Karting training for adults. Karting school

On the basis of our karting school, work is carried out not only with children, but also with adults. It so happened that for adults, Apex Racing is almost the only school that is able to train and promote drivers to a competitive level. Of course, the program of work for adults differs from that for children in terms of methodology. However, in the process of training, we get a pilot who can not only competently control the kart, but is also trained in subtle technical tricks.

A lesson for adults lasts a little over an hour and includes 30 minutes of theory and three arrivals of practice. At the first lesson, the coach will be able to assess how fast the pilot is, what systematic errors he makes while piloting the kart. After the introductory lesson, the trainer develops an individual training plan. There may be work with walkie-talkies and work with a computer (in theory, videos from races may be shown).

The goal of the training program is formed by the adults themselves - some go out on the track to try to improve their driving skills, while others are already serious about competing. Of course, the coach's job is to discover and improve the racing ability of any driver.

Indicated on the corresponding page.

Children's karting school is an important component of Sky. Children's karting has been one of the priority directions of the club's activities since its inception.

School and children's karting section in Moscow in the Sky Karting club

Future stars grow from children's karting - be it karting or other types of motorsport. All our children can easily learn to drive a car, have lightning-fast reactions and learn to make decisions quickly.

We have carefully developed methodologies and curricula for the karting section. They took into account age specificity, interests, peculiarities of mastering and development of skills in early and middle school age. Our students are from 5 to 14 years old. And we took into account everything that a child can make of a future pilot and conqueror of race tracks.

Graduates and the most talented pupils of the children's karting school take part in world and European racing tournaments.

Conditions for classes

Children's karting school in Moscow is located in the comfortable indoor karting club Sky. The conditions for both practical and theoretical studies have been created here. Before entering the track, there is a comfortable changing room with lockers.

There is all the necessary equipment for children's karting: helmets, overalls, protective gloves, collars. The room for theoretical studies has presentation equipment. All rooms in the Sky Karting club are spacious and well-ventilated, meeting all the requirements for classes with children.

In accordance with the safety requirements, classes are held on special children's race cars:

Security measures

  • All karting school children wear protective equipment including head and neck protection. Seals are installed on the seats in the cards.
  • All participants of children's races are instructed on safety precautions.
  • All participants of children's races are allowed on the track only after the corresponding introductory theoretical lessons.
  • Full video surveillance is conducted, there are marshals on the track. In case of unforeseen situations, the motors of the karts are switched off remotely.
  • The track is equipped with safety barriers that meet international safety standards.

Race cars for children's karting

The choice of a kart for training depends on the height of the pilot.

  • "Pilot-kart", Honda motors 120 cc. 4 h.p.
  • "Pilot-kart", Honda motors 160 cc. 5.5 h.p.

Children's karting: principles
group formation

The Red Racing kart school accepts children from 5 to 12 years old. We have two streams: junior and senior groups. Karting training for young children is possible only on children's mini-karts. Children who have reached 120 cm in height are allowed to train on adult models.

Children work in groups of up to 6 people.

Each group is led by one trainer. Selection into groups depends on the qualifications of the student. In the process of training, students move from one group to another as the skills and proficiency of the pilot develop.

The career of a professional pilot begins at the children's karting school. Cyclic training allows you to hone your skills at every level.

Training cycles

During the year, children go through several cycles of practical and theoretical lessons. Thus, the skills and abilities of children are consolidated most effectively. Practical and playful activities as well as in-house competitions keep young riders interested in kart racing.

Theoretical studies develop thinking, help to understand physical laws. The children's karting section is a combination of additional education and interesting children's leisure time.

Skills that develops
karting school for children

1 Piloting map.

2 Interaction on a sports team

Currently, karting for children is actively developing and gaining popularity. The karting school conducts special training courses for children, including the basics of driving, tactics and race strategy. Go-karting allows a child to feel like an adult professional racer, as well as develop quick reactions, independence and a desire for success.

Racing isn't just fun, it's much more than just professional athletes. Racing is passion, it is drive, it is science, it is the school of life. Racing helps to open up, make not only the body work, but also the head.

Do you want to plunge into the world of high speeds?
Come to our karting school!

Participation in races

The school has regular competition races where pilots can check their level. But the main thing is that every season starts on the basis of the school with amazing prizes: in some seasons a sports card was played, and in the last season the winners of both classes received a paid participation in the Russian Championship!

Continuing education

After completing the training, the pilots can try themselves in professional sports - on the basis of the club there is a sports one that acts in the Russian Championship and European Championships.

Cost (Youth / Shelepikha)

Required documents

Passport or birth certificate (for children under 14)

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