How to choose a braid for spinning. Braided line-cord Braided cord cross-section 1.4 mm

In addition to standard fishing rods, manufacturers offer fishermen a huge selection of tackle for every type of fishing. It also includes a variety of line options - for summer or winter fishing, as well as common fishing lines.

Where to buy a braided line for fishing

This type of fishing thread can be purchased from the X-FISHING online store. We offer a large assortment of this type of high quality tackle, which will become an essential accessory for successful fishing.


This type of fishing line is a thin braided cords, the main parameters of which are:

  1. High breaking load in comparison with a standard line of the same diameter - ensures the strength and reliability of the product;
  2. Lack of extensibility;
  3. The diameter, or rather the thickness of the cord, since it is not perfectly round;
  4. Weaving method. The nuance here will be the number of threads and their thickness - usually in a skein there are from 3 to 8 pieces.

The advantage of such a fishing thread is its tensile strength, which is important for sharp and strong hooks.

It can also be used for ice fishing, since the braid combines the characteristics of fineness and maximum strength. It will be useful when hunting cautious and big fish... But there is a significant disadvantage - in severe frosts, the possibility of frosting of the thread appears.

Choosing a braided line

It is better to start the selection of this tackle with a discussion of the fishing conditions, since for long casts, in their absence, for light or heavy baits or overgrown bodies of water have their own types of braided cords.

For example, this line is perfect for jigging because of its zero stretch.

It is worth paying attention to the number of threads in the winding - the more of them and the thinner they are, the more difficult it is to weave them, and, accordingly, the price will be higher. But the quality of such cords is not always good. the highest level, therefore, sometimes 5-6 threads in a high-quality strapping are enough. It should be dense and strong, which will increase the strength of the line and the range of its casting. Paying attention to the color of the line, it is worth remembering that its durability and brightness reduce the retention of strength at break. And a special impregnation of the cord slightly adds diameter, but makes it more dense and close to a round shape. True, such coatings are not always durable.


Market fishing tackle has many brands that offer similar products. Here is some of them:

  • Zenag;
  • Berkley;
  • Gozen;
  • Kureha;
  • Power Eye;
  • Spider;
  • Black Hole;
  • JigMaster;
  • Daiwa;
  • Power Pro;
  • Sufix;
  • Stinger;
  • Toray;
  • Stren;
  • Pontoon 21;
  • Shimano.

By choosing the right line, you can get not only lucky catch, but also high quality tackle for a long time.

When choosing a braided line for spinning, anglers most often pay attention to indicators such as strength and thickness. However, you should not blindly trust the parameters specified by the manufacturer.

  • Index strength many experienced anglers check at home. It is enough to arm yourself with a set of cargoes in order to compare the declared figures with the real ones. Novice anglers should be aware that manufacturers usually exaggerate the capabilities of their braids by 25-30%. Therefore, when buying a cord with a tensile strength of 12 kg, you can be sure that it will withstand a load of 8 kg.
  • Braid diameter can be called an abstract metric that is measured by the shell. Often novice spinners compare braids by analogy with monofilament lines. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. Because of this, a number of manufacturers do not indicate the thickness of the cord at all, and strength plays the role of the main characteristic. It can be expressed in the usual kilograms or pounds (libras) for us. 1 Lb corresponds to 453.6 g.

A few words should be said about the structure of wicker lines. All cord manufacturers use polyethylene fibers from three factories under the brands:

  • Dyneema is available in Holland and Japan;
  • Spectra is made in the USA.

Thus, the fibers at the base of braided cords are practically the same, but they are intertwined according to different technologies, with different coatings, which makes the products differ in price and quality.

When buying a cord, you should pay attention to several nuances.

  • It is better to take the fishing line in a trusted store, where a fake is not sold.
  • You should immediately visually inspect the reel with fishing line. The presence of scuffs and irregularities in the weaving is a sign of a low-grade cord.
  • Preference should be given to round braids.
  • By touch, you can feel how slippery the coating of the thread is.

Good luck fishing!

The diameter of the braid indicated by the manufacturer on the spool is a very approximate value that may not correspond at all to the real one. After all, the same line, even from premium brands, has an uneven thickness. The diameter of the braided line is not a constant value along the entire length of the line, but the value indicated on the spool is the average value of the line diameter.

The problem also lies in the fact that it is practically impossible to accurately measure the diameter of the braid, and each of the manufacturers of the cord uses its own method of calculating it, based on the ratio of the mass of the material and other parameters of the multifilament line.

Braid diameter

What does the question “what diameter of the braid to choose” mean, if it is not specified why?

Absolutely nothing means anything without specifying the parameters of the tackle and the method of fishing. Moreover, if we are talking about a braid for spinning, for example, then the diameter of the braid can also fluctuate over a wide range. For spinning, ultralight is thin delicate cords, for jig spinning - it is much stronger, depending on the weight range of the lures used. What is the diameter of the braid to choose in each case? Let's look at this in more detail, but first, a few facts about the braid.

Braiding facts

Braid under the microscope

What you need to know about braided line:

  • the braid almost does not stretch (zero stretch), which is very good for controlling the bait and registering a bite, and not very much for playing fish;
  • a braided line is much stronger to break any monofilament fishing line (monofilament);
  • depending on the type of weaving, the multifilament thread is round and flat in cross section (round braiding sails less and sinks faster);
  • braided line, especially without impregnation, absorbs water, so it cannot be used in winter (with the exception of special cords and impregnated against freezing);
  • the braid cuts through poor-quality rod rings very quickly;
  • not all knots for a regular fishing line are suitable for braiding (it has a lot of sliding);
  • Braided line is more expensive than regular line, but it's worth it.

Spinning braid diameter

What is the diameter of the braid to choose for spinning? You can endlessly rant on this topic saying that not everything is so simple here and other "blah blah blah", but we will try to be more specific.

The diameter of the spinning rod depends on the following parameters:

  • test of your spinning rod and the class of the reel;
  • the weight of the baits used.
  • the size of the fish you are going to fish;

When it comes When choosing a braided line for spinning, it should be borne in mind that it is two or more times stronger than usual. Therefore, if you used monofilament with a diameter of 0.3 mm, you should choose a braid no more than 0.15 mm thick. You will be surprised at how far your bait flies.

Braid for pike spinning

"What kind of braid for a pike" - this is how often they ask in stores.

Braid for pike? Are you seriously? Okay, let's draw the line analogy again. If you used to catch pikes up to 3-5 kg ​​and a monofilament with a diameter of 0.3 mm was enough for you, then such a weight can hold a braid with a thickness of 0.08 - 0.1 mm. A braid with a diameter of only 0.1 mm will definitely go for pike up to 5 kilograms.

A thicker braid will be able to withstand more, but the casting distance decreases with thickness and it is very difficult to break it when hooked. Excessive thinning is also not worth getting carried away, since the thinner the braid, the faster it wears out and less serves. A compromise must be found here.

For pike fishing up to 5 kg, a braid with a diameter in a wide range is suitable - from 0.06 mm and thicker. For light lures and ultralight spinning, we use up to 0.08 mm, for an average jig weight, braids up to 0.14 mm are suitable, for heavy jig spinning, you should choose from 0.14 to 0.18 mm. So we figured out what kind of braid is needed for pike.

Conclusion: the diameter of a suitable braid for spinning is more tied not to the type and size of the fish, but to the power of the rod and the weight of the lures used. It doesn't matter what you fish - perch, pike, pike perch or other fish, it is important that the braided line matches the power of the tackle as a whole (spinning + reel + bait).

Braided lines from different manufacturers can vary significantly in breaking load for one diameter, so this must also be taken into account.

Braided lines for spinning - video

If you know very little or nothing about braided lines and want to know more, we recommend watching the Shcherbakov brothers' film dedicated to the choice of braided line for spinning and about braiding in general:

Feeder braid diameter

Everything that we said about the braid for spinning, in general, is true in the choice of braided line for the feeder tackle. Only instead of the power of spinning rods, one should take into account the power of the feeder tackle and the weight of the feeders used. Many parameters of a braided line that are important in spinning are not taken into account for the feeder.

The main thing is that the line can withstand the critical load that occurs when casting the feeder.

For casting a feeder weighing 100 grams at 50-60 meters, the peak load for the cord is no more than 5 kg, and for a 150-gram load, no more than 7 kg. These are approximate figures that can be guided by when choosing a cord for a test breaking load.

  1. For fishing without a stream with feeders up to 30 grams, a 0.05 mm cord with a shock leader is suitable.
  2. For fishing in the current with feeders up to 150 grams - braid with a diameter of 0.17 mm.

How to measure the diameter of the braid

It is very difficult to measure the diameter of the braid.

Measuring the diameter of a braided line is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance, but almost solvable.

Why can't the diameter of the braided line be measured accurately? The thing is that, unlike monofilament, a braided cord consists of many ultra-thin threads connected by a special weaving with or without impregnation. Even with a slight compression of the cord with a measuring tool (micrometer), we get incorrect measurements at the output. In addition, the braid may initially not have a round but a flat section.

It would seem: if we know the number of threads in a braid, what could be simpler than to take and "fold" the diameters of all threads and get the total diameter of the braided cord? Theoretically, knowing the cross-sectional area of ​​each strand in the cord, it is possible to determine the total diameter of the cord, but the problem is that the diameter of each strand differs significantly from each other and is different along the entire length. And moreover: who said that the number of micro-threads is generally known and that it is a constant value? So this measurement method is also very imprecise.

So how do you measure the diameter of the braided line?

We can use a little trick: if we tie a regular single knot on a braided line and tighten, its density will allow us to use a micrometer and find out the size of the knot. If you tie several knots on the same line, their size will differ from each other within the margin of error. Thus, we can take the thickness of the knot as the conditional size of the thickness of the braided line.

If we divide the thickness of the knot by two, we get the diameter of the braided thread close to the real one.

It should be understood that this method does not give us an absolutely correct result, but it allows us to compare the thickness of different braided lines with sufficient accuracy. Having in our hands a "standard" of braided thread, let's assume 0.15 mm in diameter, and knowing the exact size of a simple knot on it, we get an opportunity to compare.

The Shcherbakov brothers even filmed a video about this.

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