Horse cart do it yourself drawings. Horse cart: design, operation and manufacture

The life of a modern villager is associated with housekeeping. And the horse, as the main assistant, still successfully competes with such a technical unit as a tractor. Harvesting hay, collecting milk, transporting building materials or simply off-roading is not possible without a cart. It can be harnessed to both, and easily harnessed. This article will consider a very important issue - how to make a cart for a horse with your own hands.

A cart is a wagon that harnesses cattle and horses. The cart is often called a horse-drawn carriage. This type of transport has every right to move on public roads, where traffic rules do not prohibit it.

There are several types of horse carts:

  1. drogi;
  2. shelves;
  3. cart.

Drogi is a cart without a body. As a rule, this is a fairly long cart. Shelves are a rather outdated name for a cart, which has a flat floor and is used to transport bulky items. A cart is a small carriage that has a seat, and also goats - the place where the driver sits.


It should be noted that there are also decorative carts - carriages. used mainly for walking, photography, etc.

Travel and body are the main components of a horse cart. The move is all the elements of the mechanism that set the cart in motion. The body is the actual trailer or wagon and its components.

Swivel knot

In the past, all the elements of the cart were mostly made of wood. Even the wheels were made of wood. Today, thanks to the great possibilities, many parts of the cart are made of metal.


A move consists of the following elements:

  1. Axles - front and rear. On each axle there are so-called superchargers, which reinforce the axle.
  2. Wheels - two on the front axle and two on the rear. It should be noted that often the front wheels have a smaller radius relative to the rear wheels.
  3. The struts - front and rear - functionally act as shock absorbers.
  4. Dissolution is an element that provides a connection between the axes. The release is attached to the racks, on the one hand, tightly, on the other - with the possibility of adjustment, which allows you to change the length of the cart by changing the distance between the axles.
  5. Shafts are attached to the front axle.

Before you start making a cart with your own hands, you should decide for what purposes it will be used, since, for example, to harvest hay, it is necessary to make cart elements from lumber, and the choice of wood will be important in this matter. Usually, well-dried hardwoods are used for this purpose. Pine is not suitable for this.

If the horse cart will be used mainly for the transportation of oversized heavy loads, it is necessary to use durable materials, such as, for example, metal, etc. For the independent manufacture of a cart used for walking purposes, you can use decorative materials, for example, plastic.

Metal material

For an inventor who likes to craft with his own hands, it will not be difficult to answer the question: "How to make a cart for a horse"? This task is within the power of anyone who is ready to spend a certain amount of time, think a little about the solution and find the necessary material, for example, elements that are unnecessary in the household from a car, bicycle or an old stroller.

Dimensions (edit)

An important point in this matter is the size of the cart. Our ancestors adhered to approximately the same size ratio - the length of the cart is 3 m, the width is 1.5 m. The height can vary from 0.5 m to 0.7 m. You can trust the experience of times and take such dimensions of the carriage as a basis.

  • The main bearing element of the future structure is the frame. Due to the modern abundance of materials, it will be convenient to make a welded metal frame from a U-shaped profile. The frame consists of side members (longitudinal members) and cross members. According to the size of the frame profile, it is necessary to select and insert the bars, to which, then, the flooring will be attached - the loading platform of the cart.

U-shaped frame
  • Racks are welded to the frame - front and rear. In turn, the upper turntable is welded to the front pillar (bottom), the lower turntable is welded to the front axle (top). An oiled felt disc is placed between the turntables. This whole structure acts as a sleeve bearing when cornering.
  • The axles of the cart can be made of metal - a pipe with a small diameter is ideal. A wooden bar is also suitable for these purposes. In this case, a sufficient length of holes should be made in the ends of the timber, into which the studs will be inserted. Washers are put on the axle, and the wheels are fixed on the studs with nuts.
  • The choice of wheels for the cart depends on the purpose for which the cart will be used. Therefore, you can use wheels from an old bicycle, motorcycle or trailer that are unnecessary on the farm.

Choice of wheels
  • Shafts are attached to the front axle of the cart.
  • Body making is a process that directly depends on the imagination of the master. The most versatile is the cart in the form of a platform - for comfortable transportation of goods. The base can be equipped with folding sides, it can be removable. If passengers are supposed to be transported, the structure can be supplemented with soft seats.

In our automotive age, there are still people who take up the manufacture of carriages. In doing so, they turn their rather expensive hobby into a business. So is there any point in investing in a business so atypical for modern realities?

Features of the carriage business

A certain amount of courage is required to organize such a production. But with the right planning, a small workshop can generate a steady income.

Be sure to carefully study the demand for your products before writing a business plan. You can even discuss cooperation options with potential clients in advance. You need to be sure that you can sell horse carts.

Making any product comes with a cost. Therefore, define a financial reserve for the purchase of the necessary materials. Calculate your profitability. It does not interfere with yourself to understand the intricacies of creating carriages. If you are not a pro in this, then you will need to find a master.

After that, don't forget to register your company. The form of an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) is quite suitable for you. It is clear that you will need to contact the tax office and register. You do not need to obtain any licenses or permits.

Looking for clientele

So who might be interested in your product? In the first place in the list are travel companies. Many of them offer their clients unhurried horse rides through historical sites. Indeed, it is boring to contemplate the sights from the car window.

But to ride in an old carriage is already exotic! Large firms can keep several carts in reserve at once. So the manufacture of carriages for this category of consumers can turn into a long-term contract, especially since the wear and tear of carriages is quite intense. And you will have to repair them.

The second category of clients is a wedding agency. Event companies often offer the newlyweds a festively decorated carriage instead of boring limousines, huge hummers and other executive cars. It's romantic, fabulous. What bride does not dream of being in the place of a happy princess! And the photos in the album will be just amazing.

Expanding our client base

Aside from the clients listed above, don't ignore the villagers either. They often need chaise, carts, carts. Finding a master in the village is now quite difficult. Therefore, they will be happy to contact you for a solid and reliable horse carriage, and they will also advise you to your neighbors. Nowadays, many farmers keep horses, preferring to go out for household needs in a carriage, since this is a more economical transport than a car.

The manufacture of carriages to order is also in demand by collectors. But here you need to take into account that they are asking to create a copy of a specific historical thing. You will have to strictly follow the sketches, drawings, with a magnifying glass, studying the available photographs or images in books. Such orders are, of course, very expensive. But they also require significant costs. At the same time, collectors are asked to use original, sometimes only authentic materials. Therefore, it will not be possible to save on consumable raw materials.


It is clear that you will not be able to do business in the garage. You need a workshop with a warehouse. A small industrial building can be rented for this purpose. Place the necessary equipment and fixtures in it. Equip a place for storing materials and workpieces. And don't forget about fire safety. You will be working with flammable and flammable materials. You will be calmer if the room is equipped with an exhaust hood and a fire extinguishing system.


As mentioned above, you should understand what stages the manufacture of carriages consists of, and not only understand the technology, but also be able to work with your hands yourself.

But even if you are a dokey in this matter, you will still need helpers. You can be involved in the production of complex, expensive orders. But apprentices are quite capable of handling the simple chaise and carts that farmers need.

In this way, you increase the productivity of your company.

How to build a carriage with your own hands

Now let's take a closer look at the technological aspects. Of course, modern carriages are very different from their ancestors. If you make carriages exactly as they did several centuries ago, then tourists or newlyweds are unlikely to be satisfied with a ride in a horse-drawn carriage. It shook decently in wooden boxes.

Therefore, modern craftsmen follow in many ways the automotive industry. Technologies familiar to motorists are used here: disc brakes, shock absorbers, springs. These mechanisms make the trip more comfortable and safe.

The body is made of lightweight materials.

The general scheme of how to make a carriage looks something like this:

  • the components of the future product are cut out from moisture-resistant plywood;
  • windows and doors are cut out on the corresponding blanks;
  • then the body is assembled (make sure that all parts are securely attached to each other);
  • the racks are fastened with bolts, the figured parts are carefully aligned;
  • after the body is ready, a frame is made (a glued shield is suitable for it);
  • then a place for a coachman and a rear step are mounted;
  • the frame is ready, it is necessary to make doors and windows;
  • then proceed to interior and exterior decoration;
  • for upholstery, use materials used in the production of upholstered furniture, a stapler.

Of course, the technology and steps can vary slightly. It all depends on whether you are doing an open or closed crew.

And the appearance can vary greatly. So, you can order very non-standard models. For example, get ready to create a pumpkin carriage, like in the Cinderella tales. If you take on an order for a collector, then you need to follow to the subtleties all the technology used in a particular era. Here it will be necessary to study historical chronicles, books, research by specialists.

About wheels

Wheels for a carriage can and should be made using modern technologies. It is not very convenient to move on the asphalt in the city on traditional wooden wheels. The most commonly used lightweight options equipped with tires. Their move is smoother, and the horse will be less tired to pull the cart.

Although in some cases you may be asked to make wooden wheels. But keep in mind that this process is laborious. This statement is especially true for the manufacture of the axle. Therefore, many craftsmen try, whenever possible, to purchase ready-made blanks.

Is it profitable or not?

Is it profitable or not to make carriages? To answer this question, let's count. Let's enter all expenses in one column.

This will include the purchase of materials, equipment, tools, building rent, tax costs. Let's enter our income in another column. The simplest chaise or carriage costs about 5 thousand dollars. But more impressive carriages, designed for holiday or tourist trips, are much more expensive.

Here the countdown starts from 10 or 12 thousand dollars. The cost of collectible items jumps up to several hundred thousand dollars. One good master with experience and skillful hands is quite capable of making two or three carriages a month. So you will have a profit.

But these calculations are correct only if there are potential, and even better, regular customers. Therefore, in the first place you should have the task of finding those who will need your crews.

Gone are the days when horses were the only one with by means of travel... Although their work was completely replaced by machines, horses are still the best helpers. In the Russian outback, they are still successfully used for household needs. Plowing a vegetable garden, bringing firewood, hay and other loads - a harnessed horse will do this job perfectly. She will not be scared muddy roads and off-road, as well as any bad weather. In the village, on a cart for a horse, it will always be easy to deliver the necessary cargo from anywhere.

How to properly harness a horse to a Russian cart

Before you understand how to harness a horse, you will need to familiarize yourself with the harness in detail. This will help you better know the purpose of each thing and quickly learn how to harness the horse. The main parts of the Russian bow harness:

  1. Bridle - serves to control a horse carriage;
  2. Collar - designed to transmit traction from the horse to the cart after harnessing;
  3. Saddle - supports the harness;
  4. Girth - a device that holds the saddle;
  5. Harness - a set of harness belts that do not allow the clamp to fly off when the carriage moves back;
  6. Cheresselnik - a kind of harness strap that goes through the saddle and is attached to the shafts;
  7. Abdominal - the word itself says that the belt passes under the belly of the horse after harnessing the horses;
  8. The arc in the harness - serves to firmly connect the harness between the clamp and the shafts;
  9. Reins - designed for remote control of a horse from a cart.

Gallery: Russian cart for a horse (25 photos)

How to properly harness a horse to a cart

Before harnessing the horse, you need to put on a collar, which, according to the rules, is hung on the horse's neck with pincers up and turned over. Straighten the harness and let the back pass under the tail of the animal... Next, they put on the bridle, and then the saddle so that it lies behind the withers after the clamp. It is not recommended to tighten the straps too much. A hand should pass between them and the body of the animal. Otherwise, after harnessing, these belts will strongly rub the skin, which can adversely affect the hair of the animal.

When all the actions are completed, the horse is taken by the bridle and brought to the cart so that it is between the shafts. After that one hand grasp the tug on the clamp, and the second is raised and placed on the tug. One end of the arc is inserted into its loop, and the other is thrown around the animal's neck. On the other hand, in the same way we raise the shaft and connect it to the arc through the tug. After completing the installation of the arc, tighten the clamp. We wind the strap on the pliers and tighten it with our knee, and then the weekly. Next, we throw the bridle over the horse's head, and thread the end into a ring on an arc and tie it well. Finally, attach the reins to the bits so that they pass over the tugs.

How to make a wooden horse cart

Making wooden wheels

Initially, the details of the horse cart were made of wood. Since this is the cheapest way horse carriage construction... Initially, they took up the construction of wheels. These are the parts of the horse carriage that can withstand the heaviest loads. Only strong tree species are suitable for their construction. The most common and fairly durable material that is used everywhere for these purposes is birch. The construction of wooden wheels consists of parts:

  1. Hub;
  2. Iron sleeve;
  3. Knitting needles;
  4. Bars;
  5. Metal hoop.

The first step is taken for the construction of the hub. From a round birch log with a thickness of at least 25 cm, a 20 cm chunk is sawn off. A hole is drilled in it in the center, where a metal sleeve is inserted. And on the outside with a chisel, they hollow out the nests for the knitting needles, which are also made of strong wood. For their construction I use t small cylindrical or faceted birch rods, one end of which fits into the grooves in the hub. Next, they start making the rim bars. First, the blanks are cut to size, and then square holes are hollowed out for the knitting needles. One side is left straight, and the opposite is rounded, which, when assembled, forms outer rim of wheels.

To make it more durable and durable, an iron hoop is installed upstairs. It is made from a metal tape, which is cut to size and rolled into a ring, and the ends are connected with rivets or using a welding machine... After that, all the individual parts are assembled and fixed with a hoop. Holes are drilled through the rim bars in it, where the bolts are inserted and tightened firmly. It is best to use them with a countersunk head, since when the cart moves on the asphalt, vibration and rumble from the protruding heads of metal bolts will increase.

How to make a rear axle and a kingpin for a cart with your own hands

The design of the Russian horse cart has two axles. The back one is fixed motionlessly to the carriage, and the front one is in a movable state and rotates on a pivot connection. This is necessary so that the cart does not tip over on its side during turning. Previously, the axles were completely forged in the forge, but today it is possible to make them your own. by hands from component parts... For the axles, it is necessary to choose a strong metal so that they will carry a heavy load. Otherwise, the rubbing parts of the axles at the joints with the wheel will wear out quickly.

There is no single sample for the design of a Russian cart, so you can come up with a method of making axles yourself. Let's consider the simplest option from the usual and most common materials. Since the rear axle has a simpler design, we will start with it. An ordinary Russian cart is built 1.5 meters wide and 3 meters long. According to this size, the rear the axis will be one and a half meters... To do this, you need to find a solid pipe, it is better to choose a thick-walled one. Its inner diameter must match the wheel hubs.

You also need to find or make yourself on small metal rods. They should fit easily into the pipe and wheel hubs, but without much clearance. If it is large, then during muddy roads or bad weather a lot of dirt will get there, which will quickly render the rubbing parts of the wheels and axle unusable. First, the rods must be marked for drilling. To do this, insert one end into the pipe, and put the wheel on the other... Mark the drilling point for the cotter pin on the protruding rod with chalk. Then carefully remove the wheel and mark the position of the pin in the pipe.

According to the mark made, we drill a hole for the cotter pin, and through the pipe through the rod for the bolts, which must be inserted and tightened firmly. This design is good in that in case of breakage or wear, the pins will be easy to replace. When the rods are installed at both ends of the pipe, you should prepare small wooden block... It must be made of such a size that it fits between the wheels. Next, an axis is laid evenly on it and in several places they are drilled through the beam. Then long bolts are inserted into these holes and tightened firmly. On this, the construction of the rear support of the cart can be considered complete.

Construction of the front axle from a cart to a horse

All the construction of the front axle is no different from the previous work, up to the installation of the timber. But on top of that, she needs to do additional rotary device... To do this, find the middle of the axle and drill a hole for the king pin. It is not difficult to make it from the same metal rod as the rods. The pipe will lose its strength at the point of drilling. To strengthen it, you need to weld two strong washers on both sides to the outgoing holes, as well as two ears under the shafts. Then find and attach the same bar as on the rear axle.

How to make shafts for a horse cart with your own hands

After that, you should make even shafts, which are easy to find in a birch forest, cut down, remove the birch bark and dry. It is worth noting that the trunks of the felled trees should be slightly thicker. During drying, they will begin to shrink and as a result will be much thinner than conventional samples... In extreme cases, they can then be slightly chopped off with an ax and trimmed with a plane. To attach the shafts to the front axle, you first need to make the ears. Next, drill holes for bolts in the shafts, insert ears and screw tight.

Construction of a platform for a cart for a horse

For the construction of the site, a timber 3 meters long will be required. A hole is drilled in the front part, a kingpin is inserted and connected to the front axle. Insert cotter pins with washers, and the other end of the beam is firmly bolted to the rear axle. Next, you need to build a platform for the cart. To do this, cut off boards 3 meters long, lay them on the ground to get a flat area of ​​1.5x3. Then boards are nailed across it for rigidity, turned over, put on a cart and firmly fixed with nails or screws. To make the boards, boards in the form of a box are nailed along the edges of the platform and the horse cart is ready to go.

How to make a horse clamp with your own hands

  1. Claws;
  2. Gouges;
  3. Khomutin.

The collar is a Russian harness that is put on the horse's head when harnessed. All horses are different and it is advisable for each to make an individual clamp. This simple fixture is easy to make by hand yourself. First you need measure horse neck near the withers and add 6 cm. The easiest way to make the pliers is from birch, and then find the tugs and nail them down with nails or screws. To prevent the clamp from rubbing the horse's chest, it is necessary to make a clamp, that is, sheathe the claws with soft material in the form of a pillow. Felt is usually used for the inner layer, and the top is covered with soft natural leather. The work is very simple and even a teenager will be able to do it with his own hands.

Attention, only TODAY!

When there is a horse on the farm, the cart becomes an integral part of it. After all, everything that needs to be brought and taken away moves without special costs, and life in a village is a continuous cycle of hay, firewood, fertilizers and grain. What can we say about products and building materials that you need to drive off-road to the regional center? The cart solves any problem related to transportation. But what about when there is a horse, but no cart?

The easiest way is to buy a cart. That's just the cost of a new cart at the level of a used car, and a used cart is usually already in such a condition that it is only suitable for firewood. There is no choice but to make a cart with your own hands.

The most basic thing that the cart cannot do without is the wheels. You can, of course, make them in the old-fashioned way from wood, spending a tremendous amount of effort and time on their manufacture, but that's all the splendor of the 21st century, that wheels from auto and motorcycle equipment can be purchased anywhere and in any quantity, yes for the smallest price. Or maybe the wheels are already there, but all four? So, the cart should be!

Drawing of a four-wheeled cart for a horse

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the cart, you need to familiarize yourself with its structure, decide for what purposes it will use it, transport only cargo, or also transport neighbors. Also, the dimensions of the future cart are needed and how many horses it will be harnessed to. Because one horse will need two shafts, but two horses are harnessed to the so-called drawbar. It is a long pole with horses on either side.

Consider the structure of the simplest cart in the drawing

The cart consists of the main parts:

  • two axles;
  • frame;
  • flooring;
  • V-shaped body;
  • wheels.

Diy four-wheeled cart

In order to make the simplest cart you will need:

  • 2 wooden beams 1000 mm long with a section of 100x100 mm (for axles);
  • metal axles for attaching wheels and wheels to them;
  • metal sheet 10mm thick;
  • kingpin (bolt 20x200 mm with nut and washers to it);
  • wooden beam 3000 mm long with a section of 100x100 mm (for the frame);
  • a bar with a height of 30 mm with a section of 100x100 mm;
  • 2 boards 2515 mm long with a section of 50x130 mm (for the frame);
  • 28 boards 500 mm long with a section of 25x100 mm (for flooring);
  • 6 boards 2800 mm long with a section of 25x100 mm (for sides);
  • plywood 25 mm thick;
  • 2 shafts.

You need to start with the axes. The swivel mechanism and shafts will be mounted on the front axle, and the rear axle will be rigidly fixed. With a milling machine, we make a groove in the beams for the axles in order to later fix the metal axles in them. In the middle of the bar, a through hole is made for a king pin with a diameter of 20 mm. Three circles with a diameter of 300 mm are cut out of a metal sheet, in the center of which there should be a hole, for the same kingpin, with a diameter of 22 mm. Additional holes must be drilled in two metal circles for attachment to the upper and lower rails. All this is needed for the swivel mechanism. The kingpin is inserted into the hole from the side of the groove for the axles, washers are placed on both sides, and tightened with a nut from above.

Next, the frame is installed. It is a long beam for the frame with additional boards on the sides, which connects the axles. The bar is attached to the front axle on metal circles, and in order to attach the bar to the rear axle, a bar with a height of 30 mm is placed between the axle and the frame, which compensates for the distance between the axles.

To make the frame rigid, boards with a length of 2515 mm are attached to the main beam on the sides. To strengthen the frame, the mount must be reliable, so it is better to use metal corners.

The flooring is made up of identical planks, tightly adjacent to each other. On top of them, along the edges, two boards with a length of 2800 mm are attached. The bottom of the cart is ready, now a body is needed.

Two V-shaped ends are cut out of plywood with a 45-degree inclination angle, which are attached to the deck in front and behind the frame. The role of the boards will be played by the remaining boards 2800 mm long, which are attached between the ends.

And so we got a cart 3 meters long, 1 meter wide. The height of the cart depends on the diameter of the wheels. The maximum transported weight is 1500 kg. It remains to attach the shafts and wheels. The cart is ready for use.

Diy two-wheeled cart

For the so-called "gig" the design is simplified at times. If a four-wheeled cart has the main beam of the frame lying on two axles, then for a two-wheeled cart, two beams are attached to one axle. On these beams, boards are tightly stacked and attached to each other, forming a flooring. If the four-wheeled cart had V-shaped ends, then the two-wheeled cart had V-shaped sides. Shafts are rigidly attached to the sides. Their length should be 1.5-2 meters longer than usual, since the shafts also play the role of handrails. That, in fact, is the difference between a two-wheeled cart and a four-wheeled cart.

A cart, whatever one may say, but this is a type of transport that will surely travel on roads where vehicles and agricultural machinery travel. Therefore, do not forget about reflectors or reflective tape, and in the dark, a signal flashlight will definitely come in handy.

Something can happen on the road that makes the horse startle and rush. Therefore, if possible, it is better to equip the cart with at least the simplest brake. The brake is especially necessary if the cart is intended for people.

A cart is a wheeled device designed to transport goods using the muscular power of a draft animal. The cart can have two or four wheels and be harnessed by one or more animals. They can be horses, bulls, oxen and other representatives of the fauna.

This kind of carriage belongs to the category of vehicles that are allowed to move on public roads. An unladen trailer, harnessed by one horse, can reach speeds of up to 8 km per hour, which is twice the speed of a person's walking at an average pace.

Design features

The first carts, used centuries ago, had wooden wheels, which were made in two configurations: from solid wood, by joining boards into a shield, and using a spoked rim. The last option was more efficient. Such wheels had less weight, and due to the spokes they better dampened vibrations.

To increase the service life, the wheel rim was covered with a metal hoop, which protected it from destructive damage caused by contact with the road surface.

Modern analogues of bogie wheels have more productive characteristics. Their rims are made of light metals and equipped with an air chamber with a rubber tire, which significantly reduces the load on the draft animal and the wagon.

The general design of a modern cart assumes the following elements:

  • axles;
  • wheels;
  • hulls;
  • shafts;
  • rotary mechanisms.

There are two types of carts: uniaxial and biaxial.

A single-axle chaise is a two-wheeled vehicle of a lightweight type, equipped with one transverse axle, at the ends of which the wheels are fixed. The body of such a carriage is of two types: passenger and cargo.

In the first case, a platform is installed on the cart axle, which serves as the basis for the seat unit. Most variants of a single-axle chaise are equipped with two passenger seats. This is due to the fact that such a number of places effectively fits into the structure and allows you to maintain balance.

In the second case, a platform is installed on the cart, which serves as the basis for the cargo body. In most versions, a panel deck equipped with light side walls is used as such a body. On such a cart, various agricultural goods are transported: hay, manure, building materials.

A single-axle cart is a small-sized vehicle. With its help, you can transport goods with a small mass.

Two-axle vehicles are considered multifunctional and have high carrying capacity. The design of such carts assumes the presence of more complex mechanisms. Since they are equipped with two pairs of wheels, there is a need for a device that would allow the cart to make lateral turns.

To provide a pivoting function, the front axle of the cart is combined with a pivot mechanism, which is driven by shafts attached to the horse's body. In the operation of the mechanism, the permissible angle of rotation, as well as the size of the wheels, play a key role. To increase turning functions, the size of the front wheel should be one and a half to two times smaller than the rear one.

This approach makes it possible to reduce the turning radius of the cart and increase the efficiency of its use on public roads.


The control of the cart is assisted by special equipment that connects the horse's body to the cart. This equipment consists of a set of belts and fasteners that are worn on the front of the animal and connected to the person driving the wagon. The control elements are two belts that go to the driver's hands.

When the driver pulls on one strap, the harness pulls on the horse from the side on which the strap is in use. In order to reduce the pulling load, the horse turns in its direction. The body of the animal rests against the shaft - a long pole attached to the swivel mechanism, and activates it. The front axle rotates on a central hinge and pivots at an angle to the vector of movement of the wagon.


Modern technological capabilities allow you to make a cart with your own hands at home. To make it, you need to prepare the following:

  • wooden materials;
  • metal components;
  • wheels;
  • belt elements.

Planks, beams, slats and poles are used as wooden materials. The list of metal products includes corners, strips, bushings, bearings, nuts, bolts, washers, screws. Wheels can be used from other vehicles such as cars or motorcycles. The latter version of the wheels is especially preferable, as it assumes light weight and ease of installation.

The main harness worn on a horse is not part of the cart, however, when making the latter, it is worth considering the size and configuration of the equipment that will be used in combination with the cart being constructed.

Equestrian equipment is made mainly of leather and is purchased ready-made. The reins are made according to an individual scheme, taking into account the characteristics of a particular cart. Most often, sling material is used for their manufacture, which is sold in hardware or hardware stores.


The main list of tools needed to assemble a homemade cart:

  • sawing devices (hacksaw, jigsaw, side saw);
  • drill, screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding inverter (if necessary);
  • drill;
  • spanners;
  • other related tools.

It is important to draw up a detailed drawing before assembling the cart. It must indicate the dimensions of the wagon as a whole, as well as its individual parts.

During the implementation of work, it is necessary to constantly check the drawings to control compliance with the technology.


In the presented photo you can see all the components of the cart.

The process begins with the manufacture of wheel axles. First of all, the rear axle is manufactured, since it has a simpler design. It can be made of a wooden bar with a cross-section of at least 150x150 mm, as well as a metal square profile. The second option is preferable, since it has low weight indicators and a higher percentage of safety factor.

Metal bushings are attached to the edges of the axle, on which the wheels will be put on. Axle bushings from the front wheels of the motorcycle can be used as them. They are manufactured using technologies that provide the best performance.

You can attach the bushings to the edges of the rear axle using a welding inverter and additional spacers. Before mounting the wheels, bearings of the appropriate diameter are selected.

The front axle is assembled in a similar way. The main difference between the front axle and the rear axle is that the first has a swivel mechanism. Its assembly requires special care and precision.

Strictly in the center of the front axle is a vertical rod equipped with a bearing. The stem configuration is similar to the wheel hub configuration. A bearing of the corresponding diameter is put on it.

A special strip with a hole in the center is placed on top of the front axle. This hole is for the stem. The top of the hole in the plank should be reamed to create a sweep in which the lock nut should fit.

After the rod is threaded into the slat hole, a nut is screwed onto it. Thus, the front axle is fastened to the bar through the rod. At the same time, the possibility of rotation of the front axle relative to the bar is retained. It is carried out by means of a bearing put on the rod, which is located between the axle and the axle bar.

After that, it is necessary to permanently attach the bar to the bottom of the vehicle body. To facilitate this task, you can rotate the axle 90 degrees relative to the axle bar. Then through holes are drilled in the strip, which also pass through the bottom of the case. The diameter of one hole must not be less than 10 mm. Bolts are inserted into them, the rounded heads of which should look up.

After the washers and grovers are put on the bolts, the nuts are screwed onto them. The number of fastening bolts and the degree of their tightening will affect the integrity of the pivot mechanism.

The body is made from dried wood planks. It consists of a bottom - a boardwalk connecting the wheel axles, and three sides. Usually a headboard is not required, as its presence interferes with the comfortable handling of the cart.

The general view of the cart body has the shape of an inverted trapezoid. The sides are installed in such a way that their lower parts are at a shorter distance from each other than the upper ones.

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