The maximum speed on the kart. Karting

M. PODOLSKII, teacher at MADI, coach of the Megafon-motorsport racing team.

It can be very crowded on the karting competition track.

Knots and aggregates map.

Rental cards are protected from all sides by a pipe chipper. A small but powerful engine with automatic transmission accelerates the car to a very decent speed, sometimes up to 80-100 km / h.

Finish flag. black and white, checkered.

Red flag.

Black and white flag.

Black flag.

Black flag with an orange circle.

Green flag with yellow chevron.

A blue flag with two red diagonals.

Yellow flag.

Yellow flag with red stripes.

Green flag.

White flag.

Blue flag.

It is impossible to calculate how many sports there are on Earth. And not only because under the sport different people understand different things. Moreover, ordinary viewers may consider, for example, that Athletics- this is one sport, and experts will say that there are at least four types of jumps. Motor sports are no exception. Someone thinks that races are races, and a knowledgeable person will object: only rallies exist at least the same four types - classic rally, rally-raid, rally-cross and rally-sprint. What about circuit racing? They include special racing cars (for example, in the popular Formula 1 races), and ordinary production cars, and even trucks and lawn mowers. One of the most common and affordable types of car racing is karting. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Karting can be done at any age. In big cities, there are indoor karting tracks where they ride all year round. Cars are rented there, but almost every karting center has racing schools. Children from the age of 5 are allowed to take classes, and after a couple of months they arrange the first races of young pilots. And in sports karting, the smallest "professional" class - "Micro" - has already been mastered by 6-7-year-old racers.

It is believed that the first maps appeared in American military pilots during World War II. Once, the pilots adapted a motorcycle motor to a baggage cart and between flights, having nothing to do, began to drive around the airfield. Then the competition started. In 1956, Art Ingels, a mechanic at Curtis Craft Company, built the first kart similar to modern ones. On a simple frame, he installed a lawn mower engine, made a hand brake and elementary steering. And already in 1957, a karting club was organized in America and the rules for the competition were adopted. Maps appeared in Europe in 1958. In 1960, there were already more than 120 card manufacturing firms operating in England alone.

For some 15 years, karting has conquered the whole world. In 1964, the first official world championship was held. The competitions held in Rome were won by the Italian G. Sala. By the way, in karting they started their sports career almost all outstanding racers. For example, the seven-time world champion in Formula 1 Michael Schumacher, four-time champion world rally Sebastian Loeb, multiple winner of international and Russian competitions Alexei Vasiliev.

Why is karting so attractive? Firstly, the machine is easy to manufacture (although when compared with other racing cars) - therefore, it is inexpensive. Secondly, the machine is stable and therefore quite safe. Thirdly, the kart is easy to manage - therefore, almost anyone can ride it.

Karting is perhaps the only type of motorsport in which there is an almost official division of cars into special sports and rental cars. Sports cars are in most cases more powerful, have two-stroke engines, and sometimes a "real" transmission with a clutch and gearbox. Rolling cars are mainly equipped with four-stroke engines, and instead of a gearbox, they are equipped with a centrifugal clutch (variator).


All kart units are mounted on a frame welded from durable steel pipes with an outer diameter of 35-40 mm. The front, steered, wheels are mounted on the steering knuckles. With the help of a transverse link and a steering shaft, they are connected to the steering wheel. There is no steering gear on the map (a mechanism that helps turn the wheels in "large" cars), so the steering wheel travel is very short, almost like on a bicycle. Turning the steering wheel requires considerable effort, and after half an hour of driving, the hands of inexperienced pilots “fall off”. The pilot's seat is also installed on the frame, and so low that the pilot literally draws his booty on the asphalt. To save the "fifth point", the seat is made strong enough and under it (from the bottom on the frame) a sheet of aluminum, fiberglass or thick aviation plywood is attached.

The motor is placed to the right and slightly behind the seat (most often to the right, but on some models to the left or completely behind). Using a chain or belt drive, the engine is connected to the rear axle. On the cards of the recently introduced DD 2 class (Direct Drive means direct transmission), the motor is mounted on the rear axle and the drive is carried out by its direct rotation through the gear. The rear axle of the kart, unlike the car, is one-piece. It has a brake disc on it. The fuel tank on sports karts is placed under the steering wheel between the pilot's legs, and on rental karts - behind the seat.

The shift lever is located to the right of the seat. The control pedals used to be located in the same way as on a conventional car: in front of the right is the accelerator pedal, a little to the left is the brake. These pedals were controlled right foot. Left leg, as on "adult" cars, "managed" the clutch pedal. But on sports cars, the pilot shifts gears, practically without depressing the clutch, and a quarter of a century ago, the control was transferred to a lever, very similar to a motorcycle, and placed under the steering wheel in the left hand.

On rental cards - simpler: on the right - gas, on the left - brake; there is no clutch pedal and gear lever, and this is not necessary, because the car is equipped with an automatic transmission.

There are no springs or shock absorbers in the suspension of karts. Actually, there is no suspension as such. Because of this, small cars are very stiff, riding them feels like moving on a stool. Therefore, they try to make karting tracks perfectly smooth, everything is removed from the asphalt, even the smallest bumps.

An important element of the kart is the wheels. The anterior ones are always smaller than the posterior ones, both in width and in diameter. The rear ones, on the contrary, are more massive and wide. It is understandable: the main weight of the car and the pilot falls on the rear axle. rear wheels they accelerate the kart, they also slow it down (there are simply no brakes on the front wheels on many even sports models). By the way, tires for karts, as well as for large racing cars, are made for both dry and rain from a special rubber compound that literally sticks to the track and allows you to take corners very quickly.


You don't need any equipment to go karting. Everything you need is given out at the karting track. And this is a helmet and gloves. In some karting centers, the equipment includes overalls (it is often muddy on the track) and protection for the ribs and neck. Shoes, as a rule, are not given out, so if you are going to the karting track, put on light sneakers or sneakers. For regular classes in a section or club, you need to have your own helmet, balaclava, gloves, overalls and special racing boots. If the karting track is located outdoors, then for bad weather, a waterproof cover for overalls or a jacket with trousers, such as those issued to road workers, is necessary. If we are talking about professional karting and participation in official competitions(in Russia they are held under the auspices of the Russian Automobile Federation - RAF), then the equipment is selected only from the permitted, or, as they say, homologated, RAF. The pilot's helmet must meet strict requirements, but such models are quite heavy, and in order to reduce the load on the neck in the event of an accident, they additionally use a special "collar". The pilot's shoes must protect the ankle. Gloves are required.

Kart only looks like a simple cart with a motor. In the range of these cars there are workers who work almost around the clock at rental karting tracks. They give the initial skills to young pilots, infect them with the excitement of a real racing fight. And there are unique samples of modern racing equipment, equipped with the latest technology, stuffed with sensors from spaceships.

Karting is the only motor sport that a child or teenager can do. All you need is the permission of a doctor, the consent of your parents - and the world of speed and adventure is open before you. A kart in the right hands allows you to drive very fast. Best sports cars they easily accelerate to 200-250 km / h, and in terms of acceleration dynamics from the start, it happens that they are ahead of the cars of the "queen of motorsport" - "Formula 1". But even cars of special children's classes - they are called "Micro", "Mini", "Rocket" and "Cadet" - drive at a speed of 80-120 km / h. Once you learn how to ride a kart, when you're older, you can easily jump into big cars and take on circuit racing, off-road racing, or the pinnacle of motorsport - classic rallying. Yes, and just being a good driver in life will come in handy.

Details for the curious


The speed of the kart depends on the power and speed of the engine. The more powerful the motor, the faster the kart accelerates; the higher the number of revolutions, the greater the maximum speed. But not only these parameters determine the pace of the car. Recall: the engine and the rear axle (that is, the wheels) are connected by a chain drive. The sprocket in the motor (it is called the drive one) always has 10 teeth, and the sprockets on the rear axle (driven) can be different - from 80 to 83 teeth. The more teeth on the driven sprocket, the better cards accelerates from a standstill or picks up speed from low to medium. On the other hand, the smaller the driven sprocket, the higher the maximum speed.

Driven sprockets change depending on how difficult the track is. If the distance consists of continuous sharp turns and steep climbs, it is better to put a bigger star (if the pilot is heavy, by the way, too). On tracks with smooth long sections and smooth turns, it is more correct to focus on the “fast” sprocket.

information bureau


There are two types of competitions in karting - circuit racing and winter track racing on ice. We will not dwell on ice races, they are held infrequently, but let's talk about ring races.

Qualifying heats are held to determine the starting order. In competitions different levels they may be run in different ways, but the essence remains: the one who has completed the official timed lap (or section) faster than the others starts first. During the start, no overtaking is allowed before crossing the starting line. Considering that in the most advanced junior class, Rotax Max Junior, up to forty riders start in one race, then when the leaders are already fighting for centimeters of the race track, the tail of the starting peloton is still trailing in the starting area. By the way, the level of professionalism in this class is such that the results of passing the qualifying lap often differ by less than one second for two dozen pilots!

During the race, you can not push, knock the opponent off the track. Be sure to let those who go faster and not interfere with them. The start of the race is given either by a flag or a traffic signal. The start can be given from the spot, as in Formula 1, or from the move.

Judges on the track give the athletes signals with flags. These flags are the same for all types of motorsport, so if you watch the “first formula” races on TV, you will see how the pilots obediently follow the laws of the flag alphabet there.

Finish flag. Black and white, checkered. The size of the cells, alternating in a checkerboard pattern, is 10x10 cm. It is used to notify the competitors about the finish. The signal is given by waving the flag.

The red flag stops the race. Drivers must immediately stop the race, raise their hand and, making sure that the drivers following him have accepted the signal, stop.

Black and white flag. The field of the flag is divided diagonally into two equal black and white parts (in the language of racing drivers - “penguin”). It warns the driver about unsportsmanlike behavior and informs that in the next violation he will be excluded from the competition or race.

Black flag ("black mark", just like the pirates). Informs the driver that on the next lap he must bring his kart to the place specified by the regulations and report to the head of the race.

Black flag with an orange circle. Informs the driver that his kart has a technical problem and that on the next lap he must fix the defect in the repair area, after which he can continue the race.

A green flag with a yellow chevron is a false start.

A blue flag with two red diagonals. The driver must stop the race immediately and return to the closed park.

The yellow flag is a danger signal. Drivers should slow down and be prepared for possible stops. If the judges are actively waving the flag, then the danger is very serious. Overtaking is prohibited in the yellow flag zone.

Yellow flag with red stripes - slippery road. Most often used to signal spilled oil or puddles.

Green flag - the danger has passed. Used in two cases:

To indicate the end of the danger zone (shown motionless) and the place from which overtaking is again allowed;

To give a start to a training session or a warm-up lap. Shown by waving until all cards leave the starting area.

White flag - slow moving kart on the track. When it stops, the white flag is immediately replaced by a yellow one.

Blue flag. Informs a driver behind a lap that one or more faster moving karts are about to overtake him and must give way.

The other day my friends and I went to drive on small cars - carts. We built an indoor autodrome in our city. Personally, I went for the first time impressions mass! BUT after we arrived home and told our friends, they asked us the question, what is it all about? No, they once heard about such "races", but it's hard to imagine how everything works. It is for them and of course for you that I want to talk about karting, it will be interesting to read + a short video at the end ...

Let's start as usual with a definition.

Karting - now it is a separate sport, as well as mass entertainment. It comes from the name of the cart (from the English cart), a racing small car that does not have a body at all, as well as a classic suspension, built on a metal frame. It is used on special tracks with a hard and even surface.

History of appearance

As historians say, the origin of this motorsport is the merit of US pilots (during World War II), who were looking for something to do between flights. Thus, they welded a body of metal pipes, found small wheels, a lawn mower engine and everything was ready. Just entertainment. After all, no one could even think that it would grow into a mass form of motorsport.

Personally speaking, the pioneer was pilot mechanic Art Ingels of the Curtis Craft Company in Glendale. In the summer of 1956, he built his first kart from water pipes, scooter wheels, and a lawn mower engine. It was so primitive that anyone could repeat it, and the price of the complete version was only about $100. Because of this, the boom of these cars began.

Later, Daffy Levingston, the first serial kart designer, took the initiative, he was the first to drive a whole large racing lap. Later, special tracks began to be made for this sport.

By 1957, there were several thousand of these machines. This type of motorsport has become so massive that it became necessary to create special karting tracks, and models began to be unified to bring them to the same type and power. Special rules for karting were also developed, and by 1962 the International Karting Commission appeared, which became one of the bodies of the International Automobile Federation.

But from that moment on, it really becomes a professional motorsport, manufacturers began the race for chassis and engines. Highly paid racers also appeared, the mass enthusiasm was gone. And there was big money and big stakes!

Kart car device

Guys, a small photo in which I will tell the main elements, I will not go deep because this is all for a general understanding, and not for manufacturing!

1) Frame made of metal pipes

2) Protection, the so-called bow box. It should be noted that there are also on the sides.

3) Chassis + non-pneumatic wheels. It should be noted that they are very rigid.

4) The steering part + the steering wheel itself, without any amplifiers.

5) Part of the engine. Usually two-stroke gasoline, with a power of 5 to 7 hp.

6) Cooling radiator

7) The driver's seat is made of hard plastic.

A separate pedal assembly, essentially no transmission, only two pedals - gas and brake.

As you can see, absolutely not a tricky device, in Soviet times, our compatriots assembled them themselves. A few more photos.

Personal experience

Yes, guys, this is such a story, I personally liked such “rides”, and we went four with friends. I even managed to take some pictures of the "cards" themselves and shoot a short video.

Usually they give out special overalls, as well as helmets. But we did not take full equipment, but only helmets.

With friends

your humble servant! :)

for the first time! :)

The cards themselves are very maneuverable cars, it is clear that they do not have a starter (they start up like a manual chainsaw), but you can drive them!

view from above

driver's seat

also available with high back

Check-in is usually about 10 minutes, 7-8 cars are involved. The average passability of the circle is about 1 minute, so it's enough to roll. I was sweating from the stress, although it should be noted that I have a very long driving experience. Arrived (first race), as much as the seventh of eight! But the second time I pulled myself up (second place) I just understood how the kart works. Two gas and brake pedals and no power steering (hard - like driving on the LAWN).

History map

Many people know the saying, everything ingenious is simple. And it really is. A lot of what was invented and is in great demand today was made by someone from completely unnecessary materials. A lot of vivid examples can be cited, the first thing that comes to mind is karting.

As the story goes, the first kart was invented by American pilots who had nothing to do. Deciding to somehow occupy themselves, they collected a bunch of old rubbish, among which were trolleys, and old engines from low-powered motorcycles, and pieces of pipes, then blinded it all together, and the world's first map turned out. He, of course, was a little like modern maps, but nonetheless. It was sort of the first "Adam" of the Kart tribe.

For American pilots, in fact, it was just a kind of entertainment. Played and forgotten. So, pampering for a couple of minutes. None of them even thought about the fact that karting has a great future ahead, the future of a small car with great capabilities.

Karting - or rebirth

The cards were reborn thanks to Art Ingels, a little-known mechanic of the American company Curtis Craft Company in Glendale in 1956. Their company was engaged in the production of just the same racing cars. One fine day, Art took pieces of old pipes and other pieces of fittings that were at hand, and a motor from a West Band lawn mower. The power of the card he created was 1.84 kW, only two and a half horsepower.

And soon a convenient opportunity presented itself to demonstrate the kart and its capabilities to the public, so to speak, in all its glory. Races were to be held in Pomona, and the demonstration of the kart was just in time. It is clear that he did not take part in the races, he only showed off in demonstration performances. And it was then that the cart gets its current name KART - from the English cart - cart.

Soon a businessman appears on the arena, ready to invest good money in the development of the card. They become Bill Rowles (Bil Rowles), who turned for help to Duffy Livingston (Duffy Livingstone) and Roy Desbrow (Roy Desbrow), who worked at GP Mufflers.

He asks them to look at this machine, realizing that it is the future.

Livingston and Desbrow go along with his ideas, and Drone soon shows up. New type of card. It was named so in honor of the engine, which was taken from a sample of an unmanned aerial vehicle. This device was developed specifically for the United States Air Force.

And already in 1957, the first races with the participation of "carts" took place. They took place in a parking lot in the city of Pasadena.

Bulk kart sales

Realizing that the business is gaining momentum, Rowles creates a new company called Go Kart Manufacturing Co Inc., which begins to create and then sell kart cars.

The kart is getting a bit of a makeover with a cheaper engine borrowed from the West Band rotary gas mower. The cost of one car is one hundred and twenty-nine dollars, but this does not bother buyers at all, on the contrary, there are more and more of them every day. The number of karting fans is increasing exponentially.

The business is doing so well that Rowles is able to buy a five-acre plot of land in Azusa. Where the world's first karting track was soon built.

At the same time, partners Art Ingels and Louis Boreli create a new line of karts under the name "Karette". For a very long time it was one of the most successful kart manufacturers.

So the card begins to create itself. His name is already thundering in all states of America, people liked the machine, winning more and more sympathy.

Cars are starting to be produced by the thousands and thousands, karting tracks are being built all over the country. Already in December 1957, the first official American association "Go Kart" was organized. Next year, the rules, technical and sporting, have already been developed for holding competitions among "small cars".

By leaps and bounds the kart rolls along North America and gradually begins to conquer the world.

In September 1958, Go Kart Manufacturing Co Inc. sends five cards to the UK ordered by an employee of the British Isles Air Force.

Soon the whole of Europe is covered by a passion for karting.

Spreading the map around the world

Already by 1960, in the UK alone, it was possible to count about one hundred and twenty firms involved in the construction of karts, as well as various parts of the undercarriage.

In winter, in February, the first issue of Karting magazine is published. It is worth noting that it is still being produced. The love of karting fans is so great, and their support is also great.

It is worth noting that karting has become such a "terrible" force in good sense of this word, that even in the Soviet Union the movement of karting begins to develop.

Kursk became the first city that affectionately adopts the fashion for karting. It was in the city Palace of Pioneers that the first Soviet kart was assembled, headed by designer Lev Kononov.

In the city of Kharkov at that time, the karting section began to function successfully, headed by Vitaly Enin and Eduard Kostenko.

On December 3, 1960, the Rules for holding competitions, classifications, as well as technical requirements for karting by the USSR Motor Sports Federation were approved. It is this day that is considered the official day of the beginning of the development of karting in the Soviet Union.

In the next three or four years, karting gains even more fans. He wins love in the cities: Moscow, Odessa, Leningrad, and also begins to develop in the Latvian SSR, the Estonian SSR. All-Union competitions will begin soon. Everyone is happy. And finally, in 1964, the USSR entered the international arena for the first time. Unfortunately, the first pancake turned out to be a lump, the Soviet athletes failed to show off their driving skills.

Karting becomes a sport

Already in the sixties, the kart was rapidly gaining immense popularity among modeling enthusiasts, racers and designers. The success that no one could ever predict for karting has become real. The whole world has fallen ill with this "disease".

Finally, in 1962, the IWC was created - the International Karting Commission, which later becomes the body of the International Automobile Federation.

Karting is recognized at all levels - it becomes a full-fledged car, behind the wheel of which many future Formula 1 world champions grew up.

In 1964, the first 100 cc World Karting Championship was organized. The first world champion was the Italian racer G. Sala. And in the next years Italian athletes dominated the rest of the participants on the karting tracks.

In the following years of the twentieth century, the number of tournaments is growing, day by day the number of people wishing to learn the skill of controlling the "cart" is increasing. Since 1962, karting has become a team sport. Also karting begin to divide by class and age. The cards themselves are beginning to be distinguished by types and types, for example, sports, amateur types of karting appear.

Karting is developing, its design is undergoing many changes, the chassis is also changing - progress has not bypassed karting. They experimented a lot with the landing of the driver, it even came to the point of absurdity - they wanted to place the pilot in a horizontal position. There were enthusiasts who cherished hopes for the release of karts with jet engines. And even once they arranged a similar test run - the pilot almost died.

But the development of the map also had negative side- since karting has become an official motor sport, its production has become more expensive, and, accordingly, its retail price has also become expensive. Interest from the public gradually began to decline.

And only in 1990, when Italian designers assemble a new prototype kart, called Easykart, the demand for these machines begins to grow. Unlike their predecessors, they are much cheaper.

In Russia, with the collapse of the USSR, unfortunately, interest in the map began to fade.

And only today, in small steps, but in the right way, we are returning to its revival.

So karting is a living legend. Like any car, the kart has a truly fascinating history. A story that continues today.

Karting, like the world, is changing for the better!

Device and types of karting

There are only 3 main types of cards. This sports (summer/winter), amateur and rental. Still, I would not single out the rolling ones separately, but combined them into one group with amateur ones, since in principle there are no differences.

Sports karting- This is a professional machine, which differs both in functional characteristics and in the "stuffing" of the engine.

These cars are designed for experienced drivers who have been involved in this sport for more than a year.

Rental, they are amateur, these are machines for non-professionals. For people who want to feel in the shoes of a real racer. They dream of rushing through the karting track with speed, so that the wind whistles in their ears, and blood boils in their veins, adrenaline jumps, and the heart at a sharp turn erupts every time you fly over it. Rental karts are very safe, and if you follow all the rules of conduct, the trip will be comfortable, from which only good memories will remain. Enough to remember the words famous racer Formula 1, Michael Schumacher. When asked how karting differs from Formula 1, he replied that nothing, only speed, and the dynamics, drive and sensations are the same, the same difficulty in driving, the same need to feel the car, the ability to listen to it.

Of course, cards for professionals and amateurs differ in design. Sports cars are equipped with professional parts and assemblies.

For beginners riding at a time, the details are simpler, weaker.

For non-professionals, people who do not understand karting, it may turn out that these cars are primitive, their device is too simple. But this is not really the case. An inexperienced look is stupid.

What to do, to assemble a kart is a trifling matter. Once and done. Wrong.

Kart is not much different from professional racing cars, but at the same time it has a lot of things that make it different and more unique. So what does the card actually consist of?

It is worth noting that karting is a very rapidly progressing technical device, chassis models, for example, change very quickly, some types become unusable, going into the annals of history, others, on the contrary, come to replace them. Therefore, it is worth stopping only at the most basic components of the machine.

The basis of the card is, of course, the frame. And only steel.

The driver's seat, steering wheel, engine are attached to the frame (which side does not matter). Here we can also include the control system - the steering wheel, the control lever, the brake and gas pedals, the gearshift lever, the gear squeezing handle.

Well, the fuel tank, where without it. Fuel tank volumes are calculated from operating conditions.

Each kart seems similar in appearance to the other, as if they are all one stamping. But in reality this is not so. Each kart is unique. Each has its own opportunities and conditions of detention. Karting is a reflection of the soul of its owner!

Map Management

Driving a kart is very easy. Convenient control system, where there is nothing superfluous. It consists of the following elements:

  • Steering wheel;
  • gear lever;
  • Clutch release handle;
  • Gas pedal;
  • Brake pedal.

And nothing more. Everything is extremely simple and at the same time ingenious.

But details, levers, steering wheel, wheels - that's not all. Ninety percent of the effectiveness of control depends on the pilot himself.

Below I would like to give a few lights for those who are just starting to master this type of vehicle.

While riding prerequisite is the correct position of the body, the hands must be correctly positioned on the steering wheel so that they do not become numb, and you are not distracted, otherwise an unpleasant situation may occur.

Your body must be in a strictly vertical position, your head must be kept as even as possible, in no case should you twist it once again, do not tilt it, otherwise an accident cannot be avoided.

When you drive, you must be as alert as possible and be sensitive to minimal changes in your surroundings.

Drawing up a preliminary schedule in your head is half the battle. The route that you have planned should be firmly planted in your head.

Your body should be concentrated, mind and hands should become one.

Steering wheel, pedals, levers - everything should work together. You must have time to handle all devices.

Remember that karting is a car. Amateur karting is capable of reaching speeds of up to one hundred kilometers per hour. And you need an excellent reaction in order to have time to respond to what is happening.

Go-kart riding is a rather tiring activity, therefore, you need to have good stamina.

Remember, only a persistent person can reach the finish line. Only a strong spirit is able to rise to the pedestal.

Sports and amateur karting

Sports karting is a favorite activity for someone, for someone it is a chance to get into professional racers, say Formula 1. Someone will laugh and say, they compared, they say, a kart and a racing car. And there's really nothing funny about it. Many Formula 1 drivers came to big sport it is from karts, for example, Fernando Alonso, Mika Hakkinen and even the seven-time world champion, the king of Formula 1, Michael Schumacher.

Sports karting is of two types: summer and winter.

Sports classes in karting are divided into international formulas, international classes, as well as national classes and amateur classes.

What is their fundamental difference? Thus, international formulas are the holding of world racing tournaments according to the system - KF1 ... KF4, KZ1, KZ2. In sports classes

And this means that technically all cars should be the same, no technical excesses.

National classes are competitions that are held on the territory of a single state. And the machines also have to be technically the same. Let's say engines should be only domestically produced. You can bring several classes of competitions in Russia: pioneer, mini, rocket, allied, class E and many others. There are certain age restrictions.

And finally - amateur classes, or as they are also called, hobby classes.

This may include not only sports cards, but also rental class cards.

Rental cards. They are also called amateur. Their main difference from professional sports is in the management and characteristics of the machine itself. The running and technical part of rental cars differs in order from sports ones. So, for example, in sports models, the engine is usually located to the right of the driver, in amateur karts this is unacceptable, people can get burned, so they are fixed at the back, where it is impossible for a simple layman to reach while driving. Also, the design of the transport itself is much simpler than that of athletes, because the speeds are lower, there is less “chance” to get some kind of injury when colliding with their own kind.

Management in rental karts is much simpler than in sports ones, but this is justified, because, as a rule, perfect beginners are behind the wheel.

While driving, thanks to the centrifugal clutch, if you suddenly release the gas pedal, the engine will not stall on its own.

On such a machine, a weak four-stroke engine is installed, the power of which reaches a maximum of nine horsepower. Low speed also affects the comfort and safety of these racing cars. Age restrictions are very simple - if your child can reach the pedals with his feet, then welcome to the karting track, a car specially for you, warmed up and "fed" with fuel.

Very often you can find less powerful cars for children. Which, you see, is very convenient and practical. Very often, amateurs organize their own clubs, associations, hold joint championships and tournaments. Their goal is to enjoy the rides themselves.

Speed, thirst for victory, striving, sharpness of the struggle, intensity - all this is typical for both amateurs and professionals. This is their spirit!

Modern world championships in sports and amateur karting

Today, there are a large number of the most diverse karting racing tournaments around the world, both among amateurs and among professionals.

The most popular, of course, are the races of sports masters, but amateur races do not lag behind them, on the contrary, the army of their fans increases every year.

One of the most famous and popular tournaments among sports karts is the tournament. This project was created in 2003 by one of the most prestigious karting companies in the world - IAME and Birel.

Formula 1 drivers Fernando Alonso, currently a Ferrari driver, and Juan Pablo Montoya, a McLaren driver, are actively involved in this project.

Two years later, having won the public in the world, this project began to develop in Russia. Almost immediately, he received universal recognition among both athletes and amateurs.

Winners of national championships get the right to further represent their country on the international arena in the Grand Final tournament, which takes place in Italy, at the most famous and high-quality karting tracks.

Tournaments organized by Super Honda are also no less popular among amateurs. This organization was specially created for those who, for some objective reasons, cannot go in for karting professionally, but nevertheless cannot imagine their life without a breathtaking race.

A distinctive feature of Super Honda is the remarkable fact that they do not just organize races, races, they form a strong backbone, they stick together, forming a single club in which lovers of their work have gathered.

It should also be noted that the world karting championships among athletes are currently held according to a new class system - KF1 ... KF4, KZ1, KZ2.

It should be emphasized that the classes of the KF series are characterized by the use of a two-stroke water-cooled engine with a volume of 125 centimeters cubic. And also without a gearbox. There are also requirements for gas distribution, carburetor. starter (electric), now built into the engine.

The next subspecies is the KZ1, KZ2 series class. Cars entered in this class must have a two-stroke engine, also water-cooled, with a volume of up to 125 cubic centimeters. The number of gears varies from three to six.

The minimum weight of the car and the driver together is one hundred and seventy kilograms. There are age restrictions. The minimum is 16 years old.

There are a lot of tournaments held by various organizations. It is impossible to take part in each, not every athlete is able to withstand such overload. You need to be able to distribute them so that in the end you still get to the pedestal. And be able to drink a sip of refreshing champagne from a golden goblet.

On TV, on equipped tracks in amusement parks or racetracks, you can see people racing in tiny open cars. It's a breathtaking sight. Almost everyone can try themselves as a racer. For some, karting is so fascinated that it becomes a favorite pastime for many years.

Karting - what is it?

One of the varieties of car racing on special machines - karts - is called karting. The kart is a small open-type racing car without a body. Its design consists of a frame on which a miniature engine, a seat and wheels are mounted. Kart can reach speeds from 60 to 260 km / h, depending on the type and class of the car. Races are held both on open tracks and in specially equipped places - on karting tracks.

What is the meaning of the word "karting"? It came to Russian from English (carting) and has two meanings:

  • kart racing;
  • venue for such competitions.

That is, a specially equipped track is also called karting.

Map management - even a child can handle it

Karting is an activity for people of almost any age. It is not difficult to manage a rental (amateur) card. It does not have a gearbox, and there are only two pedals - gas and brake. Management is within the power of children, starting from the age of 6, although there are cases when even four-year-olds quite successfully tried themselves in karting.

In many cities there is a popular entertainment - children's karting. What it is? On fairly simple tracks, which are accessible to young fans of auto racing, children compete in races. For them, special children's cards have been created, which are smaller in size than adults, so that the child can sit comfortably and effortlessly reach the pedals. Such tracks can operate on the territory of amusement parks, at auto and karting tracks. Children's karting, like an adult, is a common corporate event.

Although most people associate racing with increased danger, karting is quite safe, especially when it comes to its amateur variety. The worst thing that can happen to a rider is bruises and abrasions, and that is unlikely.

Before the races, riders put on special equipment. For amateur karting, the mandatory minimum is a helmet, overalls and a special neck collar. Professional equipment is also complemented by special shoes, a balaclava, gloves and a number of other accessories.

Sport or entertainment?

Let's try to classify karting correctly. What it is? A full-fledged sport or gambling entertainment? Both answers are correct. There is professional and amateur karting. The fact is that cars in karting have an almost official division into two types. Some cars are designed specifically for sports and are distinguished by a more complex device, increased power, and high-speed capabilities. Professional karting competitions are held in summer and winter, and races are individual and team.

Other cars are designed for amateur karting. They are called rentals. These are karts that are used for racing as entertainment. They have easier controls.

Most racing drivers came to professional motorsport from karting.

Why do you love karting?

This activity attracts thrill-seekers. High speed, adrenaline, passion, the will to win - distinctive features karting. Many fans note that racing helps to relieve nervous tension, give a charge of vivacity and optimism.

IN Lately widespread corporate karting. What it is? Like other events for employees of one organization, kart racing has a number of specific functions. They are able to develop a team spirit in the team, unite employees, increase motivation for new results and achievements. Therefore, the organization of races at karting tracks for employees of companies has become a fairly common occurrence.

Karting is one of the most popular hobbies today. Not only children, but also adults are engaged in it. These small, but very fast cars give the first driving skills, and also allow you to get a dose of adrenaline during an exciting race around the autodrome.

What is karting or karting? A kart is a sports mini-car that does not have a suspension and is capable of reaching high speeds in a short period of time. Often karting enthusiasts have the opportunity to buy their own personal kart or want to create an exclusive kart with their own hands. Of course, after all, making homemade karting is not only cheaper, but also very exciting at any age.

In addition, if you recall the history of karting, this sport originated precisely as racing on homemade karts. Only over time, karts were put into production. Consider the main stages of design.


Below is a list necessary materials in order to make a go-kart with your own hands.

  1. Steering / braking system:
  • Transmission;
  • handbrake;
  • steering wheel;
  • wheels;
  • steering and drive shafts;
  • gas and brake pedals;
  • bearings.
  1. Engine:
  • engine (you can use the engine from a chainsaw or lawn mower-trimmer);
  • chain;
  • fuel tank;
  • bolts and washers.
  1. Chassis:
  • 2.5 cm square pipe, 9.2 meters long;
  • steel pipe with a diameter of 2 cm, a length of 1.8 meters;
  • a pipe with a diameter of 1.5 cm, a length of 1.8 meters;
  • a steel plate slightly larger than the engine and 0.5 cm thick;
  • metal or plywood for the bottom and seat;
  • the seat itself.

To make a go-kart with your own hands, you will need a welding machine. Chassis is the backbone of karting. They hold you during the trip, they also contain the engine. If you have never done welding work, then it is better to use the services of a professional, because parts welded by a non-professional can only seem strong, but in practice have microcracks and crevices, as a result of which your karting can become a deadly vehicle. If the chassis will consist of several parts, then welding must be carried out at high temperature and deep penetration, welding seams must be as accurate as possible. If you decide to do the welding work yourself, then it is better to practice welding small items and only after getting a good experience start welding the kart.

One of the options for assembling a homemade kart is to purchase ready-made parts. So, if you do not want to suffer with the independent creation of parts and their subsequent welding, then you can purchase a ready-made designer, which can be easily assembled according to the scheme using simple tools and without welding. approximate cost such a designer for homemade karting is $ 550.

Chassis and steering column assembly

Tip: do everything complex and important work first of all, it is better to add additional details at the end.

Installing the engine and steering column

Tip: The instructions above assume that when building a homemade go-kart, you will use parts from old, broken-down motorcycles, lawn mowers, etc. If you use only purchased ready-made parts, it will probably be cheaper to buy a ready-made go-kart.


  • before leaving for racing track, make sure your homemade kart is in good condition, as parts may break or come off;
  • always wear protective gear such as a helmet, padding, etc., before riding a kart;
  • you should not accelerate on a homemade kart to a speed of more than 30 km / h. This can cause a failure of the mechanism or breakage of parts, since this model does not have high-tech design and engineering solutions;
  • remember! Karting is not a real car. Under no circumstances should you drive it onto the road.

Video: homemade karting. Assembly.
