The awarding ceremony for the laureates of the “Russian Trade Olympus. Official media sponsors

On February 28, 2007 in the Palace of Receptions of the Diplomatic Corps of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs the Third solemn ceremony of awarding the winners of the main prize in the field of trade, services and services "Russian Trade Olympus" was held.

Held Solemn Ceremony the presentation of the Prize has become a major and bright social event. Worthy companies, a competent jury and respected media - all this is the Joint Final Award of the Year in the field of trade, services and services "Russian Trade Olympus 2007".

In his congratulatory speech, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation Alexey Valentinovich Mitrofanov noted: “We are becoming the richest country. The main thing is that our politicians no longer fall for various political "wiring", do not deviate from the path. You are well aware of this, because it is you who are at the helm of our real economy. "

To award the Laureates in the first subgroup, the Executive Vice President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Vladimir Grigorievich Perederiy, as well as Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Chairman of the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists, Entrepreneurs and Employers Elena Vladimirovna Panina were invited to the stage.

The laureates were:

"KAMAZ"- "Competitiveness and quality". The company was represented by Eduard Antonovich Rapnitsky - Advisor to the General Director.

"Group of Companies" Mattino "- "For the high quality standard of the products provided." The company was represented by Oleg Valentinovich Dorokhov - President of the company.

"Pak Group"- "The leader of the tourist market in the segment of Ski holidays." The company was represented by Yury Dmitrievich Stepin - Deputy General Director.

"Lunch"- "People's Recognition". The company was represented by Boris Vladimirovich Gorlov - General Director.

Corbina Telecom- "Excellent quality of telecommunication services." The company was represented by Dmitry Gennadievich Malov - Vice - President of the company.

"Felix"- “The best assortment and ideal service” - The company was represented by Natalya Filippovna Bebik, the company's commercial director.

"Azbuka Vkusa" - "Individual approach to customer service" - The company was represented by Maxim Nikolaevich Koshcheenko.

To award the Laureates in the second subgroup, the Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council was invited to the stage Irina Mikhailovna Rukina.

The laureates were:

"Primex"- "Leader of cleaning services in Russia." The company was represented by Yuri Vladislavovich Ryabichev - General Director, President of the Association of Cleaning Companies.

"12 months"- "An effective pricing strategy." The company was represented by Oktam Abdykhalilovich - Deputy General Director.

"Econika - shoes"- "Impeccable service and exceptional attention to each customer." The company was represented by Irina Eduardovna Chechel - Marketing Director.

ECOPSY Consulting- "Leader in the field of selection and personnel management." The company was represented by Vladimir Viktorovich Stolin - Chairman of the Board of Directors.

“United Europe-S.B. - "- "Impeccable service and exceptional attention to each customer." The company was represented by Andrey Stanislavovich Nikolaev - General Director.

"ECOTEX-TRADE"- "Leading manufacturer of children's products in Russia." The company was represented by Svetlana Nikolaevna Sidorenko - General Director.

"EUROGROUP"- "Exclusive goods for newborns" The company was represented by Vadim Viktorovich Reva - General Director.

The companies that won the Prize in the third subgroup were awarded by Alexey Valentinovich Mitrofanov, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (LDPR faction), Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Construction.

The laureates were:

"Watcom"- "Reliability and accuracy of equipment." The company was represented by Roman Evgenievich Skorokhodov - General Director.

"YUSN-Projects"- "Effectiveness and professionalism". The company was represented by Sergey Gennadievich Klypa - Head of the Department of Industry Solutions and Advanced Developments.

Furniture concern "Katyusha"- "Expansion of the range and a high level of service." The company was represented by Sergey A. Avdeev - President of the company.

"MVO-Stolitsa"- "Leader of the capital car service". The company was represented by Nadezhda Veniaminovna Zavershinskaya - Head of Marketing and Advertising Department.

Holding "Marta"- “For exclusivity and customer focus”. The company was represented by Evgeny Borisovich Suharnikov - Director of Public Relations.

"Visma"- "Environmentally friendly products" - the Company was represented by Valery Aslambekovich Geryugov - General Director.

Hewlett Packard AO- "Reliable and easy-to-use technology for home and business." The company was represented by Dina Alexandrovna Nurkaeva - Marketing Director.

To award the laureates in the next subgroup, Alexey Borisovich Tselykh, Managing Partner of the Community of Retail Professionals, was invited to the stage.

The laureates were:

"Electronics"- "Commerce - entertainment complexes European level". The company was represented by Yulia Olegovna Glazova - Deputy General Director.

"Radezh"- "Leading position in the market and reliable partners." The company was represented by Yuri Vladimirovich Sudarev - General Director.

"First aid"- "For his contribution to the development of the modern pharmaceutical market in Russia." The company was represented by Ekaterina Mikhailovna Yarukova - Press Secretary.

"Kazan Flax"- "Tradition and quality". The company was represented by Nina Artemyeva Tsapko - Chairman of the Board of Directors.

"Contrast" - « High level service and quality of services provided ”The company was represented by - Tatiana Mikhailovna Korzun - General Director.

MDM - Shop For Shops- "High Dynamics of Development" - The company was represented by Alla Viktorovna Fil - Deputy General Director.

Bookberry- "The most comfortable bookstores" - The company was represented by Svetlana Yurievna Fridenberg - General Director.

"Pen World Russia"- "Leader information services in the “Luxury” segment, the Company was represented by Vadim Sergeevich Zhuravlev - Chief Editor.

Organizing Committee of the Russian Trade Olympus Award:

Shelishch Petr Borisovich Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Legislation, Chairman of the Consumers Union of the Russian Federation;

Panina Elena Vladimirovna - Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Chairman of the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists, Entrepreneurs and Employers;

Perederiy Vladimir Grigorievich First Executive Vice President of the Russian Union of Industrialists, Entrepreneurs and Employers;

Sharov Andrey Vladimirovich Director of the Department of State Regulation in the Economy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation;

Petrov Andrey Anatolyevich - Deputy Head of the Directorate for Implementation of Interregional Programs of the Department of Urban Planning Policy, Development and Reconstruction of the City of Moscow; Moscow government

Ponomarev Mikhail Nikolaevich Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation;

Alexey Borisovich Tselykh - Managing Partner of Retailer GROUP.

Information sponsors of the Russian Trade Olympus award:

Official Internet Partner

Rambler-real estate

General media partner

Retailer.RU Community of Retail Professionals

General media partner news agency

Official media partner

Internet edition

Official media sponsors:

Russian business portal Alliance Media

News agencies:

FSUE RAMI "RIA Novosti", "", "Prime-Tass", "", "", "InterMedia", "", "",

Print mass-media:

Rossiiskaya Torgovlya, Magazines Trade News, Equipment, Restorator, Torgovaya Gazeta, Economic Newspaper Publishing House, Mall, Kutuzovsky Prospect, Boss, Commercial Real Estate, Moscow Times, Retail Equipment, Modern Restaurant, Commercial Director, Financial Control, Rodionov Publishing House, Company, Kvadratny Meter, MiR. Moscow and Regions "," Aktsionerny Vestnik "," Retail equipment in Russia "," Pen World Russia "magazine," Europaproperty "," Restaurant, Shop "

Contact Information:

Organizing Committee of the "Russian Trade Olympus" award

Irina Chechel

Incredible, but true: now, coming to the fitness club, you can activate all the muscles during one workout! This gift was prepared for us by a network of fitness clubs - it was from the beginning of the year that the introduction of a new training system began there. The Smart Fitness implementation process, which has received a truly cosmic name X-Evolution, in fact, is a complete reboot of the consciousness of fitness instructors and clients of the chain's clubs.

On a sunny May day, we met with Irina Chechel, Marketing Director of X-Fit, and talked about the innovative program of the chain.

InFit: Irina, please tell us about your new project X-Evolution. Why did you decide to introduce a new training system in the club?

Irina Chechel: Within two recent years X-Fit's unique expert team has been working on the product that we have now brought to market. Our experts traveled to the USA, Europe, to world fitness gurus in order to collect unique developments and put them into an effective training system, which we called Smart Fitness. This set of exercises is so unique that we submitted documents for registration both the name and the training system itself. We offered our club members a training system that can only be obtained from us and not in any other club.

The X-Evolution Project is the process of integrating Smart Fitness into all X-Fit Clubs. It is impossible to just take and change the training schedule - it is imperative to explain the reasons for the innovations and justify them. Any novelty, regardless of its content, can cause both positive and negative emotions. You understand that at the initial stage a person can refuse even that which is good for him. Just because there is a habit, conservatism.

Therefore, it is imperative to explain and clearly show the novelty - both to the club's customers and, of course, to the staff. A person should clearly see how it works. Therefore, it is necessary that there be a certain cohesive group, a group of like-minded people, who would demonstrate by their example how much new trend good. When others see the results with their own eyes, they themselves strive to join.

This is how X-Evolution is conceived and implemented. We started by rebooting the coaching staff in all the clubs in the chain. The members of the expert team, the author's group Smart Fitness, traveled to all regions in 2-3 weeks and conducted trainings and trainings for the staff and coaching staff, explaining in detail the new fitness program. The next stage was a reboot in Moscow clubs. We have gathered all the instructors in one of our oldest clubs, in Altufevo, and conducted an intensive Smart Fitness training. They were a kind of litmus test for us. After all, if they, professional trainers, accept and believe in the idea, then they will be able to transfer this knowledge to their clients, club members, in full measure. Their delight showed us that the direction was set one hundred percent! Already in March, we "rebooted" our clients. And, moreover, we have already started an internal competition between newcomers to Smart Fitness!

Let's summarize the intermediate result on June 8 - at the Outdoor Competition 2013. It will be a kind of relay competition - each club will be represented by a group of 20 followers of the system. It will be fun, exciting and very dynamic!

InFit: How do you explain such a revolutionary name - Smart Fitness? Can we say that “ smart fitness"- a new word in the fitness industry?

Irina Chechel: We thought that "whatever you name the yacht, so it will float." They could have come up with some kind of clever name, but this, in our opinion, makes no sense. The word Smart already associates us with something smart, advanced, advanced, innovative. There were practically no disputes over the name - it was an absolutely team decision. We accepted it immediately and unequivocally, with all our hearts. This is a multifaceted story, and immediately arouses interest - what's inside?

InFit: How is the implementation of the new program proceeding in the clubs? Are there first results?

Irina Chechel: You understand that something new should also be interesting. We introduced game and competitive elements into the promotion process. Fitness is an extremely difficult business to promote. We offer people to work hard, and for their own money. And others at this time lure with entertainment, amusements, beautiful dresses and prizes. But if you join Smart Fitness, then after 3 months you simply will not recognize yourself. And this is much more expensive than a moment's pleasure.

InFit: What is the main benefit of functional training programs? What principles are they built on?

Irina Chechel: I am not an expert in this area. But knowledgeable people, our experts and fitness director, have shown and proved to me that standard workout imperfect, since in almost one hundred percent of cases it is aimed at one of the physical skills. Either you train strength, or agility, or flexibility, or maybe coordination - but, more often than not, one thing. Here's a good example. When we first introduced trainings with TRX loops, all trainers were obliged to take a training course in order to then offer clients to work with this apparatus as a training option. And despite the "squeaky" start, literally 5 months later, this workout became the most beloved of both the club members and the coaches. What was the beginning of the same transformation of familiar power programs in Smart fitness programs and in gym... And in the fall, the second wave of X-Evolution with Smart fitness programs will take place in the gym and the pool. You understand - no one will refuse to have a pumped body with a magnificent relief and the ability of the body to masterfully overcome all barriers.

That is why we came up with Smart Fitness - after all, everyone wants the body to obey him and not let him down at the right time. This fusion of various directions affects the work of absolutely all muscles, even small ones. In addition, small muscles continue to work even after training - our guys checked this fact together with specialists.

But the main thing is not even numbers. For me, the absolute figure is what our Smart Fitness experts do with their bodies. We filmed a small promotional video during the reboot of clubs in Moscow, where the guys talk about the program, and I saw how they practice. I was shocked! What they are doing is simply impossible! You can see the difference even between them and the professionals who repeat after them! Subsequently, we filmed with our experts and models in support of the campaign - and there it was clear who really knows how to control their bodies. It would seem the same poses - but the difference was huge! For me, this was perhaps the most powerful argument.

InFit: What types of training are there and how do they go? Can everyone train on this system or are there restrictions?

Irina Chechel: The restrictions are standard. The welcome package, which the customer receives upon purchasing the card, includes mandatory fitness testing. In its course, it is revealed which sport mode is best suited for the client, and the level of load is calculated. Smart Fitness has an additional advantage, because designed for any "average" person. Now the Smart fitness package presented in group programs allows any Club Member to pay comprehensive attention to strength, flexibility, coordination, agility, and so on. Here is some of them:

Low Core - focusing on the load on the lower part of the body, the muscles of the center are worked out, training for joint mobility is connected, there is an active effect on the stabilizing muscles;
Step Fit - cardio training using step platforms, also allows you to increase the strength of the muscle corset, dramatically progress in muscle proportionality and coordination. And what is very important is to achieve a high result at low intensity;
Body & Mind - the combination of static elements of yoga with more dynamic exercises gives an amazing effect of functional strength, mobility of all joints, a strong center of the body, healthy spine;
Flex Fit - includes both complete muscle relaxation and active stretching, while effectively affecting the entire muscle tone, removes blocks in the muscles of the back, emotional fatigue, supports the fat burning effect;
Atlética - complex physical exercise of different intensity and direction, combined according to the principle of alternating aerobic and anaerobic loads.

But we carefully approach any individual peculiarities and requests of our Club Members in individual lessons.

InFit: What's Included perfect formula functional training?

Irina Chechel: Great question! We believe that the secret to the success of functional training according to the Smart Fitness system is as follows: in a short period of time, using the combination, alternation, duration and number of repetitions of the correct functional exercises, an evenly productive workout is created for all physical qualities a person with the maximum involvement in the work of all large and small muscles.

InFit: What results can you achieve and why does it take less time?

Irina Chechel: You yourself know that it is absolutely useless to train irregularly, with breaks. There are no miracles in the world. But if earlier to achieve fast and quality result we recommended to visit group lessons at least 5 times a week, then with functional training according to the Smart Fitness system, 3 times a week is enough. This is despite the fact that the small muscles continue to work for about two more days. And if you follow the advice on healthy eating and adoption sports supplements, then the result will not be long in coming.

InFit: For those who are already interested new program... How can you get to know her and try her own experience?

Irina Chechel: In all clubs X-Fit networks... Come, try it, we are waiting for you!

InFit: Irina, a little question in the end - have you already tried the Smart Fitness system on yourself?

Irina Chechel: Yes, of course! But, since I am a working person, I cannot attend group classes. I work with a personal trainer. And by the way, those who take care of themselves on a serious level will understand me - group classes are very supportive. physical fitness, but nothing can replace professional personal trainer... And, I must say, X-Fit has a very sane price tag. The competitive advantages of X-Fit have always been excellent hardware and brilliant coaching staff... And now we have a system that has strengthened and enriched two main benefits - Smart Fitness. Now we can definitely do everything!

The addresses of the X-Fit clubs can be viewed.

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Among the hundreds of buildings under construction today that are related to the cultural and spiritual life of the Belgorod region - churches, houses of culture, libraries and others - there are certainly those that will go down in the history of the city's architecture. Wooden, in the traditions of architecture of the North of Russia, the Temple of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, a unique silhouette of the new Philharmonic ... These and other "pearls" appeared in our country in spite of and "spite" of all crises. As they say, man does not live by bread alone. Even despite the fact that last year the total volume of construction in the region decreased by almost a third, the governor and the government found opportunities to support extraordinary construction projects and made it possible for the most talented architects and the most promising construction companies to implement them. One of them is “Design Firm“ Zolotaya Liniya ”LLC, whose creative team is headed by Irina Nikolaevna Chechel. Unique objects, which "Zolotaya Liniya" was engaged in in recent times will become real attractions of Belgorod ...

"The beauty in the temple is for everyone"

This "holy place" - a cultural and educational center on Koroleva Street - was conceived for a long time. As a missionary complex, carrying the idea of ​​promoting Orthodoxy. The "heart" of the project was to be a wooden temple of Faith, Hope, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. The architectural idea of ​​the cultural and educational center, put forward by Vladyka John, was developed many years ago by L.I. - Chief Architect of the Belgorod and Stary Oskol Diocese. They began to erect the building on their own, but they soon realized that the construction of a huge structure requires serious financial infusions and the lively participation of well-grounded professionals. The construction, which had begun for two years (the foundation pit and the foundation of the foundation in several rows of blocks) remained in a "frozen" state, before it was decided to continue, uniting the efforts of many construction organizations for this.

The regional government got involved and literally did not let this building die. A tender was announced for the general design of the facility, - says Irina Nikolaevna. - In February 2007, we won it. And they started working - practically from scratch. In a couple of years, in fact, only an architectural solution, an author's idea remained from the original project: time has passed, conditions in the construction market have changed, requirements for fire safety and functional content have become more stringent. In a word, we had to re-develop in full the entire architectural and construction part, all engineering work, interiors, landscape design, external networks.

A year and a half later, in September 2008, the design and estimate documentation for the facility went for examination, then construction began. And when there were only a few months left before the commissioning of the cultural and educational center, a disaster struck.

I remember how we were sitting at a planning meeting in the building of the Philharmonic under construction, and a colleague called me: "Our church is on fire!" I and several other people got into the car and rushed to the bridge, - Irina Nikolaevna recalls. - From the panorama that we saw from there, everything turned upside down in the soul - the domes were blazing with might and main, clouds of black smoke were pouring towards Shebekino from the side of the temple. The walls, the entire roof, and the domes were burnt to ashes. Only the crosses survived - by some unimaginable miracle. Vladyka said that since they are intact, it means that the temple will still be ...

We rolled up our sleeves. They began examinations, tests of the damaged building, part of the structure had to be dismantled, something had to be restored, something had to be left behind. And three months later, new domes were already shining on the temple, literally reborn from the ashes. So he was saved a second time.

It was the fifth of August in the yard. We drove up to the church at the moment when Father Sergiy consecrated the first chapter and it was just being raised up, - says Irina Nikolaevna. - Believe me, there are not many such exciting moments in life! Later we supplemented the local architectural ensemble with a bell tower, although initially it was not in the project. Now the ringing of nine of its bells, including the two-ton "giant" Blagovest, is heard throughout Belgorod.

... The opening day of the cultural and educational center has become a real holiday. On May 1 of this year, Patriarch Kirill arrived in the city. The distinguished guest was amazed at how the idea of ​​enlightenment, which the people of Belgorod put into this project, was implemented - its main goal was to unite education and religion. He thanked the regional government and personally presented certificates of honor to the builders - the creators of the complex. Including - the architect Irina Chechel.

This was not our first Orthodox project, ”she says. - Before that, we participated in the creation of temples in the villages of Lapygino, Tolokonnoye and in the White Well. (By the way, in the Belgorod region only for last year 9 new churches were completed and 15 old churches were restored.)

For myself, I do not divide our objects into secular or church ones - on each of them, we are laying out without a trace, trying to make them sound and beautiful. Anyone can enter the church and see the beauty that he has never seen in his life. Because in the temple she is for everyone. Therefore, when working with such projects, I always want to do something special, wonderful - for all people - the architect thinks.

“We put our project on the table of the governor. He liked this…"

Another object - no less complex and unique than the cultural and educational center on Koroleva Street - "Golden Line" has been engaged for about five years. This is a reconstructed building of the Belgorod Philharmonic. - And although our previous construction can be attributed to religion, - says Irina Nikolaevna - and the current one - to musical culture, both of them, of course, are from the Spiritual area. This means that our approach to them could be extremely creative. Truly creative ...

... It all started with a banal roof repair. In 2005, the Philharmonic Society was transferred to the building of the former Palace of Culture of Zheleznodorozhnikov. It was simply impossible for the artists to work in it - the structure, half rotten, with moldy walls, collapsed floors and the current roof, urgently needed to be put in order. Zolotaya Liniya received an order to replace the roof, but it soon became clear to everyone that the entire building needed to be repaired.

- We were given the go-ahead now to repair the entire building - and again we started thinking, - Irina Nikolaevna recalls. - Freshly painted walls are, of course, good, but the old lighting system, the stage part, the acoustics of the building are simply worthless! In 2007, we signed an agreement with UKS for the capital reconstruction of the building of the Zheleznodorozhnikov Palace of Culture. We were already ready to start work when the governor became interested in the project. And I found the facade of the Palace of Culture too boring, its main hall - not very comfortable, and the whole building itself - not worthy of the creative tasks and scale of the philharmonic society. I knew what local musicians have long dreamed of. So she offered to close the old facade of the building with the new volume of the extension. But not simple, but with an organ hall. Something from the realm of fantasy ... We carefully outlined our plan, and after a while we presented our ideas to the governor. He liked this…

According to the project proposed by the author Irina Chechel, the building should have been in as soon as possible turn from a typical project of the Soviet era into a modern temple of music with a unique facade and the adjacent territory transformed beyond recognition ...

Organ hall in Belgorod? This is from the realm of fantasy!

... Difficult happiness to give hometown a modern philharmonic complex with an organ hall falls to the lot of not every architect. And we were just lucky that this object was entrusted to the "Golden Line" The task is not easy and very responsible. Several times the specialists of the "Golden Line" went to the Moscow International House of Music to study all the subtleties of the "organ-building" business. Pavel Nikolaevich Kravchun, the president of the Union of Organists of Russia, the chief curator of the organs of the Moscow International House of Music, was invited as consultants. They studied how the organ and the hall are arranged, how its acoustic system should work, in what microclimate this “instrument of instruments” should exist.

And there was a whole sea of ​​such nuances! - continues Irina Nikolaevna. - Research colossal was done, everything was verified to the millimeter. While developing the project, we eventually "put" our organ on a "floating" platform, not connected with the structure of the building, so that vibration from vehicles passing along the street would not be transmitted to the instrument. The philharmonic building, due to its uniqueness, has become the most difficult in my career. Everything that I knew as an architect, everything that my teachers taught me, all the experience that the "Golden Line" has accumulated over 10 years of work, we applied in this project. Just imagine: in addition to the unique organ hall, there are two more halls in the building, completely different. In the old part there is a large 642-seat class for classical music, with its own precisely calculated acoustics, specially selected finishes. Surveys were carried out to make a balcony for VIPs and media representatives. Wells were drilled inside the hall - they passed the columns through the ceilings of the first floor into the basement, and put them on their foundations. There was not enough height to enter the balcony tier - they removed the span between the extreme and the penultimate farm, raised the existing metal structures and digested them up.

Another room is smaller. It is multifunctional, has a capacity of 300 seats and is intended for conferences, balls and chamber concerts. In the superstructure above the old building, made in metal structures, according to the project, comfortable make-up restrooms for artists will be located. - Working on this project was daunting, but interesting, - says Irina Nikolaevna. - On the idea of ​​the facade, for example, I worked for 8 months. I was looking for unique materials for facades at exhibitions, on the Internet. The idea to offer a volumetric structure symbolizing the "waves of music" did not come immediately. The structure consists of new generation materials (we are now awaiting their delivery from Germany) - golden-colored high-pressure laminated panels. It's nice that everything conceived by the author of the object is being carried out by the builders, in the words of Irina Nikolaevna, "with the greatest precision." Every day the building's appearance is drawn more distinctly, more and more attracting the glances of passers-by. “This is a difficult child, but everyone - both its creators and the audience who will come to the Philharmonic for concerts next fall - I hope will be satisfied with it,” says the architect. - I would like to think that we were able to offer an original creative idea, and, albeit so far with only a few strokes, "traced" the future appearance of Belgorod, as it will be in fifty years. They say that architecture is music frozen in stone. And for me I am architecture: "... this is labor, multiplied by the work of the soul and the desire to give all this to people." In my opinion, you can't say better ...

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