Download galina grossmann abdominal biolifting. Galina Grossmann's book - Biolifting of the abdomen

Only those who want to have a beautiful slender tummy without exercise will understand


Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann is a scientist, doctor of biological sciences, a world famous researcher of closed ecosystems, life support systems. She conducted and published in academic journals and materials scientific conferences Scientific research in a number of areas of fundamental sciences: physiology, microbiology, ecology, physical geography; as well as applied sciences: nature protection, pedagogy, medicine. Scientific works G. N. Grossmann published in the academic publications of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and in the proceedings of scientific conferences.

The scientific and practical work of Dr. G. N. Grossmann is almost 40 years old.

Let's talk about past and future holidays. How did you conduct and conduct them? What have you done and will you do? What do you remember the most? And now the most important question is how much have you recovered and do you think that you will recover during this time?

Do not think that I scold you - of course not))) During the New Year holidays, more than 83% of people gain weight! To be honest, I myself have a couple of extra pounds. Therefore, I understand you perfectly.

But these kilograms are easy enough to get rid of if you start doing it right now. And there is fat that we accumulate for a very long time and for the most part it is formed in the abdomen.

But there is great news for you! Now you can get rid of it easily. The fact is that Rustem Agishev, the producer of Galina Grossmann and the organizer of the "Lose Weight99" project, said that they had recently had a training on "Biolifting of the abdomen" and said that the participants were simply delighted. The course is paid, but he found an alternative - to offer you a free book "Biolifting of the abdomen", which contains the same information.

What will you learn from the book?

So, once again, if you want to get beautiful belly hic, without straining, without tormenting yourself with diets or physical exercise without swallowing diet pills or dietary supplements, just follow the link below and download the book "Biolifting of the abdomen" Galina Grossmann

Another course from Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann.

When it comes the best time to lose weight Personally For you?

We all want to be irresistible, to be admired, to be carried on our hands, proud and complimented.

But when will this become reality? When will you find time for yourself? Remember - the best time is Now! If you put it off for "later", then this "later" will never come ...

Do you want your food addiction to disappear as if by magic?

You can't lose weight at any cost! Losing weight must necessarily take place in joy!

Many women are ready to make the following sacrifices in order to lose weight:

  • Every day walk in gym and work with a personal trainer.

Not only is being overweight it is simply dangerous for health (fat already squeezes the heart like a vise, so you also give it additional load). So also the result obtained in the course of heavy physical training, is reduced to "no" after the eaten bun, sausage or cake.

  • Drink plenty of water and fast for a very long time.
  • Sit on diets and keep on one willpower. But at the same time, the mood spoils, and evil is taken out, as a rule, on the closest

And much more

The question is, do you need it? If all this leads to the fact that you lose 2 kg, and then gain them in a week!

You perfectly understand that a piece of sausage, sweets, baked goods and other products are harmful to your body. Would you like to just stop noticing them? Would you like to just magically stop craving these foods and start eating right? Moreover, right - does not mean tasteless! That's right - it means tasty, satisfying, but at the same time your body will be happy and will be grateful to you for what you eat!

Beautiful, flat and toned belly- the dream of any woman. You always want to look irresistible. In the eyes of a beloved man, friends, colleagues. And that's not to mention self-esteem. When a slender, attractive, confident girl looks at you from the mirror, no difficulties are terrible.

Unfortunately, not everyone can maintain their physical fitness... The abdomen will certainly stretch from childbirth, and sedentary work and unhealthy modern food does not benefit the figure in any way. When family concerns are pressed from all sides, there is no time and energy left for regular training.

And what should be done in this case? Really beautiful figure- is this an unattainable dream for most? Renowned doctor Galina Grossmann is ready to challenge this claim.

Problem solving from Galina Grossmann

Successful biologist with many years of practice in the field of healing and rejuvenation human body, Galina Grossman, is known throughout Russia for her effective video courses and lessons. Her techniques have helped thousands of women and girls get rid of excess weight.

Grossman Galina - author unique exercises and techniques that allow you to quickly and effectively get rid of the shortcomings of your body. Excess weight, drawn skin, wrinkles - all this can be removed. This does not require grueling workouts in the gym, daily jogging, sadistic diets and expensive beautician services.

Your body, your beauty and attractiveness are in your hands. With the help of author's techniques, you will be able to "sculpt" exactly the appearance that you want. Galina offers many materials to her clients absolutely free of charge. Try it, because you will not lose anything.

Free education

Grossmann Galina offers for reading her book, which was called "Biolifting of the abdomen." This is a free author's collection of highly effective techniques for burning fat and renewing the skin in the abdomen. This is by no means a complex exercise routine for the gym. You do not need to spend several hours a day on them.

Simple self-massage, light gymnastics and massaging the nourishing oils into the skin takes very little time. The author guarantees that the result will be visible within a few weeks. Any woman can master the exercises, there is nothing difficult in them. You can download the book completely free of charge.

Welcome dear ladies to our training portal. In these video lessons "Biolifting of the abdomen" from Galina Grossmann you will learn how you can make a beautiful slender tummy without exercise.


"Biolifting of the Belly"

For those who want a beautiful belly without exercise

Your desire to have toned tummy will finally come true!

Just take this book and become slim and beautiful!

Thank you for the book! Did a belly massage - it's a miracle!

So, once again, if you want to get a beautiful tummy without straining, without tormenting yourself with diets or physical exercises, without swallowing diet pills or dietary supplements, then simply follow the link below and download the book "Belly biolifting" by Galina Grossmann

Many girls, women want to lose weight. Looking through free videos lessons, video courses. We can say for those who are ready to work on failure, they really lose weight and do strengthening.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video lessons of Galina Grossman "Biolifting of the abdomen" and tighten your tummy and make it beautiful and slim. During the month, observe and adhere to food and strictly observe the meal hours. We recommend drinking water all the time, as drinking plenty of water helps to burn fat cells and they will leave your body by means of sweating. So how easy is it to lose weight by 8-15 kg per month?

Adhere to the rules and follow them, and then the result - minus 8-15 kg in 4 weeks will be guaranteed.

It is not necessary to study in gyms, but we still recommend that you visit them. You can learn how girls and women lead their figure to successful results for these purposes, you can watch the video lessons "".

Galina Grossman conducts a large number of classes for women who are interested in their figure. At the moment, we offer you to watch four video lessons on biolifting of the abdomen.

1. Modeling your belly

2. Reduce internal fat

3. Improvement of the liver and pancreas

4. Reduce subcutaneous fat

We will be very glad if you recommend these video lessons and the book of Galina Grossmann "Belly biolifting" to your friends and acquaintances. Join our social groups and get new video tutorials. We wish you success and correct support for your figure, and do not forget to download the book.

Is your belly shape poor? Do you think about dramatic weight loss or harsh measures at the fitness center? Do not rush to spend money, there is a way much more effective and beneficial than exhausting diets and ruthless exercise.

Galina Grossman offers you a unique technique "Biolifting of the abdomen", available to everyone who wants to have the perfect abs.

Knowing your own body will help to create the ideal shape of this part of the body. These secrets are shared with you by the doctor of biological sciences, the founder of the legendary Center for the study of the subtleties of human biology, the author of many scientific works Galina Grossman.

With a scientifically proven methodology, you can help own body launch deep processes to combat fat deposits in the abdominal region. “The purpose of the book“ Biolifting of the abdomen, ”says Galina Grossman, is to convey to everyone the basics of the work of the internal systems of the body. Each of us must know and understand what the body consists of, how all systems work, where there are true problem areas and what needs to be done to force the body to remove fat on its own.

Dangerous weight loss

For some people, working out in the gym can be very unpleasant. Find out if you fall into the category where acquiring a gym membership can be detrimental to your health.

Did you know that some women have diastasis. A phenomenon in which it is categorically impossible to engage in physical exercise. But how then to get in shape? You will find the answer in Grossman's book "Biolifting of the abdomen"

What happens in the body when using weight loss products, in the process of liposuction. Where does belly fat go and what is fraught with getting ideal forms for you. Do you know that after the fat suction procedure, you will be strictly prohibited from gaining even a kilogram of excess weight? Why?

Five pleasant steps

Effective stepping stones towards perfect press... There are only five of them, they are simple and affordable. And they do not require any physical activity. How to remove ugly fat from the lateral areas of the back using normal breathing.

To acquire the ideal form of the press, you need to make your own body work in this direction. How to activate blood circulation using special points. Grossman will tell you about this in detail in the book "Biolifting of the abdomen", which can be obtained completely free of charge.

You will study the detailed breathing exercises aimed at internal body massage. Energy training contribute to the complete burning of weight from the peritoneal area, restoring the elasticity of the skin in these places. What is white, yellow and gray fat. How is it different and why it appears.

Unique recipes for oils

In nature, there are many effective remedies with which you can effortlessly get rid of a hanging belly. You will learn how to make your own legendary oil to burn fat from the abdominal area using just a few ingredients. Everything you need can be found in any pharmacy - these are well-known products.

  • Recipe 1, consisting of three components, is aimed at actively burning fat and extracting toxic substances from the epidermis.
  • Recipe 2, using four ingredients, can dramatically tighten skin while simultaneously revitalizing and revitalizing.

Bath for the abdominal area using oil products. How to use the manufactured oils correctly in these procedures. The unique publication "Biolifting of the abdomen" from the author Galina Grossman tells about this.

Energy impact

In the Grossman technique, you will learn for the first time what energy sessions are. How light massage movements and thoughts help make your own body activate its forces and direct them to fight fat deposits.

Energy biolifting of the abdomen has no contraindications. It suits all people. This is the most reliable, proven method to achieve a goal. In this case - perfect shape press.

Are you a flaxseed oil or sugar molecule? What does it mean? You will learn to "travel" through your body and guide it from the inside. And how to do this - the instruction of life "Biolifting of the abdomen" created by Grossman will explain in detail, which can be downloaded to everyone. Here are some reviews:

Questions and answers

When mastering something new, a lot of questions, incomprehensible moments and problems always arise.

  • How to force yourself to give up sweets, from the constant desire to eat something tasty and unnecessary?
  • And if Zhor did attack and won? Who is to blame and what to do?
  • What kind of weight loss is the technique designed for? If I want to remove 50-55 kilograms, is it real? Will biolifting really help me?
  • What is a weight loss and stabilization course? How long can you lose weight, and how long should the body rest after the stage of active weight loss?
  • I serve in the temple and I am not allowed to have breakfast. What can be changed in the diet to get the most benefit from the method?
  • I can't bring myself to start the sessions. How to overcome your own laziness?

There are many questions. And Galina Grossman gives a detailed and accessible answer to each of them in her book. The technique developed by this amazing woman is based on thorough, many years of research into the mechanisms of the functioning of the human body. Sessions have a beneficial effect not only on problem belly... They harmonize all physiological and mental functions of the body. And finally. You all love surprises, right? Galina Grossman has prepared an intriguing, valuable and useful gift for each of her readers. How to get it, you will be explained by the instructions for creating perfect body"Biolifting of the abdomen" that you can. Health and beauty to you!

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