Champion story: Paralympics medalist Sergei Punko. Punko, sergey vyacheslavovich Sergey punko

The pupil of the Youth Sports School "Youth of Moscow" of equal opportunities "won in London full set awards: "gold", "silver" and "bronze". And at the same time he became one of the most titled athletes in our country. He is a four-time Paralympic champion.

One of the most experienced Russian swimmers Sergei Punko, as befits a leader, in London inspired his younger partners to great achievements by his example. Sergei has already won the Paralympic Games, he knows the value of every medal he won. Therefore, only one himself is best able to objectively assess his current Paralympic campaign.

The sensations are twofold, - says Sergey. - On the one hand, I won three medals. On the other hand, I planned two golds. But in the complex swimming at 200 meters, as they say, "did not go". Unsuccessfully swam the breaststroke distance. Apparently, somewhere they made mistakes in preparation period: in the last month and a half before London began to decline. Therefore, before the first final I was a little worried: I was afraid to allow a false start. Only after the first won medal was "released".

- Maybe you felt discomfort in the London pool?

On the contrary, Aquatic Center is very similar to our Olympic.

- You have something to compare with. After all, this is the third Paralympic Games for you.

These were perhaps the most intense Games. Competition is growing, but it is all the more honorable to win medals. It is very pleasant that the viewer audience is increasing every time. When you speak in the crowded stands, the feeling is beyond words!

The Russian national team took the second overall team place in London. I am sure that if the state continues to support its Paralympians, then nothing will prevent us in Rio from becoming the first in four years.

Against the background of your successes, the performance of the Russian Olympic team was regarded by many as a failure. Do you have anything to say in defense of the Olympians?

You cannot compare the results of the Olympics and Paralympics. Do not forget that, firstly, we have significantly more sets of awards, and secondly, the level of competition among the Olympians is higher.

- How many years have you been sailing?

He started as a child back in 1991. For several years I was engaged in athletics, and then somehow my cousin invited me to the pool. He was already swimming, and I was just floundering in the "paddling pool". My brother put in a word to the coach, and he transferred me to the younger group.

Swimming data were: thin, “lying” high on the water. But the first serious results came only at the age of 16-17. Has performed at the World youth games in Moscow in 1998, in next year- I swam one and a half kilometers at the European Championship.

When he "grew up" from juniors, they decided to switch to open water: he sailed the "top ten" and marathon - 25 kilometers. The stress affected my health: I started having problems with my back and joints. But he switched to Paralympic swimming due to visual impairment. Training has nothing to do with it: it's innate. True, until the age of 18, my eyes did not bother me.

- You yourself were looking for opportunities to continue your sports career, or did you think to quit everything?

The case helped. In 2002, a story was shown on TV about my current colleague in the national team, Roman Makarov, who won the Paralympics in Sydney. My father immediately said: let's try! In 2003, I already took part in my first competitions among athletes with visual impairments.

All this time he trained and performed in Belarus. In 2004 he won two gold medals at the Paralympics in Athens, and in Beijing he added another one of the highest dignity. In 2009 he was offered to move to Moscow. I agreed.

- How did the capital of Russia meet?

I was helped by the city, Moskomsport and the Youth Sports School "Youth of Moscow" of equal opportunities. " Neither household nor training plan I didn't know any problems. There was not perhaps his own home: he lived either in a hotel, or rented an apartment. Now, thanks to the bonuses for the Paralympic victories, he intends to resolve the housing issue. The support of athletes by the state is becoming more and more tangible. For people it is additional incentive to achieve something in sports.

- Don't you get tired of the bustle of Moscow?

Those who come to Moscow for a day or two complain about it out of habit. I’m used to it, and when I’m absent from the city for a long time, for example, due to fees, I am already drawn to plunge into the whirlpool of metropolitan life as soon as possible.

During his swimming career, Sergei Punko won 13 Paralympic medals. In Athens and Beijing, he represented Belarus, in London - Russia.

Athens 2004

Gold. 400 m, freestyle.
Gold. 200 m, integrated swimming.
Silver. 100 m breaststroke.
Silver. 100 m, butterfly.
Silver. 4x100 m, freestyle, relay.
Bronze. 100 m, freestyle.
Bronze. 4x100 m, complex swimming, relay race.

Beijing 2008

Gold. 400 m, freestyle. Silver. 100 m breaststroke. Silver. 100 m, butterfly.

London 2012

Gold. 400 m, freestyle. Silver. 100 m, butterfly. Bronze. 200 m, complex swimming.


Sergey PUNKO

Born on January 10, 1981. Honored Master of Sports in Swimming. In favor of the Youth of Moscow Sports School of Equal Opportunities. " Coach Sergei Zhilkin. Four-time champion Paralympic Games (2004, 2008, 2012), multiple champion world and Europe, champion World Games of the blind in 2011, multiple champion of Russia. Higher education.

Russian athlete Sergei Punko, who won gold medal in competitions in swimming at a distance of 400 m freestyle. Photo: Anton Denisov / RIA Novosti

Almost drowning in childhood, he decided to become a real swimmer. Almost blinded, he became the winner of the Paralympics.

Paralympians are always an example of the inflexibility of human will and the irrepressible desire to live. Overcoming all difficulties, athletes with disabilities achieve the highest Olympic awards. One of these people is Sergei Punko, an athlete who recently represented the national team of Belarus. This year, during the presentation of the gold medal in honor of the swimmer, the anthem of the Russian Federation has already been played.

Also in early childhood an evil fate could put an end to a swimmer's career. As psychologists say, after such moments, more than half of people develop a persistent fear of the water element. But on Sergei, this incident had the exact opposite effect. The mother of the future champion still remembers those moments with fear.

At the age of seven, Serezhenka almost drowned. Splashed, splashed at the bank of the Dvina, and then a careless step - and he is gone. Only circles went on the water. I would fly headlong, but my legs do not obey. And my throat caught like a tourniquet. Instead of screaming, the moan of the jaw reduces ... But, thank God, everything worked out. My boy jumped out of the water with a float. And time, time, miraculously somehow ran aground.

When Sergei was 10 years old, he begged his parents to buy him a subscription to the Sadko pool, where he went with his cousin Vadim. Coaches from the Naftan Children's and Youth Sports School sometimes came to observe the children’s classes. They liked their brother for something, and they took him to sports group... Sergei's desire to engage in professional swimming was stronger than his own pride, and he asked Vadim to "put in a good word for him." The coaches agreed to arrange a personal screening for him, after which they officially accepted Sergey into the Naftan Children's and Youth Sports School. His cousin never became an athlete, he chose the profession of a sales representative.

Punko immediately proved to the coaches that they were not mistaken with the choice, taking him to school. The mentors had not to rush the guy, but, on the contrary, to restrain him. After several years of hard training, Sergei finally decided to become an athlete and chose to compete in long distances... From 1998 to 2003, Punko successfully performed with healthy athletes in the national team of Belarus. But then he had a conflict with the leadership of the Swimming Federation of Belarus. The athlete seriously considered the decision to leave big sport, but then his father, Vyacheslav Borisovich, intervened. He showed his son the ceremony of awarding the 2000 Paralympic champion Roman Makarov and offered to follow in his footsteps. By that time, Sergei had quite serious vision problems. For a long time, doctors could not establish the cause of the pathology. As a result, the diagnosis was made - complex astigmatism.

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Astigmatism is an eye disease. Due to the violation of the sphericity of the cornea, two optical focuses appear in the eye, so a person sees a fuzzy, blurry image. A person suffering from astigmatism sees poorly both far and near. It can be difficult for him to determine the distance between objects.

When the coaches found out the diagnosis, they immediately transferred Sergei to the Paralympians. Punko was warmly received at the Paralympic Committee of Belarus, and he began to take part in competitions among visually impaired athletes.

With my disease, vision cannot be corrected, it cannot be restored. Neither glasses nor lenses help. On the waterway it practically does not interfere, but in everyday life ... For example, I cannot see the price in a store or the number of a bus. And so, according to by and large, I don't feel like a disabled person.

For his homeland, Sergei Punko won 29 medals at the world championships, 20 of them for the first places. But to maintain an already weak vision, the athlete required annual treatment costing about 2 thousand dollars. Therefore, Sergey decided to play for the Russian Paralympic team and now he can go through all the necessary procedures for free. At home, no one began to restrain and criticize him for such a decision, because everyone understood: this is world practice. Athletes with high ambitions go to where they can realize themselves.

Still, reasonable people understand perfectly well that the chance must be used. Including the chairman of the Paralympic Committee Oleg Shepel. We with him very well, humanly talked goodbye. He said: “Seryozha, do what is best for you. I am very sorry that you are leaving, but I cannot give you such opportunities. "

Sergei Punko is used to responding to advances of trust with a handful of awards. At the Paralympics in Athens, our outstanding swimmer won 7 medals, including two gold medals. Next in line are the jade mines of Beijing. Here the starting distance - 100 meters breaststroke - turned into "silver". The 100-meter butterfly stroke of the second day of the competition added another silver regalia to the Paralympian's collection. It's only the beginning! Ahead - heats of 400 and 200 meters, requiring high-speed endurance, and this is the fad of the pupil of the Children's and Youth Sports School "Naftan". Experts highly appreciate the chances of a Novopolotsk citizen for another podium. Our readers are counting on this too. Light water for you, Seryozha! Novopolotsk and the whole of Belarus cheer for you! As for the essay about the Novopolotsk Olympian, it was prepared for the opening of the 2008 Paralympics. However, the extensive theme of the city's 50th anniversary did not allow it to be published on time. In the end, it turned out even better than intended. We not only have the opportunity to show you the hero in full growth, but also offer an exclusive photo, which captures the exciting moment of a conversation between parents and their son. Galina Iosifovna and Vyacheslav Borisovich congratulate Sergei on the first medal of the Beijing coinage.


Today Sergey Punko, a pupil of the Novopolotsk CYSS "Naftan", - world star... Hero of the Paralympic Games in Athens and three planetary championships for visually impaired athletes. In these four top tournaments alone, the swimmer has won more than 30 medals, including 26 gold. But the most surprising thing in his fate is not these regal placers, but the relationship with water.

At the age of seven, - says the athlete's mother Galina Iosifovna, - Serezhenka almost drowned. Splashed, splashed at the bank of the Dvina, and then a careless step - and he is gone. Only circles went on the water. I would fly headlong, but my legs do not obey. And the throat, like a tourniquet, caught. Instead of screaming, the moan of the jaw brings down ... But, thank God, everything worked out. My boy jumped out of the water with a float. And time, time, miraculously somehow ran aground.

Psychologists say that for a good half of people who drowned in childhood, the frightening proximity of death completely discourages them from making friends with water. But Sergei belonged to the second half. The water fascinated him, beckoned. And three years after the incident on the river, he begged his parents to buy a subscription to the Sadko pool. Learned to swim quickly. I wanted to compete with my peers. But the Poseidon department is starting to select talent already in kindergartens. To specialists, the lanky youth seemed a hopeless overgrowth. Moreover, he was not naturally strong. He ate poorly. How to build muscle and cope with stress sports section if half of the boy's school lunch remains on the plate? But Sergei was persistent in his requests, and the coaches of the "Dyushka" took pity. This was credited to them: ordinary human participation turned out to be more keenly professional pragmatism.

Punko's championship inclinations appeared very soon. A gambling, stubborn kid often needed to be restrained than spurred on. Especially after a few years of hard work, not childish, when he finally decided on his specialization and began to compete at long distances. Stylers and without a whip wind up in the pool in one workout from 15 to 30 kilometers.

Alas, there is no such thing as unalloyed happiness. Sports achivments and Seryozha's eyesight followed different courses. Complex astigmatism was not amenable to correction. Even worse, physicians could not determine the nature of the pathology for a long time. And when the ophthalmologists delivered their verdict, he immediately transferred the leader of the Novopolotsk swimmers to the Paralympians.

Another would have faltered in the place of Punko, hastened to convert the unsteady wave into the reinforced concrete rest of the sofa cushions. And Sergei began to fight on two fronts. In the pool, his rivals were people with disabilities. In the open water, there are desperate guys to whom the devil himself is not a brother.

Aqua marathoners know that the main test awaits them in Quebec, Canada. Here, risky guys and girls challenge the cold waters of St. Lawrence. You need to swim 77 kilometers. The one who overcomes this mega-marathon in 15 hours automatically falls into the cohort of "immortals". There are fewer of those than the mountain climbers who have ever stood on the summit of Everest. And it's not so much the range of the swim around the island of Lille de Orleans, but the climatic isotherms. Freezing up on the river lasts from December to April. It is rare for a year that the water warms up to plus 20 ° Celsius.

In 2002, it was three degrees cooler. For a swimmer who had no practice of ice swimming, this step is more than risky, but Sergei went to the start of Greater Quebec. He was lifted onto a lifeboat at the 63rd kilometer. After eleven hours of struggle with the paralyzing cold and half-meter side wave, caught up by ocean-going ships that were walking along the river. Having picked it up, hastily wrapped it in a woolen blanket. They put a thermometer under my arm. The mercury column of the device measured at the "33" mark. Incompatible with life, medicine considers the temperature to be a degree lower.

And yet, the Novopolotsk citizen forced the Canadians to take off their hats. A year later, he came to the World Championships among athletes with disabilities and won 7 gold medals in Quebec, while setting 5 world records.

The XII Paralympics in Greece is the next triumph of the pupil of the Naftan Children's and Youth Sports School. In Athens 2004 Sergey won 7 medals. The gold and planetary record swims were 400 meters freestyle and 200 meters complex swimming. While his son was forging awards at the Games, the phone did not stop at his parents' apartment. The colleagues of the married couple, relatives, coaches and school friends of the Olympian, leaders of city sports called. We, journalists, could not ignore Punko's Greek benefit performance. The day before Sergey won the first "gold". When discussing the good news, Galina Iosifovna was noticeably worried. And, like a prayer, on the other end of the line she repeated what her mother's heart told her: “Seryozhenka would be healthy! I would be healthy! .. "

The amulet refrain was not born out of nowhere. Water did not always reciprocate Sergei's selfless love. You already know about the clawed embrace of St. Lawrence. There were other tests as well. In the same 2004, the heavenly office let down the Spaniards, the hosts of the European Championship. You can compete in open water provided that it is warmed up: according to international regulations - up to 16 ° Celsius, according to European regulations - up to 14 degrees. And aqua marathoners should swim only in swimming trunks or swimsuits - depending on the gender.

And in the Pyrenees, the weather did not work out, the water, despite May, remained icy. What to do? Cancel starts - incur losses. Throwing athletes into a cold pool - neglect their health. As often happens, profit prevailed over morality, and Madrid rubbed all the rules with their heels. The temperature on the judges' thermometers was "pulled". The swimmers' wetsuits turned a blind eye.

Not all athletes agreed to the role of kamikaze. Moreover, the 60 euros fine for refusing to compete is not money for the rich West. People twisted their fingers to their temples, meaning the organizers of the championship, paid a forfeit and left home.

Punko, who was a classic swimmer, never had a wetsuit. This is a wardrobe of extreme and applied people. I had to look like a bucket on a fire. The French company "Arena" came to the rescue. The general sponsor of the championship presented the “Ichthyander skin” worth 500 euros to the Novopolotsk residents. The gesture is wide, you will not say anything. But the clothes were picked up in a hurry and turned out to be two sizes larger than what would fit. At the finish of the 10-kilometer distance, Sergei, one of the main favorites of the swim, brought three liters of water in his bosom. Unusually far from the podium 16th place, by and large, did not upset. I was surprised how I swam at all.

They were flowers. The 25-kilometer half marathon became a real nightmare for the "truckers". 19 people out of 32 announced dared to go to the start. Five left the race, and one of them was sent to intensive care. Sergei's costume was changed, but the water in the lake, where the mountain river flows, remained the same. After the 21st kilometer, he swam on autopilot. I didn’t think about speed. It seemed like happiness that the numb hands obeyed the will and could somehow row. Our fellow countryman finished 11th.

The first enemy of an aquamarathon is cold. The second is physical exhaustion, it follows the athlete at any water temperature. Especially at ultra-long distances. Without refueling - a few sips of an energy drink every 20-30 minutes “hand-to-hand” - a person is threatened with an attack of weakness. And even fainting, which the abyss of the sea can easily confuse with the rejection of life. The Tyrrhenian Sea is considered warm, but the mere memory of it makes Sergei shiver.

It was in 2005. In Italy. If according to the map, then between the island of Capri and the Apennines is 36 kilometers. However, the sea is not an autobahn with road signs. When there is a surging wave in front of you, the height of a person, the horizon begins to play hide and seek. Sergei, together with a marathon runner from Slovenia, broke away from the main group, confidently led, but unfortunately lost his course. The Belarusian and the Slovenian went to the target in a large arc. And instead of 36 kilometers they waved 45. After six hours of desperate struggle with the elements, none of them dreamed of victory. It was important not to lose face and just get to the shore. Punko hardly remembers the finish. I came out of the water in a groggy state. The expansive crowd of southerners applauded and shouted bravo. And it seemed to him that this next wave was covering him with his head ...

Two years ago, doctors warned Sergei: either marathons or vision. From the previous loads and performances in open water had to be abandoned. But even in the pool he has enough work. Because the wagon is bad if it swims less than 10 kilometers in training. And Punko is not just a good "multi-tracker", he is a unique one who swims equally victoriously in crawl, breaststroke and butterfly. The proof is in the medal bookkeeping of the last world championships. In the South American Durban 8 medals were won, in the Brazilian Sao Paulo - 10. Today our fellow countryman is the most titled swimmer among the visually impaired athletes of the planet and the main hope of the Belarusian national team at the 2008 Paralympics.

A month before the start of the Games in China, we spoke with Punko at our last meeting. Exhausted by the training, Sergei was laconic. He said that he intends to compete in Beijing every day. That his program includes 6 personal starts and 2 relay races. And that he will try to win as many medals trimmed with jade ...

Vladimir FAKEEV, NG.

P.S. As it just became known, in the 400m freestyle swimming Sergei Punko won the gold medal at the 2008 Paralympic Games in Beijing! To be continued!..

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Sergey Punko is 30 years old. 20 of them, a pupil of the Naftan Children's and Youth Sports School, goes to the pool in any weather. This is his job. You can evaluate it in different ways: it is a cross, and a destiny, and a vocation. For two decades of friendship with Neptune, the outstanding pro has clocked about 40 thousand kilometers on the water track. Equator! God forbid each of us to pass so many feet, but he overcame with saplings.

Friends sometimes laugh: with swimming, Punko does not spill water, because he was born in a wetsuit. There is only a fraction of a joke in a joke. To this day, Sergei remembers with great gratitude his first coach Nina Timofeevna Lysakova. She is from a cohort of veterans. Those unmercenary enthusiasts who laid the traditions of the trade union "dyushka". But the trick is that the master of sports pedagogy taught the kids ... to run. Punko was 7 years old when Lysakova delivered her verdict: "Endurance competitions are yours, Seryozha!"

What's true is true. V athletics all newbies go through the sprint. And Sergei never liked him. He immediately liked the long distance run: 800 meters, “poltorashka”. It turned out so well that the boy was soon taken to city and regional competitions. The first pedestals have gone. This went on for three years. Until the craving for water overpowered.

Punko came to the pool when he was 10 years old. Talented peers by these years conquer the adult categories, but he had to start from scratch.

Inborn diligence helped. A few years later, he caught up and surpassed in the results of yesterday's school leaders. Moreover, having fallen ill with the romance of open water, he did not enter, but literally burst into the elite of the world marathon with the prefix "aqua".

The baptism of fire of the 19-year-old Novopolotsk resident took place in Macedonia. Ohrid is the cradle of Slavic writing, here Cyril and Methodius created their own alphabet. And in the world of big sports, this city and the lake of the same name are known for a 30-kilometer marathon. The organizers of the swim annually send invitations to the 30 strongest swimmers. Their 6-hour hand-to-hand combat is watched by thousands of townspeople and tourists who are attracted to Ohrid due to the fact that it - as a pearl of medieval architecture - is patronized by UNESCO.

In Ohrid, Sergei Punko and his teammate in the "duushka" Oleg Lisyansky got to with the light hand of the coach. Igor MAKEEV phoned the chief secretary of the marathon Atina Boyatsi and asked if there were any vacancies for talented guys who are not afraid of long water. Oddly enough, vacancies were found. But they would not have been offered to Belarusians from a little-known city in Macedonia, had they not had serious achievements. At the 1998 World Youth Games, held in Moscow, the pupils of the Naftan Children's and Youth Sports School distinguished themselves at a distance of 1500 meters. Lisyansky won bronze, Punko finished seventh. Both were automatically included in the dossier of experts and journalists writing about swimming. The Macedonians, as it turned out, also remembered the Belarusian doublet under the roof of the Moscow sports complex.

Oleg did a good job for 25 kilometers, on more strength was not enough. And Sergei, as if nothing had happened, continued to knead the crystal water of a mountain lake and finished tenth. This was the debut. This was followed by similar competitions in Croatia, Egypt, Italy. The pinnacle of this stage sports career became a dramatic swim in Canada.

The Quebec Grand Marathon is a moment of truth for those who are strong in spirit and in body. Ichthyanders all over the world are challenging the cold waters of St. Lawrence. The one who overcomes the distance of 77 kilometers automatically falls into the number of "immortals". There are fewer such heroes than climbers who have conquered the highest peak of the Earth - Everest. And it's not so much about the range of the swim around the island of Lille de Orleans, but about the isotherms. Freezing up on the St. Lawrence River lasts from December to April. It is rare that the water warms up to + 20 Celsius a year. Much more often, even at the height of summer, it is cooler by two to three degrees. There are several reasons. The river is full of water. The sun is not hot in these latitudes. And a powerful tidal wave that comes from the Atlantic and reaches five and a half meters in Quebec.

The statistics of the previous two seasons warned the daredevils so that the Ministry of Health was resting. In 2000, only one marathon runner managed to "loop" Lille-de-Orleans. The next summer turned out to be abnormally cold, the water temperature did not exceed 17 degrees, and the megamarathon was canceled. Arriving swimmers went to the start of the distance shortened to 25 kilometers. That is, the season turned out to be outside the multi-year standings, on which the glory of Greater Quebec stands.

June 2002 brought together an unprecedented number of marathon runners in Canada - over three dozen. But most of them ventured only to the 8-kilometer prologue. This open competition of the national calendar resembles a reconnaissance in force: insiders and others can check in the harsh font of St. Lawrence whether they are crazy enough to try to swim the 77-kilometer grand marathon in a week.

Sergei won the trial swim. "Eight" for open water truckers is a boulevard promenade, in training they swim 20-25 km daily. But cold water makes you think about the eternal even on such a relatively short distance... Probably, that is why only 11 swimmers came to the start a week later.

A hypothermic marathon requires special body treatment. Sergei asked his friends-rivals in broken English what they were smearing with, but he wasn’t getting any sense. Some shrugged their shoulders: yu, they say, ah, don’t understand. Others averted their eyes, making it clear that there was tobacco apart.

Our Palestinians have petroleum jelly in store for all occasions. He was also in Punko's first aid kit. Sergei smeared himself before the start, as they say, sandwich, from the heart. But, entering the water, he noted to himself that he was a petroleum jelly in the company of marathon runners, treated with some kind of milky white compound, reminiscent of shaving cream. The next day, broad-shouldered, like all swimmers, the Canadian will give him a tube of leave-in cream. And he will slap himself on the forehead with a belated epiphany: Cherche la femme! This was the only thing that had to be done in French-speaking Quebec, and he was wasting his time on the men who saw him sail the G8 and least of all wanted to help the “Belarusian torpedo”.

Nevertheless, smeared with antediluvian Vaseline, Punko led the swim for ten hours. We were 60 km behind when hearing problems began. Everything went like a silent movie. Then the sunset colors of the luxurious June evening began to merge into a solid gray mess. The dullness flowed into consciousness. A fighter by nature, Sergei pulled a thin wedge of marathon runners for another two kilometers. But there is a limit to everything ...

When the guy was dragged onto a lifeboat, the first thing they did was wrapped him in a woolen blanket and tucked the thermometer under his arm. The mercury column froze at the "33" mark. Critical resuscitators consider the temperature to be a degree lower.

Seven swam to the finish line. Greater Quebec had never known such a massive victory. The results were summed up in one of the restaurants on the island of Lille de Orleans. The ceremony was in French. The presenter switched to English only when he summoned marathon runners to present awards or modest compensation for winter swimming.

- Aym sorry! - he said, firmly shaking hands with the agitated Sergei. - You are a real hero. We look forward to seeing you next year.

“I'm sorry too,” Punko nodded. - But I'll come back. Do not even hesitate! ..

Our fellow countryman kept his word. And he made French-speaking Canada take off their hat. A year later, Quebec hosted the World Swimming Championships for athletes with disabilities. The pupil of the Children's and Youth Sports School "Naftan" won 7 gold medals in the local pool, having rewrote 5 planetary records in his name.

By that time, the ophthalmologists were seriously concerned about Sergei's vision. Complex astigmatism was not amenable to correction. It was necessary at least to reduce training loads... And for another two years, by inertia, he fought on two fronts. He went to international marathons and went to the starts of top tournaments in the pool.

Punko's premium collection is unique. At two Paralympics - in Greek Athens and Chinese Beijing - he won 10 medals, three of them were awarded to him for victorious finishes. In addition, the Novopolotsk took part in three world championships - in Canadian Quebec, South African Durban and Brazilian Sao Paulo. Total - 29 awards, including 20 of the highest standard.

Some of these placers served as a visual spice for the dialogue with the outstanding athlete. The Novopolotsk museum workers invited the students of the School No. 10, known for their victories in school competitions, to meet with him. They were lucky, especially the girls who, earlier than boys, show interest in the personal life of the newsmakers of the gossip. Punko came to the meeting not alone, but with a friend named Alexandra. She is a student, a beauty, and in the recent past she was also an athlete. Together with the chosen one of the heart, she trained with Igor Makeev, who now heads the Belarusian national swimming team.

Backstage talked with the birthday boy of the "Museum Drawing Room" and the author of these lines. I learned a lot of interesting things. For the past two years, Punko has been living and training in Moscow. At his third Paralympics, he will compete under the flag of Russia. This is a world practice - athletes with unspent ambitions go to places where they can better realize themselves. Hockey, biathlon, wrestling and boxing masters are moving to us from Russia. Belarus does not remain in debt. Punko, in his 30s, is an iron contender for the London awards. And the same multi-pool pool operator as we remember him on the rise of his career. In the British Isles, Sergei plans to start in six types of the swimming program. Apart from relay disciplines, in which he is also a great specialist.

400 m freestyle Gold Athens 2004 Silver Athens 2004 100 m breaststroke Silver Athens 2004 100 m butterfly Silver Athens 2004 4 x 100 m, freestyle, relay Bronze Athens 2004 100 m freestyle Bronze Athens 2004 4 x 100, complex swimming, relay Gold Beijing 2008 400 m freestyle Silver Beijing 2008 100 m breaststroke Silver Beijing 2008 100 m butterfly Gold London 2012 400 m freestyle Silver London 2012 100 m butterfly Bronze London 2012 200 m, ind. integrated swimming Awards

Sergey Vyacheslavovich Punko(belor. Syarhei Vyachaslavavich Punko; genus. January 10, 1981, Novopolotsk, Vitebsk region, BSSR, USSR) - Belarusian and Russian athlete, Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2004) and Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2011). Multiple champion and medalist of the Paralympic Games in swimming, multiple world champion and multiple champion of Russia.


In 2004 he graduated from Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov with a degree in trainer-teacher.

In 2008 he graduated from the Belarusian State Economic University in Minsk with a degree in business management.

Began swimming lessons in Novopolotsk at the Albatross Children's and Youth Sports School. Since 2002 he has been performing as an athlete with health limitations. The first coaches were I. A Makeev, V. V. Makeeva, Honored Trainer of Belarus. He was an athlete-instructor of the national team of Belarus for import. Subsequently, he moved to Russia and trains in Moscow at the Yunost Moskvy FSO and the Equal Opportunities Sports School. Coached by the Honored Coach of Russia Sergei Valentinovich Zhilkin.

Scholarship holder of the President of the Russian Federation.


Russian awards

Awards of Belarus

Sports achivments

Paralympic Games
Year Tournament Discipline A place Result
2004 year XII Summer Paralympic Games in Athens 100 m freestyle 3 Bronze 55.54
400 m freestyle 1 Gold 4:11.58
100 m breaststroke 2 Silver 1:11.27
100 m butterfly 2 Silver 1:00.18
1 Gold 2:14.42
2 Silver 3:55.73
3 Bronze 4:21.51
2008 year XIII Summer Paralympic Games in Beijing 400 m freestyle 1 Gold 4:08.64
100 m breaststroke 2 Silver 1:09.71
100 m butterfly 2 Silver 59.72
year 2012 XIV Summer Paralympic Games in London 400 m freestyle 1 Gold 4:10.26
100 m butterfly 2 Silver 59.47
200 m, complex swimming 3 Bronze 2:14.83
World championships
Year Tournament Discipline A place Result
2006 year World championship 100 m freestyle 2 Silver 54.86
400 m freestyle 1 Gold 4:15.80
100 m breaststroke 1 Gold 1:09.64
100 m butterfly 2 Silver 1:09.64
200 m, individual complex swimming 1 Gold 2:14.78
4x100 m freestyle relay 2 Silver 3:51.29
4 × 100 m, complex swimming relay 2 Silver 4:15.55
5 km, open water 1 Gold 1:00:21
year 2009 World Short Course Championships 100 m freestyle 2 Silver 53.76
400 m freestyle 1 Gold 4:06.42
100 m breaststroke 2 Silver 1:07.73
100 m butterfly 2 Silver 58.85
100 m, individual complex swimming 2 Silver 1:00.67
200 m, individual complex swimming 1 Gold 2:10.63
4x100 m freestyle relay 1 Gold 3:35.92
4 × 100 m, complex swimming relay 1 Gold 4:00.99
2010 year World championship 100 m freestyle 3 Bronze 54.54
400 m freestyle 1 Gold 4:11.25
100 m butterfly 2 Silver 58.63
200 m, individual complex swimming 2 Silver 2:14.74
5 km, open water 1 Gold 59:58.19

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An excerpt characterizing Punko, Sergei Vyacheslavovich

Throughout his convalescence in Oryol, Pierre experienced a feeling of joy, freedom, and life; but when, during his journey, he found himself in a free light, saw hundreds of new faces, this feeling intensified even more. All the time he traveled, he felt the joy of a schoolboy on vacations. All faces: coachman, caretaker, peasants on the road or in the village - all had a new meaning for him. The presence and remarks of Villarsky, who constantly complained about poverty, backwardness from Europe, ignorance of Russia, only heightened Pierre's joy. Where Villarsky saw death, Pierre saw an extraordinary powerful force of vitality, the force that, in the snow, in this space, supported the life of this whole, special and united people. He did not contradict Villarsky and, as if agreeing with him (since feigned agreement was the shortest way to get around reasoning from which nothing could come out), he smiled happily as he listened to him.

Just as it is difficult to explain why, where the ants are rushing from the scattered bump, some away from the bump, dragging specks, eggs and dead bodies, others back into the bump - why they collide, catch up with each other, fight - just as difficult would explain the reasons that forced the Russian people, after the French left, to crowd in the place that was formerly called Moscow. But just as, looking at the ants scattered around the ruined hummock, despite the complete destruction of the hummock, it is evident from the tenacity, energy, by the countless swarming insects that everything is ruined, except for something indestructible, immaterial, which makes up the entire force of the hummock, so too and Moscow, in the month of October, despite the fact that there were no bosses, no churches, no shrines, no wealth, no houses, was the same Moscow as it was in August. Everything was destroyed, except for something immaterial, but powerful and indestructible.
The motives of people striving from all sides to Moscow after its cleansing from the enemy were the most varied, personal, and at first for the most part - wild, animals. Only one motivation was common to all - this is the desire to go there, to the place that was formerly called Moscow, to apply their activities there.
A week later in Moscow there were already fifteen thousand inhabitants, after two there were twenty-five thousand, and so on. All rising and rising, this number by the fall of 1813 reached a figure exceeding the population of the 12th year.
The first Russian people who entered Moscow were the Cossacks of the Vintsingerode detachment, peasants from neighboring villages and residents who fled from Moscow and hid in its environs. Having entered the devastated Moscow, the Russians, finding it plundered, also began to plunder. They continued what the French were doing. Carts of peasants came to Moscow in order to take away to the villages everything that was thrown through the ruined Moscow houses and streets. The Cossacks took what they could to their own rates; the owners of the houses took everything that they found in other houses and brought them to themselves under the pretext that it was their property.
But others, still others, came for the first robbers, and the robbery every day, as the number of robbers increased, became more difficult and difficult and took on more definite forms.
The French found Moscow, although empty, but with all forms of an organically correct city, with its various functions of trade, crafts, luxury, government, and religion. These forms were lifeless, but they still existed. There were rows, shops, shops, storage sheds, bazaars - most of them with goods; there were factories, craft establishments; there were palaces, rich houses filled with luxuries; there were hospitals, prison, offices, churches, cathedrals. The longer the French remained, the more these forms of urban life were destroyed, and in the end everything merged into one indivisible, lifeless field of plunder.
The plundering of the French, the longer it lasted, the more it destroyed the wealth of Moscow and the strength of the robbers. The plunder of the Russians, from which the occupation of the capital by the Russians began, the longer it lasted, the more participants there were in it, the faster it restored the wealth of Moscow and the right life cities.
In addition to robbers, the people are the most diverse, attracted - some by curiosity, some by duty, some by calculation - homeowners, clergy, high and low officials, merchants, artisans, peasants - from different sides, like blood to their hearts, - poured into Moscow.
A week later, the peasants who came with empty carts in order to take things away were stopped by the authorities and forced to take out the dead bodies from the city. Other peasants, hearing about the failure of their comrades, came to the city with bread, oats, hay, knocking down each other's price to a price lower than the previous one. Artels of carpenters, hoping for expensive earnings, entered Moscow every day, and new ones were cut from all sides, burned houses were repaired. Merchants opened trade in booths. Taverns and inns were set up in burnt houses. The clergy resumed services in many unburned churches. Donors brought plundered church things. Officials fitted their felt desks and filing cabinets in small rooms. The higher authorities and the police disposed of the distribution of the good left from the French. The owners of those houses, in which a lot of things brought from other houses were left, complained about the injustice of bringing all things to the Faceted Chamber; others insisted that the French from different houses had brought things to one place, and therefore it is unfair to give the owner of the house those things that were found with him. The police were abused; bribed her; wrote ten times estimates for burnt-out state things; demanded assistance. Count Rostopchin wrote his proclamations.

At the end of January, Pierre arrived in Moscow and settled in the surviving wing. He went to see Count Rostopchin, to some acquaintances who had returned to Moscow, and was going to go to Petersburg on the third day. All triumphed over the victory; everything was in full swing with life in the ruined and reviving capital. Everyone was glad to Pierre; everyone wanted to see him, and everyone asked him about what he saw. Pierre felt particularly friendly towards all the people he met; but involuntarily now he kept himself on guard with all people, so as not to bind himself with anything. He answered all the questions that were asked to him - important or the most insignificant - equally indefinitely; did they ask him: where will he live? will it be built? when he goes to Petersburg and will he take the box? - he answered: yes, maybe, I think, etc.
He had heard about the Rostovs that they were in Kostroma, and the thought of Natasha rarely came to him. If she did come, it was only as a pleasant memory of the past. He felt not only free from everyday conditions, but also from this feeling, which, as it seemed to him, he deliberately let loose on himself.
On the third day of his arrival in Moscow, he learned from the Drubetskoys that Princess Marya was in Moscow. Death, suffering the last days Prince Andrew was often interested in Pierre, and now they came to his head with renewed vivacity. Having learned at dinner that Princess Marya was in Moscow and was living in her unburned house on Vzdvizhenka, he went to her that evening.
On the way to Princess Marya, Pierre never ceased thinking about Prince Andrei, about his friendship with him, about various meetings with him, and especially about the latter in Borodino.
“Did he die in the spiteful mood he was in then? Wasn't the explanation of life revealed to him before his death? " Thought Pierre. He remembered Karataev, about his death and involuntarily began to compare these two people, so different and at the same time so similar in love that he had for both, and because both lived and both died.
In the most serious mood, Pierre drove up to the house of the old prince. This house has survived. It showed signs of destruction, but the character of the house was the same. An old waiter with a stern face who met Pierre, as if wishing to make the guest feel that the absence of the prince did not disturb the order of the house, said that the princess had deigned to go to their rooms and were received on Sundays.
- Report; maybe they will, ”said Pierre.
- I'm listening, - answered the waiter, - please go to the portrait room.
A few minutes later the waiter and Desalles came out to see Pierre. Desalles, on behalf of the princess, told Pierre that she was very glad to see him and asked, if he would excuse her for her impudence, to go upstairs to her rooms.

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