Socks for varicose veins: selection features. How to choose compression underwear Compression stockings or knee-highs to choose

Doctors are sure that compression socks for varicose veins can not only prevent the disease, but also significantly improve drug treatment.

However, the cost of medical jersey in last years has greatly increased, so many patients try to do without special golfs and stockings.

Phlebologists still recommend buying compression knee-highs or stockings and to properly care for the product in order to extend its service life, since the production technology of such underwear is unique and it is difficult to replace it with other means.

Compression stockings

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Stockings rank first in popularity... Socks are not much behind them. To make it clearer, stockings are underwear that ends above the knee, and knee-highs only cover the lower leg. These two concepts are often confused among patients, despite the difference in price and length of the product itself. The area behind and above the knee, which is covered by compression stockings, is very important, as varicose veins often occur there.

If you are in doubt about which medical jersey to choose, feel free to give preference to stockings.

The effect of compression stockings and the purpose of wearing them

Compression helps not only reduce unpleasant symptoms, but also stop further varicose veins. The main problem with varicose veins is the loss of elasticity of the veins due to increased blood pressure. Unable to withstand the load, the walls of the vessel stretch, resulting in the formation of nodes and areas of stagnation.

Compression knitwear is made of special threads and using a special technology, due to which it has a squeezing effect.

This helps to artificially maintain the vessels in good shape and prevent them from expanding. The pressure is not evenly distributed, but mimics a natural process. The greatest load falls on the lower parts of the legs, so there the compression is maximum.

The purpose of wearing all such items is to ease the work of the veins.... The category of patients who should wear them depends on the degree of pressure that stockings or leggings create from varicose veins. The more pronounced the pathology, the more pressure should be created on the vessels.

Medical jersey is prescribed and selected exclusively by a doctor. You can independently choose only a product for preventive purposes.

Indications for use

Compression knee socks are used for the treatment and prevention of vascular diseases. These include:

  1. Varicose veins.
  2. Venous insufficiency.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.

In addition, such products of various lengths are popular with tourists and athletes, as they help prevent problems not only with blood vessels, but also with joints.

Medical jersey is absolutely safe and very effective provided the right choice products.

Classification of stockings and rules for their selection

To choose the right stockings, you need to be able to choose the degree of compression and size. For preventive purposes, you should buy products with minimal compression. If underwear is necessary for treatment, the choice depends on the stage of development of varicose veins:

  1. initial stage or prevention of disease in patients who are at risk (poor heredity, obesity, standing work). Recommended underwear with compression 8-22 mm Hg. Art.
  2. Second stage with pronounced manifestations, as well as the period after vascular surgery. It is better to choose jersey with compression values ​​of 23-32 mm Hg.
  3. With severe course when the disease is accompanied by trophic disorders and significant edema, it is necessary to wear underwear with maximum pressure (34 and above).

The size of the product is selected according to individual measurements. To select the stockings, the patient will need the values ​​for the circumference of the thigh, the lower leg and the area under the kneecap, as well as the length of the leg from heel to knee and from heel to the place where the stocking is injected.

Stocking wear rules

All medical jersey must be worn daily from morning to evening. They put it on immediately after waking up in the supine position, until they have had time to form stagnation in the lower extremities.

The jersey must not be damaged, so dress and wear it carefully. Women often use their fingernails to set holds, and then pull out the protruding strings. This is absolutely impossible to do.

To increase the service life of the stockings, ordinary socks will help, which can be worn on top of medical underwear to protect it from wear on the foot.

How much to wear compression hosiery? The product must be worn all day long and may only be removed at night. According to the duration of use, the period is unlimited - the underwear is worn until the veins fully return to a healthy state, and even after that for the purpose of prevention.

Donning rules

The compression hosiery must be correctly positioned on the legs so that the right pressure is applied to each area. It is difficult to put on such underwear, since it contains elastane threads. The donning process should be as follows:

  1. Place your hand inside the laundry and turn it inside out.
  2. Slip it over your foot and pull it up to distribute it evenly.
  3. Pull the stocking up to the ankle and straighten the part that is located on the foot again.
  4. Pull the inverted side up your leg. Try to do this with your fingertips and do not touch the fabric with your nails.
  5. Put on the product in stages to the end, and then straighten the folds.

Stocking care rules

It is imperative to wash the product, like any clothing. However, only hand washing is allowed, which uses gentle agents and avoids active chemicals. Wringing out and twisting is not recommended. Dry the compression hosiery on a towel at normal room temperature.

Stocking firms

The quality and price of compression hosiery varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Some of them use antiseptic additives and create unique models. Popular are:

  1. Valento... Their knitwear has a massage effect and contains natural flax fibers.
  2. Ofa Bamberg... Produces products High Quality, presents the patient with a wide range of colors and materials.
  3. Venoteks... The price of the products is not high, but they all have international quality certificates. The linen has medium wear resistance, especially with frequent washing and careless handling.
  4. Medi... One of the largest manufacturers of high quality compression products. The company uses modern technologies and takes into account the needs of customers. Lingerie is highly effective in the treatment of varicose veins, which is confirmed by positive feedback from people after use.
  5. Relaxsan... The brand is popular due to the low cost of products, but the quality is poor and the healing effect is usually short-lived.

Which firm is the best? First of all, the product should be selected according to the degree of compression so that the therapeutic effect is observed. Further, the choice is based on the patient's personal preferences, where the price and appearance of the model play the main role.

The knitwear of European companies, as a rule, lasts a long time and justifies its high cost, therefore it is more preferable.

What are the best stockings for childbirth?

During pregnancy and childbirth, the load on the vessels increases many times over. If the woman already has vein problems, the delivery should take place in compression socks or stockings.

For this, special models are selected - antiembolic (hospital) ones. They also have tightening properties and have different degrees of compression, but the pressure in the product is evenly distributed along the entire length. The same medical linen is used for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins in bedridden patients.

Without special protective underwear, they are dangerous with complications. With severe pathologies, there is a possibility of rupture of blood vessels in places of thinning of the venous wall.

Which is better: stockings, tights or knee-highs?

If the product is necessary for prophylaxis, then the choice is made based on the woman's personal preferences. For medicinal purposes, underwear should be selected so that it covers the area where varicose veins are located.

If the problem is on the lower leg, wearing compression socks will be sufficient. If varicose veins protrude beyond the knee or higher, stockings or even tights should be chosen.

Some patients buy a regular elastic bandage instead of special jersey. It really helps to keep blood vessels in good shape and reduces unpleasant symptoms. However, for therapeutic effect you need to know, observing the rules for the distribution of pressure.

How to wear and donned compression garments after surgery

After surgery, the risk of blood clots or inflammation in the vessels always increases. To prevent stagnation of blood in the lower extremities and reduce the load on the veins, patients should wear compression garments.

They put on medical jersey before the operation, and take them off - with the permission of the doctor. In some cases, this occurs immediately after discharge, in others, after a few months.

Difference between men's and women's tights

Of course it does. However, it occurs much less frequently than in women. Companies that produce medical products against varicose veins take into account the preferences of patients and offer a separate line of men's underwear.

The differences between the models are insignificant. They have:

  1. Classic colors.
  2. Increased foot size.
  3. Plain textiles without pretentious patterns.
  4. On men's tights, there may be an additional fastener at the waist.

Varicose veins develop gradually, so the patient does not notice the problem immediately. Dilated areas of veins negatively affect neighboring healthy areas of blood vessels, which leads to the spread of the pathological process.

There is no magic pill that will quickly restore tone to the venous walls. The only safe and comfortable treatment that will give noticeable results is the use of compression garments. Putting it on in the morning will support your veins for the whole day and accelerate the positive dynamics of medication.

In addition to medical jersey, phlebologists recommend revising your lifestyle and diet, using orthopedic insoles, go in for swimming and take drugs from the group of venotonics.

Video how to wear compression hosiery correctly

In the video, the doctor will show you how to properly wear compression stockings and knee-highs

In contact with

Compression knee socks act on the calf region of the leg, support the blood vessels and prevent them from deforming from blood pressure.

Compression narrows the veins, superficial vessels and intermuscular venous plexuses and provides support for the valves, which increases the rate of blood outflow and reduces the risk of blood clots.

Compression knitwear has special healing properties.

Mechanism of action: creates carefully calculated pressure on the veins lower limbs... The pressure is uneven: 100% - the lower part of the lower leg, 70% - on calf muscle, 40% - on the thigh.

As a result, a kind of framework is created that "supports" the veins and normalizes blood flow. The blood flows in only one direction, and the legs do not hurt or swell.

Important! Compression hosiery creates all the conditions for the veins to work properly and helps to normalize the tone of the venous system.


Absolutely contraindicated in atherosclerosis, endoarteritis, aortoarteritis and thromboangiitis obliterans. Relative contraindications for diabetes mellitus, since the vessels of the legs are affected in diabetes. Use with caution in case of dermatitis, bedsores and open wounds.

Compression classes

Socks from varicose veins differ in the degree of compression. Sold in specialized orthopedic pharmacies.

Important! Compression hosiery can be therapeutic and prophylactic. Curative is dispensed only by prescription, prophylactic can be bought on the free market.

Class 1 products with a pressure of 18-22 mm Hg. Art. can be purchased independently, without a doctor's prescription. They are prescribed for 1 and 2 degrees of varicose veins.

With a compression pressure of 24-32 mm Hg. Art. linen belongs to the 2nd class. Dispensed in specialized stores with a prescription.

Class 3 includes products that exert a pressure of 33-45 mm Hg. Art. Released strictly according to the prescription, indicated for chronic varicose veins and deep vein lesions with blood clots.

Important! With an insignificant degree of compression, knitwear is classified as preventive.

Sizes of linen

After receiving a doctor's prescription indicating the compression class, you need to decide on the size. For this, foot measurements are taken:

  • measurement a: shin circumference at the bottom of the leg, just above the bone
  • measurement b: shin circumference above the knee joint

Knee-highs for women

Products differ in color, the presence of patterns and prints, so they practically do not differ from the usual elements of a woman's wardrobe.
Important! Compression garments reduce the likelihood of thrombosis and reduce vein swelling.

Knee-highs for men

Men suffer from varicose veins less often than women. And they wear anti-varicose knee-highs under their clothes. Therefore, manufacturers are trying to make them as invisible and convenient as possible.

Externally, men's compression socks are no different from ordinary socks.

Basically, the coloristic design of products for men is simple, calmer, neutral colors and does not stand out against the background of ordinary clothes.

Knee-highs with zippers are popular among men who have to wear compression class 3 underwear, as they fit very tightly to the legs. Zippers are almost invisible, as they are located on the inner or outside calf.


List of the most popular compression golf manufacturers:

Venoteks ("Venoteks")- production is based in the United States of America and Germany, based on clinical trials, products for men and women are used in postoperative recovery. Knee socks good quality but pricey.

Medi- the largest developer and manufacturer (Germany). Has a wide range of models and excellent German quality. Prices for models from 1500 to 2700 rubles. Recommended for purchase.

Relaxan- the Italian manufacturer produces a wide range of comfortable products with a three-month guarantee, there are many men's models in the collection.

Latvian brands Sigvaris and Tonus Elast present high quality products for women and men with a six-month lifespan, the line includes models with specially designed heels and toes;

Elasma knee-highs- products of a Russian company located in the Bryansk province, models for women and men have a good healing effect; Optimal in terms of price and quality.

Attention! It is necessary to wear compression hosiery at any stage of varicose veins. It will help to normalize the work of the veins, relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs.

How to put on compression knee socks

Knee-highs are hard enough to put on the leg, they adhere very tightly to the skin surface. They should not be pulled strongly upward, as tissue fibers can be destroyed.

Remove all jewelry from hands before putting on. Gently twist the knee-highs and put them on the foot, fixing the heel. Spread the product on your leg, stretch it evenly and remove the wrinkles that have formed.

What knee-highs to wear in summer

Socks are made exclusively from synthetic materials. This is due to the fact that natural materials cannot provide the required compression class. Golf gets hot in summer, does not absorb moisture and has poor ventilation.

Manufacturers produce special summer compression socks. They are available only in the first compression class.

In the summer, it is impossible to completely abandon compression underwear, especially during periods of exacerbation. Therefore, it is better to wear first class than nothing at all.

Some companies produce open toe summer knee socks that increase comfort and ventilation.

Is it possible to sleep in compression socks

When the body is upright, the valves of the leg veins are not stressed. Therefore, with varicose veins of 1 and 2 degrees, it is not required to sleep in compression hosiery. Another thing is varicose veins of the 3rd and 4th degrees. If there are large convex vascular nodes, it is advisable to sleep in golf. They will help to normalize the tone of the vascular walls.

Before surgery to remove varicose veins, doctors recommend wearing compression hosiery around the clock.

Which is better - knee-highs or stockings

Anti-varicose corrective knee-highs and stockings are used for the same purpose - to eliminate leg edema and remove stagnation of blood in the veins. The main difference is that the knee socks end under the knee, and the stockings end in the waist area.

Stockings are used if varicose veins are located above the knee. If lower, it is better to wear knee-highs.

Stockings are used during operations and in the postoperative period. And if the varicose veins have spread to the thigh area.

Useful video: how to choose the right compression hosiery


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Varicose veins of the legs is an extremely common pathology. According to statistics, 40% of women and 10% of men suffer from this disease. In this case, the disease makes itself felt long before old age. It can also lead to disability. From complications of varicose veins every year in Russian Federation killing 250,000 people.

Like most diseases, varicose veins develop gradually. Therefore, it is imperative to take all reasonable steps to prevent and treat it. The safest and effective method treatment and prevention of this disease is the use of compression hosiery: stockings, tights, golfs.

What is compression hosiery? What is the effect of the application
compression socks?

Compression hosiery is used in the treatment and prevention of venous pathologies of the lower extremities. The determining factor in the development of diseases of the blood vessels of the legs is a decrease in their elasticity under constant blood pressure. Compression knitwear supports the vessels from the outside, preventing their walls from stretching.

Within a few minutes after putting on compression knee-highs, swelling significantly decreases, heaviness in the legs decreases and an improvement occurs. With regular use of these products, even trophic ulcers disappear, and no longer appear, at least as long as a person applies medical compression.

The distributed pressure of all compression products, including socks, decreases from bottom to top. It is maximum at the ankle. Under the knee, where golf ends, the pressure is only 70% of the pressure at the ankle. Thus, with any activity, an additional impulse is created, which helps the musculo-venous pump pumping blood upward to the heart.

These products have found their application not only in the treatment of varicose veins. Compression knee socks are often used by tourists and athletes, because this type of knitwear optimally distributes the load on the legs and prevents them from slipping in the shoe.

At the moment, medical compression is recognized as the most effective, no side effects, non-surgical method of treatment and prevention of varicose veins. Its effectiveness has been proven everywhere. In developed countries, for preventive purposes, compression products, incl. knee-highs are used already at the age of 18-20 years. Observations show that surgical manipulations with veins are extremely rare there.

Regular compression hosiery, which creates the same compression over the entire length of the legs, is more likely to have a negative effect than a positive one. Medical knitwear, in turn, restores metabolism and reduces the likelihood of blood clots.

Contraindications to the use of compression golf

The use of compression golf is allowed for any form of venous insufficiency, and in the vast majority of cases has no side effects.

The healing effect of compression hosiery is as follows:

  • creating constant uniform pressure on the surface of the legs;
  • vein support;
  • redistribution of blood flow from enlarged veins to normal;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • optimization of tissue nutrition;
  • prevention of thrombus formation.
However, there are a number of factors in the presence of which compression socks are used with caution, and only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

The absolute contraindications to the use of compression golf include chronic diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities, caused by a decrease in the lumen of blood vessels with a systolic blood pressure below 80 mm Hg:

  • aortoarteritis;
  • thromboangiitis obliterans;
Relative contraindications for the use of compression golf:
  • Eczema, necrosis, open wound surfaces, congestive dermatitis, acute thrombophlebitis.
  • It is not recommended to use it for inflammatory and trophic skin pathologies with high infectious contamination.
  • Use with caution in patients with sensitive skin. To do this, you should study the reviews about the products of a particular manufacturer.
  • Cardiopulmonary failure, if symptoms of circulatory disorders are detected at rest.
  • Diabetes mellitus, in case of vascular complications on the legs.
  • Inflammation of a vein with signs of a septic process.
Attention! If relative contraindications are identified, then the use of compression golf is permissible on the recommendation of the following specialists:

Men's Compression Knee Socks

Men's compression knee-highs (male shin bandage) are useful for men in that they help to cope with varicose veins, and at the same time are not visible to others.

Unlike women's compression socks, the men's lineup is far from wide. And this is not surprising, since men are less likely to get sick with varicose veins. In addition, they wear compression hosiery under their clothes. Therefore, manufacturers of men's anti-varicose golfs, first of all, try to make them as comfortable and invisible to others as possible.

Work for men is often associated with lifting weights, prolonged stay in sitting position(driving, at the computer), walking long distances and other risk factors that exert a prolonged load on the vessels of the legs.

Depending on the stage of varicose veins, the attending physician may recommend knee-highs of I, II, III and even IV compression class.

Quality men's compression socks are made in such a way that they look like regular men's socks. No one from the outside will even think that you are wearing anti-varicose knee-highs.

Maternity compression knee socks

Pregnancy is a period in a woman's life when health care becomes of great importance. Many pregnant women are faced with the problem of the rapid progression of varicose veins - spider veins and varicose asterisks appear on their legs. There are many methods recommended for the prevention of varicose veins during pregnancy. The use of varicose jersey is today considered one of the most effective and safe methods. Most of the well-known manufacturers produce compression products designed specifically for pregnant women.

Special anti-varicose knee-highs for pregnant women provide optimal compression around the shins and ankles. These are the areas where the maximum load falls, especially in the third trimester. More than half of the women surveyed report edema, weakness and heaviness in the legs. Many people are forced to buy new shoes, because due to swelling, the foot ceases to fit in the shoe.

Before buying knee-highs, a woman is advised to consult her attending physician. It will help you determine the compression grade that suits your medical condition.

Compression knee socks - how to choose?

Determining the size of compression socks

Compression knee socks are medical supplies. Therefore, their application should provide therapeutic effect... To do this, the golf pressure must be evenly distributed.

If the knee-highs are close to the body and are optimally suited to the given figure proportions, the maximum therapeutic effect is achieved.

To determine the exact size of golf, you need to take measurements. This requires a centimeter, a notebook and a pen.

Below are tables to determine required size golf based on measurement data. First, there is a table for preventive compression golf, creating a pressure of 15-18 mm Hg. Below - for medical golf, creating a pressure from 18-22 to 34-46 mm Hg. (from one to three compression classes), according to the RAL-GZ 387 standard.
Take the measurements required in the table:
1. Measurement a done on the ankle, slightly above the bone.
2. Measurement b is done at the widest point of the lower leg.

Record the results. Compare the obtained data with those indicated in the table.

Sizing of Prophylactic Compression Products:

Determination of the size of medical compression products:

The top line of both tables shows the size: 1 (S), 2 (M), 3 (L), 4 (XL). The rest of the indicators reflect the intervals of the lengths of the circles corresponding to a particular size.

Let's look at an example. We will use the table "Medical compression socks": the numbers 35-38 indicate that size 2 (M) corresponds to the circumference of the lower leg from 35 to 38 cm. In other words, if the circumference of your lower leg at its widest point (measurement b) is 36 cm, then your parameters are in the range of 35-38 cm, and your golf size around the shin circumference is 2 (M). In the same way, you should determine the size around the circumference of the ankle just above the bone of the ankle joint (measurement a).

Then make sure that all the data you capture is the same size - if so, that size is ideal for you.

Compression classes. Determining the required compression class

The compression class reflects the total pressure exerted on the surface of the leg when wearing compression golf. In this case, it is measured in millimeters of mercury. On golf socks for therapeutic purposes, the pressure is indicated in this unit of measurement. And medical compression hosiery is never marked in denominations.

Den (den) is a unit for measuring the density of the texture of a fabric - i.e. the ratio of the weight of the threads to their total length. It must be remembered that this characteristic does not reflect the medicinal properties of the product, in particular the level of compression.

Thus, if you are offered a 130 denier compression hosiery product, then it is not curative, and will be useless in the treatment of vascular insufficiency.

The best way to determine the individually required compression class is to consult a phlebologist. He will not only help you determine the required compression class, but will also recommend a specific medication if needed.

As a rule, in the early stages, a person evaluates the areas of varicose veins as a cosmetic defect, and mainly because they do not experience those symptoms characteristic of the later stages, which would force them to immediately seek medical advice. The use of compression golf of the first and second degrees of compression significantly improves well-being, and makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of irreversible and extremely unpleasant complications.

At the same time, in the absence of contraindications, you can buy and start using anti-varicose knee-highs even before visiting a doctor. After all, it is better to go to the doctor for examination, having protected the legs with compression hosiery, than to expose your vessels to a heavy load on a daily basis. But for this you need to familiarize yourself with the compression classes of medical products made of compression hosiery.

The main risk factor in women is pregnancy. If a woman had varicose veins before pregnancy, then during the gestation period she is recommended to wear special anti-varicose knitwear for pregnant women, not lower than the first compression class.

A tangible load on the veins is exerted by:

  • work associated with a constant sitting or standing position;
  • long journeys, flights (when the legs are practically numb, and it is often impossible to stretch or walk);
  • fitness classes;
  • lifting and carrying weights;
  • long walks, hikes.
According to the international standard RAL-GZ 387, there are four compression classes - first, second, third and fourth. Also, manufacturers of compression products make prophylactic anti-varicose knitwear for all people experiencing high loads on the vessels of the legs. The pressure created by preventive golf reaches 15-18 mm Hg. It is practically not felt by the skin, but at the same time it supports the veins from excessive stretching and injury.

Preventive anti-varicose jersey is intended for people who do not yet suffer from varicose veins, but:

  • have a genetic predisposition to venous pathologies;
  • show a tendency to be overweight;
  • suffer from constipations;
  • blood shows high clotting properties;
  • associated with "standing" work.
Preventive compression socks in such cases prevent the occurrence of chronic vascular insufficiency.

First class compression with a pressure of 18-22 mm Hg is usually intended for the category of patients who have the initial symptoms of varicose veins:

  • veins under the skin on the legs stand out clearly;
  • vascular asterisks are expressed;
  • stretched veins up to 5 cm;
  • a burning sensation, bloating, coldness in the feet and ankles;
  • pain in the legs after a static load (standing, sitting);
  • swelling in the area of ​​the foot or ankles in the evening.
Second class of compression with a pressure of 23-32 mm Hg, intended for regular use under the following conditions:
  • pain syndrome develops in the calves and feet after a static load (standing, sitting);
  • stretching areas of veins more than 5 cm;
  • multiple dilated veins;
  • varicose veins;
  • cramps in calves at night, accompanied by pain;
  • swelling in the area of ​​the foot and ankles (as a symptom of chronic venous insufficiency, or after injury);
  • there was an operation on the veins of the legs (including sclerotherapy).

Jersey third class of compression with a distributed pressure of 34-46 mm Hg are used only as directed by a phlebologist. Class III compression knee-highs are necessary in the following cases:

  • post-thrombotic disease;
  • swelling and obvious trophic symptoms;
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • lymphatic and venous insufficiency;
  • for compression therapy after leg vein surgery.
With this information, it will be easier for you to make the choice of the product you need, and to do everything necessary, without bringing it to the moment when you need the help of a surgeon.

How to wear compression knee socks correctly?

Compression knee-highs are medical devices, the beneficial effect of which is to apply even pressure to the surface of the leg. This pressure must be declared by the manufacturer and tested on special equipment.

It means that:
1. Compression knee socks are difficult to put on the leg, as they tend to fit very tightly to the surface of the leg.
2. They should not be pulled up too much, as tissue fibers can be destroyed and the beneficial effect will be lost.

Many pharmacies sell special fittings for donning compression hosiery. However, in practice they are not always available.

  • Pay attention to the condition of your fingernails and toenails. It is preferable that they are trimmed evenly and finished with a nail file.
  • Examine the skin on your feet. In the presence of corns, corns and rough areas, it is necessary to smooth them out. Such defects can lead to stretch marks and tears on the product. Therefore, the smoother and smoother the surface of the foot, the longer the socks will last.
  • It is necessary to remove the rings from the fingers - they can break the fabric.
  • Use gloves. Ordinary medical or household gloves are suitable - the main thing is that they are securely attached to the hand and do not create inconvenience. As you gain experience in using the product, gloves will no longer be necessary. But if you have expensive manicure and long nails, then you must use gloves!
  • Knee-highs should be worn dry and only on dry skin to minimize friction when donning.
  • Legs should be rested when putting on the golf. It is recommended to raise them above the midline of the body, and hold it for 5-10 minutes. This will help reduce swelling and reduce swelling of the veins. People who are advised to continuously use compression products are advised to wear the product in the morning without getting out of bed. This will optimize golf performance.
  • When putting on, the legs must be placed horizontally, or slightly raised. In this case, the legs should not be lowered down.
Do not pull these products up by the edges. Therefore, they are put on from the foot.

Generally accepted method of putting on compression socks:
1. Turn the golf inside out to the heel.
2. We insert the foot into the track, and carefully flatten the fabric so that the foot fits comfortably along its entire length.
3. Then, with our palms, we slightly stretch the golf on the leg, while simultaneously turning it to the right side.
4. Level the compression knee socks from ankle to knee. Straighten the folds if they appear. It takes a little training, but over time you will learn how to do it quickly and correctly - the main thing is to understand the principle.

Be patient with your compression hosiery. Especially this recommendation refers to persons using products of the second compression class and above. Treat putting on golf like light morning exercises.

Important! If the doctor has prescribed you knee-highs of the third or fourth class of compression, then it is better to buy at the pharmacy. special device for putting them on, since it will be extremely difficult to do without them.

The method described above is classic. It is recommended by the manufacturers of compression products, and therefore is considered the only correct one. Additional methods are described for donning anti-varicose stockings or pantyhose.

Compression Knee Socks - Video

How to Extend the Life of Compression Golfs?

There are a number of rules, compliance with which will maximize the life of compression hosiery products:
  • Everyday golf washing is compulsory. This is necessary because dust particles, sebum and peeling skin particles have a mechanical effect on the knitted fabric and render it unusable faster than even detergents.
  • Compression knee socks are recommended to be washed by hand using mild detergents such as baby soap.
  • The use of rinses and conditioners is not recommended, as they usually destroy the fabric, resulting in wasted compression effect.
  • It is not recommended to dry knee-highs in a suspended state, as well as with a stream of hot air, in the sun and a radiator. After washing, the knee-highs are gently wrung out in a towel, leveled and placed on a flat surface without twisting.
  • The compression hosiery should not be heated above 40 ° C, much less boiled. Also, knee-highs cannot be bleached or ironed.
  • Socks should not be dry cleaned.
  • The silicone rubber bands found on some brands of golf must not be allowed to come into contact with water. To clean them, use a cotton cloth soaked in alcohol.
Let's take a closer look at the above rules:
1. How to wash silicone rubber compression knee socks without getting water on it?
This is not an easy task. With a thin elastic band or thread, squeeze the stocking 2 centimeters below the silicone rubber. Such a constriction during washing will not allow water to penetrate into the part covered with silicone. Everything below the knot - we carefully wash it by hand so that water does not penetrate above it. This will keep the silicone dry. Then we treat the gum with a solution of alcohol, removing sebum, and possibly water drops with a detergent.
Attention: If the fat is not removed from the silicone layer, it first prevents the silicone from adhering to the skin, and after a while destroys it. Detergents reduce the elasticity and softness of the silicone.

2. If funds permit, purchase two pairs of golf. You can not immediately, but after a while. And wear them every other day. Wear one pair of compression golf, the other - washed and dried, resting. Thus, you can use two pairs of golf such a time during which you would have to buy 3-4 pairs in turn.

3. Read all the manufacturer's recommendations for product care. All recommendations should be followed without exception. One systematic violation can make all other efforts useless. Subsequently, a rather expensive product will last no more than two months.

What kind of knee-highs to wear in summer?

Many people who have used anti-varicose knee-highs of various manufacturers in the summer season claim that at temperatures above 20 ° C it becomes hot in them.

This is because medical compression socks are made from artificial materials that traditionally do not provide adequate ventilation and do not absorb moisture.

Unfortunately, natural materials are not suitable for the required compression.

Summer compression socks should be transparent, thin and invisible to others.

However, manufacturers faced a problem here - compression hosiery must be tight to provide the necessary compression. It is due to the required tissue density that a long-term compression effect is provided.

Soon the manufacturers found a compromise - light summer compression socks began to be produced. But their compression class can only be the first.

Considering that many patients who need to regularly wear anti-varicose golfs generally refuse them in the summer, even when everyone has exacerbations, then 1st class quality compression is undeniably preferable to nothing at all.

Some firms produce open toe compression socks - this also increases leg ventilation.

Can i sleep in compression socks?

With varicose veins of the I-II degree, there will be no harm in this. That is, if you were forced to go to bed in anti-varicose golfs, because there was no opportunity to take them off, nothing bad will happen. At the same time, there will be no benefit in this. The leg vein valves are stressed when the legs are upright. In the horizontal position of the legs, with varicose veins of the I-II degree, there is no load on the veins.

The use of golf during sleep may be necessary for varicose veins of the III-IV degree, when large vascular nodes and complications of the disease are formed: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers.

If there is a need for surgical removal of pathological veins, the wearing of compression hosiery is prescribed around the clock before the operation. Of course, in such cases, sleeping in anti-varicose golfs is not only possible, but also necessary.

Can I wear compression knee socks if my legs are already swollen?

The answer to this question is often of interest to people who are shown to use anti-varicose knitwear, but for one reason or another they do not use it regularly.

The main difference is the height of the products: the golf ends under the knee, and the stocking ends much higher.

Some stockings can go up to the crotch, or be secured with a special belt at the waist.

Stockings are available for men and women. Women's stockings are usually more transparent and are decorated with various patterns to make them look attractive. The design of the men's compression golf is as close as possible to the usual men's jersey. This allows you to make them invisible to others.

Men's stockings are sometimes sold not in pairs, but one at a time - for the right or left leg, fixed at the waist.

Also, if necessary, tights can be made from two men's stockings.

From this it follows that when choosing between stockings and golfs, it is necessary to take into account in which part of the leg the pathological areas are located.

If the symptoms of varicose veins are localized below the knee, then there is no need for stockings - knee-highs of a certain degree of compression will suit you. They will have an anti-varicose effect throughout the leg due to the restoration of the muscle-vascular pump.

If the symptoms of varicose veins are noted above the knee, then it is undoubtedly better to buy stockings. This will increase the compression effect. Due to the restoration of normal blood flow, the pressure on the venous wall will be significantly reduced, and the compression hosiery will support them from the outside.

What to do if some inflamed veins are located above the upper
the edge of golf?

I bought anti-varicose knee-highs, but it turned out that the varicose wreath is 25-30 mm higher than the top edge of the golf course. So knee-highs won't do any good?
Wearing anti-varicose golfs is still necessary in your case. Be sure to wear them until you get the product that you need. The fact is that in addition to the direct compression effect on the pathological area, any medical product made of compression hosiery helps to restore normal blood flow in the legs as a whole. Thus, the support of the veins still occurs, even if not as effective as when compressing directly on the affected area.

What compression knee-highs to buy? Popular brands

Venoteks compression knee-highs

The Venoteks Therapy brand of medical compression hosiery is the result of more than 20 years of work by the employees of Elastic Therapy Inc. The company has conducted hundreds of clinical trials and is constantly improving technologies for the development and production of the most effective and elegant models of medical anti-varicose golf.

Venotex compression knee-highs are characterized by unique therapeutic properties and quality:

  • The declared duration of the therapeutic effect of Venotex golf courses is 6 months.
  • A rich assortment of golf courses allows you to solve a variety of medical problems.
  • A wide range of models meets the requirements of most buyers.
  • The products have received all the necessary international and Russian quality certificates.
  • Venotex products are inexpensive. In pharmacies and medical stores, the price of golf ranges from 600 to 1500 rubles.
Venotex products, incl. compression socks, was registered by the federal service "Roszdravnadzor", received the International Certificate ISO 9001-2008 and the certificate of compliance with the state standard of the Russian Federation. In addition, Venotex knee-highs, like all products of this brand, are approved by the Association of Phlebologists of Russia.

Clinical trials of Venotex compression products carried out in clinics around the world, incl. in Russia, have demonstrated the high therapeutic efficacy of this brand of anti varicose golf.

After analyzing customer reviews, we can conclude that the durability of Venotex golf courses is average. This is especially true when using compression classes 2 and higher.

Medi compression knee-highs

Medi is one of the largest developers and manufacturers of anti-varicose knitwear and prosthetic and orthopedic products in the world market. The main priority of the company from the day of its creation is high quality products, application the latest technologies and meeting all the needs of product buyers.

The quality, effectiveness and safety of anti-varicose products, including compression golf, are recognized by European and international standardization services.

Medi compression knee-highs are genuine German quality. There is a great range of products. The price for various models of Medi golf ranges from 1400 to 2600 rubles. Customer reviews are positive. When buying golfs of the second compression class and above, you must also purchase a device for putting them on. Without such a device, it will be very difficult to put on knee-highs.

Other brands of compression socks

What compression knee-highs are better to buy when the eyes run up from many manufacturers, and the abundance beautiful products different designs?

It really isn't easy. And it can be very frustrating when we pay a hefty sum for something that isn't really worth it.

Below are product descriptions for various brands based on customer feedback analysis:

  • Products labeled in denominations
    Today, you can often see knee-highs with anti-varicose effect on the shelves at a price of 150-309 rubles. We do not include the brands specifically, since in this case it is not a matter of the manufacturer. Such knee-highs find their customers because they are inexpensive and at the same time look beautiful. Marked in denominations. Such knee-highs are not medical products, since they are not made of medical compression hosiery.
    Be careful! Knee-highs marked in den (“den”), regardless of the manufacturer, do not have medicinal properties.
  • Relaxsan (Italy)
    A very popular brand in Russia. And primarily due to the low cost. The average price is 600-1200 rubles. There is a wide selection of golf courses in various designs and compression classes. But in practice they are short-lived and not entirely comfortable. They retain their medicinal properties for an average of a month.
  • ORTO (Spain)
    This is already a high-quality anti-varicose compression hosiery. It is located in the middle price category. Golfs will cost from 400 to 700 rubles. With daily use, they retain their medicinal properties for 3-4 months. But on the foot and toes they will be thinner much earlier. Wear resistance is low.
  • Sigvaris (Switzerland)
    These products are elite both in price and quality. Customer reviews are the best. One drawback is the high cost. Knee-highs of various models cost from 2,500 to 3,500 rubles. This price is not affordable for every Russian woman.
  • Intex (Russia)
    High quality products. Quite a few people who previously used socks of foreign brands have now switched to Intex, and they do not regret it. Since this company is Russian, its products are much cheaper than imported ones. The price of various models is from 900 to 1400 rubles.
Summing up the above, we can only add that the choice of anti-varicose golf should be approached purely individually. The best choice should take into account this or that life situation.

Compression knee socks - reviews

Tatiana, 29 years old, Astrakhan
Varicose veins began to bother me even during pregnancy, when my only spider veins quickly grew in size, and severe pains appeared. After giving birth, there were even more stars.
After giving birth, I decided to try compression knee socks. I decided to buy knee-highs of the Venoteks brand, because they are not very dense - which means it will not be too hot in them, and I liked the design. And they cost only 800 rubles, which is somewhat cheaper than other brands. The instructions are detailed and easy to understand - how to put on, how to wash and dry. It also says that they must serve for at least 6 months. I diligently followed all the points of the instructions, but barely a month passed, when rubbing appeared on the heels, arrows appeared. There is no doubt - if the integrity of the golfs is broken, then they are no longer of any use, and I no longer wanted to wear them in this form. As a result, after just a month, I threw away the socks. I think it was worth taking a more expensive option.

Olga, 38 years old, Saratov
My work keeps me on my feet all the time. At a certain moment, she began to notice the appearance of vascular patterns on the legs. I decided to try wearing compression knee socks.
Since then I have experienced many different brands. Most of all I liked the socks of the NK LPP FARM company (Russia). And first of all, the price. Popular brands inflate prices for anti-varicose knitwear. And the Russian ones compensate for the affordable price with design flaws. But if wears knee-highs under trousers, jeans, etc., design flaws don't matter.
I have been using their golf for the 4th year already. Have gone through more than one wash, and still look great. And the seams are of high quality, and the fabric is excellent, and the effect is obvious.
The only complaint to the manufacturer is that you cannot always find your size.

Before use, you must consult a specialist.

Compression underwear is a special type of knitwear that is worn for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. The choice of compression hosiery depends on various parameters - size, severity of the disease, the influence of harmful factors on the patient's health, the presence of complications. You can buy medicinal linen in pharmacies and orthopedic salons. Stockings and tights for varicose veins are sold without a prescription, but it is advisable to buy them as prescribed by a doctor so that it is easier to pick them up.

Why do you need compression garments?

The development of varicose veins and its complications is associated with damage to the valve apparatus of the veins of the lower extremities, a decrease in blood flow in the deep veins and blood overflow of superficial vessels. Thus, conditions are created for the appearance on the skin. If the disease is left untreated, it progresses, causing not only cosmetic defects, but also serious disturbances in blood flow.

Before choosing a compression hosiery, you need to decide what kind of violations have occurred in the body, and what type of underwear is needed. Compression products squeeze the subcutaneous vessels with a certain force, preventing them from increasing in size. It is on this that their effect is based - compression stockings, like a cuff, squeeze blood from superficial veins into deep ones, restoring normal blood flow.

Tights, stockings, knee-highs

Compression stockings are the most common anti-varicose products. They provide compression of the skin along the entire length of the leg from toe to thigh. They are produced with different compression forces, differ in compression class, size, appearance... There are models with additional embellishments or an openwork top with an elastic band. Even if you choose the right compression stockings, they cause some discomfort when wearing - they are quite hot in them, and problems with lymph drainage may arise.

Tights for varicose veins are used when wearing stockings is not enough. For example, when it is necessary to exert an impact not on one leg, but on both, and at the same time additionally strengthen the muscles abdominal and small pelvis. Before choosing compression tights for varicose veins, you need to make sure that they do not have harmful effects on the abdominal organs.

Medical knee-highs are necessary for the same as compression stockings, but they affect only the vessels of the lower leg. They deliver less inconvenience and are easier to purchase, because choosing the size of compression golf is somewhat easier than other products.

Compression classes and sizes

The most important thing that worries patients before choosing a compression garment is how different their different models differ? First of all, you need to decide on two such important parameters as the compression class and the size of the product.

The compression class is the force of impact with which the linen squeezes the superficial vessels. To choose the right compression stockings, you need to know which compression class is required. They are distinguished by several, denoted by numbers from 0 to 3, anti-embolic jersey is separately distinguished. The table below shows the compression classes, the force of impact and the indications for them, in order to answer the question of how to choose the right compression stockings.

The table below shows the compression classes, the force of impact and the indications for them in order to answer the question of how to choose the right compression stockings.

Compression class

Easy degree (0)

First class (1)

Second class (2)

Third grade (3)


Features of work;

Excess weight;


Long trips;

Unfavorable hereditary factors;

Swelling on the legs

The initial stages of varicose veins;

Work associated with being constantly on your feet;

Postoperative period

Progression of varicose veins;

Postoperative period;

Complications of pregnancy

Severe varicose veins;

Complications of varicose veins

Compression force

Up to 10mm Hg

Up to 20mm Hg

Up to 30mm Hg

Up to 60mm Hg

Anti-embolic hosiery has a third class of compression, and is used in cases where its use will be short-term. To select the size of these products, use the same rules as when selecting other compression hosiery. You should ask your doctor about how to choose compression products. Assigning a certain class of compression, he focuses not only on the indications, but also on the features of the course of the disease in a particular patient.

It is not difficult to choose the size of compression products. Usually it is indicated on the package, and in order to determine which one you need, you need to measure several parameters of your leg. Be sure to do this in the morning, before starting physical activity, when the swelling is minimal.

To determine the size of compression stockings, tights or golf, you need to know your shoe size - that part of the product that fixes it on the foot is designed for it. Another measurement required for all types of knitwear is the ankle and calf circumference. The measurement of these parameters is the same - it is necessary to select the most protruding part, and then measure it with a centimeter.

How to choose compression products by length? To do this, it is necessary to measure the length of the leg from the hip to the heel, if compression stockings or anti-varicose tights are needed. How to choose a golf size? In this case, the length is measured only to the knee.

The size of compression tights and stockings is also determined by the circumference of the thigh below the buttocks. When the question is how to choose compression knee-highs, this parameter, of course, is not taken into account. Armed with measurement results, packaging of products with the necessary data and a doctor's prescription, it is not difficult to understand how to choose the right compression stockings.

Indications and contraindications

Having figured out how to determine the size of compression products, you need to ask one more important issue- when are they not allowed to be worn? There is only one indication for wearing it - the prevention and treatment of varicose veins:

  • in the presence of risk factors;
  • during operations, long-term hospital treatment;
  • with an already existing disease, in order to prevent its progression;
  • in the postoperative period after surgical treatment of varicose veins.

Before choosing compression knee-highs, stockings or tights, it is important to check with your doctor which ones are recommended in this case. The use of products with insufficient compression is ineffective, and excessive pressure causes disturbances in lymph flow.

Compressive jersey should not be worn with active, skin lesions, inflammatory processes. In this case, compression should be abandoned altogether.

Sometimes it happens that the size of compression stockings is suitable for the lower leg, but not for the thigh, affected by edema, or vice versa. In this case, they are replaced by elastic bandages, which do not have a fixed size, and their impact force depends on the tension.

In cases where it is important how to choose the right compression tights during pregnancy and after caesarean section, are guided by the necessary compression of the abdominal cavity. If this force is not enough, then the tights are replaced with stockings and a bandage separately from each other.

If the size of the compression stockings is chosen incorrectly, then a complete fit of the leg is not achieved, and, consequently, the therapeutic effect. If the medical products turned out to be small, then the compression is excessive, which manifests itself as a deformation of the limb, pulling pains, and a feeling of numbness in the legs.

How to wear it correctly?

Having figured out how to choose compression knee-highs and other knitwear, it is important to clarify such points as the wearing mode. As a rule, medical linen is worn for 8-12 hours a day, and must be removed at night. With exacerbations and severe varicose veins, this period can be extended to 14-18 hours a day. After surgical removal of dilated veins, compression is prescribed around the clock for a month. During this period, you can only remove medical jersey for taking a shower.

During postoperative or postpartum period if it proceeds without complications, and the patient does not have already formed varicose veins, wearing compression underwear for prophylactic purposes is about a week or less.

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