CSKA ice hockey school. Tennis Personal ice skating training with a coach

The hockey school of LLC PHC CSKA is a structural subdivision of the professional hockey club CSKA. School education - free.

The training process of the school takes place on home arena hockey club CSKA - in Ice sports complex CSKA them. V.M.Bobrova. Young athletes train in 12 groups for children 5-16 years old. The duration of training for children is 60-90 minutes. Trainings are held four to six times a week from September to May (depending on the age group).

From the age of 8, the student's parents conclude a junior contract with the school and are fully supported by the hockey club, and at the age of 17 a professional contract is signed with the best students. Sports camps and trips to various tournaments are carried out at the expense of PHC CSKA LLC.

Classes are held at two sites (Canadian and large sites). also in training process the gym and game rooms are used. Twice a year, students undergo a free medical examination at the CSKA Medical and Sports Dispensary.

  • The junior team takes part in Open Championship Moscow among juniors;
  • teams born in 2003-2007 - in the Moscow Open Championship;
  • teams born in 2008-2010 - in the Cups of Moscow;
  • team born in 2011 - in the Moscow Ice Hockey Federation Cup.

Matches are played on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from September to April.

Students of our school are members of the Russian national teams of their ages. After leaving school, the most promising pupils are invited to youth team"Red Army".

Organization of selection at the Hockey School

Hockey is a team sport in which two teams try to score as many "pucks" or balls as possible into the opponent's goal using wooden sticks covered with a thin layer of plastic. This sport has many versions and hybrids. The most popular of them: British hockey (dribble the ball with a shepherd's staff). You can learn how to play hockey if you sign up for a hockey club.

Institutions (schools, clubs) in the section Hockey for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all hockey sections, hockey clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. The search for a suitable place for hockey practice in Moscow can be carried out directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations... You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for later enrollment. For each of sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, descriptions and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

Our youth school hockey In Moscow, "HoсkeyChance" helps hockey fans improve their skills, skating technique and test their skills in competitions. The "HockeyChance" team, assembled from the students of our school, plays in the RTHL championship in the KBCH division. Any student of our sports hockey school can join the team and take part in the competition.

Hockey lessons and training of team members are carried out by highly qualified coaches with many years of experience. We pay attention to both the individual and the team play of the athlete, which allows us to achieve maximum results. Individual hockey lessons with students help hone technique and thoroughly work out technical elements, while group lessons allow to identify strengths each player and form well-coordinated game groups.

Moscow hockey school

The coaches of our Moscow hockey school HockeyChance have developed methods individual training, for practicing shots, passes, feints, rolling and other techniques that allow us to make professional defenders and attackers out of students. Skating technique is constantly being improved young hockey player... The high results of our students and teams prove the effectiveness of the classes and the high professionalism of the coaches. Hockey lessons are effective in the long run.

This year the children's sports hockey school "HockeyChance" is recruiting children to hockey team to participate in the tournament. You can find out more about the conditions for participation in a hockey tournament from our coaches at a personal meeting at the school.

In addition, our hockey training center invites children from four years old to ice hockey lessons. Hockey for a 4 year old child is the normal age for hockey training. Teaching children preschool age is carried out according to a special program for beginners, developed by our coaches based on their many years of training experience and recommendations of leading hockey coaches.

Set in the hockey section

Enroll the child in the hockey section in Moscow, agree on individual trainer and you can find out the schedule of trainings and classes of sports sections in hockey by phone: 8 903 180-15-05

On our site you will find not only contacts for communication, our sports schools hockey players are located in many parts of Moscow. You can see photos from the place of training, videos of training and competitions. This will allow you to make sure that our Russian hockey school is one of the best. Find out which Sport halls, simulators are available.

Have you signed up for our classes? Then see what paraphernalia you or your child will need. To save time and money, you can shop directly from us. Attributes are needed not only for friendly matches on ice. Students of our hockey school participate in championships that take place in different countries... So your children will be able to visit outside our country. We are not limited to coaches from our school only. HockeyChace leaders periodically invite famous coaches and hockey players from other countries. This allows students of the ice hockey school to receive useful tips from experienced hockey players.

As for the prices for training in our hockey school, then a pleasant surprise has been prepared for you too. In a special section on the website, you can see the rates. We offer not only favorable rates, but also discounts on training. Find out now how you can save on your classes. Such great offers are valid for regular visitors of the school. If you have questions about prices, time of attendance, purchase of a uniform or other paraphernalia, you can call the school and get all the answers.

Dreaming of your son becoming a true man, hardy, disciplined and courageous? Just take him to the professional hockey center.

Hockey training for children are conducted in ideal and safe conditions by highly professional trainers with extensive experience in teaching, according to the unique own methodology of our school.

Hockey for children has practically no age restrictions, so our school is open for kids 3-4 years old, and for adolescents. How earlier child starts playing hockey, the faster this sport will become clearer and closer for him. To start learning ideal age is considered three years. It has been proven that hockey is much easier for children than for an adult.

During our trainings, children learn not only to confidently stand on skates, but also to jump and run on the ice, use power throws, attack and dodge the attacks of their rivals. Numerous rave reviews from our pupils and their parents speak best of the quality of our work!

The first step to decent sports career- it skating, learning the basics and tricks of hockey skills, honing turns, sliding and braking. Our instructors are armed with many copyright effective techniques putting children on the ice and learning the basics of the game.

A children's school based on our training center offers not only group, but also individual sessions... Physical and psychological preparation also not critical for the start of training. The main thing is that the child does not have medical contraindications.

Shinny, if we consider it as a set of exercises and loads, it is very effective, because:

    develops and improves the coordination of movements of the baby, as well as the speed of reactions;

    helps to strengthen the cardiovascular, skeletal systems and all muscle groups, which is very important in childhood;

    forms correct posture, and ice skating can save a child from early flat feet;

    lowers blood cholesterol and stabilizes blood pressure;

    hardens not only the body in general, but also the spirit, because training requires endurance;

    develops qualities such as purposefulness, organization and discipline.

Moreover, hockey since 3 years- this is also an unsurpassed charge of vivacity and energy, fostering from an early age in a little person an understanding of what duty and mutual assistance are. And it is also the pleasure of spending time in the company of like-minded people who have become true and devoted friends.

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