Asanas for headaches. Yoga and pranayama: basic rules

Yoga for headaches is one of the most effective methods to get rid of discomfort and normalize health. Next, we will analyze the main stages of meditation and various techniques for preventing the development of pain.

Stages of pain elimination

Due to constant stress and a bad climate, the human body is under enormous stress, due to which:

  • headache;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

In our article, we will show you how to get rid of your headache. In reality, the nature of pain is always different, as is the place of its localization. Due to the wide variety of types of ailment, there are also many reasons for its occurrence. Of the main factors in the development of headache, the following are distinguished:

  • disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • systematic nervous shock;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • wrong diet.

According to the teachings of Iyengar, yoga and the Lotus position can save a person from torment. The main thing in this method is to take a comfortable position, keep your back straight and relax. The teaching allows you to be in this position for a long time, regularly changing the position of the legs.

The most common factors in the development of the disease include migraines and stressful situations. They interfere with the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, this becomes the cause of shortness of breath, which provokes the development of hypoxia.

Features of the definition and elimination of headache:

  1. First of all, you need to conduct research (svadhyaya), where analysis and collection of information about the disease takes place.
  2. Performing asanas, pranayama and meditation, you can determine what will be useful, will not bring results, or, on the contrary, will have a negative effect.
  3. It is not necessary to approach the choice of technique automatically. The options that helped at the very beginning may become ineffective by the end.

Sometimes, the headache becomes a blessing and forces the person to change their habits.

Correct breathing and posture

Yoga for headaches primarily includes breathing exercises. They are needed to normalize the patient's condition as a whole. Such gymnastics calms the nervous system and normalizes blood flow. You can eliminate the headache with the help of the technique of Nadi Shodhana and Shitali.

Nadi Shodhana

The technique helps to cleanse the energy channels. Sit in a straight-backed chair. Straighten your back. Closing one nostril, inhale smoothly and deeply through the other, and then exhale 2 times more calmly. Do the same with the first nostril. Carry out the exercise until the moment, until the illness leaves you.

As a result of these trainings, the sinuses are cleared, and the brain is supplied with oxygen. Due to this, the meditator feels healthy and feels relief, and painful sensations disappear.


This technique helps to reduce fever, which is the most common cause of headaches.

Take the lotus position. Stick out your tongue, roll it into a tube. Inhale through the tube as slowly as in the previous technique. The incoming air must be swallowed, and exhaled through the nose.

Preventive practice

Having picked up effective yoga exercises for headaches, you need to learn how to recognize the symptoms and respond to them in a timely manner. Many are helped by the bent candle pose. But here the main thing is to timely identify the first symptoms of pain. These include:

  • drowsiness and weakness;
  • panic;
  • hard breath;
  • mood swings.

This position can be uncomfortable, so you can change it. One is comfortable to take a lying position and raise straightened legs on the wall. Others need to support the lower back.

The factors for the development of pain can manifest themselves both on the physical level and on the mental level. For example, with frequent stress, a person not only suffers from headaches, but also cannot concentrate on simple tasks.

If you notice that the ailment disappears at the moment when the head is strongly thrown back, then use the Shavasana pose. In this case, tilt your head back beyond the edge of the pillow or mattress.

If the pain is caused by stressful situations, then it is important to focus your attention on relaxing the diaphragm, which contracts when you bend.

Relaxation of the muscles of the neck and shoulders

In many cases, the onset of the disease is caused by overstrain of the neck muscles. There are three simple postures that can help release tension:

  1. Warm your neck. Sit on a chair and assume the lotus position, and with your right hand, reach the top of your left ear, resting your hand on your head. Then use the same brush to tilt your head. Sit in this position for one minute. Then repeat the same steps, but in the opposite direction.
  2. This technique is called an open heart. It aims to develop the musculature of the front. Performing it, the back will relax, so the headache will go away. To perform the technique, sit on your knees with your heels touching your thighs. From this position, make a backward bend, making an emphasis with your hands on the floor at a distance of 20 cm from the feet. Throw your head back and lift your chest up. Only the back should bend. Return to the starting position.
  3. Camel position. Get on your knees, rest your hands on your feet, and bend with your body.

The headache can appear due to overexertion of the shoulders. There are several basic positions that can help relieve pain. To alleviate the condition with an attack of cephalalgia, the following position will help:

  • get on your knees;
  • bend over with your forehead on the floor;
  • hang in this state for 10 seconds;
  • remove the brushes behind your back, straighten and bend into the lock, and then slowly lift up;
  • stop in this state;
  • move your body forward, slightly raise your hips and lean on the part of your forehead, which is closer to the crown;
  • try to touch the floor with your hands;
  • do several approaches.

With this position, you can relieve yourself of the soreness that has appeared as a result of overexertion of muscle tissue.

Dolphin pose is another way to get rid of ailment. Implementation principle:

  • get on all fours;
  • place brushes shoulder-width apart, and bent knees hip-width apart;
  • lean on the floor with your elbows;
  • slowly raise your pelvis without lifting your feet;
  • lower your head between your shoulders;
  • look at your feet;
  • relax your neck muscles completely.

Simple in this position for 6 seconds, and then repeat the manipulation a few more times.

Another option is the child's pose. Do the following:

  • lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest;
  • bend your legs at the knees;
  • hands, without bending, grab your feet and press them to you.

You should not tear off your back, and stretch the muscles with a deep exhalation.

For many pain sufferers, relaxation of the body helps. One of the ways to carry out the procedure is as follows:

  • put the roller against the wall;
  • lie on your back so that the pelvis feels comfortable on the roller;
  • raise your legs to the wall;
  • connect them and hold;
  • raise your hands, palms up and spread them;
  • as you exhale, relax your torso.

Lie in this position for 10 minutes.

Yogis practice another way of relaxation:

  • one part of the roller should be slightly raised;
  • sit so that the lower back is in contact with the raised end;
  • lie slowly on your back;
  • put your feet together, and spread your knees to the sides;
  • lower your hands to the floor, palms up;
  • watch your breath.

To relieve tension, it is enough to be in this position for 2-3 minutes.

Yoga to eliminate migraines and pain

Migraine is a neurological disorder that causes soreness in the head. Basically, this malaise is localized in one area and lasts from several hours to several days.

Because of this ailment, the patient's sensitivity to light and noise increases. Other symptoms include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;

Migraine triggers the development of pain, due to which there are troubles in personal and professional life.

Poses for Migraine Relief

Yoga is a natural weapon against migraines that does not negatively affect the human body.

Yoga for pain in the head is an ancient technique that combines various postures and breathing meditation. In order to soothe headaches, it is recommended to use the following asanas:

  1. Hastapadasana - position for the arms and legs. With its help, the functionality of the nervous system is normalized and blood microcirculation improves.
  2. Setu Bandhasana. Relaxes and calms.
  3. Balasana. Relaxes the nervous system.
  4. Marjariasana. Improves mental activity and normalizes blood microcirculation.
  5. Pashchimottanasana - tilt to the legs while sitting. Helps deal with stress and relaxes the brain.
  6. Adho Mukha Svanasana is a downward-facing dog. Promotes increased blood flow to the brain.
  7. Padmasana is a lotus. The most popular posture for relaxing the mind.
  8. Shavasana is a corpse. This position regenerates the body, bringing it into a state of deep meditative rest.

Practice and find positions that will help you with migraines. To get the most out of yoga positions, learn and practice them under the guidance of a professional.

A migraine is like a bullet that
slowly goes through
half a head right through.

Yoga and a bright head

Yoga can save you from many problems: improve your well-being, improve your mood, distract you from everyday worries, and, if practiced regularly, strengthen your health, which are fundamental measures for the prevention of migraines. Painful attacks become less frequent, tolerated more easily and gradually fade away.

When gymnastics and yoga become a part of life, you can forget about irritability and anger, depression and pain, in which you want to literally “chop off your head”, and problems fade into the background. Consciousness becomes lucid and sleep becomes deep and restorative.

A large number of people who began to practice hatha yoga in order to make their life, constantly darkened by migraine attacks, at least a little easier, have confirmed its effectiveness! Exercises designed to prevent the development of a migraine attack, harmonize the general condition and prevent a whole range of diseases are available to everyone. The main thing is to want to help yourself!

The main components of hatha yoga are pranayama - correct inhalation and exhalation and asana - a comfortable and pleasant body position. Using them - relaxes, facilitates easier transfer of pain, reduces the frequency and severity of attacks. No less effective is the use of acupressure for migraines. The advantage of this treatment is absolute safety and the absence of side effects.

How to deal with stress?

Muscle tension exacerbates migraines, so exercise must be done to combat them. The simplest is constant posture monitoring to relieve symptoms in the neck and shoulders, forehead and temples.

Exercise to strengthen neck muscles and correct posture - Mountain pose(Tadasana): The head should never be pulled into the shoulders. To do this, they stand upright and connect the feet, close their eyes and direct the whole mind to the soles of the feet. Then they distribute the weight in the feet and try to feel the contact with the floor surface. Opening their eyes, they direct their gaze to infinity and maintain balance. Next, they force the legs to work: bending the knees a little, they take the upper thigh away. This exercise balances movement, helps to achieve the flow of energy and ease and comfort, and breathing becomes free and even.

How to prevent headaches?

After all, we feel that a storm is about to break out, and we are in no hurry to undertake anything! Prodromal symptoms of a migraine attack are familiar to everyone: unmotivated weakness, "suddenly" fatigue and drowsiness, increased irritability and sensitivity to sound, light stimuli and odors ... its effect!

To prevent headache, it is necessary to take a posture that excludes tension in the forehead area: it should be relaxed and soft. These actions reduce the stress response, slow down the pulse and normalize the normal life of the body. This mechanism is used not only for getting rid of migraines, but also for insomnia, chronic pain and premenstrual syndrome, cardiac and neurological diseases.

The warning is based on three Svanasanas: forehead on the back of a chair, on a brick, or palms on a chair.

Exercise "Forehead on the back of a chair" relaxes the forehead, makes the legs and arms work and relieves tension in the neck muscles. For execution, a chair is used, the back of which is covered with a blanket. They stand up to the chair with their face and press their palms against the wall above shoulder level, with their feet hip-width apart. Move away until the arms are parallel to the floor. The tension in the back is relieved with the help of a special positioning of the legs: they need to be slightly bent at the knees. After taking the desired position, they rest their forehead against the back of the chair and slightly advance the crown of the head to the wall: the back of the chair directs the skin of the forehead to the chin and holds it, which reminds of the unnecessary strain. They come out of this pose, presenting themselves as a motionless Mountain.

Exercise "Palms on a chair" resembles the inverted position of "Downward Dogs" - the body is also lowered downward. The pose consists of placing the palms on the seat of the chair and gradually moving backward until the arms and torso form a single line. A prerequisite for correct execution is the constant desire to lengthen the neck and pull the head towards the back. A minute later, the exercise is replaced by the pose of the Mountain.

Exercise "Forehead on a stone" helps to calm the mind and activate the movement of the legs and arms. To do this, they get on all fours, touching the wall with their heels. A stone (wooden stand, etc.) is positioned so that it supports the head without squeezing the neck area. Having entered the "Downward Dogs" pose, the upper part of the forehead is placed on a support, and its skin is directed towards the chin. During exercise, breathing remains free, the throat is soft, and the neck is long. The state is kept by the repulsive work of the hands from the floor, and after 2 minutes they rest in Balasan (Child's pose).

Ambulance for migraine

If you do not want to hear the call for help from your body, either in the prodrome or in the aura, you will have to act urgently.

When the headache is already debilitating, you need to use the ambulance Viparita Karani. To do this, they relax, forgetting about time, and put sandbags on their feet and head. To do this exercise correctly, you need to lay down a blanket and sit on it sideways against the wall. Keep your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor. The essence of the exercise is that you need to lie on your back, helping with your hands, and put your legs on the wall. Bending the knees, a pouch is placed on the soles and then they are straightened so that the back of the legs and the lower part of the buttocks touch the wall. Having placed the main attribute on the face, while exhaling, they relax the body and lower the entire front surface to the floor. This position is held for 10 minutes.

Viparita Karani (inverted candle pose):
Lay the rug against the wall, place a large roller in the corner between the floor and the wall. Take the strap, make the loop of the strap as wide as possible.
Sit sideways on the roller against the wall. Turn to face the wall, while lifting your feet up against the wall and lowering your head and back down onto the mat.
When you take the necessary position, put the strap on your ankles, spread your feet to the width of the loop of the strap. You need to make sure that you are lying flat with your calves and buttocks touching the wall and your arms at right angles.

With your eyes closed, relax.
Remain in this position for 5 minutes.
Exit from the asana: gently bend your legs at the knees and roll over onto your side, lie down for a few minutes.

Principles of Healing Breath

With an attack of pain, the main mistake is shallow and intermittent breathing, due to which the pressure rises and the pulse quickens. Correct and healing breathing is deep, the entire diaphragm, which helps the body to relax.

To determine the correctness of breathing, it is necessary to put your hands on your stomach in the supine position and observe their lifting on inhalation and lowering on exhalation. If they remain motionless, then something needs to be changed. For example, try pranayama, the art of healing breathing.

Yoga and pranayama: basic rules

  • Plow, Shoulderstand, and other asanas that put pressure on the diaphragm should be avoided.
  • You must constantly monitor your breathing.
  • For relaxation, you can use Shodhana: inhale and exhale alternately through the right and left nostril (4-6 minutes each), one of them is taken as “non-working” and covered with a finger.
  • To distract from pain, Ujayi's Victorious breath is used - barely perceptible, deep.
  • Works wonders Cooling breath: the tongue is rolled up and inhaled through it, then a slow exhalation, which has a meditative and calming effect - the state of meditation relieves pain and anxiety.

If the attack has reached its climax

Experienced yogis in this case avoid active, too difficult exercises - yoga and gymnastics should ease, not bring suffering. They give their preference to restorative, relaxing asanas, completely abandoning uncomfortable postures.

For this:

  • 1. Eliminate the impact on the body of bright light and extraneous sounds, ideally reaching darkness - it switches attention from increasing pressure and increased breathing on the recovery process. This is the natural tendency of people: it is easier to fall asleep in a dark room.
  • 2. Using a sandbag placed on the feet allows the pain to move away from the head. So, a person shifts attention to the feet and gets rid of his fixation on the head and migraines.
  • 3. When there is noise in the ears, the field of vision is sharply narrowed, and the eyes cease to perceive the clear outlines of the environment, it is necessary to instantly raise your feet to the wall. In just a couple of minutes, the condition stabilizes, and the attack passes. Excitement and loss of control leads to increased pain.

Very often, to reduce headaches, a person resorts to the use of pills. But this approach without consulting a doctor is frivolous in relation to your health. In the event that the headache appears as a result of tension in the neck, shoulders, back, some physical exercises and breathing exercises can help. Unlike drugs, they do not have a harmful effect on the body.

Breathing exercises

Yoga for headaches is the safest and most effective way to get rid of headaches. Performing special exercises is not difficult: they are simple, they can be performed at any place and age.

  1. First you need to work out the neck in all directions. The arms are freely positioned along the body. Sitting on a chair, you can take the lotus position, with your right hand reaching your left ear over your head. Then, under the pressure of the same hand, give the head an inclined position, and this exercise should be performed with little resistance. The duration of being in this state is about a minute. After that, you need to repeat the same in the other direction. Care should be taken to avoid stretching the neck muscles. If pain is felt during exercise, reduce resistance. When done correctly, the yoga exercise should only feel muscle tension.
  2. An open heart. This exercise will work the muscles in the front of your neck. In addition, it has a relaxing effect on the back and strengthens, at the same time relieves tension, on the spine. Thanks to this, the headaches will become less pronounced or disappear altogether.

Starting position: sitting on your knees, hips touching heels, feet together. From this position, you need to bend back, resting your palms on the floor 20 cm from the feet. The chest must be raised higher, and the head must be thrown back. The buttocks touch the heels, only the back flexes. This pose must be fixed for 35 seconds. Then return to the starting position: first you should raise your head, only then your chest.

  1. Camel. Starting position: standing on your knees, you need to rest your palms on your feet, and bend with your body. The correct execution of this yoga exercise implies the observance of the following points:

the hip line should be perpendicular to the floor surface;

the gluteal muscles are tense, the arms are straight;

the head is thrown back;

the muscles of the entire back are involved in the deflection; muscle tension from the tailbone to the shoulders should be felt.

For the shoulders. Starting position: sitting on your knees, you should tilt your upper body forward and rest your forehead on the floor. It is worth holding in this position for a few seconds, it will allow the muscles of the lower back and spine to stretch.

While in the same position, it is necessary to connect your hands behind your back and slowly turn them in your shoulders, as far as possible. Fix the position again. Next, you need to raise the hips and shift the pivot point to the crown of the head. In this case, the joined hands should be twisted as much as possible at the shoulders.

After keeping the pose a little, return to the starting position. The return to it should be gradual, fixing all intermediate positions. Repeat these movements 3 - 4 more times. If the headache is due to a tight shoulder, this yoga complex will bring relief.

Dolphin. This position helps to relax the shoulder and upper back, which are often stressed by headaches. First you need to get on all fours, arms and legs - shoulder-width apart and hip-width apart, respectively. Next, the emphasis must be transferred to the elbows, and the buttocks must be raised. It is advisable to touch the floor with the entire surface of the feet. The head should be located between the forearms, and the gaze should be directed towards the feet. While in this position, you need to take a deep breath and exhale several times.

Happy child. This pose also has a relaxing effect on the spine and back muscles and relieves pain in the head. First you need to lie down with your back to the floor and relax. The next movement is to grab the feet of the legs raised and bent at the knees. Next, you need to gently move the knees slightly apart to the sides to the chest. When you reach the level of the armpits, you need to stay in this position for several minutes. To achieve maximum effect, you can wiggle from side to side. Thanks to this, a positive effect will be provided on each vertebra.

Relaxation of the body. In addition to special and aimed at achieving a certain result of asanas in yoga exercises for headaches and the recovery complex is also included. It includes poses, the implementation of which is not accompanied by any tension, so they have no restrictions on the number and time.

To perform one of these yoga exercises, you need to sit next to the wall, for convenience, you can put something soft under the buttocks. Keep your feet upright along the wall. The exercise is as follows: you need to spread your legs as wide as possible, while your feet do not need to be torn off the wall. The duration of being in this position depends on the individual capabilities of the person. You need to return to the starting position in small steps along the wall, keeping your legs upright.

Despite the many positive aspects of yoga, exercises to relieve headaches are not available to everyone. Those who have cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors are not recommended to take the described positions and postures.

If, as a result of examinations, the causes of headaches are not found, then the reason for this is a certain way of life. In this case, yoga for headaches will help relieve tension, thereby improving the general condition. As a result of its application, not only will the head become lighter, but also the muscles will become stronger, the figure will tighten, and the vital energy will return.

Photo: Dmitriy Shironosov /

We will immediately disappoint all those who love official confirmed information: there is no scientifically proven data that yoga is a panacea for all types of headaches. There are many reasons for headaches, and, unfortunately, it is the female sex that is more often susceptible to this unpleasant symptom. Often, ladies associate headaches with changes in pressure. However, statistics say that in 90% of cases we are dealing with migraines, which do not necessarily have to be accompanied by nausea and painful sensitivity to noise and light. Among the factors that provoke migraines, the most common are heredity, stress, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, taking food supplements, etc.

As you know, yoga fights very well with unstable emotional states and helps to achieve relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, indirectly through relaxation, a number of asanas can help reduce headaches, and often - and their complete elimination. Therefore, before you swallow a pill, try the poses that we suggest in this article. It is not at all necessary to perform all of the asanas below when one arises. Try them one by one. Sometimes, during the first pose, there is relief. Stay in it longer, and then try a few more.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

Start with a simple exercise - Tadasana(Mountain pose). It will help to correct posture, stretch the muscles of the upper body, relieve tension in the forehead, temples, nape, neck and shoulders. In general, clamps in the cervical spine very often provoke a headache. To eliminate them and stretch the cervical vertebrae, slowly tilt your head from side to side, slightly helping yourself with your hand.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

Shoulder rotation Is another good exercise that helps release tension in the upper body.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

(Dog Face Down) is an important yoga medicine for headaches. The pose provides blood flow to the head and relieves tension from the shoulders.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

However, due to the fact that this asana is inverted, while doing it, there may be a feeling of increasing pressure in the head. In this case, replace it Right angle pose... In it, the head does not fall below the level of the heart, and painful sensations should not arise. You can also rest your forehead on the back of a chair while doing Right Angle Pose. Then try to lower yourself down by placing your arms straight on the seat of the chair. Finally, going into a full-fledged Downward Dog, you can make it easier for yourself by resting your head on a yoga brick.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

It also relieves stress from the shoulders and its various options.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

And the clamps in the back will remove Happy baby pose and its more complex variations.

Photo by Natalia Grishko

A real ambulance with a head of pain can become without support under the pelvis, but with the support of the legs along their entire length on the wall. Stay in the pose for 15-20 minutes. You can enhance the healing effect of an asana if you put a bag of sand on your feet while performing it. This technique is needed in order to switch your attention from the head to the feet and help not to get hung up on pain. Exhale downward, as if grounding your painful sensations.

Also, active asanas for tension and headaches can be Bridge pose(Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Grabbed Corner Lying Pose(Supta Baddha Konasana), Face Down Hero Pose(Adhomukha Virasana) etc.

However, there are times when the headache is so severe that you want to turn off the light and just lie in complete darkness and silence, not moving. Here you lie. Moreover, in yoga there is a mega-relaxing Corpse Pose for this - Shavasana... Remain in this position for at least 10 minutes and breathe in full yogic breath. Imagine your headache slowly dripping down your neck to the floor with each exhalation, like warm massage oil.

In addition to diaphragmatic breathing for headaches, the following pranayamas will help relieve tension: alternate breathing of one nostril Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Ujayi(Victorious breath), cooling breath Sitali Pranayama etc.

With regular yoga practice, the headaches should subside. But, if that doesn't happen, try keeping a diary of them. Write down in it all your observations related to the headache that occurs: at what point in the menstrual cycle did the symptom appear, at which hour you went to bed the day before, and when you woke up, what you ate, what you drank, what medications you took. Also note the frequency and duration of attacks. Such a diary will help you and your doctor understand the root cause of the headaches that occur and prescribe effective treatment.

Be healthy with yoga!

Headache is a common problem faced by city dwellers. It occurs due to a variety of reasons, including ecology, stress, malfunctioning of the body, disturbed emotional balance, etc.

Regular yoga practice helps to relax, restore health, and make you think positive. Exercise complexes remove muscle clamps that negatively affect the blood circulation in the brain. helps to cope not only with symptoms, but also relieves the causes of headaches.

Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of drugs that almost instantly eliminate pain and spasms. But this only masks the problem, prevents the authorities from giving signals. Moreover, medications have side effects that lead to other problems.

A headache is a kind of signal that informs a person that the body is malfunctioning. Very often, spasms appear due to overextension of the muscles in the neck and back. This is a common problem in modern people who spend most of their day in a seated position. Yoga exercises help relieve tension and prevent headaches.

REFERENCE! Asanas and breathing practices eliminate the effects of stress, which also causes headache. Yoga therapy is aimed at gradually relaxing and slowing down. Complexes from various positions help to improve the flow of oxygen to the brain and reduce the likelihood of migraines.

Preventive asanas

The main yoga asanas, allowing you to avoid pain or significantly reduce the number of attacks, are aimed at relaxing and improving the areas of the body that provoke pain syndrome.

Exercise should begin with a neck warm-up. Sit comfortably on a chair or on the floor with your legs crossed, and let your arms drop freely by your side. Raise your right hand above your head and reach your left ear. Tilt your head slowly to the right side. Apply light pressure with your hand, and resist it with your head. After 60 seconds, straighten up and do the same on the other side.

IMPORTANT! First of all, attention is paid to the neck, spine, shoulder girdle and forearms.

or dolphin help release tension in your forearms and stretch your upper back. It is important to maintain free breathing and not strain your neck. Get on your knees, hip-width apart, put your hands on the floor, placing your wrists shoulder-width apart. Take a breath. Lower your elbows to the floor, slowly raise your hips and exhale. The heels should be parallel to each other. It is not necessary to place them on the floor if the stretching does not allow you to do so. Relax your neck, look at your feet and hold the pose for 3-5 breaths.

... Get on your knees, bend back, rest your palms on your feet. Do not push your hips forward, they should be perpendicular to the floor. Do not strain your neck, breathe freely. Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths. This asana helps to open the duct of the vertebral arteries and prevents the onset of headache due to clamps in the neck.

Exercise efficiency

These three exercises should be done regularly to avoid headaches. They are quite simple, accessible to a person of any skill level.

  1. The first exercise relaxes the forehead, engages the legs and arms, and relieves tension in the neck muscles. To complete it, you need a chair, the back of which must be placed against the wall and covered with a blanket. Stand with your face to the chair and press your palms against the wall, raising them slightly above your shoulders. Leave your feet hip-width apart. Step back until your arms are parallel to the floor. Rest your forehead on the back of a chair and pull the top of your head slightly against the wall. If you are concerned about too much tension in the muscles in your legs, bend them slightly at the knees. Hold the pose for 1-2 minutes and slowly come out of it. Calm your breathing in mountain pose ().
  2. The second exercise is similar to an inverted dog pose. Do not change the position of your chair. Place your palms on the seat and move back until your arms and torso are in line. Stretch the top of your head towards the wall, stretching your neck. After 1-2 minutes, gradually come out of the pose and do Tadasana again.
  3. To perform this asana, you must use a special block. It helps to calm the mind. Get on all fours with your heels touching the wall. Place a block on the mat and assume the Downward Dog position. Place the upper part of the forehead on the brick. Breathe freely without straining your throat. After 1-2 minutes, relax in the baby's pose.
Reference! Yoga practice can also help eliminate and prevent unpleasant symptoms.

What if your head already hurts?

If you still have a headache or you feel it approaching, try the Viparita Karani asana. In this case, it must be performed not in a full-fledged version, but in a slightly modified form.

  • lay a rug or blanket on the floor, sit sideways against the wall and bend your legs;
  • lie on your back, bend your legs and put a bag of sand on your feet, then straighten your legs, pressing them as much as possible against the wall;
  • put the second bag of sand over your eyes and place your hands along the body;
  • relax completely and do not move for 15-20 minutes.

Breathing work

Nadi Shodhana helps to clear the energy channels of the body. To do this, sit with your back straight and relax. Use your thumb to pinch your right nostril and begin to inhale slowly through your left. Then exhale even more slowly. Repeat with the other nostril. Practice for 1 minute.

Shitali- cooling breath, allowing you to feel relief from headaches. Sit cross-legged. Stick your tongue out of your mouth a little and roll it up into a "tube". Begin to inhale slowly through it and exhale through your nose, closing your mouth. Repeat 3-4 times without rushing.

REFERENCE! Pranayama or breathing exercises in yoga provide relaxation, relieve tension, improve circulation and calm the nervous system. They can help relieve headaches caused by stress or an immobile lifestyle.

Migraine Relief Pose

Migraine is a neurological disorder that is often accompanied by severe headaches. If you feel an attack is coming, do Viparita Karani. But if you did not have time to do this, then try the practice of relaxation.

Suitable for this. It involves conscious relaxation of the body, relieves tension and restores strength. To complete it, you will need 3 blankets and a bandage.

Fold the blanket into strips - one 30 cm wide and one 70 cm long. Place one of them under the back area. Sit with your back to this stand with your legs bent at the knees. Wrap a bandage or some kind of bandage over your head.

Smoothly, supporting yourself with your hands, lie down. The shoulders should only lightly touch the blanket under the head. Place your hands relaxed at a short distance from your body, palms up.

Raise your knees slightly and "throw" relaxed on the floor, do the same with the pelvis and chest. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in and out, and relax.

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