What are the benefits of rollers for women. Let's go rollerblading

Workouts in gym can become boring and monotonous. Roller skating is recommended for people who decide to go in for sports: this type of sports activity will benefit the whole body.

Benefits for the body when roller skating

Training result:

  1. Weight loss. Skating is one of the most natural and non-fatiguing ways to get rid of extra pounds and maintain normal weight. A person concentrates on the movement and the pleasure that he gets from it, and not the number of push-ups, squats, etc.
  2. Improved coordination. Ice skating is especially recommended for children whose vestibular apparatus is at the stage of development.
  3. Improving the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Riding on uneven terrain is well suited for the development of these systems. However, more experienced skaters are allowed to train on hills and hillocks.
  4. Mood boost. During skiing, endorphins are released, which lifts a person’s mood. Entry into the blood of hormones of joy leads to a natural relief from fatigue and stress.
  5. Improving the activity of the visual apparatus. The roller is forced to observe objects far and near. The need to observe increases visual acuity.

What muscles work when rollerblading:

  • ankle;
  • outer and inner thighs;
  • buttocks;
  • abdomen
  • shoulder girdle;
  • lumbar.

Rollers and weight loss

Many fat people For weight loss tend to use walking or running. However, with excess kilograms, the load on lumbar spine and knee joints. Sudden movements can lead to injury and deterioration of well-being. When riding on rollers, the movements become smooth, which reduces the load on the joints.

With the help of skating, overweight people can lose up to 20 kg of excess weight per year, exercising in a gentle mode. You can achieve the desired result by training at least 3-4 times a week. The duration of the ride should be at least 40-60 minutes. It is advisable to exercise every day. Classes must be combined with dietary nutrition.

To get the benefits of roller skating for the figure, it is recommended to first reduce weight. People with obesity of the first degree can immediately skate. However, if the weight exceeds the norm by 1.5 times or more, skating can be dangerous for the cardiovascular and skeletal systems. With excess kilograms, a person's coordination worsens. This increases the risk of falls.

To whom are rollers contraindicated?

Rollerblading has practically no contraindications. However, for certain diseases, great care must be taken:

  1. Diseases of the skeletal system. Diseases can occur at any age. However, most often they are observed in elderly people with a predisposition to osteoporosis.
  2. Diseases of the vestibular apparatus. Patients with problems with the vestibular apparatus find it difficult to maintain balance while riding, which increases the risk of injury.
  3. Flat feet. With this problem, it is necessary to use roller skates with instep supports.
  4. Eye diseases. While skating, a person is not able to quickly respond to the appearance of objects near (with farsightedness) or consider possible obstacles in the distance (with myopia). Do not use goggles while exercising. If the glass falls, it may break and injure your face.

If the roller has recently undergone surgery or suffered a head injury, training should be abandoned for at least 2-3 months. You can return to skiing only with the permission of the attending physician.

Possible harm from riding

Rollers are both good and bad. Damage to health can most often be caused by improper use of skates and non-compliance with safety regulations during training. To avoid harm, you should:

  1. Use equipment. The head must be protected by a helmet, knees by knee pads, and elbows by elbow pads. It is advisable to wear tight, tight-fitting clothing to protect the body from bruises in case of a possible fall.
  2. Avoid overload. Beginners should start with sessions lasting no more than 10 minutes, during which the roller learns to skate and tries to move around.
  3. Choosing the right skates When choosing a model, you need to pay attention to the size. Shoes should not put pressure on the feet. However, buying models large sizes"growth" is also prohibited.

Before you start training, you need to perform several exercises to lower extremities, for example:

  1. Squats. Before performing the exercise, you need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, and your hands on your belt. Squat should be no more than 10-15 times to avoid overwork even before the start of the walk.
  2. Scissors. The roller should lie on your back, put your hands under your lower back, slightly raise your legs and make 8-10 movements with them, resembling the movements of scissors. Exercise can be performed both at home and on the street on a bench.
  3. Right left. You need to stand up straight, stretch your arms at your sides and put your feet together. Then you need to start turning the pelvis alternately to the right and left. You can repeat the turns for 2-3 minutes.

Walking outdoors is more beneficial than exercising indoors. It is worth starting to ride under the guidance of an experienced coach or a loved one who will support the beginner.

Natalya Govorova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Today, more and more people choose active recreation, prefer roller skating and spend more time on fresh air. And there is a completely logical explanation for this, the fact is that when a person spends maximum energy and at the same time enjoys it, his body is able to relax as much as possible during active sports.

Benefits of roller skating

After active loads, a phase of complete relaxation of the body begins, which gives a person a good night's sleep, and this, accordingly, has a positive effect on his overall well-being. In this case, a kind of useful habit arises, which helps to relax, enjoy spending time with friends and has a positive effect on the figure.

As a pleasant and useful pastime, you certainly do right choice. And it doesn’t matter what goal you want to achieve, just have a good time or strengthen the body with the help of physical activity. But, one way or another, with the help of roller skating, you can achieve pleasant results.

Why roller skating is useful in terms of sports and figure:

Psychological relaxation and fatigue relief when roller skating

  • To get distracted from work, writing a term paper, problems or troubles at home, you can choose roller skates as an excellent antidepressant. Indeed, it has been proven that for active physical activity in particular, roller skating releases hormones of joy that block fatigue and help the body to be distracted and tune in to a new attitude to a particular important situation. Simply put, it helps to look at the situation from a different angle and reduces apathetic attitude.
  • In addition, communication with like-minded people set up in a positive way, makes a person more friendly and contact, which positively affects his self-esteem and helps to make new friends and improve his leadership qualities.
  • After a day spent outdoors with people who care about your passion, can be charged with a positive attitude and move it to the whole work week. That will increase the efficiency and quality of the work performed.

How to dress in order to feel comfortable when roller skating?

You can roller skate at any time, in warm weather outdoors along the paths in the park, and in cloudy weather on a special rollerdrome. The main thing is that the clothes do not restrict movement, it is warm and you can protect yourself in case of a fall, but in this case, special protection is useful, which is indispensable for beginners.

  • When riding outdoors in the hot season, it will be enough short shorts or leggings for girls and breeches or cropped trousers for men. The top can be any, preferably T-shirt or turtleneck with short sleeves. For children, the uniform is almost the same, only for them the presence of special equipment for protection, in the form of knee pads, armlets and a special helmet, is still considered mandatory. Adults also need protection, but as you gain experience, you can remove unnecessary elements.
  • In the cold season when skiing on special grounds clothing should be as comfortable as possible, tight trousers and a light blouse or T-shirt are suitable, since in the process of skiing a person experiences physical exertion and if he starts to sweat a lot, he may suffer from dehydration. Therefore, it is worth considering this important aspect when choosing a uniform for roller skating.

The benefits of roller skating for women and the choice of quality skates

Many women do not know that roller skating burns much more calories than jogging, consider this sport to be childish and do not want to waste time on such “nonsense”. But this is only until the moment when they first get on the rollers. Freedom of flight and evenly working muscles will give an unforgettable experience, and after just a few workouts, the muscles of the legs and buttocks will significantly tighten, a feeling of lightness and self-confidence will appear. And these are pretty good reasons to try this enjoyable sport.

But the right clothes, protection, and a good workout experience aren't everything. The most important thing is to choose the right inline skates based on size, quality and comfort. What kind of roller skates to prefer, and what are they?

Rollers are for fitness, for recreation (i.e. for ordinary non-professional skating), for hockey and for performing tricks or for speed skating. It is worth noting that if a goal is set, take care of your health, strengthen the body or lose weight. excess weight. Then for this it is necessary not only to sit on a bench, getting up and from time to time slowly ride along the tracks, but to learn how to do special tricks or develop a fairly decent speed.

  • Rollers for recreation. Such models are not so expensive, have a plastic frame and ordinary boots, small wheels and, in general, the motto of such rollers is “Convenience is the main thing”, they are great for beginners and for those who just want to relax and ride on the weekend sometimes.
  • Rollers for fitness. Fitness rollers are lightweight yet durable, with good speed bearings and fast lacing. For women, this is just the perfect option for videos, they are comfortable and beautiful, you can master a set of simple tricks in them or even learn to dance, if you like it, then these videos are for you.
  • Speed ​​roller skates. They perfectly train all muscles, make the body toned and strong, thanks to the loads that will have to be experienced during speed skating. They have tough boots and relatively light frames, rather large wheels, which can be either four or five, comfortable bearings and a rather attractive design. But you should use them only for professional training and races, because as walking shoes they are quite hard and uncomfortable. They cost a little more than regular skates, but for speed runs they are simply indispensable.
  • Aggressive rollers or rollers for tricks. These videos are not as fast and require the necessary skating skills to perform various tricks. The boots tend to be stiff and the wheels are quite small, making the skates agile and comfortable. Maximum impact resistance makes these rollers simply indispensable when rolling down railings and slides, when performing the most difficult tricks on special springboards and stairs. If you master the skills of "aggressors" then this will give a well-trained body, flexibility and a pleasant pastime in good company.
  • Rollers for hockey. For professional hockey special inline skates are needed, because speed and maneuverability are valued in hockey, so hockey rollers successfully combine the advantages of stunt rollers and fitness rollers. They have small wheels and at the same time develop a fairly decent speed, the boots are not so hard and therefore they are comfortable.

In conclusion, we can say that if you have chosen roller skating as a recreation or professional sport, you have made the right choice. The most important thing is the feeling of freedom and lightness, the self-confidence that roller skating will give you, over time you can no longer imagine a good rest without your videos.

If you are also into roller skating or wanted to do it but haven't dared yet, we hope that our article will inspire you! Leave your comments, it is important for us to know your opinion!

We tell you what roller skating is and why it is becoming so popular!

What are the benefits of roller skating?

The benefits of skiing exist, and huge:

  • 90% of the muscles of the whole body are involved (the remaining 10% are the muscles of the face, yes, and they tense up from a non-falling smile).

For example, to maintain balance, the oblique abdominal muscles, abs and lower back are actively involved.

From regular footwork, our legs become more and more attractive, the calves take on a rounded shape, and cellulite becomes less and less.

  • unlike running, the knee joints are not so heavily loaded, because. on roller skates, the push is made almost horizontally to the ground, and while running vertically;
  • trains the cardiovascular system and improves lung function;
  • the level of endurance increases, coordination develops;
  • You just get incredible pleasure from the feeling of soaring above the ground.

What if I don't know how to ride at all?

1-2 hours every Sunday, and in a month you will be able to ride at the “intermediate” level.

In such cases, it is better to take a friend / girlfriend, your soulmate, husband / wife or children with you, who will help you take the first steps on the rollers, holding your hand.

Roller skating dates are becoming more and more popular with young people: you can skate, but why not roller skating?

A good solution to this problem is to sign up for training at. Instructor in as soon as possible will teach you to keep balance, ride fast, slow down and a little later do simple tricks with which you can surprise others.

Roller skating is for kids only! How to be an adult?

Rollers have long been not a child's occupation.

When you come to the skating rink, do you see only children? It's also in the videos.

In busy “skating places” (for example, the track in Vesnyanka) you can meet skaters of any age: from 3 to 60 years old! Adults are also involved in fitness and their health.

What if I'm afraid of looking stupid on roller skates and wearing a helmet?

The easiest option to overcome shyness, again, is to enroll in a Roller School, where you will ride not alone, but in a group with your peers and people with similar interests.

Riding together is much easier and more interesting, besides, it is good way get new acquaintances.

In addition, modern ones are almost works of art: stylish, bright, complementing the image, and most importantly - reliable!

Roller skating can cost me too much!

Also a controversial issue. Semi-annual subscription gym costs about the same as new branded fitness videos in our online store.

But the effect is the same, and besides, you will not be dependent on the schedule. The largest skating rinks usually have rental points where you can rent roller skates in Minsk inexpensively and make sure that fitness on roller skates is more profitable and effective than diets on goji berries, green beans and water.

How long does it take to ride to get results?

  • For an hour of riding at a not too high speed, a person of average build loses 400-500 calories.
  • If you ride fast, constantly accelerating, you can burn almost 700 calories per hour. This is only for an hour, and if you spend 2 hours training 2 times a week, then in 2-3 months you can lose up to 7-9 kg!

People with a real problem of excess weight should first consult with a nutritionist and trainer, build a personal training program, a proper balanced diet, and only if there is a clearly defined action plan, proceed to the choice of videos and the start of classes.

Roller skating is a summer sport. How can I exercise in winter?

Now one very interesting trend can be traced - more and more people spend their holidays not in cafes and bars, but in the fresh air, and often still go in for active sports. Biking also gives you the opportunity to have a good time, getting a portion of fun, adrenaline and subsequently healthy sleep. Indeed, after an active trip, the body completely relaxes and gets the opportunity to fully relax - and this can eventually develop into a habit, the benefits of which will be undeniable.

Why is it useful

Roller skating gives you not only a feeling of freedom, but also a load on all muscle groups, the development of coordination of movements, and the skill of balancing increases. The muscles of the calves, thighs, feet and buttocks work especially actively. The muscles of the back and lower back are also subjected to a strong load, but the press and arms are much less involved. A nice addition is the development of plasticity and smoothness of movements, and the ability to transfer weight from foot to foot increases the ability to control your body.

And now it’s worth understanding in more detail what is the use of roller skating for a person:

  1. The cardiovascular system and breathing are trained, even if you ride on a flat surface. Overall endurance increases, and the maximum benefit will be if you, for example, travel on hills and slopes, not to mention performing tricks - but this is only for professionals, because it is not safe.
  2. Your body becomes more plastic and flexible. You should not assume that just starting to skate, you will acquire the grace of a cat. But over time, by increasing the duration of the races and running them at higher speeds, you will notice positive changes in your plasticity.
  3. Your muscles will become stronger and excess weight will gradually go away. A typical rollerblading session burns approximately 500-600 calories for an hour. When driving hard, they burn out in greater quantities.

Do not neglect the positive effects for your psyche, which are manifested during this type of rest:

  1. Everyone knows that during physical exertion, endorphin, the hormone of happiness, is released into the bloodstream. Roller skating does a great job of this, and literally an hour and a half will give you the opportunity to relax, relieve the burden of problems and look at any situation from a more positive angle.
  2. No one is forcing you to ride alone. A walk with like-minded people will give an additional positive charge, increase self-esteem and sociability.
  3. An active weekend will have a positive effect on the working week, increasing mood and performance. And the quality of the work performed will be much higher.

Lose weight on roller skates

Few people start rollerblading in order to lose weight - but everyone loses weight when they start rollerblading. Moreover, this way to lose extra pounds works no worse than doing fitness or running. Hips, calves, buttocks are actively developing. Moreover, they do not grow in volume, but lose their flabbiness and friability, compact and tighten. Therefore, those who are actively and for a long time engaged in this sport are constantly in good physical shape.

Take the example of the hips - what is the use for them from skating? IN Everyday life muscles of the internal and outer surface the hips are practically not involved, but when skating they work very actively. An alternative to their development is a lot of monotonous exercises in the gym.

And for those who dream of flat stomach, you should ride downhill more often. If you regularly repeat such races, you can get seductive abs cubes without even doing additional exercises.

But do not go too far with heavy races, otherwise it can be harmful. Muscles, especially in young people, recover quickly, but you should still carefully listen to pain. You need to be especially careful with the joints - cartilage and ligaments adapt for quite a long time. This is especially true for older people, who should be extremely careful with this.

They say that roller skating is much more effective than any diet. And many scientists agree with this, as they have conducted a number of studies in this area. According to the information they received, to get rid of one overweight you need to burn 7000 calories. For an ordinary rollerball, whose weight does not exceed 70 kg, this amount of energy is burned during a 12-hour ride at a speed of 18 km / h. But it is unlikely that someone will devote half of the day to this occupation. Therefore, there are other calculations that in six months you can lose 9 kilograms by conducting daily races in a gentle mode, which burns about 400 calories per day. And this is taking into account respite and adaptation. There is no harm here, but the benefit is obvious.

Roller skating helps keep fit

Doubting their own abilities

Unfortunately, for many, at the mention of roller skating, the first thing that comes to mind is falls and bruises. Yes, this happens and not so rarely, but the harm from these unpleasant moments can be reduced to a minimum if you wear protection and follow safety precautions when riding. After all, even on a regular walk, no one is immune from falling. Let's look at the main fears of people who are thinking about starting to ride:

  • Many are afraid that they will not be able to keep their balance. This is self-deception, you will learn this very quickly, because even if you are not very confident in your first races, this only means that the body has simply forgotten how to keep itself straight. Yes, there is a small percentage of people who, due to problems with the cerebellum and the vestibular apparatus, really cannot keep their balance. But such cases are very rare.

It is worth remembering that the problem of falls can still lie in one mistake of beginners - you do not need to ride on fully extended legs. Bend your knees and hip joints- so balancing when riding will be much easier.

  • The second fear is the fear of breaking something. Riding on asphalt is fraught with nasty landings, wrist injuries, humerus and abrasions, which is due to a reflex when a person falls - putting out a hand as an additional support. But this problem is solved by using protective equipment. First of all, these are gloves with fixation of the wrists, knee pads and elbow pads. And tight clothing will also protect against abrasions.
  • Many people are very worried about head injuries. To avoid them, do not forget about the main element of the protection of the roller - a helmet, which is not neglected even by people professionally involved in roller skating.

A few words in conclusion

Now you have an idea of ​​the benefits of this active form of recreation. As elsewhere, this activity has both positive (positive effects on health) and negative (abrasions and potential injury) sides. But if you have firmly decided to get on roller skates - do not spare money for high-quality skates and equipment.

Regardless of the goals that you are pursuing, starting to ride is definitely the right choice, as this activity will bring many useful changes to your life rhythm. The benefit will be not only to the body, but also to the psyche of the roller even from half an hour of skating a day, because his gait will become graceful, his figure will be taut, which will definitely increase self-esteem and well-being. So get rid of fears and regrets - and you are waiting for an exciting and rewarding hours of roller skating.

Nowadays, the problem of physical health person. Everyone understands this, and a lot of people are constantly engaged in various types sports. One of the forms of such activities is roller skating. Rollers are quite common in modern society. If you like to run, then you will enjoy skating. Rollers have long ceased to be child's play. They have already started to deal with enough adults.

The first mention of rollers appeared in 1743. An unknown inventor from London introduced the first model of rollers with metal wheels. They were uncontrollable, and the inventor was seriously injured during the demonstration. But at the beginning of the 19th century, the rollers were improved and became more similar to modern ones.

By rollerblading, you are actively developing muscles that are almost impossible to train with other activities. Your cardiovascular system will thank you, as even the most ordinary rollerblading will strengthen it. After a few sessions, your gait will change. She will become graceful and light. During normal riding, about five hundred kilocalories are burned per hour, and during intensive driving, about a thousand kilocalories will leave your body.

By the way, while rollerblading, you can do other useful things, for example, dance. Another important advantage of rollers is the improvement of human health. Usually classes are held in the fresh air, and the body receives a huge amount of oxygen. Well, the mood will rise - there is an active production of hormones of joy.

There are several types roller skates. And you need to choose them correctly. The first type is solid rollers. They are usually the cheapest and are used by beginners and children. The second type is soft rollers. These skates have a great price and are suitable for professionals. But it's still better not to buy cheap videos. They are not always of high quality (shoes are tight, wheels do not rotate well), and it is better to buy good skates. They cost about $75-$100 on average. It is worth deciding why you need videos. For casual walks or for professional activities. Roller skates have different numbers of wheels.

Roller skating is a great workout. The human pulse rises to 150 beats per minute, and fat is actively burned. It is important that all muscle groups are involved. After a hard day's work, rollerblading can help relieve tension and stress. And after heavy loads, there comes a period of time when the body is as relaxed as possible. There will be sound sleep, and well-being will improve.

In order for roller skating to bring tangible benefits, you should choose a fairly difficult route. It should have ups and downs, as well as sharp turns. You need to develop endurance, passing short and long routes. But to achieve excellent results, you need to practice regularly. Rollerblading is possible in any weather. The most important thing is to choose the right clothes so that it does not restrict your movements.

You should also observe safety precautions! When skating, avoid sudden movements and sudden stops - you can simply damage your joints. Perform movements smoothly and measuredly. After the end, you need to relieve tension from the muscles. To do this, give yourself a relaxing massage.

Roller skating every day will benefit your health, both moral and physical.

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