How to lose weight at home. Liquid chestnut for weight loss: how to take - before or after meals? How to use liquid chestnut to lose weight

Various dietary supplements are excellent for speeding up metabolism, detoxifying the body and normalizing appetite. liquid chestnut for weight loss is a new tool, which, according to doctors, is the most in a safe way shed those extra pounds.

Benefit and harm

Liquid chestnut in Europe is better known as guarana. This is a special energy supplement that is present in various energy drinks, nutritional supplements and vitamins. It is made from the fruits of the South American tree, which outwardly very much resemble domestic chestnuts. They are peeled for processing, dried and ground. The result is a powder, the color of which can vary from light brown (like sawdust) to brown.

At its core, liquid chestnut is an analogue of green coffee for weight loss, except that it does not have a number of negative properties. In particular, it is not absorbed into the stomach and does not irritate its mucosa. One of the strongest positive characteristics is the absence of allergic reactions.

Liquid chestnut for weight loss has a very strong composition that helps eliminate body fat even in the most problematic areas. This includes theobramine, heofilin and various mineral supplements. Thanks to them, the action extends to absolutely everything. fatty layers(including cholesterol in the vessels). Lipids dissolve and are excreted in liquid form by the excretory system from the body.

What is useful liquid chestnut:

  1. This drug reduces your appetite, causing you to lose excess weight almost imperceptible to oneself;
  2. The tool helps to increase immunity, the fight against various diseases that occur against the background of exhaustion;
  3. In addition to the excellent effect on metabolism, guarana also significantly improves brain function. It helps to increase attention, improve memory;
  4. It can be drunk during training, in addition to the fact that the tool speeds up the metabolism, it also helps to increase energy;
  5. For most buyers, chestnut helps already on the seventh day of regular use. Of course, its dosage must be accurately measured, otherwise it can “oversaturate” the body. But, on the other hand, it can be added to any liquids: broths, juices, water;
  6. Reviews of doctors about liquid chestnut for weight loss in 80% of cases are positive. It can be drunk with hypertension, metabolic problems and other diseases in which dietary supplements are often prohibited.

Photo - Chestnut fruits

But, the drug has not only positive properties. Contraindications liquid chestnut:

  1. It is harmful during pregnancy and lactation. Particles are absorbed into the blood and milk, which can adversely affect the health of the child;
  2. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dose of admission to avoid overstrain of the body. This is a very important factor: if you abuse the powder, the body will get used to it, and will begin to manifest side effects. This is trembling in the hands, excessive sweating, fatigue;
  3. Allergic reactions were not observed, but still, girls who suffer from various manifestations of such a protective reaction should be careful. In particular, this applies to those who are allergic to honey, nuts, strawberries and other "exotic products".

The whole truth about liquid chestnut is still unknown, because this novelty of the market is only being mastered in our country. But already hundreds of women and men speak with gratitude about the drug. Please note that unlike goji berries, you do not need to order guarana from various foreign websites in order to purchase guarana. The product is certified in Russia and other CIS countries, and is sold even in ordinary pharmacies.

How to drink and take

You need to take liquid chestnut strictly according to the instructions, this is extremely important for losing weight. If the dose is exceeded, you can overstrain the body, if there is a shortage, there will be no effect. Before using the powder, be sure to consult your doctor - he will help you choose the right dosage.

In most cases, 1 gram (two scoops) 2 times a day is sufficient for weight loss. This is enough to dull appetite, speed up metabolism and increase immunity. Over time, you may need to increase the dosage. The powder dissolves in any liquid. The time of admission is also very important.

The first dose should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, about half an hour before meals - it is at this moment that the stomach begins to actively produce juice. Thanks to guarana, the concentration of enzymes in it will decrease significantly, as a result of which, the appetite will decrease or disappear altogether. The second dose occurs 2 hours before bedtime. It is necessary to start regenerative and cleansing processes in the body.

Photo - Guarana

There is also a recipe that recommends adding a powdered substance to any type of food: first, second, and even desserts. It should be noted that you should not expect a miracle from this supplement. Chestnut is an aid to weight loss. To achieve good results you need to go on a diet and exercise. Then the results will be truly magnificent. According to reviews from women's forums, the girls dropped in this rhythm up to 12 kilograms per month without much effort.

You can buy liquid chestnut for weight loss at a pharmacy or online store, any delivery method will provide you with a quality product. When buying, be sure to pay attention to the composition and manufacturer of the product. Natural chestnut grows and is processed only in Brazil. It is stored in small plastic packages, which are sold along with measuring spoons to control the dosage.

When buying, always check the certificate. Unlike many low-quality supplements, a bad chestnut will not only have no effect, but the condition of the body can also worsen. Shelf life - 1 year, if the manufacturer claims more - do not buy this mixture. It is likely that it is either of poor quality or contains concentrates that prolong the "action".

For anyone who wants to lose weight easily and permanently, it's great to find out how to properly take liquid chestnut. This weapon is especially popular today among those who care about a comfortable weight loss process that leads to lasting weight loss.

Known since the time of the first expeditions of Christopher Columbus, guarana, growing along the shores of the Brazilian Amazon, has now received a second existence in the preparation for weight loss "Weak Chestnut".

The weapon, whose effect is based on accelerating the metabolism of plant flavanoids, further reduces food addiction by suppressing hunger and increasing disposition and performance. For those who decide to lose weight with the help of this effective drug, the problem often arises of how to take a weak chestnut in order to achieve the maximum persistent weight loss and not hurt yourself?

The beginning of work with liquid chestnut should be associated with a trip to the attending physician. This is important to exclude those conditions in which a weak chestnut is contraindicated. After all, owners of hypertension, thyroid diseases with its hyperfunction, people who have had a heart attack and suffering from angina pectoris or disorders heart rate, patients with mental disorders, epilepsy, insomnia or pulmonary decompensated diseases will have to refrain from taking chestnut tincture. It is impossible with the help of chestnuts to dry pregnant women or those who are sixteen years old.

It is also impossible to combine chestnut blend with psychotropics, antidepressants or herbal stimulants, adrenaline and mesotone.

Next, you should decide for yourself how reasonable the combination of chestnut intake with physical activity will be. after all, it has been known for a long time that the maximum effectiveness of the tincture manifests itself in such a tandem. It is naive to believe that leading a sedentary lifestyle and taking a weak chestnut, you can achieve maximum weight loss in a short time and subtract ideal weight for a long time. Of course, sedentary weight loss while taking the drug is also underway, but its pace is significantly inferior to that of active loads. The sport or achievements in it are not critical at all. The main thing is that excess energy is burned, and not deposited on the stomach and thighs. Although experts recommend running, swimming, cycling and anaerobic power sports.

A weak chestnut is only so named by its producers, but in fact, before it turns into a liquid that is easily absorbed in the intestines. Still need to do a separate manipulation. The tool is supplied as a brown powder, packaged in boxes equipped with a measuring spoon, the volume of which is approximately equal to half a teaspoon. Taking such a spoonful of a dry agent, it is diluted in a small (up to half a glass) volume of liquid. As a solvent, it is more expedient to use warm boiled water, as if it were chemically neutral. However, dissolving the powder with juice or compote is not contraindicated. An option to eat is to knead the chestnut into jelly or liquid porridge. But milk is not good as a base. The calcium contained in it is able to form complexes insoluble in the intestine, the absorption of which is difficult.

Instead of a standard measuring spoon, you can grab a regular teaspoon. Then the dose of the powder will be half of it. Instead of dissolving, you can sprinkle the powder in your mouth, and then drink it with water.

Weak chestnut should be taken twice a day. This enrollment should be associated with a meal (at mealtime or immediately after it). Thus, the maximum absorption of the components of the agent is achieved without the risk of their decomposition by hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach.

A tincture of liquid chestnut is taken in courses. The duration of such events is selected individually. It depends on the goals and objectives for losing weight, on the initial weight and the state of health of the person losing weight. The average duration of a course of admission with the usual loads (walking, housework) is from three to six weeks. If it is necessary or desired to consolidate the result achieved during the primary course, the enrollment of liquid chestnut can be continued after consultation with the doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage prescribed by the instructions. First, eat caffeine in guarana. With its overdose, intoxication is possible: hand trembling, palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, insomnia, nervous excitement. Secondly, guaranine in combination with selenium accumulates in body tissues at high concentrations, causing chronic poisoning and hair loss.

Thus, it is worth remembering a few rules for losing weight with liquid chestnut.

A preliminary consultation with a competent doctor is required.

Be sure to follow the instructions for taking the remedy. avoid increasing dosages. frequency of administration and duration of the course of the drug.

In case of deviations in well-being while taking the drug, it is necessary to abolish it and consult a doctor.

The maximum effect can be achieved by combining a weak chestnut with strength exercises.

It is also important to try to get a certified drug and beware of fakes that can harm your health. for this, when buying a liquid chestnut, it is better to address the pharmacy chain or a trusted online store with a decent reputation. also in the purchase can support specialized websites of professional nutritionists. you should not buy weapons from your hands or from unverified resources, as if by saving on price and time, you can lose precious health, which is very difficult to restore.

In order for the process of losing weight with liquid chestnut to be easy and confident, you should start taking it gradually from half dosages and carefully control your weight and your well-being. If you follow all the installations for using the product, you can get a very decent result.

A weighty expert opinion on liquid chestnut has already been expressed by nutritionists. Combining anorectic and metabolic booster properties, the soft chestnut helps to dry easily.

Those who want to lose weight do not stop looking for all kinds of means that would accelerate the desired disposal of extra pounds. One of these newfangled products is liquid chestnut for weight loss: this is a dietary supplement, the main ingredient of which is ground guarana seeds. The annotation to the drug states that it significantly dulls the feeling of hunger, “burns” adipose tissue, normalizes tone and adds energy and vigor.

What actually is this substance - liquid chestnut?

ATX code

A16AX Other drugs for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic disorders

Active ingredients



Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Pharmacological group

For weight loss

Indications for use of Liquid chestnut for weight loss

As a rule, liquid chestnut is used for weight loss, as the manufacturer of dietary supplements promises to stimulate calorie burning, increase endurance during exercise exercise and effective reduction weight.

In addition, other properties of liquid chestnut for weight loss are known:

  • vegetable remedy, helps to cleanse the body of toxic substances, normalizes metabolic processes, improves the absorption of nutrients from food;
  • as a result of the action of liquid chestnut, the acute feeling of hunger disappears, the craving for overeating and “jamming” disappears;
  • muscle tone is normalized, there is a feeling of a surge of strength and vigor, which leads to an increase in the effect of physical activity;
  • blood circulation and metabolic processes are accelerated, fat cells are reduced in volume, which affects not only the loss of body weight, but also the disappearance of cellulite;
  • immune defense is strengthened, the body becomes more resistant to negative external and internal influences.

Thus, the manufacturer advises taking liquid chestnut extract for weight loss, to eliminate signs of cellulite, for general cleansing of the body, to strengthen immunity and increase stamina.


Let's talk about how useful liquid chestnut is for the body, and whether this drug can be harmful.

  • For starters - about benefits of liquid chestnut.

The main benefit of liquid chestnut is its ability to promote weight loss. Everyone knows that overweight increases the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases, as well as diabetes. In addition, people with a normal and slender physique live longer.

In addition, liquid chestnut gives a person vigor, which makes him move more and drive more. active image life. This property of the supplement is especially important for people suffering from hypodynamia, slow metabolism, or hypotension.

An additional ability of liquid chestnut can be called the suppression of platelet aggregation, which directly affects the slowing down of blood clotting. This effect can be useful for thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, and even with persistent headaches - migraines.

  • Can liquid chestnut harm?

Unfortunately, any remedy that is not officially recognized as a medicinal or prophylactic agent can harm the body. The degree of such harm may depend on the dosage, as well as on the characteristics of the body of a particular person.

For example, the fact that liquid chestnut increases blood pressure can negatively affect the health of patients with a tendency to hypertension. To avoid a negative reaction, the drug should be taken in the morning. If liquid chestnut is consumed at night, then this may affect the quality of sleep.

Liquid chestnut promotes the activation of digestive enzymes. This property can be harmful if the patient has gastritis, esophagitis or peptic ulcer.

In addition, one of the properties of liquid chestnut is to slow down blood clotting. This can be dangerous in some genetic diseases associated with impaired thrombosis, as well as in anemia, thrombocytopenia, etc.

Liquid chestnut also has some diuretic effect, which with prolonged use can cause electrolyte imbalance.

stimulating effect on nervous system over time can lead to apathy, depression, chronic fatigue etc.

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Composition of liquid chestnut for weight loss

Fruit Amazonian guarana, which are the very liquid chestnut, have long been known in South American and European countries. In Brazil, for example, guarana is valued for its stimulating properties, comparable only to coffee beans. At the same time, the tonic effect lasts longer than from drinking coffee.

Amazonian guarana is represented by the following substances:

  • polyphenols;
  • xanthines (alkaloids);
  • vitamins B, ascorbic acid and tocopherol;
  • theobromine;
  • theophylline.

These substances determine the various properties of liquid chestnut.

Theophylline is present in the leaves of the tea tree. Theobromine is most often extracted from cocoa beans. These ingredients are powerful antioxidants that help prolong youth and health.

Using liquid chestnut for weight loss during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the issue of extra pounds is usually very acute. It rarely happens that a woman immediately after childbirth returns to her previous body weight, which she had before pregnancy. For this reason, many expectant mothers are interested in whether it is possible to take liquid chestnut for weight loss during the process of carrying a baby?

Let's face it: studies on the possible effect of the drug with liquid chestnut on the course of pregnancy and the growing fetus have not been conducted. That is why doctors consider this period a contraindication to taking weight loss drugs.

However, there is another good reason why it is forbidden to use liquid chestnut for pregnant women - these are the stimulating properties of the drug. As you know, doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to drink coffee and even strong tea, so this drug also falls under the strictest ban.

The advice is simple: if a pregnant woman is afraid to get better, then she should follow the following rules:

  • adhere to the daily routine, get enough sleep;
  • eat properly and fully, but do not overeat;
  • do simple things regularly gymnastic exercises for pregnant;
  • to walk outside.

Some women during this period successfully practice yoga, breathing exercises, swimming.

Side effects of liquid chestnut for weight loss

For liquid chestnut, side effects are also characteristic. Some of them are common, others were seen only in isolated cases. However, you should be aware of these symptoms and be prepared for them.

Here is a list of possible unwanted effects:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • high blood pressure;
  • soreness behind the sternum, in the area of ​​the projection of the heart;
  • flushes of heat;
  • increased sweating;
  • stool disorder;
  • pain in different parts of the abdomen;
  • sensation of tinnitus;
  • transient visual impairment;
  • anxiety, restlessness;
  • pain in the head;
  • difficulty falling asleep, insomnia;
  • mood instability;
  • agitation, irritability;
  • skeletal muscle spasms;
  • frequent breathing, shortness of breath;
  • allergic reactions.

Similar phenomena can occur with an incorrectly calculated dosage, or with excessive susceptibility of the body to this drug. If this happens, it is advisable to consult a doctor and consult.

Dosage and administration

The correct use of liquid chestnut for weight loss involves taking the drug according to the following scheme:

  • 2 measuring spoons of the powder are stirred in a glass of liquid (any drinking) and drunk;
  • course of admission - 1-1.5 months.

The next course can be started no earlier than in one and a half to two weeks.

To speed up the process of losing weight, you must follow a moderate diet:

  • do not overeat;
  • do not eat at night and, moreover, at night;
  • limit the amount of salt;
  • give up sugar, flour and yeast products;
  • drink enough pure water or herbal teas (chamomile, lemon balm).

One package of liquid chestnut for weight loss can be enough for about 1-1.5 months.


Large list of contraindications side effects allows you to make sure that liquid chestnut for weight loss is not such a safe remedy. Of course, if you adhere to the dosage, as well as undergo the necessary diagnostic studies before starting to take dietary supplements, then, in most cases, complications should not arise.

When using a large amount of the drug, symptoms similar to side effects may appear. True, the degree of their severity can be much greater. If this happens, then you should definitely induce vomiting, wash the stomach, and then drink some sorbent preparation - for example, activated charcoal, or sorbex, or enterosgel. After that, you should consult a doctor and describe the symptoms that have arisen. Further treatment is prescribed depending on the detected pathological signs.

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Most likely, the effect of liquid chestnut for weight loss is individual, as well as the time for which the first results may appear. After all, everyone starts taking the drug with different weight and body characteristics: one needs to lose 50 kg, and the other only 5 kg. The more excess weight a person has, the more he can lose, say, in a week.

Moreover, each losing weight may need different amount time for the liquid chestnut components to show a lasting and pronounced effect. The effect of the drug may appear within 2 weeks, but it is not excluded that the first positive results will be found in a month.

More accurately and in detail, the correct course of weight loss can be determined by a dietitian who will consider the problem of excess weight in the individual spectrum.

Another topical topic of reviews is the widespread sale of liquid chestnut fakes. Without a doubt, the sale of such weight loss products is enough profitable business. Therefore, before buying a drug, be sure to check its originality. Ask the seller for certificates and accompanying documentation, take an interest in the manufacturer and carefully read the annotation to the dietary supplement.

  • The composition and instructions for liquid chestnut must be written clearly, legibly, without errors and inconsistencies.
  • Guaranine, theophylline and theobromine must be present in the composition.
  • The packaging of liquid chestnut must be tight, not damaged, with high-quality printed text and enclosed instructions. A measuring spoon is included in the kit for the correct dosing of the product.
  • The taste of the drug is pleasant, slightly sweet, not causing unpleasant taste associations.
  • The color of the powder is brownish, reminiscent of the color of cocoa.

It is most logical to purchase goods from a trusted official representative of liquid chestnut for weight loss. Counterfeiting a drug at best can be useless, and at worst it can even harm your health.

How to drink liquid chestnut for weight loss: instructions

Many women dream of harmony and grace. But to give beauty to your body is often very difficult, especially when extra pounds become on the way to “success”. Sometimes it can be very difficult to get rid of them, but you don’t want to give up your cherished dream of losing weight. And then the diligent search for a “miracle elixir” begins, capable of quickly and magically helping to lose excess weight. Thanks to the positive recommendations of specialists and those who are losing weight, liquid chestnut for weight loss can be called such a “miracle remedy”.

The composition of the drug

All the uniqueness of the newfangled panacea, and at the same time its highly effective action, lies in the component component of the popular remedy. The main ingredient of the drug is guarana. This unique and unusual fruit, native to Brazil, is a powerful natural energy booster. Guaranin helps to cope not only with extra pounds but also with unpleasant symptoms of fatigue and overwork. This is due to the fact that guarana fruits contain a lot of caffeine, and, as you know, it greatly tones the body, invigorates it and makes it more resilient.

In addition to guarana fruits, Liquid Chestnut contains theobromine, various vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and theophylline. It is in combination with the main overseas ingredient that the drug is able to exert its maximum effect.

What effect can be expected from taking Liquid Chestnut?

The drug is multifunctional and this is another of its significant advantages. Thanks to natural ingredients, liquid chestnut has received very favorable reviews from doctors and those who are losing weight and has been recognized as one of the most effective and safe means for losing weight. How to drink liquid chestnut for weight loss

The effect of the drug:

1. cleanses and tones the body;

2. gives vivacity and energy;

3. improves metabolism, breaks down fats and naturally removes them from the body;

4. normalizes the digestive process;

5. helps reduce appetite;

6. makes the body more resilient and resistant to physical and psychological stress, which allows a person not to overwork much and feel cheerful and energetic all day long;

7. does not cause allergic reactions.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other means for weight loss, "LCD" can be harmful to health if you exceed the dosage and do not take into account some contraindications, including individual ones, when taking the drug.

- persons under the age of 18;

- pregnant and lactating;

- people who have problems with the nervous or with the heart - vascular system;

- epileptics;

- hypertensive patients;

- people suffering from mental disorders.

How to take liquid chestnut for weight loss: instructions for use

How to drink liquid chestnut

The drug can be used as a kind of supplement to the main food. Most often, the “LCD” powder mass (it is in this form that the product is sold) is stirred in any liquid (in juices, water, coffee, tea), but you can add the powder to some liquid boiled porridge. The dosage of the drug is 1 tsp. per day, but you need to take liquid chestnut twice a day - half a teaspoon at the first dose, half at the second.

It is strictly forbidden to exceed the norm, otherwise side effects of the following nature may appear: insomnia, nervous tension, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, moreover, the risk of developing a heart attack and stroke may increase.


Those who like to drink coffee often should reduce its amount while taking the drug, since the "LC" already contains up to 5% caffeine. Make sure that your daily caffeine intake does not go beyond the norm - 50-150 mg.

With the advent of excess weight, the search for various means and methods begins to quickly cope with the problem that has arisen. There are many options for this, but not all of them are effective. Not very active people try to choose for themselves a means that burns fats and extra calories. One of these new weight loss products is Liquid Chestnut. What kind of drug is this and how to take it correctly in order to lose weight, drink before or after meals?

Composition and useful properties

New drug "Liquid chestnut" created to fight overweight . The main component of its composition is guarana, an exotic plant, so the drug has nothing to do with the name of the tree of the same name. Guarana grows on the slopes of the Amazon, where its fruits are harvested, which are then used to produce weight loss products. The composition of plant matter contains the following elements:

  • guaranine;
  • resin;
  • taponins;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • B vitamins.

Thanks to the listed substances, the fruits help to reduce excess weight. Guaranin is similar in its actions to caffeine, but unlike caffeine, it provokes the release of a large amount of energy from the body. Using the fruits of guarana, a person experiences a surge of strength and vigor. He has increased efficiency, he can be active for a long time.

fruits of an exotic plant speed up metabolic processes in organism. To replenish energy reserves, the body is forced to burn accumulated fat deposits. Slimming happens naturally without the use of diuretics or laxatives.

Also in the preparation for weight loss "Liquid chestnut" there are vitamins and minerals. Together they help:

How much and how to drink "Liquid chestnut"?

The composition of the tool can be called unique because its main component is guarana. It is suitable for long-term use for weight loss, without harm to health. Substances in the "Liquid Chestnut" are absorbed by the body at an accelerated pace, in just a few hours.

Release form "Liquid chestnut" - powder. Packaged have a measuring spoon, which is used to add powder to food or drinks:

  • decoctions;
  • juices;
  • water;
  • muesli;
  • first meal;
  • porridge.

It is recommended to take the dietary supplement "Liquid chestnut" twice a day, as it gives a boost of energy and strength. It should not be taken before bed as it can lead to insomnia. To lose weight, add 1 scoop of powder to food or drink.

Instructions for use

Despite the fact that Liquid Chestnut is a herbal remedy and is considered a safe drug, it is necessary to follow the instructions for its use. To receive you need to effective result, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for use of the drug.

The best way to use it to lose weight is add powder to liquid: 0.5 teaspoon half a glass of warm boiled water. It is neutral, so the drug immediately shows all its beneficial effects. It is very important not to use milk to dilute the powder. It contains calcium, it forms insoluble complexes, and they cannot be absorbed by the intestines.

For the period of taking Liquid Chestnut, it is advisable to give up tea and coffee. It is incompatible with stimulant foods and some medications.

To enhance the effect of the slimming agent, it can be combined with lemon juice, spinach, celery, cucumber. If you prepare such a drink half an hour before playing sports, it will give a lot of strength and training will take place more efficiently, fat burning will be accelerated.

To lose weight, liquid chestnut is recommended take twice a day before breakfast and lunch 30 minutes before meals, 0.5 teaspoon. The course of taking the drug is 1-2 months and after a 1-month break, you can repeat the course again. The soluble product acts faster and more effectively.

In addition to the dietary effect, Liquid Chestnut also has a therapeutic effect on the body. The drug helps:

  • regulate digestion;
  • normalize stool;
  • eliminate slagging of the body.

The use of "Liquid chestnut" indicated for the following problems:

  • constipation;
  • excess weight;
  • avitaminosis;
  • the risk of developing diabetes.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to positive actions, the drug can be harmful to health if there is contraindications to its use:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous disorders;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Slimming with "Liquid Chestnut"

If you use the drug correctly, the weight really goes away. This fact has been proven based scientific research . To obtain maximum effect in losing weight, it is necessary not only to take this remedy. It will give positive result if you add a block of physical activity to the drug intake.

After taking "Liquid chestnut" the metabolic process in the body is accelerated, which leads to weight loss. The feeling of hunger is also suppressed, but this does not affect the working capacity and mood of a person. Appetite noticeably decreases even after the course of administration, and the lost calories do not return again.
