Horse is the Chinese zodiac. Year of the Horse according to the Chinese horoscope: expressive and imposing centaur people - what are they? Year of the Fire Horse Woman characteristics

A person born in the Year of the Horse can succeed in politics, which will bring him great satisfaction. The astute Horse grasps people's thoughts even before they have time to express them.

Nevertheless, she is capable not only of mental, but also of physical work.

When is the Year of the Horse?

Years of the Horse: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014.

The horse is considered a keeper physical strength and all laws physical world; it also symbolizes the conquest of space and time.

People of this year of birth are almost always full of thirst for life, adore adventure and strive for feats. They know the value of money well, but even more than wealth, they need freedom of thought and freedom of movement.

Anyone who was born in the year of the Horse loves to be in sight a lot, to participate in all kinds of gatherings and entertainment.

In the Year of the Horse, irritability is felt in the air. Figure out what's the matter, but be tactful with those who are irritable.

Good year for Bulls, Drakonovo, Goats and Roosters; bad year for Horses (especially the year of the Fire Horse), Rats, Snakes and Pigs; neutral year for Tigers, Rabbits, Monkeys and Dogs.

Horoscope horse: what kind of person is she?

The horse is very popular, she has a cheerful disposition, good build, she is cute. Man of the Year of the Horse loves shows, theaters, gatherings, concerts, sports. In a word, where there is a crowd, there is a Horse.

She just loves to be in the center of events, loves and knows how to manage people. Quite smart and perceptive, although sometimes she talks too much.

She is talented, everything is going well with her, attracts attention with catchy clothes or easy demeanor. She is very independent, rarely listens to advice and acts as she thinks.

Able to forget about everything if her feelings are affected. She has hot blood and easily loses her temper. This is her biggest drawback, as her unbridled anger often becomes the reason for the loss of what has been achieved. Anyone who has ever seen her in anger stops trusting her.

To succeed, Horses need to work on themselves and learn to be more tolerant. She is selfish and egocentric, usually interested only in her own problems, and if someone gets in her way, he will trample and not blink an eye.

It should be noted that although this egoist works only for herself, for her own pleasure and success, everyone uses the fruits of this work.

More dexterous than intelligent, but in reality (and she knows it well) she lacks faith in herself. Despite this, she keeps herself confidently, she will turn out to be a good financier - she knows how to deftly manage money.

In general, she can have any specialty that does not require loneliness and contemplation.

It is very good if a person of the Year of the Horse leaves the family at a young age to live his own life: the family hearth is too pressing on her.

However, when she creates hers, her presence becomes beneficial, everything in the house will revolve around her. She is a true guardian of the family.

The first and second phases of her life will be turbulent. In her youth, she can leave the family, and this will not go without trouble. In the realm of the senses, life will also be stormy. The third phase of her life will be the quietest.

It should be noted that the years of the Fire Horse (there are every 60 years - 1906, 1966, 2026) are unfavorable for all types of Horses, as well as their families. Misfortunes, illnesses, disasters can affect the Horse family this year.

Horse personality traits by horoscope

The changeability of character forces such people to be very picky when choosing a job and to opt for those professions that do not involve monotonous work, or loneliness, or long observation.

Praise heard in time can raise the enthusiasm of such a person to an unattainable level, and then none of the rivals is able to compete with him.

Make sure your feet are firmly on the ground and that you can hold onto something solid as a whirlwind is approaching.

Horses are some of the most adorable and helpful people you could ever dream of meeting. But wherever he appears, there is turmoil and constant change.

This is not so bad, because for many, variety gives a taste to life.

The horse, of course, thinks that way, if any thought comes into his head at all. The horse is kind and attentive, will give you the most wonderful compliment until the cows come home.

You will feel like the most important person in the world, and the attention to your ego will be by no means temporary, although the presence of a horse nearby will most likely be that way.

The main problem may be that you want more, and when you turn around in search, your elusive horse will gallop away to devote himself entirely to something else.

Wait patiently, and after a while she will return and offer the next portion of the elixir.

You cannot help but love a horse because there is nothing evil or nasty about it. Some people call the horse dimwitted, but in reality it is not.

The horse means everything it says, but is capable of moving with the same intensity in a thousand other directions.

If this fact diminishes the value of the compliments told to you, then you simply do not understand the horse's lifestyle. Overall, you might have been less fortunate.

Horses born in the year are usually successful, always bright, rarely in a dull mood and always strive to live to the fullest. As long as you are capable of the same, there will be no problem.

We will discuss in our topic what are the qualities of a person of the Year of the Horse. Let's make one thing clear from the beginning. The Horse has one of the most developed imaginations among the signs of the Chinese horoscope.

You have to decide whether this fact will be an advantage or a disadvantage. As in any situation, there are positive and negative sides here.

It is worth noting that no matter how passionate your Horse partner is in personal relationships, at times you will doubt that he is paying attention to his surroundings.

But fantasy has penetrated so deeply into the Horse's mindset that only a little cunning is required from you. Everything that happens feeds and directs the fantasy rather than forces it to be abandoned.

Years of the Horse and their Elements

Reign time

Yang or yin

Elemental Horse Fire

  • Without doubt the most active of the breed, the Fire Horse is one of the most adventurous people you will ever meet. She is noble, capable of making an impression and is often very beautiful on the outside.
  • Fire Horse is a born leader and good fighter, although only in a verbal duel.
  • Defeating her in an argument is almost impossible, so it's best not to try. Disputes, however, will be infrequent, as long as the Fire Horse takes on its own life as it wants.
  • Problems are likely to begin only if she is periodically put in a wheel or told that her point of view is not correct.
  • This person is difficult to understand, and he may not be as deep as he would like to seem. A fairly casual approach to relationships should not hide from you the fact that the fire horse is often just trying to make things go well.
  • The horse of the element Fire is unusually sensitive, and the need for personal relationships should be based not only on passion, but also on friendship, even though she can be a wonderful lover.
  • Keeping a fiery horse nearby is impossible, but if you allow it to do what it wants, let it know that you are not going to give up your preferences, and it will never leave you.
  • Behind the mask of a confident person is a child who really does not know how to behave correctly in a love relationship. She is by no means as confident in herself as she wants to show. Complex character - but she will be a lot of fun.

Elemental Horse Metal

  • When we reach the stable, we meet with the most positive, but nevertheless the most incomprehensible member of the horse family. In a way, this is paradoxical, since Metal is responsible for the self-discipline that the horse usually lacks.
  • But the reason for her impermanence is that she always has something else to do. However, once on a leash, the Metal Horse can become the most successful representative of the herd.
  • The horse has intuition, she thinks quickly, full of strength, charming and talented. She can also be moody, unpredictable, and unreliable.
  • Much depends on the situation and the nature of your relationship, which is almost impossible to say about which, given the nature of the metal horse.
  • For many, the Metal Horse will be everything they could possibly want. If you are one of those people, then you must have done right choice.
  • In any case, you are hardly looking for peace of mind in life and should be prepared to get up earlier and go to bed later.
  • The Elemental Horse Metal can dance all night, work all day, and then feel a great desire to go back to the dance floor.
  • There is so much energy in her that she is always looking for a new home and is definitely not the most loyal person you will ever meet.
  • However, infidelity can be avoided, especially if your Metal Horse lives as diverse a life that it wants.
  • And although your relationship with her may seem strange, difficult and sometimes irritating, life will never be boring, because you always have to be prepared for new surprises ahead.

Horse of the element Earth

  • Before you, without a doubt, the calmest representative of the horse family, with whom it is very easy to find a common language. The horse of the element Earth is more careful and sensitive than the rest, and will more willingly listen to what is told to her.
  • It should not be assumed that calmness is her innate character trait, because it is not characteristic of any Horse. However, you can put a few words in the pauses she makes during the conversation, and you can expect them to be heard.
  • Earth Horse will always be happy to help you in your career, and will also offer great help in solving personal problems. She knows what she wants from life, and will do almost everything possible in order to achieve what she wants.
  • Except for actions that may upset you. She is also characterized by insecurity, but this horse is more than others able to recognize her presence and cope with it. Unlike the rest of its family, the Horse tends to stay at home.
  • She will probably also need more rest than other Horses. Remaining free and wild, the Horse of the Earth element is a wonderful life companion, she is able to make life bright and diverse even in difficult times.
  • You are unlikely to experience a lack of attention and affection, this type of horse will seem to you the most adequate lover in the fullest sense of the word.
  • He is a noble and interesting personality, she is usually more consistent than all other horses. Some say that this is the ideal type of Horse.

Horse Elemental Tree

  • The Chinese endow the horse with traits of intellectual superiority. In general, this characteristic is not completely correct, since horses strive for equality and do not divide people into types.
  • If in something there can be a source of problems, it is usually that the Horse of the element Tree is quite smart and expects that everyone around will share her rather peculiar interests.
  • However, in the case Wooden Horse the situation is somewhat different, because it is much easier for her to realize that there are other points of view in the world and that many people around her reason somewhat differently.
  • You should not think that the Tree makes it easier to tie this Horse to the fence than the rest of the family. But in most circumstances, this element makes it easier to find a common language with her and can make the relationship more calm.
  • You will still lose patience due to her inability to stay in the same place for a long time and her constant activity, which will seem to you endless.
  • You will need both energy and concentration if you want to keep up with it, because if you fail, it will turn out that you are simply left behind.
  • The horse of the element Wood is very charming, she can always find the right word to express feelings and resolve any of the most difficult situations. But she really likes to talk, so expect easy victory it may be a mistake on your part in a dispute.
  • It’s best to keep your mind cool and not fall for the torrent of apologies, well-reasoned rhetoric and simple distractions that will flow like honey from the lips of this most fickle person.

Elemental Horse Water

  • If you want to find a person who will sort out all your troubles the first time, who will make you feel like the most important person in the world,
  • Elemental horse Water will do you are doing the best you can. On the other hand, it can turn out to be so self-sufficient that at first it will give you a lot of trouble, however, then you will be surrounded by an endless number of compliments.
  • However, do not be misled: this Horse means exactly what it says. She's not two-faced, just a little forgetful.
  • At least she, like all other horses, is truly concerned with your well-being and has the ability to penetrate deeply into your soul.
  • The Elemental Horse Water is often a born poet and looks at the world with such amazement that it is difficult for you to restrain yourself and not accept such a point of view.
  • This may not be so bad; at least a horse will help you soar above the routine of the ordinary world.
  • Landing will be a completely different story and depends entirely on how much you pay attention to her words.
  • Elemental Horse Water really wants to be faithful and is full of all kinds of good intentions.
  • But as our grandmothers usually say, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions,” therefore it is necessary to remember not only the good, but also the bad sides of her character.
  • You can hardly find a nicer person, even if you go around the world for this. And this is where you will come if you want to know what worries your Water Horse. Most will decide in the end to just accept what they find.

People born in the Year of the Horse

Socrates, Neil Armstrong, Aldous Huxley, Earl Snowdon, Hieronymus Bosch, Rembrandt, Roberto Rossellin, Jimi Hendrix, Dmitry Likhachev, Theodore Roosevelt, Daniil Andreev, Nelson Mandel, Ivan Bunin. Barbra Streisand, Paul McCartney, Boris Yeltsin, Anvar Sadat, Vladimir Lenin, Roosevelt, Leonid Brezhnev, Isaac Babel, Thomas Edison, Georgy Danelia, Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

> Year of the Horse

The one who born in the year of the Horse, a cheerful adventurer by nature. He loves life in all its manifestations, and gladly allows himself exploits and adventures. People born this year have an easy character and happily share it with others. They have extraordinary thinking and insight, and their talents are legendary. Prudent and smart Horses know how to increase their fortune, and money reciprocates them. They are darlings of fate, fast and energetic natures who value freedom in everything: in space, in thinking, in movement. They are often excellent orators, literate politicians, and subtle flatterers.

Horses are sociable and public people. Self-confidence and a high assessment of their abilities push them always into the thick of things. These people can be found in stadiums, at exhibitions and public events, in the theater and at rallies. They love sports and often achieve good results.

Horses are inquisitive and full of thirst for all kinds of adventures; life is not a joy for them without travel. For the sake of unknown heights and new knowledge, these people are ready to take risks, in spite of everything. The recommendations of others are not a decree for them, they have their own views and opinions on everything. They build their lives according to plan. In any company, their independence, eccentric outfit and freedom-loving behavior are immediately evident.

Usually Horses are self-confident, can easily control people and are not afraid of enemies and envious people. But sometimes they lose self-confidence and then reveal themselves from a completely different side. Overwhelmed by mistrust and doubt, the Horses lose their temper. They can show their anger and rage in a harsh manner. At this moment, they can arrange ugly scenes, blaming themselves and the whole world for the loss of self-confidence.

People born this year are divided into two types. The first are genuine egoists who, for their own purposes, will trample anyone who dares to interfere with them. They care only about their own interests, and for the sake of their satisfaction they will go to great lengths. And the latter are victims who willingly demonstrate the nobility of a big soul.

Horses are very independent and value independence. Therefore, they leave their parents' cozy hearths quite early, most often immediately after adulthood. They do not tolerate the instructions of their parents, and do not like the way of life imposed on them. They create a successful family quite early.

Horses know how to work and do not shun any profession. All this is due to their perseverance, perseverance and excellent organizational talent. But they get special pleasure from the work where you can be in the center and receive rave reviews every day. These people are excellent workers, but only if they know how to have a good rest. They need a change of occupation in any business, even intimate, like air. After having a great rest, they continue to work with even greater zeal.

Horses are attractive to the opposite sex and exhibit uncharacteristic weaknesses. If the Horse is possessed by a strong passion, it loses all interests. If passion wins in the battle with ambition, the Horse loses everything.

Born in the years of the Fire Horse, they live a brighter life, filled with surprises and adventurous incidents. The good and bad character traits of such people are more acute. Talent and hard work, self-confidence and adventurism, dexterity and agility, intelligence and selfishness - are manifested to a greater extent. Life is full and in full swing. Such Horses can become famous, both from the good and from the negative sides.

Horse compatibility with other signs

Horse and Rat

This variation is almost impossible. These two people will not be able to be together either in business cooperation or in personal relationships. Especially the representatives of the Year of the Fire Horse should be afraid of the Rat. These are two irreconcilable personalities who will constantly fight and torment themselves with internal problems. With the Rat, the Horse will have to experience a lot of conflicts and friction. A business relationship is unrealistic due to different views and lack of agreement, friendship is contraindicated due to internal conflicts, the family is hopeless due to misunderstanding. The union of such people is possible only if it unites against another person and comes to an agreement in terms of revenge.

Horse and Bull

A successful union is unrealistic. The horse is a selfish nature that values ​​personal comfort, well-being, independence and freedom most of all. Nobody can drive her into the tight framework of any foundations or rules. And the Bull will try to do this, because he is very domineering and demands to adhere to his own rules exactly. Unable to withstand the lack of freedom, the Horse will quickly leave. The friendship between the Horse and the Bull is also problematic, because they have different morals, ethics and tastes. The extravagance of the Horse in everything is not to the Bull's liking. In business relations, too, everything is extremely unfavorable. The Ox is an innocent person, and the Horse constantly tries to demonstrate agility and dexterity. For a beloved one, after all, the Horse does not feel sorry for anything. Although a business union under different circumstances could have been. After all, both of them are good workers and value honesty in their work.

Horse and Tiger

The Tiger People have enough in common with the Horses. Both those and others are vain, self-confident, love and know how to work, know their own worth. And therefore, such an alliance is quite successful, albeit with some reservations. The Tiger should not look back at the Horse and calmly do his business. And give the Horse the opportunity to live its usual life, without trying to re-educate. Nothing will come of it anyway. The wayward and freedom-loving Horse "kicks its hoof." These two people will argue continuously, but in the presence of strong, real feelings, the arguments will not weaken their eternal interests in each other. In business relations, too, everything will be stable and calm enough. After all, both are aimed at making good profits. This will smooth out small difficulties that will not become a stumbling block.

Horse and Rabbit

Convenient union. The horse loves adventure, travel and non-interference in their affairs. The rabbit is a warm home and loved ones. And both are happy with it. Therefore, friendship and love relationship can be quite reliable, strong and durable.

Horse and Dragon

These two irreconcilable personalities are constantly at war with each other, trying to impose their values. The horse is constantly traveling and looking for himself, and the Dragon loves attention. Friendship is also possible. The horse does not want to give, because it is a selfish nature.

Horse and Snake

In this union, everything can be very good, or it can collapse in an instant. The snake loves pleasure. And if she receives this from the Horse, the union is possible for a long time. The snake is wise and prudent enough and will not demand the impossible. Anger, conceit, outbursts of anger - she may not pay any attention as long as she is satisfied. Friendship between Horse and Snake is ideal. A business union is great if two people clearly define their functions: the Horse works, and the Snake gushes ideas.

Horse and horse

They have everything equally: ambition and independence, views and self-confidence, a thirst for adventure and selfishness. And for a lasting and lasting union, one must submit. In this case, the love union will be perfect. Friendship is also real, but on condition of mutual non-interference. But in the business sphere, an alliance is almost impossible: everyone wants to be the first and the best.

Horse and Goat

The horse is proud, and the Goat is capricious and changeable. Nevertheless, a love union will not be bad. The two antipodes will not be bored, and the Horse will not even notice the whims and changeable moods of the Goat. Friendship is real both in theory and in practice. But a business union is real in theory, but in practice it is based on mutual understanding. The Goat does not like risks, unlike the Horse. But if the Goat believes in the agility and agility of the Horse, then the business relationship will be excellent.

Horse and Monkey

Lack of mutual understanding and trust is an obstacle for any union.

Horse and Rooster

A love union is almost impossible. These are fights at all levels, and even in the smallest detail, the Rooster will be defeated. He will not withstand the constant victories of the Horse and will "fly away", having suffered for decency. Deep friendship is almost impossible: the Rooster constantly finds fault with any little things. The business union is problematic. The Horse cannot stand inactivity, and the Rooster acts at its own discretion, not trusting it with affairs.

Horse and Dog

A joint union is very likely, and it will be durable and serious. The freedom-loving Horse is not a hindrance to the Dog. She will give her complete carte blanche, and will not express displeasure. And at this time it will eternal search solutions to large-scale life problems. In gratitude, the Horse will try to reach mutual understanding and agreement on any issue and not upset with its inconstancy. A long-lasting and lasting friendly alliance is also possible if both agree to concede, or do not touch on controversial issues, for example, political disputes. Mutual understanding and agreement is the key to success. In business relations, if spheres of influence are divided, a lasting and mutually beneficial alliance is possible.

Horse and Pig

The union is doubtful because of the difference in thinking, plans, ideas. It is difficult for them to reach the necessary agreement in partnership. For the Horse, the Pig is lazy, and the Pig does not at all like the superficiality and inconstancy of the Horse. This friendship is also a very big question. These are two antipodes.

Women and horses know how to find a common language. This animal is very sensitive and affectionate. From him, the fair sex took over the most best qualities... But selfishness has not spared these beautiful creatures.

The horse woman is very obstinate. Other signs are far from her. Ladies born in the summer are self-confident and know their worth. She does not know how to control herself, and even with age, the horse woman does not succeed. She always suspects everyone. And if someone decides to encroach on her independence and personal space, they can kick a hoof without hesitation.

Woman Horse Personality traits

The horse woman loves company and willingly makes friends. In the company of relatives and friends, she opens up and even tries to joke. She does it skillfully and will never offend anyone with her statements.

The smile of a woman horse is maddening. She knows how to behave in any society. She won't speak unless needed. Horses and women are similar natures. They are very artistic. To realize all her ideas, she needs to work hard. But she will never give in to her goals. He always goes forward and does not think to give up.

Baba Horse is a stone wall. It can both protect and warm. She is always ready to help a person in need, she will never betray a loved one and will love. People are drawn to her and want to be friends.

Horse women easily find friends and also easily quarrel with family members. They are not capable of forgiving and compromising. Their mood changes dramatically and that is why they can shout and express everything they think about a person. They may and will regret it, but in public they will never show their sufferings. For those around him, he is a strong-willed and strong-willed person.

The character of the horse woman is complex and contradictory. In a conflict, she never yields to an opponent, she will prove her innocence to the end. But even if she is wrong, it is difficult to stop her and explain something. In anger, she is capable of killing. At these moments, the horse woman spares neither relatives, nor friends, nor colleagues. Everyone falls under the distribution. After such a showdown, she has practically no friends left. There are no other people's problems for her. There is only her, and the rest are just extras.

The horse woman is very romantic in nature. She loves to travel and discover new horizons for herself. She can never sit locked up. She has a free nature. The obstacles that arise on the way do not frighten her, but, on the contrary, make her stronger. Her activity and willpower can be simply envied.

A woman with a horse is capable of conquering even the highest peaks. This lady is very hardy and never complains about her health. She is not ready for supporting roles. Everywhere, a woman horse should be the main and only one. She is very smart and does a lot to be enlightened in any area.

A woman horse does not know how to sit around. In any situation, she will strive to realize herself and will prove to everyone that she can do any job.

Year of the Fire Horse Woman characteristics

The fiery horse woman is a bright lady who is capable of unusual deeds. The fire makes it hot and very active. She is not afraid of anything and goes over to her head.

Such a horse will not be able to get bored. Her life is always full of various events. People around her admire her character and resilience. A girl born in the year of the fire horse never thinks and quickly accepts the right decision... She will never be silent and hide her feelings. She is used to speaking everything in person, and she never thinks about feelings.

How to win a horse woman

The horse woman is endowed with a strong imagination. It is this quality that allows her to come up with something new and create beautiful images.

Men simply idolize such a lady. She is able to chatter anyone and talk even the most silent representative of the stronger sex. A female mare will never shy away from communication and alienate a potential suitor. If she liked the man, then she will not wait, but she will try to establish contact. There are always many fans around her. It flatters her. Therefore, a woman horse does not push anyone away and does not abandon anyone.

The horse woman is a very loving person. She rushes into new feelings with her head and rarely thinks about the consequences. She is not afraid of a new relationship and gladly accepts courtship. For this reason, it is difficult for her to create a family and strong relationships. She demands a lot from her soulmate and always drops not the earth from the sky. No plans for the future, only actions that will bear fruit.

Despite their openness and openness to communication, female mares require men to achieve them and commit reckless acts. If they love, they give their whole soul and try to make their soul mate happy.

Girls born in the year of the horse are passionate and hot partners. But, first of all, they think only about themselves, and then about their partner.

It takes a lot of effort to win a horse woman. Despite the fact that these ladies are independent personalities, they dream of meeting a handsome prince and living happily ever after with him. Therefore, if you want to win the favor of a lady who was born this year, then try. All your efforts will pay off in full.

Every date should be special and never repeat itself. The main thing is that she is not bored. Endless seating in the moonlight. She will never like it. But walks in the countryside are what you need. Silence and tranquility are not for her. Although a woman is a horse and a born romantic, she will gladly exchange gatherings in a restaurant for an extreme vacation.

A man who does everything right will get a wonderful lady with whom he will never be bored.

Horoscope Woman Horse Career

It is very difficult to choose a lifelong business for a horse woman. She can never decide. Today she likes one thing, and tomorrow another. That is why, during her life, she can try herself in various fields of activity. The main thing is that she should be interested and it does not matter what the salary will be.

A woman by the sign of a horse thinks only about today... She does not plan a budget and does not collect for a rainy day. It is important that it is good now, and the rest does not bother her much. She can easily quit her job and go on a long journey.

The horse woman is not afraid of difficulties. And if she is offered something worthwhile, then she will take on a new business, despite her workload. Her work should not be chained to one place; the horse woman needs to move and create. She loves to lead and does not tolerate being directed. She should give advice, and those around her are simply obliged to listen to her.

A horse woman will find herself in journalism, she can become an excellent artist, singer or model. An incorrectly chosen specialty can lead her astray, but not for long. Soon she will come to her senses and quickly learn to live by the new rules.

Routine work, where you need to sort through papers or reduce a debit with a loan, will not interest her. In this case, a woman horse can go into business and soon she will become a successful business woman.

Horse woman in love and family

A horse woman always strives to equip her home, make it beautiful and comfortable. Household chores are secondary activities. She devotes her life to her career, loves to spend time with benefit. She likes it when other people do her homework, and she just leads the process.

A lady-horse in love is capable of doing stupid things and rash acts. If love is strong and she is sure that the other half loves just as much, then a horse woman can change her life and forget everything that she previously dreamed and aspired to.

A woman horse will make a husband happy, and he is obliged to provide her with a comfortable existence. The spouse should not prohibit anything or infringe on her rights. This she cannot bear. Total control offends her.

A male horse, as a rule, is very attractive, knows how to dress fashionably and elegantly, and is very athletic. He is always on the move, he is afraid of stagnation, he loves to travel. This is a great compliment master. Unlike a huge number of brothers, he knows how to talk about feelings beautifully, is famous for his passionate confessions.

As he assures Eastern horoscope, the Horse man is open to any new acquaintances and relatively quickly loses his head after meeting women - even if he was in contact with purely business goals, for example, to solve professional problems. If you want to, seducing a Horse man is easy, but keeping it with you longer is much more difficult task because his feelings pass quickly, as does the initial interest.

Horse man in love

The characteristic of the Horse-man is such that when he meets a pretty woman, it immediately seems to him that this is the one, the only one. He experiences strong, vivid emotions, and then, when sobering occurs, he realizes that this relationship was originally doomed to failure. And this would be seen right away if, as the eastern horoscope says, the Horse-man from the very beginning was a little more sane and objective. This is dangerous for him, because in this way he can plunge himself into a situation from which he will not be able to get out - for example, to be in a marriage that has no chance of survival. A person is wasting his time and energy but does not see it. Or maybe he doesn't want to see this, because he loves to experience fiery feelings, to live life to the fullest.

According to the horoscope, the Horse in love feels very comfortable, this state is a powerful incentive for him to act, to do whatever he wants. Then, when the hobby for someone passes, the one born in the year of the Horse becomes lethargic, passive. So it's no surprise that he doesn't like to be alone. And, despite the fact that the next relationship brings him new disappointments, he still strives for new acquaintances - to look for something that he probably will never find.

How to understand that a Horse man has fallen in love? Such people are open and honest, and if this person falls in love, the whole world will know about it. When a new love appears in his life, no one will be left in the dark either. He likes to conquer the chosen ones in his own - gallant - style. There will definitely be flowers, romantic dinners, weekend trips out of town. These characters of the Chinese horoscope always appreciate the beauty of their beloved, which they will then glorify in their surroundings.

No one can love as much, with all their heart, as a romantic Horse. This feeling leads a man into a state of euphoria. A man in love with a Horse completely loses his head and loses his common sense.

Horse man in sex

As lovers in bed, representatives of the stronger sex, born in the years of the Horse, are always full of strength and desire.

Horoscope Horse man in a permanent relationship

For a woman he has fallen in love with, a Horse man is able to do literally everything. But, unfortunately, he is not always true to his own feelings. Routine, prose of life, everyday life sometimes make him bored in a stable relationship. In turn, everything new, bringing into life the spirit of change and adventure, seems to him extremely tempting.

The Horse man requires a lot of affection and tenderness from his partner. His half will have to be very tolerant. On the one hand, the partner drowns in his love, but at the same time remains independent, needs freedom of action. In family matters, these men are not very practical, even careless.

How to please a person born in the year of the Horse according to the horoscope? This is not the most tricky task: it is enough to resort to typical female tricks, to express admiration in time for his appearance, interests, work results, etc. If you liked him, then you will notice it right away, because his sympathy will be written on his face, like that of a small child. Impatient, he will be the first to launch a massive attack, and you will not even understand how you ended up in his bedroom. However, the problem is that it is not difficult to captivate or even take away a Horse man from a rival, but often everything ends with a few first dates, and then yesterday's ardent gentleman tries to bypass you three miles away, ignoring the flirting.
What to do in this case? How to conquer a Horse man, make him fall in love with yourself for a long time? Most often, this is a fan in life in many of its manifestations. Find out what his passions are - football, the history of military weapons, the life of a cannibal tribe on a distant island, or the habits of lion prides. Try to find out what his interest is, support the object of your passion, ask smart questions more often - and you can assume that he is almost in your hands. Such men love discussion and news, and grateful listeners sooner or later win their hearts.

People born in a year Horses, possess the same grace and nobility for which this animal is known. Their life is usually interesting and bright. They have a rich inner world... They know how to manage several projects at once. Horses are loyal, reliable friends. You are in luck if you have a Horse friend. His inexhaustible energy has the most positive effect on his entire environment.

The horse masterfully finds a way out of any situation. And he does it with the utmost nobility and honesty. Need to say, honesty is the Horse's credo. Whether with enemies, with friends, she will never be cunning and cunning, finding favorable conditions for her. Even if this will give her discomfort, but for her it is better to be bitter, but true.

The horse strives for harmony all his life. She loves freedom, you can already feel it in early childhood, since the Horse child is difficult to keep at home. Four walls around him oppress him, he needs space, Fresh air, the distant horizon. This trait persists throughout life. Horses are avid travelers, they are attracted by everything secret and unknown. The passion for adventure also stems from childhood.

The horse loves life, takes everything from it. As the saying goes: "if money, then a million, and if you love, then the queen" - this is life motto Horses. Although money for the Horse is not of fundamental importance. They intuitively calculate every financial situation, and they do it so skillfully that during the life of the Horse, by and large, there are no financial problems.

Horse very much attached to family. This is both good and bad at the same time. After all, through this attachment, ill-wishers find her weak spots... You just can't take the Horse, it is "impenetrable", but if something happens to the family, the Horse drops everything and goes to the rescue, up to self-sacrifice. However, if she finds out where evil comes from, then it is easier for enemies to immediately prepare for the transition to the next world, the Horse's retaliation will be fatal.

Male Horse

Horse Man is like a family talisman. He, like a wall, protects the family from possible adversity. Loyal to his parents, will never leave them in old age. Honors traditions. In his family he is faithful to his family and hardworking. He does everything so that his wife and children do not need anything. If this requires working at least three jobs, he will not hesitate for a minute and will take on this burden.

Horse Man - central figure at home and at work. Since the welfare of the family depends on him, he requires unquestioning obedience from everyone. But he does it very tactfully. So that those around them themselves want to follow the Horse, to satisfy his whims.

The first half of the life of a Horse man is "explosive", when thinking about an act occurs after it has been completed. At this age, "horse blood" is simply seething, emotions gush like a fountain. A more measured life comes in a more mature age, there is already a clear adherence to goals and consistency.

It is advisable for a Horse man to choose a profession where there is scope for action, the opportunity to reveal his potential for working capacity. And if you have your own team, then it is most preferable that it consists of the same energetic people, focused on the success of a common cause.

Horse Woman

Intellectually developed personality. The Horse Woman feels her superiority over others and developed self-esteem can significantly complicate her life. A bright personality in everything is the main feature of the Horse woman. Alas, in addition to natural conceit, selfishness and stubbornness are also strongly developed in her. These two qualities greatly interfere with finding her a worthy life partner, since not every man is able to tolerate this. The Horse woman falls in love very much, no matter what period of her life she meets her true love. To create a real strong family, she does not need to get married as early as possible, she needs to find her soul mate. Therefore, she should be guided by what her heart tells her, and not those around her.

She can achieve a lot in life herself. Climb the career ladder or get another higher education for her does not deliver much difficulty. It is not easy for other people to customize her for themselves, she needs freedom, including freedom of choice. It's difficult to be friends with her, but there is no cunning and lies in her, for which the Horse woman is respected by others.

She is very brave. Will bypass anyone who gets in her way. But, despite such a "militant" appearance, the Horse woman attracts with her nobility and royal article.

Horse by zodiac sign

The horse is hardworking, intelligent and discerning. However, these qualities are strengthened, weakened, and somewhere they appear completely unexpectedly due to the combination with the horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac.


This is a hurricane of passions. An unabated vortex. If the Horse-Aries has decided something, then it is impossible to convince her. She stubbornly goes to her goal, knocking out all the obstacles that arise. Aries horses like no one else succeed in the most short time achieve their goals, implement plans. Sometimes, at the same time, they do not pay attention to the fact that offend the feelings of other people. However, they also know how to negotiate.

These are people of movement. Stagnation is a disaster for them. There is no such area of ​​activity where the Aries Horse could not prove itself, but they looking for a business exclusively to their liking, the material side is of little interest to them. And financial illiteracy is their main disadvantage. Aries horses often live beyond their means, litter with money. They have many friends. They are not particularly in a hurry with their personal lives, since they are freedom-loving personalities.

Taurus Horse

They are organized, generous and patient people. Like all Horses, they are hardworking. However, if something does not work out in the work, they can infuriate them with their "whining". When the Taurus Horse is preoccupied or unhappy with something, it is better not to get in its way. Moreover, they are vindictive. If you are unlucky enough to be on her blacklist, it is better not to wait for leniency.

People born under this constellation love to travel, but they always return to their cozy, family nest. By the way, in family life Taurus horses may not be all right because of their stubbornness. Often they dwell on themselves and their interests, which spoil the relationship. Taurus Horses very talented, but this talent needs to be “awakened” in oneself.

Gemini Horse

They live active life... We can say about them that they are everywhere and at once. Energy splashes in them, their mind constantly requires recharge in the form of new knowledge and the Gemini Horse often satisfies this need by reading. They are sharp on the tongue and, at times, this leads to conflicts with others. That is why Gemini Horses have few real friends. But those that do exist can be sure that they will receive a truthful answer to any of their questions, and the call for help will not be ignored.

This creative personalities, they need a job where they can show their talents. As for love, everything is ambiguous here. To push the Gemini Horse for yourself, to re-educate them will definitely not work. They will begin to listen to their partner only if they are convinced that they are also understood.


These are sensual and vulnerable natures. They defend themselves from the roughness of the outside world by closing in on themselves. They often become hostages of their own mood. But in sight, these people always keep themselves in hand, trying to make a good impression. Reputation is not an empty phrase for them.

They are kind, generous with selfless help. In love, they express to the partner all their tenderness and care. Although, to see the Cancer Horse from this side will take time, since usually people born during this period look closely at first and only then open up. They adore children.


Working Horses. They inject, as they say, without sparing the stomach, spending twice as much energy than is actually required. They constantly at the peak of activity. They are bored of being in one place for a long time, therefore, the Lion Horses are characterized by a frequent change of profession. They love travel, new places.

These are merry people, they even approach love issues with irony. Marriage with the Horse-Leo is called unusual. The horse needs freedom, but even without the family nest of the Horse-Leo it is very difficult to live. For a relationship to work, you just need to accept it as it is.

Horse Virgo

These are the most responsible people who do an excellent job even with routine work. They real intellectuals, it's interesting to be with them. However, a mixture of these signs gives rise to an additional internal contradiction in people born under such influence of the stars. Often they cannot understand and accept themselves as they are. Because of these internal conflicts, Virgo Horses are depressed.

They With positive side They show themselves at work, but the Virgo Horses need such a field of activity, where there would be a manager above them, who would completely control their working situation and would help in an emergency to make the right decision.

They value their family and loved ones. They will give up everything if they need help.

Libra Horse

These people are distinguished by their beauty and grace. They, like air, need communication. Even carrying out their plans, they attract a lot of people to this business: friends, relatives, acquaintances. Of course, the Libra Horse takes all the laurels for itself, but this egoism does not reduce the circle of their communication.

These are optimists with capital letter... It's hard to find them depressed. Usually they try to find a way out of any situation from the best side for themselves.

The Libra horse has a delicate taste. They have their own style of dress. The interior of their home collects envious glances. They are easy-going in communication, easily find friends.

The family is in the first place for them, where they by all means try to keep calm and peace.

Scorpion horse

People with a mix of these horoscopes constant, do not like change. In their life there is always a goal to which they go, albeit slowly, but surely, carefully spending their vital energy.

Scorpio horses are sociable and truthful. They know how to defend their innocence and achieve their goal, while trying not to conflict.

They love beautiful living and luxurious surroundings. To provide for their needs, the Scorpio Horse does not need a patron, they achieve everything themselves.

True, it makes sense to pay attention to your emotional state during conflicts, when the Scorpio Horse is able to break wood, and later regret it.

Horse Sagittarius

They are seekers of new experiences that will color the boring gray everyday life. They have a rich inner world, it is easy and interesting to communicate with them.

They energetic, quickly addicted to something new. True, they often forget about the inner circle. Any work is given to them easily and naturally. Maybe this is because the word "difficult" is not in their vocabulary. They are born organizers, they can easily be entrusted with any task.

The Sagittarius horse is very amorous. And this feeling of love helps them move mountains.

However, there is another side of the coin in the character of the Sagittarius Horses - their lack of self-confidence. They successfully fight her, but sometimes she takes over.


In these people, the endurance and perseverance of the Horse and the responsibility and sense of duty of Capricorn are intertwined. They have the gift of uniting people with one goal. They just absolutely need to reach leadership positions. The reins of the board of any company, with any number of employees, will be within their power.

They are stable in love. They keep their emotions in their hands, so it's a pleasure to live with them. True, you should not even try to take the reins into your own hands, the Capricorn Horse will tactfully point you to your place.

Horse Aquarius

These are people with deep imagination. Because of this, they are often called strange. This is because their ideas do not fit in the head, and they strive to quickly get rid of them in communication. Aquarius Horses very talented and determined. However, they are not interested in money. No, they love beautiful things, but never the beauty of trinkets, clothes, etc. do not put above human qualities.

In love, Aquarius Horses are gentle and passionate. They just don't like to solve everyday problems. If the second half does not have a desire to accustom her to everyday affairs, then their marriage will be very happy.


The qualities of Pisces give the Horse softness, patience, flexibility. The Pisces Horse, unlike other Horses, is able to consider the problem from various angles before proceeding to solve it.

They go through life optimistically and are looking for the same companions. They are sociable and welcoming. There are always many guests in their house.

The Pisces Horse is talented, she must definitely reveal her abilities. She is quite independent in the sense that she prefers to resolve her difficult situations alone, without resorting to the help of others.

They are overly dreamy. This habit often distracts them from reality, which can be dangerous.

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