Extension of the arms to the block with a straight handle. Extension of arms on the block principles and technique of performing the exercise

At first, the triceps can be mistaken for an insignificant muscle, hidden from the eyes and "modestly" located on back side hands. However, triceps account for 2/3 of the entire arm. We conclude: the volume of the arm depends to a large extent on how well this muscle is developed. Are you interested? Let's continue then.

The triceps structure includes a triplet of muscle bundles. At the elbow, they narrow and merge into a common tendon. Due to this structure, the main function of this muscle is performed - extension at the elbow. In the course of performing any of the triceps exercises, all three muscle bundles are included in the work.

Basic triceps exercises

When performing aggregate basic exercises not only triceps works, but others muscle groups. It is about the chest and shoulders.

In the process of performing the bench, he works intensively top area triceps, front deltoid muscles and upper muscles breasts.

Advice! For beginners, it is better to give preference to the EZ-bar - it is easier to fix the position with it.

During the exercise, all areas of the triceps are worked out. The main focus is on lateral head.

Advice! For beginners, you can place your palms on the bench a little wider - this makes it easier to fix the elbow joints.

Tense when doing the exercise pectoral muscles, deltoid and triceps, which extend the limb at the elbow.

Advice! To isolate the muscle as much as possible, you should bring your elbows closer to the body and do not spread them to the sides throughout the exercise.

Isolating Triceps Exercises

The group of isolating exercises includes those that involve only the triceps, the deltas and chest are not involved in the process. The main goal of the complex is to "finish off" the triceps after basic exercises, to shape the muscles, turn them into more "cut" ones.

During the exercise, all triceps muscles are included in the work. The greatest load is borne by the lateral and medial head. Back muscles are relaxed - the risk of injury is close to zero.

  1. We stand in the block frame at the upper block.
  2. We take on a straight bar with a direct grip and bend over it, fixing the position of the projectile not with the help of the strength of the hands, but due to our own mass.
  3. We press the elbows to the body - in this position, the back muscles do not tense.
  4. We smoothly unbend our arms at the elbow joints, linger at the end point for a second.

Breathing should not be forgotten. We unbend the limbs while inhaling, when returning to the starting position, we release air from the lungs.

Extending your arms with a dumbbell from behind your head, you load the long head of the triceps muscle to a greater extent. It is rarely used in most basic triceps exercises.

  1. We sit on the edge of the lounger, rest our feet on the floor. We take the dumbbell with the hand that we will train. We extend the limb over the head until it is completely straightened at the elbow joint.
  • Inhaling, we lower our hand behind our head, trying to avoid movement in shoulder joint... The dumbbell is lowered down in a straight trajectory (towards the shoulder) or slightly oblique (towards the spine).
  • Once at the lowest point, as we exhale, we unbend the arm until the elbow is fully extended. At this moment, we stop for a second and strain the triceps.

You should not tilt your body forward, backward - you can lose your balance. The back cannot be rounded - this position additionally loads the spine.

Advice! If on initial stage training to keep the elbow joint motionless is not possible, you can hold it with the opposite hand.

During the exercise, movement is observed only in the elbow joint. The lateral and long head of the triceps works.

  1. We sit on a bench, rest our feet on the floor. We take our straightened arms up, take a barbell with a bar from the assistant (we grab it with an upper grip). We straighten our arms and move them a little back from the crown - the starting position is accepted.
  2. Hold upper part limbs motionless, while inhaling, we slowly bend our arms at the elbows, lowering the load behind the head.
  3. We do not stop at the bottom point, we return our hands to their original position. Once at the start, exhale and contract your triceps.

When lifting the bar, the elbows should not extend forward. The area of ​​the arms from shoulder to elbow should be stationary throughout the entire exercise.

Advice! The exercise is best done with an EZ bar.

Due to this exercise, the triceps gains additional volume, becomes embossed.

  1. We stand in front of the block so that the hand is parallel to the hummock. With our free hand, grab the stationary part of the block. We slightly move the body forward, the leg of the same name to the involved hand is set back. We take the handle with a reverse grip.
  2. Inhale, pull the handle down, fully extending the arm at the elbow. At the end point, exhale and tighten the muscle even more.
  3. We return the hand to its original position slowly, feeling resistance.

During work, the back should be kept motionless. We fix the wrist, press the elbow to the body.

Advice! At the initial stage, “do not chase the weights” - select the load so that you can perform the exercise at least 10 times.

Exercise allows you to pump all three triceps heads in the lower part. It is indicated in the presence of a disproportion of the triceps muscles.

  1. We stand on the side of the lounger, bend over and rest against it with our palm, turning the latter towards ourselves. We take a dumbbell with the other hand. One of the knees can be placed on a sunbed. We bend the arm at a 90 degree angle, making sure that the elbow is at the level of the back or slightly higher.
  2. We inhale, hold our breath and fully extend the limb due to the strength of the triceps. The forearm remains motionless. We remain in this position for a second and return to the "start".

The back must be kept parallel to the floor - then the triceps will work great.

Advice! In the process of doing the exercise, try not to jerk, the pace of work is smooth.

Regular implementation of a set of basic and isolating exercises will help to give the triceps volume and relief. In addition to the regularity of training, the technique of performing the exercise also plays an essential role. The slightest deviations from it will involve other muscle groups in the work - the effectiveness of the training will significantly decrease.

Be sure to read about it

Extension of arms on the block is the main and most safe exercise to work out the triceps of the arms. The range of motion is carried out by extending the arm in only one elbow joint. Due to this, the exercise is isolating.

Target muscles - triceps hands. Forearms turn on slightly.

Different exercise options:

Extension of the arms from the upper block with a grip from above: video

There are many ways to do this exercise. It all depends on the choice of the handle or the position of the elbows relative to the body. Read the details carefully in the article.

How to do the exercise? Execution technique

  1. Stand straight and grab the handle from the top block. Humerus stand parallel to the body. The back is straight. This will be the starting position.
  2. Extend your arms until fully extended. Exhale under load while moving.
  3. Return to the starting position by taking a breath.
  4. Repeat the movement 15 times in 3 sets.

Application of the exercise

For whom... Everyone of any skill level.

When... Upper block extensions are best done at the end of an arm, chest, or shoulder workout. Before the block extensions, do push-ups on the uneven bars or French press lying down.

how many... The exercise should be done in 3-4 sets of 15 reps.

Possible options for performing extensions on the block

More complex and effective method isolate all three triceps heads as much as possible. Due to the fact that the movement occurs with the lower part of the palm downward, the load hits the target.

Extension of the arms on the block with a reverse grip

This version includes more external (lateral) triceps head and loads well the muscles of the forearm. It can also be performed as a workout for the grip of the arms and forearm muscles.

Executed one by one. This helps to better concentrate on the working muscles of the triceps. Good for failed reps. In the last failure reps, you can help with the other hand.

Extension of the arms from the upper block, keeping the elbows in front

This option differs in that the peak load goes to outer part triceps (lateral and medial heads). When the main option distributes the load more evenly and also works out inner part triceps - a long head.

There are many different handles for block trainers. You can alternate or choose the one that is more convenient for you personally.

For example: straight handle or V-shaped, look at the photo.

Advice! Try to alternate exercise options from workout to workout. This will increase your processing efficiency and achieve better results faster.

Frequent mistakes

  • Movement of the elbows back and forth. The elbows are firmly in one position.
  • The inclusion of trapezoidal and deep muscles back. It is very noticeable when the shoulders drop and the spine is bent in the thoracic region. Keep your back and shoulders straight, in one correct position.
  • Incorrect stance. Keep your back straight, lean forward slightly, legs slightly bent. The body must not be tilted back.
  • Incorrect range of motion - jerks and fast movements. Extend your arms in the upper block clearly and with concentration.
  1. Maintain the correct starting position. The legs are slightly bent, the back is straight. The pelvis is laid back slightly, the body is tilted forward. The handle is held in a position with the forearms parallel to the floor.
  2. Do the movement correctly. Try to do the lowering two times slower than the extension.
  3. Breathe correctly. When extending under load, an exhalation is made, when the weight is lowered, an inhalation is made.

The exercise is aimed at working out the triceps, is completely insulating, giving the main load to the lateral bundle of the triceps muscle. It is she who is clearly visible on outside shoulder when looking at a person from the front. The main purpose of this exercise is to give relief and shape.

Major muscles

Triceps (especially lateral bundles)
Accessory muscles: ulnar muscle.

You will need a cable simulator with top block... Grip the cable handle with a narrow grip, but not narrow grip, so that the palms are facing the floor. Press your elbows tightly to your torso. Bend the body forward a little, but not too much, otherwise it is easy to lose balance. While holding your elbows, pull the handle of the simulator to the level of the top of your chest - this is how you begin the exercise.

Execution technique

  • Extend your elbows in a downward motion, pressing down firmly on the handle. Watch for the sensation of triceps contraction.
  • Try to extend your arms all the way so that the bottom practically touches your thighs. A delay in this position is highly desirable, it has a positive effect on the degree of muscle load.
  • Then, smoothly bending your arms, raise them to their original position, but not passively, but with some effort, the speed of their movement should be one and a half to two times lower than when extending the arms.
  • Concentrate precisely on the negative phase - having worked it out clearly, you will tire the muscles much faster, and neglecting it, you will not get even half of the load that you could. Breathe in while extending your arms, and exhale during the negative phase. Do the exercise 10-12 times in 4-5 sets.
  • Movement during both phases is permissible only in the elbows, the shoulders and wrists must be immobilized.
  • The elbows are constantly fixed at the same level, avoid their movements in different directions. If you want to give more load to the mid-beam of the triceps, tilt your torso slightly lower and forward, and keep your elbows parallel to the trainer cable. Do not use heavy weights, otherwise you will press the handle down with your lower back, and then with your triceps.

Do the exercise at the very end of your triceps workout, when the heavy workout is over. It is most effectively combined with triceps bench presses, bench push-ups, lying or sitting arm extensions.

Video "Extension of arms on the upper block while standing"

Extension of the arms on the simulator

Extension of the arms on the simulator

Most often, the extension of the arms on the simulator for girls is given to beginners. Such people cannot perform push-ups from the bars without weights, they also need to work out push-ups from the floor in order not to make technical mistakes. In this case, working in a triceps simulator will help tone the muscles and contribute to the growth of strength indicators in general.

The purpose of the exercise

The exercise will find its place both in the training of beginners and in the preparation of intermediate and advanced athletes. For a beginner, the goal of the movement will be to strengthen the triceps, give tone, improve joint mobility, and improve blood circulation. And for intermediate to advanced levels, movement can be used to increase the load on the target muscle (triceps). The exercise is set at the end of the workout, as an auxiliary exercise for intermediate or advanced levels. And for beginners, it can follow right after the chest press and the butterfly press.

Working muscles

Triceps - triceps shoulder. Depending on the type of triceps trainer, various stabilizing muscles are also included.


In an exercise machine sitting on a bench, an arm extension machine

This machine looks like a bench with handles on the sides, in the process of work it is necessary to press on the handles, and the movement itself biomechanically repeats push-ups on the uneven bars. In this simulator, they are usually located with their backs to the pillow, hands are placed in the middle of the levers. The movement is the pressure on the levers, and their smooth, controlled release back.

It is necessary to monitor the position of the wrists, to avoid their "kink" in an unnatural trajectory. It is also necessary to lower the shoulders from the ears "forcibly" so that the trapezius muscle of the shoulder does not turn on too much.

In a kneeling machine, gravitron

In the gravitron simulator, you can do the extension of the arms to the triceps in a position that simulates push-ups on the uneven bars. This trainer is intended for those who cannot "squeeze" their weight from the uneven bars, but want to work out the back of the arms. It is necessary to kneel or full foot on the cushion of the simulator. The variation depends on the car model. After a stable position is taken, the abdomen is tucked up, and flexion in hip joints, you need to rest your hands on the handles of the simulator and go down until the handles are at the level of the armpits. Next, a press movement, extension in the elbow joint, and a smooth exit to the starting position are performed.

In the arm extension machine

The grip of the handles is performed from above, sitting on the bench of the simulator and stabilization of the shoulder blades and spine. Then - the required number of extensions in the elbow joints.

All extensions are performed in 8-15 repetitions in 3-4 approaches, the number is chosen depending on the person's goal and the responsiveness of his muscles.

Extension of arms on the block - formative isolated exercise for triceps, which will help make your arms more prominent and strong. Let's take a look at the extension technique, their variations and typical mistakes which should be avoided.

Technique and types of extension

At correct execution exercises, in addition to triceps, other muscles should not be included in the work. The only exceptions are the static stabilizers of the body and, in fact, the brushes with which you hold the handle. If you feel that some other muscle group is actively working for you, you are doing the exercise incorrectly.

Classic extension

This is the extension of the arms with the handle of the upper block. First, put on a weight of 5 kg and warm up. The exercise can be performed as in block trainer(extension of the arms in a crossover), and in a back trainer with an upper block (there is a pull on latissimus).

The handle can be different - a short straight, curved, long, with which the pull is performed. Extending the arms on the block where the deadlift is done make sense only when other athletes are engaged in the block simulator.

So let's get started:

  1. Hang up a short, straight handle. Grasp it with a straight grip (palms down). Thumb above, not below.
  2. The effectiveness of the load depends on the position of the elbows - the elbows should be pressed against the body. Bend your arms slightly more than 90 degrees.
  3. The position of the feet can be either on one straight line, or one leg slightly forward and the other slightly back. Your task is to stand as steadily as possible. The feet are already apart from the shoulders, the distance between them is 15–20 cm, if you put them on one straight line. In the event that one is in front and the other is behind, this distance will be less.
  4. The loin is arched, the chest is straightened, the gaze is straight. With the weight of the body, we press the handle from above, as if hanging over it. This is to ensure that you are not holding the weight with your latissimus dorsi. Therefore, we fix the body in this way. Due to the fact that the elbows are pressed to the body, and you hang over the handle, arching the lower back, you will pump only triceps in isolation.
  5. From the “arms bent” position, lower the weight down with the effort of the triceps. The elbows should not spread apart, they are pressed against the body all the time.

Do 10-15 warm-up reps while standing at a medium pace. Then hang the weight you want and work 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps, depending on your training goals.

Ladder on the block

When you come to the gym with friends, you can arrange a competition at the end of the workout - a ladder in which everyone will do the maximum number of repetitions per triceps on the block for several approaches. At the same time, the competition begins with 50-60% of your working weight, and each next approach, reduce the weight by 5-10 kg and increase the number of repetitions. Thus, by the last set, your muscles will reach complete failure.

Attention! The triceps should be well warmed up so you don't get stretched.

And don't forget - pulling during extension is undesirable. Only the triceps work.

Curved Bar Extension

The exercise is performed while standing. Use the curved handle to work the outside of the triceps. With its help, you turn your hands: the right - clockwise, and the left - counterclockwise. In this position, the load goes more to the external triceps bundle.

It is better to alternate the extensions as follows: once a week you do an exercise with a straight arm, the next week with a curved arm. This will help you work your triceps from all sides.

You should not do the extension of the arms on the block twice in one week - it makes no sense. It doesn't matter which bar you use, only your hands work. For the back, there is a pull of the upper block.

Other options for extending the arms

In addition to the usual option, there is also a single extension of the arms in the crossover. This machine has 2 lower blocks that can be used to simulate the dumbbell press from behind the head.

The technique is as follows:

  1. Attach to lower block horseshoe-shaped handle for one hand.
  2. Sit on the bench with the cable handle from the lower pulley behind your head.
  3. Raise your elbow up, with your hand behind your head.
  4. The cable should not be pressed against your back. To prevent this from happening, move your hand back a little further than in the usual version of the exercise with dumbbells.
  5. Movement begins at the level of the back of the head, straighten your arm. Then bend again.

Repeat the movement 10-12 times in 3 sets.

This exercise option may be needed if you want to do a dumbbell press from behind your head, but the required dumbbell is busy. The block version of such a press is not as convenient to do as with a dumbbell, but it is worth knowing about it in any case.

Place of exercise in the program

Triceps extension alone will not be enough to effectively work this muscle group. This is usually the final exercise at the bottom of the triceps.

If you are doing the classic program, combining work on the chest muscles with triceps training, then tricep extensions are performed at the very end. First, for example, there is a basic bench press, then dumbbell raises, uneven bars, and finally, the extension of the arms on the block.

If you combine the back and triceps, then you can do more hard workout for the extensors of the arms, but leave the work in the block trainer at the very end of the lesson.

Before you start exercising

Despite the fact that the exercise is relatively simple, pay attention to a number of contraindications to its implementation.

  • If your elbows hurt, it is not recommended to do the exercise until the acute pain syndrome passes. It is advisable to have an MRI elbow joint to clarify the etiology (origin) of pain.
  • If your wrists hurt, you should also let them heal. You can try using a medium hard hand retainer. If doing the extension with them is painless, exercise calmly.
  • After fractures, you need to wait a few weeks from removing the cast and start doing extensions with small weights. This will help to restore the ligaments and tendons weakened from the load, to prepare the joint for further weights.

Frequent mistakes when extending the arms

Knowing what mistakes most people make will help you better control your own technique.

The most popular ones are:

  1. Flexion of the brushes. The hand should be in line with the elbow. Usually beginners bend them downwards, increasing the stress on the wrist. Naturally, it can hurt after exercise.
  2. The elbows are set wide apart. In this position, the latissimus dorsi are connected to fix the arms in the starting position. Focusing on triceps training will no longer work. And you won't be able to do the exercise with the right weight.
  3. You do the exercise while standing absolutely straight. Now your body is fixed in starting position due to the muscles of the press and lats back... Again you are not making quality sets.
  4. Often, beginners will slouch while doing the extension. Poor posture while weighed down can help you develop back problems. In this case, it is not critical. Still, develop a habit of doing all the exercises in gym with correct posture.
  5. You got too close to the block. In this case heavy weight will pull you up, and to do the extension, you will pull your elbows back. And again, the fixation of the case is lost.
  6. You are far away from the block. Therefore, you will need to lean forward too much, overloading the lower back. From the outside it looks very funny, so do the exercise in front of a mirror. If something is wrong, you will immediately notice.
  7. The head is down, or looks to the side. If the mirror is on the side, keep an eye on the technique, but do not keep your head in the wrong position all the time. Correct position heads - strictly straight.
  8. Some first pull the handle from above with their backs, then lower it with their triceps down. It's not craving. You don't need to do this.
  9. It also makes no sense to do the exercise while sitting - you have to work while standing.

Among other things, remember about correct breathing: the effort is always made during exhalation. We return the weight while inhaling.

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