Fitness exercises for facelift. Video and step-by-step description

Fitness for facial muscles is an effective system of consistent exercise at home, with which you can easily improve appearance and look 10 years younger than your age. Gymnastics for facial muscles can be mastered by absolutely every woman by carefully studying the set of exercises for the video lessons posted in this article.

More than 50 different muscles faces shape different groups that perform certain functions. There are oculomotor, mimic, chewing muscles as well as the muscles of the neck. But not all muscles are actively working, and some are almost always in calm state... With age, they lose their tone and gradually atrophy, the skin of the face loses its elasticity and visibly sinks. As a result, mimic wrinkles become more noticeable, cheeks sag, bags under the eyes appear.

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The muscles of the face, like the entire musculature of a person, need regular exercise. By strengthening the muscles, we push back the approaching old age and look noticeably younger. Fitness not only stimulates the activity of all facial muscles, but also improves blood microcirculation in the subcutaneous tissues, accelerates metabolism. Elastic, firm skin will begin to tightly and evenly fit the facial muscles, facial features will become more traced.

It is important to note that fitness for facial muscles is useful not only for women in mature age as one of the essential factors of rejuvenation. In some women, after 30 years, expression lines begin to appear, the complexion worsens, and after 40 years, the cheeks begin to sag, folds around the mouth, crow's feet appear in the corners of the eyes and swelling under the eyes. It is enough to perform a complex of face-building exercises at least 3 times a week in order to use the "lazy muscles" and keep the entire facial muscles in good shape.

But fitness for the muscles of the face is useful for more than just preventing age-related changes... If you actively lose weight through diet, then the face looks haggard, the skin sags. The second chin is also in no hurry to disappear, since its appearance is caused not so much by the accumulated excess subcutaneous fat but mainly due to weakened neck muscles. You just need to do base complex exercises 4-5 times a week to strengthen the muscles and tighten the oval of the face.


It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of gymnastics for rejuvenating and lifting the oval of the face, but if you really want to look 10 years younger than your age and minimize the manifestation of age-related changes on the skin, then be sure to include a wellness massage in the complex of home facials. Correct execution of massage movements and gymnastics for the face help to eliminate edema, visual "weight loss" of a too wide face. One full course- 14 days, with a break between courses - 1 week.

It is useful to combine different techniques for performing home procedures from month to month. For example:

If you are 30-35 years old, and the first signs of wilting are already beginning to appear on your face, then within one course (14 days) alternate performing a basic complex of face-building exercises (daily) with vacuum massage with glass or silicone jars (in one day). And after a break, replace the vacuum jars tablespoons or teaspoons for more active massage movements ... After several courses, your complexion will noticeably improve, mimic wrinkles will become less noticeable.

After 40 years, it is useful to do a professional lymphatic drainage facial massage (2-3 courses per year), choosing a good specialist. It is useful at home perform gymnastics for the facial muscles using the Carol Maggio technique (10-14 exercises daily), and every two days - japanese massage zogan (asahi) , which has an excellent lymphatic drainage effect, stimulating the outflow of excess intercellular fluid. In the subsequent course, you can replace the asahi shiatsu acupressure ... For beginners, it is advisable to take a few lessons from a specialist in Japanese technology massage to properly perform the procedure at home.

After 50 years, you can do fitness for the muscles of the face twice daily (morning and evening) for 14 days. Every other day, you can independently perform honey massage with an excellent lifting effect for the skin of the face. ... And 3-4 times a month, do lymphatic drainage massage to get rid of edema, reduce bags under the eyes.


▪ the oval of the face is tightened, the features become more pronounced;

▪ facial features, cheekbones become more pronounced;

▪ the complexion is evened out, becomes more natural;

▪ mimic wrinkles are gradually smoothed;

▪ facial muscle tone is restored;

▪ nasolabial folds soften;

▪ the shape of the sagging cheeks is corrected;

▪ loose skin becomes firm and elastic;

▪ bags under the eyes gradually disappear;

▪ the second chin is reduced.


photo: face before and after regularly performing a set of exercises



Stage 1: preparation

Before doing the exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles of the face and neck. To do this, we perform a simple massage, then light patting movements with our palms on the face.

Stage 2: fitness for facial muscles

The complex consists of alternating static and dynamic exercises for different muscle groups... During each exercise, the muscles of the face are actively contracted, and the pads of the fingers and palms are also involved to influence the facial muscles. Doing fitness while sitting in front of a mirror to fix correct execution each exercise.

Stage 3: rest

After completing each exercise, you must completely relax the facial muscles.


It is quite enough to do these 7 exercises regularly to keep your facial muscles in good shape if you are 30-35 years old.


What appears to you when the word "fitness"? Most likely, the imagination immediately draws fit slender girls that perform more rhythmic movements to strengthen various muscle groups. That's right, body fitness is a complex of strengthening and healing exercises for the whole body. However, there is a very special kind - this is fitness for the face. What is it and "with what it is eaten"? You will find the answers below.

Facial fitness - what is it?

Nowadays, you need to stay young and attractive as long as possible. This is useful for career growth, and for personal relationships, and even for inner self-affirmation and self-esteem. But how can you preserve your youth? Of course, you need to carefully take care of your skin, use high-quality cosmetics, regularly visit a beautician and ... engage in face culture (or face-building). This is how people called fitness for the face - an excellent tool for prolonging youth.

The essence of such activities is as follows.

  1. With certain exercises, we use the subcutaneous facial muscles, which weaken and shrink over time.
  2. From regular exercise, muscles begin to grow and tighten loose, flabby skin.
  3. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the face is rounded, and the color and appearance of the skin is noticeably improved.
  4. The face looks young and fresh.

The main thing is to understand where which muscles are located and how to act on them correctly.

The advantages of face fitness include the fact that it does not require a lot of time and knowledge. Basic basic knowledge of human anatomy and ten minutes a day - that's all it takes to practice.

Experience of the stars

Fitness for the face is known not only among the people and among women who do not have the funds for expensive cosmetic procedures. Many Hollywood stars were convinced of the effectiveness of such activities by their own example.

Among them are such recognized beauties as Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow and even Madonna herself. Unsurprisingly, these actresses look better than many young women in their age.

In Russia, the most popular facial fitness program from instructor Alena Rossoshinskaya. She organized her own studio, where classes are held. The name of the studio is reFACE.FITNES. Also, classes are held in the club "LIVE".

Classes with coach Evgenia Baglyk are also popular. You can find out more information about her and Facebook building exercises on the trainer's official website.

The benefits of fitness for the face

Who needs face fitness and what is the use of it? Yes, to almost all women who want to stay young and beautiful as long as possible! Face culture is a special direction in self-care, which, with minimal effort on your part, works real miracles.

Fitness for the face:

  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • eliminates body fat(cheeks, double chin);
  • rejuvenates;
  • tightens the contour of the face;
  • improves the appearance of the skin;
  • improves the flow of nutrients to the skin of the face.


As with any species physical activity There are a number of contraindications to facial fitness. It cannot be dealt with by the following categories of persons:

  • people with herpes;
  • with rashes on the face;
  • with wounds on the face;
  • owners of braces;
  • those who have recently had a facelift;
  • people with diseases of the nasopharynx (this can include inflammation of the tonsils, and a runny nose, and other ENT diseases);
  • in case of circulatory disorders in the head area.

Initial exercise

First, let's warm up the muscles and scalp. With sharp movements, "comb" the scalp from the forehead to the back of the head. Do this gently with your fingertips so as not to injure your skin. This is necessary in order to "warm up" the dermis and ensure the flow of nutrients to the head.

Forehead Exercise

Place your hands on your forehead. Use your fingers to secure the skin. Now try wrinkling your forehead. In this case, the fingers interfere with this action, fixing the skin in place. Resistance arises, which allows the muscles of the forehead to be strengthened.

One exercise is performed 15 seconds 20 times.

Place your index and middle fingers on the outer corners of your eyes - where the ill-fated crow's feet are formed. Press your fingers as hard as possible, but do not squeeze the skin until it hurts. Now close your eyes. Do you feel how your fingers prevent the skin from squeezing together with the eyelids?

Repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise for sagging cheeks

This exercise is based on the principle of variability. First you perform one movement, then another - completely opposite to the first. So, stretch your lips "duck", as if you want to kiss someone or drink juice through a straw. At the same time, the cheeks "stick" to the jaw and retract.

Then smile broadly, showing your teeth. Alternate these two movements 15-20 times.

This exercise is very effective for sagging cheeks. It also strengthens the muscles of the lips.

There are many exercises for the neck in face building. They are all very effective and help in short time not only strengthen cervical muscles but also get rid of the double chin. We'll cover two of the most popular exercises.

  1. Raise your head so that your chin is at the top (that is, "looking" at the ceiling). Open your mouth and close it again. Imagine that you are chewing gum - make clear, pronounced jaw movements. In this case, you should feel how the cervical muscles "work".
  2. Push out lower jaw forward. Do you feel a taut chin and a stiff neck? Now gently move your jaw from side to side, working through the problem area.

By performing these steps regularly, you will forever forget about a double chin.


Take care of yourself! Try different sets of exercises, various techniques rejuvenation, various skin care products. Be sure to find what is right for you.

In secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

Face building (literally "face" - face, "build" - to build) - a set of exercises for the face. It restores the elasticity of this muscle group. The complex is aimed at correcting the oval of the face, tightening the skin. Simple gymnastics will help restore youth, beauty and health to aging skin.

Exercises for the muscles of the face

A priori, the name makes it clear what Facebook building is. The author of this type of fitness is Reinhold Benz. He came up with special facial exercises to keep his beloved ballerina's skin youthful and toned over the years. Benz's aerobics proved to be effective. She received a great response among specialists. different countries and began to acquire new techniques that “build” a face no less effectively.

Face-building (facelift) exercises are conventionally divided into groups. Each category is responsible for adjusting a specific area, for example, face-building for the forehead, eyelids, nose, cheeks, lips, neck, jaw, chin. Below are the basic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the face, improve the condition of the skin, for which the presence of special conditions for execution.

  1. On the forehead, place three fingers of both hands evenly up to the hairline. Place your thumbs on your eyebrows. Slowly pull the skin up and at the same time to the sides. This exercise will get rid of horizontal expression lines.
  2. Stretch the brows with your middle fingers to correct the brow arch.
  1. Keep your eyes open, make an effort to lift your lower eyelids up, pause, then lower them down.
  2. Clench your hands into fists, put your thumbs on the outer corners of your eyes. Stretch the skin around the eyes with light pressure.

For the nose:

  1. Expand your nostrils, wrinkle your nose tightly. Take a deep breath in and out. Hold the skin with two fingers on both sides: middle and index.
  2. Place your middle fingers in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose. Alternate between closing and opening your fingers while tightening your skin.
  1. Place your index fingers so that they form a perpendicular to the lip line. Press your fingers, stretch the skin slightly to the sides. Breathe through your nose.
  2. Raise the corners of your mouth, lower your lower lip. Hold this position for a few seconds. Alternate between static exercise and relaxation.

For lips and neck:

  1. Lift your chin as if you were offended. Do the breath-hold exercise.
  2. Put your tongue on the palate, lower it down, rest. Repeat the exercise several times.

For the chin and jaw:

  1. Support your chin with your hands and open your jaw, overcoming resistance. Do some repetitions.
  2. Tilt your head back, stretch your neck, extend your lower jaw. You can scream, it will help relax your muscles.

Revitonika - exercises for the face

It is known that revitonics are exercises for a youthful face. They are based on osteopathic principles. The set of exercises has a lifting effect on all groups of facial muscles. This technique is an alternative to plastic surgery. Gymnastics for the face revitonics is effective in issues where plastic surgery is powerless, for example, correcting the angle of the jaw, lengthening the neck, restoring the shape of the chin.

A major specialist in the field of revitonics is Natalia Osminina. She is the author of more than 20 unique techniques aimed at improving the tone of the facial muscles. The author focuses on the fact that the maximum result is achieved when integrated approach... Does Osminina face gymnastics help? Yes, thousands of Slavs were convinced of this. Osminina's technique includes rules for facial skin care and sculptural gymnastics.

Alena Rossoshinskaya - fitness for the face

Gymnastics for the facial muscles of Alena Rossoshinskaya has become popular on television and on the Internet. Many women, having seen one video from Alena, begin to diligently "build" their face. The trainer insists that women are smart about this type of fitness, because at the time of exercise it is easy to harm the skin. To make sure of the correctness and strength of pressing, you can take training courses, which are held under the guidance of Alena. Fitness for face with Alena Rossoshinskaya allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Non-surgical rejuvenation (getting rid of crow's feet, double chin, puffiness under the eyes).
  • Even out complexion by improving blood circulation.
  • Acquisition of lively, aesthetic facial expressions.

In order to achieve a positive effect from exercise, women aged 30-40 years need to regularly do the complex "fitness for the face of Alena Rossoshinskaya" for one month. Women 40 and over will need about 3 months. The duration of fitness classes per day is 10 minutes. It is advisable to do 5 workouts during the week.

Facial care cannot be limited to cosmetics. After all, our skin is attached to muscles that no cream can reach. “It is the constant overstrain of some and the lack of training of other muscles that is the reason for the appearance of a double chin, nasolabial folds and many other signs of aging. So our face needs exercise no less than our body, ”Alena Rossoshinskaya is sure.

In fact, this idea is not new. At the beginning of the last century, the French cosmetologist Nadia Payot developed massage and special cosmetic devices for passive face charging. She was inspired by her friend, the famous ballerina Anna Pavlova. Thanks to constant training at the machine, the dancer's body, even in adulthood, remained youthful, which could not be said about her face. Today, many leading cosmetologists continue to develop Payo's ideas.

The undoubted plus of the fitness system for the face of Alena Rossoshinskaya is that you can make your face younger without outside help... Moreover, some exercises are so invisible that they are easy to perform even on public transport. “Do fitness for the face for at least 20 minutes a day - and in two weeks you will see a younger version of yourself in the mirror: with higher cheekbones, fuller lips, eyes will become larger, skin tone will increase,” the osteopath lists. And adds that maximum effect usually visible after three months of regular exercise.

Fitness technique for face # 1: for a clear oval of the face without a double chin

Starting position: the lips are relaxed, the tongue sticks out as far forward as possible.

Execution technique: Roll your tongue upward like lapping water, like a cat. It is very important to feel tension during exercise. Repeat 25 times. Don't purse your lips. Keep your mouth free of wrinkles and creases.

Facial Fitness Technique # 2: For a Smooth Forehead

Starting position: Press your palms firmly against your forehead above your eyebrows. The fingers of both hands are facing each other.

Execution technique: Pull the frontal muscle down and slightly to the sides with your fingers, then slowly raise your eyebrows 20 times, resisting with your hands. For the 20th time, hold the muscles in this position for a count of 20.

Facial Fitness Technique # 3: For Eyebrows and Upper Eyelids

Starting position: Place the base of your palms on your upper eyelids just below your brow.

Execution technique: Look down while pushing your eyebrows up with your hands. Try to cover your eyes with only upper eyelid... Hold this position for a count of 20. Relax. Take two more approaches.

Fitness technique for the face # 4: against nasolabial folds

Starting position: Purse your lips with your teeth lightly pressed and put the handle of a spoon in your mouth.

Execution technique: Smile so that the free end of the spoon rises. Hold it for two seconds, get back in starting position and repeat 19 more times.

Facial Fitness Technique # 5: For Plumper Lips

Starting position: Place your thumb between your lips, protruding forward.

Execution technique: Squeeze your finger with your inner lips. To enhance the effect, gently pinch the lips above and below with the fingers of your other hand. Do 30-50 reps.

* Completely basic set of exercises can be found in the new book: A. Rossoshinskaya “Face culture. Home lifting for the face and neck ”(Eksmo, 2014).

To accelerate the aging of your face and neck, follow these guidelines:

  • Slouch as often as possible. Do not raise your tablet or book to eye level, but bend over them.
  • When speaking on the phone, press it with your shoulder to your ear and articulate as much as possible.
  • Sleep on your stomach or on your side instead of sleeping on your back in fetal position (one pillow can be placed under bent knees, another hug on the chest).

The concept of "fitness for the body" is familiar to all of us, which can not be said about fitness for the face. Today on the site we will talk about a unique method for preserving youth and expressiveness of the look, which is offered by Alena Rossoshinskaya - an osteopath, a specialist in physical rehabilitation, an international-class face fitness trainer and author of a book on this topic, host of the program "Fitness for the face "On the TV channel" Live "and just a charming woman.

A little about Alena Rossoshinskaya and her method

Fitness for the face or the so-called face-building, which can be literally translated as "facial structure", was developed more than 85 years ago. The idea of ​​such a study of the facial muscles was met with enthusiasm in Europe and the United States. In Russia, face fitness has been known not so long ago, and Alena Rossoshinskaya has actively taken up the popularization of this system.

She systematized the entire volume of previously known information on facial gymnastics and included it in her book, diluting the content with her own author's methods. So in 2014, a work called "Face Culture: Home Lifting for the Face and Neck" appeared on store shelves with detailed description techniques for performing anti-aging exercises.

Alena's useful tips for caring for her face can be easily found on the Internet in the form of video tutorials. The popularity of facial fitness among women has increased many times after Alena began to practice this technique on the Live TV channel. Her face fitness program is complemented by lively interesting communication, various massage, meditation and relaxation programs.

And now let's touch on the very concept of face fitness itself. This phrase covers a range of numerous facial exercises, the action of which is aimed at solving specific problems:

  1. Saggy eyelids, tired eyes.
  2. Lost contours of the face.
  3. Double chin.
  4. Nasolabial folds, expression and age wrinkles in the nose and forehead.

To keep our body fit and lean longer, we must regularly expose it physical activity in gym. Strength exercises and cardio training - the best way burn excess fatty tissue and build strong muscles.

Face fitness is a technique based on the same principle. A specially developed program contains a set of exercises that allow the muscles of the face to maintain their elasticity even under the onslaught of age-related changes. Systematization of these exercises, according to Alena Rossssoshinskaya, significantly increases the tone of facial muscles and improves metabolism in tissues. The increased blood circulation allows the skin to stay fresh, smooth and healthy for longer with an even complexion.

According to Alena Rossoshinskaya, face fitness is not just an unquestioning and accurate reproduction of the actions performed by a trainer. In order to follow the methodology error-free, constant reasonable control over the observance of a certain code of rules is necessary.

In order for eye exercises to give noticeable results, the following points must be remembered:

  1. It is recommended to do gymnastics while standing in front of a mirror. This way you can protect yourself from making some mistakes.
  2. In order for a tangible effect to be seen in less than a month from the start of face fitness classes, exercises must be done systematically: in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Facial gymnastics should not be painful, but finger action should be intense and palpable.
  4. Exercising requires mindfulness and concentration. If there are distractions during gymnastics, it is best to reschedule your workout.
  5. The area around the eyes is practically devoid of subcutaneous oil, and careless movements during exercise can aggravate the original condition of the skin.

Any serious health problems, incl. colds, accompanied by an increase in body temperature and inflammation, as well as the first years after surgical interventions on the face are a contraindication for face fitness exercises.

A set of exercises for the eyes from Alena Rossoshinskaya

Any woman faces skin problems around the eyes. With age, morning puffiness and dark circles under the eyes are no longer a surprise, but a common sign of skin fatigue. With regular face fitness, you can avoid this nuisance. Alena Rossoshinskaya, looking fresh and young at 38, believes that age can be fooled. Defects of the skin around the eyes can be eliminated with the help of the complex special exercises and simulate the look of your dreams - expressive and open.

A set of exercises with the study of a certain problem area start with a relaxing warm-up, such as head scratching.

To do this, sit back and relax. Using the pads of your fingers, index and middle fingers, begin to gently brush your hair from the hairline to the crown. To tune in the right way, and at the same time to activate hair growth, you need to do 10-20 repetitions of this exercise.

To awaken all body systems, you need to treat the ears with your fingers: actively rub them with your fingers in the direction from bottom to top. Only 5 repetitions. Finish the exercise by pressing on the earlobe.

Now, according to the fitness program for the face, you can start processing directly the problem area itself.

Exercise 1

To eliminate fine mimic wrinkles and give an open look.

Cover the crow's feet skin with the pads of three or four fingers and press it firmly, but not painfully, against the protruding edge of the bone. Cover your eyes so that your eyelids tremble slightly and you feel tension. Count to 20.

Exercise 2

To reduce cyanosis of the skin and puffiness under the eyes.

Install the pad thumb at the lower edge of the jaw. Place the pad of your middle finger at the outer corner of your eye. This will be the starting point. Slowly work your way up the lower eyelid just below the lash line to the inner corner of the eye, then along the upper contour of the movable eyelid, return again to the outer corner. Then do new circle along a larger radius - under the lower eyelid along the edge of the bone and upward, bending around the bridge of the nose, along the brow arch. The spiral movement is performed clockwise without stopping.

Also pay attention to this lymphatic drainage massage from Alena in the video.

Exercise # 3

Solves the problem of an impending century and a hard look.

With this exercise, you can model your eyes without even leaving your workplace. You need to rest your elbows on the table. Pressing movements of the pillows thumbs walk along the length of the brow bone in the direction from the inner corner of the palpebral fissure to the outer one.

Exercise 4

For moisturizing and shiny eyes.

With the pads of the index fingers of both hands, press on the inner corners of the eyes near the bridge of the nose and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Complex of face fitness for eyes

The site also offers to get acquainted with a set of 7 exercises, which will not only help to give the face a fresh and toned look, but also relieve the skin around the eyes from traces of fatigue, swelling and dark circles:

From crow's feet

To reduce the severity of crow's feet and open your eyes, acupressure from Alena Rossoshinskaya will also help:

Exercise 1. Place the pads of the middle fingers of both hands against the outer corners of the eyes, where the bone protrudes. This point must be pressed at least 20-30 times.

Exercise 2. Then move a little lower, at a distance of 2 cm from the eyes, and make 20-30 presses at this point.

According to Alena Rossoshinskaya, for women between the ages of 30 and 40, to receive the first visible results provided that the exercises are performed correctly, it takes a month. For those who have crossed the 45-year mark, it takes 2-3 months of regular facial gymnastics to get the same effect.

Positive and charming Alena Rossoshinskaya, by her own example, proved to millions Russian women that desire to change into better side- the strongest argument in the fight for facial beauty. And it doesn't matter at all how old you are, the main thing is to start now and not stop!

* exercises taken from magazines and open sources

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