Ours in Rio: bullet shooting. Olympics shooting bullet shooting

Shooting sport has long been included in the program of the Olympic Games. Today it has significantly improved and has several types.

One of them is (Olympic type) - shooting shot from smooth-bore guns at a moving target. In the 19th century, athletes used common pigeons as targets. Then, such entertainment could only be allowed to know, whose representatives fired at the birds, the birds were thrown out of special cages. That is why guns for this kind of entertainment were called cage guns. A little later, instead of pigeons, they began to use glass balls and plates ejected from a throwing machine thrown out by a special spring.

The most popular type of clay pigeon shooting is sporting - the athlete hits flying targets, as a rule, clay plates of bright orange color. They are also called "clay pigeons", a dove can be depicted on a plate, which reminds of the history of the emergence of this sport. Sporting is popular with hunters, as a simplified shooting area is required, and flying and rolling targets mimic the behavior of game.

The second type of sports shooting, which is directly related to pneumatic weapons, is bullet shooting ... In this type of shooting, rifled weapons are used: pistols and air rifles, small and large-caliber weapons. Target - static and moving targets. Exercises with pneumatics, as well as small bore pistols and rifles are included in the Olympic Games.

Some types of shooting sports have appeared recently, for example, varminting that came from the USA. Athletes here use rifled weapons equipped with powerful optics and having a heavy barrel (to minimize barrel vibrations and, as a consequence, increase accuracy). The shooter's task is to hit targets at long distances.

Despite the fact that a weapon is a very dangerous subject, accidents at competitions are practically excluded. That is why sport shooting is often compared to chess in terms of its safety.

Olympic shooting disciplines.

The Olympic Games program for air and small bore rifle shooting includes the following five exercises - 2 exercises for women and 3 for men. Female exercise- this is MV-5, VP-4, and for men - MV-6, MV-9, VP-6. The pistol shooting program also includes 5 exercises. For women: MP-5, PP-2, and for men MP-6, MP-8 and PP-3 (the abbreviation "VP" means "air rifle", the abbreviation "PP" means "pneumatic pistol." "Small-bore rifle", "MP" - small-bore pistol, respectively).

The program of the Olympic Games has two exercises with an air rifle: VP-4 (for women) and VP-6 (for men).
Exercise VP-4 is performed while standing. You need to hit a target located at a distance of 10 meters. Target No. 8 is used as a target, which is a black circle with a diameter of 30.5 mm, a total diameter of 45.5 mm. In this case, the size of the "tens" is only 0.5 mm. For the entire exercise, the athlete has 40 shots and 4 test targets, the number of test shots can be any. The exercise must be completed in 1 hour 15 minutes. Exercise for men VP-6 is completely similar to that for women, only 60 shots are given for it and the time is 1 hour 45 minutes.

Shooting sport is one of the oldest applied sports. First, they competed in archery and crossbow shooting, with the advent of firearms in the middle of the 14th century, they began to compete in shooting from smooth-bore guns. The creation of rifled weapons led to the emergence of bullet shooting.

In addition to practical shooting, which you can learn a lot about from our previous articles, the main types of sports shooting include: bullet, trap shooting, benchrest, varminting and sniping.

1. Bullet shooting

A type of shooting sport in which athletes use rifled weapons: pneumatic, small-bore and large-bore rifles and pistols. Target - static and moving targets in the shooting range. Shooting can be done prone, standing or kneeling.

Bullet shooting was included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896. One of the initiators was Pierre de Coubertin, who was himself a seven-time French champion in shooting. Now at the Olympics in this sport, medals are played in 10 exercises: 5 from a rifle and 5 from a pistol.

Olympic exercise:

  • VP-6(men) - air rifle. Distance 10 meters, target number 8, 60 standing shots.
  • VP-4(women) - air rifle. Distance 10 meters, target number 8, 40 standing shots.
  • MV-6(men) - small bore rifle. Shooting from three positions (prone, standing, kneeling). Distance 50 meters, target number 7. It is necessary to fire 40 shots from each position.

  • MV-5(women) - small bore rifle. Shooting from three positions (prone, standing, kneeling). Distance 50 meters, target number 7. It is necessary to fire 20 shots from each position.
  • MV-9(men) - small bore rifle. Distance 50 meters, target number 7. 60 shots prone.
  • PP-2(women) - pneumatic pistol. Distance 10 meters, target number 9. 40 shots.

  • PP-3(men) - pneumatic pistol. Distance 10 meters, target number 9. 60 shots.
  • MP-5(women) - standard small bore pistol. Distance 25 meters. The exercise is divided into 2 parts. The first - 30 shots at a fixed target No. 4, the second - 30 shots at an emerging target No. 5.
  • MP-6(men) - an arbitrary small-bore pistol. Distance 50 meters, target number 4. 60 shots.
  • MP-8(men) - standard small bore pistol. Distance 25 meters, 5 simultaneously appearing targets №5. 60 shots.

In addition to the Olympic disciplines, the bullet shooting program includes a number of non-Olympic ones.

2. Skeet shooting

Skeet shooting is shooting at special flying skeet targets. Shooting is carried out in open ranges from a smooth-bore, but not a pneumatic gun.

Trap shooting dates back to the Middle Ages. Then the hunters organized bird shooting competitions. The first Olympic medals in clay pigeon shooting were awarded in 1900. Then the fire was fired at live pigeons thrown into the air, a little later the birds changed their plates.

The Olympic program includes competitions in 3 trap shooting disciplines: trench stand, round stand and double ladder.

  • trench stand (TRAP). Athletes shoot skeet, which 15 throwers throw out of the trench in a random direction. The shooter does not know where it will fly until the target leaves. One round is given for each target.

  • double ladder. Competitions are held on the principle of a trench stand, only the plates are thrown out not one by one, but in pairs. The shooting is carried out in a doublet.

  • round stand. The arrows move from one firing point to another (there are 8 in total), changing the angle of fire. The plates fly out at different heights, the targets fly towards each other.

There is another discipline of clay pigeon shooting, which is not included in the program of the Olympic Games - sporting.

Sporting(hunting shooting) is a type of trap shooting that unites almost all sports and hunting disciplines. Athletes need to shoot targets flying through the air and moving on the ground, simulating the flight of birds and the running of animals.

3. Benchrest

Shooting and technical sport, which is based on high-precision shooting. Benchrest appeared in the process of sighting small arms with a sandbag.

Benchrest- This is shooting for accuracy. The main task of the shooter is to make 5 (or 10) shots at one point. sits at a special table, the rifle is installed with the forearm on the front stop. Athletes in this kind of shooting sport must be able to “read” and compensate for the wind, without this skill it is impossible to achieve high results in benchrest.

Benchrest competitions are held for both short and long distances.

  • benchrest BR-50- shooting from small-caliber devices;
  • short benchrest- shooting at a distance of 100, 200 or 300 (meters or yards);
  • Benchrest Long Range- shooting at a distance of 500, 600, 1000 (meters or yards) and a mile.


A kind of high-precision shooting, which is based on the type of hunting for rodents (marmots, rats and other small animals).

For varminting, there is a special type of weapon designed specifically for this sport: the Varmint Rifle. It is a small-bore rifle (5.6 mm) equipped with a heavy barrel and a strong telescopic sight (tenfold or more magnification).

Shooting is carried out from a stop (tripod or stand). Artificial targets imitating the silhouette of marmots are used as targets in varminting.

5. Sniping

Sniping is shooting for accuracy from different positions, at previously unknown distances in a limited period of time in the field. Sportsmen shoot from sniper rifles.

Sniping is divided into sport and practical.

1) sports- This is target shooting for the sake of achieving the best result and getting prizes;

2) practical- the lot of servicemen and law enforcement officers. Practical sniping, in turn, is divided into:

  • police officer- competitions in the conditions of urban development, at distances of the location of objects in the city (on average 50-300 meters;
  • military- shooters have to shoot at a distance of 500 to 1500 meters in mountainous and wooded areas

Shooting competition at the Summer Olympics first appeared at the 1896 Summer Olympics in Athens and has since been included in the program of every subsequent Games, except for the Games of 1904 and 1928. Initially, the competition was for men, and since the summer Olympic Games 1968 in Mexico City, women could participate in all disciplines on an equal basis with men. At the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, portions of the disciplines were split between men and women, and shooting has become a separate sport entirely since the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. In this sport, 15 sets of awards are played. Shooting sport - a kind of sport in which participants compete in shooting from firearms and pneumatic weapons. Subdivided into bullet shooting where shooting is carried out with rifled weapons in a shooting range at targets, and clay pigeon shooting where participants shoot from smoothbore weapons on special flying skeet targets in open shooting ranges. In Russia, since 2004, practical shooting (pistol, smooth-bore rifle, carbine) has also been singled out as a separate type of shooting sport. The types of high-precision shooting are also distinguished: benchrest, varminting and sniping.

Both bullet shooting and clay pigeon shooting are included in the program of the Olympic Games and are among the oldest Olympic disciplines. For the first time, shooting medals were played at the II Olympic Games in Paris in 1900. Since 1984, the competition for men and women has been held separately.

Shooting competitions are held under the auspices of International Federation shooting sports (eng. ISSF), v practical shooting- under the auspices of the International Confederation of Practical Shooting (eng. IPSC).

There is also archery and crossbow shooting, the former being part of the Olympic Games program. A relatively young sport of shooting is practical shooting. It originated in California in the early 50s and quickly spread to other continents, including Europe, Australia, Central and South America, Africa.

The International Practical Shooting Confederation (I.P.S.C) was officially founded in May 1976. Today the International Confederation of Practical Shooting is developing in more than sixty countries from Argentina to Zimbabwe.

The main objective of practical shooting is to ensure safe and qualified use. firearms respectable citizens, to raise the general culture of handling weapons. Today international competitions Practical Shooting, which is based on safety and safe handling of weapons, accuracy, power and speed, are held all over the world. The highest achievement in Practical Shooting is to become the IPSC World Champion.

In practical shooting, there are the following types of targets: standard paper, swinging paper (swinger), metal falling (pepper-popper), metal falling saucer (round or square).

In practical shooting, it is allowed to use only cartridges of caliber from 9 mm.

Having a combat origin, this sport has changed a lot, but even today it is the most applied sport in many special forces of the world and Russia.

Practical Shooting was officially recognized as a sport in Russia on June 29, 2006 at the Rossport commission, an order on this was signed on July 4, 2006 by the head of Rossport, Vyacheslav Fetisov.

Photo - ru.wikipedia.org

Shooting sports are subdivided into bullet shooting and clay pigeon shooting. Bullet shooting is subdivided into pistol and rifle shooting. V clay pigeon shooting athletes shoot 12-gauge smoothbore shotguns with shot charges.

Pierre de Coubertin was the French shooting champion long before he founded the Olympic Games. It was on his initiative that 4 types of pistol shooting and 2 rifle shooting were included in the program of the Games of the I Olympiad in 1896.


Shooting was included in the program of the Olympic Games by Pierre de Coubertin from the first Olympics in Athens in 1896 and since then has been included in the program of all Olympic Games except 1904 and 1928.

The first competitions were held only among men, and since the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, women have received permission to participate in shooting disciplines on an equal basis with men. The division into male and female disciplines began at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Since 1996, Atlanta has separated men's and women's disciplines.

In 2017, the International Olympic Committee approved the proposal of the International Shooting Sport Federation to include in Olympic program three mixed exercises: "air rifle, 10m, men", "air rifle, 10m, women", "ladder, mixed teams". Thus, the number of exercises for men and women in shooting sports was equalized.

A total of 15 sets of awards are played out at the Olympic Games in bullet and trap shooting


The first Soviet champion became in bullet shooting in 1952 in Helsinki Anatoly Bogdanov. He won the three-position high-bore rifle and repeated his success in 1956 in Melbourne. In women, double Olympic champion became Marina Logvinenko in small-bore and air pistol shooting at the 1992 Games in Barcelona. At the last Olympic Games, representatives of Russia became champions: Yuri Fedkin (1992, Barcelona) and Artem Khadzhibekov (1996, Atlanta) in air rifle shooting, Boris Kokorev (1996, Atlanta) and Mikhail Nestruev (2004, Athens) in shooting from a small-bore pistol, Sergey Alifirenko (2000, Sydney) in shooting from a high-speed pistol, Lyubov Galkina (2004, Athens) in shooting from a small-bore rifle) and Olga Klochneva (1996, Atlanta) in shooting from an air pistol.

Evgeny Petrov became the first Soviet Olympic champion in clay pigeon shooting in 1968. He won the Mexico City Games in the Round Stand. He hit 198 targets out of 200. At the 1976 Olympics, he was the head coach of the USSR national team, and at the 1992 Games, he was the head coach of the United Team in clay pigeon shooting. Olympic champions in clay pigeon shooting were representatives of our country Dmitry Monakov (1988, Seoul) and Alexey Alipov (2004, Athens), who won the shooting at the trench stand.

Photo - ru.wikipedia.org

Shooting sports are subdivided into bullet shooting and clay pigeon shooting.

Bullet shooting subdivided into pistol and rifle shooting. Athletes shoot from small-caliber rifled weapons (diameter 5.6 mm) and pneumatic weapons (diameter 4.5 mm). The Olympic program includes 10 exercises.

  • Rifle: "small bore rifle, three positions, 50m, men", "small bore rifle, three positions, 50m, women", "air rifle, 10m, men", "air rifle, 10m, women", "air rifle, 10m, mixed teams ".
  • Pistol: “Rapid-fire pistol, 25m, men”, “small bore standard pistol, 25m, women”, “air pistol, 10m, men”, “air pistol, 10m, women”, “air pistol, 10m, mixed teams”.

Major international and all-Russian competitions conducted on electronic targets.

V clay pigeon shooting athletes shoot 12-gauge smoothbore shotguns with shot charges.

The Olympic program includes 5 exercises: "ladder, men", "ladder, women", "ladder, mixed teams", "skete, men", "skeet, women".

Shooting is carried out at targets, "skeet", flying out of the cars along a certain trajectory, which depends on the exercise.

Targets are made from a mixture of coal tar pitch (a component used to make asphalt) and cement. When pellets hit the plate, it breaks. To increase the audience's interest and to reduce the likelihood of a referee's error, shooting in the finals is carried out on special plates - "flash targets", which, when hit, throw a cloud of brightly colored powder into the air. Target diameter - 110 mm.

Shooting sport- a sport in which athletes compete in the accuracy of shooting from different types weapons.

The history of the emergence and development of sports shooting

Shooting is considered one of the oldest applied sports. It appeared in the distant times of bows and crossbows. In the middle of the XIV century, bows and crossbows evolved into firearms, after which bullet shooting began to actively develop.

In 1449, the first firearms societies began to appear in France, later they appeared in England and the USA.

In 1896, rifle and pistol shooting competitions were included in the program of the first Olympic Games in 1896, and from 1897 the world championships in bullet shooting began to be held regularly.

Types of shooting sports

Bullet shooting- one of the types of shooting sports, in which athletes compete in shooting from pneumatic, small-caliber, large-caliber rifles and pistols. Bullet shooting is Olympic view sports, in particular, the Olympic program includes 5 rifle shooting exercises (MV-5, VP-4, MV-6, MV-9, VP-6) and the same amount from a pistol (MP-5, PP-2, MP -6, MP-8, PP-3).

Weapon abbreviations:

VP- pneumatic rifle
MV- small bore rifle
AB- standard large-caliber rifle
PV- arbitrary large-caliber rifle
PP- air gun
MP- small-bore pistol
RP- revolver pistol central combat.


MV-5- shooting from a small-bore rifle, distance 50 m. Position - prone, standing, kneeling, 3 × 20 shots.

VP-4Pneumatic rifle... 40 shots while standing. Time 1 hour 15 minutes. An unlimited number of practice shots is allowed before the competition shots are taken.

MV-6- Arbitrary small-bore rifle. Distance 50 m. Target number 7. Shooting is carried out in the sequence: 40 shots prone (1 hour 00 min.), 40 while standing (1 hour 30 min.), 40 from the knee (1 hour 15 min.). In each of the positions, an unlimited number of practice shots are allowed before the competition shots are taken. The winner is determined by the sum of the points scored in the three positions.

MV-9- Arbitrary small-bore rifle. Distance 50 m. Target number 7. Shooting is carried out in sequence: 20 prone shots, 20 standing, 20 from the knee. The total time for firing from three positions is 2 hours 30 minutes. In each of the positions, an unlimited number of practice shots are allowed before the competition shots are taken.

VP-6- Pneumatic rifle. Distance 10 m. Target number 8. 60 shots while standing. Time 1 hour 45 minutes. An unlimited number of practice shots is allowed before the competition shots are taken.

MP-5- a standard (sports) small-bore pistol (in the international classification, a pistol for the MP-5 exercise) is usually called a sports pistol, although this is the same pistol from which the MP-10 exercise is performed. Distance 25 m. The exercise is divided into two parts. The first - 30 shots - is performed at a fixed target number 4, the second - 30 shots - at the emerging target number 5. Shooting is carried out in a series of 5 shots at one target. In the first half, each series is performed in 6 minutes; in the second half of each series, the target appears 5 times for 3 seconds, during which the shooter fires one shot (pauses between the appearance of the target - 7 seconds). First, all participants do the first half of the exercise, and then the second.

PP-2- shooting from a pneumatic pistol, distance 10 m, 40 shots.

PP-3- shooting from a pneumatic pistol, distance 10 m, 60 shots. Time 1 hour 45 minutes. An unlimited number of practice shots is allowed before the start of the competition shots.

MP-6- an arbitrary small-bore pistol. Distance 50 m. Target number 4. 60 shots. Time 2 h 00 min. An unlimited number of practice shots is allowed before the competition shots are taken.

MP-8- rapid-fire small-bore pistol. Distance 25 m. 5 simultaneously appearing targets №5. 60 shots. Shooting is carried out in a series of 5 shots; the shooter fires one shot at each of the five simultaneously appearing targets. The exercise is divided into 2 halves, each of which consists of two series of 8 s, two of 6 s, and two of 4 s. Before the start of the competition shooting, in each half of the exercise, one trial series is performed in 8 seconds. First, all participants do the first half of the exercise, and then the second.

The numbers in abbreviations indicate the ordinal number of the exercise in the national sports classification bullet shooting.

Trap shooting- one of the types of shooting sports, in which athletes compete in shooting at open shooting ranges. Shooting is carried out with shot from smooth-bore rifles at special targets-skeet.

The Olympic Games include 3 trap shooting disciplines:

  • Round stand - athletes fire on skeet, moving from one shooting place to another (8 in total), as well as changing the angle of shooting relative to the trajectories of flying targets.
  • Trench Stand - Athletes fire at skeletons thrown out of the trench in a random direction.
  • The double ladder is the same as the trench stand, but the plates are thrown out in pairs and the shooting is carried out in a doublet.

Practical shooting- one of the types of shooting sports, the goal of which is the assimilation and development of techniques that most fully meet the various cases of the use of firearms.

Shooting skill is measured as a balance of three main components:

  • Accuracy - points for hitting targets;
  • Speed ​​- the time from the start signal to the last shot;
  • Power - the use of weapons of greater power is encouraged by a large number of points awarded for the defeat of the scoring zones of targets, in addition, a minimum caliber and a minimum power factor are set.

The result is the sum of the points for hitting all targets, including penalties, divided by the execution time.

Benchrest shooting is one of the shooting sports, the goal of athletes is to make five (or ten) shots at a valid target; the smaller the group size, the higher the shooter's place will be in the end of the competition. In this case, shooting is performed while sitting at a special table with the rifle set at close range for shooting.

The following disciplines of table shooting are distinguished:

  • benchrest BR-50 - firing from small-caliber devices;
  • short benchrest - shooting at a distance of 100, 200 or 300 (meters or yards);
  • Benchrest Long Range - shooting at a distance of 500, 600, 1000 (meters or yards) and a mile.

Varminting- one of the types of shooting sports, in which athletes compete in shooting at long and ultra-long distances, mainly in rodents. It is allowed to use artificial targets imitating the silhouette of marmots.

Sniping- one of the types of shooting sports, in which athletes compete in shooting from a sniper weapon.

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