International figure skating tournament Minsk Arena Ice Star. International Figure Skating Tournament Minsk Arena Ice Star Schedule of Figure Skating Championships

Greetings from the President of the Russian Figure Skating Federation Olympic champion- Alexandra Gorshkova

Dear friends! I am sincerely glad to welcome athletes, coaches, officials, all guests and fans of our wonderful sport - figure skating at the 2018 European Championships in Moscow!

Over the course of more than 100 years of history of the European Championships, the International Skating Union has four times granted our country the right to organize this prestigious tournament skaters. In 1911, St. Petersburg hosted the European Championship for the first time. The next European Championship, held in 1965 in Moscow, gave a powerful impetus to the rapid development of domestic figure skating. Subsequently, the championships of the European continent were held twice in Leningrad in 1970 and 1990. And, now, after more than half a century, the right to host the most prestigious tournament with the participation of the best skaters in Europe has been again granted to Moscow, the championship Europe will pass in the Russian capital from 16 to 21 January 2018.

The arena for the competitions of athletes will be the hospitable Ice Arena Megasport, where in 2011 as soon as possible World Championship was organized figure skating on skates, which, according to the unanimous opinion of all its participants and guests, was a great success.

A distinctive feature of the Moscow European Championship 2018 will be that it starts literally on the eve of the Olympic winter games in Pyeongchang, the official opening of which will take place on February 9. This circumstance makes the upcoming championship even more intriguing, since almost all the best skaters in Europe will take part in it, who will then soon have to join the sharpest struggle in the Olympic arenas. Therefore, there is no doubt that the Moscow tournament will arouse great interest among both loyal fans, figure skating enthusiasts, and representatives of the world's media.

All figure skating competitions held in our country always receive the highest marks and favorable reviews due to their impeccable organization. I am sure that the upcoming European Championship will traditionally be held on the high level. We are waiting for an exciting fight, bright performances, and the audience will get unforgettable emotions and impressions! We are waiting for you in ice palace"Megasport", on Khodynka!

The composition of the Russian team

Pair skating

  • Evgenia Tarasova/Vladimir Morozov,
  • Ksenia Stolbova/Fyodor Klimov,
  • Natalia Zabiyako/Alexander Enbert.

Substitutes - Kristina Astakhova/Alexey Rogonov, Alexandra Boikova/Dmitry Kozlovsky;

Dancing on Ice

  • Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitry Solovyov,
  • Alexandra Stepanova/Ivan Bukin,
  • Tiffany Zagorski/Jonathan Gureyro.

Substitutes - Betina Popova / Sergey Mozgov, Sofia Evdokimova / Egor Bazin;

Men's single skating

  • Mikhail Kolyada,
  • Alexander Samarin,
  • Dmitry Aliev.

Spare - Sergey Voronov, Artur Dmitriev;

Women's Singles -

  • Alina Zagitova,
  • Maria Sotskova,
  • Evgeny Medvedev.

Substitutes - Stanislav Konstantinova, Polina Tsurskaya.

Schedule of European Figure Skating Champion 2018

Wednesday, January 17

11:45 Men - short program
18:00 Ice Opening Ceremony
19:00 Couples - short program

Thursday, January 18

12:30 Women - short program
18:55 Couples - free program

Friday, January 19

12:15 Ice Dancing - short dance
17:45 Men - free program

Saturday, January 20

13:40 Ice Dancing - Free Dance
18:30 Women - free program

Sunday, January 21


European Figure Skating Championships 2019 is the 111th edition of the international sports tournament, which will be held from 21 to 27 January 2019. The championship will be hosted by the Belarusian capital Minsk. The best figure skaters of Europe will gather in the main city of Belarus. A special place among them will be occupied by domestic athletes - one of the main contenders for victory! In the last edition, our team was the first in the overall medal count. Will Russia be able to repeat the success in Minsk?!

Schedule of the European Figure Skating Championships 2019

The 111th European Championship will take place in the first month of the year. The competition will be held from 21 to 27 January 2019.

The tournament will be hosted by Belarus for the first time. This became known during the meeting of the International Skating Union (ISU) in September 2016. Croatia, Ukraine, Austria and Estonia also claimed the role of the host country.

Minsk will be the center of the main events of the ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2019. Athletes will compete within the walls of the SC "Minsk-Arena".

This is a multifunctional sports and entertainment complex. On its territory, competitions are held among cyclists, skaters and even e-sportsmen. Minsk Arena is the home ground for the Belarusian hockey team No. 1 - Dynamo.

The sports arena can accommodate a little over 15,000 people. Limited number of seats. So fans who want to watch the European Figure Skating Championships 2019 live need to take care of buying tickets ahead of time!

Program European Figure Skating Championships 2019

Spectators will see performances in four types of competitions:

  1. single men's skating;
  2. dancing on Ice;
  3. feminine single skating;
  4. pair skating.


Dozens of figure skaters from all parts of Europe, as well as from Israel, will come to the Belarusian capital. Russia will have the largest representation. Our athletes have maximum amount quotas in each competitive category.

To become participants in the European Championship, athletes must show a minimum technical score in tournaments preceding the European Championship. The values ​​of technical scores will be published on the official website of the European Championship 2019 in figure skating or on the resource of the International Skating Union -

Minimum technical assessments to participate in the European Championship 2018 looked like this:

  • men - 25 in the short program / 45 in the free program;
  • women - 20/36
  • couples - 20/36
  • ice dancers - 19/29.

Results of the 2019 European Figure Skating Championships

The main favorites of the upcoming tournament are the Russians. They are recognized masters in their sport. Another undeniable advantage is the venue. Belarus is almost Russia. Domestic athletes will compete like at home!

In the last edition of the tournament, which was held in Moscow, domestic masters achieved almost 100% results. In total, the Russians won 9 medals, two of which were of the highest value.

the best Russian men were Dmitry Aliev and Mikhail Kolyada. They won silver and bronze medals respectively. The gold went to Spaniard Javier Fernandez.

Russian fans have been waiting for gold medals. It is possible that our figure skater will finally become the best among men at the European Figure Skating Championships 2019!

In here in pair skating domestic participants were not equal! The entire top three was occupied by Russian representatives. The duet of Evgeny Tarasov / Vladimir Morozov was especially good.

Our ice dancing masters did not fall face down in the mud either. Let the gold fly to France, but the silver and bronze remained with the Russians. The second place went to the duo Ekaterina Bobrova/Dmitry Solovyov, and the third place went to Alexandra Stepanova/Ivan Bukin.

Competitions among female singles is another reason to buy tickets to the ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2019. For the strongest figure skaters in the world represent Russia!

This statement was clearly proved by the results of the European Championship 2018. The 110th edition of the championship was remembered for the super confrontation Alina Zagitova vs. Evgeny Medvedev. As a result, the triumph was sensationally won by yesterday's junior Alina Zagitova!

Our skaters could take the entire podium. Maria Sotskova claimed the prize. But the experienced Italian Carolina Kostner intervened in the medal layouts. Therefore, the Russian woman showed only the 4th result.

If the national team is not mowed down by injuries, our female single skaters at the European Figure Skating Championships 2019 will again be the first!

Prestigious tournament Minsk- Arena Ice Star in curly skating will take place from 18 to 20 October at Minsk Arena. A package of tickets for the tournament can be a cool gift for your friends or parents - it costs only 25 rubles for all days of the competition. By the way, the price already includes a gala concert with the participation of Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin.

The Minsk Arena will host several performances by the best skaters from Russia, Kazakhstan, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, Italy, Finland and Belarus. These will be competitions of the Challenger series, that is, participants come here to gain an international rating in order to qualify for the World and European Championships. All this will end with demonstration performances of the winners and star guests- Alexei Yagudin, Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin. All three are Olympic champions.

From Friday to Sunday, the best in the categories will be determined:

  • women's single skating,
  • men's single skating,
  • sports dancing on ice.


Friday 18 October
13:45 to 15:30 Dance couples perform rhythmic dance
15:45 to 20:00 Girls perform short program

Saturday 19 October
12:00 to 13:30. The boys perform the short program.
13:45 to 18:30. Girls perform free program.
The awards ceremony for the girls will take place at 18:30
19:00 to 21:00 Dance couples perform free program
The awards ceremony for dance couples will take place at 21:00

Sunday 20 October
12:00 to 13:45 Young men perform free program.
The awards ceremony will take place in 13:45
18:00 Gala performance with guest stars!

Price:25 rublesTo buy a ticket

Children under 7 years old on their parents' laps free of charge
For site users special price 21 BYN. Fill out the form and we will send you a private link to your e-mail.
Infoline: +375291669366

This is the last big start before Olympic Games, and hence the last opportunity to say to Zhenya Medvedeva, Alina Zagitova and everyone, everyone, everyone: good luck in Pyeongchang!

Can tickets still be bought? How much?

A few days ago, sports officials reported that 70% of the tickets were sold, and they made happy faces. A dubious achievement - a month ago, the Russian Figure Skating Championship was held in St. Petersburg, and there the tickets were swept away completely! But in Moscow, you can get on a cool figure even at the last moment: the cheapest entry costs 200 rubles. However, such bargain prices are only for those who have eagle vision or grandfather's military binoculars. With such tickets, you can come only on Wednesday, when the medals will not be played yet, and take places under the very roof, overlooking the tops of the skaters.

There are already tickets left for Thursday, which cost from 1000 rubles. On Saturday, when the girls will skate, there are only places left in the boxes and they cost from 7,500 rubles. On Sundays demonstration performances prepare 5500. Figure skating Like any art, it requires sacrifice.

The easiest day. In the morning (11:45) there will be a short program for men, and we will be able to estimate what Mikhail Kolyada, Alexander Samarin and yesterday's junior Dmitry Aliev are capable of now. Kolyada, of course, is listed above all of them - he already had the "bronze" of Europe last year, it's time to take another step up.

At 18:00 - opening ceremony. And at 19:00 their short programs sports couples will present.

At 12:30 the first hit of the tournament - short programs for women. Has Yevgeny Medvedev's main golden hope recovered from the fracture? How confident is young Alina Zagitova? Aren't you tired of being forever the second Maria Sotskova, who is already being called "Miss Silver"? It's time to start answering these questions.

At 18:55, the first medals will be played - couples will show free programs. We have Evgenia Tarasova / Vladimir Morozov and Ksenia Stolbova / Fedor Klimov. All this means that we have excellent chances to win.

At 12:15 pm ice dancing is a short dance.

And at 17:45 men have a free program. We are waiting for the benefit performance of Javier Fernandez. The Spaniard has not let go of the European "gold" for five years in a row, and now it is unlikely to be otherwise. But all Fernandez's thoughts are about the Olympics, the first place in it is still his dream. In a month he will introduce himself the last chance. "I don't think I can last another four years," says Javier himself. And for sure he will think about the same, winning the next European Championship.

13:40 ice dancing - free dance.

18:30 Women - free program. For the first time, Evgenia Medvedeva and Alina Zagitova will face each other on big competitions. Of course, they know each other a little more than completely: both are wards of coach Eteri Tutberdze. Both did not lose in recent times. But Zhenya and Alina have never fought for the same “gold” on the same ice in the same tournament. Will sparks fly from their collision? Better to check now than at the Olympics.

14:00 - demonstration performances. Farewell show before the 2018 Olympics. The composition of the Russian national team will be announced after the European Figure Skating Championships 2018. And on Sunday there will be the last opportunity to show Medvedeva, Zagitova, Sotskova, Kolyada, Tarasova and Morozova, Stolbova and Klimov and everyone else that in Russia they will still be rooting for them. Despite the flag and strange team name.
