Glutamine powder from optimum nutrition how to take. Glutamine Optimum Nutrition

Glutamine Powder is a powder supplement based on the amino acid glutamine, which is manufactured by the American corporation Optimum Nutrition.

Glutamine Powder is a Powerful Muscle Recovery Tool

Why should you buy Glutamine Powder from Optimum Nutrition? Glutamine is a very common amino acid in the body that plays important role in muscle development. For long intense training amino acid stores are depleted, which can limit protein synthesis in the body. Glutamine powder is an easy way to supplement your diet with an important nutrient.

How to check the originality of Optimum Nutrition products

How to take Optimum Nutrition Glutamine Powder

Mix 1 tsp. product (5 grams) with 250 ml of water. Consume After training sessions and/or at bedtime, or follow the recommendations of a sports specialist.

ON Glutamine reviews

Glutamine is an extremely important amino acid, so supplements based on it are in demand among athletes. Review analysis showed that users are satisfied with this product. They highly appreciate the effectiveness and quality of glutamine from an American manufacturer.

Part Glutamine powder from Optimum Nutrition includes the amino acid L-Glutamine, which is a key anabolic amino acid.

Glutamine is an essential amino acid found in protein and essential for maintaining immune system and muscle growth.
IN human body Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid, accounting for twenty-five percent of all amino acids. The fact that glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid means that under conditions of stress, during heavy physical exertion, during illness, during an immune and muscular system a large amount of glutamine is required (up to 20-40 grams per day). However, the body is unable to produce this amount of glutamine on its own. In these cases, additional intake with food is required.
Glutamine has a wide variety of properties. Together with asparagine, glutamine is a reserve from which the body synthesizes the non-essential amino acids that are missing at some point. In case of severe infections, glutamine increases the response of the immune system, in addition, it is a necessary resource for cells of the immune system and intestines, it restores the gastrointestinal tract. Glutamine also protects the liver from negative influences, protects the body from the toxic product obtained as a result of protein metabolism (ammonia), and maintains health. It serves as a source of energy for brain activity, participates in the formation of many vitamins, activates attention and memory, and also has a powerful anti-stress effect. It also stimulates the synthesis of hormones in the body.
Due to the fact that glutamine is heavily used as an energy source, during heavy loads, its content in muscle cells decreases sharply, since it is irreversibly lost. If for a long period of time glutamine does not enter the body with food in the required volumes, a decrease begins muscle mass symptoms of overtraining appear. If you take glutamine after training, then these processes can be avoided.


To make one serving, mix 1 teaspoon of 4.5 g with your favorite beverage. Take 1-2 servings daily.

Attention: The product is not medicine and not intended n for persons under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. PBefore taking, consult your doctor. Do not exceed the indicated dosage. Precautions: Keep out of the reach of children. The product is not a meal replacement. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. The manufacturer is not responsible for any damage caused by improper use or storage of the product.

Glutamine Powder by Optimum Nutrition is an innovative glutamine-based sports supplement. Glutamine is one of the most important amino acids, which plays an indispensable role in the processes of protein and glycogen synthesis. Muscle fibers more than 60% consist of glutamine, so for every athlete this amino acid should be a priority. Glutamine is needed by the body not only to improve anabolic processes, but also to normalize nitrogen metabolism, improve brain function, remove toxins and fight catabolic processes.

One of the functions of the Glutamine Powder amino acid supplement is to increase the immunity of athletes, which is why many professional athletes buy this drug in the cold seasons. Also, glutamine from Optimum Nutrition perfectly improves the quality of recovery processes, which means it helps to gain muscle mass faster and improve athletic performance. Here is a list of the main effects of taking Glutamine Powder:

  • Increased immune defense;
  • Improvement of protein metabolism;
  • Improving the quality of recovery;
  • Suppression of catabolic processes;
  • Prevention of overtraining.

The American company Optimum Nutrition differs from its competitors in that its products do not include anything superfluous. Glutamine Powder consists of only one component - glutamine. One serving of this supplement (5g) contains 5g of the amino acid glutamine.

How to take Glutamine Powder

The manufacturer recommends taking Glutamine Powder 1-2 times a day depending on amino acid requirements. To take one serving, mix 5 g of the substance (1 teaspoon) with 250 ml of water or juice. It is most effective to use Glutamine Powder after training - to restore amino acid balance, suppress catabolism and start muscle growth processes, as well as before bedtime - since growth hormone is produced at night, and glutamine enhances this process. On days free from physical activity It is recommended to take glutamine at lunch and before bed.

Recent studies have shown that the human body cannot absorb more than 8g of glutamine per day, so we recommend taking Glutamine Powder at 4g at a time, twice a day. It is necessary to take glutamine on an empty stomach, so it is better absorbed. It is best to consume this amino acid at least 30 minutes before a meal, during which time the bulk of glutamine will have time to absorb.

Optimum Nutrition's Glutamine Powder can be taken with other sports supplements and they will reinforce each other. The most effective combination is the combined intake of glutamine and creatine, you can also combine Glutamine Powder with pre-workouts or testosterone boosters. You should not mix glutamine with protein, as in this case glutamine will be less absorbed. Professional athletes most often they drink Glutamine Powder + creatine, and after 30 minutes they start protein shake. Such a bundle is considered the most effective.

Glutamine is a natural amino acid that enters the human body along with various foods. Reception sports supplements together with glutamine, it is most often completely safe and does not cause any side effects, however, you can find some comments on the net where athletes indicate that glutamine irritates the stomach. In all such cases, athletes also write that they have exceeded the recommended dosages by several times, which is not recommended. Taking more than 8-10g of Glutamine Powder per day is not advisable, as the body can only absorb a certain amount of this amino acid. Judging by the research of specialists, most people do not absorb more than 6-8g of glutamine per day.

Bodybuilders and athletes, as the most abundant and well known amino acid, is due to its ability to support muscle growth and strength.

However, the functions performed by glutamine in the human body are much wider. The additional use of glutamine in the form of a powder supplement, which is tasteless and quickly mixes in water, helps to maximize the overall health of the human body.

Optimum Nutrition Glutamine Powder 600g (about 120 servings) and 1000g (about 200 servings):

Optimum Nutrition is one of the most respected sports nutrition brands in the world of quality nutritional supplements. Glutamine Powder is Optimum Nutrition's premium quality and pharmaceutical grade glutamine powder that provides:

  • maintenance muscle growth and prevention of muscle tissue destruction;
  • Feeding enterocytes - cells that form a thin film of the intestinal tract, contributing to better absorption nutrients and retaining harmful, non-nutritional substances;
  • Better functional and structural integrity of intestinal tissues;
  • Replenishment of immune cells, providing support for the immune system;
  • Formation of bicarbonate ions used by the body to maintain pH balance;
  • Synthesis of glucosamine - one of the important components of connective tissues (joints).

As well as glutamine compounds are involved in cleansing nervous system from toxic decomposition products of ammonia.

Suggested Use for Optimum Nutrition Glutamine Powder:
Mix 1 teaspoon (about 5 grams) of Optimum Nutrition Glutamine Powder with 250 ml of water or any other beverage of your choice. Depending on the intensity of the load, take 1 to 2 times a day.

Servings Per Container:
150 g - about 30 servings.
300 g - about 60 servings.
600 g - about 120 servings.
1000 g - about 200 servings.

Glutamine Powder Be First is a proteinogenic amino acid essential for muscle protein synthesis and immune cell building. Up to 60% of the free amino acids in our muscles are glutamine. An additional important benefit of glutamine is that it does not cause any side effects, being the safest supplement to protect and nourish the body.

Glutamine is not essential acid, it is synthesized in the body from glutamic acid or leucine. In most types of protein foods, it is also present - hence the question arises:

Why Should You Take Glutamine?

The point is that under certain conditions ( accelerated metabolism, triggered by injuries, illnesses, or simply long-term hard training), the amount of glutamine contained in the muscles drops significantly, and since this is a kind of “gold reserve” of the body, the body immediately begins to increase the rate of synthesis of glutamine, for which it produces catabolic hormones and enzymes that break down muscle proteins . That is, there is not enough glutamine from food to prevent the body from increasing the rate of catabolic muscle breakdown after intense training.

The intake of additional glutamine during this period will be used both for the synthesis of new proteins (in the form of a substrate), and the restoration of the normal concentration of free glutamine, and for the nutrition of intestinal cells and leukocytes. Which, in turn, will allow the body not to accelerate catabolism and not to spend the available reserves of leucine for conversion into glutamine. It will also support the immunity that inevitably sags as a result of training and stress. Thus, the benefits of taking glutamine in the form of a supplement are considerable.

What role does glutamine play?

  • Provides material for protein synthesis.
  • Participates in the synthesis of other amino acids, carbohydrates and enzymes.
  • Acts as a source of energy in some tissues (nervous, immune, intestines, etc.).
  • Suppresses catabolism, inhibiting the secretion of cortisol.
  • Nourishes immune cells.
  • Preserves leucine stores, allowing them to stimulate muscle growth.
  • Binds and removes ammonia.

Who Should Take Glutamine?

Glutamine Powder from Be First is useful for anyone who trains a lot or experiences heavy physical stress at work. Such support is especially important during periods of illness, recovery from injuries or operations, and, in particular, for those whose diet suffers from a lack of complete proteins (specific diets, vegetarianism, veganism, religious fasts, etc.).

Severe stress adversely affects performance, productivity and leads to a drop in immunity. Therefore, during periods of serious stress (conflicts, life problems, intense business negotiations, difficult business trips, etc.), it is highly desirable to support the immune system and prevent muscle loss, especially when for some reason it is not possible to eat well, exercise regularly and get enough rest.

What are the results of taking Be First Glutamine Powder?

  • Support stability and muscle growth.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Speed ​​up recovery.

Glutamine does not so much stimulate muscle growth as it prevents muscle loss in various situations. Therefore, it is especially useful for maintaining health and results achieved during periods of exhaustion due to hard work, training, stress, etc., recovery from injuries and illnesses. It is good to take it whenever there is a threat of muscle loss.

What are the side effects of glutamine?

Glutamine is non-toxic, but in case of taking excessively large doses, malfunctions are possible gastrointestinal tract, neurological abnormalities, overload in the work of the kidneys and liver. Since our body is usually unable to absorb glutamine in quantities of more than 8 grams at a time, then taking it in megadoses is pointless. Moreover, medical studies have not revealed any positive effects with a significant increase in dosage. Accurate data on the direct negative effect of large doses of glutamine on specific body systems have not been identified, but nevertheless, it is better not to exceed the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Are there any contraindications?

Given the non-toxicity of glutamine, only pregnancy and individual intolerance remain a contraindication to taking this amino acid. With caution, it should be taken by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and nervous system.

Otherwise, it should be remembered that under normal conditions, with normal training and good nutrition, glutamine will not make any revolution in achieving sports results. But with loads that deplete glycogen depots by 90% and significantly undermine immunity, glutamine will be very useful.

Other Ingredients: Citric Acid (Acidity Regulator), Natural Identical Flavor, Sucralose Sweetener, Food Color.

Take 1 serving (2 measuring spoons) with 200-300 ml of water or any other drink.

Keep out of reach of children, keep out of direct sunlight, consult your doctor or healthcare professional before use. Once opened, keep jars tightly closed.

Expert answers to your questions

What is the best way to take glutamine during the day?

Dmitry Yakovina

Available data show that a single high dose of glutamine leads to increased absorption by the liver, which reduces the supply of glutamine to the body. muscle tissue. In this regard, it will be rational to use small single doses repeatedly during the day: 2-3 grams per dose with food. The total dosage can reach 0.25 g/kg of body weight. In the case when glutamine is taken to support the immune system, the regimen will be different: 5 g immediately after exercise and the same amount after 2 hours. In this case, you can add vitamin C to glutamine at 500 mg at a time.

After hard workouts I feel a sharp decrease in immunity - a runny nose appears, the temperature rises. How to deal with it?

Dmitry Yakovina

Science associates such phenomena with exhaustion in the blood under the influence of physical exertion. And glutamine is used by cells of the immune system as one of the main substrates for energy. With the depletion of glutamine, and it is actively consumed during exercise, nutrition and the normal functioning of the immune system are disrupted. Supplementing with glutamine before and after training should eliminate this problem. At the same time, a single intake of glutamine should be at least 5 g, and in total they recommend up to 20 g per training day.
Glutamine is the main source of energy for the rapid division of cells in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The main use of orally ingested glutamine occurs in the human gastrointestinal tract, and its depletion in the intestine leads to epithelial atrophy of the intestinal cells and a subsequent decrease in the permeability of the intestinal barrier. On the other hand, supplementation can restore intestinal membrane permeability and reduce bacterial translocation and intestinal permeability after injury. In irritable bowel syndrome and in patients with advanced esophageal cancer undergoing radiochemotherapy, glutamine supplementation has been shown to reduce intestinal permeability and improve gastrointestinal function. The use of glutamine may also provide clinical benefit for critically ill patients in whom increased intestinal permeability leads to septicemia of intestinal origin.
