Second day. Young gymnasts

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All tournaments RFSO "Lokomotiv" Challenge Cup in judo women's teams All-Russian competitions on rhythmic gymnastics"Prizes of the Olympic champion, ZMS Natalya Zueva" Chess Championship for employees of Russian Railways All-Russian festival of family teams of employees of Russian Railways "Turiada 2019" Championship for employees of Russian Railways in beach volleyball International festival children's football teams Lokobol-2019-RZD Spartakiad for employees of Russian Railways JSC Russian Railways Cup in volleyball among men's teams Baikal-Amur marathon dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the start of BAM construction Spartakiad of children of Russian Railways employees Bicycle ride dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the start of construction Baikal-Amur Mainline Open tournament of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" in rhythmic gymnastics "Lokogymnastics-2019" Championship of employees of JSC "Russian Railways" in cross-country skiing Russian Railways Cup in football Participation in the ISUJ championship in alpine skiing Open tournament of RFSO "Lokomotiv" in rhythmic gymnastics "Prizes of the Olympic champion, ZMS of Natalia Zueva" V Cup ROSPROFZHEL in ice hockey I Cup of JSC "Russian Railways" in volleyball among women teams Challenge Cup RFSO "Lokomotiv" in judo Participation in the MSSJ sports marathon Festivals and healthy way life "Silver Autumn" dedicated to the 15th anniversary of JSC "Russian Railways" Series LOKO OPEN. VI Open international cup NPF "Blagosostoyanie" in volleyball among athletes-veterans of the railways Spartakiad of railway transport workers Russian Federation Bicycle ride Moscow-Sochi dedicated to the 15th anniversary of Russian Railways JSC "Russian Railways" festival of family teams of railway workers of the Russian Federation "Turiada 2018" Championship of railroad workers of the Russian Federation in beach volleyball Cup of JSC "Russian Railways" in volleyball among men's teams Participation in the qualifying stage of the ICUJ championship in football International festival of children's football teams "Lokobol-2018-Russian Railways" Spartakiad of children of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation Championship of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation in chess All-Russian competition in rhythmic gymnastics "Spring Grace" Championship of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation in cross-country skiing Cup of JSC Russian Railways "in football Open tournament of the RFSO" Lokomotiv "in rhythmic gymnastics" Lokogymnasty-2018 "Championship of the RFSO" Lokomotiv "in rhythmic gymnastics Open tournament of the RFSO" Lokomotiv "in rhythmic gymnastics" Prizes of the Olympic champion , ZMS Natalya Zueva ”IV ROSPROFZHEL Ice Hockey Cup Championship of Russian Railroad Transport Workers in Chess Series LOKO OPEN. Open International Cup of RFSO "Lokomotiv" in volleyball among athletes-veterans of railways Spartakiad of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation Championship RFSO "Lokomotiv" in rhythmic gymnastics " Young gymnasts"VII Cup of RFSO" Lokomotiv "in ice hockey in memory of V.V. Semina All-Russian Festival of Family Teams of Railway Transport Workers of the Russian Federation "Turiada 2017" Championship of Railway Transport Workers of the Russian Federation in Beach Sports Series LOKO OPEN. Open International Cup of RFSO "Lokomotiv" in badminton and table tennis among athletes of the railways Participation in the XIII physical culture and sports forum TRP Open Cup of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" in rhythmic gymnastics Spartakiad of children of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation International festival "Lokobol-2017-Russian Railways" Cup of the President of JSC "Russian Railways" in volleyball All-Russian competitions in rhythmic gymnastics "Spring Grace" Russian Federation Railroad Workers' Cross-Country Skiing Championship. RFSO "Lokomotiv" Open Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament "Lokogymnastics 2017" RFSO "Lokomotiv" Open Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics III ROSPROFZHEL Ice Hockey Cup Series LOKO OPEN. Open International Cup of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" in volleyball among athletes-veterans of the railways Championship of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" in rhythmic gymnastics "Young gymnasts" VI Cup of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" in ice hockey in memory of V.V. Semina Volleyball Cup of the President of JSC "Russian Railways" All-Russian Festival of Family Teams of Railway Transport Workers of the Russian Federation "Turiada 2016" Championship of Railway Transport Workers of the Russian Federation in Beach Sports Championship of ICUJ Chess Series LOKO OPEN. Open International Cup of RFSO "Lokomotiv" in badminton and table tennis among railroad athletes Summer Spartakiad of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation Participation in the XII physical culture and sports forum TRP Summer children's competitions "Lokobol-DOL" International festival "Lokobol-2016-Russian Railways" Spartakiad for children railway workers of the Russian Federation Open tournament of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" in rhythmic gymnastics, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the sports society "Lokomotiv" Chess Championship of railroad workers of the Russian Federation All-Russian competition in rhythmic gymnastics "Spring Grace" Championship of railroad workers of the Russian Federation in cross-country skiing Open Cup RFSO "Lokomotiv" in rhythmic gymnastics II Cup ROSPROFZHEL in ice hockey Cup RFSO "Lokomotiv" ice hockey in memory of V.V. Semina Women's Beach Volleyball Championship of Railway Transport Workers of the Russian Federation ICUJ Football Championship Open International Cup of RFSO "Lokomotiv" in Volleyball Among Sports Veterans of Railways Cup of the President of JSC "Russian Railways" in Volleyball All-Russian Festival of Family Teams of Railway Transport Workers of the Russian Federation "Turiada 2015" Summer Spartakiad of Railway Transport Workers of the Russian Federation Participation in the ICJ volleyball championship Summer children's competitions "Lokobol-DOL" Participation in the XI Sports and Fitness Forum TRP Participation in the ICJ Basketball Championship Participation of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" team in the "Race of Heroes" event Railroad Workers Championship Russian Federation in chess Spartakiad of children of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation Championship of workers and championship among children of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation in cross-country skiing Cup ROSPROFZHEL in ice hockey Open International Cup of the RFSO "Lokomotiv" in volleyball among veterans of the railway rozhnikov Championship of workers and championship among children of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation in chess Championship ROSPROFZHEL in sports fishing Spartakiad of veterans of railway transport of the Russian Federation Championship of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation in beach sports All-Russian Festival of family teams of railway transport workers "Turiada 2014" X Military -sports forum TRP Summer Spartakiad of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation International festival of football teams "Lokobol-2014-Russian Railways" II Cup of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation on football for the prize of the newspaper "Gudok" (Cup "Gudka") Spartakiad of children of railway transport workers of the Russian Federation Cup Of the President of JSC "Russian Railways" in volleyball Championship of workers and Championship among children of workers of railway transport of the Russian Federation in cross-country skiing Participation in the Championship of International sports Union of Railroad Alpine Skiing Championship of the Railway football league Badminton Championship of the International Sports Union of Railroad Workers Spartakiad of Veterans of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation

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November 12, 2016 10:41 pm

Svetlana Khorkina won twice olympic gold on artistic gymnastics, became a three-time absolute world champion and three-time absolute European champion. Thanks to the implementation of the most difficult combinations on the uneven bars, she received the unofficial title "Queen of the uneven bars".

Alina Kabaeva is one of the most titled gymnasts in the world. Her name is inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records, since at the age of 15 Alina became the absolute European champion in rhythmic gymnastics among adults. Today she is known not only for her sporting achievements, but for active political and social activities.

Evgeniya Kanaeva became the first in history two-time champion Olympic Games Rhythmic Gymnastics Individual All-Around. And at the 29th World Championships in the Japanese city of Mie, the athlete installed absolute record, having won 6 gold medals out of 6 possible.

Aliya Mustafina in Rio de Janeiro, for the second time she won Olympic gold in artistic gymnastics for her country. The first time this happened at the 2012 Olympics in London - in the same year, Aliya was recognized as the athlete of the year in Russia.

World champion, six-time European champion Lyaysan Utyasheva won many deafening victories, four elements of rhythmic gymnastics invented by her are named after her. And although the trauma she received in 2002 made her give up big sport, she continues to be a media personality as a television and radio host.

Irina Chashchina achieved fame at the same time as Alina Kabaeva, which is why the athlete was on the "sidelines" for a long time. One such case is Olympic Games in Athens, where Irina lost gold to Kabaeva.

Double Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics 2000 Elena Zamolodchikova won many more victories at the World and European Championships, but the title of "Bride of Sydney" was fixed for her.

Two-time silver medalist at the 2016 Olympics Apiary Maria currently performing the most difficult vault in the Russian national artistic gymnastics team.

Margarita Mamun brought Russia gold medal in the individual all-around rhythmic gymnastics at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Coach and fans refer to the girl as the "Bengal Tigress" because her father is from Bangladesh.

Yana Kudryavtseva, who brought Russia a silver medal at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, is the youngest absolute world champion in the history of rhythmic gymnastics.

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