Training with a private swimming coach for adults. Private Swimming Coaches Private Swimming Coach for Adults

The first rule of swimming is that there is no “right” way to swim. Just as everyone runs differently, everyone swims differently. "Everything good swimmers take on the ideal stroke technique but incorporate their own moves, ”says Jamie Baron, Chelsea Piers Fitness Club Director aquatic species sports. And he adds: "You should try to use the ideal technique in the way that physiology will allow you." This means that you do not need to compare yourself with the person floating on the next path.

Make it your habit

“Go to the pool once or twice a week - great way get nowhere, ”says Jamie Baron. “If you don’t invest your time, don’t expect results.” New to swimming and excited? The only way to overcome your fear is to make you feel comfortable in your new environment. “This process will be greatly accelerated if you go to the pool more often. Four 30-minute workouts are better than one 2-hour workout, ”says Jamie Baron.

Invest in good inventory

Straighten up

You probably know that your body should look like a straight line in the water. Are you straightened up? Truth? “The straighter you are in the water, the less drag you create and the easier it will be for you to paddle,” says Amanda Elizabeth Sawyer, trainer at New York's Health and Racquet Club. “This is especially important on open water where there are many more unpredictable moments, such as waves, currents, other swimmers and aquatic life. "

Blow bubbles

Sounds childish but blowing bubbles important exercise... “Your head should be submerged in water, exhale through your mouth, your goal is a long chain of bubbles,” says Ellis Peters, trainer at the famous American fitness club Equinox. "Say" Hmm "when you exhale. The presence of sound is an audio confirmation that there is still air in your lungs. "

The best way to learn how to breathe correctly? “Look down - I mean the bottom of the pool - when you exhale,” says Amanda Elizabeth Sawyer. "By being face down, you keep your body erect."

Don't keep your head above water

You don't have to keep your entire face above the water to breathe freestyle. “Keep your head in a neutral position while swimming and turn it just to breathe. It's important not to lose momentum, ”says Sara Borell, a top-notch Masters triathlon and swimming coach.

Minimize head movements

Move your head only when necessary (namely, to breathe). The more head movements you make, the less they are directed clearly forward. Amedeo Pablo Olivares, trainer at New York's Health and Racquet Club and COO at the Pinero Swim Club, advises thinking of your head as the steering wheel in a car - where it goes, your body goes, so keep it straight.


In the water, you cannot look around, hear, talk - you can only get everything out of your head. Thinking about something negative can cause you to panic. “So just breathe,” says Laura Kozik, instructor at the Equinox Fitness Club and creator of the New York women's triathlon team Team Lipstick. "Focus on your good shape, focus on your breathing and focus on turning your body into a car ... best of all, a Ferrari."

Practice swimming on both sides

“The shortest path between two points is a straight line. Swim straight, developing a balanced technique on both sides of the body, ”says Laura Kozik. She suggests trying one-arm exercises to develop both the right and left: extend your arm out in front of you and hold it in that position while you stroke with the other hand throughout the length of the pool. “You will also learn how to breathe correctly on both sides,” adds Laura Kozik. "After all, you can only turn to inhale in the direction of the hand that is currently working."

Shoulders down, hips up!

“Believe it or not, the most important part of swimming is what happens between your thighs and the crown of your head,” says Misty Hyman, who won gold medal at the Olympics in the 200m butterfly, currently coaching other swimmers. To keep your hips higher in the water (which allows you to breathe more freely), make sure your head is in a neutral position (neck is long, straight) and your eyes are pointing down. Keep your torso straight and bend over slightly top torso towards the bottom. This will help keep your hips higher.

Keep your arms long

Paddle row and backstroke require the swimmer to rotate both shoulders and hips at the same time. The leading hand reaches forward while the other grabs the water and moves along the hips back. What is the key to creating this efficient, coordinated movement? " Long hands, long strokes and maximum pivots should be the focus, ”says Ellis Peters. Extend your arm fully at the beginning of the pull motion and again at the end. Your shoulders and hips will unroll at the same time.

Longer stroke

“Many people who swim for themselves do not increase their stroke length, although this is probably the most important detail in swimming,” says Radenko Miskovich, elite personal coach fitness club Chelsea Piers NYC. Longer strokes result in maximum speed with minimum energy consumption. To improve your stroke, Radenko Miskovich suggests trying freestyle with straight arms. Hint: Imagine trying to pick apples from a tree directly above you, twisting your hips to reach as many as possible.

Protect your shoulders

Shoulder injuries are very common among swimmers. “When swimming freestyle, make sure your fingertips enter the water first with every stroke,” says Sarah Borell, a top-class swimming and triathlon coach in the Masters category. Avoid entering first thumb as this may put too much stress on your shoulder.

Draw a line

To move faster, focus on moving your arm straight back as you twist your shoulders and inhale. “Your arms should not cross the center line of your body in any of the stroke phases,” says Amedeo Pablo Olivares.

Increase your speed

Swimming short distances at a slow pace won't help much if you want to get better and faster. Instead, Radenko Miskovich recommends adding sprint to your workout routine - swim 12 seconds or less with maximum speed, then - recover. Divide the pool into swim zones at varying intensities. Experiment to find your top speed.

Push yourself to the next rung

“Legs are the largest muscle group in our body and they require the most oxygen. Working on the legs is vital for the swimmer, ”says Paula Newby Fraser. She recommends adding 180-meter exercises to your warm-up.

Leg movement - whip blow

“When it comes to footwork, it's very easy to overdo it. It can be tedious and much less effective than pushing, which looks like a whip, ”says Misty Hyman. Imagine wanting to pour something out of your fingertips. The whip movement starts from the hip, then the buttocks come into play and back muscles hips to lift the leg up. “You should feel like you’re getting a boost from both the downward and upward movement of your leg,” says Misty Hyman. "If you do everything right, your knees will not stay directly opposite each other - they will move vertically in a scissor fashion."

Pull your socks

Keep your socks stretched out! “It makes you more focused,” says Maria Compos. personal trainer fitness club in New York Health and Racquet Club. "When you don't pull your toe, your legs and lower body work against the water, slowing you down."

Swim from your hip

Do not bend your knee - think about the whole leg taking part in the clean and jerk. "The push from the hip is the opposite of the push from the knee," says Maria Compos. “Bending the knee creates resistance, while relatively straight legs allow you to move with less effort. You are using other muscles such as the thighs and glutes, not just the quads. "

Make turns perfect

If you do your turns correctly, they will help you take your swimming technique (and competition) to the next level. “You have to control the distance to the side to do the flips in a timely manner. A strong and correct push can give you an advantage in the swim and help you catch up with your opponent, ”says Gregory Kinchelo. head coach swimming at the Athletic Club in New York.

Hold your breath

The finishing spurt can change everything during a competitive swim. Gregory Kinchelo recommends not taking a breath in the last 5 meters to the finish, even if you think it is necessary. Instead, focus on touching the rim as quickly as possible. When you're done, you can breathe.

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Olimpiyskiy is a legendary sports facility, one of the main attractions of Moscow. The history of the sports complex goes back four decades. It was built to Olympic Games 1980 and has long been the largest indoor sports facility in Europe.

At the end of 2017, the object was acquired by the group of companies " Kievskaya square»Years of Nisanov and Zarakh Iliev. Currently, the holding is carrying out the reconstruction of the complex, which is scheduled to be completed in 2023.

A multifunctional arena for concert, sports and circus events, a space for exhibitions and conferences, a multiplex cinema, a children's entertainment center, an electronic library, a medical diagnostic center will be equipped in the new Olympic Stadium. The project also includes a planetarium. Moving panoramic restaurants will operate on its roof.

After the reconstruction, Olimpiyskiy will retain its sports function. The renovated "Olympic" will once again operate the swimming and jumping pools, indoor ice rink, gymnasiums, as well as a water park, a diving center, tennis courts, spa and fitness areas, etc. In addition, the parking lot will be expanded, which will make visiting Olimpiyskiy more comfortable.

Swimming lessons for adults in Moscow: full program


All our training is based on the study of special commands in the water. These commands are designed for the student to quickly master the correct body movements in the water. In the process of learning, the student gives himself these commands with the help of a coach. We call these commands "formulas". They are designed for every type of swimming and work at the central level. nervous system student.

The student follows THESE FORMULAS in the entire learning process, from the first (initial formula), related to applied swimming, to the last formula, which refers to the formula for professional swimming. This is a very rewarding and interesting path that students follow during several stages of learning. As a result, students master the professional swimming technique in all ways.


This stage is for people who want to:

  • Get rid of the fear of water.
  • Love water.
  • Strengthen your back.
  • Lose weight.
  • Improve the condition of the body.
  • Learn the correct technique.

The first stage of training takes three months. During its course, the students master all the methods of swimming. After the first stage, you will confidently swim in the following ways and cover the following distances without stopping:

  • - from 500 meters or more.
  • - from 200 meters or more.
  • - from 100 meters or more.
  • - from 100 meters or more.

In one workout (45 minutes) in the third month of training, students will easily cover distances from 600 to 1000 meters. All these are indicators for people who did not know how to swim before. Those who have successfully swum before and come to us to supply equipment will certainly be able to overcome long distances.


The stage is characterized by in-depth STUDY of PROFESSIONAL SWIMMING TECHNIQUE.

This stage is suitable for people who want to:

  • Learn to swim properly.
  • Prepare for competitions of different levels.
  • Get stronger.
  • Discover the world of professional swimming.

The present stage consists of seven months: from the fourth to the tenth month of study. During this period, students go through the path of complete mastering of professional swimming technique in all ways. All swimming methods begin to be studied according to the principle of complication of coordination exercises and an increase in functional load on the body.

After the second stage, you will swim professionally by all swimming methods and be able to swim the following distances without stopping:

  • Crawl - from 1500-3000m.
  • Breaststroke - from 1000m and more.
  • Dolphin - from 200-400 meters.
  • Back - from 400 to 800 meters.


This stage is suitable for people who:

  • They want to improve their technique.
  • Improve your personal best.
  • Prepare for the competition.
  • Become a professional swimmer.
  • Improve skills for open water competition and Masters.

This stage takes place at 11-12 months of study. After this stage, the student of our club goes into the category of "Profi" and begins to train according to the system of training swimmers the highest qualifications... At the third stage, students consolidate their professional swimming technique through intensive training process using zonal loads in a wide range. Here we teach students to maintain professional technique against a background of physical fatigue.


All of the above training system was developed so that the student can effectively learn swimming from the very basics to obtaining positive results associated with the development of professional swimming.

In the course of training, we study each new style of swimming and bring the skills of mastering it to sports perfection. This allows the student to effectively engage new muscle groups in the body and master new breathing rhythms. In the future, this skill allows the swimmer to use all the muscles of the body to the maximum in one workout mode and, due to correct breathing and balanced loads, increase the overall tone of the body and increase the metabolic rate.

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