The best jigs for ice fishing: tips for beginners. Top most catchy jigs

It is a very numerous and widespread fish in the middle zone of the country. In the Volga reservoirs, where conditions for her life were extremely favorable, she even surpassed perch and roach in numbers.

The usual weight of fish is 100-200 g, however, in large bodies of water, you can catch a stem thicket weighing more than 500 g, and in some cases - up to 1 kg. When playing, large specimens of this fish resist quite stubbornly, giving anglers many pleasant and exciting moments ( see fig. 28).

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White bream is found not only in rivers, but also in flooded lakes and flowing ponds. It keeps in most cases at the bottom, preference is given to deep enough areas of water bodies with a small and moderate current. However, in summer, it can often be found in shallow creeks, creeks and oxbows with a sandy-clay or muddy bottom. It feeds mainly on benthic organisms and insect larvae, worms, molluscs. Aquatic vegetation and planktonic organisms constitute a significant part of its nutrition.

During the period of open water, the silver bream finds food for itself almost everywhere, therefore, it does not make large migrations in the reservoir during this period. In winter, the silver bream does not lose its activity: in search of food, the basis of which at this time is made up of plankton crustaceans, it often migrates throughout the reservoir, and in places with significant depths it almost constantly moves after plankton throughout the entire water column.

After freezing, the silver bream bites quite well for 2-3 weeks at a depth of 4-5 m, then the bite noticeably weakens. In January and in the dead of seasons, this fish moves quite actively in search of food, but mainly small fish are caught at this time. Biting is noticeably activated in late February - early March with a noticeable increase in the length of the day. At this time, in the thaw, the movement of large schools of this fish is already beginning to be observed. In mid-March, silver bream often begins to appear in shallow areas of water bodies (2–3 m) with a silty bottom.

It is caught on a jig without a nozzle for silver bream, but it is not very willing to take on such a bait, much worse than perch and roach. It is necessary to adapt to catching this fish with a non-attachment jig. And here success depends not only on the game of the bait, but also on the jig, and on the hook's rigging with cambrices or beads of different colors. In the end, all the same skillful play of the bait in combination with the above factors causes the fish to bite. In this regard, I want to give a fairly convincing example of catching silver bream with a non-attachment jig from my practice one of the days of its rather good bite on a jig with a jig attachment.

The end of February was a quiet cloudy day with a little frost. I was quite good at catching perch on the largest stretch of Saratovka, the so-called "Chashka", not far from the confluence of this river into the Volga. Around noon, the nibble of the perch noticeably subsided, at which time I noticed that in the eastern corner of the reach there were many fishermen, who often made movements with their hands, reminiscent of pulling fish out of the water. Of course, I went there immediately. In this place, at least a dozen fishermen gathered, and all of them, I must say, quite successfully caught silver bream with a jig with a bloodworm attachment.

I tried to fish this fish with a perch tackle with a "small pellet" jig, with which I tried several holes unsuccessfully. I continued to catch silver bream with bloodworms, some of the fishermen from this company already had almost a bucket of catches. I didn't have fishing rods for alternative fishing with a no-nozzle jig with me. He began to change the jigs and more often began to vary the game of the bait. At the very bottom, with a very insignificant oscillation frequency, I noticed that the nod at one of the moments of the game with the bait slightly bent, but immediately returned to its previous position. This meant that the fish nevertheless became interested in my bait (a small "drop") and even tried it. There was something about her that prevented the fish from grabbing her. I changed the jig for a small "doll", again there was a touch of fish to the bait. I decided to change the bead on the jig hook. And now, with two beads, yellow and green, a real and well-visible bite nod occurred at last. I do a short sweep, and immediately feel the weight and jerks of the fish that began to resist. Quite a decent silver bream about 200 grams in weight. My bites did not follow one after the other, but I did not remain without a catch. So, empirically, changing the bait, their rigging, the pace and rhythm of playing with a jig, I still made the silver brew to take the bait.

And once I took a silver bream pretty well on a non-attachment jig-"drop" when equipping the forend of the hook before bending with a red cambric. Gustera bites most often do not manifest themselves in bending, but in straightening the nod. The line for catching this fish should be no thicker than 0.10 mm.

I have already mentioned that in winter planktonic organisms make up a significant share in the diet of silver bream. For this reason, during stable thaws in large and deep creeks and backwaters of reservoirs, this fish often keeps at the depth where planktonic crustaceans are. Often this happens half-way, and sometimes, with a significant depth of this section of the reservoir, a few meters from the ice. In this case, fish must be sought throughout the entire water column. Many experienced amateurs of catching silver bream do the following. The line of a fishing rod with short (no more than 5–6 cm) leads with small hooks is lowered to the bottom. Leashes with hooks are attached to the line every meter. You can use dough as a nozzle, but bloodworms are better. Such a tackle allows you to get information about the location of the fish. Of course, after that, an ordinary winter fishing rod is taken and the bait is sent to the depth where the bite occurred.

I didn’t have to catch a silver bream with an alternative way of fishing with a jig, but I became a witness of the very successful catching of silver bream with this option of fishing without an attachment.

It was already quite a long time ago at the end of winter. On the large Volga backwater, the depth of which exceeded 15 m, there were many fishermen, and they all fished for silver bream. She took it at a depth of 6 m on a jig with a bloodworm attachment. From dawn, the bite was pretty good, often quite large, rod-shaped silver bream was caught. However, by 10 o'clock it had noticeably weakened, and now only from time to time came across a "lavrushka" - as anglers call small silver bream. Attempts to look for fish elsewhere were unsuccessful.

At about 11 o'clock an elderly man appeared on the ice, soon attracted general attention by the fact that he quite often snatched one silver brew after another from the hole. Having caught three or four fish, he left the hole and drilled a new one. The catch in each subsequent was about the same. Interest in him increased even more when it turned out that he was fishing without a bait. The successful fisherman did not differ in talkativeness and was clearly unhappy with the fact that he was being pestered with questions. Nobody managed to get from him more or less detailed information about the tackle and the peculiarities of the fishing technique. Only observations of his actions made up the information offered to your attention about the tackle and about fishing with it. In general, the tackle in many respects corresponds to the fishing rod presented above for an alternative option for fishing with a non-attachment jig.

The angler's tackle was the usual winter fishing rod equipped with a small reel and a homemade elongated spring nod ( see fig. 29). Three jigs - small "pellets" were tied to a fishing line with a diameter of 0.12 mm. The distance between them was up to 8-10 cm. They were tied to the fishing line with tackle on separate leashes no more than 2 cm long. As I noticed, the jigs were silver-plated, and rear part their surfaces were painted black. Tied to a small dark hook were small tendrils of black woolen thread. The nod, about 15 cm long, was made from a piece of the spring of a uniform cap. At a length of 11–12 cm from the end, the spring was ground into a cone. At the tip of this cone, a small, homemade passage ring was attached.

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Having caught a sufficient amount of fish in about an hour and a half, the angler left. The anglers who watched his successful catch discussed it for a long time, expressing at times the most incredible judgments. Perhaps those of them who happen to read these lines will remember that incident.

Why did the silver bream, neglecting the bloodworms, give preference to the naked jig? Indeed, sometimes this fisherman managed to pull out even two fish from the hole. It seems to me that the main reason for his success is still the mastery of the fishing technique with this finely selected and not quite ordinary tackle. Probably, the used jigs were somewhat reminiscent of the fish of some well-known aquatic insects. Well, the ability of that angler, with the help of a nod of an unusual design, to give the jig such oscillatory movements that provoked the fish to grip the bait, probably affected.

I also noticed that he was guided to a height of no more than 15–20 cm, while the rod and the nod were constantly in motion, but the oscillations were carried out slowly and smoothly. It was not easy to notice the bite, but the fisherman succeeded - he felt his considerable experience in this method of fishing, and he had time to make a strike in time.

As you can see, the practice of fishing sometimes not only introduces us to unusual cases and phenomena, but also makes us improve in our skills. And creativity and ingenuity play an important role here.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the author's book

Gustera Alfred Brehm dedicated the following lines to gustera: “Gustera (Blicca bjoerkna) differs from other bream in two rows of pharyngeal teeth, located 2, less often 3 and 5 in a row, the inner row of which obliquely polished crowns are equipped with narrow, with one groove

From the author's book

Gustera (Blicca bjoerkna) Gustera inhabits large rivers and lowland lakes with slow flowing and dense vegetation north of the Pyrenees and Alps, from France to the Urals. She lives in the reservoirs of the Black, Baltic, Caspian and Azov Seas. It is a small slowly

From the author's book

Gustera Blicca bjorkna (L.) Guster differs from other bream species exclusively in the number and location of the pharyngeal teeth, which are not five, but seven on each side, and, moreover, in two rows. In body shape, it is very similar to that of a young bream or, rather, a bastard, but it has

From the author's book

Gustera It is a very numerous and widespread fish in the middle zone of the country. In the Volga reservoirs, where conditions for her life turned out to be extremely favorable, she even surpassed perch and roach in numbers. The usual weight of fish is 100-200 g,

Winter fishing is considered incredibly exciting, and a rather difficult process, because you have to fish not in the best conditions, and the wait for a bite is often delayed. For ice fishing it is important to choose the right tackle and bait - after all, this is already half the success. One of the most popular is the jig. It works effectively regardless of weather conditions, the main thing is to play the game correctly and choose a model.

A huge assortment of jigs of different shapes, sizes and colors is provided on store shelves, which often makes the fisherman confused and significantly complicates the choice. What types of winter jigs are there? How will they affect the bite? There are a lot of questions, especially if you are new to this business. In fact, everything is quite simple, you just need to know some of the features of these baits.

An artificial bait is called a jig, which is a hook soldered into a sinker made of any metal, with or without additional decoration. It can be considered.

Types of jigs, depending on the fishing method:

  • with a nozzle;
  • non-nozzle.

It is simply unrealistic to single out and describe all existing models, since they are constantly being improved. Almost every fisherman tries to supplement the purchased model with something new, which, in his opinion, will help to increase the catchability.

The most catchy winter jigs:

Jigs with a nozzle: how and where to use

The main task of such baits is to deliver the bait to the bottom. For fishing, use standard ice fishing rods. The color of the bait is almost irrelevant.

Most often they are equipped with a single hook on which the "treat" is put on. The hooks are additionally decorated with cambric, beads, threads of bright colors, which allows them to become more attractive to the fish and to interest it.

To be successful and to use such baits effectively, you need to be able to play the game correctly.

Advice! The wiring must be carried out slowly, smoothly, without sudden movements, but with a wide amplitude of oscillations.

Sometimes the fish can bite on an absolutely immobilized jig, as it will be tempted by the bait.

There are a lot of species, one of the most popular is the "pellet". They come in 2 types: with a loop and a through hole. Usually, they are made from tungsten and lead, but you can find copper and even silver models. Tungsten models have become more popular, because their weight is more than lead ones, but the price is also high.

Photo 4. Packed pellets.

If the fishing takes place at a shallow depth, then the material of manufacture does not make a difference, you can use any option. When hunting will be carried out at great depths, and even at strong current, then tungsten lures work more efficiently, as they are less blown to the side.

Another popular type of jigs with a nozzle is the "drop". They can be used with or without a nozzle. A "droplet" with the same size as a "pellet" will weigh a little more, which must be taken into account for certain fishing conditions.

Depending on the material and specific gravity of the metal of manufacture, the weight of the bait is selected. For standing bodies of water or small rivers with a small current, it is worth taking light or medium weight jig for winter fishing... They will be easy to operate, which is preferable for beginners. Heavy models will work best at great depths in strong currents, their weight will not allow water currents to wash the bait out of place.

The number of hooks can vary from one to four. The game will be much more interesting and effective with soldered single or double hooks. A tee will help to create symmetry, with it the jig will only be able to move vertically.

Nozzle bait

The main feature of this species is fishing with bare hooks. Their appearance resembles underwater beetles or insects, which fish so loves to feast on. The best tackle is the balalaika. She will be able to feel any movement and react to them instantly.

The rod should be strong and durable, made of frost-resistant material with a comfortable grip. It is worth choosing a lavsan nod, since others are too harsh. , but only if the fisherman can play an active and interesting game.

The most catchy jigs without a nozzle:

The washcloths imitate insects almost perfectly, so the color of the models doesn't really matter. Form and ability to play correctly are important . The wiring should be fast, even a little aggressive, with a lot of vibration.

With this bait, you can catch almost any fish:

  • dace;

The choice of jig depending on the period of winter

At the beginning of winter, there is enough oxygen in the reservoirs, so the fish are quite actively looking for food. Fishing during this period is the most effective and profitable, hunting is much easier. In December, you can use any jigs with or without attachments; even large models will bring the catch.

With the onset of severe frosts, in the wilderness, almost all the fish move to deep pits, where the temperature is higher and there is more oxygen. During this period, it is quite difficult to catch a standing trophy, you have to sit for a long time waiting for a bite and fight for each specimen.

Advice! It is better to use small jigs for winter fishing, because the more passive the fish, the smaller the size of the bait should be taken.

If there is no bite for a long time, then it is worth changing the hole and trying to experiment with the color and shape of the jig.

At the end of winter, when the ice begins to melt, the fish again begins to actively seek food. But, do not use large baits, it is better to use medium or small models. After all, therefore, her belly is clogged with caviar, and on big booty she may simply not be flattered.

Bait attachment methods

Many beginners are interested in the question of how to tie the jig correctly? After all, it must be fastened very firmly so that, even with a long and strong cast, it does not fly off, or does not untie at the most crucial moment - during hooking or pulling out the desired prey.

Methods for tying jigs depends on the type of bait itself. For example, if there is a special hole in the model, then first the fishing line must be threaded through it, and tied to the forend of the hook with the same knot as the hooks.

How to tie a jig with an eyelet? Quite simply, because the fishing line can be attached with any familiar and durable knot. Many fishermen prefer. Just do not forget that any knot is tightened wet in order to gain a foothold better and more reliably.

Fishing with a jig can bring a lot of fun and a decent catch to the fisherman. It is quite simple to operate, the game is interesting and capable of attracting many underwater inhabitants. A huge selection of different models allows you to choose exactly the bait that is suitable for specific fishing conditions.

The most important thing to remember for a positive fishing result is to choose fish spot, choose the right bait, play a fast and active game, do not despair if it did not work out for the first time.

On a jig without a nozzle

On a jig without a nozzle

"Flat" and "Nymphs"

A week ago, I briefly mentioned flat jigs, which were created specifically for fishing without a bait. Historically, disc, or circular, flat jigs were the first to be made and tested, but they were quickly replaced by jigs with an elongated body. Despite the fact that I knew well one of the creators of flat jigs, now we can only guess what thoughts Melekhin was guided by at the moment when he decided to make the body of the jig resembling a pumpkin seed. Probably, he just decided to increase the body length of the jig in order to be able to more reliably solder the forend of the hook. Indeed, in small round jigs, the hook literally held on to a point solder.

As is often the case, the first jigs were relatively large in size, the drawing of a classic, flat jig is shown in Fig. 1. In order to make a heavier jig, we did not increase its overall dimensions, but took a thicker metal plate. Bronze or brass was chosen as the material. And there is a logical explanation for this. The jig in its design is very similar to a spoon, but with a different then unfamiliar horizontal suspension. Traditionally, spoons were made from sheet silver and brass. But it was well known that in most cases the perch from the "Bolshaya Volga" and from the Istra reservoir prefers the color of brass in their choice. The fact is that the waters of the Second Technical Bay and the Istra reservoir were for many years the places of constant training of the national team of the Moscow Society "Fisherman-Athlete", as well as places for winter competitions of any rank, so we tested new items on these reservoirs.

It is not worth making flat jigs from lead, because soft metal is easily deformed and the jig stops working. It is also impractical to make flat jigs from tungsten alloy due to the difficulty of processing. The easiest way to make such jigs is as follows. The body of the jig is turned from the brass bar on the machine using a cutter and a file. Without cutting off the workpiece from the bar with a file, remove the metal from both sides of the jig body to the desired thickness. Then two holes are drilled in the workpiece. One hole with a diameter of 0.5-0.6 mm for the hook, and the second with a diameter of 0.6-1.0 mm for fishing line, as shown in Fig. 2. After that, the workpiece is cut off from the bar and the hook is soldered. After soldering the hook, the edges of the jig are processed with a file, and the hole for the fishing line is countersunk. If the thickness of the jig exceeds one and a half millimeters, then the planes of the jig may not be parallel, with a thickening towards the hook.

When I made my first two dozen flat jigs, I went to the Big Volga in order to try out the new product. At first I spent an hour of time trying to find a hole under which a flock of perch was standing with the help of an ordinary jig with bait. I lowered a flat jig with a bloodworm on a hook into the hole (at that time I didn’t know that it was a hookless tackle) and started playing like a traditional jig. There were no bites, then I removed the bloodworm from the hook and began to pull the jig like a small spoon. There were no bites. Then I began to play with a jig in the usual rhythm, and the bites were not long in coming. Later it became clear that there was no point in giving the flat jig very frequent vibrations, it was enough to give it the usual 2-3 vibrations per second. On the same first fishing trip, it turned out that not only perch, but also roach are interested in flat jigs. In the future, we made sure that both the ruff and the bastard also peck quite well on flat mormyshless jigs. As a result of numerous experiments, we found out that it makes no sense to make flat jigs with a body length of less than five and longer than eight millimeters. It is advisable to use flat jigs when traditional tackle does not bring the expected result. This is my personal opinion, which is based on several cases from my fishing practice.

The most striking example was the incident that happened to me in Senezh. We fished near the Raspberry Islands, and pecked only small perch, but literally the day before, in the same holes we came across specimens up to half a kilo. Felt like large fish is, but does not want to peck. Going through the jigs, I came across a fairly large flat jig, tested on the Volga. I tied it to a thin line, and at the very first posting it was cut off by some fish. I tied the second jig, got up from the box and began to catch perch weighing two or three hundred grams, one after the other. For the sake of experiment, I periodically tried to fish in the same and in neighboring holes on a very small jig with bloodworms and burdocks, but the large fish did not pay attention to it.

An even more interesting case occurred when we were catching a bastard on Ruse from a depth of about twelve meters. On the fed hole, one to five creepers pecked one after the other, and a long break followed. On that day, the scoundrel preferred to be caught on a very small jig with one bloodworm, to play twenty or thirty centimeters above the bottom. Some of my friends tried to replace the usual jig with a flat jig with one small bloodworm attached to the hook, and the breeder began to peck practically without interruption. That is, the fish, as is usually the case, stood on the groundbait, but pecked periodically.

Another incident occurred at a small pond near Moscow. On one of those ponds in which fish is caught in winter exclusively on the very first ice. An exception to the rule occurred that year, and roach began to be caught off the ice at the end of March. All local fishermen fed her with breadcrumbs and once an hour pulled out a hundred-gram fish from the holes. My friend and I were returning from an unsuccessful fishing trip and saw fishermen on the pond from the train window. Since there was enough time, we decided to go out and find out what they were catching. It was too late to feed, but there were already enough free feeding holes, abandoned by losers. We tried almost all our jigs, but only when we tied small flat jigs and hooked the burdock moth larvae, the roach began to take. And not just take, but rather grab the bait. As a result, in an hour of fishing, the two of us caught fish, probably more than all the anglers sitting next to each other put together.

Summing up, I would like to note that flat jigs still make sense to use in those cases when the fish ignores other baits for one reason or another.


Another large class of mormyshless jigs are the so-called nymphs. The name came from one of the designers of these jigs, who believes that this jig imitates the movement of an insect nymph. Since the inventors of the nymphs also turned out to be good writers, this class of jigs is described in detail and comprehensively in the fishing literature. I would just like to add a few words about my personal impressions.

In the game of the nymph, the vibrations characteristic of the vibrations of the "Uralka" and the flat jig are combined. To increase the spectrum of vibrations on the hook of the nymph, there are very narrow segments of cambric. But this is not necessary, the hook can be empty. Instead of cambric, beads or beads of various colors are placed on the hook of large nymphs. Personally, I prefer yellow, red and brown striped beads. The color of the beads and the body of the nymph plays a very important role, sometimes even more than the play of the jig itself. When fishing during the game, as such, it may not be at all. Sometimes it is enough just to slowly lift the jig up. The tactics of catching and searching for fish are more important.

If during fishing with bloodworms, bait plays an important role, which not only activates the fish, but also lowers it to the bottom in the place of fishing, then when fishing with a nymph, it is important to find that horizon in the water column on which the fish is standing.

The nymph is the most effective jig when fishing for roach. Large roach usually does not react to groundbait tossed on to it. She is obviously wary and doesn’t fit the groundbait for several hours. Even if small clean bloodworms are used as bait, large roach are more likely to be caught either at night or the next day. In this case, usually one or two fish are caught and that's it. This indicates that bloodworms are not the usual food for large roach. The use of nymphs turns out to be effective not only because they imitate the usual food for roach, but also because it is possible and necessary to quickly check the most different horizons. After all, roach, unlike bream, mostly does not seek its food at the bottom.

Of all the known designs, I would single out two designs of nymphs. The first of them is an irregularly shaped body, whose center of gravity is shifted to the hook (Fig. 3). Even the smallest vibrations imparted to the nymph lead to the generation of relatively powerful vibrations in the water. The beads and cambrices on the hook (Figure 4) also create tangible vibrations that lure the fish. An analogy between the movements of the cambric on the hook and the legs of a living insect nymph may be appropriate here.

Another design of the nymph is more like a wet fly for fly fishing (Fig. 5) and is used in combination with either a jig, or a spoon, or a "devil". Traditionally, such nymphs are tied above the jig or spoon, but I have watched and myself successfully caught with a rig in which such a nymph is tied below the jig on a leash 5-10 cm long.

Playing a nymph is not difficult and depends on the correct nod. Picking up a nod is probably the hardest part of catching a nymph. Usually the nod is made in such a way that it is bent upward (Fig. 6), and under the weight of the nymph it takes a horizontal position. Sometimes nymphs are equipped not with a single, but with a double hook, such mormyshka are called "goat". The second hook appeared from considerations of increasing the grip of the jig, because the bites on a mormyshless jig are rarely as obvious and pronounced as when fishing with a bloodworm. And when the anglers instead double hook began to use small tees, a completely new and very effective tackle, now called "devil", but more on that next time.

A. Yanshevsky

"Russian Hunting Newspaper No. 05 - 2002"

Using the same principle of constructing a lure for fishing from ice without a nozzle, you can make a whole family of jiggers that are catchy in certain conditions.

Differing from each other in shape, size and weight, some of them will work better at significant depths and currents, while others, on the contrary, only in shallow water. At the same time, some of them will be the most attractive for bream, while with others it is better to fish for roach or, for example,.

Catching jigs for fishing on the game

Recently, on the good side and, most importantly, stable, similar nail-like lures have shown themselves.

Along with the "nymph", the "bug" mormyshka has proven itself well. It is especially good when fishing for perch. The difference between the mormyshka "bug" and the "nymph": if for a "nymph" the width of the body in its widest part refers to the length as approximately 1: 3, then for a "bug" this ratio ranges from 2: 3 to 1: 1.

The punch is made of the same type. "Bedbug" is performed only with a crown made of red copper, the head is black, playing cambric - yellow + red or yellow + white.

If in the place of fishing considerable depth and current do not allow “finding the bottom” with relatively light jigs of the “nymph” or “bug” type, then it was possible with invariable success to use the tungsten jig, known for fishing with a nozzle. "Flat", painted black and equipped with only one piece of yellow cambric, 1.5-2 mm long, freely moving along the hook.

A stopper is also needed here. This jig is shown in Figure 8. The design feature of this type of jig is as follows: the hole for passing the fishing line is drilled almost in the center of gravity with a slight displacement along the axis of symmetry of the jig body. It is clear that such a jig will hang on the line almost horizontally. When playing with a tackle, the body of the jig will play the role of a "wing" located across the stream of water.

The body thickness of this type of jig does not exceed 1.5 mm, the ratio of width to length is approximately 2: 3. It should be borne in mind that the thinner the body of a flat jig, the more intense its play will be with the minimum amplitude of motion of the nod.

Good results, but still less than when fishing with a "nymph", "bug" or "flat", gives fishing without a nozzle for a devil. Here, to increase efficiency, all three hooks are equipped with freely moving multi-colored pieces of insulation about 1 mm long (on one hook - white, on the second - yellow, on the third - orange). It can be useful to put one white, yellow or orange glass bead on the line above the "devil".

I would like to offer another option for equipping the hook with almost any of the well-known jigs for fishing without a nozzle - the so-called "rocking chair". It is shown below in fig. nine.

"Rocking chair" made from a piece of cambric with an outer diameter of 1-1.5 mm. The color of the cambric is white, yellow or orange. One end of the cambric is heated and flattened to form a flat area. A hole with a diameter of 0.5 mm is drilled in it with a needle from a syringe. Through this hole, the "rocking chair" is put on the hook of the jig.

The head is formed over the tip of the heated soldering iron without touching the heated surface. If you hold a piece of cambric long enough over a strong heat source, the end will melt to form a ball. Heating is continued until the ball darkens to an almost black color. To prevent the "rocking chair" from flying off the hook, the jig is equipped with a cambric-stopper.

When playing with a jig, the "rocking chair" usually swings on the hook synchronously with the vibrations of the jig. Ideal would be a game in which the "rocking chair" begins to rotate on the hook, like a propeller. This can be achieved by bending the hook of the jig in one direction or another.

Perch and roach are very actively used for this jig, especially when the sea is overcast.

Fishing technique without a nozzle

The fishing technique is determined by the type and size of fish living in the reservoir, the type of reservoir and its oxygen regime, the depth and strength of the current, the state of the weather, the season, the time of day, the number of fishermen in a given place of the reservoir, in short, all those factors that generally affect the activity fishes. It should be recognized that all the factors influencing the biting activity cannot be foreseen and taken into account. Therefore, we will dwell only on the main points of the fishing technique itself.
The main technique when fishing with any bait without bait is wiring, which, as a rule, starts from the very bottom and ends slightly above the horizon where bites usually occur. Sometimes it happens that the jig cannot be lowered to the bottom (overgrown or cluttered bottom, frequent bites of a small ruff, which is a great hunter of non-nosed jigs) and raised above a certain level (strong wind, frequent bites of small perch and small roach).

In many reservoirs, mainly the last ice and during strong thaws, the fish rises in half water or stands under the very ice. This must also be taken into account and checked when fishing for different horizons.

The quality of the lead is critical to the success of your fishing. This implies the uniformity of the wiring along its entire length, while maintaining the frequency and amplitude of the nod vibrations. Failures and stoppages during wiring are unacceptable. If this happens, then the wiring must be started anew. Often, success is brought by a short pause at the highest point of the drive before the jig returns to the lowest point. At this moment, there are quite a few bites of roach, bream, silver bream.

The nature of the bite on the jig without a nozzle depends on the type and size of the fish and its activity. As a rule, the larger and more inactive the fish, the less distinct the bite. Perch, ruff, chub and dace peck quite sharply and noticeably.

Their bite looks like a sharp dive of a nod. In all cases, a quick and short sweep should be made at the slightest change in the nature of the movement of the signal part of the nod. In order not to break off a thin tackle when biting a large fish, it is better to sweep only with a hand.

If the fish is not detected, then the jig should be returned to starting position to start a new wiring. As for the optimal frequency and amplitude of the game, here it is best to take a simple rule as a basis: the thicker the fishing line, the greater the depth and speed of the current, the greater the amplitude of the game and the lower its frequency, and vice versa.

It should not only be forgotten that for the described baits there is a certain, albeit rather wide, range of variation of these parameters.

You also need to remember the following common truth: the thickness of the fishing line and the size of the jig should be minimal for the specific conditions of fishing and the expected size of prey.

When catching the selected area of ​​the reservoir, you should not "incubate" the fish. More success is brought by active study of the bottom topography and tempo search, which increase the chances of meeting with a noteworthy trophy.

What kind of fish is caught on the considered baits? Everywhere it was possible to successfully catch perch, roach, ruff, rotan, gudgeon, medium-sized pike, bites are quite frequent, especially on the first and last ice, white crucian carp and carp.

The article deliberately does not describe the peculiarities of the technique of catching a particular fish, because, firstly, depending on the terrain, the type of reservoir, the age of the fish and the fishing season, there are very significant differences, and secondly, I do not want to deprive readers of the pleasure of independent comprehension the wisdom of catching

A similar type of jig is used in fishing, especially in winter. They belong to artificial baits and are widely used by lovers of winter fishing, both predatory and peaceful. The wide popularity of non-attachment jigs for winter fishing is associated with ease of use and high catchability. With the help of this type of jig, it is possible to catch both a small fish and a trophy specimen.

Jigs can be bought in the fishing department of the store or made by yourself, especially since it is not at all difficult.

Such artificial lures were not recognized by fishermen for a long time, since they were surrounded by a number of speculations that were at odds with reality. Here are some of them and examples of their refutation:

  1. According to many "experts" the use of non-attachment jigs requires certain skills that are inherent only to experienced fishermen. In this regard, fishing with these lures, especially for novice winter fishing enthusiasts, is accompanied by difficulties and a lack of catch. To be honest and fair, any kind of fishing requires certain skills and knowledge, including the behavior of the fish. To reach a certain amateur level requires experimentation and training, just like in sports. Without such an approach, there will be no result, let alone a positive one. Hoping for a big catch by going fishing just once is simply not serious.
  2. Non-nozzle jigs are considered narrow direction lures, allowing you to catch only large fish and a certain type. It is believed that each type of fish needs its own bait and its own wiring. If you take a roach, then to catch it you need a small bait with specific movements and range of motion. In practice, everything is completely different: the no-nozzle jig is equally effective in catching fish. different types and sizes. Much depends on the design features of this small but effective bait.
  3. You cannot get without hooks good result... Many winter fishing enthusiasts insist on this principle. Unfortunately, they forget that it is possible to fish with the jig even in the summer, when you can do without an additional bait. As for the additional bait on the hook when fishing in winter, it sometimes helps if there is practically no bite. If the fish is actively feeding, then it takes a jig with the same frequency as a jig with additional bait. Sometimes ordinary, multi-colored beads attract fish more efficiently than live baits, so this attribute is always present on these lures.

Effects of no-attachment jigs

This type of jig is especially effective for active fish behavior. In such conditions, the fish are interested in all the proposed baits. Therefore, planting a bloodworm in such conditions can be regarded as a waste of precious time.

There are cases when certain models of non-attachment jigs were of interest to fish even in the absence of a bite, when it did not even react to bloodworms attached to the hook of the jig. Such facts indicate the unpredictability of the fish and this is not at all surprising, since fishermen come across such facts on a regular basis. She bites today, and tomorrow she can refuse any bait, including a bait.

The reaction of fish to non-nosed jigs is associated with some points, such as:

  • With an active game of bait that attracts even sleepy fish. Thanks to the correct and active actions of the fisherman, it is possible to awaken the predator's instinct in the fish, which can provoke him to attack even in the absence of appetite. Therefore, we can safely say that 50% of the performance directly depends on the actions of the fisherman.
  • With the presence of acoustic waves emanating from the bait as a result of its movement. Fish is able to react to acoustic vibrations from a considerable distance.

A special place in fishing is occupied by artificial lures that can create optimal vibrations. Such models include the following models:

  1. Uralochka... This is a universal lure that allows you to fish, both without an additional bait, and with it. Uralochka can really be matched to any fishing conditions, thanks to the availability of models of various colors. Black or tungsten colors are considered the most sought after, although other paint options are also popular. Much depends on the fishing conditions and the nature of the reservoir. As practice shows, the Uralochka successfully catches bream and other types of fish.
  2. Nymph... This type of jig belongs to the classic, due to the altered shape and a set of multi-colored cambric or beads that look like insect wings when it gets into the water. Its design is such that one part of the bait can move, while the other part remains stationary. As a rule, the part where the hooks are located moves. You can find various specimens that differ in color, but the classic nymph has a yellow and black color.
  3. Goat (goat), which is somewhat similar to the nymph, both in shape and design. But this is at first glance, but if you look at it carefully, it turns out to be inverted by design, relative to the hook. The goat has a unique play due to its inverted shape. Works well for roach.

Where do you get non-attachment jigs of unusual shapes?

Such lures as devils, nymphs, uralochki and goats belong to special types of lures. The standard models are more droplets and pellets, which can also be used with or without attachments.

Classic models of jigs do not enjoy much attention from fishermen, since large fish practically do not bite on them, but only the ubiquitous small perch, although there are amateurs who are also satisfied with small perch: they just enjoy frequent bites. It is possible to get special models of jigs in several ways:

  1. The easiest option is to buy from a fishing store, although it is important to know what exactly you want to buy and with what characteristics. In addition, it is desirable to be able to distinguish a high-quality jig from a frank marriage, which is abundant in stores. Along with this, unscrupulous sellers can "stick" a completely different model that is not in demand, looking at the fact that there is a noticeable gap in these issues. Of course, you will be able to catch at least some fish, but you should not count on good catching power.
  2. Make your own bait at home, which is what many anglers do. There is nothing complicated here, there would be a desire and interest, especially since large expenditures of materials are not required. Unfortunately, not all anglers are ready to spend their free time... Oh, in vain! This approach has its advantages, and the most important thing is the quality, which is always guaranteed.

Making non-attachment jigs with your own hands

For those who decided to give preference to self-made jigs, it is advisable to use some recommendations. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out the first time. Recommendations may be of the following nature:

  1. I catch any fish in winter period, especially on a bare hook, practically no one practices. In any case, in order to attract fish, you need to use additional elements, such as multi-colored beads or cambric. The material for their manufacture can be various materials, from plastic to foam, if it is necessary to provide the jig with additional buoyancy.
  2. For filling molds with lead or solder, it is enough to have a soldering iron with a power of 40-60 watts. Before the very process, the material is finely cut into pieces and soldering acid is added to them. After pouring and cooling, the bodies of the jigs should be immediately washed with water and detergent.
  3. To make the soldering iron work more efficiently, it is advisable to wrap its heater in several layers of foil or in asbestos. This option is also possible: first a layer of asbestos, and on top a layer of foil. In order not to be fooled, it is enough to acquire a more powerful soldering iron, especially since there is not so much material to melt.
  4. For the manufacture of such models of jigs, it is better to choose hooks with a long shank: there should be enough space for additional elements, such as beads.
  5. At the manufacturing stages, it should be remembered that in the process of attaching the jig to the fishing line, it must have a certain angle of inclination, otherwise effective fishing will not work. This is usually accomplished by offsetting the mounting hole in back side the body of the jig.
  6. It is possible not to make holes in the jigs, but to solder loops of wire of a suitable diameter to them.
  7. As attachments, it is possible to use old plastic cases from ballpoint pens.

It is very possible to make with your own hands most of the complex non-attachment jigs, which are especially popular with anglers. Before manufacturing, it is advisable to prepare all the necessary forms and all the necessary materials:

  1. The devils are characterized by a tapered shape and are attached to the fishing line in an upright position. As for their manufacture, here it all depends on the fisherman's imagination. The jig is completed with either 2 or 4 hooks, which can be tied either rigidly or be free, moving at a small interval. A similar jig, which has 2 hooks, is also called a goat.
  2. Uralochka refers to the classic model of a jig, which imitates the appearance and movement of the amphipod crustacean in water. The jig is also considered universal, since it can be used both with additional attachments, and without them. This lure does an excellent job of catching bream.
  3. The cat's eye relatively recently began to interest anglers, increasingly competing with such jigs as devils and carnations. The thing is that its design is fundamentally different from the design of many jigs. It is made of a translucent bead that, moving in the water, creates a lot of glare that attracts fish. Such a bait is easy to make for catching a specific type of fish by coloring it accordingly.
  4. Medusa also has an interesting solution, which is based on the location of a large number of hooks on the bait, which can move freely, resembling the tentacles of an unknown creature. And, nevertheless, the jellyfish actively attracts fish. Mormyshka such as fungi belong to one of the varieties of jellyfish.
  5. The nymph is characterized by an elongated body and a hook that is securely anchored in her body.
  6. The slice is one of the simplest types of artificial baits. The base of the jig is a bead, usually of a silver or black shade. The slice is suitable for all types of postings. The disadvantage of such a jig is only that small fish bite on it.
  7. Papuans or cigars, as they are also called, have an unusual shape and do an excellent job of catching bastards and bleak. Despite this, they are not very popular.
  8. The balda consists of a body of an ordinary, arbitrary shape, with two hooks attached next to it, which move freely, imitating the movements of the larvae. Balda perfectly catches perch, and the presence of two hooks minimizes the descent of the predator. The perch has rather weak lips and the presence of two hooks reduces the likelihood of collapse. The technique of fishing with a bald is somewhat different from the technique of fishing with other types of jigs.
  9. The ant is distinguished by the presence of a chain and does an excellent job of catching any kind of fish.

Jigs with additional attachments

Basically, anglers use non-attachment jigs in their practice, although there are universal models that, if necessary, can be used with additional attachments, which is very important when fishing in winter. The process of fishing with jigs with a nozzle is somewhat different and has its advantages. For example:

  1. You don't have to look for a fish that is hungry enough to swallow everything that is offered to it. The main thing is to find a fish camp, then drill a hole and feed, and then fish in one place for almost the whole day. At the same time, it is not recommended to feed often and a lot, otherwise the fish will be saturated and stop being interested in the bait.
  2. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to fish in one place in winter. This is the specificity of winter fishing.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to promising places where there are underwater thickets of vegetation, places where there are many snags and fallen trees, as well as areas of old channels, and in general, water areas with complex relief, where significant depths or depth differences are noted. When there is warming outside, it is better to look for fish on the shallows, where various fish move in search of food. Despite this, large fish can remain at depth.
  4. Such fish as silver bream or breeder prefers to stay within the wintering pits, where they have the opportunity to feed themselves. In such conditions, you can always be with the catch, even without additional feeding the holes. It is enough to drill a hole in the right place.
  5. Winter fishing is different in that not so many baits can be used, since most of them simply cannot be found in winter. The most common are caddis larvae or bloodworms. Some anglers manage to find a worm or maggot, although this is not at all easy, which gives not bad results.
  6. When fishing with a jig in the summer, especially not predatory fish, will go semolina chatterbox.

Classic jigs, such as a pellet, do not have their own game, but if you add the same bloodworm to it, the bait will begin to make movements attractive to fish in the water, being in free fall. As a rule, the perch is most attracted to the pellet.

An important role in the use of jigs is played by the design of the nod, or rather the material from which it is made. The most modern nods are made of lavsan, because it is not afraid of low temperatures and reacts sensitively to every, even the smallest bite. Despite this, each angler has his own nod, made by himself and, according to them, from the best material.

Jig fishing technique

The effectiveness of any jig increases significantly if you use correct technique postings. In addition, there are other nuances of winter fishing. Such subtleties of fishing include:

  1. If a nozzle is used, then the process of putting it on the hook should last a minimum of time, since in the cold it freezes very quickly, especially if it is a live bloodworm.
  2. The concept of how to correctly manipulate the bait does not come at the first fishing trip. To have at least some experience, you should regularly visit the reservoir. If someone thinks that everything is quite simple here, then they are deeply mistaken. Fishing is hard work, with constant experimentation that often leads to failure. You need to be prepared for this, because after the first setbacks, the desire to visit water bodies may disappear in order to catch fish and rest.
  3. The implementation of sweeping, especially timely, also leaves its mark on the process of effective fishing. When fishing with jigs, the sweeps should be regular, even with insignificant bites. This is necessary in order for the fishing to be effective. Many anglers ignore the smallest bites, believing that this is just a game of tackle, and only react to significant ones, thereby missing out on a part of the catch. This is especially true when the fish behaves cautiously.
  4. The moment of playing is the most important part of the fishing process. When fishing in winter, tackle with a thin line is mainly used. Therefore, it is very important to pull the fish out so carefully that it does not break the thin line. This is achieved through constant line tension. In other words, this process needs to be felt in order to control, and this is achieved only as a result of many years of fishing trips. You always need to be prepared for the fact that a specimen may bite, which may not crawl into the hole. There should always be a tool at hand with which you can expand the hole.
  5. In the event of a bite of a large specimen, it will hardly be possible to pull it out of the hole without a hook. Therefore, such a tool must be present in the arsenal of any angler.
  6. The fish should be removed from the hook quickly enough, as it can confuse the angler or cut off the tackle already on the ice. It should be remembered that a fish is a living being that will resist to the end.

Fishing for roach with a no-nozzle jig

Roach, like the perch, is always found in the catch of the fisherman. Roach is caught, as a rule, on non-nosed jigs. There are options to ensure that this type of fish is caught regularly. It is enough to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Roach is best caught on forest trails, which are outward appearance similar to carnations, but with a more curved shape. They are made quite simply: a tungsten wire is wound on the shank of the hook. The result should be a bait weighing 0.32-0.35 grams. This is quite enough, since roach is caught at a depth of no more than 4 meters.
  2. The nature of the forestry game is more similar to the Uralochka game, but with one difference - the jig is constantly in a horizontal position, regardless of the nature of the wiring. As a result, the hook makes independent movements, attracting roach, sometimes quite large.
  3. Roach, especially large ones, prefer fast, aggressive retrieval, depending on the manipulation of the angler. In the process of these movements, one should not forget about pauses. It is during the pauses that bites are carried out. Small-amplitude, but frequent movements of the jig more attract small individuals, although the number of bites can be much greater.


Fishing, especially in winter, when non-attachment jigs are used for fishing, requires certain skills. To catch fish in winter, you will have to work hard: what is even worth drilling holes, the count of which may be within tens. This is due to the fact that you have to look for fish in winter, and if you are also unfamiliar with a reservoir, then hard work is provided. Be that as it may, but this does not stop winter fishing lovers, although this is not surprising.

Everyone wants to leave the city for the weekend away from everyday problems in order to breathe in the clean winter air and gain energy and strength. Therefore, many anglers are more recreation-oriented than catch-oriented. Some fishermen go out in order to experiment or try out in practice a new bait or new tackle. In any case, this is necessary, because only in this way can you count on effective fishing.

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