Fishing in the Vitebsk region. Forecast for fish biting in Vitebsk Forecast for biting Vitebsk

“... How much is known about all sorts of nonsense and nothing is known about biting fish. Why don't we discuss this issue?" (ancient Greek philosopher Socrates).

Until now, a person has not been able to understand why a whole worm does not cause bites, and a torn one attracts crucian carp. Versions are different. Some believe that the torn one smells more appetizing, others that the crucian does not like it when it wriggles. Worms that suffocated on the way to fishing are willingly taken by crucian carp.

Carp are kept separate from the tench, and they never peck for food together.

It has been observed that tench loves windows in the grass. So they try to please him: they cover the bottom with sand and pebbles. And some even came up with the idea of ​​pressing down the bottom grass with a piece of slate.

It is commonly believed that nothing spoils fishing so much as holidaymakers floating off the coast. However, those who take it for a fishing benefit are also right. Bathers mix layers of water, raise turbidity from the bottom, create new situations with their movements in the usual course of the river, and this attracts fish. Proof: decent catches on the beaches. So are the boats. A motorboat at a medium speed - but not at a fast one - always "adjusts" the fish to the gear.


If there are a lot of dragonflies above the water, catch a few with a landing net. Tie on a spinning tackle and put dragonflies on a hook. You will be with redfins.

Not a single fish pecked until some pike bit off the spatula from the wobbler. Apparently, after that, the movements of the wobbler became so attractive that bites followed one after another;).

A belief that you can believe, or you can not: if the sun has not yet set in the sky, and the moon is already visible, this is a bream.

Fish are well caught in the same months in which the signs of the Zodiac patronize the planting of plants.

Biting forecast

Opinion from: "After all, the biting is mainly influenced by factors that we are not able to take into account, because we are not fish."

What happens in a pike when the wind blows? Noticed: northern and northeastern - takes weakly or does not take at all. Southern and southwestern - active biting!

Biting in winter, if we discard all pagan beliefs and signs, as well as random coincidences, depends on the food *predator*. I ate - the fish worked up fat for spring-summer-autumn, do not wait for it to be hooked in the first half of winter. Hungry entered the winter - you will be with good ice catches. That is why on the same bite changes from winter to winter.

Each type of fish is active for fishing at the same water temperatures at which it spawns en masse, plus or minus 4 degrees.

Fans and those who fish, as it were, by the way, are affected by the same natural factors. Therefore, without rejecting knowledge and experience, The best way communication with nature - to give oneself into its power, and not be upset by failures, but to take them for granted.

Fishing forecast Vitebsk today - 20.08"19 .

Cloudy today with a chance of light rain, no precipitation in the afternoon. Temperature +19 C° in the morning, +23 C° in the afternoon and evening. The pressure is stable 741 mm Hg. The wind is weak all day, northwest up to 3 m/s. Leaves and thin branches of trees sway all the time. The waves are short and well-defined, the crests, overturning, form a vitreous foam.

Biting forecast bad 3 /10 . This month, the bite is generally good, pike perch and trout peck a little better, crucian, carp, rudd, bream, tench, chub, asp, perch, catfish and pike bite a little worse. Good weather for fishing. In cloudy weather, the fish biting is very good, especially before the rain.

Forecast for biting Vitebsk tomorrow - 21.08"19 .

It will be cloudy with no chance of rain in the afternoon. Temperature +17 C° in the morning, +23 C° in the afternoon and evening. The pressure will change slightly throughout the day. The wind is moderate all day, northwest up to 5 m/s. The wind raises dust and debris, sets in motion the thin branches of trees. The waves are elongated, the lambs are visible in many places.

Biting forecast will be weak 4 /10 . This month, the bite is generally good, pike perch and trout peck a little better, crucian, carp, rudd, bream, tench, chub, asp, perch, catfish and pike bite a little worse. Nice weather for fishing, but strong wind. In cloudy weather, the fish biting is very good, especially before the rain.

The Vitebsk region is so rich in regions that the locals joke: there is one small body of water for each of them. Indeed, there are more than seventy lakes here, among which there are both small and quite large ones, and rest houses and camp sites are built on the banks of many of them. Some bodies of water give the impression of being wild, but they are not. It is on such lakes and rivers, according to professionals, that the most the best fishing in the Vitebsk region. Fans of underwater fishing come here, while they strive to climb into the cherished places. They are not at all afraid of the Spartan conditions: avid fishermen set up tents and sit for hours with a fishing rod in their hands, waiting good catch, which, I must say, is famous for fishing in the Vitebsk region.

Biting forecast

Those who are going to spearfishing should get a map of the region's lakes. After all, sometimes even very small backwaters are quite interesting for anglers. Each of the fishermen has his own preferences: someone likes to fish from a boat, and someone likes to fish on the shore. Yes, and the prey is different: some throw gear in the hope of catching a pike, while others rejoice at a perch or bream. Many people definitely study the daily fish biting forecast for Vitebsk and its environs. It is designed specifically for anglers based on weather forecast data, seasonal spawning calendars and periods of activity of individual species.

Catchable places

Fishing in the Vitebsk region is possible all year round. The only seasonal difference is that tench, carp or crucian carp are not well caught from the ice, because in winter they fall into a stupor, so it is quite difficult to catch them.

The most popular in the region are lakes Inovo and Obsterno, which have a heterogeneous bottom and are inhabited by crucian carp and bream, pike, perch and tench, but fishing from the shore is quite problematic. There is only one conclusion - you need a boat.

In deep Drisvyaty, the depth in some places reaches nineteen meters. Here you can catch not only predators - pike, catfish, pike perch and burbot, but also other crucian carp, vendace, ide.

Fishing in the Vitebsk region on Lake Dolgoe is famous for its trophy catches. You can fish here both on the shore and from a boat. The complexity of fishing lies in the large depth differences, so many anglers always use an echo sounder. Another body of water - Losvido - is rich enough. Even the one who holds a fishing rod for the first time can fish here. According to reviews, large roach and even a kilogram bream often come across. Other lakes are no less catchy - Plisa, Sho, Yuzhny, Serebryany Volos, Snudy, Strusno ... In addition, there are many rivers in the region, for example, the Dvina.

Fishing in the Vitebsk region (photos taken in nature and showing an excellent catch often become a source of pride and boast of a gambling fisherman in front of his comrades) annually gathers not only fans of "quiet" hunting from neighboring regions, but even professionals from all over Russia. Many of them have long chosen one of the many lakes for themselves. Judging by the reviews, professionals really like fishing in Vitebsk and the region.

Winter fishing

In summer, those who prefer to fish from a boat or from the shore at sufficient depth come to the region. Nevertheless, winter fishing in the Vitebsk region is no less popular. However, not all reservoirs are suitable for it. In many of them, the fish falls into a stupor, and no, even the best bait, is able to stir it up. It's about about those lakes where crucian carp and carp mainly live, which, as a rule, are not caught here in the cold season. However, those water bodies where winter fishing is possible are literally filled with ice fishing enthusiasts. There you can catch pike and roach, perch and bream. Fishing in the Vitebsk region in winter is catchy only in those water bodies where the species composition of representatives of the underwater kingdom is diverse. In terms of excitement, it is practically in no way inferior to summer, apparently, therefore, all large and deep and large lakes are filled with lovers of ice fishing, "armed" with ice screws.

For pike

Winter fishing in the Vitebsk region is very diverse. Everyone chooses for himself exactly the method of fishing and the tackle that is most interesting to him, and goes for the fish that he likes best. There are especially many “pikes” in the region - people for whom the most significant trophy in ice fishing is toothed pike. It is for her that they hunt in all possible ways, one of which is the traditional vent. The results on the lakes are sometimes impressive.

In the winter catch, most often there is not only pike, but also asp with burbot, bream, as well as perch, silver bream. The ide with the chub pecks less often than others in winter.

What to catch

On the first ice, a hungry catfish can grab everything, but these will only be single bites. Many are interested in which are the most catchy. There is no single answer even for experienced anglers. Tackle and lures necessary for such an event as ice fishing in the Vitebsk region are selected only by selection. In this case, one rule must be observed: if your target is a pike, the size of the winter nozzle should be from five centimeters, and its weight is selected depending on the type of reservoir and the presence of a current.

The color of the winter bait for fishing on many lakes and on it is preferable to choose natural, but sometimes fish bite on ice and acid tones. This means that the angler should have a variety of lures in the box. For winter fishing even some summer ones will do

In the city limits

In December, especially on Sundays, in the port of Vitebsk, judging by the stories of experienced winterers, it is so crowded that sometimes people sit "elbow to elbow". The reason is that it was at this time that extremely reliable even ice was on the water. On the backwater in Vitebsk in January is also not deserted. Local anglers do not recommend bait fishing here. Manually from a depth of four to five meters, a perch or other big booty, however, it is not a fact that it will be possible to pull it out onto the ice. Luck depends both on the strength of the fishing line and on the mormyshka with a hook. That is, as the locals say, for whom fishing in the Vitebsk region in winter has long turned into a “way of life”, you first need to decide: to be content with perches or rely on larger prey.

On the Dvina

The river is covered with “calm”, not alluvial ice somewhere in November, and it stays until April. However, fishing in Vitebsk on the Dvina is interesting both in winter and in summer. From migratory fish, salmon, lamprey enter it, and in the lower reaches - whitefish, river flounder and smelt. Permanently living species are pike with grayling, roach, bream, ruff, perch and burbot, ruff. Compared to other rivers, the water is remarkably clear. As a result of passing through numerous local lakes, a rather diverse fauna has formed in it.

In winter on the backwaters

In January, the Sheven backwater is a very fishy place. This is a site where a small river flows into the Western Dvina from the lake of the same name. The ice here is early and stable. Many on the backwater are caught at depths, in the very middle. In this case, the main science for the fisherman is to find the bottom and the correct wiring of the nozzle - very slowly, barely shaking it. Many winter roads are guided by a nod, since it is believed that those who have mastered this method have a much richer catch.

Backwaters closer to spring are no longer suitable for closing winter season fishing. Raised water begins to quickly wash the ice, so it becomes dangerous to fish from it. However, do not be sorry, because in this season only small perches with roach are found in the backwaters.

Of course, in many reservoirs in the Vitebsk region in winter there are not so many places for fishing. In addition, many locals have the opportunity to go fishing only on weekends. But if at least once a place gave a rich catch, then it becomes clear that there are no problems with ice fishing. As a rule, in many areas of the Western Dvina, from the very first hole, you can catch as many small ones as you like; in many places, it usually stands at a three-meter depth. Basically, many locals here are advised to fish on zherlitsy. Sometimes you can get a chub with such tackle. Contrary to popular belief, this fish is also caught on a vent with a main monofilament line with a diameter of 0.27 and a leader with a size of 0.5.

In the Vitebsk region, fishing is carried out all year round and can please those who like to sit on the shore with a fishing rod with a variety of locations and an abundance of fish. And numerous guests from neighboring countries of Belarus only confirm this.

Free places

Most of the rivers and lakes located on the territory of the Vitebsk region are absolutely free for fishing. This does not at all detract from their dignity over paid ones, but only warms up the sports interest of hunters. We offer you to get acquainted with the most attractive of the free places.

Western Dvina River

The Western Dvina has:

  • average flow rate;
  • length of 300 km on the territory of Belarus;
  • maximum ice thickness 75 cm.

In the first third of December, it partially freezes, and the ice stays until mid-March.

The following types of fish are found in the river:, golden, syrt, dace, comes across. Fishing on the Western Dvina at different times of the year will have its own characteristics;

Lake Zaronovskoe

It is located 25 kilometers from Vitebsk on the border of the Shumilinsky and Vitebsk regions. Its area is 3.61 sq. km., the maximum depth is 13.5 meters. The lake has an elongated shape and several islands.

Fishing features:

  • the entrance to the place is very convenient, you can park the car right by the water;
  • low coastline simplifies fishing from the shore;
  • the lake is home to a dozen species of fish and a large number of crayfish.

Tip: If you catch a perch during winter fishing, follow the trail and drill a few holes, because this fish comes in a flock.

Zaronovo is the most popular place among Vitebsk hunters. According to their confessions, the fish from the lake does not give off mud and is very tasty. In October 2016, stocking was carried out here, the following were introduced:

  • 2,000 pike;
  • 500 copies white carp;
  • 300 specimens of carp.

Paid places

Legislation of Belarus in the field of paid fishing for recent times has undergone significant changes, and the number of reservoirs with paid fishing has increased significantly. Below you can familiarize yourself with the features of such fishing and learn about the best fishing spots.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Novolukoml fish farm

Despite protests local residents, the new management of the fish farm has recently made fishing paid. But this has certain advantages:

The owner of the fish farm voucher will be provided with parking, additional food, barbecue and firewood. According to the reviews of the guests, the Novolukoml reservoir is a very fishy place. Carp and are perfectly caught here. In total, you can safely drag 3-4 kilograms of fish at a time.

Please note: a quota has been set for paid recreational fishing - no more than 56.6 tons per year.

Rybkhoz New

The fish farm is located in the picturesque lake part of the Postavy district of the Vitebsk region and is one of the leaders in the cultivation of pond fish: carp, pike, tench, pike perch, peled, motley, European, white carp. The company has organized paid fishing, I have an opportunity:

  1. Rent fishing equipment.
  2. Use the necessary equipment.

Amateur fishermen come here mainly for carp, which is found here in abundance, they also speak well of the local service.

Fishing base "Ptich"

The enterprise is located five kilometers from the ring road of Minsk. There are two ponds on the territory, where paid fishing with hook rods and spinning rods is organized. She may be:

  • sports;
  • amateur;
  • club.

One of the ponds is stocked with pike and silver carp and is intended for sport fishing, the second - with three types of carp, grass carp, tench, bighead carp, crucian carp and catfish. This reservoir is included in the "Carp Club" system, through which you can purchase a ticket for seasonal or annual fishing with the right to take out fish.

Infrastructure for recreation has been created on the territory of the base:

  1. Gazebos are equipped.
  2. Places for a fire and a brazier are equipped.
  3. There are houses for rest and overnight stays.
  4. There are conditions for organizing family holidays, picnics, corporate events, sports competitions.

The places described in the article are the most popular among fishermen, and each of them has its own advantages. But the main advantage of the lakes and rivers of the Vitebsk region is an excellent bite, a variety of fish species and the opportunity to engage in your favorite hobby all year round.

Belarus is famous for its fishing places and numerous reservoirs. Many avid fishermen go to the country just for fishing. Different regions of the country have numerous rivers and reservoirs. For example, in Vitebsk region Belarus has many rivers and lakes that are suitable for fishing.

Some of them are especially popular among fishermen and are famous for their successful catch.

When and where is the best time to fish in the Vitebsk region of Belarus?

Experienced fishermen advise fishing on the lakes of Vitebsk. There is a list of the most popular ones. For successful fishing, it is recommended to select one lake or river from the list.

You can identify some of the most popular places that are famous for their wonderful bite:

  1. Western Dvina;
  2. River Beaver;
  3. Eastern Berezina;
  4. Lake Long;
  5. Losvido.

These rivers and lakes are the most popular among fishermen. Each place stands out with its own characteristics, but one thing unites them - the possibility of a rich catch and the convenience of fishing itself.

Fishing in the Vitebsk region is possible both in winter and in summer. In the autumn season, there is a lull in the reservoirs, since fishing is not the most successful in autumn. However, you can also try fishing in the fall.

Thanks to the anglers, a special map has been created - a fish one. It is a typical map image with marks about the most fishy places. There is a publication of forecasts for the success of fishing at certain times of the year. Also, there are marks on the fishing bases on it. The map is constantly updated and supplemented.

Here we covered the question of popular places for.

What bites in the Vitebsk region of Belarus?

In the Vitebsk region, a fairly large number of various fish live in reservoirs.

The most common types are:

  1. Pike;
  2. crucian;
  3. Perch;
  4. Roach;
  5. Tench.

Also, you can catch catfish, pike perch, burbot. In different places, there may be more of some fish, and less of other species.


A fairly large number of rivers flow in the Vitebsk region. There are small and large rivers. Almost all of them are suitable for fishing and are popular among fishermen.

The most frequently mentioned of them can be noted:

  • Western Dvina;
  • Shevinka;
  • Luzhesnyanka;
  • Usvyach.

The Western Dvina is the largest and most popular river for fishing. Fishermen come here from different parts of Vitebsk and the surrounding areas. There are many approaches to the river, which are already independently equipped by fishermen. There is a wide variety of fish here.

Shevinka flows out of Lake Zaronovskoe. Its length is 26 km. Rudd, roach, bream, pike are found in the river.

Luzhesnyanka is a river, 32 km long. Widely used for hunting fish. It has a lot of roach, pike, dace, chub.

Usvyacha stretches for 100 km, 31 of which are in Belarus. The river is quite rich in fish, fishermen catch perch, chub, pike, and roach in it.

Lakes and reservoirs

According to the reviews and advice of experienced fishermen, you can select the most successful places for fishing.

The most popular lakes are:

  1. obsterno;
  2. Hair North and Hair South;
  3. Losvido;
  4. Inovo;
  5. Drysvyaty;
  6. Plisa;
  7. long;
  8. Snudy.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.


The main advantage of Lake Obsterno is the presence of a large number of access points to the water. In addition, there is a recreation center where you can stay for the night. The most favorable season for fishing in this place is summer.

The following fish are found:

  • crucian;
  • Tench;
  • Pike;
  • Perch.


Coastline about. Sho is heavily overgrown with various plants, so it is recommended to actively fish here mainly in the summer.

Successful hunting will be for the following types of fish:

  • Roach;
  • crucian;
  • Perch;
  • Pike.

Now only I bite!

I caught this pike with a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!!! The best bite activator of 2018! Made in Italy...

North and South Volos

These lakes are distinguished by their great depth and substantial size. The depth can be 20 meters. Fishing from a boat is optimal in this area. It can be done at any time of the year.

The catch mainly consists of:

  • Roach;
  • perch.


This very popular body of water has a significant advantage - it is home to a large variety of fish species. Many fishermen use special devices here to accurately locate fish habitats.


Inovo is a large body of water that includes a group of 13 lakes. However, hunting here can only be done in the summer, because fishing from the shore is inconvenient and you have to use a boat.

In these places you can find a large number of fish:

  • Perch;
  • crucian;
  • Pike;
  • Tench.


The reservoir has big size, and the depth in some places can reach 19 meters. For fishing, you need to use a boat, so it is best to fish here in the summer.

The fish in the lake is varied, you can catch on baits:

  • Burbot;
  • pike;
  • perch;
  • Sudak;
  • Soma.

In addition, there are - bream, eel, ide, tench, crucian.


The distinctive feature of this water bodywater purity. You can fish here both from the shore and from a boat, so fishing can be done at any time of the year. There is a special recreation center on the shore.


Lake Long is clear waters and a large bottom depth, which can reach 50 meters. Predominant species of fish are predominantly observed here.


Lake Snudy, like Strusno, has a rather inaccessible approach to water, therefore fishing can only be done from a boat. The advantage of this place is a large number of fish.

Paid fishing

Paid fishing mainly takes place on fish farms. This is due to the greatest opportunities for the fish farm in the construction of reservoirs. However, not all ponds allow you to stay overnight for fishing.

There are a large number of leased ponds in the Braslav region. On them, for a fee, you can engage in industrial fishing for subsequent sale.

You can fish for amateurs. There are about forty. You can fish on them at any time of the day, catch without any restrictions, stay for several days. But during this time it is allowed to catch no more than a predetermined weight. In case of an overabundance, you will have to pay a fine.

Where to go fishing?

Fishing in Vitebsk and the Vitebsk region is an abundance of fish, high-quality family vacations and a rich catch. In order for fishing to succeed, you need to use some tips. For example, many fishermen can recommend the most popular places for a great holiday combined with fishing.

They are:

  • Fisheries "News"- is an excellent combination of "price-quality". First-class service, everything here is equipped for comfortable fishing. It is famous for its very rich catch. Not a single fisherman leaves here empty-handed. There are a lot of carp, in some places there are especially large individuals. It is very convenient that you can rent various equipment and fishing tackle;
  • Fish base "Novolukomolsky". Here you can find everything you need for an active holiday. Those who wish can rent everything that is needed for cooking shish kebab and fish soup. If there is a desire to stay overnight, then there is an opportunity to spend the night in cozy apartments. The main type of fish is carp and crucian carp;
  • Fisheries Hajdukovka. Considered a paradise for carp lovers. It can be called an excellent combination of "price-quality". There is a great opportunity to rent fishing equipment and rent a house for the night. In addition, for connoisseurs of cooking, all conditions have been created for preparing delicious fish soup. Experts advise in this place to fish for spinning, then there is a chance to catch a big pike;
  • Base for fishing Ptich. It stands out among other bases with a convenient location. The lake is surrounded by forest, which gives it a special beauty. According to experienced fishermen, very tasty pike is found here. There are small carps. Worms and any other variant of animal origin are widely used as bait, since most of the inhabitants of the lake are predatory fish.

What should you take with you?

Before you go to the chosen place, you need to take with you certain equipment that will be needed during fishing.

They are the following items:

  1. Fishing rod / spinning;
  2. Various fishing tackle;
  3. Small penknife;
  4. Warm clothes, especially for the cool season;
  5. Tent, in cases where you are going to go overnight, or just if you want to relax on the shore;
  6. Supply of food and water - during a long fishing trip, a supply of food is necessary;
  7. Umbrella for protection from the sun - for the sunny season, when there is a high probability of getting a sunstroke;
  8. A first aid kit and insect repellents - the latter is more likely to be needed only in summer;
  9. Flashlight - preferably not alone and with spare batteries (especially if night fishing is supposed);
  10. Navigator or compass - necessary in case the fisherman gets lost;
  11. Fishing hooks.

Fishing reports - Vitebsk region

Many fishermen leave their feedback about fishing in the Vitebsk region. Some of them prefer hunting for fish on paid reservoirs, while others use free and accessible local shores.

Here are some examples of comments:

  1. We went fishing with friends to the recreation center "House by the Lake". It is located on the shore of Boginskoye Lake. The fishing went well. Among the rich catch, mainly bream, but there are also small pike, tench eel and other species.
  2. Recently visited the agricultural base "Dubrava" located near the river Drissa. The river is small, but it is considered very fishy. The bite didn't have to wait long. The catch was excellent, the fish caught different species.
  3. I often go fishing on Lake Obsterno. I like the fact that there are many approaches to the water, each fisherman can find an individual place for himself. There are quite a few fish. There are bream, crucian carp, perch and other types of fish. In addition, there is a recreation center nearby, where, if necessary, you can stay for the night.
  4. We go fishing with the whole family to the base with the name "At Evgeny's". It is located in the city of Braslav, Vitebsk region. Nearby is Lake Drivyaty, where we go fishing. There are a lot of fish in the lake, more than 20 species live. We usually catch eel, carp and zander there. Also, not far away are the lakes Nedrovo and Strusto. If there is a desire to change the situation, we go there. There are also quite a lot of fish in these lakes.

Autumn fishing report on Lake Sosna

We arrived at the shore of the lake early in the morning, when it was still dark. The weather was conducive to fishing - wind, temperature and pressure were normal. We settled down very quickly and pumped up the boats. They went out to the water. Since we often come here with friends, the shores are familiar, and everyone went to their favorite corner of the lake.

After a certain period of time, doubts crept in that the predator today did not want to peck at all. Neither the change of place nor the variety of baits helped. Toward evening it became clear that the assumptions were justified. Unfortunately, this time we came home no catch. Hopefully there will be a catch next time.

Winter fishing with summer gear

That year we went fishing on the lake Slabodskoe. The weather in December was such that it was not at all difficult to conduct open fishing. The ice was almost completely absent, only there were small frozen areas near the coast. Fishing was carried out from the river, for which inflatable boats were used.

We tried to hunt in our favorite places since the summer and in new ones. We used spinning rods, tried to catch “on the track”. The baits used were yellow, vibrotails and spinners. The catch included several medium-sized and medium-sized pikes. We stayed for five hours, after which we went home quite satisfied.

Successful fishing in the Hajdukovka fish farm

This time we decided to try our luck on a paid basis. We arrived in the morning, quickly settled in a rented house and went ashore. Fishing was carried out from the shore, we decided not to go to the water. Although, it was possible to rent boats. The weather was good - summer, not hot, moderately warm. The water was practically standing still, there was no wind.

Lures used a variety of. The pecking was pretty fast. And the same, for any bait. Several dozen carps were counted in the catch. Spent a day, all hopes for successful fishing were justified. The next morning we left for home. We decided that this was not our last trip to this base.

Recreation and fishing were remembered from the positive side.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When last time caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes / carps / breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?
