist, his legs reach the floor. Fingers should be pulled up, then bent down. The exercise is performed for at least 2 minutes;
  • Sitting on a chair, the baby alternately wipes one foot with the other from the bottom up. Each leg must perform at least 6 movements;
  • The child is sitting on a highchair. Small objects are spread out next to it. His task is to grab an object with the fingers of his lower extremities and hold it for several seconds. You can perform the exercise separately with the left, separately with the right leg. After both;
  • The kid sits on a chair, next to the ball. Its task is to roll the ball back and forth from right side- to the left. Next, he should try to lift the ball with his feet and hold for a while;
  • The baby sits on a chair, there is a stick under his feet. He needs to put his feet on a stick and roll it forward. It is necessary to ensure that the entire foot is involved;
  • The child needs to sit in a yoga pose. Right - under the left. He should try to get off the floor with his feet only. Then you should change the location of the limbs;
  • Walking on a log without shoes;
  • Ascents and descents along the Swedish wall.

For safety, adults need to be within walking distance of the child.

A lumbar curvature of the lower extremities can be a sign of pathology and physiological features. Only a specialist can deal with this process and prescribe treatment.

Many parents wonder at what age the curvature of a child's legs can become an alarming sign, what degree of curvature can be considered an acceptable norm?

Ideally, when straightening your baby's legs, the inner sides of the ankles and knee joints should converge. But to a certain extent, the curvature of the legs in a small child is a physiological norm.

Causes of curvature of the legs in children

A newborn baby has crooked legs, because for a long time he was in the womb in a compact position. Over time, this curvature disappears, because there are no more obstacles that limit freedom of movement. Then the child begins to carry out independent attempts to take an upright position and walk. The skeleton of a small child is still very plastic, and the load on the cartilage, ligaments, muscles is increasing. Until the child's musculoskeletal system has adapted to the new conditions, the legs may bend slightly.

Up to about a year old, an O-shaped curvature of the legs is observed, while the child is slightly clubfoot. By the age of three, the legs can take an X-shape, that is, when the knees are brought together, the feet are spaced a considerable distance from each other. The reason for this is the weakness of the muscular and ligamentous apparatus. Overweight of the child is often a provoking factor. By the age of five, the curvature of the child's legs usually flattens out.

In any case, it is necessary to discuss the curvature of the child's legs with the doctor. A pediatrician or orthopedist should monitor whether the curvature of the legs is a consequence of diseases and prescribe remedial measures to get rid of the defect.

Among the diseases that cause curvature of the legs, rickets and Blount's disease are the best known.

Blount's disease is congenital and manifests itself at about 2–3 years of age. Curvature is caused by damage to the cartilage of both legs. In the early stages, I use plaster casts, massage and exercises for treatment, and in the later stages, surgery.

In childhood, it is quite possible to correct the curvature of the legs using conservative methods.

  • When rickets is detected, the first thing to do is to fight the lack of vitamin D by taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Most often, doctors prescribe vitamin D3 preparations;
  • Additionally, physical therapy classes, massage, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed to strengthen the muscular system and the skeletal system;
  • Normalize the child's day regimen, providing good rest and walks in the fresh air;
  • If by the age of 2-3 years the legs do not straighten, then plaster casts can be used.

Foot massage

It is necessary to carry out therapeutic massage at least four times a year in courses of 15–20 procedures. If it is carried out by a specialist, then this is an extremely effective method.

  1. With an O-shaped curvature, the knee joint has an abnormal development. From the inside, the ligaments spasm, and from the outside they stretch. During the massage, the lower leg from the outside is massaged more intensively, since the muscles there are stretched and weak. The inner side should be massaged lightly; strokes are used to relieve tension. To correct the knee joint itself, when performing massage, press on it from the outside.
  2. With an X-shaped curvature, the opposite picture can be observed. Ligaments are spasmodic on the outside. Therefore, the muscles of the thigh and the outer surface of the lower leg are trying to relax, and the inner one - to strengthen. The X-shaped curvature is more difficult to treat, it can only be corrected before the age of three.

In addition, you can at home give the child a light massage on their own. For this, the baby is laid on the back and stroking and rubbing from the toes and feet towards the knee is performed. Then kneading movements and light pats are made in the same direction. With an X-shaped curvature, movements are performed along the inside of the leg, with an O-shaped curvature - along the outside.

Treatment according to Komarovsky

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky believes that rickets is a fairly rare disease, and if a child is breastfed or outdoors, then he receives a sufficient dose of vitamin D, and many of the symptoms taken for signs of rickets are actually not. Therefore, we recommend that you read the symptoms of rickets according to Komarovsky.

Serious diseases that can lead to curvature of the legs are usually rare congenital pathologies associated with impaired metabolism and absorption of calcium and phosphorus, for example, kidney disease, in which they cannot retain calcium in the body.

Doctor Komarovsky believes that you cannot force a child to sit and walk, the later he begins to take an upright position, the stronger his legs and the smoother his back. Crawling of the child should be encouraged exclusively. If the child is healthy, and the only thing that worries the parents is the curvature of the baby's legs, then most often we are talking about hereditary anatomy.

If the clinical picture really corresponds to rickets, and laboratory tests have confirmed it, treatment is necessary.

In infants, rickets is treated with cholecalciferol in a daily dosage of 2000-4000 IU. After the symptoms disappear, the dose is reduced. If rickets is caused by impaired absorption, then the dose of the drug is significantly increased. Sometimes, to help cholecalciferol, calcium gluconate and potassium phosphate are introduced into the diet. The dosage is determined by the doctor.

During treatment, monitoring of calcium in the blood and urine is necessary.

Surgical correction of the curvature of the legs is performed in extremely rare cases: if up to the age of 3-4 years it was not possible to solve the problem of curvature, when one leg is shorter than the other, when the curvature interferes with walking or is a consequence of trauma. In all other cases, with the help of vitamins, massage and gymnastics, it is quite possible to straighten the legs of the child.

From the birth of a child to his majority, we are responsible for his health. Many young mothers sound the alarm about crooked legs in a baby.

Do not forget in what position the baby is in the womb. Of course at the newborn's legs will not be perfectly straight. After three, four days, they level out.

  • Breastfeed - you yourself must eat well, despite the weight gain.
  • Artificial feeding - the right nutrition must be selected, exactly suitable for your baby.
  • Monthly doctor's examination, up to three months.
  • All vaccinations are required.
  • Long stays for walks in the summer. The child receives vitamin D from the sun's rays. Winter children, with a shortage of it, are taken in drops.
  • Daily water treatments with massage.
  • Morning air baths.
  • Taking care of your baby in this way will protect you from unnecessary worries.

The development of the skeletal system in those born prematurely

Basically, calcium enrichment in infants occurs in the third month of life. At this time, you should be especially careful to monitor proper nutrition babies. Nobody argues that mother's milk - best protection from all diseases. But mothers should not be upset who have children on artificial feeding. A properly selected mixture is quite capable of replacing mom's food.

It is not a fact that those born prematurely often suffer from rickets. Today, it is very rare to hear that a child a there was a change in the skeletal system. If your doctor, during the examination, immediately identified such a disease, run away from him.

Without a thorough examination, no professor will be able to accurately determine whether an infant has rickets or not. Be in the sun more often, feed the right mixtures and you will have a healthy toddler.

How to prevent the curvature of the baby's legs?

A man born into the world is already an individuality. Do not try to demand from him to perform those actions for which he is not ready. It is contraindicated to seat the child with pillows. Do not practice early. Don't try to get rid of your toddler by purchasing a walker.

The reasons that can lead to improper formation of the skeletal system of the legs are:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Lack of calcium, phosphorus in the body.
  3. Absorption of vitamin D.

Your child at six months becomes, holding on to something, do not bother him. Therefore, he is ready for a new stage in his life. To rush a child to develop is a crime. Instead of imposing your desires on him, just help. At the right time, moment.

Wheel feet and remedial measures

When the baby takes the first steps, you notice the unevenness of the legs. First of all, get a consultation with a podiatrist. Don't get upset prematurely. If there were no health problems before you walked, then the legs will align up to 5 years. But if such walking interferes with the child, it is difficult for him to move, he constantly falls - sound the alarm.

First of all, pay attention to the intake of vitamin D in the baby's body. With the help of a podiatrist, find exercises that will help relax your muscles. Since your child moves very quickly, this problem may disappear after a while.

Last but not least, the doctor may suggest a corrective splint that is placed between the legs. You can't give up if you can't quickly change the baby's gait. You need to have fortitude to correct your own mistakes.

Dr. KOmarovsky about the development of the skeletal system of children

The scientist denies the presence of rickets if the child has crooked legs. It is very rare in our time. This problem mainly occurs at the time of congenital pathology. It consists in poor absorption of minerals in the body, and kidney disease is associated with it. On the advice of a pediatrician, it is possible to avoid crooked feet, crooked legs, if you follow all the advice of good doctors from birth.

Proper nutrition, water treatments, foot massage, inner and outer legs. For walking, you must prepare the baby. Until this hour, he was lying all the time, and the first steps can cause discomfort to his feet. Massage after each bath with a hard brush. Play the game "Forge a leg" connecting two feet. The longer the child is upright, the stronger his back and legs.

A full baby should crawl as long as possible. Do not provoke him to walk, this will only harm you. Granny's preachings are not in vogue now. That it is necessary to swaddle a child tightly, otherwise there will be crooked legs, an incorrect assumption. Some folks the problem on diapers. And this is absurd. If this were so, then all the current first-graders were curved.

Crooked legsthe man

In childhood, the guys do not really pay attention to this. But closer to 28 years old, when they became more curved from physical activity, clap their hands and think about how to fix it. Bone formation occurs before adolescence. And you need to take action before the skeleton is formed.

It is dangerous to make corrections with surgery. You can harm your health. Exists effective program, with the help of which their form is improved.

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