Laysan utyasheva in contact. Laysan Utyasheva and her pages on social networks

Lyaysan Utyasheva- sportswoman, TV and radio host. Laysan was born on June 28, 1985, from the age of five she began to engage in rhythmic gymnastics, in which she achieved tremendous success. She is an international master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics; she has a large number of gold medals from Russian and international competitions in her piggy bank.

After completing her sports career, Utyasheva began working in television. The athlete made her debut in the "Main Road" of the NTV channel. Then there were: "Fitness with the Stars", "The Sign of Infinity", "Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva" and other programs. In 2014, the girl became the host of the popular dance show on the TV channel. And in 2015 she starred in the video of the singer Yolki for the song "I'll be waiting."

Laysan Utyasheva in the show "Dances"

In addition to career success, Laysan is a happy wife and mother, in 2012 she married a popular stand-up artist and showman, their son Robert and daughter Sofia are growing up.

Laysan Utyasheva on his official page in Instagram publishes not only photos of himself, but also photos of her husband, family and friends. Also, she does not forget about subscribers and fans, especially girls, and uploads photos with fitness tips and shares fashion secrets.

In the past - a famous sportswoman in the field of figure gymnastics, and now - a popular TV presenter - Laysan Utyasheva on Instagram is registered under the nickname liasanutiasheva. Her official page with beautiful photos has already collected almost 200 thousand subscribers, despite the fact that the girl herself is not active in this social. networks and prefers to post publications infrequently, only the most interesting and unusual.

Why are Laysan Utyasheva's Instagram photos visited?

This is mainly work and meeting with friends and others. famous people... Quite often, her husband flashes in the pictures -. By the way, the couple already have a child, but the young mother does not post his photographs to the public, carefully hiding her personal life for some time now.

Laysan has been engaged since childhood figure gymnastics, was a member of the Russian national team along with Alina Kabaeva and other titled gymnasts, so in her Instagram profile you can often see old pictures of a little girl performing on sporting events... She is now a popular presenter and commentator. On account of her such programs, "NTV in the morning", " Personal coach"," Cafe Romance "(on the radio) and many others. Acts as a photo model.

As we noted above, other celebrities also appear on Utyasheva's page. For example, scrolling through the pictures, we, in addition to Pavel Volya and other residents of the Comedy Club, also noticed Andrei Malakhov, as well as numerous girlfriends and friends.

She was born in 1985 in Bashkiria. As a child, the girl wanted to study ballet. The move to another city due to financial difficulties became a turning point for Utyasheva. It was in Volgograd that a gymnastics coach noticed her.

From this moment began sports career... IN recent times the star devotes all her time to working on television and family. Laysan Utyasheva's Instagram profile is filled with a wide variety of publications: family photos, shots from work, with colleagues, and so on.

Profile description

You can look at the publications of the girl's account by following the link @liasanutiasheva or on our portal. We publish the posts of the stars you are interested in in a timely manner, so you will always be aware of all the events in the life of idols! By subscribing to Utyasheva, in your feed you will always see posts of the following content:

  • Laysan Utyasheva posts photos of children on Instagram;
  • many photos from the filming of a television show and other work events;
  • shots from professional photo shoots for magazines and covers;
  • photographs from home environment and rest.

Lyaysan Utyasheva made history rhythmic gymnastics not in a standard way. The story of a small, fragile, but at the same time, strong and confident athlete shocked the world. A pretender, a pretender, a deceiver who “caught the star” - epithets that for a long time stood as a clear shadow in the name of Utyashev. Everything was decided by chance, fate or providence. Modern Laysan is a role model for millions of people around the world.

World champion, six times winner of the European Championship, twice winner of the World Cup, honored master of sports - so many awards for one little, sensitive girl. Added to sports regalia social work... TV presenter, commentator, trainer, wife and mother of two children. Laysan has been named FIFA Ambassador for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Laysan Utyasheva: Wikipedia of her ascent to the sports Olympus

On June 28, 1985, a daughter was born into the family of Albert and Zulfiya Utyashev. Roots are honored in Bashkiria. The names of the children were given according to the signs that were noted in nature on the eve of the birth of the child. On the day the girl was born, there was a warm summer rain. Zulfiya's mother gave advice to name the child "affectionate", which sounds like "Liisansky" in Bashkir.

Dad is a historian, mom is a librarian. The family of the future athlete had Polish, Russian, Tatar roots, seasoned with a Bashkir character. All this came together in Laysan.

At four years old, the family transports the girl to Volgograd. The case determined her interests: in the queue of the store she was noticed by a trainer artistic gymnastics Nadezhda Kasyanova. The woman invited Zulfiya to bring her daughter to a trial training, so she liked the baby's physique. Utyasheva was distinguished by natural flexibility. Mom was not delighted with the idea of ​​gymnastics, she dreamed of giving the child a maximum of dancing. But after the first lesson, Laysan announced that she would become the World Champion (at four years old!). More than Zulfiya did not oppose the child's desire to study, despite the fact that her daughter deliberately abandoned her ordinary childhood. Gathering, training, constant classes - this is the leisure of everyone gymnast.

At the age of 10, Laysan won the international competition and received the first money for the performance. First of all, she bought her mother a gift - a silk robe, which Zulfiya had kept all her life. At 12, the family moved to Moscow. At 14, the girl closes the master of sports level. A year later - silver in a nominal tournament in thin. gymnastics in memory of Oksana Kostina. 2001 - World Cup and Laysan brings 6 medals. It was a breakthrough that no one expected. The surname Utyasheva is strengthened in legendary troika leaders: Kabaeva, Chashchina and she. The girls go to Madrid for the World Championship, where Laysan flawlessly takes gold from foreign competitors. After such successes, the athlete is awarded the name of an international master of sports.

Laysan Utyasheva: biography, injury

2001 can be confidently called a triumphant year for the troika of Russian gymnasts. But in 2001, everything changed dramatically when, at the World Cup stage, Chashchina and Kabaeva were removed from the competition for doping found in their blood. The scandal brings Utyasheva to the first place in the national team, which undoubtedly attracts a lot of envy and condemnation to her person. Laysan works in the gym for 8 hours in a row. Exhausting workouts occupy all of her free time... During the described period, she feels sharp pains in her leg. Training takes place with tears in my eyes. Bone scans are of no use: doctors shrug their shoulders, claiming that there are no cracks or cuts. Laysan continues to train, taking approved painkillers.

The ups and downs with the appearance of pain and the preparation of the girl as the first number of the national team hit the girl's psyche hard. Irina Viner, legendary trainer in rhythmic gymnastics, she herself did not believe in the so-called pain in the leg, preferring to assert that everything was far-fetched. In the camp, competitors argued that in this way Utyasheva was trying to attract even more attention. The athlete is lazy before important competitions.

The girl is so muffled that she falls through with a crash demonstration performances in Moscow on the eve of the World Cup. Laysan loses his hoop and falls to the carpet, breaking his knee in blood. The scandal gives way to the next brilliant performance, which perplexes experienced commentators. Nobody understands what is happening with Laysan.

Doctors' verdict

In parallel, the pain becomes so acute that Utyasheva loses consciousness on the carpet.

Wiener takes the student to Germany, ordering that if the doctors find nothing there, she refuses to further train the athlete. German specialists carefully examine the gymnast's legs. The verdict is disappointing: multiple fractures of the left foot and the discrepancy of the right foot (due to load). An operation is indicated, which, if it does not help, will lead to amputation. It became clear to everyone that for about a year Utyasheva performed and trained on broken feet, each time aggravating the problem more and more.

The operation was successful, metal pins were inserted into the bone, which were designed to heal the shattered bone. Being plastered, Laysan lost her heart a lot, gained an extra 8 kg. For a gymnast, an extra 300 grams seems like a disaster, so Utyasheva tried her best to deal with stress. Every day, she swam in the pool with plaster of paris, then for hours drying the bandages with a hairdryer or ate kefir with a fork to cheat hunger. Three years of absence, and in 2004 Laysan returned to the big sport.

The Russian national team, together with the girl, again became the strongest thin team in the world. gymnastics, getting ready to release " golden three"On the carpet of the Beijing Olympics. But coming closer to the main dream of her life, Laysan again felt pain in her legs. Having decided enough to leave the sport, Utyasheva retired at the age of 19.

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan Utyasheva attracts attention after leaving big sport... Beautiful, a smart girl has repeatedly become the heroine of many programs. In 2012, fate presents the heroine with another blow: her mother, Zulfiya, dies. The woman was everything for Laysan, a close friend, adviser, assistant. The girl was very worried, turned to psychologists for help. During this period, the most devoted friends were the coach Irina Viner, who supported the pupil with all her might, and comrade Pavel Volya.

The friendship between the guys gradually developed into something more. It was a shock for a socialite to find out that in 2012, a comedian, party-goer, joker Pavel married a champion. Only half a year passed, the first-born Robert was born in the family. Three years later, the couple rejoiced at the appearance of their daughter Sophia.

The union of the “Comedy Club” resident and the former gymnast, although it became strange for loved ones, but natural. Pavel plunged headlong into fatherhood, surrounding his spouse with care, being proud and admiring her everywhere. Laysan blossomed in these relationships, comprehending all the joys of a new stage in life. After leaving professional sports, she is not lost among the Wikipedia lists of "former" gymnasts. Immediately after leaving, the heroine released her autobiographical book "Unbroken", in which she honestly described everything that happened in the hall and beyond. Laysan began to be called in various television programs of the presenter. She participated in the projects "This Morning", "Be Healthy", "Fitness with the Stars", "Dancing with the Stars". She conducted the last competition herself.

Project "Cafe Romantika"

In 2012, the film "Champions" was released, in which the heroine starred. The plot documents the difficult life of girls in the field of rhythmic gymnastics. Utyasheva was offered to lead her own project called "Cafe Romantika", in which the girl invites interesting people from social and cultural life for interviews.

In 2014, the heroine joined the team of the television project "Dances" as a host. Each appearance on the screen of a girl became an excellent indicator of the development of her style, sophistication, elegance. Even skeptics noted the internal growth of Utyasheva, which they always compared with their foreheads with rival Alina Kabaeva. At a time when the press was gossiping about the impossibility of Alina to cope with extra pounds, Utyasheva shone on the first channels of the country.

In 2012, as the reader sees, it was not easy for Laysan, the girl was embroiled in litigation between her and her ex-boyfriend Valery Lomadze. The latter presented to the court a claim for compensation for financial damage that his beloved and mother inflicted on him while living with him at his dacha. By the way, Lomadze himself kindly invited them there. The guy gave Utyasheva a car, for which he demanded money after the break. The conflict lasted two years until the heroine fulfilled all the demands of the injured young man.

Liasanutiasheva is the name of the heroine on Instagram. At the moment, the athlete is followed by 2.2 million subscribers. Laysan shares photos from performances, personal life, photo shoots, joint videos with her husband. Laysan is very fond of talking in an interview about Pavel's large family, which has parents, a sister with a husband and a son. Grandparents help the young family to raise their grandchildren.

Bitterly "Fox" speaks of her own father, who left the family when the girl was only 10 years old. Albert remarried, a child was born in the family. The relationship of the daughter and dad was not close right up until the death of Zulfiya's mother. Later, Utyasheva admits that it was the mother's departure that influenced her decision to call Albert into her house and solve all the problems at once. But this did not last long either. The controversial interviews that the father gave, again upset the relationship. Utyasheva regrets this state of affairs, but no longer wants to make attempts to reunite.

"A woman owes nothing to anyone" - answers the question of whether Laysan cooks herself in the house. Although the girl cooks with pleasure for children, her husband and herself.

In addition to the specified film, Laysan managed to star in a series of other projects, including:

The series "Voronins" (2009) - a multi-part comedy about the life of an ordinary Moscow family that managed to settle down next to their parents;

The series "Do not sleep!" (2013) a reality TV program in which participants pay entrance fees and submit their humorous sketches to the court. If you lose, you leave the ring;

- "Where is the logic?" - an entertaining show where married couples take part, in which you need to show intellectual abilities.

Laysan dreams of acting in a rental movie. I have repeatedly attended auditions and read the proposed scripts, but have not yet met “my own” director.

Star prepares release own project with tips for pregnant women, given her repeated experiences in this field. The former athlete claims that wanting fried strawberries or a loaf of sugar is not a fussy child at all, but a mother personally. Soon he will begin to teach everyone how to cope with this. Personal example infectious, says Laysan. It is worth taking her word for it, given the fact that her example is of high quality and useful.

Since childhood, my mother instilled in me a love of art, took me to museums and exhibitions. Our weekend program has always been different, but my favorites are the Tretyakov Gallery and the Pushkin Museum. As a child, it all seems so strange, unusual, but interesting, you wander through large spaces, you see the fruits of the creations of great people, you understand something, some works with time ... Such a déjà vu happened to me the other day at the Fondation exhibition Louis Vuitton, which is now taking place in the Pushkin Museum. You can see the works of Andy Warhol, Alberto Giacometti, Gerhard Richter, Andreas Gursky, Yves Klein, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Sigmar Polke, Maurizio Cattelan and other famous artists. At some point, I again felt like a little 12-year-old girl who also holds the hand of a loved one @pavelvolyaofficial and, freezing, looked at this other world, extraordinary paintings, sculptures, hypnotizing installations ... You are immersed in an endless flight of fantasies and some other dimension, you forget about everything. ..Very atmospheric. The exhibition is open until September ... I recommend it! Total look: @louisvuitton 💙

We continue This time exercises on the most difficult place for pumping - the inner surface of the thigh 😎 Exercises since the days of gymnastic general physical training, very effective and, with correct execution, you will appreciate it ... Tightened legs, I guarantee you ❣ In the first exercise, we add the work of the foot, pull strongly and just as strongly bend towards ourselves, while the stomach should be drawn in, try not to wag the pelvis. I recommend it at least 20 times. In the second exercise, we spread our legs to YOUR amplitude. It is important to feel tension in your hips, but at the same time keep your legs straight, that is, do not bend your knees. My recommendation is 25 leg raises. ‼ P.S. this time the soundtrack for charging from Sofia Volya. This is exactly how Sofiyka's performance sounds in English songs.

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