Football school on a linear drive. Football school on linear driveway Football beach m rokossovskogo boulevard

Football is the most famous team sport, where 7 to 11 players play two halves of 45 minutes, trying to score as many goals as possible into the opponent's goal. In Russia, the first football association appeared at the beginning of 1864, immediately after the recognition of football. At the moment, more than 2 million teams and 400 thousand professional clubs have been registered. And there are football clubs in almost all cities.

Football sections and schools for children and adults

Football is a team ball game, the most popular and widespread for several centuries. Many football skills have been used in Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome during the training of fighters. The elements of the game were brought to Europe by Roman legionnaires. In the middle of the 19th century, the elements of the ball game were transformed into a team game - football. In 1847-1849, the first rules of organized football were developed, at the same time the first football club was organized.

Football has evolved continuously and now integrates sports and entertainment into a powerful gaming industry. This is a game of millions of people around the planet - young children and gray-haired veterans, men and women.

In Russia, football is the most popular view sports, therefore football sections are created everywhere, in which anyone can enroll without any restrictions, regardless of age and gender. However, not all sections are able to meet the serious requirements of the game. Some football sections suggest simply throwing the ball in free time with unfamiliar people, others train professional footballers. Therefore, when choosing football sections it is necessary to stipulate your requirements and the necessary conditions training with the leadership of the section. Sport sections football players usually have a serious coaching staff, they are less common.

Football schools for children

Development children's football especially relevant in last years... All boys dream of becoming famous football players... Football schools for children are sports organizations, the main goal of which is raising from a child. good player so that he can subsequently develop professional career football player. The main focus of the children's football school is physical development future football player. Children, pupils of such schools, may not choose the career of a professional football player in the future, but they will always have good possession of the ball. Coaching staff and many school methodologies guarantee high level preparation of the child.

Admission to the football section usually starts with school age... However, some football schools accept pupils at the age of 5-6 years.

Football schools for adults
Learn to play football as well as exercise regularly and physical exercise possible at any age. The adult soccer school also includes football matches and corporate tournaments.

Football near the metro station Boulevard Rokossovsky: sports facilities (schools, clubs) near the metro station Boulevard Rokossovsky

List football organizations, sections, sports schools, clubs is displayed in full in this catalog sports organizations near the metro station Rokossovskogo Boulevard station

Thanks to the site Sports Card, you can choose the necessary one according to your needs and criteria. football school, section near the metro station Bulvar Rokossovskogo station. Detailed addresses provided for you best places for playing football, their photographs and real reviews, as well as the prices of the monthly subscription and the possibility of online registration for football training.

We offer to purchase a subscription to the Megaboll football school located at Pogonny proezd. At a sports school, a child will learn to play and win, gain valuable skills and abilities, and meet new friends. Due to the high professional level of our trainers, children can easily learn the basic game techniques, quickly master effective team play strategies and achieve significant results in short periods of time.

Practical benefits of classes

By ordering a subscription to the Megaboll football school, you will make the right choice, since such a hobby has a number of advantages:

  • Physical development. Ball game is an interesting and exciting entertainment that brings not only pleasure from gameplay, but also benefits for the body. By regularly attending classes, the child will become more resilient, strong, agile and agile. The likelihood of developing dangerous diseases caused by lack of mobility (physical inactivity) will also decrease.
  • Spiritual development. Coaches don't just teach children basic play techniques. They develop a number of spiritual qualities in young athletes - responsibility, dedication, patience, readiness to take the initiative into their own hands.
  • Safety. Do not worry that your child will become very tired and exhausted during training. Our trainers in mandatory take into account the individual physiological characteristics of young athletes and select the appropriate exercise regimen for each child.
  • Getting rid of complexes. Visit football training will allow the child to overcome many complexes. By playing with peers and understanding his role in the team, the kid will gradually get rid of the inferiority complex, become more sociable, increase self-esteem and learn to boldly look other people in the eye.

What do you need to enroll in a football school?

To enroll a child in a children's football club, contact the coach by phone, which is listed on the website. An employee of our sports school will provide detailed information on how to enroll in the section, inform the schedule of classes and the date of the start of training.

Football school: Pogonny proezd, Rokossovsky Boulevard metro station, Bogorodskoye district, Losiny Ostrov residential complex, Belokamennaya MCC

Near the street: 1st Myasnikovskaya Street, 3rd Bogatyrskaya Street, Millionaya Street, Krasnobogatyrskaya, 3rd Civil, Kuznetsovskaya, Narimanovskaya, 1st Civil, Igralnaya, Marshal Rokossovsky Boulevard, Ivanteevskaya, Boytsovaya, Losinoostrovskaya

A friendly, very positive coach. I made contact with the child from the first minutes of communication. Progress is noticeable almost from the first lesson. The child has become much more self-confident. If in sports schools there were such coaches as Nikita, in Russian football everything would be completely different)

Grade 5+

Kristina, m. Boulevard Rokossovsky, Preobrazhenskaya square

Ordering services: Football.


To form the team spirit in our company, it was decided to create a corporate football team, and find a coach who could conduct football training with people of different age groups and physical fitness... The football coach brilliantly coped with this task ...

Petukhov Sergey. All wishes for the training process Sergei takes into account and implements in the training process. Sergei's training process is dynamic and without a hitch in time. The exercises that Sergey offers during training are not repeated and meet the tasks that were set for the coach. The coach does not just give exercises with the ball, but forms the skill of interaction in the team and competent behavior on the field while playing football. Sergey is also very sensitive and professional in measuring the level of physical activity on the team, even if the team has gathered people of different physical fitness. The highest assessment of the coach's work, I think the result that is already visible in the team, none of the formed team left, everyone is happy to go to training with Sergei, during the time of working with Sergei from people far from football and sports, our team is slowly turning into a well-coordinated team thinking athletes on the field, for which many thanks to Sergey and the maximum score for evaluating his work!

Grade 5+

First of all, I expected to see a professional in his field and expectations were fully justified. Alexey is not only a great player and coach, but also a sensitive psychologist who has a subtle sense of the state of his ward when he needs support, rest, etc. Alexey has an excellent organizational character, which ...

helps him to competently build classes aimed at improving all of your weaknesses. Most importantly, he has a sense of humor, not allowing you to lose heart if something does not work out. In our time, it is difficult to find a truly specialist in his field who does not work for a fabulous fee, it is nice that there are exceptions. I sincerely recommend the talented coach Alexei Lomtev to everyone who is fond of football and sets goals for themselves.

Grade 5+

Professional. From the very first lessons it is clear that he is fluent in the question. Ball technique, child psychology, thoughtful exercise stress... everything is excellent. Well organized training process... Exercise and load are adapted to the child. In an exciting ...

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