Amazonian guarana reviews of doctors. Amazonian guarana for weight loss

Few people know about what is remarkable about the Amazonian guarana. "Liquid chestnut" is known to almost everyone who dreams of slim figure. In fact, this unique preparation is made on the basis of the fruits of the exotic Amazonian guarana.

"Liquid chestnut" - a means for losing weight, familiar to many. Modern housewives are studying sites that have information about this product. Some of them have already tried its healing power on themselves and were satisfied with the result.

Many people, studying information about this dietary supplement, do not believe that with it you can lose 3-6 in just a month. extra pounds. However, this is true. This is confirmed not only by laudatory reviews.

Several scientists have already conducted a number of tests, thanks to which it was possible to prove the exceptional effectiveness and safety of this product.

What is Liquid Chestnut? This preparation was created on the basis of the fruit of the Amazonian guarana, and not horse chestnut, as some people think. The fruits of guarana resemble the fruits of horse chestnut only in appearance. This is where their similarities end. Experts managed to establish that exotic fruits contain record number vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements. All this makes it very useful for human body. In addition, guarana fruits contain guaranine. This substance affects the body like the well-known caffeine. It perfectly invigorates, gives a person strength. It also increases the body's stamina, accelerates metabolism and activates the processes of fat breakdown.

The drug "Liquid chestnut" is very popular with housewives. Sometimes they are not even interested in the principle of its action. They find it very attractive because of its extraordinary effectiveness. At the same time, nutritionists advise all women to study all contraindications to the use of this dietary supplement. Although there are not very few of them, in some cases they can play a decisive role.

"Liquid chestnut" should not be taken by pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers and adolescents. The drug is contraindicated in those who suffer from epileptic seizures and various cardiovascular diseases. In addition, there are other restrictions.

The drug "Liquid chestnut" can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can order it on the Internet. The latter method is very convenient and allows you to significantly save the family budget. When purchasing "Liquid Chestnut" in online stores, you need to be careful.

It is important that the drug has an original origin. Unfortunately, counterfeit products are not able to benefit a person and can be hazardous to health. Some women, having tried this product, are disappointed in it, not seeing its effect.

Experts attribute this primarily to the purchase of counterfeit goods, as well as to the improper use of the drug. For example, some women think that a dietary supplement can solve all their problems. They do not adjust the daily diet in any way and believe in the miraculous properties of the drug. In fact, Liquid Chestnut helps burn fat, but it is powerless when a person consumes an excess of fatty and sweet foods.

In order to lose weight, you need to follow a certain diet while taking the supplement. First of all, it is necessary to abandon harmful and high-calorie foods. It is not necessary to sit on the strictest diet, but the restrictions must be observed at all times. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the removal of physical activity and, possibly, enrolling in gym or do exercises at home. It is worth noting that everyone who has approached the problem of getting rid of excess weight comprehensively, achieved a certain result. Experts warn that you should not take more than 1 teaspoon of the drug per day. V otherwise, a person may experience headaches, nausea. Doctors warn that if you feel worse, you should immediately abandon " liquid chestnut and choose a different product for weight loss.

V Lately a lot of scammers have appeared on the Internet who register sites, offer biologically active supplements to gullible buyers, and then disappear after receiving an advance payment for the goods. In order not to fall for such a trick, you must first study the reviews of online stores.

"Liquid chestnut" is very popular not only among housewives, but also among all those who dream of a slim figure, but cannot lose weight on their own. This drug is effective and at the same time completely safe for health.

If you play sports and want to tidy up your figure, then you probably dream of finding a miracle remedy that will help speed up the process of losing weight, as well as give strength and energy for training. And there is such a tool! This is guarana. But before you start taking it, find out the features of this plant and the rules for use.

What is this plant?

Amazonian guarana is a plant that is a climbing vine. It grows in Brazil and Paraguay, especially along the banks of the Amazon. Guarana can also be found in Colombia, Venezuela and Peru. Branches can reach a length of 10-12 meters. The leaves of the plant are oval and have small teeth along the edges.

The fruits are small, usually bright yellow or orange. Each fruit contains one or two seeds. And it is the seeds that are used for the manufacture of various dietary supplements used for weight loss.


Guarana seeds contain a lot of various useful components, such as tannins, resins, alkaloids, polyphenols (catechins and epicatechins), theobromine and theophylline, as well as vitamins E, A and group B. But the main substance that determines the beneficial properties of the plant can be called guaranine.

In fact, it is synonymous with caffeine, as it contains nothing but caffeine. But it is worth noting that the caffeine content in guarana seeds is twice as high as in coffee beans.


To begin with, it is worth listing the advantages of using guarana, that is, its main useful properties:

  • Everyone knows that caffeine is an excellent energy stimulant, which means that preparations based on guarana can provide additional energy, which is why they are widely used by athletes who require a lot of strength and endurance for training. But it is worth noting that the caffeine contained here differs from that which is part of the coffee beans due to the special related view. Firstly, it acts more gently, but at the same time has a longer effect. Secondly, unlike ordinary coffee, guarana-based dietary supplements do not adversely affect the digestion process.
  • The correct use of guarana allows you to normalize brain activity: , improve concentration and reaction speed. That is why in many countries drinks based on this plant are often taken by students during sessions.
  • The substances that make up guarana are ways to increase muscle activity. They provide an opportunity muscle tissue Efficiently and quickly release glycogen and, therefore, receive the necessary energy and work properly. For this reason, sports nutrition often includes plant-based ingredients.
  • Surely you have noticed more than once that a drunk cup allows you to temporarily reduce your appetite and dull the feeling of hunger. Guarana-based products, thanks to the caffeine included in the composition, also reduce appetite and allow you to eat much less and get rid of extra pounds faster.
  • The substances that make up guarana, firstly, help to normalize and speed up the metabolism, and secondly, they stimulate the breakdown of fats. As a result, the body uses its reserves, that is, fats, to obtain the necessary energy.
  • Since the composition includes, then plant-based supplements are necessary to prevent the development of beriberi, which is very important when following diets, especially strict ones.
  • Caffeine stimulates the heart and raises the heart rate. As a result, the heart begins to work better, which means that blood circulation improves, and all organs receive the necessary amount of nutrients.
  • Among other things, guarana has antioxidant properties that help protect body tissues from the damaging effects of free radicals, as well as prevent premature aging.
  • Caffeine has a slight diuretic effect and, therefore, helps to remove excess fluid from the body and prevents the occurrence of edema.
  • Guarana helps to remove toxins and slags and significantly improves its functioning.


Like any other plant, guarana has its drawbacks. First, there are some contraindications:

  • The period of lactation and pregnancy.
  • Children's age (this is due to the fact that the children's nervous system is exposed to any negative influences).
  • Some cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis.
  • Diseases of the nervous system or disorders in its work, accompanied by increased nervous excitability and other manifestations.
  • Stress.

Secondly, when taking guarana-based products, there may be some side effects:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • insomnia and other sleep problems;
  • increased heart rate;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety.

If any unpleasant symptoms occur, the drug should be stopped immediately.


In what cases would it be appropriate to take funds based on guarana?

  • Sports activities, regular and intense training. In this case, guarana will give strength and increase energy reserves.
  • Dieting. The plant, firstly, will relieve hunger, and secondly, will give strength.
  • Decreased concentration, memory impairment. Taking the drug normalizes brain activity.
  • Chronic fatigue, increased fatigue. Guarana will give strength and vigor and will allow you to forget about all the problems listed above.

the effect

Do not think that the use of guarana will work a miracle and help you lose 5-7 kilograms in a week. This is not true. The effect will be noticeable only after some time (at least a month) and only if the principles of correct diet food as well as regular exercise.

As for the surge of energy, it is felt about an hour after taking the remedy. The effect lasts for several hours (from 3 to 5).

Release form

Guarana-based products come in a variety of forms. The simplest is powder. It has a light brown color and a bitter taste. In addition, you can find liquid extracts of guarana.

The concentration of active ingredients in them is usually increased, so that the dosages will be minimal. Among other things, various capsules and tablets are often found on sale. You can also find drinks based on guarana, but they also include other components.

How to apply?

How to take products based on a plant such as guarana? If you have purchased a dietary supplement based on this plant, then carefully read the instructions for use before taking it. Usually it indicates the composition, contraindications, side effects as well as doses. Follow all these instructions to avoid unwanted consequences.

  1. Dosages will depend on the form of release, purpose of administration, as well as on the characteristics of the body. On average, the daily dose is from 300 to 600-1000 milligrams of the active substance (its content is indicated in the instructions). If you are using a weight loss product, then take 400 mg (about one teaspoon of powder). If you exercise regularly and actively, increase the dose to 600-700 milligrams (1.5-2 teaspoons of powder). The daily dose is best divided into two doses: in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after afternoon tea. If in the evening you experience a surge of energy that prevents you from sleeping, then you can reduce the number of receptions to one.
  2. The powder can be added to drinks, such as milk, juices,.
  3. Guarana is best taken after meals to avoid digestive problems.
  4. If you plan to exercise, then take the remedy about an hour before it so that it has time to begin to act.
  5. To avoid sleep problems, do not take guarana later than 4-5 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, insomnia may occur.

When purchasing a product based on guarana, make sure of its quality. Be sure to follow the instructions given in the instructions to avoid trouble and see the effect.


The action of individual plant components helps in as soon as possible normalize the functioning of the body, with particular emphasis on its problem areas. Among these "folk healers" is dominated by the unique guarana plant, which is called Paulinia cupana or P. Sorbilis. The action of the component is purposeful, the effect is pleasantly surprising.

What is guarana

The influence of this plant on the body is colossal, but before resorting to intensive therapy, it is necessary to understand what it is. The Amazonian chestnut guarana from the genus Paulinia (Paullinium) is a native of Brazil, grows in the Amazon Delta, reaches a length of 12 meters. The leaves are oval with teeth at the ends, the flowers are round and bright red, the fruits are rich yellow in color, contain healing seeds.

Guarana helps to solve a number of health problems in a timely manner. A medicinal extract is prepared from the ripened fruits, and the seeds are ground to create a medicinal powder. In medicine, such an innovative tool has proven itself as a panacea for many diseases, and an effective way to maintain body tone. Such a grandiose effect is provided by the natural composition of the plant, its pharmacological properties.


The active component of this exotic plant is guaranine, which in its pharmacological properties resembles caffeine. Its presence in the chemical composition of the Brazilian chestnut maintains the tone of the human body, invigorates it, fills it with vitality. The specified component has a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes appetite, but at the same time it can noticeably speed up the heartbeat.

  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • polyphenols and amides;
  • theobromine, theophylline, taurine;
  • xanthine alkaloids;
  • saponin;
  • magnesium, zinc, sodium, manganese;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, E, A.


Outwardly, this is an inconspicuous climbing vine, on the branches of which healing fruits with unique pharmacological properties sprout. Guarana berries contain a high concentration of guaranine, increase the production of adrenaline. If used incorrectly, they can cause insomnia, irritability and even aggression. No wonder this natural product is part of energy drinks, which temporarily increase the vitality of the body.

The seeds of the berries contain more caffeine than the coffee beans are harvested, so there is no doubt about the effectiveness of this natural product. Before buying, you need to consult a doctor, to exclude harm to your own body. It is also important not to forget that this is a natural toxin, the increased concentration of which provides a negative result of the chosen treatment.

At the pharmacy

This plant can be used as a nutritional supplement with beneficial properties. Guarana in capsules is difficult to find on the free market, so it is easier to make such a purchase through an online pharmacy or the official website of a natural product. This innovative tool is used not only by modern medicine, but is also an integral part of sports nutrition. If you look into the online store for athletes, the range of products with guarana, which is beneficial for the body, will pleasantly surprise you.

Properties of guarana

O useful properties Guaranas are legendary for the body, and the natural composition is considered unique. Modern pharmacists continue to study this evergreen shrub, attribute to it new achievements in the field of medicine and sports nutrition. The benefits of the dietary supplement are expressed in the increased activity of guaranine, which simultaneously affects the nervous, digestive, endocrine, muscular, immune and even reproductive systems. It's about about such changes in the body:

  • reduction in the number and intensity of migraine attacks;
  • suppression of spasms and feverish conditions;
  • beneficial effects on cognitive abilities;
  • effective method fight depression and bad mood;
  • elimination of fatigue, increase physical endurance;
  • strengthening and maintaining the tone of the whole organism;
  • extermination of bacterial infections;
  • productive treatment of diarrhea, arthritis;
  • elimination of signs of a hangover syndrome;
  • strengthening the body's immune response;
  • effective treatment many skin diseases;
  • hunger suppression, sustainable dietary effect;
  • intensive nutrition of the brain and not only valuable vitamins, microelements;
  • effective prevention against dysentery, malaria;
  • elimination of symptoms of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.


This climbing liana, which grows in the Amazon River Delta, has proven itself as a natural energy booster and an effective medicinal plant, appropriate for the appointment of many diseases. The value for the body is the seeds of the plant, which are additionally dried, processed and a healing powder is obtained. Guarana is widely used in sports, medicine, modern nutrition and cosmetology, and the results of its regular use are obvious in the shortest possible time and pleasantly surprise even categorical skeptics.

in sports nutrition

Going in for sports, a person strives to form an impeccable muscle corset, increase the endurance of the body and completely get rid of the fat layer. Guarana for athletes helps in every direction, becoming an important component of sports nutrition. Before using it, it does not hurt to consult a doctor and trainer, determine the form of release, dosage and method of application in practice.

Guarana for an athlete is a reliable assistant to achieve the goal. With it, you can form an athletic silhouette, strengthen the body. This natural product increases endurance, increases permissible physical activity, activates metabolic processes at the cellular level, while protecting the immune system. You cannot find such an effective stimulant for the body in a pharmacy; it is better to visit a specialized sports nutrition store (for example, sports nutrition).

For weight loss

On the World Wide Web, you can find popular reviews that guarana works wonders for weight loss. This is true, because in terms of its pharmacological properties it is a natural fat burner and a natural antioxidant. In the first case, it contributes to the productive disposal of the fatty layer, and in the second, it ensures the unhindered removal of free radicals from the body. Having become interested in the topic: "Guarana - what is it", it is worth recalling that guaranine effectively reduces appetite, guarantees an earlier feeling of satiety.

How to take guarana

The seeds of this natural energy drink are unique, therefore they are used in food supplements in several forms. Guarana capsules have proven themselves well, but there is also an oral liquid. To avoid health problems, you must first consult your doctor and carefully study the instructions for using the product.

Amazonian guarana is present as an active ingredient in numerous products of modern dietetics and pharmacology, it is very beneficial for the body. It is difficult to buy such drugs in a pharmacy, but you can buy them inexpensively via the Internet. The powder must first be diluted with liquid, and the capsules should be drunk before meals, preferably in the morning.


This energy drink has an affordable price and high efficiency for the body, which is why it is so popular among the masses. The action of the guarana extract is almost instantaneous: it reduces appetite, increases stamina, effectively removes signs of blues and apathy, and treats beriberi. It is recommended to take it with extreme caution and not to overestimate the daily dose. Otherwise, the pulse quickens, and the action on nervous system overly aggressive. Judging by customer reviews, the need for the body of guarana extract is as follows:

  • as a powerful aphrodisiac;
  • for the prevention of malaria and dysentery;
  • for the purpose of productive treatment of diarrhea;
  • to reduce appetite;
  • in the fight against chronic fatigue and depression.


This is an effective tool for correcting problematic areas of the figure, healing the whole body. Tea with guarana has an affordable price, easily replaces any other drink. You can also take it to increase vitality, and cook it according to one of the recipes in the instructions. If you look at the photos of women who have tried the dietary effect of guarana, it becomes obvious that this “fruit” really works in practice. In addition, tea helps reduce blood pressure, increases the content of vitamins, strengthens the immune system.


This form of release is especially appropriate in sports. Packed in special packages, guarana powder must be dissolved in water in acceptable proportions, after which it is safe to take an energy drink for the special productivity of regular workouts. This is a doping that is safe for the body, which will stimulate the athlete to work on himself, while significantly increasing the result of training.

Guarana powder in an amount of 100 mg must be filled with any liquid before use. It can be juice, fresh juice, fruit drink, yogurt, milk or plain water. It is advisable to use the received dose of energy drinks in the first half of the day, otherwise insomnia, internal unrest, imbalance of the body are not excluded among the side effects. Increase the single dosage of the powder gradually, bringing it to the level of 400 mg. Cases of overdose are harmful to the body.


Many buyers take pills, considering this form of natural energy release to be the most optimal in their case. Effective reviews of guarana tablets are intended for oral use, and they are allowed to be consumed in the amount of 1 pc. just before the next meal. The duration of the course varies within 1-2 months, changes in the body are observed almost immediately.


The purchase of such multivitamin complexes can be carried out in an online pharmacy, you cannot find a medicine in free sale. In general, the drug meets all the expectations of customers, provides sustainable preventive and healing effect in organism. Vitamins with guarana are representatives of alternative medicine, therefore, if the price allows, it is better to discuss the start of a preventive course with your doctor.

Side effect

When choosing such innovative drugs, it is important to remember the "reverse side of the coin." These are the side effects of guarana for the body, which especially apply to the functioning of the nervous system. The patient complains of insomnia, is in a state of emotional stress, unable to relax even when the sleep phase begins. This representative of the genus Paullinia also demonstrates other unpleasant changes in general well-being, which can cause serious problems:

  • increased frequency of migraine attacks;
  • disturbed pulse;
  • increased urination;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • convulsions, tremor of the limbs;
  • attacks of tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias;
  • increased irritability, aggression.


By itself, climbing liana does not pose a particular threat to humans; cases of guarana overdose are more frightening, when general state organism can be characterized as not quite adequate. In addition, there are official contraindications for guarana, among which doctors distinguish not only periods of pregnancy and lactation, but also:

  • chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • extensive lesions of the central nervous system;
  • childhood.


The cost of the drug depends on the form of release, the volume of packaging and the place where this innovative product was purchased. If you order guarana online, you will have to pay extra for shipping. The conditions are different, the main thing is to find a supplier who offers original products, and not just another fake. In many stores and pharmacies in Moscow, guarana of various forms of release is available, so its purchase is not difficult.

Guarana is the name of a wild exotic liana that grows in Brazil and Venezuela. The locals, the Indian tribes, were the first to learn about the high medicinal properties of this plant. They used the seeds of vines in the treatment of various diseases, general healing of the body. locals still call this plant the elixir of youth, bestowed by God.

Until now, they use the liana to treat intestinal disorders, to improve memory, activate the brain, and also to increase the tone of the body. Guarana seed extract is considered the strongest aphrodisiac. In addition, it is a component of many medicines.

How useful is the plant? How is Amazonian guarana used for weight loss, side effects, application, what does it have? Let's figure it out:

What is the benefit of the Amazonian guarana plant?

Liana seeds contain beneficial substances that, interacting with each other, have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. The use of the plant activates the production of hormones and neurotransmitters, in particular, dopamine with adrenaline.

As a result, brain activity increases, mood improves, fatigue disappears. In addition, regular intake of guarana enhances the body's defenses, increases physical activity.

Many compare the effect of guarana on the body with the effect of ginseng. Therefore, it is often referred to as Brazilian ginseng.

The stimulating, invigorating properties of the extract can be compared to the action of coffee. But, unlike it, a drink made from guarana has a longer effect. The invigorating effect of drinking a cup lasts up to 6 hours.

It should also be noted that the extract from the plant has antioxidant properties, improves the state of the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of blood clots, and has a mild, diuretic effect.

About weight loss with Amazonian guarana

The composition of the liana contains caffeine, saponin. These substances prevent the formation of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Amazonian guarana has the properties to normalize, improve metabolic processes, promotes active burning of body fat.

Many consider this plant the most effective in the fight against overweight. Pharmacies, sports nutrition stores offer preparations (food supplements) based on it, which contribute to weight loss. You can purchase tablets, guarana seed extract capsules, or a liquid extract. Experts recommend the use of drugs for weight loss along with green tea.

How should Amazonian guarana be used? plant application

Despite the fact that guarana is an effective means for weight loss, without physical training there will be no effect of weight loss. Just taking this dietary supplement while maintaining your usual lifestyle will not reduce your weight - it's a waste of time and money.

Therefore, fitness experts recommend taking guarana preparations immediately before the start of a workout in order to increase energy expenditure. At sports exercises the body begins to release energy from the accumulated, own fats. Thus, active fat burning begins. With the help of guarana, active physical training, you can lose 3 to 5 kg per month.

Who is dangerous Amazonian guarana? Side effects, harm

Usually, plant-based products are well tolerated by the human body without causing side effects. However, sometimes some unpleasant manifestations can still occur. Basically, they are similar to all the side effects of taking caffeine. For example, there may be insomnia, sleep disturbances, nervous anxiety, overexcitation. With an overdose, these manifestations only intensify.

In addition, there may be loss of appetite, intestinal pain, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. Sometimes there is tachycardia. If this happens, the dosage should be reduced, or the use of this remedy should be completely abandoned.

The use of guarana can be harmful to people suffering from heart disease (tachycardia, arrhythmia). It is not recommended to take funds based on the seeds of vines with high blood pressure, nervous diseases. Do not take guarana during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Be healthy!

Guarana is a shrubby liana native to the Amazon.

The plant gained its fame thanks to the amazing berries, which have unique properties, including the ability to effective reduction weight. In the countries of growth, the fruits are valued as highly as tea or coffee.

Benefits of Guarana for Weight Loss and Health


The use of berries gives a powerful invigorating effect, since the fruits and seeds contain in their composition the biologically active chemical ingredient guaranine (guaranine), which has a similar chemical structure to caffeine, but which is 4-7 times stronger than caffeine and is able to provide the body with sustainable energy.

The fruits directly stimulate the central nervous system.

They can be taken in small doses to combat fatigue and increase activity levels and last for 3-4 hours.

Today, berries are used to produce popular energy drinks and sports nutrition.

Weight loss

For weight loss, guarana is important, first of all, for its fat-burning properties. Weight loss after consumption is mainly due to the thermogenic effect of guaranine.

Thermogenesis is a vital part of metabolic processes, the consequence of which is the production of heat by the body to maintain a constant body temperature and ensure the work of all its systems, therefore, by stimulating the process of thermogenesis, we increase energy expenditure, which contributes to the burning of calories.

The product is able to accelerate the basic metabolism of a person up to a record 80%, which happens only during intense physical activity. For a month of taking supplements based on fruit extract, you can get rid of 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight in just a month, and without harm to health.

In addition, berries have an excellent diuretic property, helping to get rid of excess fluid in the body. Another quality of guarana for weight loss is an appetite suppressant. Research conducted in 2011 showed that the fruit of the Amazonian creeper helps in the treatment of metabolic disorders in the elderly.

Nutritional supplements and dosage

Many weight loss products contain guarana extract alone or in combination with other herbal ingredients. Since the products with these berries are powerful neurostimulants, it is best to take them in the morning or before lunch. At night, supplements are taken to improve alertness to avoid, for example, falling asleep while driving. The usual dosage is 2-4 grams per day.

Effects of Amazon Berry Supplements

Activate rapid fat burning

Significantly increase concentration and improve memory,

Dramatically reduce the feeling of fatigue (synergy with ginseng),

Increase strength and endurance (synergy with ginseng),

Fight drowsiness, especially while driving

Stimulate the nervous system and blood circulation,

Increase the resources of the body (short-term effect),

Toning effect during sports activities (synergy with spirulina),

Strengthen immune system lower cholesterol.

Fat-burning dietary supplements with guarana contain important amino acids, enzymes, guaranine, theophylline, vitamins A, E, B1, B3, PP and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, as well as selenium, strontium. Everything nutrients harmoniously balanced.

Possible side effects

According to experts, guarama used for health and weight loss is not a harmful product to consume. However, in high doses, berry extract can cause insomnia, nervousness and anxiety, stomach irritation, nausea, increased heart rate and respiration, increased blood pressure, diuresis and headache.

It should also be borne in mind that the severity of side effects to a certain extent depends on individual sensitivity to caffeine and age. Ultimately, when supplements are used correctly and wisely, there are no side effects. Although there are several groups of people for whom the use is unsafe.


pregnant and lactating mothers,

Neurological disorders (depression, panic attacks),

blood clotting disorders,


hypertension, disease of cardio-vascular system, atherosclerosis.
