Aerial acrobatics on canvases. Air gymnastics on canvas

Aerial gymnastics on canvases is a graceful circus art of performing acrobatic numbers on two suspended canvases, which gradually migrated to sports clubs. Nowadays, not only a circus artist can learn to soar under the ceiling, but also anyone who wishes.

The history of air canvases

It is believed that acrobats were the first to perform tricks similar to the modern elements of gymnastics on canvases in Medieval China. But instead of cloth, they used leather belts. In Europe, canvases became popular not so long ago - only about 100 years ago. Why are aerial canvases so common today? Cirque du Soleil (world famous circus show) contributed to the popularization of aerial gymnastics. Every few years, du Soleil releases a new show of amazing beauty. And usually each of them involves performers of tricks on the canvases.

The secret of popularity

Canvases are becoming an increasingly popular alternative to other sports and dancing. This kind of gymnastics involves more than just your body. In order to cope with the fabric, knots and windings at a height of 10 meters from the floor, you must also have a sober mind, a clear mind and good coordination. If something goes wrong in the room, the aerialist should be able to react quickly and instantly decide how to proceed.

Classes on air canvases are complex, that is, they allow you to work out all the muscles of the body well. Regular training provides general body tone and gives the figure a noticeable fit. Working with canvases, you will certainly lose weight - the body itself will strive to throw off the weight ballast, which interferes with more accurate grouping and easier to climb up the canvases. However, this will only work if you practice constantly and without interruption.

These exercises have a particular effect on the muscles of the arms. Trapeze artists must be strong in order to be able to stay on the canvas. A bonus to achievements with regular training is also the strengthening of the vestibular apparatus (from getting used to swinging on the canvases, it stops rocking in transport) and the loss of fear of heights - you simply get used to it.

What you need for classes

The first thing you need to do is find a school, because aerial canvases are not a projectile that you can easily keep at home. To work with canvases, high ceilings are needed - from 4 meters. Even if you want to hang canvases in your ordinary apartment, you simply cannot perform many complex elements with a fall - there will not be enough height.

Safety is important for training on belts. The canvases themselves must be of high quality and secured. Be sure to need sports mats for safety net. It is better if the school has mirrors - this way you can hone the accuracy of the elements.

Also, when looking for a school, pay attention to the qualifications of the coaches, study their biographies, watch the performances in order to choose the most skillful and suitable spirit for yourself. It is important that coaches do not chase the number of people in training - if there are more than 6-7 people in a group, then it will be very difficult to pay attention to everyone.

The dress code for canvases is usually a T-shirt and leggings. It can also be a one-piece jumpsuit. Think of half-dance. Despite the similarity of the elements, there is a significant difference. If, when practicing on the pylon, clothing should be minimal so as not to interfere with the adhesion to the pylon, then here the opposite is true - the form covers the skin as much as possible, because sometimes the canvases can "burn", being abruptly unwound.

Gymnastics elements with canvases

Dynamic elements are slides, flips, somersaults, cliffs. These techniques require more skill and dexterity in working with canvases than static ones. For example, a cliff is an art, wrapped in a canvas, to unwind so as to freeze hanging at a certain height.

Yoga in hammocks

A separate variation of classes aerial gymnastics on the canvases is yoga in hammocks, or, as it is also called, anti-gravity yoga. You can call it a softer type of exercise with canvases, because if the latter imply the performance of acrobatic stunts with maximum entertainment, then yoga is designed exclusively to heal your body with the help of certain exercises - asanas. Using a hammock creates additional support and helps to make many of the asanas softer and safer, which distinguishes this type of yoga from others. Often, yoga classes on canvases are chosen to recover from a long illness.

Special sensations arise when doing meditations in a hammock. After all, if you close your eyes while sitting in a swaying hammock, you get a feeling of weightlessness, which can be compared to drifting on the waves. This practice brings a sense of harmony and tranquility.

An unusual and super-extreme spectacle is the performance of artists using aerial gymnastics elements. Graceful gymnasts soar weightlessly under the circus dome, effortlessly and easily defeating gravity. After such performances, aerial gymnastics becomes the only desire of the kids. You shouldn't deny them such a useful endeavor. This sport helps to acquire good stretch, excellent physical fitness, strengthen the abs, arms, shoulders, back.

Aerial gymnastics on canvases allows you to balance in the air, holding onto special strips of fabric. This type of sports equipment is securely attached to the ceiling, which allows you to perform on it acrobatic elements increased complexity. Aerial gymnastics are useful for adults as well - they help to overcome the fear of heights, develop self-confidence, strengthen the body and increase the overall tone of the body.

In modern society, almost all genres of aerial gymnastics are becoming very popular. If not long ago only professionals, circus performers could master this art, today it is available to everyone. And here age, initial physical training does not play a big role. It is enough to have the desire and desire to learn. The most elegant genre preferred by a fairly large number of women is classes on aerial canvases. Soar gracefully in the air and at the same time perform difficult gymnastic elements can be learned in dance studios.

What are aerial canvases?

Aerial canvases are sports equipment which is used in aerial gymnastics. They are very dense material up to 9 m long, depending on the height of the room. Aerial canvases have a special system of fastening to the ceiling, which allows performing rather complex gymnastic and acrobatic elements on them. Canvases are made of stretching and non-stretching material. The first type is mainly used by professionals in their field. The second is more suitable for those new to the genre. When choosing canvases, it is necessary to take into account some features, namely, they should not only be pleasing to the body, but also not slip too much, allowing you to make a high-quality element in statics, and not burn the body at the time of performing such elements as breaks, sliding, coups.

Aerial canvases have a special system of attachment to the ceiling, which makes it possible to perform rather complex gymnastic and acrobatic elements on them.

Initial preparation

Aerial gymnastics requires a lot of work and effort. If, nevertheless, there is a desire to master aerial canvases, then it is recommended to begin with choosing a specialized studio, a school, where teachers are either circus performers in this genre, or professionals in their field. Any coach must find an approach to his ward, depending on his characteristics.

The second thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a school is the premises. It must have high ceilings of at least 3 m in height. Only with such dimensions can training and gymnastic elements be performed without fear. Equipment also plays an important role in the choice. In addition to the fact that the bindings must be durable, the room must contain mats, which are some kind of insurance during training. You need mirrors to hone your craft.

The first lesson is based on familiarization with safety precautions when working with aerial webs. Further, depending on the level physical fitness women, the instructor determines the degree of load and training tactics.

Conducting classes

Each lesson on aerial canvases begins with a warm-up, warming up the muscles and hands. Only after that do they proceed to instructing the simplest elements. When the first stage is mastered, work begins on own body... What does it mean? First, the student and the coach do all sorts of stretching. Secondly, strength exercises so that the body can withstand loads at height. When a beginner becomes an amateur, the instructor begins to hone the skill of his elements.

Personal experience

In terms of time, such a workout can take from 1.5 to 2 hours. Most often, classes are either individual or group (4-8 people). In the second case, the pair works on one suspension alternately.

Why do you need aerial canvases?

The most important thing is that aerial gymnastics is grace, grace, art, sophistication, lightness, flexibility. The above is only the minimum that gives every woman such classes. Thanks to work on aerial canvases, a person constantly works on his muscles. Stretching the muscles, back, flexibility and grace are acquired.

In addition, exercises on aerial canvases involve absolutely all muscles. No other sport can boast of such a feature. Thanks to these trainings, the body becomes more elastic, posture is developed, the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, and back are strengthened. it's the same great way throw off excess weight... This statement is connected with the fact that similar training require a lot of energy, diet and hard work.

Having mastered the art of aerial canvases, you can please your loved ones with your talent for demonstration performances or family corporate parties. Many girls attend nightclub performances such as recent times is no less popular than dancing.


If the usual gym I got bored, there is nothing attractive in fitness, dancing has become uninteresting, but I want to do a beautiful, feminine sport that will not only help you get seductive forms, but also self-confidence, then aerial gymnastics on canvases (Aerial Silks) is an excellent choice.

At first glance, it seems that everything is very difficult, because the performances are truly spectacular, the athletes perform a lot of tricks. But this is not so - it is enough to overcome the fear of heights to start classes on aerial canvases. This type of activity is suitable for beginners, because during training, muscles are pumped - over time, it will be possible to perform more and more complex tricks.

Why is it worth practicing on aerial canvases?

Aerial acrobatics can help improve physical fitness and health. During training, all muscle groups are pumped, especially those that are responsible for maintaining balance. These are not all the reasons why it is worth choosing aerial canvases as a sports equipment.

Among other aerial gymnastics classes, it is worth highlighting:

  • development of endurance, agility, strength and flexibility;
  • improved reaction speed;
  • developing the ability to make quick decisions;
  • improving the skills of managing your own body.

Flexibility and plasticity develops in the learning process. As a result of training on aerial canvases, the figure becomes chiseled, posture - correct, movements - graceful. It is thanks to this that Aerial Silks gained popularity among residents of Moscow and other large cities.

Aerial gymnastics is a beautiful and spectacular sport that will not leave anyone indifferent. This kind physical activity will appeal to everyone who wants to always be in great shape, to delight others with their performances.

Features of training on air belts

Anyone can do aerial acrobatics on canvases. Physical exercise although intense, you will not feel tired during your workouts.

It is important to take into account that during training on aerial canvases, the skin should be maximally protected, because due to fast sliding tissue damage may occur. The best option- This is a tight-fitting jumpsuit without various decorative details. For the first workouts, regular leggings and a T-shirt are fine. No shoes needed.

Remove jewelry before class as it can scratch. Hair is best collected.

If you are not sure whether gymnastics on aerial canvases is right for you, sign up for a trial lesson.

Our school employs only the best instructors who will help you master these unusual equipment and enjoy your workouts.

Aerial Silks trainer: Polina Kashaeva, Olga Nemykina

1. Sports acrobatics in Butovo. Equilibristics

At the heart of sports acrobatics on the floor lies the mastery of the body and the development of strength. In acrobatics classes, you will be taught to perform exercises with maintaining balance, to develop coordination, orientation in space. Such species sports activities very useful for both adults and children. First, they focus on the development of major muscle groups and body shaping; secondly, the muscles of children are more elastic, and tricks that are difficult for beginner adults are very easy for children. Acrobatics will help you tone your muscles, gain ease of movement, and develop strength and flexibility.

Comprehensive physical development will allow you to successfully master other genres, such as aerial acrobatics, gymnastics or balancing act.

2. Aerial acrobatics on rings

(looped, aerial hoop, aerial ring)

Aerial gymnastics includes circus acrobatics performed on aerial hoop rings, loops, belts, belts, aerial silks. This genre is considered the most spectacular and mesmerizing in the circus show.

Circus gymnastics performed by graceful girls is especially attractive. You will get a more attractive and healthy body, thanks to aerial acrobatics, your posture will improve, your movements will become more energetic and flexible.

Performing on circus rings is lightness, grace, a great balance of flexibility and strength. Acrobatics on the ring will be a logical continuation of the development of pole acrobatics.

3. Aerial acrobatics in the Polots

(belts, aerial silks)

Do you want to experience flight and effectively train your body?

Air canvases include three groups of elements: lifting onto the canvases, knots (windings) and breaks. There are also options for working both with free canvases and with canvases tied in a knot, which allows them to give them a semblance of a swing.

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