How to put springs on a horse cart. The process of making different types of horse carts

It is believed that carts appeared in the XII century. Since then, their design has hardly changed. Even today, a horse cart is sometimes used on farms, exhibitions, in the tourism sector. It is difficult to make such transport on your own, but it is possible.

Scope of use of the cart

The supply is a horse-drawn vehicle on four wheels, designed for the carriage of goods and passengers. At first, it was understood as transport with only one horse. The spring was not provided for in the design. There were no knitting needles in the Caucasus either. The role of the wheels was played by round cuts of logs. Then they began to call carts different types carts with their own characteristics.

The carts are made of wood, the lower part is made of metal. Today, springs and rubber wheels are more commonly used. The cart weighs 250-300 kg. The design of the carriage is related to the purpose of use. For example, the sides are not always there. The platform type is sometimes used.

Horses are used as draft power. They carry 500-750 kg. Some heavy trucks can handle a weight of about two tons. The construction of the team is usually a shallow-arc design. Horses are sometimes replaced by oxen, mules, and buffaloes.

Leads are used in different areas:

  • For the transportation of heavy, bulky goods. Freight transport is more robust than the rest of the carts. It has a reliable frame and wheel supports, a metal base.
  • Sometimes light loads are transported: as a rule, straw, hay. The base of such a cart does not have to be strong.
  • For transporting people. The design is complemented with benches, handles, reflectors.
  • For entertainment and walking. In this case, the horse and the cart should look appropriate, therefore Special attention pay outward appearance transport. They choose good wood and process it carefully. Plastic is suitable for decoration. In parks, ponies are often harnessed to such carts.
  • As a decorative item, an exhibit. This is a good example of folk craft for exhibitions and museums.

Types of horse carts

Today, shafts and pneumatic rubber wheels are used more. Carts have become more carrying capacity - about 750 kg.

From the films, many are familiar with a gig for a horse, which is also mistaken for a cart. The supply must have four wheels. The gig has only two of them. Although there are several types of carts with their own characteristics.


Vehicle for transporting people - a trolley equipped with seats for a cab driver (goats) and passengers. To the sides with inside attached handles necessary for safety.

Such a horse-drawn carriage often travels on paved roads. The wheels are made from pneumatic tires. The trolleys are comparatively small in size.

There is no covered top in this design, so the sides are made high. They protect against dust, stones flying from under the wheels of oncoming vehicles.


Another type of supply is more large size... The front and back are connected by long bars (drags). Metal sheets are placed on top and across. Such carts are called drogs after the beams.

Previously, this structure was often used to transport the deceased. Today, such a horse-drawn carriage is used to transport large loads, such as hay. It is important to properly secure the luggage.

Drazhki are also called special types of semi- or springless supplies. They are shorter and lighter. Some modifications had mudguards above the wheels and a convertible top. Four-seater carts of a special design were called rulers, round - cabs. Until the end of the 19th century, droshky was used to test trotters in a Russian team. Such carts can already be attributed to another type of supply - the crew.


The following type is used for transportation heavy loads... The shelf has a solid wooden, flat base. It is convenient to put and fasten heavy or oversized luggage on the body.

For the manufacture of transport, only durable hardwood is taken. The boards are laid along as closely as possible to one another. Fasten them with transverse, shorter ones. As a rule, the structure is based on a metal frame.

For the transportation of heavy loads, high-quality shock absorption is important. Wheels are used with rubber tires.


Closed carriages with springs are called carriages. They can be equipped with shafts, drawbars. Wooden wheels are sometimes used. Although today it is a rarity - they can be found only on excursions in museums.

Carrying capacity and maneuverability different types differ.


The most comfortable and prestigious means of transportation in the past. There are soft seats inside. The carriage is equipped with windows on the sides and front. The driver is in the front, on the open side. Some carriages do not have a goat. Then the coachman is placed on the irradiation - wooden mount on the edge. On the heels behind the carriage stood footmen. They opened the doors, helped to climb the steps inside.

The lightest carriages were carried by two horses. Although there were also heavier designs. The most popular are threes and fours. Today, carriages are rarely used - for recreational walks, in filmmaking, and for historical reenactments.


Light crew convertible with good maneuverability. The wheelchair ride was comfortable. It takes 2-3 horses to harness, although some have used six horses. Varieties of strollers - phaeton, landau.


Intended for long distance travel. Usually accommodated four passengers. The tarantass is a non-standard crew. It does not have springs, but it has a longitudinal frame, and the road is up to six meters long. This design softens shaking, which is important when driving on uneven roads, especially on long journeys.


Similar to carriages, but lighter. We used carts to drive long distances. Sometimes there were models with a convertible top - leather, wood, wicker, insulated. In Russia, as a rule, they used carts without springs, in Western Europe this detail was in the design. They took 1-2 horses for harnessing.

How to make a carriage for a horse with your own hands

Once upon a time, special craftsmen were engaged in the manufacture of carts. In Soviet times, carts were produced by twelve factories. The largest was in the Novgorod region. In the 80s, he produced up to 2,000 carts a month.

Traditions are not lost today. However, finding masters and contacting them is not always possible. Some people make a cart for a horse on their own. It’s not easy, but it’s quite real. As with many homemade products, initial skills are required and correct preparation.

Materials and tools

To make a cart for a horse with your own hands, you need the ability to process wood and other materials. To facilitate the task before work, they are looking for or ordering:

  • metal wheel axles;
  • two pairs of disks and tires from the car.

For the simplest supply, you will need other materials:

  • metal pipes, profiles, large corners from 5 mm thick;
  • sheets of 10 mm;
  • long boards, bars 100 by 100, 50 by 130, 25 by 100 mm, preferably from hard rocks;
  • good plywood 20-30 mm thick.

From tools and equipment you will need:

  • welding machine with accessories;
  • milling machine;
  • scissors for metal;
  • hammer, nails;
  • screwdriver and long screws;
  • bolt М20х100;
  • spanners.

Work order

In the manufacture of the simplest carts, they start from the front axle:

  1. Choose a bar 100 by 100 mm. 1 m is cut off. The timber should not crumble or rot, since a metal axis will be inserted into it.
  2. Make a groove under the axis in the lower side of the timber. Use a milling machine.
  3. Drill the bar through the middle. Diameter - 20 mm. The hole is needed for the kingpin - a metal pin. Its role is played by the M20x100 bolt.
  4. Circles with a diameter of 300 mm are cut from metal sheets. A 22 mm hole is made in the center of each. This is a swing mechanism.
  5. Insert the kingpin into the hole in the middle of the prepared bar. The cut circles are fastened with the same bolt.
  6. A metal axis is inserted into the groove of the bar.
  7. The rear axle of a cart for a horse is made with their own hands in much the same way. The only difference is that there is no kingpin or metal circles.

  1. Take the second similar beam 3 m long. This is the frame of the frame.
  2. A front axle with a rotary mechanism (circles) and a rear axle are attached to it.
  3. Strengthen the structure. To do this, you need boards 50 by 130: two, 2.5 m each. They are attached to the frame from the front axle side. To the back of the cart, their ends diverge. The angle between them should be approximately 45 °.

The work is finished with a hinged part:

  1. Collect the bottom. Take boards 25 mm wide, 100 high. Saw them in pieces of half a meter.
  2. These boards are laid across the frame of the frame, fastened.
  3. Sawing two more boards with the same parameters, but already 2.8 m long.
  4. They are applied along the resulting bottom on both sides, along the edges. Fasten.
  5. Saw two ends of the cart out of plywood. Attached to the front and back of the bottom. The base of the end-triangles is parallel to the axes. It looks up.
  6. The ends are connected with wide boards. On each side, two are attached: one on top, the other halfway to the bottom.

How to properly harness a horse to a cart

It is not enough to have a cart and a horse, you need to know how to use them. It is important to harness the horse correctly. This helps to avoid injuries, breakdowns and better work order.

First comes the preparation:

  1. The harness and the cart are being checked. Even small abrasions on the harness belts are not allowed, as this threatens chafing and injury. Lubricate the wheels if necessary. If the transport is not in order, the risk of rolling over on bumps is greatly increased.
  2. The horse is examined and cleaned, the pet's mood is assessed. If touching is unpleasant to him, health problems are possible. If the horse is worried or unwell, it is advisable to reschedule the ride.

With a shank-arc harness, the horse is assembled on the way as follows:

  1. Adjust the tugs.
  2. The cherries and the abdomen are fixed on the shafts. The first one sometimes injures the skin. If there is no saddle, then it is not used.
  3. Put on the bridle. The bit bit (pin) is heated in cold weather so as not to injure the horse.
  4. Put on a saddle. First - a little higher, then lower it.
  5. Next comes the girth.
  6. The clamp is selected for each horse. Too small are not used. Too large ones are sewn inside felt. Put on first with ticks up. On the narrow part of the neck, turn it over.
  7. Stretch the harness, straighten it. The belts are not tight. Between them and the body of the animal, there is a palm-thick distance.
  8. They lead into shafts. If the horse refuses to cross the pole, they are forced to go backwards or the shafts are rolled.
  9. The arc is fixed. Stand in front of the horse and lean the harness against its right leg... Adjust the length of the tug: twist. Shafts are placed to the edge. Put on the left edge of the arc into a tug loop. The second is thrown over the shaft and fastened. Check it out. Then the arc is turned out with a notch to the second shaft. A tug is laid on top. The loop is on the arc. Tighten the clamp.
  10. The supon is wrapped around the pincers. If necessary, lengthen the tug. The pliers are connected at right angles. If this is not the case, the gug, on the contrary, is shortened.
  11. Throw in the reins. Attach the lanyard. Make sure that nothing prevents the horse from raising its head.
  12. Throw the belts over the shafts. They shouldn't dangle.
  13. The reins are passed through the middle of the arc from the outside. Fastened to the bridle.
  14. Check the work. The gouges should be behind the arc. To check if everything is in order while driving, lightly touch the carriage.

Horse carts are still in demand. They remain a useful means of transport in agriculture and tourism. Some models can be made by hand.

We present a drawing of a cart for transporting goods and horse riding.

Conventionally, it can be divided into several component parts:
- mounted equipment.

For the base of the bearing part, we use a wooden beam with a size of 100x100x1000mm. Bottom, along, along the entire length, we mill a groove for fastening a metal axis. In the center we drill a through hole with a diameter of 20 mm for the kingpin (the pin around which it will turn). We make three "pancakes" with a diameter of 300 mm with a hole in the center with a diameter of 22 mm from sheet metal 10 mm thick, which will serve as a rotary device. In the lower and upper "pancakes" we will provide mounting holes for attaching the "pancakes" to the timber. Insert the pivot (bolt M20x200) from the bottom of the timber. We install metal washers on both sides and clamp them with a nut with a stopper. We fasten the axle and the "pancake" to the timber - the front axle of the cart is ready. When fastening, you can use wood screws or countersunk screws with nuts and washers.

We prepare the rear axle in the same way as the front one, only without the kingpin and "pancake".


The basis of the frame of the frame is a wooden beam 100x100x3000mm in size. On the one hand, we attach a part of the swivel mechanism, on the other, a wooden block 100x100x30mm in size (compensator for the level of the center distance). We attach the rear axle to the frame of the frame. We collect the swivel mechanism.

To give the frame the necessary rigidity, we attach boards measuring 50x130x2515mm on the sides of the timber. Having previously given them the required shape.

Attached equipment

From boards measuring 25x100x500mm, we assemble the bottom of the carriage, which we fasten with self-tapping screws for wood to the frame of the frame.

Along the assembled bottom, along the edges, we attach two boards measuring 25x100x2800mm. The ends of the cart are cut out of plywood 20 ... 25 mm thick and fastened to the frame.

We attach four boards to both ends.

We install wheels in which a metal hub with bearings is pressed. Detailed description we look at the design and assembly of the wheel in the article. We attach shafts to the front axle. We will skip the description of their construction, we will not dwell on it.

The structure of the cart is assembled, can be used in households for transporting goods and riding horses.

Design features.

1. The angle of rotation of the front wheels during transportation depends on their diameter. The smaller its diameter, the greater the angle of rotation. Therefore, if the front wheels pass under the cart frame, the steering angle will be more than ninety degrees. To compensate for the difference in the center distance between the front and rear wheels, you can use an additional wooden beam, which is installed on the front axle.
2. Swivel washers and wheel hub bearings must be lubricated periodically. Any lubricant can be used.
3. The overall dimensions of the structure can be taken at your discretion (usually the following dimensions are taken: length up to 3 meters; width up to one and a half meters; height up to 1.2 meters).
4. The weight of the transported cargo will be up to 1500 kg.
5. The lumber must be planed, preferably dry, treated with an aniseptic. The color scheme is at your discretion.

Horseback riding with a lightweight and practical design will bring you a lot of pleasure.

It is hard to imagine ordinary life in remote Russian regions without the use of a horse in a subsidiary farm. That is why a cart and the ability to harness horses are simply necessary here. Very few people now know how to properly harness a horse. Experienced specialists can learn how to harness a horse.

Under their guidance, you can figure out how to harness a horse, how to bring any cargo, firewood from a forest belt with the help of a cart with a horse, plow a land plot or go to a neighboring settlement. In the old days, almost every village had a special wagon maker. Nowadays, it must be purchased or made by hand.

Russian harness is a special type of horse-drawn transport and is produced in several configurations. Therefore, it is necessary to determine in advance its type and main purpose.

If it is only needed to work on moving various goods, then you can make a simple cart or cart in the form of a platform, in other words, without sides and with a flat bottom... When a cart is needed to move hay, other goods and for use as vehicle, then it is worth making with large sides.

Additionally, it is necessary to think in advance how many horses will be harnessed to the yoke. Because the pair and one-horse harness are quite very different in technology manufacture and purpose.

The parokonny cart has a drawbar and a collar, and the one-horse equipped with an arc and shaft... In cases when it is planned to manufacture a Ukrainian model, the cart or drawbar cart is used in the same way, regardless of the number of horses harnessed. It is worth noting that it is easier to make a drawbar harness with your own hands, in contrast to an arc cart.

Almost every horse breeder in the village knows how to make a cart for a horse with his own hands. Village life cannot be imagined without a horse - the main farm assistant - preparing hay, transporting heavy loads, and simply driving off-road in summer and in snow in winter.

To solve all of the above tasks, a cart is needed. A cart, as a variety, can also be used on the farm, but more often it is used for entertainment purposes, photography, etc.

A cart is called a cart into which horses are harnessed. A horse-drawn carriage is an independent form of transport that can move along the roads common use, in the rules allowed for this road traffic places.

There are several types of horse carts:

  1. drogi;
  2. shelves;
  3. cart;
  4. carriage - decorative cart, cart.

Drogi is a cart without a body. The shelf is an outdated name for a flat-deck cart that is used to transport large loads. A cart is a small cart with a seat and a goat - a place for a cabman, who with the help and reins.

By definition, a wagon is a wheeled carriage with a plank body, a conveyance that a horse is harnessed to. There are many different types of carts. Let's consider only the most basic ones.

Plank bottom on wheels


Depending on the purpose, horse carts are divided into:

  1. passenger;
  2. freight;
  3. combat;
  4. specialized.

Among the passenger carriages, in turn, there are:

  • - covered wagon.
  • Stagecoach is a multi-seat vehicle, passenger or mail.
  • A wagon is a wagon that serves as a dwelling for nomads.
  • A stroller is a small carriage that has an open top.
  • The chaise is a semi-open cart.

Among the horse carriages, one can note:

  • Arba is a two-wheeled vehicle.
  • The cart is a four-wheeled vehicle. If covered, it is called a van.
  • The wagon is a large, long wagon.

Varieties of war wagons:

  • chariot;
  • tachanka.

Specialized carts are divided into:

  • field kitchen;
  • mobile church;
  • mobile medical center.

It should be noted that no matter what type of carriage the master plans to make, the base of the cart will always be approximately the same. First, you need to make a flat flooring on the base of the frame, and only then reflect on the appearance of the carriage. Will it be a carriage, carriage or carriage - the inventor will decide later, embodying his fantasies and imaginations in reality.

The main components of the carriage are the course and the body. The move is all the mechanisms that set the cart in motion. The body is the vehicle itself and its component parts.


The main elements of the move:

  1. Front and rear axles.
  2. Wheels.
  3. The struts - front and rear - function as shock absorbers.
  4. Dissolution is an element that connects the axles and allows you to change the length of the carriage.
  5. Shafts.

Freight wagon diagram

An important step in making a do-it-yourself horse carriage is to decide for what purposes it will be used. The choice of material will directly depend on this. Moreover, if the cart is supposed to be made of wood, it makes sense to use dry hardwood. Pine is not the best option for this. If the carriage will be used in most cases for the transportation of heavy loads, it is better to use durable materials - metal, etc. For a pleasure carriage, you can use modern lightweight materials - plastic, etc.

Car elements

In order to answer the question: "How to make a carriage for a horse on your own," the master only needs to spend some time, reflect on the image of the future carriage and make a choice necessary material... Here parts and elements of a car, motorcycle, bicycle or sidecar can be used.

The main step in the process of creating a wagon is deciding on its dimensions. In the old days, craftsmen adhered to approximately the following proportions: width - 1.5 m, length of the cart - 3 m.


The main supporting element of the carriage is the frame. A welded frame made of a metal profile will be very functional. The frame consists of longitudinal members and cross members. In accordance with the size of the frame profile, it is necessary to select the bars to which the flooring will be attached - the platform of the carriage.

The front and rear pillars are welded to the frame, and the upper and lower turntables are attached to the front pillar (bottom) and to the front axle (top), respectively. The turntables must be separated by means of an oiled felt circle - the function of the plain bearing when turning will be assured.

Metal frame

It is convenient to make the axles of the cart from a metal pipe of a small diameter, but you can also use a bar made of wood, in the ends of which it is necessary to make holes of the required length. Studs will be inserted into these holes later. Washers are put on the axle. The wheels are fixed to the studs with nuts.

Wheel with axle

Wagon wheels should be selected based on the purpose of using the wagon.

Body making is a creative process, a flight of a master's imagination. A do-it-yourself horse carriage is a unique masterpiece that absorbs the whole soul and inner world inventor.

Gone are the days when horses were the only one with by means of travel... Although their work was completely replaced by machines, horses still remain the best helpers. In the Russian outback, they are still successfully used for household needs. Plowing a garden, bringing firewood, hay and other loads - a harnessed horse will do this job perfectly. She will not be scared muddy roads and off-road, as well as any bad weather. In the village, on a cart for a horse, it will always be easy to deliver the necessary cargo from anywhere.

How to properly harness a horse to a Russian cart

Before you understand how to harness a horse, you will need to familiarize yourself with the harness in detail. This will help you better know the purpose of each thing and quickly learn how to harness the horse. The main parts of the Russian bow harness:

  1. Bridle - serves to control a horse carriage;
  2. Clamp - designed to transmit traction from the horse to the cart after harnessing;
  3. Saddle - supports the harness;
  4. Girth - a device that holds the saddle;
  5. Harness - a set of harness belts that do not allow the clamp to fly off when the carriage moves back;
  6. Cheresselnik - a kind of harness strap that goes through the saddle and is attached to the shafts;
  7. Abdomen - the word itself says that the belt goes under the belly of the horse after harnessing the horses;
  8. The arc in the harness - serves for a strong connection of the harness between the clamp and the shafts;
  9. Reins - designed for remote control of a horse from a cart.

Gallery: Russian cart for a horse (25 photos)

How to properly harness a horse to a cart

Before harnessing the horse, you need to put on a collar, which, according to the rules, is hung on the horse's neck with pincers up and turned over. Straighten the helmet and back part miss under the tail of the animal... Next, they put on the bridle, and then the saddle so that it lies behind the withers after the clamp. It is not recommended to overtighten the straps. A hand should pass between them and the body of the animal. Otherwise, after harnessing, these belts will strongly rub the skin, which can adversely affect the hair of the animal.

When all the actions are completed, the horse is taken by the bridle and brought to the cart so that it is between the shafts. After that one hand grasp the tug on the clamp, and the second is raised the shaft and put on the tug. One end of the arc is inserted into its loop, and the other is thrown around the animal's neck. On the other hand, in the same way we raise the shaft and connect it to the arc through the tug. After completing the installation of the arc, tighten the clamp. We wind the strap on the pliers and tighten it with our knee, and then the weekly. Next, we throw the bridle over the horse's head, and thread the end into a ring on an arc and tie it well. Finally, attach the reins to the bits so that they pass over the tugs.

How to make a wooden horse cart

Making wooden wheels

Originally details horse carts made from wood. Since this is the cheapest way horse carriage construction... Initially, they took up the construction of wheels. These are the parts of the horse carriage that can withstand the heaviest loads. Only strong tree species are suitable for their construction. The most common and fairly durable material that is used everywhere for these purposes is birch. The construction of wooden wheels consists of parts:

  1. Hub;
  2. Iron sleeve;
  3. Knitting needles;
  4. Bars;
  5. Metal hoop.

The first step is taken for the construction of the hub. From a round birch log with a thickness of at least 25 cm, a 20 cm chunk is sawn off. A hole is drilled in it in the center, where a metal sleeve is inserted. And from the outside with a chisel, they hollow out the nests for the knitting needles, which are also made of strong wood. For their construction I use t small cylindrical or faceted birch rods, one end of which fits into the grooves in the hub. Next, they start making rim bars. First, the blanks are cut to size, and then square holes are hollowed out for the knitting needles. One side is left straight, and the opposite is rounded, which, when assembled, forms outer rim of wheels.

To make it stronger and more durable, an iron hoop is installed upstairs. It is made from a metal tape, which is cut to size and rolled into a ring, and the ends are connected with rivets or using a welding machine... After that, all the individual parts are assembled into a set and fixed with a hoop. Holes are drilled through the rim bars in it, where the bolts are inserted and tightened firmly. It is best to use them with a countersunk head, as when the cart moves on the asphalt, vibration and rumble from the protruding heads of the metal bolts will increase.

How to make a rear axle and a kingpin for a cart with your own hands

The design of the Russian horse cart has two axles. The rear is fixed motionless to the carriage, and the front is in a mobile state and rotates on a pivot connection. This is necessary so that the cart does not tip over on its side during turning. Previously, the axles were completely forged in the forge, but today it is possible to make them your own. hands made of component parts... For the axles, it is necessary to choose a strong metal so that they will carry a heavy load. Otherwise, the rubbing parts of the axles at the joints with the wheel will wear out quickly.

There is no single sample of the design of a Russian cart, so you can come up with a method of making axles yourself. Let's consider the simplest option from the usual and most common materials. Since the rear axle has a simpler design, we will start with it. An ordinary Russian cart is built 1.5 meters wide and 3 meters long. According to this size, the rear the axis will be one and a half meters... To do this, you need to find a solid pipe, it is better to choose a thick-walled one. Its inner diameter must match the wheel hubs.

You also need to find or make yourself on small metal rods. They should fit easily into the pipe and wheel hubs, but without much clearance. If it is large, then during muddy roads or bad weather a lot of dirt will get there, which will quickly render the rubbing parts of the wheels and axle unusable. First, the rods must be marked for drilling. To do this, insert one end into the pipe, and put the wheel on the other... On the protruding rod, mark the drilling point for the cotter pin with chalk. Then carefully remove the wheel and mark the position of the pin in the pipe.

Using the mark made, we drill a hole for the cotter pin, and through the pipe through the rod for the bolts, which must be inserted and tightened firmly. This design is good in that in case of breakage or wear, the pins will be easy to replace. When the rods are installed in both ends of the pipe, you should prepare small wooden block... It must be made of such a size that it fits between the wheels. Next, an axis is laid evenly on it and in several places they are drilled through the beam. Long bolts are then inserted into these holes and tightened securely. On this, the construction of the rear support of the cart can be considered complete.

Construction of the front axle from a cart to a horse

All the construction of the front axle is no different from the previous work, right up to the installation of the timber. But on top of that, she needs to do additional rotary device... To do this, find the middle of the axle and drill a hole for the king pin. It is not difficult to make it from the same metal rod as the rods. The pipe will lose its strength at the point of drilling. To strengthen it, you need to weld two strong washers on both sides to the outgoing holes, as well as two ears under the shafts. Then find and attach the same bar as on the rear axle.

How to make shafts for a horse cart with your own hands

After that, you should make even shafts, which are easy to find in a birch forest, cut down, remove the birch bark and dry. It is worth noting that the trunks of the felled trees should be slightly thicker. During drying, they will begin to shrink and as a result will be much thinner than conventional samples... In extreme cases, they can then be slightly cut with an ax and trimmed with a plane. To attach the shafts to the front axle, you first need to make the ears. Next, drill holes for bolts in the shafts, insert ears and screw tight.

Construction of a platform for a cart for a horse

For the construction of the site, a timber 3 meters long will be required. A hole is drilled in the front part, a kingpin is inserted and connected to the front axle. Insert cotter pins with washers, and the other end of the beam is firmly bolted to the rear axle. Next, you need to build a platform for the cart. For this, boards 3 meters long are cut off, laid out on the ground, so that a flat area of ​​1.5x3 is obtained. Then boards are nailed across it for rigidity, turned over, put on a cart and firmly fixed with nails or screws. To make the boards, boards in the form of a box are nailed along the edges of the platform and the horse cart is ready to go.

How to make a horse clamp with your own hands

  1. Claws;
  2. Gouges;
  3. Khomutin.

The collar is a Russian harness that is put on the horse's head when harnessed. All horses are different and it is advisable for each to make an individual clamp. This simple fixture is easy to make by hand yourself. First you need measure horse neck near the withers and add 6 cm. The easiest way to make the pliers is from birch, and then find the tugs and nail them down with nails or screws. To prevent the collar from rubbing the horse's chest, it is necessary to make a collar, that is, sheathe the claws with soft material in the form of a pillow. Felt is usually used for the inner layer, and the top is covered with a soft natural leather... The work is very simple and even a teenager will be able to do it with his own hands.

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