Why is Fadeev fat. How the producer and musician Max Fadeev lost weight

The famous person in show business, singer, director, composer and one of the members of the jury of the show "Voice" Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg? The photo shows the changes in the figure of the famous producer, but it cannot be said that they are so obvious. What are the changes in the weight of Max Fadeev in reality, and why did he decide to lose weight?

Maxim Fadeev was a boy from childhood large sizes... His cherished dream is to lose weight. And today a new musician appeared before us, who was able to prove to everyone, and above all to himself, that dreams tend to come true. Most recently, Fadeev promised to live on the program of Andrey Malakhov that he will not shave until he has lost 60 kg.

Weight loss history

In childhood and adolescence, the singer was not particularly thin. But his figure especially changed after the tragic incident with his newborn daughter. The stressful situation affected the figure of Maxim Fadeev with extra pounds.

The composer treats children well, and they reciprocate. Max Fadeev, in their opinion, looks like a good-natured old man from his favorite cartoons. However, despite the special charm that a full figure gave him, the producer decided to take his body seriously, as he felt significant health problems. He completely revised his way of life and changed it.

There are many rumors and legends about how Maxim Fadeev lost weight. Some fans are confident in the miraculous power of special pills, which are widely advertised on television. Others believe the secret lies in strict diet that the star adheres to. However, the fan camp was wrong, and Maxim himself will talk about his way of getting rid of extra pounds ov.

To speed up the process of losing weight, Fadeev decided to move to his villa, which is located in Bali. The showman started there actually new life! Regular training with special Tai Chi gymnastics, swimming and proper nutrition gave their results. The relaxing atmosphere was conducive to peace of mind and peace.

The process and secrets of losing weight

Max Fadeev decided to announce his intention in one of the episodes of Andrey Malakhov's program. On the program, he said that he would be able to lose a record 60 kg, and until that moment he would not shave off his beard. At the time of the beginning of fat burning with a height of 180 cm, his weight was 152 kg. These significant numbers affected the health of Maxim, who began to suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Recently, Fadeev posted his new photos on his Instagram account. They show that his figure has decreased in volume, and Max himself beams with a satisfied smile.

Maxim admits that at the moment he has lost 23 kg. The composer is pleased with this result, but does not plan to stop, because there is still an extra 37 kg ahead.

How did he do it? Maxim Fadeev lost 23 kg. thanks to a special nutritional method that he developed independently. It is very simple but effective at the same time. The main rules for losing weight:

  • Eating vegetables with a high water content. These include cucumber, pepper and eggplant. In addition to liquid, they contain a large amount of fiber, which will help cleanse the intestines of harmful substances.
  • Sports. It is not necessary to engage in active species. You can give preference to yoga, swimming, walking. Maxim himself is engaged in Tai Chi gymnastics, which does not provide for excessive activity. Besides, he recently got carried away.

Judging by the photographs before and after losing weight, Maxim managed to pretty much correct his figure. According to unconfirmed information, the performer Katya Lel became interested in this technique. She needed to lose weight for a short time to take part in the filming of the music video. In a couple of months, she lost 13 kg. and very happy with her appearance.

Looking at the photo of Max, who has lost weight, we can conclude about the effectiveness of the diet. Its main advantage is that it is not necessary to disappear day and night in the hall and eat only oatmeal.

Brief description of the menu

Many fans are interested in the question of how Maxim Fadeev lost weight, and what he ate during this period. The basic principles of his diet:

  • A minimum of sweets, flour products and fatty dishes.
  • The thinner composer diluted his diet with mushrooms, lean meat, fish and dairy products.
  • Water is life and weight loss. Maximum amount water (up to 2 liters per day) and the pool will do the trick.

Fadeev's nutrition does not provide for any too strict restrictions and meals strictly by the hour. On the contrary, you can eat often, but at the same time follow the rules of separate meals.

Fadeev's water diet

Maxim Fadeev admits to fans that water is his element, and he clearly monitors its balance in the body. except proper nutrition played a significant role in losing weight water diet, which, in addition to weight loss, helped to cleanse the body. Maxim says sugary drinks and coffee are not suitable for the diet. Only clean filtered water can give a positive result.

The musician was convinced from his own experience that a lack of fluid leads to baldness and obesity. Therefore, since then, as he decided to seriously engage in weight loss, water has become an integral part of the daily diet. Max uses this technique for his water diet:

  • be sure to drink a glass of water before breakfast;
  • drinking plenty of fluids half an hour before meals;
  • drink warm unsweetened green tea before going to bed;
  • the daily amount of liquid should be at least 2 liters.

Maxim Fadeev continues to follow the basic rules of nutrition and hopes that in a year he will be able to shave off his beard, as he promised his viewers.


Photos of Maxim Fadeev, after he lost weight, spread all over the Internet. On them you can see the built figure of a celebrity and his shining appearance.

According to Max, nature itself helped him lose weight. Living on the island of Bali, diving, eating water-containing fruits - all this contributes to rapid weight loss. He expresses special words of gratitude to his family, which all this time helped him and was there.

How many kilograms can you lose weight if you observe water nutrition for a month? Some people lost up to 5 extra pounds, while not feeling unwell and weak.

The opinion of nutritionists

If you analyze the diet of Max Fadeev from a professional point of view, then you can judge the excellent results that have arisen due to proper nutrition. Before losing weight, the producer was fond of sweet and flour products, he could not imagine life without smoked meats.

Now Fadeev has completely excluded harmful products from his diet, and the result is obvious. The satisfied producer declares that he is not going to stop and wants to lose many more pounds.

Fadeev about weight loss: video

The iron willpower of Max Fadeev led him to implement his plans. Fans believe that he, as promised, will lose 60 kg. After all, 23 of them are already behind. Losing weight helped the composer to get rid of a number of health problems, he began to feel better. Losing weight is based on proper nutrition and gentle exercise. For Max, family support was important, because for the sake of loved ones it is worth getting better.

Never stop at your goal. You need to go ahead and prove to yourself that you are omnipotent. It's nice to know that your body and figure are only in your hands!

The most wonderful composer, singer, producer of our time Maxim Fadeev set himself the goal of losing weight He announced this publicly on the program "Tonight", hosted by Andrei Malakhov. Fadeev promised the public to reach 90 kilograms and until this happens, no one will touch a hair from his face.

With a height of 180 cm, Fadeev weighed 152 kg. Such a large difference between the actual mass and the desired mass did not inspire confidence that the goal would be achieved. But Max stubbornly goes to his dream and the results are already visible.

Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg photo after: victories and defeats

Max was always overweight. The desire to lose weight and be slim has always pursued Fadeev. But the weakness for high-calorie and fatty foods did not allow turning the dream into reality. The health problems associated with obesity served as a starting point in the decision of the star to lose weight. Constant shortness of breath, high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems pretty much spoiled the producer's quality of life.

It is worth noting that the most terrible tragedy in the composer's family served as a quick weight gain. Years earlier, due to an oversight of doctors, the barely born baby Maxim and Natalia died. In addition, Fadeev's wife almost died from the bleeding that opened sharply. For the couple, it was a huge psychological blow. Natalia went into a long depression, and her husband tirelessly seized on mental pain.

Over time, the problem with weight became very noticeable. The first attempts to "throw off the ballast" were unsuccessful. Max decided to take the path of least resistance and resorted to Thai pills. The result was not long in coming - the weight went away, and with it the health of the singer. Natalya was the first to sound the alarm, it was decided to cancel taking the pills. And again such annoying kilograms arrived.

Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg photo after: a healthy mind in a healthy body

This time Maxim more consciously approached the problem of extra pounds. First, he changed his place of residence to a heavenly place off the shores of the Indian Ocean, the island of Bali. There, the composer actively resorted to Tai Chi classes, water procedures and harmonization of the internal state.

The whale on which the "Fadeevsky" method of weight loss is based is water balance in the human body. Maxim follows simple rules water diet and feels wonderful. The singer drinks a glass of filtered water before the first meal. It should be noted that 30 minutes after waking up should pass and the ox does not need to be boiled. The water should not be cold, so it will be of maximum benefit. After a meal, liquid should not be consumed, as it is harmful to the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to drink a glass of water before going to bed, about 3 hours before. And, of course, do not forget about the volume - drink at least two liters of clean water per day.

Also important point is food, mostly light food. Fadeev gives preference to vegetables with high moisture content, not fatty fish, lean cereals, fruits with a high fiber content, dietary

Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg photo after: culinary secrets

An example of a composer's daily diet is such that you need to start with oatmeal in water and unsweetened tea, you can eat a little fruit. Second breakfast - grapefruit. For lunch, you can eat low-fat soup and baked vegetables. Nuts are perfect for an afternoon snack. For dinner we take steamed cutlets and salad with fresh herbs.

The star prepares steamed cutlets from a mix of vegetables and semolina. The potatoes are baked and cut with onions, then mixed with grated and well-squeezed beets and carrots. Season everything to taste with salt and pepper and send it to the double boiler. Delicious and healthy cutlets are obtained.

Not an excellent part of Max Fadeev's diet is lean soups. He cooks them in meat broth with carrots, celery, onions and potatoes. Maxim also loves to taste vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil or low-fat sour cream.
The producer himself is glad of the visible changes and plans to improve the achieved result.

In the program of Andrei Malakhov, Max Fadeev promised to build up to 60 kg. Until the extra pounds leave the musician, he will not cut his beard. Fans are following the intermediate results of Maxim Fadeev. Maxim Fadeev regularly pleases fans with his musical material. This year, the famous producer dreams, in addition to music, to demonstrate a built figure to the public. Losing weight has not yet given the effect that Fadeev hoped for. But the intermediate result of the star is still noticeable.

Did Max Fadeev lose weight as promised, photo 2018, Fadeev's drinking diet gives a result

Since early childhood Maxim Fadeev was worried about his completeness. Since my youth, attempts to lose weight have not borne fruit. The musician tried to get leaner, then put off this idea, breaking with diets. Recently, a famous musician and producer made a public statement, he promised the host Andrei Malakhov and all fans to lose 60 kilograms. Until the end of losing weight, Fadeev decided not to cut his beard. This motivation spurred the showman great. To achieve the goal, the musician sits on a drinking diet, goes in for swimming and sports. Fans observe a change in the figure of Max Fadeev. So far, Fadeev has not achieved extreme weight loss, but the intermediate result, according to unofficial data, is approximately 20-25 kg.

Did Max Fadeev lose weight as promised, photo 2018, drinking diet how it works

Maxim Fadeev developed the drinking diet independently, without the recommendations of nutritionists. The main thing in a musician's lifestyle is water. Fadeev strives to drink purified water as often as possible. Basic water intake: upon waking up, before going to bed, one hour after eating. You cannot drink water only during meals, or immediately after a meal. Also, water is useful for the figure, not only internally, but externally. Swimming has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular system person. In comparison with cardio training, swimming is not so exhausting, and it burns calories very efficiently. In addition to drinking water, the musician tries to eat watery vegetables. They provide cleansing of the body, and saturate with fiber and vitamins. The food system and lifestyle of Maxim Fadeev excludes flour and sweets from the diet. This measure of losing weight is not a secret, but everyone who is losing weight is given the hardest part. Fadeev's diet is exclusively individual. Before applying it, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. Although other celebrities have tried the drinking diet on themselves and noticed the result. Katya Lel lost 15 kilograms in this way. The singer did not confirm this figure, but her transformation did not go unnoticed.

Did Max Fadeev lose weight as promised, photo 2018, recipes from a musician for weight loss

Seeing the musician's intermediate result, fans want to know what Maxim Fadeev eats besides water. Fadeev published several simple recipes that he uses in everyday life. The showman's dishes cannot be called culinary masterpieces, especially since most of the recipes are familiar to the general public. The musician's main menu consists of lean first courses, steamed dishes, and vegetable salads. The first courses are prepared on the basis of lean meats (chicken breast, beef or rabbit meat), sea ​​fish... A small amount of a variety of vegetables is added to the broth. Minimum potatoes, more carrots, broccoli, onions, celery. Fadeev also uses lean soups in vegetable broth. For a couple, the singer and producer prepares a huge number of dishes: from savory cheese cakes to steamed cutlets, vegetables, cereals. Vegetable salads the simplest: a combination of cucumbers and tomatoes. Fadeev does not publish dessert recipes. The strictest taboo is imposed on sweet pastries. Such a diet is available to everyone. Maxim Fadeev breaks the myth that healthy eating expensive pleasure. Today Fadeev weighs about 130 kg. The weight to which the musician is striving is 92 kilograms. Starting weight up to drinking diet was 150 kg.

Did Max Fadeev lose weight as promised, photo 2018, why the musician decided to lose weight

The reasons for Maxim Fadeev, which motivated him to lose weight, remain a mystery. Fans come up with one version after another. According to some rumors, Max Fadeev took up the figure due to health problems. It is known that extra pounds give additional load on all systems of the body, but the heart suffers most of all. But whether the showman has problems with blood pressure or other ailments is unknown. According to other rumors, Fadeev is fulfilling an old dream, getting rid of extra pounds for the sake of the singer Nargiz. But the producer and singer deny the existence of a romantic relationship between them. The third version of the fans boils down to the fact that Fadeev simply decided to raise the level of his popularity in this way. It is very fashionable on the Internet to publish photos before and after the transformation. The discussion of fans, Max Fadeev does not comment in any way.

Russian producer and director, 48-year-old member of the jury of the "Voice" project, Maxim Fadeev lost 60 kg. In 2015, at the A. Malakhov show, the artist promised not to shave until he reaches a weight of 90 kg with a height of 180 cm, and this raised doubts among fans - how did he manage to get rid of those extra pounds without "miraculous" drugs and plastics?

A special method of losing weight

WITH early years the artist was inclined to be overweight, but his figure underwent significant changes after the loss of his barely born daughter, when he greatly increased in volume against the background of stress.

Taking care of health (excess weight threatens with disruption of the cardiovascular and endocrine system, provokes diabetes mellitus and oncology of various organs) Maxim Fadeev - lost 60 kg. Photos before and after reaching the desired weight - the result sports activities(swimming and gymnastics "Tai Chi") and water diet, which helps to cleanse the digestive system and suppress hunger.

The first steps towards the goal

At the first stage of the journey to the cherished goal, the producer decided to change his place of residence, going to Bali, where he had purchased apartments near the Indian Ocean years earlier. Regular sports activities and the normalization of metabolic processes allowed him to return to previous forms and find spiritual harmony.

Correct water intake

A water diet can improve the skin, cardiovascular system, and gastrointestinal tract function. Many people have reduced their intake of pure water, replacing it with soda and alcohol, coffee, tea and mineral water, which is harmful to the body. To replenish fluid loss and accelerate metabolic processes, the use of clean filtered water is required. Dehydration as a result of using other drinks leads to baldness, brittle nails, accumulation of toxins and toxins, and obesity.

Attention! The artist is sure that the correct introduction of water into the diet allows you to get rid of extra pounds and achieve a fit, athletic form.

What you need to know when following a water diet?

The method of losing weight with water is based on the principles:

  • Using an unboiled source that has undergone a series of purifications or filtration.
  • Drinking the first glass of liquid immediately after sleep, preparing breakfast after 30 minutes. after waking up.
  • Absorption of water 30 minutes before meals, and after 90 minutes. after meal.
  • Diving 1 tbsp. water into the body 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Prevent ingestion of water immediately after consuming food.
  • Filling the body with warm fluid.
  • Compliance with the daily norm (2 liters).

To improve the result, the celebrity combined clean water with fractional meals, including vegetables, fruits and herbs, rich in fluid content in cells. The director gave a special advantage to cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions, spinach, citruses, peaches and apples, which contribute to the replenishment of fluid and quick satiety, which eliminates the need for snacks between meals.

How to supplement the diet?

The famous director's special diet rules:

  • For maximum results, it is important to completely limit the consumption of flour, sweet, fried foods and convenience foods.
  • Water - Drink plenty of water and swim regularly.

The peculiarities of the diet are to eat healthy foods, but with an emphasis on vegetables with a high moisture content. The diet needs to be supplemented with a fruit and berry mix, lean meat, kefir, cottage cheese, eggs and seafood.

Fadeev adheres to the diet:

  • In the morning, the composer dispenses with a plate of buckwheat or oatmeal made in water, sometimes adding a berry or fruit mix to it. Drinks tea without sugar. Further hunger quenches with grapefruit.
  • For lunch he prefers lean soup, vegetable horn.
  • In the afternoon snack - a handful of nuts.
  • For dinner - a couple of cutlets made in a double boiler and a fresh vegetable salad.

The composer shares recipes for preparing diet food:

Lean soup. The dish is prepared on chicken broth, from where you should pull out the meat and throw the chopped potatoes. Then the director adds grated carrots and finely chopped onions, celery. Toss in salt, seasoning, and herbs a few minutes before fully cooked.

Vegetable Salad. The ingredients list is composed of cucumbers and tomatoes. The artist adds some salt to the chopped vegetables and season them with vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream, throws in greens.

Diet cutlets. The celebrity grinds and squeezes the peeled beets and carrots. Bake 2 potatoes in the oven and chop the onion. Mixing the resulting ingredients, he adds semolina, salt and black pepper. The cutlets are steamed for 30 minutes.


Celebrity can prevent sagging and sagging skin by using Chinese gymnastics Tai Chi. Its principle is based on achieving harmony with the outside world through the education of the soul and body. When you relax, calm down and get rid of negative thoughts and sensations, the organs are strengthened, metabolic processes are normalized. The essence of gymnastics is the implementation of smooth, slow movements and correct, even breathing. Following the recommendations of the mentor, Fadeev quickly mastered the technique of relaxation, maintaining balance, coordinating movements and improving the body's endurance.

Swimming in the cold ocean waters

Maxim Fadeev gives daily for water treatments at least an hour. He is engaged in ocean water, which helps to burn excess calories and fats, relieve stress, and prevent pathologies. The artist assures that classes water sports require a little energy, and are good at soothing, making all muscles function. While scuba diving, he never ceases to admire the beauty of the Indian Ocean.

The popularity of the technique among the stars is evidenced by the figure of Katya Lel in the video for the song "I am yours". From various sources it is known that she threw off up to 15 kg in 90 days, but the performer herself is silent.


Is the owner really big name Maxim Fadeev, composer, director, singer, jury member of the "Voice" show, lost 60 kg? In the photo on the Internet, changes in the director's figure were found, but they cannot be called too obvious either. What changes actually took place in the life of a famous producer and why did he decide to lose weight? Since childhood, Maxim was a big boy who dreamed of losing weight. Not so long ago, on Andrey Malakhov's live show, Max promised that he would not shave until he lost 60 kg. About, how did Maxim Fadeev lose weight and what results you have achieved, read in detail below. But today the star of show business was finally able to prove to himself that dreams come true.

Singer Maxim Fadeev was never thin in childhood and adolescence. However, after the tragedy with Max's newborn daughter, changes in the singer's appearance became noticeable, in particular, in the figure, reflected by being overweight. Despite the attractiveness and special charm that gave him fullness, Max decided to take care of his figure. Excess weight began to provoke the emergence of health problems, so the composer had to reconsider his way of life. Quite a lot of rumors spread about Max Fadeev's weight loss. And photos of Maxim Fadeev before and after losing weight have spread all over the Internet. Some of the fans are sure that the special pills, which are constantly advertised, are to blame.

Others believe that the secret to losing weight is a custom-designed diet for a star. However, the easiest way is to find out reliable information from the singer Maxim Fadeev himself. To promote the process of losing weight more actively, Max moved to his own villa in Bali, decided to start life there from scratch. His daily routine began to include training in tai chi gymnastics, swimming. The diet turned into proper nutrition, which in combination gave its result. The environment was conducive to peace of mind and a sense of peace.

Weight loss secrets and main steps

Maxim Fadeev decided to publicly announce his intention to lose weight on one of the episodes of Andrei Malakhov's program, from there a record figure of 60 kg appeared. Until that happens, the composer refuses to shave off his beard. At the time of the start of the fat burning process, Maxim weighed 152 kg with a height of 180 cm.

So far, Max claims that he has lost 23 kg, and these results are undoubtedly pleasing to him. But this does not mean that he is going to stop there, since most of his plans still lie ahead of him - 37 kg.

Max Fadeev managed to achieve a result of minus 23 kg thanks to a special nutritional method developed by him personally.

It is distinguished by its simplicity and high efficiency, based on the following rules:

  • the predominance of vegetables with a high content of water and fiber in the diet, among them were cucumber, eggplant and pepper;
  • regular sports, it is not necessary to choose active varieties, you can go in for walking, yoga, swimming. Max chose tai chi gymnastics for himself, his recent hobby became nordic walking for weight loss.

Judging by the unconfirmed information that was circulated on the network, singer Katya Lel became interested in this method of losing weight. She managed to lose 13 kg, with which the singer, of course, was very pleased.

When Maxim Fadeev, who has lost weight, appears in the photo, one can really conclude about the effectiveness and efficiency of his diet. Its advantage is that you do not need to spend days and nights in sports hall and eat exclusively oatmeal.

Abbreviated menu

Maxim Fadeev's diet is based on the following basic principles:

  • minimizing the consumption of sweets, fatty foods and flour products;
  • filling the diet with mushrooms, lean meat, dairy products and fish;
  • water is not only a source of life, but also a mechanism for losing weight. You must drink the maximum amount of water per day (up to 2 liters) and regularly visit the pool.

Fadeev's diet does not provide for strict rules and restrictions on food intake. It is allowed to eat often, adhering to the basics of separate meals.

Fadeev's water diet

As Maxim Fadeev told his fans, his element is water, so the man strictly maintains the balance in the body. In addition to proper nutrition and exercise, a water diet has had a huge impact on weight loss. An additional plus is the cleansing of the body from toxins. Only purified water after the filter is suitable for the diet. Maxim Fadeev checked himself and made sure that lack of water really causes obesity and baldness. Therefore, on the way to the goal, water has become an essential ingredient.

Subject to the daily water diet, Max adheres to the following rules:

  • drinks a glass of water before breakfast;
  • drinks a significant amount of fluids 30 minutes before subsequent meals;
  • drinks warm green tea without sugar before going to bed;
  • tries to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day.

The composer strictly adheres to all the rules of losing weight and proper nutrition and hopes that after a year he will be able to get rid of his beard and fulfill his promise to viewers.


After losing weight, photos of Fadeev scattered all over the Internet. They clearly show how the composer has lost weight and how his appearance has improved. According to Maxim, he was able to lose weight thanks to nature. Living on the island of Bali in a peaceful environment, regular inactive sports, diving, eating water-containing vegetables and fruits - all helped him in short time reduce weight. For help and support, the singer expresses gratitude to his relatives and family members.

The opinion of nutritionists

From the point of view of specialists, good results Maxim was able to achieve thanks to correct diet... Before the producer decided to lose weight, he was not too picky about food, was fond of sweet dishes, and consumed a lot of smoked meats.

Now, Fadeev's diet does not contain any harmful products and the result, which he is very pleased with, is immediately visible. But the singer says that he intends to continue to adhere to these basic rules of weight loss in order to lose many more pounds. You should not stop on the way to your goal, you should always move forward and prove, first of all, to yourself that you can really.

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