This finger is the strongest. Finger games

Act three.

Second act.

Act one.

The Graceful Lady appears on the scene. She tells the Children that she really wants to go to the zoo, but she does not know the way there. The Noble Master appears, the Lady asks him how to get to the zoo. The gentleman is hard of hearing and does not immediately understand what is being asked of him. The lady shouts out loud:

Sir, how can I get to the zoo? The master answers:

Madam, unfortunately, I do not know why the arch collapsed.

After several misunderstandings, the Lady still manages to explain to the Lord what it is about, and together they go to the zoo.

Zebra appears. She rushes back and forth across the stage. The Lady and the Lord stand at the edge of the stage and examine the zebra. They wonder why the stripes on it seem so familiar to them. (Children will certainly prompt some ideas with shouts.) The zebra disappears. An elephant comes out instead. At first, both visitors to the zoo do not notice him because they turn their backs on him. The elephant pushes the Graceful Lady with its trunk, she is frightened, seeks protection from the Noble Master, and both run away.

The lady is lost in the zoo and cannot find a way out. They see an old woman by the road. She says that she understands the language of animals, and offers to ask the giraffe where the exit is: he has the most Long neck, he can see far away, and he can best show the shortest path. All three (and of course the children present) call the giraffe, and he suddenly appears. The old woman speaks to him in a funny language that no one understands. Then she translates this conversation to the audience. The lady and the gentleman thank the old woman and invite her to taste a chocolate cake with them.

There is a lot of talk about the connection between fine motor skills fingers and the development of the child's speech. These nursery rhymes belong to finger games known for a long time. We also cut nails under these nursery rhymes (you probably know what it is like to cut the nails of a child :)). It helps us a lot.

(bend fingers one by one)

This finger went to the forest,

I found this finger - a mushroom,

This finger took its place

This finger will lie tightly

This finger - ate a lot,

That's why he got fat.

(bend our fingers)

This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed

This finger just took a nap,

This finger has already fallen asleep.

This one is fast, sound asleep.

Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise

The clear morning will come.

The birds will chirp

Fingers will get up!

(fingers unbend)

(the thumb is connected alternately with each finger)

Finger boy

Where have you been?

With this brother

I went to the forest.

With this brother

I cooked cabbage soup,

With this brother

With this brother

I sang songs!

Ivan the Big - to chop wood,

Vaska-pointer - carry water,

To the middle bear - to heat the stove,

Orphan Grishka - cook porridge,

And little Timoshka - to sing songs,

Songs to sing and dance

To amuse siblings.

This finger is the thickest

the strongest and biggest!

This finger is for

to show it!

This finger is the longest

and he stands in the middle!

This finger is nameless,

spoiled he is!

And the little finger, though small,

but clever and daring!

This nursery rhyme not only develops fine motor skills of the hands, but also teaches counting

This house has five floors:

On the first one lives family of hedgehogs,

On the second one lives a family of rabbits,

On the third - a family of red squirrels,

On the fourth, a titmouse lives with its chicks,

On the fifth, the owl is a very intelligent bird.

Well, well, it's time for us to go back down:

On the fifth is an owl,

On the fourth is a tit

Belchata in third

Hare - the second,

On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.

Mom helps kids who find it difficult to perform the movements themselves, and for very small crumbs, under these nursery rhymes, you can massage your fingers, light in a circular motion fingering every finger of the child.

Let me remind you that the well-known "Magpie-crow" belongs to finger games, as well as "A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...", "A turtle was going to swim" - these nursery rhymes are located on home page nursery rhyme.

Finger games for the development of fine motor skills a great many. Basically, these are small rhymes-nursery rhymes, very similar in meaning, transmitted to us by grandmothers, great-grandmothers from mouth to mouth. Here are several options in this article so that mothers can choose finger nursery rhymes to the liking

Finger nursery rhymes

We bend our fingers
One, two, three, four, five!
Get out your fingers for a walk!
Found this finger - a mushroom
This finger cleans the table
This one cut
this one ate.
Well, this one just looked!

A squirrel is sitting on a cart
Sells his nuts;
To the clubfoot bear,
Zainke mustache,
to whom in the tray,
to whom in the goiter,
to whom in the paw.

Thumb boy, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother.
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.
With this brother - I ate porridge.
With this brother - I sang songs!
Finger boy, where have you been?
- I went to the forest with this brother.
I ate porridge with this brother.
I sang a song with this brother,
And what did you do with this finger?
An adult alternately points to all the fingers of one hand, the finger that remains, the child himself shows what he did with him.

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest!
This finger is for showing it!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled!
And the little finger, though small, is dexterous and daring!

Magpie white-sided
(we run our finger on the palm, bend our fingers)
I cooked porridge,
She fed the children!
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
I gave this,
But this did not give:
“You didn't carry water,
You didn't chop wood,
You didn't light the stove,
You didn't wash the cups!
We will eat the porridge ourselves,
But we won't give it to a lazy person! "

Bend the fingers one by one:
This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger - a mushroom,
This finger took its place
This finger will lie tightly
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got fat.

Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!
(fingers unbend)

This finger wants to sleep
(bend our fingers)
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, fast asleep,
And he tells you to sleep.

Masha put on a mitten (you can wear a mitten, a sock)
- Oh, where am I a finger?
No finger, gone
I didn't get into my house!
Masha took off her mitten,
- Look, I found it!
You look, you look - and you will find.
Hello finger!
How are you?

The finger is thick and large
I went to the garden for plums,
Indicative from the threshold
Showed him the way
The middle finger is the most accurate
He knocks the plums off the branch
The nameless collects, and the little finger is the lord
Planting bones in the ground.

Finger games

Stroke the handle with a pen,
Rub your finger with your finger,
Let's rest just a little bit,
And then we'll start again.


(We unclench the fingers from the cam one by one)

Fingers went out for a walk.
One two three four five-
(We squeeze our fingers into a cam)
They hid in the house again!


(Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads of the fingers, rub the fist on the fists. Squeeze and unclench the fists.)
We chop cabbage, chop,
We salt-salt the cabbage,
We are three or three cabbage,
We press, we press cabbage.


Place your hands on the table, palms down, bend your fingers slightly:
Leaves fall in the garden
I will rake them
(run your fingers along the table surface as if you were working with a rake)


Clench your fingers into a fist, index and little fingers - stretch and spread to the side.
Move your fingers as you say the rhymes:
The beetle flies, the beetle buzzes and moves its mustache !.


The cat washes his face
Apparently going to visit
I washed the nose.
I washed my mouth.
I washed my ear.
He wiped dry.


First - big views - we twist with fists:
Views, views, views, views!
I hit the beaters! (banging our fists against each other)
I'm nailing it up, I'm nailing it up!
Then - little Vyushki - with your fingers:
Views, views, views, views!
I hit the beaters!
I'm nailing it up, I'm nailing it up!

At the mill

At the mill, on a whirligig (we twist the tassels around each other),
2 crucians fought (we touch the fingertips of both hands several times),
that's the whole story (we shrug our shoulders).


Hands are on the table, fingers are closed. Read the nursery rhyme, accompanying words with actions
Look, my palm is like a merry accordion!
I spread my fingers (fingers spread)
And then I'll play.
One-two-three, one-two-three (fingers banging on the table)
I'm playing - look!
And then I shift again
And I start first (fingers move)


Connect the thumbs of both hands together with the rest so that they form rings.
Bring them to your eyes, saying:
Grandma put on glasses
And the granddaughter saw.


Two plugs from plastic bottles place on the table with the thread facing up. These will be "skis".
Place your index and middle fingers on them. right hand... Take a "step" forward for each word:
We're skiing
We're racing down the mountain
We love fun
Cold winter!

The site "Mom can do everything!" collected 17 interesting poems about fingers for children. With them, kids will easily remember the names of the fingers, as well as learn to play finger games. These games are very useful for the development of hand motor skills, they will help to entertain the baby, develop memory, and also improve his coordination.

My hands are gone (hide my hands behind my back)
Maybe they ran away from boredom to the zoo?
No, my runaways were found, (show hands)
They were in the jar with jam.
My pens are just a treasure.

Little pinky - crying, crying, crying
The nameless will not understand
what does it all mean,
The middle finger is very important
does not want to listen
The index asked:
"Maybe you want to eat?"
And the big one runs to the kitchen,
drags porridge with a spoon,
says: “Don't cry,
on, eat a little! "

Four brothers are walking
Towards the elder.
-Hello, highway! - they say.
- Great, Vaska-pointer,
Teddy bear,
Grishka the orphan
Yes, little Timoshka.

Once sat down on the bench
Our friendly family:
Mom sat down the very first
Nearby is our strict father.
Followed by brother and sister.
Well, where can I fit?

This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a nap
This finger has already fallen asleep
This one is fast asleep
Hush, hush, do not make noise ...
The red sun will rise
A clear morning will come
Birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!

To chop wood to a large,
And you carry water,
And you drown the furnace,
And to the baby to sing songs
Sing and dance songs
To amuse siblings.

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is a daddy
This finger is mommy
But this finger is me,
That's my whole family!

In girls and boys
There are five fingers on the hand:
A big finger is a guy with a soul,
The index finger is a powerful gentleman,
The middle finger is also not the last.
Ring finger - with a ring, a swagger walks,
The fifth - little finger, brought you a present.

We counted on our fingers
And they laughed terribly:
Are these fingers?
They're just boys!

Here is a big, funny fat man,
Likes to brag just like that.
How are you? - ask him.
He will jump up, shout: -Wo!

The index will beckon,
It will threaten, show the way,
And then it gets stuck in the nose:
Somewhere you need to rest!

The middle finger is an angry boy.
Clicks on the forehead - there will be a bump,
Click on the ball - the ball will burst,
Click - and a mosquito faints.

Nameless until the morning
Selects names:
Maybe Petya? Or Vova?
Or Alla Pugacheva?
Thumb-boy? Karabas?
It’s all been a thousand times!
I'm tired, it's time to sleep
I'd better choose in the morning!

And the little finger is my favorite!
I will take him to the menagerie,
I will buy him an Eskimo -
I love very little ones!

My Littlefinger, where have you been?
I cooked cabbage soup with Nameless,
And with the Average I ate porridge,
He sang with the index.
And Bolshoi met me.

This mouse is sitting in a mink,
This mouse is running in the field,
This mouse counts ears
This mouse collects grain,
This little mouse shouts:
"Hurray, everyone get together, it's time for dinner!"

We chop the cabbage
(to speak rhythmically, this is not a song,
we show with pens how we chop cabbage)
We are three carrots, three
(with pens we show how we three carrots))
We will sooool soooolim cabbage ...
(pinch fingers - salt)
We mash the cabbage ... (we mash the cabbage with our handles)

We were sharing an orange!
(cam-"orange" in front of you)
There are many of us (the left hand is spread out - this is "we")
And he is alone (we look at the cam)
This slice is for kittens
(bend one finger)
This slice for ducklings
(bend the other finger)
This slice for a snake
(bend back the third finger)
This slice is for siskin
This slice is for beaver
And for the wolf, the peel!
(shake with the former fist - like a peel)
The wolf is angry - trouble,
Run who where!

This finger is small
This finger is weak
This finger is long
This finger is strong
Well, this is a fat man,
And all together - a cam!

On a walk

On the road, at the fork
We met two teasers.
Met, teased,
They could not resist - and grappled!
Raznimki came running
They prevented the skirmish.
And to the fork on the mare
Two peacemakers galloped up.
The skirmish stopped
And then the rhyme came:
One, two, three, four, five-
It's good to count your friends!

Fingers in the forest

One, two, three, four, five.
Fingers went out for a walk.
This finger found a mushroom.
This finger began to be cleaned.
This one cut.
This one ate.
Well, this one just looked!


Ten fingers-
Ten brothers:
Right five
And five on the left,
Began to think
And guess
Like each other
The very first,
You are big,
Pointing -
The longest
You will be average.
Nameless -
And the little finger is behind.
You are a little finger. You - drive!

There is a lot of talk now about the connection between fine motor skills of the fingers and the development of a child's speech. These nursery rhymes belong to finger games known for a long time. We also cut nails under these nursery rhymes (you probably know what it is like to cut the nails of a child :)). It helps us a lot. Children who find it difficult to perform the movements themselves are helped by their mother, and for very small crumbs, under these nursery rhymes, you can massage their fingers, fingering each finger of the child with light circular movements. Let me remind you that the well-known "Magpie-crow" belongs to finger games.

(bend fingers one by one)
This finger went to the forest,
I found this finger - a mushroom,
This finger took its place
This finger will lie tightly
This finger - ate a lot,
That's why he got fat.

(fingering fingers, we say)
This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This finger is daddy
This finger is mama
This finger is Vanechka.

(bend our fingers)
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger just took a nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep.
This one is fast, sound asleep.
Quiet! Hush, don't make noise!
The red sun will rise
The clear morning will come.
The birds will chirp
Fingers will get up!
(fingers unbend)

(the thumb is connected alternately with each finger)
- Finger-boy,
Where have you been?
- With this brother
I went to the forest.
With this brother
I cooked cabbage soup,
With this brother
I ate porridge.
With this brother
I sang songs!

Ivan the Big - to chop wood,
Vaska-pointer - carry water,
To the middle bear - to heat the stove,
Orphan Grishka - cook porridge,
And little Timoshka - to sing songs,
Songs to sing and dance
To amuse siblings.

Fingers will get up
Dress our children.
Fingers stood up - hurray!
It's time for us to get dressed.

Goodies, palms
Clapping their hands
Clap your hands (clap your hands)
Let's rest a little (hands on knees).

The porridge was cooked
They interfered with a spoon
Chrysalis fed
The kitty was given. (we run with the index finger on the palm)

Fists folded
They beat with their fists
Knock knock knock yes knock
Knock knock knock yes knock (banging fists against each other)

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest!
This finger is for showing it!
This finger is the longest and it stands in the middle!
This finger is nameless, he is the most spoiled!
And the little finger, though small, is dexterous and daring!

This house has five floors:
On the first one lives a family of hedgehogs,
On the second one lives a family of rabbits,
On the third - a family of red squirrels,
On the fourth, a titmouse lives with its chicks,
On the fifth, the owl is a very intelligent bird.
Well, well, it's time for us to go back down:
On the fifth is an owl,
On the fourth is a tit
Belchata in third
Hare - the second,
On the first hedgehogs, we will come to them.


1. Palms on the table (on the count of "one-two" fingers apart - together.)

2. Palm - cam - rib (on the count "one, two, three").

3. Fingers greet (on the count of "one-two-three-four-five" fingers of both hands are connected: thumb with thumb, index with index, etc.)

4. Little man (index and middle fingers of the right and then of the left hand run across the table).

5. Children run a race (movements, as in the fourth exercise, but perform both hands at the same time).

Nursery "FINGER-BOY"

Finger-boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother.

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother.

I ate porridge with this brother.

I sang songs with this brother.

An adult shows the thumb of his right hand and speaks, as if addressing him: he touches the tip of his thumb to the tips of all fingers from the index to the little finger.


1. Goat (stretch out the index finger and little finger of the right hand, then the left hand).

2. Little kids (the same exercise, but performed simultaneously with the fingers of both hands).

3. Glasses (form two circles from the thumb and forefinger of both hands, connect them).

4. Hares (pull up the index and middle fingers, connect the thumb, pinky and ring fingers).

5. Trees (raise both hands, palms facing you, fingers wide apart).

Nursery "PROTEIN"

A squirrel is sitting on a cart

She sells nuts


Sparrow, titmouse,

To the fat-headed bear,

Zainke mustachioed.

An adult and children, with the help of the left hand, bend the fingers of the right hand in turn, starting with the thumb.


1. Flag (pull the thumb up, connect the rest together).

2. Birds (alternately the thumb connects with the rest).

3. Nest (connect both hands in the form of a bowl, squeeze your fingers tightly).

4. Flower (the same, but the fingers are separated).

5. Plant roots (press the roots - hands back to each other, put your fingers down).


This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family.

Children are invited to bend the fingers of their left hand into a fist, then, listening to the nursery rhyme, take turns unbending them, starting with the thumb.


1. Bee (with the index finger of the right and then the left hand, rotate around).

2. Bees (the same exercise is performed with both hands).

3. Boat (point the ends of the fingers forward, press your hands with your palms to each other, slightly opening them).

4. Sun rays (cross fingers, raise hands up, spread fingers).

5. Passengers on the bus (fingers crossed facing down, back sides hands up, thumbs up).

Nursery "BROTHERS"

This finger wants to sleep

This finger - jump into bed!

This finger nipped

This finger has already fallen asleep.

Hush, finger, don't make a noise,

Don't wake the brothers up ...

Fingers stood up, hurray!

V Kindergarten it's time to go.

To raise left hand with the palm towards you and in accordance with the text, bend the fingers of the left hand in turn with the right hand, starting with the little finger. Then turn to the thumb, straighten all the fingers.


1. Lock (on the count of "one" - palms together, and about "two" - fingers are connected in a "lock").

2. The fox and the hare (the fox "sneaks" - all fingers slowly walk forward on the table; the hare "runs away" - fingering with his fingers, quickly move back).

3. Spider (fingers are bent, slowly move over the table).

4. Butterfly (put palms together with the back side, wave fingers tightly pressed together).

5. Counting to four (the thumb connects alternately with all the others).


Well, brothers, get to work!

Show your hunt.

The big one is to chop wood.

All the stoves are for you to heat.

And you - to carry water.

And you - to cook dinner.

And the baby - to sing songs.

Sing songs and dance

To amuse siblings.

Children turn to their right hand, bent into a fist, alternately bending all fingers.

You have two hands

There are also ten fingers.

Ten dexterous and cheerful,

Fast miracle boys.

Our fingers will, will work,

Wonder boys should not be lazy!

Squeeze into fists and unclench the fingers of both hands.


Swaying on the waves

The duck swims.

It will dive, then it will emerge

Rows with paws.

Make smooth movements with the hands of both hands from right to left, then imitate the movements of the duck's legs in the water.


Have you seen a miracle in the spring?

Like from a little kidney

Leaves appear.

Fold the handles into a cam, and then open them.


We stroke the cat with our hand.

He bent the back in an arc.

He stretched, yawned,

He purred and fell asleep.

Do some relaxing finger exercises with one hand and the other.


We collect in a basket

Both carrots and potatoes. Cucumbers, beans, peas

Our harvest is not bad.

Bend your fingers to the palm one by one, starting with the thumb. From the words: "Our harvest is not bad," to cover the whole cam.


Like beans in a pod

Our fingers are in the cam.

We unbend our fists

And sprinkle the beans.

One, two, three, four, five

Putting it all together again.

Bend your fingers into a fist, then unbend them in turn, starting with the thumb.


Put a pancake in your palm

Treat the purr-cat

Treat the puppy to Trezork,

Then the boy Egorka,

Give the pancakes to mommy

Give the pancakes to daddy.

The first line is to draw a circle on your palm with your finger.

Bend your fingers on the next five lines with the sentence of the corresponding words.


The children sat on the swing

And the swing took off.

We went down smoothly.

Come on, ride with us!

Perform the exercise first with the right, then with the left hand, then with both hands. From the wrist, lift the hands with straight bent fingers up, and then, slightly bending the fingers, gently lower them down.


The commander called the soldiers:

“Become together in a row!

The first got up, followed by the second,

Nameless, quickly get in line! "

Unbend your fingers alternately, starting with the thumb.

Then thumb to touch everyone else - to "wake up". Simultaneously with the exclamation "Hurray!" Unclench the cam, spreading your fingers wide to the sides.


There are fingers on the right handle.

There are fingers on the left handle.

It's time for them to meet

Get your suitcases ready!

With the fingers of the right hand, take turns to "greet" with the fingers of the left hand, touching each other with their tips.


The full moon is shining

A wave runs behind a wave

The wind blows in the open

And excites the sea all night

Waves of calm measured noise

Lulls an idle mind ...

But it's bad to sleep for so long

It's high time for us to get up.

Connect the fingers of two hands into the lock, make wave-like movements with the clasped hands. Then unclench the fingers of two hands at once.


Let's hook our fingers in the lock

So that a stranger could not enter.

Let's only let the squirrel

Hedgehog and bunny,

Let's only let the girl in

Let's only let the boy in.

Clasp the fingers of both hands "in the lock". When pronouncing the words: "Let's just let ..." - spread your palms to the sides, then quickly connect.


Hide, Petenka,

Hide, Anya,

Hide, Zinochka,

Hide, Manechka!

Won't find you

Happy boy,

Although the most

He's a big finger.

Bend all fingers of the right, then the left hand alternately, starting with the little finger.


Brown bear in winter

He slept soundly in a den.

In the spring he woke up

Yawned and stretched:

"- Hello, red fox,

Hello, little squirrel sister!

Hello, gray wolf cub!

Hello, little white hare! "

With the tip of the thumb of your right hand, alternately touch the tips of the index, middle, ring and little fingers. Do the same with your left hand.


Hello, Petenka!

Hello, Anya!

Hello, Zinochka!

Hello, Manechka!

Oh, and friendly guys,

Let's play hide and seek together.

With the fingers of the right hand, take turns to "greet" with the fingers of the left hand, patting each other with their tips.


One click,

Another click

I could do so

And you did it!

Press the tip of your right index finger firmly into the pad of your thumb. Raise the rest of the fingers up.


There is a cat on its hind legs,

And he invites mice to visit.

Shows paws,

And the paws are claws!

Tuck the pads of the fingers of your right hand towards the top of your palm. Thumb press to the index Sign loudly "meow!" repeatedly. You can continue playing with the second hand. In conclusion, conduct a lesson with two hands.


The beetle sits on a twig. Do not be afraid, little children. Try to move your mustache yourself!

Compress the cam. Spread the index finger and little finger to the sides ("mustache"). Move the "mustache".


The mosquito flies

The mosquito squeaks

We do not like

His appetite!

Compress the cam. Pull the index finger forward - this is the "proboscis" with which the "mosquito" tries to "bite". Relaxing the little finger and thumb, lower it down - these are "paws".


Puppy twirls its tail

I saw a flower in the garden.

Extend the index finger of the right hand and rotate it, then do the same with the finger of the left hand.


A helicopter takes off

Be careful, pilot!

Squeeze four fingers of the left hand, except for the thumb, into a fist. Raise your thumb up and perform circular movements.

Helicopter fly, fly

Spin the blades faster.

The fingers of both hands, except for the index and thumb, are in the position of a wicker basket. Pull the index fingers forward and connect them with pads (it turns out "the tail of the helicopter").


Here are bare feet running

Straight to the river along the path

The index and middle fingers of the right, then the left hand "walk" on the table.


Your drumming fingers



A ringing sound is heard

Press the pads of the right and left hands to the table. Tap them alternately on the table surface, like playing the piano.


There is a horned goat

For the little guys.

Who doesn't eat porridge?

Doesn't he drink milk?

Gore, gore ...

Bearded goat

Twirls gray eyes.

Shakes his horns

Now he gores.

Tighten the fingers, keep only the index and little fingers straightened. This is a "goat". With the words: "Gore, gore!" - "goat" starts to move forward.


Bunny gray, why are you trembling?

You will run away from the fox.

Lean on the table with your elbow, spread your index and middle fingers to the sides, squeeze the rest into a fist.


Putting up the steep horns,

A snail is crawling along the path.

Squeeze your fingers into a fist. Extend your index finger and little finger. Moving slowly forward, the "snail" moves its "antennae".


Come out, Olya, on the porch

I will give you a Ring.

We fold our fingers -

Bunnies turned out

Once again folded -

We got the ring.

The exercise is based on moving from one position to another:

1) fingers - into the cam, extend the index and middle fingers and spread them to the sides;

2) connect the thumb and forefinger in a ring, spread the rest of the fingers to the sides.


The sun in the eyes

Shines for the guys

We will play

Hide and seek with the sun

Form two circles from the thumbs and forefingers of both hands, connecting them.


Squeezed the handle into a fist

Put on a barrel:

Chok-chok, cam,

Chok-chok, flank!

Put your hands on the table:

Press your palms to the table;

Simultaneously squeeze two cams (position "fist" - "fist");

Unclench the fingers of one hand and press it to the table (position "hand" - "fist");

For complication, increase the pace of movement.


Fingers obediently stand up,

Well-mannered boys.

They stand - do not budge,

Call - they will not respond.

Alternately unbend the fingers of the right, then the left hand, starting with the thumb. Spread your fingers wide to the sides, fix them in this position for a while.


Crumbled at Lyusenka

All small beads.

We will collect them in a box,

Let's put it on a string.

"Collect" beads in a box. Then put the beads on the string.


To heat the stove

We need to chop wood for us.

We chop, we chop wood -

Let the kids be warm.

Imitate the movements of the woodcutter's hands, "weave" fingers, join palms and squeeze them as tightly as possible.

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