Sytin arrhythmia of the heart than to treat. Set up sytin for arrhythmia treatment

Tune Sytin - Healing from arrhythmia.

Paradise bliss fills my heart. Serene cloudless happiness fills the heart. Divine lasting tranquility fills the soul. Fills the heart with Divine lasting tranquility. I am completely filled with blissful peace. The heart is filled with blissful peace. The heart is filled with blissful peace.

Throughout the vast area of ​​the heart, all muscles relaxed. The pectoral muscles in the region of the heart relax. Relax pectoral muscles in the area of ​​the heart. The back muscles in the heart area relax. The pectoral muscles relax. The back muscles in the heart area relax. The muscles in the left shoulder relax. The muscles in the left shoulder relax. The whole area of ​​the heart is filling up deep relaxation, deep peace.

Healthy Divine lasting tranquility fills the heart. Calm down my heart. I love you, heart. I love you, heart, with divine eternal love. Calm down my heart.

The heart calms down. All blood vessels inside the heart relax and expand. Within the very heart, blood circulation is Divinely free, Divinely free. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, blood circulation is divinely free, absolutely free.

The Lord God in a continuous stream pours into me the Divine freedom of life. The Lord God in a continuous stream pours into me the Divine freedom of life. The Lord God in a continuous stream pours into me the Divine freedom of life. I live divinely free, absolutely free, infinitely free. My heart lives absolutely free. Divinely free, Divinely free my heart lives. The heart is filled with blissful peace. The heart is filled with paradise bliss, with paradise bliss.

In the area of ​​the heart, all muscles continue to relax. All muscles in the heart area relax and lengthen. The pectoral muscles relax, relax, lengthen. The back muscles relax, the back muscles relax and lengthen. All muscles of the left shoulder relax and lengthen. In the area of ​​the heart it became freer, more spacious, freer, more spacious.

Blissful calmness, Divine calmness, Divine calmness fills the whole area of ​​the heart. Divinely calm, Divinely calm, a heart is born. Absolutely calm, completely calm, completely calm, completely calm, absolutely calm, my heart. The heart calms down, the heart calms down. Blissful tranquility flows into the heart.

Calm down my heart. My whole soul has calmed down. Calm down my heart. Calm down my heart. Blissful tranquility flows into the heart. Blissful tranquility flows into the heart. The heart is filled with blissful peace. I love you, heart, with great Divine love. I love you, my heart, with great Divine love.

I direct healthy, lasting Divine peace into my heart. The heart calms down. Absolutely

calmly, serenely calm, serenely calm, completely calm, absolutely calm. The heart calmed down. The heart is filled with blissful peace. The heart is filled with blissful peace.

In the region of the heart, all muscles continue to relax and lengthen. The pectoral muscles relax and lengthen. The back muscles relax and lengthen. All muscles of the left shoulder relax, relax, lengthen. The entire region of the heart is filled with blissful peace. Serenely calm, calmly calmly, completely calmly, completely calmly, completely calmly, serenely calm.

The heart calms down. The heart is filled with blissful peace. The heart is filled with pleasant peace. The heart is filled with paradise bliss, with paradise bliss. Absolutely calm, absolutely calm healthy heart. Serene peace flows into the heart. Paradise bliss, bliss, bliss pours into the heart. Absolutely calm, absolutely calm, serenely calm, serenely calm, absolutely calm.

The soul is so light, so light, so light. The whole head was filled with Divine light. The heart is filled with divine light. The Lord God pours a bright, bright Divine light into my head. The whole soul is filled with light, Divine light. The whole soul is filled bright - bright Divine light. The whole soul is brighter than the sun. The whole soul was filled with divine light. The head is brighter than the sun.

The heart is filled with divine light. Bright, bright Divine light. The heart is filled with divine light. My heart is brighter than the sun. My heart is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The heart is filled with divine light.

The whole soul is brighter than the sun. The head is brighter than the sun. The head is brighter than the sun. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with bright, bright silvery Divine light. The whole heart is filled with bright, bright silvery Divine light. The whole heart is filled with bright, bright, bright, bright Divine light. The whole heart is filled with bright, bright, bright, bright Divine light.

The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The heart itself is brighter than the sun. Divinely happy heart. Brighter than the sun. brighter than the sun Divine heart. Brighter than the sun, brighter than the sun Divine heart. The whole soul is brighter than the sun. The head is brighter than the sun. My soul is so bright, my soul is so bright, bright, my soul is so bright, bright, bright, bright.

Bright, bright, Divinely bright heart. Brighter than the sun, the holy silvery Divine light filled the entire region of the heart. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The heart itself is brighter than the sun. The heart is filled with silvery-silvery Divine light.

The heart is calm, light. Serenely calm in my heart, light is light. The heart itself is brighter than the sun. The heart is filled with Divine silver, brighter than the sun with Divine light. The whole soul is brighter than the sun. The head is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The heart is so calm, easy, so calm, easy. The heart is calm, calm, bright bright light. The heart is bright, bright light. The heart is bright, bright light. The heart is bright, bright light.

Brighter than the sun, holy silver Divine light pours into my Divine heart in a continuous stream. The divine heart is brighter than the sun. Brighter than the sun, brighter than the sun, the Divine heart, brighter than the sun, the Divine heart. The heart is so calm, light, bright, bright light.

The eyes are bright, bright light. The whole soul is brighter than the sun. The head is brighter than the sun. The soul is bright, brightly light. The heart was filled with blissful peace. The heart was filled with bright, bright silvery Divine light, Divine light. The heart was filled with Divine light, Divine light. The heart was filled with Divine light, Divine light. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, it is brightly brightly light, infinitely free, infinitely spacious. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, it is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, Divinely free.

And the Lord God pours into me the holy Divine freedom of life. I live Divinely free, I live Divinely free, my heart lives Divinely free. And the Lord God actively helps the heart. The Lord God in a continuous stream pours into my heart, brighter than the sun, holy silver Divine light. In a continuous stream, in a continuous stream, the silvery Divine light pours into my heart. The whole heart is filled with bright, bright Divine light. Everything through my heart is brighter than the sun.

The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, it is spacious, light, spacious, light, infinitely spacious, brightly brightly light. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, it is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, brightly brightly light. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, it is brightly brightly light, Divinely spacious, infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious, Divinely spacious.

And the Lord God continues to pour in a continuous stream into the entire vast area of ​​the heart, brighter than the sun, holy silver Divine light. Divine light flows in a continuous stream into the entire vast area of ​​the heart. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is bright-bright-light, the whole is bright-bright-light through and through. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is all bright-bright-bright-bright-bright through and through.

All muscles in the entire vast area of ​​the heart relax, relax, lengthen. Divine lasting tranquility flows into all the muscles in the region of the heart. The pectoral muscles are relaxed. Relax "

back muscles lengthen, relax-lengthen

back muscles. All muscles of the left shoulder relax and lengthen. Throughout the vast area of ​​the heart, all muscles continue to relax and lengthen. All muscles are filled with Divine peace. All muscles in the region of the heart are filled with Divine peace. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is filled with a pleasant, pleasant Divine lasting calmness.

The heart is calm, calm, infinitely calm, absolutely calm, absolutely calm. A completely calm, serenely calm, divinely calm young heart. Divinely calm, Divinely calm young heart. The soul is so easy, so easy, good. The whole soul is brighter than the sun.

The Lord God in a continuous stream pours into my soul, into my head brighter than the sun, holy silver Divine light. The whole head is brighter than the sun through and through. The eyes are brightly bright. The eyes are bright, bright, light. The whole head is brighter than the sun through and through. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is brighter than the sun.

Serenely calm blissful heart. Paradise bliss flows into the heart. Newborn happiness, Divine happiness, Divine happiness fills the heart. Divine happiness, Divine happiness fills the heart, the newborn-happy untouched heart. Divinely calm, untouched heart. Divinely calm, firmly calm, untouched heart. Newborn calm, newborn happy, newborn calm untouched heart. Divinely calm, Divinely calm, untouched heart. Divinely calm, Divinely calm, untouched heart.

Divinely strong calmness flows into all the muscles of the vast area of ​​the heart, into all the muscles. Paradise bliss fills all the muscles of the heart region. All the muscles of the vast area of ​​the heart are filled with Divine peace. All muscles relax. All muscles relax, relax, all muscles relax, lengthen. All muscles relax, relax,

relax, lengthen. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is filled with Divine pleasant-pleasant peace. The whole vast area of ​​the heart is filled with divine pleasant-pleasant peace.

And the Lord God pours into the very heart of the Divine newborn untouched peace. A newborn, untouched, lasting calmness flows into the heart. Newborn Divine untouched tranquility flows into the heart. Divine untouched newborn peace flows into the heart, flows into the heart. Pours into the heart, flows into the heart Divine newborn untouched peace. The heart is filled with lasting peace, with Divine lasting peace.

The heart is calm, calm, calm, light. The entire vast area of ​​the heart is bright bright bright. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart, it is spacious, spacious, spacious,

infinitely spacious. In the entire vast area of ​​the heart is infinitely spacious. Within the very heart it is infinitely spacious, within the very heart it is infinitely spacious, infinitely spacious.

Divinely free, Divinely free, infinitely free my heart lives. Divinely free, absolutely free, absolutely free my heart lives. My heart lives absolutely free, absolutely free. Newborn untouched freedom flows into the heart. Newborn Divine untouched freedom-freedom-freedom pours into the heart. Divinely free, infinitely free, infinitely free my heart lives. My heart lives infinitely free, absolutely free, divinely free.

The Lord God continues to pour silver Divine light into my heart in a continuous stream. A very pleasant, very pleasant holy silvery Divine light pours into the heart in a constant stream. Blissful tranquility pours into the heart in a constant stream, blissful tranquility in a constant stream pours into the heart, holy Divine tranquility. It's so light in my soul. The soul is absolutely calm. The soul is serenely calm, completely calm.

Divine enduring calmness filled the soul. The soul is so calm, Divinely calm. Divine peace, I was completely filled with a pleasant Divine peace. A newborn, lasting, untouched calmness flows into the heart. Divine newborn untouched tranquility flows into the heart. Untouched calmness flows into the heart. Untouched calmness flows into the heart. The newborn is calm, blissfully calm, blissfully calm young heart.

Be sure to read the information below. Because this psychological trick is able to restore the heart rate and maintain it in a normal state without the use of drug therapy.

Anti-arrhythmia mood words

The words are based on the following:

  1. Doubt is completely excluded - the author applies the boundless audacity of faith. The words are aimed at making the patient imagine himself recovered.
  2. It is about the rejuvenation of the whole organism, which leads to mobilization and biological changes. It is important to set yourself up for youth, strength and excellent health, since the brain is directly interconnected with the physical data of a person. healthy people constantly complain of pain and feeling unwell. As a result, diseases develop. But the situations were recorded in the world of official medicine when even cancer patients were healed by the power of words and faith in themselves.
  3. In the text in question and how all cells of the body are restored, especially the brain and spinal cord. After all, it is they that promote health, increase energy reserves, and manage organs.
  4. Many words have been said about the steadfastness of the work of the heart, which is important aspect with arrhythmia. This is the stability of the time intervals between impacts, which corresponds to the norm. This cannot be influenced by stressful situations or any other factors.
  5. It is necessary to talk about the state of the circulatory system, since a common cause of arrhythmia is vascular atherosclerosis. It talks about the normal flow of blood through the veins, about their purity and free blood flow in the smallest capillaries and the largest arteries. Thanks to such sayings, the heart will be fully saturated with oxygen and nutrients, which will eliminate the risk of conditions such as heart attack.
  6. It is necessary to indicate the desired blood pressure and the number of pulse beats, saying this repeatedly.
  7. The mood ends with words about a heroic, rejuvenating heart, an easy gait and lack of heaviness.

Listen to the speech in the recording in the presented video and feel how effective the Sytin method is:

Who is Georgy Sytin?

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin is a world-renowned scientist who has developed an amazing technique for improving the whole body.

His academic titles and achievements:

  1. G. Sytin was the President of the All-Union Methodological scientific center on psychological support for humanity and non-drug therapy.
  2. He is a doctor of many sciences - medical, pedagogical, psychological, philosophical. And not only in Russia, but also in Brussels and Belgium.
  3. Commander and Commander of the Order of Science, Education and Culture.
  4. Holds the title of President of Sytin University of international importance in Moscow, Brussels and New York.
  5. At the Distributed World University, he is Vice President.
  6. He is a member of the scientific councils and the presidiums of the professions and health congresses.
  7. In psychosomatic rehabilitation he bears the title of Honorary Professor of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, he was the head of the department.

Briefly about biography

Born on 08/30/1921 in the Kyrgyz town of Osh. He is Russian by origin, but due to the circumstances of that time (they were hiding from persecution), his parents were forced to leave the capital of their homeland - Moscow.

Sytin often asked various psychological questions. For example, about the line that humanity cannot cross. He was interested in the problems of prejudice - he could not understand why the bulk of people adhere to stereotyped relationships, monotonous behavior and thoughts.

He managed to contact the psychologist Kornilov K.N. - the author of the book "Education of the Will", in which George found many answers. The professor agreed to take Sytin as an apprentice after receiving his education. Then the future scientist entered 3 higher educational institutions at the same time and successfully mastered the materials of all institutes.

But the Great Patriotic War soon began. Sytin was discharged after being wounded eight times. For 3 months he was in serious condition in the hospital, after which he was assigned 1 disability group. The attending doctor announced the verdict - life will soon end.

By virtue of his character, George decided to fight and defeated his disease, which surprised the doctors after another study. At the same time, the doctor did not take medications, and was engaged in self-tuning. And today his method is considered to be globally recognized and justified.

How the anti-arrhythmia mood works

It has been known since biblical times that the word has special power, so Sytin took advantage of this. The principle of operation was established after studying the following:

  1. Conspiracies that healers used to treat the sick.
  2. Ancient prayers that were used by believers.
  3. The spells cast by the sorcerers.
  4. Psychology based on the perception of words.
  5. A medicine that explains why arrhythmias occur and what promotes treatment.

It is the knowledge gained during the study of such aspects that made it possible to create a unique technique called SOEVUS, which means a method of managing the human condition through mental and somatic speech influence.

The technique is based on the concentration of kind words with semantic elements. These are separate formulas with high efficiency and it is not desirable to edit them. The phrases must be repeated in a certain rhythm, due to which a mood for healing arises in the human brain. Then it gets stronger and stronger.

It is known that the brain is able to store all information about a person's life, including the time of full health and the development of pathology. Therefore, SOEVUS manages all bodies through nervous system, which transmits impulses to the brain, after which the blood supply to the body increases, the cells are saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Energy and strength appear, the person feels healthy. But the most important thing is that the affected organs are self-healing.

Effectiveness of the anti-arrhythmia mood

When a person utters a phrase that his heart hurts, this indirectly creates negative energy. If he says that he has a strong will, then all doubts are suppressed. This is the basis of the effectiveness of Sytin's technique, which gives excellent results. SOEVUS has the following effect:

  • there is a stimulation of the life position;
  • personality is activated;
  • volitional effort develops;
  • efficiency increases;
  • self-education is carried out;
  • purposefulness appears;
  • mood improves;
  • confidence in recovery comes;
  • one feels a revival of one's own strengths and energy reserves.

No prior preparation is required to conduct the attunement session. But there are age restrictions - up to 16 years. Children can only use the technique to overcome urinary incontinence at night.

How to properly assimilate the mood?

To get a positive result, it is important to properly internalize the attitudes. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  1. The words of the technique can be pronounced independently or listened to in a sound recording, viewed in a video. How to do this, it is up to the patient himself to decide, since one person does not perceive information when listening, and for another, this is the best way to assimilate the material.
  2. It is advisable to speak the text yourself, so that you can hear your own voice. But first, you can use the video tutorial.
  3. You need to express your "prayer" with confidence in a firm and businesslike tone. Paphos is out of the question.
  4. If you do not have the opportunity to say the text aloud or listen to it in an audio recording throughout the day, do it silently or in a whisper.
  5. Try to use any free minute for the mood (for example, instead of playing computer games or lying idle on the couch). You can listen and speak while preparing dinner, cleaning, etc. But do not lose focus on your words. If you can listen to text through headphones, do it on the way to work.
  6. Try to memorize all the words, which will help you apply the method at any time of the day and under different circumstances.
  7. But not only remember the mood, but try to merge with it in order to get complete correspondence with it. This is the only way you can increase efficiency and speed up the results.

If you do not know how to set yourself up for convincing assimilation of the material on your own, use a mood that strengthens volitional attention. You can find his words in this video:

How does official medicine relate to the method?

Official medicine fully recognizes psychosomatic methods of therapy, and the method of healing according to Sytin sets patients up for positive emotions. With his good health and long life (in 2015 he turned 94, and he was full of strength and energy) Sytin proved the effectiveness of his own method.

Over the years, scientists have conducted repeated studies of patients with arrhythmia with records of all indicators and changes. As it turned out, the result exceeded the expectations of the doctors. The professor's theory was confirmed.

The effectiveness of SOEVUS is confirmed by science, however, in many cases, in addition to psychosomatics, doctors strongly recommend the use of drug therapy. Moreover, it is not known whether each person will be able to assimilate and accept the mood so effectively.

Today, devices for measuring blood pressure - tonometers - are in almost every home, which is associated with the widespread prevalence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. These conditions require constant monitoring. Health control at home is the key to a successful fight against the disease. There are several types of devices: mechanical, semi-automatic, automatic. They vary in cost and instructions for use. The most reliable for assessing blood pressure is a mechanical tonometer, since it allows the most correct and accurate measurement of the upper and lower indicators. In automated devices there is always a risk of error, especially if the special requirements for the tonometry procedure are not followed.

Preparing for measurement

In order for the results of the study to be as truthful and accurate as possible, a little preparation is required. To take the first measurement correctly in the morning, immediately after waking up, since it is these hours, especially in old age, that are characterized by the danger of sharp jumps in indicators. For the procedure, you need to choose an approximate time and adhere to it every day, since then the assessment will be most accurate. Tonometry is performed in a sitting position, in a relaxed state. Before conducting the study, you should not be nervous or think about future affairs, since stress and anxious thoughts, contributing to the manifestation of arrhythmias, change the pressure indicators. It is better to take measurements on both hands, as this will help to identify the earlier development of sclerotic vascular changes. The evening procedure should also be carried out in calm state, after taking all medicines... Manual tonometry gives more accurate results than automated tonometry.

Step-by-step instruction

Learning to do research yourself is not so difficult. It is important to follow a certain sequence of actions. The instructions below will tell you how to correctly measure pressure with a hand-held tonometer:

  1. The hand on which the procedure will be performed is placed in stable position approximately at chest level.
  2. The cuff is put on the arm above the elbow and secured.
  3. The phonendoscope olives are inserted into the ears and the membrane is placed on the arm above the cuff.
  4. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to look at the screen and make sure that zero is displayed on it.
  5. The valve is closed and with the help of a pear, by means of rhythmic pressing, air is pumped into the cuff to a value higher than normal pressure indicators.
  6. Inflation stops when the arrow reaches 170-200. Then it is required to gradually open the air valve and listen carefully to record the first shock of blood. The number on the device corresponding to this beat is systolic pressure.
  7. When heart sounds are no longer heard by the phonendoscope, a diastolic reading is required.
  8. At the end of the procedure, air is released from the cuff, the device is removed from the hand.

Errors that occur

During the procedure, you cannot keep your legs crossed. A common mistake is tense position of the arm, since the work of the muscles seriously affects the reliability of the indicators. The cuff air tube is in the correct position when it runs over the inner surface of the forearm. During tonometry, one should not talk and make sudden movements.

Pressure Rates

In medicine, 120/80 mm Hg is accepted as normal. Art. However, this value is individual for each person. Physiological is considered to be systolic pressure in the intervals from 100 to 130, and diastolic - from 70 to 90. Regular measurements allow you to determine the norms of indicators in each case.

Review of drugs for cardiac arrhythmias

Arrhythmia is defined as a disruption in the normal frequency and rhythm of contractions of the heart muscle. There are many causes and varieties of rhythm disturbances. They are very different from each other. Therefore, you can drink pills for cardiac arrhythmias only after examination and as directed by a doctor.

For arrhythmia, people often mistake various unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart. Patients talk about heart "flips", "stopping", "jumping out of chest". These symptoms are of serious concern to the person and should be monitored. To identify the type of rhythm disturbance, it is necessary to make an electrocardiogram.

What you can apply yourself

Under normal conditions, we do not feel how the heart works. With excitement, increased physical activity, the heart rate increases under the influence of blood catecholamines. There is a feeling of palpitations. A person complains of strong heart tremors, feels pulsation in the temples, in the throat. In this case, the rhythm is speeded up, but not broken. It is necessary to distinguish such a condition from arrhythmias caused by inconsistent contractions of the atria and ventricles.

If there is a clear connection with nervous tension, you can take mild sedatives on your own: Corvalol, Valokordin, Persen, Motherwort, Valerian, Novopassit. As a rule, these preparations contain combinations of harmless herbal remedies. Motherwort and Valerian are available in both tablets and drops. You can choose a convenient shape.

Other indications

The source of arrhythmia may not be functional loads, but acute or chronic pathology arising from:

  • infectious myocarditis,
  • myocardial ischemia,
  • cardiomyopathy,
  • decompensation of heart defects.

The problem has acquired particular urgency in connection with the passion for all kinds of exotic diets. Against the background of refusal of food, vegetarianism, an imbalance appears in the vitamin and electrolyte composition of the blood.

The heart is very sensitive to loss of potassium and magnesium. Hyperkalemia occurs with dehydration after acute blood loss, diarrhea, extensive burns, severe sweating.

In some patients, arrhythmia is associated with impaired thyroid function, hormonal changes in the climacteric period. In such cases, to correct the level of responsible hormones, there are special drugs prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Temporarily used drugs for arrhythmia in the aftermath of chest injuries, skull, after surgery.

How is the form of the drug chosen?

Medicines differ in the form of release: tablets, drops, capsules, ampoules, sprays. It is more convenient for patients to use tablets at home and at work. The capsule form is indicated for stomach diseases.

To stop a sudden attack against arrhythmia, the ambulance team uses intravenous administration. The effectiveness of this pathway for the drug into the bloodstream and its delivery to the myocardium is much higher, since its concentration in the ampoule solution is much higher than the absorption capacity through the stomach.

The mechanism of action of drugs

Medicines for arrhythmias differ in their points of application; in medicine, the pharmacodynamics of each drug must be taken into account. Checked by time:

  • absorption capacity when taken orally;
  • the speed of reaching the maximum effective concentration in the blood;
  • duration of action;
  • the possibility of dose accumulation;
  • ways of removal from the body.

In this case, the doctor is interested in side qualities, the effect on various organs and systems.

Almost all antiarrhythmic drugs are capable of:

  • enhance coronary circulation by dilating the coronary arteries;
  • relieve vascular spasm to varying degrees;
  • to block additional foci of excitation in the atria and ventricles and the atrioventricular node in the septum of the heart;
  • influence the conduction of nerve impulses along the conducting system.

Adrenergic blockers

The drugs of the group of adrenergic blockers (Obzidan, Anaprilin, Propranolol) are capable, except overall impact, reduce blood pressure and the need for heart muscle in oxygen. Therefore, it is indicated for a combination of arrhythmias with hypertension and ischemic disease.

The first drugs in this group had a systemic effect as beta-blockers. Subsequently, drugs were synthesized with targeted action (selective) only on the heart muscle. These include: Betaloc, Vasokardin, Atenolol, Acebutalol, Nebivolol, Metoprolol. They are prescribed for atrial fibrillation, sinus tachycardia.

Membrane stabilizing agents class

The name of the class of drugs is associated with the method of therapeutic action on the heart: they stabilize the electrical impulse on the cell membrane and prevent certain nodes from showing increased activity in the atrium and ventricles.

According to the influence on the formation of the action potential and the passage of the impulse, they are divided into 3 groups:

  1. increase the duration of the action potential, moderately inhibit the passage of a nerve impulse through the fibers - Procainamide, Aimalin, Novocainamide, Giluritmal, Quinidine, Ritmilen, Norpeis;
  2. reduce the duration of the action potential, but do not affect the passage of the impulse - Lidocaine, Phenytoin, Xylocaine, Mexitil, Caten;
  3. do not affect the action potential, but strongly inhibit conductivity - Ritmonorm, Etmozin, Bonnecor, Etatsizin, Propanorm.

Potassium channel blockers

A group of drugs disrupts the release of potassium from cells, is used for different types arrhythmias. This type includes: Cordaron, Amiodarone, Bretilium, Ibutilid, Tedisamil, Nibentan.

Calcium channel blockers

Drugs that block calcium channels are prescribed mainly for rhythm disturbances associated with the atrioventricular node. Representatives of the class are: Isoptin, Verapamil, Cardil, Diltiazem, Finoptin, Gallopamil.

What other drugs act on the rhythm?

There are drugs that are not officially included in the group of antiarrhythmic drugs, but their use in the treatment of other diseases can significantly affect the heart rate.

Means of primary or direct action include:

  • cardiac glycosides,
  • Panangin,
  • Asparkam,
  • Adenosine,
  • Magnerot,
  • Magne B6.

Have an indirect effect: statins, Captopril, Enalapril.

What contraindications should be considered

Contraindications to the use of each drug are different. They should be carefully studied according to the instructions. Here are the most common conditions that require attention before prescribing antiarrhythmic drugs:

  • cases of severe heart, hepatic and renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • atrioventricular blockade of varying degrees and impaired intraventricular conduction;
  • myocarditis, endocarditis;
  • low blood pressure, cardiogenic shock;
  • acute period of myocardial infarction;
  • an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of impaired hematopoiesis;
  • acidosis caused by diabetes mellitus;
  • overdose of cardiac glycosides;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • sinus bradycardia;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • common cardiosclerosis.

Possible side effects

Despite the intended target effect of the funds, in sensitive patients, the general effect of the drugs is possible in the form of:

  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite;
  • decreased muscle strength (feeling of general weakness);
  • bradycardia;
  • bronchospasm and asthmatic attack;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • exacerbation of psoriasis;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • trembling hands;
  • changes in skin sensitivity;
  • mental depression;
  • sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels.

What drugs are indicated for sinus arrhythmia?

If sinus tachycardia is caused by increased stress, then you should limit yourself to sedatives. When an attack occurs at rest, it is recommended to use Glycine Forte, Picamilon. Regular use of Panangin or Asparkam is shown. Stronger drugs are prescribed by a neurologist.

Drugs for the treatment of atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation and atrial fibrillation in case of high frequency requires urgent action and intravenous drugs. As a maintenance therapy, agents that suppress ectopic foci are used.

The most effective are: Amiodarone, Novocainamide, Aimalin, Disopyramide, Quinidine, combinations of adrenergic blockers with aminoquinoline drugs (Anaprilin + Delagil or Plaquenil).

Arrhythmia drugs and pregnancy

Usually, such patients are observed in stationary conditions, and the drug is canceled 2-3 days before delivery. During lactation, if it becomes necessary to use antiarrhythmic drugs, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding.

Features of arrhythmia therapy in the elderly

Elderly people with many medical conditions can find it difficult to find an effective medication. The physician's choice is usually based on prevention side effects... A small dosage is prescribed. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the patient's condition, heart rate, blood pressure.

How to treat arrhythmia in hypertensive patients?

An attack of arrhythmia during a hypertensive crisis aggravates the risk of the patient's condition, because it stimulates ventricular fibrillation. It is urgent to call an ambulance. In outpatient treatment, sedatives are widely used, not only of plant origin, but also synthetic ones (Seduxen, Elenium, Phenazepam).

Patients with a similar pathology require monitoring of blood pressure and pulse. They should not be hypotensive. Many drugs for hypertension and arrhythmias are mutually reinforcing. Therefore, the doctor reduces the dosage of both drugs.

The appearance of weakness, dizziness against the background of bradycardia is an indication for the abolition of drugs, revision of the dosage.

Due to the high activity of antiarrhythmic drugs and severe side effects the patient should not use other people's pills, listen to neighbors, relatives. Even very good medicines have different effects on the body of a particular person. Therefore, the appointment and treatment should be entrusted only to specialists, cardiologists or therapists.

Medicines for tachycardia of the heart

Drug treatment of arrhythmia: a review of drugs

  • Joint treatment
  • Slimming
  • Varicose veins
  • Nail fungus
  • Fight wrinkles
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)

RF ablation of the heart: features, preparation, procedure, recovery after

Surgical intervention in case of heart disease often aims not only to improve the patient's quality of life, but also to save it. This applies, in particular, to such a demanded procedure in cardiac surgery as radiofrequency ablation of the heart.

The decision on the need for an operation based on the data of a diagnostic examination is made by a cardiologist or a cardiac surgeon. It determines the type of heart surgery to be performed and the scenario for subsequent postoperative recovery.

Types of heart surgery

IN recent times In addition to open heart operations, minimally invasive surgery methods based on laparoscopy and catheterization techniques are gaining popularity:

Open heart surgery

Along with drug therapy, some diseases of cardio-vascular system at some point, direct surgical intervention may also be required, which is carried out by opening the chest, directly exposing the heart and forcing it to stop (while the blood circulation in the patient's body is maintained with the help of a heart-lungs heart-lung machine).

Such a cardiac arrest is performed, for example, for the purpose of a heart transplant, valve replacement, elimination of congenital defects of the heart and blood vessels, bypass surgery, etc. After a successful operation, the heart "starts up" again - its normal activity is restored.

Coronary bypass surgery

In the case of atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, the patient may be prescribed coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Thickening and narrowing of arteries due to deposits of cholesterol, calcium, dead cells, etc. on their walls threatens the patient with a heart attack, stroke, etc., and not always "opening" of the arteries by catheterization or implantation of a stent (vessel dilator) solves the medical problem that has arisen.

Today, there are several bypass methods: traditional - with opening the sternum and forced cardiac arrest, and new ones performed on a beating heart - OPCAB and MIDCAB techniques. As a result of bypass surgery using a shunt system, the surgeon creates an additional path bypassing the affected area of ​​the vessel.

Heart valve replacement surgery

Four heart valves (tricuspid, mitral, aortic, and pulmonary) that support right direction blood flow, i.e. from the left ventricle to the aorta, due to various reasons (congenital heart disease, various infections or injuries, arthritis, tissue weakness, calcification, etc.) can wear out over the years ahead of time. As a result, the work of the heart is disrupted, which leads to the need for surgery to correct or replace the valves in order to avoid heart failure and possible death.

Most often, this type of surgery does not require opening the chest. Surgeons can access the valves by thoracotomy - a midline incision of the sternum, but surgical laparoscopy - an operation that involves making a small incision (0.5-1.5 cm) between the ribs on the chest - is gaining popularity. Thus, gaining direct access to the heart, the surgeon, using a camera and special instruments, corrects the valve operation or replaces it with another - biological or mechanical - valve, restoring normal blood flow.

Aortic surgery

Being the largest blood vessel in the human body (about 3 cm in diameter), the aorta is responsible for the delivery of blood to all organs. In the case of some of its pathologies (aneurysm, that is, expansion, dissection or rupture of the aorta) that threaten the patient with a lethal outcome, he may be prescribed an invasive operation to replace the affected area with a synthetic tube made of lavsan.

Such an operation involves opening the chest, connecting to the "heart-lungs" apparatus, resecting the damaged area of ​​the aorta and replacing it with a mylar implant.

Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) in medical terminology is a heart rhythm disorder (atrial fibrillation). It can be triggered by an increased number of electrical circuits in the atria, which lead to erratic contractions of the ventricles of the heart and to a failure of effective atrial contraction. This, in turn, causes blood clots to form in the atria, which can eventually lead to blockage of the cerebral vessels and death of the patient.

Among the main methods of treatment for atrial fibrillation today are drug therapy, catheterization, as well as the surgical labyrinth technique (Maze), which is rather complicated and therefore not very popular among cardiac surgeons.

The "new word" in the treatment of atrial fibrillation is radiofrequency ablation of the heart (RFA) - a minimally invasive operation through small punctures, carried out using the latest computer technologies and under constant X-ray control.

Video: specialist on heart surgery and arrhythmias

Types of cardiac ablation

Normal heartbeat is restored during ablation by burning a small area of ​​the heart with the help of various physical factors and through the creation, thus, of an AV block: since as a result of cauterization, this area blocks the conduction of the impulse, and the functioning of the tissues of the heart muscle adjacent to the resulting scar is not disturbed , tachycardia stops.

This technique began to be actively used in surgery back in the 80s, and already in the 90s the method was first applied radiofrequency ablation.

Modern cardiac surgery is "armed" with several types of ablation.

Radiofrequency ablation of the heart

It is performed using combined anesthesia and is the following sequence of actions: after performing local and intravenous anesthesia, a catheter is brought to the patient's heart through one of the vessels (therefore, this surgical procedure is also called "catheter ablation").

This is followed, firstly, by the installation of endocardial probe-electrodes (they will carry out constant cardiac stimulation, as well as temporary stimulation of the right ventricle), and secondly, the installation of an ablation electrode in the antero-septal zone of the right atrium. The next stage of the operation is the diagnosis of the activity of the His bundle by repeated rearrangement of the electrodes and the subsequent high-frequency exposure using a high temperature equal to 40-60 ° C, in order to destroy the focus that generates pathological electrical impulses leading to tachycardia.

The resulting complete artificial AV block requires maintaining the heart rate by temporarily stimulating the right ventricle - using the above-mentioned endocardial electrodes. If the effect is stable, RF ablation is completed with the implantation of a permanent pacemaker, if necessary.

All stages of the operation, lasting from 1.5 to 6 hours, are under constant control of the necessary electrophysiological equipment and X-ray television.

Such destruction of the pathological focus can also be carried out by other physical influences, in accordance with which other types of ablation are distinguished:

  1. Laser ablation.
  2. Ultrasonic ablation.
  3. Cryodestruction, i.e. ablation using low temperatures.

However, at the moment, the use of high-frequency electrical energy to create an AV block in tachycardia is recognized as the safest and at the same time the most effective method... This is why catheter surgical ablation remains the most popular type of cardiac ablation.

Preparing for RF ablation of the heart

Preparation for this operation consists in conducting an electrophysiological study (EPI) of the heart. The need for RFA in a particular patient is ascertained by his attending physician based on the history of the disease and the data of such diagnostic methods as:

  • Electrocardiography (ECG) is a popular method of electrophysiological instrumental diagnostics, based on the registration and study of electric fields that are formed during the work of the heart;
  • Long-term ECG recording (Holter monitoring) is an electrophysiological diagnosis, the essence of which is the continuous recording of an electrocardiogram for at least 24 hours.

After registering a tachycardia attack with an ECG, the patient is admitted to the hospital for a full course of examination and a list of necessary tests, on the basis of which radiofrequency ablation of the heart can be assigned to him:

  1. Laboratory blood tests (biochemical analysis, study of hormonal levels, determination of the level of lipids, electrolytes, etc.);
  2. Ultrasound examination of the heart (EchoCG);
  3. Stress test, treadmill, bicycle ergometry;
  4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Immediately before the operation, the patient stops taking food and water for 8-12 hours. This also applies to many medicines.

Indications for the use of radiofrequency ablation

Indications for RF ablation are cardiac arrhythmias that cannot be corrected with medication:

  • Atrial fibrillation.
  • Ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia.
  • Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, or WPW syndrome.
  • Heart failure.
  • Cardiomegaly.
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia.
  • Reduced ejection fraction.

Along with the indications for RFA, ablation also has a list of contraindications:

  1. Heavy general state of health of the patient.
  2. Acute infectious diseases.
  3. Severe diseases of the respiratory system and (or) kidneys.
  4. Endocarditis is an inflammation of the inner lining of the heart.
  5. Unstable angina pectoris within 4 weeks.
  6. Acute myocardial infarction.
  7. Heart failure in a patient in the stage of decompensation.
  8. Severe arterial hypertension.
  9. Left ventricular aneurysm with thrombus.
  10. The presence of blood clots in the cavities of the heart.
  11. Hypokalemia and other manifestations of electrolyte imbalance in the blood.
  12. Anemia, i.e. pathology of the cellular composition of the blood.
  13. An allergic reaction caused by a radiopaque contrast agent.
  14. Iodine intolerance and others.

Rehabilitation period after RFA

Complications after RFA of the heart are extremely rare: the likelihood negative consequences ablation does not exceed 1%. Therefore, RFA is classified as a low-risk operation. However, for the prevention of complications, there are a number of special measures taken at each of the stages of detection and treatment of tachycardia.

Among the risks associated with RFA are the following possible complications:

  • Bleeding in the area of ​​catheter insertion.
  • Violation of the integrity of the blood vessels during the advancement of the catheter.
  • Accidental violation of the integrity of the tissues of the heart muscle at the time of ablation.
  • Malfunctions in the electrical system of the heart, aggravating the disturbance of the heart rhythm and requiring the implantation of a pacemaker.
  • The formation of blood clots and their spread through the blood vessels, which is fatal.
  • Stenosis of the pulmonary veins, i.e. narrowing of their lumen.
  • Kidney damage with RFA dye.

The risk of such complications increases in those cases when the patient is diabetic, if he has impaired blood clotting, and also if he has overcome the 75-year age threshold.

In the postoperative period, the patient is observed for some time by a doctor who monitors his general condition.

Immediately after the operation, the operated person may experience some discomfort associated with the feeling of pressure at the site of the surgical incision. However, this condition rarely lasts more than 25-30 minutes. If this sensation persists or worsens, the patient must inform the doctor about it.

In general, rehabilitation after RFA lasts several months, during which the patient may be prescribed antiarrhythmic drugs (for example, "Propafenone", "Propanorm", etc.), including those that the patient took before ablation. Bed rest with control of heart rate and blood pressure is shown to the patient only in the very first days after the operation, during which there is a rapid recovery and stabilization of the patient's normal general well-being. The need for repeated RFA, as practice shows, is extremely rare in operated patients, especially if the patient reconsiders his usual lifestyle:

  1. Limit alcohol and caffeinated beverages
  2. Reduce the amount of salt in your diet;
  3. Adhere to an appropriate diet;
  4. Choose the optimal mode of physical activity;
  5. Quit smoking and give up other bad habits.

Thus, we can confidently talk about the following undoubted advantages of radiofrequency ablation of the heart in comparison with traditional invasive heart surgeries:

  • Low invasiveness, eliminating the need for large incisions.
  • Easy tolerance of the operation by the patient, the integrity of the body and the work of the circulatory system of which are not significantly disturbed.
  • Reduction of the period of postoperative rehabilitation - up to 2-7 days.
  • Cosmetic effect - the absence of any significant scars after puncture of the skin for the introduction of catheters.
  • Painless recovery in the postoperative period, which eliminates the need for taking painkillers.

These advantages are the main arguments in favor of the cost of RFA: the cost of an operation can vary from 12,000 to 100,000 Russian rubles, depending on its complexity.

Video: reportage from heart surgery using RFA

The named disease is a consequence of heart rhythm disturbances. It most often occurs with unexpected stress or excessive physical activity... In this case, the impulse, jumping through the atria, leads to chaos in the contraction of muscle fibers, breaking through to the ventricles of the heart.

Attacks of atrial fibrillation can occur, even with excessive consumption of carbonated drinks and beer. It is they who lead to bloating of the intestines and the rise of the diaphragm, which contributes to the lifting of the apex of the heart upward. Due to mechanical irritation, arrhythmia and tachycardia begin.

Sometimes atrial fibrillation is combined with bradycardia, that is, with a very rare pulse. Such a patient is shown a pacemaker that regulates the pulse rate. Along the way, be sure to take modern drugs. reducing blood viscosity. There are quite a few of them, and there are plenty of developments in this regard. However, patients are always looking for more advanced methods of treatment, leading to a speedy recovery. And they do the right thing, because you have to fight for your life until your last breath.

In this regard, the ancient Chinese system of self-improvement and self-regulation of qigong is attractive. when special exercises strengthens internal organs, correct the reactions of the body. They treat atrial fibrillation after the examination, resorting to two centuries-proven complexes.

At the first stage, they take care of strengthening the body, taking the "six hieroglyphs" method as a basis. Plus, they always prefer to carry out a comprehensive acupressure. All this helps to activate qi and regulates the internal organs. At the second stage, with shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, partial sleep disorder, the patient is allowed to practice qigong exercises while sitting.

One month after such treatment, the listed symptoms usually disappear. Appetite, cheerfulness and physical strength... This means that there is an opportunity to do this gymnastics for three to four hours a day, in a standing position. At the second stage of treatment, with the appearance of tachycardia and arrhythmias, changes are made in the practice of the well-known qigong exercises.

They also focus on long-term acupressure of the meridians of the heart, liver, spleen and bursa. This qigong treatment is performed for three months, gradually improving the patient's well-being. Through the method of "six characters" and the use of the theory of "five elements", the disease is exposed to the strongest influence of qi. If at the fourth stage, during the period of qigong training, the patient feels coldness of the extremities, tension in the knees, then they resort to the "golden meridian" method. Careful acupressure and joint massage are performed. After such effective therapy, the patient's health condition improves significantly, and he is gradually recovering.

Additional Information

Arrhythmia treatment without medication (tune)

Some heart problems are accompanied by arrhythmias. Doctors prescribe antiarrhythmic drugs, but heart rate can be normalized without medication. In case of health problems, it is recommended to enrich your diet with healthy products. Help saturate the body with vitamins and essential microelements raspberries, currants, irga, red pepper, watermelon,

Sytin's anti-snoring mood

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To improve the heart, you can use the moods of Georgy Sytin. It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in the sound recording. You can speak the mood to the tape recorder for yourself. The tone of the presentation should be businesslike, firm, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood aloud, but there are no conditions - read or pronounce from memory, to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others to read. This is as you like. While listening, you can also do something about the house. But it's best if you try not to be distracted and focus.

Use wasted time to internalize attitudes, for example, when going to work and home.

Set yourself up for a deep, lasting assimilation of attitudes. The attitude to strengthen volitional attention will help you in this.

Regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening or speaking it. You need to assimilate the mood until your state comes in full accordance with the content of the mood.

When assimilating the mood, try to behave as actively as possible (it is better to walk), make efforts to memorize the text. This increases the learning efficiency.

To assimilate the attitude means to bring yourself into full compliance with its content (and not just remember).

Those fragments of text that you like best and have special meaning, it is useful to listen to, read or recite from memory more times. It is especially helpful when listening to the mood to repeat thought after thought out loud.

Anti-arrhythmia mood

When I talk about myself, I do not doubt anything, I believe with boundless daring in what I say about myself, I do my best to completely suppress absolutely all my doubts about what I say about myself, and clearly, clearly imagine already realized what I say.

Since I try to tune the body for continuous rejuvenation, continuous restoration of pristine youthful freshness, continuous restoration of youth, youth, continuous restoration of youthful beauty, this coincides with the body's natural desire for life. And therefore, when I talk about myself, my entire body mobilizes all its unlimited reserves for the fastest and most complete fulfillment of all that I say. And therefore, everything is inevitable, with an iron necessity, becomes reality after the time during which certain biological changes in the organism have time to occur. And therefore, I really, inevitably, with iron necessity, will become a young-young-healthy-strong man, full of strength for energy and I will continue to get healthy and strong and all my mental and physical abilities will continue to develop for many decades, up to a hundred years and more. , for all the future time that I can imagine.

Now I will try to assimilate as firmly as possible the idea of ​​myself as a young, healthy person with a very healthy, stable, strong heart. And my whole body will now mobilize all its forces, all its unlimited reserves in order to bring the heart into full compliance with this idea.

All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord continue to accumulate energy faster and more vigorously, to accumulate young and young vitality. All nerve cells of the brain-spinal cord will now constantly-continuously increase their energy reserves, increase their energy resources. Head- spinal cord will work more and more steadily. The brain-spinal cord will more and more steadily and correctly manage the life of the whole body. The brain-spinal cord will now more and more steadily and correctly control the heart and blood vessels. The spinal cord becomes more and more energetic, the internal stability of the entire nervous system is constantly increasing. My cheerful, cheerful mood and excellent health are becoming more and more stable. All nerve cells and nerve centers of the brain-spinal cord that control the heart are working more and more steadily. Now I am trying to imagine as clearly as possible what is at stake. All nerve cells and nerve centers of the brain-spinal cord, which control the heart and blood vessels, work energetically, more and more steadily. The cerebral spinal cord more and more steadily and correctly controls the heart and blood vessels. The cerebral spinal cord more and more energetically, more and more steadily and correctly controls the heart and blood vessels. The brain more and more energetically does not pass into the heart any harmful influences of the external environment, any excitement. The heart constantly lives a free, full-blooded life under the eternal reliable protection of the brain. The brain more and more energetically does not allow any excitement, any harmful influences of the external environment into the heart, and under the protection of the brain my heart lives a free, absolutely free, full-blooded life. And the brain-spinal cord with colossal internal stability controls the work of the heart and therefore the heart works very steadily, the pulse is steadily rhythmic. Through all the difficulties, a steadily rhythmic pulse remains unshakably, and all the intervals between the beats of the pulse remain the same through any work, through any difficulties and adversities of life.

The heart works steadily steadily, steadily right. Now I am trying to learn, sincerely learn to completely overcome absolutely all my doubts that my heart is working with colossal inner stability and all the intervals between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same through all the difficulties of life.

Now I try to represent as vividly as possible all the intervals between the beats of the pulse. I try with boundless daring and unshakable faith that I have a healthy, strong, stable heart. Now my whole body is mobilizing all its strength, all its unlimited reserves for the quickest realization of my idea of ​​a young, healthy, stable heart. And therefore, literally, as in a fairy tale at the behest of a pike, everything will be exactly as I say. I have a really young, healthy, strong heart; my heart really works with tremendous, colossal inner stability; I now have a really steady rhythmic pulse, all the time intervals between the pulse beats are exactly the same, all the pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young healthy heart. Now I'm trying to imagine as clearly as possible what is at stake. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart works with tremendous, colossal inner stability. Throughout the day, from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, all the time intervals between heartbeats are exactly the same. Throughout the day, through any work, through any difficulties, all intervals of time between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same. All pulse beats are the same, normal strength of a young, healthy heart. All blood vessels within the heart itself are eternally permanently fully open along their entire length. All blood vessels inside the heart: both the largest blood trunks, and medium, and the thinnest, microscopically thin blood vessels capillaries through which blood reaches every cell of the heart, to each muscle fiber of the heart muscle, - and these thinnest blood vessels, and the middle, and the largest blood trunks - all blood vessels inside the heart itself are eternally constantly completely evenly opened along their entire length. Free, absolutely free blood circulation is unwaveringly preserved inside the heart. And my eternally rejuvenating healthy energetic blood in an eternal, fast, free, absolutely free stream flows through all the blood vessels inside the heart and constantly flushes the heart clean. My eternally rejuvenating young, healthy blood washes my heart clean all the time. The heart is primordially pure, the heart is eternally newborn-pure, the blood washes the heart clean and brings the heart in excess of full-value nutrition. All that the heart needs for life, work and continuous rejuvenation - all the blood carries it in excess, and the heart is constantly growing younger, continuously restoring the heart to its pristine youthful freshness and powerful, young, youthful forces are maturing in my heart, the reserve reserve force is continuously increasing, and it becomes easier and easier for the heart to work. A healthy, strong heart easily, jokingly, with valiant prowess, drives blood throughout my body and fills me with more and more youthful energy. All internal organs work energetically and joyfully, the whole body lives a full-blooded, healthy, joyful life. I am all living a young-young-energetic-joyful life.

The heart is getting healthier, getting stronger, the blush on all cheeks is becoming brighter and brighter. I try to imagine as vividly as possible what it is about. The heart is getting healthier, getting stronger, a young blush on all cheeks is becoming brighter and brighter.

The heart works more and more steadily, the heart works more and more steadily through the fast pace, through brisk walking, through walking up and down stairs, the heart continues to work unwaveringly steadily. All time intervals between pulse beats remain exactly the same, all pulse beats are of the same normal strength. The brain-spinal cord continuously exerts a powerful anti-aging effect on the heart. All my hereditary mechanisms are continuously rejuvenating the heart. My ever-rejuvenating, energetic, healthy blood continuously rejuvenates the heart. And therefore the heart is constantly-continuously restoring its enormous youthful strength, becoming more and more sonorous; heart tones are high-clear-clean. Heart sounds are high-clear-clean, the pulse is steadily rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. Arterial pressure stable-stable normal young 120/80. I have a rejuvenating, healthy heart. All nerves in the region of the heart are young, healthy, strong. In the region of the heart, all the nerves are firmly healthy, firmly calm. In the region of the heart, all the nerves are firmly healthy, firmly calm. The heart works with great internal stability. And the brain, the spinal cord, very steadily and correctly controls the work of the heart. And therefore, all the intervals between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same.

I try to represent as vividly as possible all the intervals between the beats of the pulse. The heart works very steadily. The brain-spinal cord very steadily and correctly controls the work of the heart. Through all difficulties, all the intervals of time between the beats of the pulse remain unwaveringly the same.

Now I will try in the most persistent way to learn to imagine that absolutely all the time intervals between the beats of the pulse are exactly the same. Now I'm trying to make every effort to suppress all my doubts that I really have all the intervals between the beats of the pulse exactly the same. I am trying now to represent as clearly as possible all the intervals between the beats of the pulse. Now I know for sure that all the intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same.

I have a healthy-stable heart, I have a young healthy-stable heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart works steadily in the same way. The heart works steadily and equally. All time intervals between pulse beats are the same, all pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young healthy heart, all pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young healthy heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. I have a young-young-healthy-strong heart, I have a very stable-strong heart. The pulse is steady-rhythmic - 72 beats per minute. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart continues to grow healthy and stronger. The reserve strength of the heart is continuously increasing. The reserve strength of the heart is continuously increased. And if necessary, the heart can work with a very high power, the reserve strength of the heart is continuously increasing, the reserve strength of the heart is continuously increasing. Pulse is stable rhythmic 72 beats per minute, all time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. All pulse beats are of the same normal strength of a young, healthy heart. I have a tireless, healthy heart, a pulse full of strong filling. I try to imagine as vividly as possible what it is about: I have a great young youthful heart. Pulse full of strong filling, pulse full of strong filling. I have a healthy, powerful heart. Pulse full of strong filling, pulse full of strong filling. All heartbeats are of the same normal strength of a healthy heart. All the time intervals between pulse beats are exactly the same. The heart works steadily, the heart works steadily-correctly, the heart works steadily-correctly, as in a young healthy person.

I have a healthy heroic heart. A heroic heart with valiant prowess drives blood throughout my body and fills me with even more energy. Every day, every hour I become more and more energetic person. Energy is in full swing. The gait is light-fast. I walk - as if I fly on wings, without feeling the heaviness of my body.

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