Sports Association “Rhythmic Gymnastics. Sports Association "Rhythmic Gymnastics Fundamentals of Rhythmic Gymnastics

The Rhythmic Gymnastics team appeared in the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren in 1963. The founder of the team is Alferova Antonina Arsenyevna, Excellent worker in public education, judge of the All-Russian category.
Team rhythmic gymnastics works under the program of physical culture and sports orientation. The purpose and concept of the comprehensive program of the team is aimed at improving health, developing memory, attention, volitional qualities, expanding the range of emotional communication, improving the coordination of movements, increasing physical endurance, the formation of posture.
Artistic gymnastics recognized species sport is a synthesis of music, art movement and sports. Its development as sports direction led to the integration of sports and art into a single whole. Being engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, performing at competitions of various sizes, the child learns not only rhythmic gymnastics, but also develops personal qualities: confidence, sociability, independent thinking, high intelligence, concentrate and collect attention, think and act in an extreme situation.
Pupils of the team perform at competitions at various levels (city, regional, Russian), take part in demonstration performances sports events, festivals “Sport. The beauty. Health”, “Crystal drops”.
Currently, the team has about 70 children aged 6 to 18, among them 3 candidates for master of sports, 2 first-class.

Contacts: 263-43-95

Possession of the body, trembling of the soul,
And the beauty of the flowing gesture
And elements of difficult turns!

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that consists in performing various gymnastic and dance exercises without an object, as well as with an object (rope, hoop, ball, maces, ribbon).

Classes introduce schoolgirls to the world of gymnastics and music, introduce them to the elements of choreography and acrobatics, with a variety of exercises with an object (hoop, rope, ball). Gymnastics contributes to the formation of a beautiful and slim body, strong muscles, graceful movements. In the process of classes, musical and plastic abilities, motor skills and abilities develop through movements with music.

Thanks to rhythmic gymnastics, schoolgirls will get rid of clumsy gait, angularity, excessive shyness, and form correct posture, beautiful gait, coordination of movements, a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, respiratory, circulatory and central nervous systems will increase.

Musical accompaniment enriches the lesson, and rhythmic gymnastics exercises make it rich and varied, such an activity increases the emotional state of children. Music brings up the rhythm of movements, ear for music, increases the culture of movements.

Classes are held at: st. Kosygina, d. 17, building. eight

Budget programs

Comprehensive additional general developmental program for the sport "Rhythmic Gymnastics"

Age: 8-18 years old

Teachers: Volosova D.A., Zharkova M.A., Lenskaya I.V., Li E.I., Markina O.M., Plotnikova L.A., Protasova S.V., Rodionova K.V., Chernova N .A., Shchaveleva E.N.,

The program of physical culture and sports orientation, budgetary. The duration of the program is 8 years. The training process provides for an annual increase in volume and intensity training loads based on general patterns of development physical qualities and sports improvement. The training program is divided into stages: stage initial training and educational and training stage (stage of sports specialization). The purpose of the program is to create favorable conditions for the creative maturation and disclosure of the personal potential of each child by means of rhythmic gymnastics, the selection of promising children and adolescents for rhythmic gymnastics, and the performance of sports categories.

3 to 6 times a week

6 to 18 hours a week

Rhythmic gymnastics for schoolgirls (planned for implementation in the 2019-2020 academic year)

Age: 8-16 years old


Rhythmic gymnastics for schoolgirls

(planned for implementation in the 2019-2020 academic year)

Program for sports and health groups. The level is basic. The implementation period is 1 year. This program introduces schoolgirls to the world of gymnastics and music, introduces them to the elements of choreography and acrobatics, with a variety of exercises with an object (hoop, rope, ball). The program was based on elementary exercises of rhythmic gymnastics. Gymnastics contributes to the formation of a beautiful and slender body, strong muscles, graceful movements. In the process of practicing rhythmic gymnastics, musical and plastic abilities, motor skills and abilities develop through movements with music. The program is aimed at expanding motor experience, improving previously acquired skills and abilities, developing agility, speed, flexibility, a sense of balance, forming independence, activity, which is so necessary for modern schoolgirls.

2 times a week for 2 hours

Extrabudgetary programs

Fundamentals of rhythmic gymnastics

Age: 4-7 years old

Teachers: Volosova D.A., Plotnikova L.A., Protasova S.V., Rodionova K.V., Chernova N.A., Yarmushevskaya V.V.

Preschool and Junior Girls Program school age. Implementation period - 1 year. Provides basic knowledge of rhythmic gymnastics. Training is aimed at the formation of motor activity, the development of general physical fitness students.

2 times a week for 1 hour
