What was planted on the dynamo in 1942. Cups filled with excitement and secrets

On June 22, 1941, a big sports festival "Masters of Sports for Children!" was held at the Central Dynamo Stadium in Moscow. In the midst of the competition, terrible news broke into the stadium - war! ..

On June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began - the bloodiest war in history, which lasted 1418 days and nights.

We, Dynamo Moscow, are proud that representatives of the Dynamo Society, together with athletes from other societies, contributed to the victory over Nazi Germany. They fought on the fronts and behind enemy lines, worked in the factories and plants of our Motherland in the name of the Great Victory, were engaged in the preparation of reserves for the Red Army, became the initiators of the “thousanders” movement, pledging to train a thousand soldiers for the needs of the front.

home sports arena countries - the Dynamo stadium has become a training center for young fighters, a military training camp. Already on June 27, detachments of the OMSBON (Separate Motorized Rifle Brigade for Special Purpose) began to form there, from among the volunteer athletes of the Central State Institute physical education and the Dynamo Society, which were then sent behind enemy lines.

The Dynamo stadium itself was camouflaged from enemy air raids and carefully guarded. In the winter of 1942, young fir trees were planted on the football field for the purpose of camouflage, which clearly demonstrated the state's concern for preserving the main sports attraction of the capital.

During the battle for Moscow, OMSBON, as part of the 2nd motorized rifle division of the NKVD special forces, was used on the front line, but even at that time, battle groups were formed in it, intended to be thrown into the enemy rear. In the winter of 1941/1942, the OMSBON mobile detachments carried out many successful raids and raids behind German lines.

OMSBON terrified the Nazi invaders, conducting daring and decisive operations behind enemy lines. The functions of the OMSBON included: conducting reconnaissance operations, organizing a partisan war, creating an agent network in the territories under German occupation, directing special radio games with German intelligence in order to misinform the enemy.

The war brought grief to every family, to every home, disrupted the peaceful life of millions of people. The people defended their homeland at the cost of huge losses. Our courageous soldiers defended their native land, turned back the fascist hordes and defeated them.

Over the years, the greatness of the feat of our soldiers and officers, home front workers, women, children - all those who brought Victory Day closer does not fade. We are proud of the heroism, resilience and dedication of our compatriots. These days will never be forgotten. That is why the decree of June 8, 1996 established June 22 in Russia - the Day of Memory and Sorrow. In all cities of our country and many countries of the near abroad, mourning events are held on this day, we remember everyone who died a heroic death on the battlefields, who died of wounds in hospitals, were tortured to death in concentration camps. Eternal memory and glory to them!

  • In 2011, the project "Veterans of the Moscow Dynamo" was launched in the Moscow city organization of the VFSO "Dynamo". It is symbolic that the first of this series was an audio diary dedicated to Dynamo - veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Many of the interviews recorded then became, to our great chagrin, the last...

Photo: RIA Novosti, oldmos.ru, pastvu.com

Winter 1941-1942 in besieged Leningrad was truly terrible. Severe hunger, frost, bombing and shelling claimed the lives of thousands of citizens every day. In the first blockade winter in Leningrad there was no electricity, the water supply and sewerage failed, public transport did not work.

Nevertheless, the city did not fall, the troops still held the front, and some despondency and bewilderment appeared in the ranks of the Nazis, who did not understand how this was possible.

By the beginning of April 1942, the German command decided to raise the morale of its troops, tired of fruitless attacks on Soviet positions. Especially for this, a newspaper was published called "Leningrad - the city of the dead", stuffed with photographs of victims and destruction. The meaning of the newspaper boiled down to the fact that the besieged city had practically died out, and its fall was a matter of, if not several days, then several weeks.

Leaflets with similar content were scattered by the Nazis over Leningrad itself.

The top leadership of the city found it necessary to convincingly prove to the enemy that Leningrad was alive. And it had to be done immediately.

Football special operation

It is not known which of the leaders had the idea to answer the Germans football match. However, on May 5, 1942, the captain of the NKVD, and in peacetime football player Viktor Bychkov was urgently recalled from the disposition of troops at the Pulkovo Heights. Arriving at the general, he heard an incredible, from his point of view, order: to organize a football match in the city. The general did not accept any objections, dryly noting that Captain Bychkov was given a day to fulfill the order. Participation in the match was to be taken by those players who could be found in the allotted time.

The war makes you first solve the task, and then reflect on how feasible it is.

At 14:00 on May 6, 1942, the Dynamo (Leningrad) teams and the Leningrad garrison team entered the stadium field.

The match was served by the famous St. Petersburg referee Nikolai Usov. Through the efforts of the authorities, about two thousand spectators were brought to the match by cars. There was no time to gather fans with the help of posters - the match was organized in as soon as possible and under the strictest secrecy.

The match, which lasted all the time - two halves of 45 minutes, ended with a score of 7:3 in favor of Dynamo. The commentary of the match in Russian and German was recorded at the stadium and the next day, with the help of loudspeakers, it was transmitted to the front lines for both Soviet soldiers and the Nazis.

The impression from this radio report turned out to be much stronger than from the Nazi newspapers. Wehrmacht veterans who fought near Leningrad recalled after the war that for them the news that the Russians in this seemingly dead city were playing football was a real shock. “Is there anything in the world that can break these people?” - asked the Nazi soldiers.

Game for life

If the enemy was in a state of shock, then the Leningraders who survived the terrible first blockade winter, having learned about the football match, experienced an incredible surge of strength. The game immediately turned into a legend that spread around the city, acquiring more and more details.

The Leningrad party leadership realized that they were not mistaken with the propaganda response to the Nazis. Already on May 31, 1942, the next match took place, in which the Leningrad Dynamo met with the team of the N-factory (as reported in the newspapers).

This time, the game was announced in advance, a number of players known before the war were specially recalled from the front, and the football match became part of the whole sports festival held in the besieged city.

The football players ate the same way as the residents of the besieged Leningrad, only before the match, they specially increased their rations a little. The participants of the game could hardly endure physical exercise, but the meeting played from start to finish.

In 1991 on Petersburg stadium"Dynamo" was installed a commemorative plaque with the names of the participants in the blockade match on May 31, 1942.

The players recalled that in the evening after those games, they lay in bed from unbearable loads, listening to the recording of the match on the radio. They themselves did not understand how they managed to play football a few hours ago?

On June 7, 1942, Dynamo and the team of the N-factory held another match, which ended with a score of 2: 2. Under the name "N-sky plant" a team was hidden, the backbone of which was the players of the Leningrad "Zenith".


From that moment on, football returned to Leningrad and did not leave it until the blockade was lifted.

Such steadfastness and vitality of the inhabitants of the besieged city not only shocked the Nazis, but also angered them.

The Germans deliberately accompanied some matches with shelling, so that the players and fans had to interrupt for a while, hiding in shelters. However, then the matches resumed again.

In January 1944, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts lifted the blockade from the city on the Neva, which lasted almost 900 days.

In the same 1944, the football Cup of the country, interrupted by the war, was resumed in the Soviet Union. In its final on August 27 at the Moscow Dynamo stadium, in the presence of 70 thousand spectators, the teams of the Leningrad Zenit and the capital's CDKA met. Zenit won with a score of 2:1. This victory in 1944 was the only one in the history of the USSR Cup for Zenit.

But this victory, of course, is the most deserved in the entire long history of Zenit. After all, it began with a football match in May 1942, by which the city, declared “dead” by the enemies, proved to the whole world that it was alive and unbroken.

The legendary Nikifor Kolyada, nicknamed Batya by the partisans, was an outstanding personality. Tales are told about people like him. At the zenith of military glory, already being a laureate of the Order of Lenin, Kolyada, treated kindly by journalists, fell under the relentless wheels of the repression machine.

At the beginning of life

The history of Kolyada is full of exciting twists and turns. The future hero was born in 1891 in the Kharkov province, on the Kostev farm, in the family of a poor peasant. The help of the sisters allowed him to finish a three-year city school, which was a great achievement for a peasant child. Having begun the path of a military man even before the revolution, Kolyada, with the rank of ensign, passed the First world war, and then strongly supported the Bolsheviks, became a member of the City Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies. For Bolshevik agitation, the Petliurists threw him in prison, but Kolyada escaped and created one of the first partisan detachments in the Smolensk region. He successfully defended Vinnitsa from the troops of Ataman Shepel, smashed Petlyura, and in 1920 was appointed military commissar of the 57th Infantry Division. The young hero of the revolution, who had not yet grown a full beard and had not received the nickname Batya, even then showed himself to be an outstanding person with excellent abilities for organization, command and bold tactical decisions. V free time Kolyada was constantly studying. When the country calmed down a little, he entered the Chinese department of the Far Eastern University and left there knowing two languages ​​- English and Chinese.

"No Activity Data"

The characterization given to Kolyada's relatives after his arrest says: negative side". Every letter of this reply breathes lies.

On June 22, 1941, Nikifor Kolyada was already 50 years old. He held a good position and was not subject to conscription because of his age, but he immediately wrote a statement to the Central Committee with a request to send him to the front. Taking into account Bati's partisan experience, he was sent to the Smolensk region in the German rear, where in a year, under the most difficult conditions, he gathered tens of thousands of people around him and created a strong, combat-ready partisan movement. By July 1942, he was already leading the activities of 20 detachments in six districts. Bati's fighters blocked roads and destroyed enemy communications, blew up railway tracks. At the height of the war, they liberated more than 230 settlements in which they restored Soviet power, and also removed more than a thousand children from the occupation. The operation of the Nazis to destroy the partisans "The Last Harvest" and an attempt to knock them out of their stronghold - Sloboda - failed.


At the end of September, Batya was urgently summoned to Moscow. He attended a reception with the secretary of the Central Committee Andreev and the commander of the partisan movement Voroshilov, and immediately after he was arrested. Having avoided falling under the comb of repression in the 30s, Kolyada still did not escape his fate. Formally, he was accused of treacherous work in favor of the German occupiers and the fight against the local population, turning a blind eye to the fact that policemen acted as the local population, and also that “cattle, food, fodder were confiscated from the population, which led to discredit Soviet power", in an unstable moral character (despite the fact that Kolyada was married, he started relationships with partisan girls).
In fact, the reason for the arrest, most likely, was a conflict with the head of the Central Staff partisan movement P. Ponomarenko, who opposed large partisan formations, as well as disagreements with the secretary of the Smolensk Regional Committee D. Popov. According to Ponomarenko, Batya criticized the leadership in his presence: “The leaflets scattered by the regional committee do not matter. Party organs have discredited themselves. Retreat, evacuation, etc. undermined the people's faith in the party organ. We must scatter leaflets on behalf of persons who have won the respect of the people by their struggle. My leaflets signed by me in the Smolensk region could play a big role. I am known everywhere."

During interrogations, Batya did not admit the charge of treason, and the report of an NKVD officer who conducted a search in the apartment speaks well of the facts of looting. "The arrest was not imposed, since the defendant has no valuable personal property," the report said.

Nevertheless, the wheels began to spin, and Nikifor Kolyada was sentenced to labor camps for a period of 20 years. He was released ahead of schedule immediately after the death of Stalin, fully rehabilitated and found not guilty. But the health of the hero of the Smolensk region was already severely undermined - the legendary Batya died of a heart attack in March 1955.

Didn't have time to convert

Repression and constant rotation of personnel is one of the essential features of a totalitarian system. The story of Bati is a textbook example of how a bright, charismatic person, accustomed to proving patriotism not with words, but with deeds, fell into her millstone. Having concentrated several thousand armed fighters under his command, having wide popularity and the disposition of the masses, as well as a certain popularity in the West (the Queen of England even awarded him with a personalized dagger), Nikifor Kolyada could not help but cause fear at the top, especially since he was not restrained in his language and allowed himself to sharply criticize the authorities. In the era of screw-downs, such an outcome, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

Afternoon of August 19, port of Dieppe. German infantryman inspects the results of his work.

« Second front", how much in this sound, for the heart of the Boltsevsischen merged ... or about one " special operation» August 19, 1942.

It's worth talking about Second front”in World War II, as any Soviet will tell you, it was opened too late, in the 44th year, when the fate of the Reich was already unambiguously decided. But didn't Sralin or other Soviet leaders try to force " allies»to open the Second Front a little earlier, when the fate of the war had not yet been decided? They tried, and in the 42nd year. What did they do? allies" in response to Sralin's rightly panicked demand to immediately open " Second front”and somehow weaken the monstrous pressure of the Reich in the East?

Arranged a landing at Dieppe, August 19, 1942.

English military equipment, broken by the Germans during the landing.

Only 6,000 people landed, they were opposed by only 1,500 Germans. The task of the Anglo-Canadians was to probe the soil, land an assault, destroy everything in the coastal strip, and then leave before the arrival of the main parts of the German army, demonstrating that a large-scale landing operation is possible. It goes without saying that " allies"did everything to screw up the landing - no one smiled at landing in Europe in 1942, meeting the best parts of the Wehrmacht.

Therefore, the first thing the British did was leak the landing date to the Germans. The date is a day later - the landing was originally planned for August 18, the Germans were informed about August 19. Then an invisible force in the British General Staff did everything in its power to drag out the preparations so that the landing began precisely on the 19th. Then the British made up the main part of the landing force - 5,000 people - from inexperienced Canadian conscripts (I don't feel sorry for the Canadians!), Who had no combat experience, especially for such complex operations. It is characteristic that the 1000 English commandos accompanying the Canadians also failed to fulfill their combat missions, while the poor colonial infantry were shot like chickens. But that's not all! If the British undertook to fail some business, then one cannot do without branded English humor. On August 17, the notorious newspaper The Daily Telegraph released a crossword puzzle in which " french port, five letters". Answer? Of course, Dieppe!

German soldiers and commanders are happy to pose on British tanks.

Finally, on the day of the landing, the English squadron accidentally (accidentally?) ran into a German convoy, a skirmish began, and all miserable fragments of surprise were lost. When the British landing craft reached the beaches, all the Germans were at their combat posts, dressed, clean-shaven, having a hearty breakfast and singing "... And now we will fight, fight for 7 days in a row. But we don't fight one by one, only all together».

The Germans simply demolished the first wave of those who landed with machine-gun and mortar fire. Few survivors claimed to have seen the training marks on which the Germans, shortly before landing, learned how to make mortar fire. The second wave was also taken down. Only 6 tanks were able to overcome the beaches, which, entangled without infantry on the streets of Dieppe, were abandoned by their crews. Of the 5,000 Canadians who landed, 68% were killed, wounded or captured. The units that landed simply ceased to exist. Could not fulfill their combat missions and 1000 burnt " commandos". And they lost 200 s that day superfluous man, acting essentially as cannon fodder. On top of that, the RAF had lost the air battle to the Luftwaffe, and the pitiful remnants of the landing force were tearing the German planes to shreds. 4 hours after the landing began, the BBC officially announced it in its French broadcast, advising the French to evacuate. " We are here a little bit landing at your side. P.S. Don't tell the Germans»!

Then, however, the BBC fell silent - and even the English press had to draw primary information about the losses from German reports. Turning the landing of the Anglo-Saxons into something unimaginable. All this was broadcast on the Eastern Front and undoubtedly reached Sralin, as if hinting that he should hold the Wehrmacht alone.
Of the 5,000 Canadians, 3,367 were killed, wounded or captured. Out of 1000 English commandos - 247 people. 1 English destroyer and 33 landing craft were destroyed, the fleet lost 550 killed and wounded. Plus, 108 aircraft were lost (with the Luftwaffe losing 18 aircraft). The Germans, fighting off this parody of the attack, lost only 591 people, everywhere (even in the work sector " commandos") keeping under your control coastline defense. Worse than that, due to the silence of the British media, the already monstrous landing turned into an absolute PR disaster. Goebbels spent another month enthusiastically sucking on the events at Dieppe. Hitler for what he showed during the reflection of the landing " calmness and patience"donated 10 million francs to the city of Dieppe and sent home 1,500 French prisoners of war. Moreover, they said so to the freaking French, and they did not laugh: “ Werden Sie zum Hitler hören, - Sie essen Süßigkeiten"! Translated into Russian, these words will sound something like this: If you listen to Hitler, you will eat sweets»!

question about opening« Second Front» was successfully closed for another 2 years.

And today " French port of five letters' is no longer customary to remember.

Petrovsky Park has long been considered one of the most beautiful and charming corners of old Moscow. Back in 1828, a square planted with lindens, ash trees and pines was laid out here. Since it was located next to the Petrovsky Travel Palace, it became known as Petrovsky. The huge park was crossed by alleys, one of them was named "Moscow" and gradually became especially loved by the townspeople as a place for quiet family walks.

It was here, at the intersection of "Moscow" and "Teatralnaya" alleys, a little less than 100 years later, it was decided to build the first real stadium - a huge capital structure with tiers of stands encircling the field - such neither in Moscow nor in the Soviet Union at that time did not have! This construction was declared an honorable duty of young Muscovites and at first was kept mainly on the enthusiasm of the sports youth of the capital and the investments of the Dynamo society, which then earned with the help of organized industrial artels. The main construction tool for a long time was a pick and a shovel, as the main vehicle horse-drawn traction was used, however, the project of architects Arkady Langman and Lazar Cherikover was confidently implemented.

It helped significantly that in August 1927 the construction site acquired state significance (Moscow was preparing for a mass sports festival dedicated to the first Soviet labor five-year plan) - the pace of work increased, clear deadlines were set for the completion of construction. By August 1928, three concrete stands were built, the stadium stretched out in the form of a giant horseshoe - with straight North and South stands and the Western one closing them in a semicircle. Centuries-old trees grew on the site of the current East Stand and there were small sports fields and courts. Even in its original form, the building became grandiose. sports facility, in all sports departments of which about two thousand athletes could simultaneously train. It was a huge breakthrough, because the old sports grounds could, at best, serve one hundred or two hundred people at the same time!

The opening of the Dynamo stadium took place on August 17, 1928, simultaneously with the opening of the All-Union Spartakiad, the first football match was the football match between the national teams of the Byelorussian SSR and the workers' clubs of Switzerland. The game was commented by the famous Vadim Sinyavsky, the Belarusian football players won with a score of 6:3.

Meanwhile, the popularity of sports competitions grew, football, Russian hockey attracted more and more spectators, and in the autumn of 1934 the reconstruction of the stadium and the construction of the second stage of the project began. The work was completed by the beginning of 1936 - the East Stand was built, which closed the horseshoe-shaped semicircle of elevations, and an additional lower tier was erected. By the first national football championship, the stadium began to accommodate more than fifty thousand spectators, and on the days of especially interesting competitions, it could accommodate up to eighty thousand people due to the upper platforms, which were provided with standing places.

Gradually, the stadium became an organic part of Petrovsky Park, Muscovites fell in love with the transformed place of leisure, and the park itself was enriched with many sports grounds for different types sports, located around the complex. Not only sports spectacles, but the place itself again became attractive to the townspeople - fans gathered at the stadium to talk about their hobby, young people to kick the ball, go skating, do physical education, people far from sports - just walk along the green alleys, breathe air filled with the scent of trees and flowers. Dynamo has become one of the main symbols of Moscow - both as a champion team, leading its history from the first metropolitan football team, and as a favorite place for a growing city.

On June 19, 1941, a match was held at the Dynamo Stadium, in which the hosts hosted the Stalingrad Tractor. The game ended in a draw, and the championship remained incomplete - the Great Patriotic War began three days later. In the winter of 1942, young spruces were planted on the football field for the purpose of camouflage. As soon as the war rolled back from the central regions of our country, the stadium resumed its activities in the service of sports and football. On July 18, 1944, after a long break, the first official match- in the Moscow championship, Dynamo beat fellow countrymen from Torpedo with a score of 3: 2. Soon the country's championships resumed, and the stadium again, as in the old days, again and again witnessed Dynamo triumphs.

In 1977-1979, another major reconstruction took place. The stands and under-tribune rooms were renovated, four structures with powerful floodlights were installed, the bright light of which made it possible to broadcast television in color from the stadium. By the same time, a football and athletics arena, a gym, a skating rink with artificial ice, outdoor pools, a sports and administrative building and a hotel. By the Olympics-80, the Dynamo mecca began to live a new life!

but further history one of the main symbols of Soviet sports was no longer so bright and rosy - the country began to be shaken by crises, football players went to work abroad, Muscovites immersed in everyday worries and political whirlwinds became less and less interested in sports. Applied sports almost completely lost their funding, football was in a fever, throwing money into meaningless spending, the stadium survived as best it could, either organizing a market, or trying to put it on self-sufficiency sports schools. Twenty years of not updated structures dilapidated, leaving no opportunity to do without a major overhaul of the entire facility. And so, on November 22, 2008, in the presence of 24 thousand spectators, the last match was held at the first stadium of the country that ceased to exist. Dynamo defeated Tom, the final score of the match was set by Alexander Kerzhakov with the transfer of the current head coach of the blue and white Dmitry Khokhlov, the sky over the stadium bloomed with fireworks, after which the arena was closed for reconstruction.

Since then, projects have been created and redone many times, developers and responsible persons have changed, deadlines have been announced and re-announced, the five-year period has gradually turned into a decade, the youth Dynamo began to replenish with guys who have never been to the famous stadium, did not serve balls to the masters, did not sit on blue and white stands next to fathers and older brothers, and only now, on the day of the ninetieth anniversary of the great arena, we can seriously hope that this year the transformed giant will open its doors to the fans who have been waiting for this and will once again become the first and unique sports facility in our country , and again, as of old, all of Moscow will stubbornly go to the Dynamo, and the townspeople will once again begin to stroll under the canopy of the lindens near the Petrovsky Travel Palace, discussing the matches of the oldest football club capitals, breathe fresh air park and be distracted from the hustle and bustle of the growing metropolis...
