I can't build muscle. If the reciprocating compressor does not build up pressure

Greetings, dear athletes! I especially welcome you, dear newcomers. Most of this article is for you. Perhaps some of you started training recently.

If you went to the gym or fitness club to get an athletic figure, then after a while you may have a fair question: how is it that I swing and the muscles do not grow?

We’ll make a reservation right away that it’s almost impossible for beginners to quickly build muscle mass. If you came to gym with an optimistic attitude and faith in one's own strengths, with a desire to go to the end, just to enjoy the endurance of one's body and its beautiful forms, then you will be unpleasantly surprised when, some time after the start intense training your muscles will suddenly stop growing despite your best efforts.

And although for beginners, at the very beginning of training, the muscles seem to begin to grow quickly, but it’s impossible to fix this process for a long time. Over time, it slows down significantly, which is very frustrating for inexperienced athletes (a lot of tears, snot, frustration, low motivation and all that ...).

For the first time coming to the gym, not every person knows how to swing correctly. If you focus on others, it’s not a fact that you will be able to achieve your goal, rather, on the contrary, because your own well-being should serve as the main guideline for you.

By carefully listening to your body's reactions to exercise, you will know whether to increase the load or to give yourself a break. The latter is relevant if the muscles experience severe pain after exercise. The fact is that in the process of training they do not increase. During load muscle fibers are destroyed. And growth occurs already during the rest period, when they are in a calm state.

When wondering how to swing, keep in mind: the first time after the start of training, the methods of pumping muscles are not so important, because any load inevitably destroys the fibers, after which they grow. However, the body is like a complex unpredictable machine. If you see that after a while your growth has practically stopped, check yourself for compliance with these rules:

  1. Regularity. Starting your classes from scratch, try to make sure that they are regular, at least 3 times a week, but the set of exercises does not change. according to the old school of thought.
  2. Gradual increase in load. Once you feel like you can handle more than before, you can help your muscles grow by hitting a specific group each time you train. At the same time, the number of trips to the gym can either increase or remain the same, but with an increase in the intensity of the training itself. All of these descriptions perfectly match the separate training program. But this program is already for the more experienced and there you need to train 4 days a week.
  3. Variety of workouts. You must constantly surprise your muscles with a variety of exercises, different angles of impact on the muscles. This will help change the training program. But this should be done only when the old program has already outlived itself and does not bring the same effect. But in general, it is not recommended to change the program more often than 3 months. If you want to create your own training program, then it will help you to think correctly during this process.
  4. Mental focus and motivation. How long have you seen this picture in the gym: a couple of guys who have recently started training spend most of their training in conversation with each other or with other such beginners? Familiar situation? Well, of course ... It is clear that they are beginners that they have not yet learned to focus on training, but the lack of concentration on their muscles and themselves training process- it a big problem for muscle growth. In fact, focus in bodybuilding is not easy, especially when you are excited about something. There is a lot to be said here, but I would rather advise you to read an article about. The next time you come to a workout, try to disengage from distractions. Headphones with music will help you with this. Try to think in terms of the exercise, the muscle being trained, and the weight to be overcome. Be sure to read the article about.
  5. No overweight. Another danger for the beginner is that he immediately grabs big weights weights. It tears, so to speak, from under itself ... This immoderate ardor can damage the nervous system and, as a result, the muscles themselves. Why? Because when weak muscles try to overcome heavy weights, the brain gives a signal to other assistant muscles to help solve this problem, and not only does the exercise technique suffer, but also itself nervous system depleted. There are cases when, after this kind of training, the muscles become weak and unable to lift even light weights. There is some muscle blockage. To prevent this from happening to you, always try to perform any exercises with perfect technique and the required number of sets and repetitions, and put weight gain in the background.
  6. Doing basic exercises. One of the mega-important moments. Beginners often neglect to perform because they are heavy. One single basic exercise that beginners often show off to each other and that is always held in high esteem is the bench press. But the deadlift (, "" or "dead") squats - this is already more difficult. But it is the basic exercises that build our muscles. They use large muscle groups and stimulate the production of growth hormone. That says it all. Make a base and everything will grow for you.
  7. Clear training goals. If they are not there, then the person does not know what to expect and in general what to strive for. He does not know how much weight he needs to gain by what time, what exercises to do for this and what to eat. At best, he just has a training program that he chose on the advice of his friend without understanding why he needed it. You can't just come to the gym and just train. No, you can, of course, and it will be much better than not coming at all. I mean, for a real result, this is not enough. The goal should be in every workout, in everyone, in everything. More about this.

Lack of recovery and sleep

Many people who are just starting their journey in bodybuilding are convinced that if they experience pain in the legs and arms the next day after going to the gym - it means everything is going according to plan. It's not like that at all. Soreness is caused by inflammation of the fibers. Experts say that in some cases, for the final recovery of muscles injured by loads, it sometimes takes up to a crescent.

If the time has come for the next lesson, and the pain still has not passed, do not overstrain your body. Don't go to the gym this time, or at least hit a different muscle group.

In general, our muscles do not grow during the training itself, but after it - during a night's sleep. Therefore, neglecting sleep, we neglect muscles, this is a fact. Try to follow these sleep rules:

  • sleep at least 7-8 hours a day ;
  • fall asleep and wake up at the same time;
  • do not go to bed hungry;
  • before going to bed, do not engage in emotional activities that excite your psyche. Do not solve complex, problematic issues from which thoughts are spinning in your head all night;
  • do not exercise 1-2 hours before bed;

The issue of muscle recovery is extremely important if we are talking about their growth. Do not forget that rest in this case is a complex concept. Between workouts, not only our muscles rest, but also our brain, our nervous system, all the tissues of our body.

Remember, during practice, the “more often, the better” setting does not work the same way as “less often, the better.” It has been proven that the longer we bodybuild, the more resilient we become. But at the same time, the ability of our fibers to recover does not increase in direct proportion. On the contrary, at some point it gets stuck in one place, despite our efforts.

In other words, the body's abilities are not unlimited. A few years after the first workout, the ability to recover is exactly the same as on the first day. So, what can be done to increase this ability as well?

The answer is simple: give your muscles more rest. You can only practice 2 times a week. The main thing is not to reduce the intensity, but rather increase it. If you exercise too often and at the same time strenuously, you risk overtraining. And doing it rarely and not too much loading the body, do not give it that load, as a result of which the body should acquire relief forms.

In other words, don't fall into any of these extremes. In sports, as in all areas of life, measure is important first of all. So, if the muscles do not increase, decide what you are doing wrong. Maybe you should follow the advice and start exercising less often, but more intensely?

If the question still remains how to make your muscles grow faster, because the level of intensity is a subjective concept, bodybuilding experts recommend the following:

  • Reduce rest time between sets.
  • Another recommendation of experts is to go on “vacation” from classes every 3 months for one or even two weeks. At the same time, muscle mass will not have time to be lost. On the contrary, this time is enough for the muscles to recover properly and begin to develop with renewed vigor.

Nutritional problems

If this area of ​​your life is not worked out and not put on the right track, you will not see any success in growth. muscle mass not now, not at all. It is clear that even newcomers know about it. But knowing and understanding are completely different things. And even more so there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom. Wisdom is practical use knowledge.

If you know that you need to eat proteins and carbohydrates for breakfast, but every day you drink coffee with sausage - well, you understand ... And breakfast should consist of:

  • Oatmeal (generally the most ideal option for breakfast cereals).
  • Fruit.
  • Milk (you can cook porridge on it)
  • If you cannot tolerate milk, use a fermented milk product, such as yogurt or cheese.
  • Protein shake and other supplements (it's good to consume BCAAs in the morning, and on an empty stomach). If you need sensible recipes for working cocktails for mass and even fat burning -
  • In addition, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day, because if it is not enough, any chemical processes in the body will be inhibited. Muscle growth is no exception.

In fact, few beginners are ready to mess around with such a breakfast. And also with lunch, proper dinner and intermediate snacks. It really isn't easy. This can be even harder than the workout itself, because it requires a lot of organization and composure. Here the regimen that is carried out from day to day matters and the athlete must have a cool head. And beginners are often guided only by emotions. So the newcomer got tired of eating according to the regime - he gave it up. At first it was interesting, but now "fuck it all." Do you understand what is the point? In perseverance and perseverance, in devotion. There is no need to talk more about this.

That is why not everyone achieves results. And therefore, the question “why do I swing, but the muscles don’t grow” will be open to many for a long time to come. So, on this I will end the article, since there is no desire to deliver another bunch of text, and there is no need. We have discussed the most important points.

I advise you to go to the "" section and study articles on nutrition and more there. In general, the topic of muscle growth is too extensive to fit it into this article. Factors that affect muscle growth just a lot. So check back often, read more, apply it all wisely. And whether you are a beginner or already more or less experienced, always remind yourself basic principles muscle building. Until we meet again, friends!

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    which elbow stretches to the knees - that part works more actively

    objemi,ubiraet beg,a po povodu pressa,vsjo budet normaljno i podka4ae6sa i objem umenj6i6,3 podhoda po 30 raz prjamo i toze samoe na kosie mi6ci zivota,a e6o objemi umenj6et,kak mne podruga rasskazala,ja ne probovala,no ej vrode kak pomoglo,rassipae6 korobok spi4ek i potom nagibae6sa za kazdoj i klade6j obratno v korobok :)

    in Windows 7, you can edit the special utility BCDEdit.exe. So, all you need to do is go to the command line (cmd) with Administrator rights and type the following there:

    BCDEdit /set PAE forceenable

    BCDEdit /set nolowmem on

    The first point here forces PAE support, while the second one loads system files and drivers into an area beyond 4 GB, freeing up space in the address space. After reboot, the OS should see all 4 GB of memory

    Honestly ..., I haven’t used public transport for a long time, but in the old days, I always folded it and put it in a plastic bag (I always had it with me)

    So late. Damn, it's logical if everyone is talking about them first.

    zazhralisj potomu 4to)))

    Because it's a game, not a wage.

    all the same, the character is probably .... you can’t pump up the character), but at least some muscles are important, but a pile of muscles behind a dummy is generally a useless person for me ..

    That's why I always go to the last door At least dance when they push ahead)))

    and what can you do ... if you just walk (without dumbbells =)) then the calves will not pump up much, they will strengthen and that's it. But you can stretch after walking, a very good thing

In short, I won!
Now, in order of how it all started:

About a year ago, my car began to slow down badly, that is, in order to slow down normally, it was necessary to press the brake pedal to the floor, and only then a more or less acceptable effect was achieved.
In general, I thought it was air and went for pumping, pumping did not help for long.
I thought that the pads, changed them, got used, like beauty, the pedal became more rigid, the brakes seemed to appear, but again not for a long time, for about 2-3 weeks.
In general, since then I have pumped the brakes, I don’t even know how many times, nothing helped.
And about three months ago, my pedal became completely wadded and the machine began to slow down really only when the pedal was in the floor and I specifically dealt with this problem.
By all indications and advice, the eccentric with the letter "m" of the masters was sentenced to the GTZ, after which a new GTZ original and new brake hoses were bought. Replacing and pumping gave nothing. I repeat, throughout history, when pumping air in the system, there was a clean brake fluid without bubbles.
Next, let's omit the lyrics, the replacement and bulkhead began in a circle around the entire brake, namely:
Replacement of all brake discs;
Bulkhead of all four calipers, with the replacement of all cuffs, anthers, pistons and bringing the caliper to the state of new.
Further pumping, test drive and .... zero result.
The next number of our program was all the same to check the system for leaks (although I was sure that everything was fine), ATE turnkey bleed fittings for 11 were bought and they muffled the exits from the ABS. The result - the pedal became a stake. Further, the circuits were connected in turn, first the rear one, the result is a hard pedal. But then, when connecting the front circuits, the pedal became soft again.
Next, of course, attention was riveted to the front calipers.
The only thing that remained old was the staples, a thorough examination revealed a seemingly "small backlash" of the guides, which we did not pay attention to in the previous turmoil. There is nothing to do, two brackets were ordered (how I picked them up, there is also a topic here). When I had the brackets, we compared the play of the guides on the old and on the new brackets - it was a scribe, on the new brackets one guide has no lateral swing at all, and the second (upper) has a slight play (within 0.5 mm), and according to compared to them in the old brackets, both guides dangled like a pencil in a glass.
In general, everything was assembled in place, the whole system was re-pumped, it seemed to me that the pedal began to feel much better, but still a little not what was needed.
We decided to continue the investigation of the front brakes, as it was clear that the problem was somewhere there. We removed the front calipers, put them side by side on the chairs without disconnecting from the hoses, inserted the pads and between them the same thickness as the disks metal plates. When you press the brake pedal with full effort, you could hear the metal plates crackling, that is, the force created by the caliper was incredible, it was clear that the piston was moving perfectly without distortion and returned to initial position, and the pedal has become a little better, that is, the problem is no longer even in calipers and brackets. And what do you think? You won't guess anything!
The problem was in the front brake pads. After all the procedures done, despite the fact that the pads are ATE and they are worn out by only 15 percent maximum 20, for some reason I wanted to check them for jambs too.
And here's what turned out:
When measuring with a micrometer and all the pads from different sides, there was a different thickness (the difference is 1-2 mm, which is impossible to determine by eye in the confusion in principle). Plus, all four pads were glass.
In general, it was decided to leave these pads and try to grind them with new brackets.
After three days of active driving, the result became much better, the pedal became tighter, the machine began to slow down already at 20 percent pedal travel, but it should, of course, be even better if after 500-700 km. If the pads don't fit properly, I'll replace them with new ones.

In general, the result is:

The one that changed everything brake system I don’t regret it, but in general, of course, it was possible to get off with a little blood, that is, by replacing the brackets because of which the pads staggered, the pads themselves, the front brake discs and a liter of brake fluid (instead of 25 cans that were spent on all pumping buildup).

Thank you all for your attention, maybe someone will come in handy!

I told you about the main reasons for the training fee (stagnation) i.e. Why don't muscles grow? In most cases, the reason for "STOP" is the lack of LOAD PROGRESSION or the lack of the right TIME FOR GROWTH (supercompensation phase)! But there are other reasons about which I am obliged to inform you in this part.

What causes a plateau (stagnation) in training?

1) First of all, these are wrong trainings, i.e. without using load progression. If there is a load on the muscles from training to training, then there will be supercompensation (muscle growth), if not, then you can forget about muscle growth.

2) The next thing I want to draw your attention to is chaotic training. It's a kind of constant change training programs, exercises, etc. many gurus again with foam in their mouths will prove that this is useful, supposedly you need to constantly shock the muscles, and for this you need to constantly change something, etc. And this has its own meaning. But now, once and for all, I will dispel this myth. THIS RULE applies only to experienced athletes who feel their muscles unrealistically clearly, and achieve the level of stress they need in them. Such experienced bodybuilders can really train like this, BUT for all the rest of the inhabitants of the gym, so to speak for most people, similar workouts, they will give absolutely nothing, you will stagnate, and possibly drive yourself into severe overtraining. WHY IS THAT?

I justify that constant chaotic training will not allow you to progress the load, think for yourself, how is this possible? You won't have a BACKGROUND to MOVE FORWARD. This is a kind of mobile phone, whose settings are constantly lost and the owner constantly has to set it up again. Do you understand what we are talking about? As I said, in order for there to be a progressive load (and hence muscle growth), you need to control this process (including with the help of a training diary).

3) Wrong exercise technique. Oh, this is generally a sore subject. This is something that can really be seen in a rocking chair any day of the week. Chasing big weights, you sacrifice technique for the sake of weights and engage in so-called self-deception, you simply shift the load from the muscles to the ligaments and joints. Consequently, there is no need to grow muscles, you are in stagnation. In more detail (about the technique of performing exercises, how to feel them, etc.), I recommend that you read

4) Not a gradual load (increased intensity). How would I explain to you, the fact is that the load in bodybuilding should be linear, gradual. Our body is able to withstand a gradual load without stress, so what will happen if, for example, you take and exceed this load immediately? This is how you take it from the bay and increase the number of approaches, exercises, etc. in short, increase your workout volume? - and so, by the way, beginners very often think (the more the better) well, friends, I hasten to disappoint you, it will not bring you anything good, your body will not cope with such a load! The body will immediately turn on emergency mechanisms of self-preservation due to a surge in the hormone cortisol and other stress hormones, the metabolism will slow down, roughly speaking, your condition will begin to worsen, which means that you are heading straight for stagnation (plateau) + even overtraining. In this case, I recommend that you give the body a rest (1 week) + reduce the intensity of training (less exercises and approaches).

This cause of stagnation in itself is very interesting, as you already know from the article, how does bodybuilding differ from powerlifting? - the essence of bodybuilding is high volume training (tobish many sets and exercises) with a small amount of rest between sets (1 min) and this is correct, it should be (high volume training) BUT understand correctly, it is very difficult for the body to adapt to such a load IMMEDIATELY (IT IS IMPOSSIBLE), therefore it is IMPORTANT to gradually approach this high-volume training over many months and even years. And if you immediately take on an excessive load, as I said the body will not cope, you will be in stagnation + severe overtraining.

5) Violated regime of the day (routine) One way or another, violations of the regime of the day can cause stagnation. Because recovery processes are disrupted, nutrition is lame, constant stress, etc. For example, recovery plays a huge role in bodybuilding. The worse your daily routine, the more time you need to recover and grow muscles! Without proper nutrition, your recovery capabilities will also decrease, which means you need to increase the rest time between the workouts themselves, stress is generally a sore subject, for example, you are a student and you have a session ahead, sleepless nights + nervous state = release of the hormone cortisol in short, this is all sad, with this I want to say that the daily regimen cannot be violated, and if they have been violated, then you need to be able to correct everything (training, nutrition, rest) so that there is no overtraining and stagnation (plateau).

6) The genetic potential of a particular person. This cause of stagnation is rare. I think you can guess why, usually most people don't even get close to their genetic limit, they give up training halfway through, etc. But there are those who reach their betrayal, and it is extremely important for them to know what to actually do? After all, the closer you get to your genetic limit (ceiling), the more muscle growth slows down, right? This means that the chance of being stagnant is even greater. In this case, I recommend you how to say it, reset the counter. To do this, take 1-2 weeks of complete rest, and then use micro-pereodization in your workouts (that is, alternate a heavy week with an easy one) + load progression (MANDATORY for a hard week). I described this in more detail in my own there are training schemes for such a case. See for yourself, you might find it helpful. But there are open access articles on this topic, see more

This is where I end the conversation about the training fee (stagnation), I touched on the most important causes of stagnation and, let's say, secondary ones, I also told how to fight and overcome this plateau, do not despair, there is a way out of any situation, the main thing is to approach everything wisely.

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Sincerely, administrator.

In last week's Body for Summer we talked about strategy. In today's material, we will consider in detail the question that worries many - why, despite hard training, the muscles do not grow and it is completely impossible to pump up.

To create an athletic body, you do not need to go to gym every day, exhausting yourself with sophisticated workouts according to the professional program of the star from instagram. To change your figure, you must understand that muscles, and especially the abs, are 80% diet and 20% workout.

Problem number 1: "I want to lose weight and pump up"

It is extremely difficult for the body to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time, since these are two fundamentally different process: the first requires a deficit of energy, the second - its excess. Alternating bulking cycles with sculpting cycles will have a much greater effect than combining the two goals.

As part of the "Body to Summer" program, we have already considered two of the most effective method fat burning - and . At least once every two months, we recommend devoting the entire training week to just such a fat-burning training.

Problem number 2: "Why do not grow hands?"

Even within the framework of beach training, it is a mistake to pay excessive attention to pumping the muscles of the hands, namely, biceps and triceps. Remember that muscles grow more likely not from strength exercises but from the hormones produced by the body. Isolating exercises for the biceps, in fact, do not affect the hormonal background.

Hands work in all basic exercises- impossible to do deadlift or bench press with 80 kg of working weight, having a weak triceps. For arm muscle growth, it is important to improve your technique and increase the weight on the bar regularly, rather than wasting time on endless exercises with dumbbells.

Problem number 3: "Why are there no cubes on the press?"

Despite the fact that the press does not appear on its own when losing weight, a flat and embossed stomach is impossible with high level fat. First, and only then go to really important exercises for pumping.

In addition, it is a mistake to see the abs exclusively as a rectus abdominis muscle - in reality, for him efficient pumping it is necessary to strengthen the entire musculature of the body. We talked about the strategy in the 5th week of the Body to Summer training program.

Problem #4: “I have bad genetics”

From the point of view of physiology, people are strikingly similar, and even different types physiques differ from each other not so much. To achieve results and muscle growth, perseverance and time are always required - the maximum is no more than 0.2 kg per week.

Most trainees either do not try to evaluate the effectiveness of their training program at all (simply without having any program), or change it every two weeks - it is impossible to make progress with such a training regime even with perfect sports genetics.

How many hours? Nutrition rules for gaining muscle mass.

Problem number 5: "I'm afraid to gain fat"

The body needs calories to gain mass, and carbohydrates to build muscle. If you are afraid to gain fat and eat at the level of 2000 kcal per day (or have no idea how many calories and macronutrients you eat), you never you will not achieve your goal and will not gain muscle mass.

In addition, you do not need to blindly believe in the power sports nutrition and expensive bio-additives - they can only supplement the diet, and not replace it at all. The basis is made up of ordinary foods - cereals, green vegetables, lean meats and vegetable oils.

9 week training program

Perform, paying attention not so much to large weights as to technique and a complete sense of control over working muscles. Your goal should be to improve the quality of your training, not the quantity or pointless weight gain every week.

Remember that muscles do not grow at all because you, with your last strength, bending with your whole body, shifted a huge weight - muscles grow from correct technique and a deliberate increase in workload. At the same time, the load on the muscles can also be increased by mental control, and not by weighting the barbell.


Typical problems that prevent muscle growth are insufficient caloric intake and lack of consistency in training. In addition, most do not even think about what are the pros and cons of their current training program and how it can be improved.
