Krestovsky stadium number of seats. Zenit-Arena will break the world record for construction costs

The stadium project was developed by a famous Japanese architect Kisho Kurokawa... The arena's capacity is 62 thousand spectator seats, but an increase in capacity is provided for holding theater and concert events up to 80 thousand viewers... The stadium is managed by Gazprom, which leases it to the local football club Zenit.

The main features of the stadium project are a retractable roof and a retractable field. Thanks to these solutions, the arena can hold matches in any weather, as well as use the stadium for any public events without fear of damaging the football pitch. Outwardly, the structure resembles a spaceship. The navigation theme is played up with masts towering over the roof.

Stadium construction progress in St. Petersburg

The decision to build a new stadium in St. Petersburg was related to the plan to demolish the Kirov stadium. This became known in 2005. At the same time, the first thoughts about the new stadium were expressed - a capacity of 50 thousand and a cost of $ 150 million. The last match in the old arena took place on August 17, 2006. The structure was dismantled at the end of 2006.

2006 - Project approval

The city authorities organized an international competition to determine the architectural appearance of the future arena. The victory was won by the Japanese Kisho Kurokawa, in whose project the stadium was a "spaceship". It was he who proposed a sliding roof and a special heating system that is capable of melting snow accumulating on it with hot air. Then the cost of the stadium was estimated by its designers in $ 225 million... The right to erect the structure was entrusted to SINTEZ-SUI LLC (Avant LLC). The cost of work is approximately 6.7 billion rubles.

2007 construction began. Or not?

At the beginning of the year, the city authorities were optimistic that the stadium would commissioned at the end of 2008 In addition, the final decision was made that the arena will have a retractable field. In 2007, they managed to lay the first stone at the construction site, and at the end of the year they announced that the work was being carried out ahead of schedule. Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Vakhmistrov promised that Zenit will play their first match here in early 2009.

2008 - Rise in price and first postponements

With the onset of 2008, it became clear that the construction conditions were too difficult, due to the nature of the soils. RFU President Vitaly Mutko suggested that additional funds could be attracted, for example, from the capital of Gazprom. Zenit President Dyukov was more specific: the stadium will rise in price at least twice - with 6.7 billion rubles before 13-14 billion rubles... In this case, the deadline is shifted by at least a year.

In July, a new estimate was approved, the cost of the stadium has jumped more than three times - up to 23.7 billion rubles... At the same time, the capacity will also increase - 62 thousand seats. Due to the rise in the cost of the project, the city authorities terminated the contract with the former developer Avant LLC, estimating the work done by it at 5.45 billion rubles. The new general contractor for the construction of the stadium on Krestovsky Island was Oleg Deripaska's Transstroy company, which offered to build the stadium at a third cheaper - 13.3 billion rubles instead of 18.6 billion.

2009 - Construction stop

In some respects, the previous draft showed inconsistencies with FIFA's requirements for top-level matches. At the same time, the construction process was already underway. This mainly concerned the stands, which have already begun to be erected. Construction was suspended.

2010 - Redesign

It became known that Russia will host the matches of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, and St. Petersburg was invited to host one of the semifinals of the tournament. In this regard, it was proposed to expand the stadium, increasing the capacity to 67 thousand spectator seats. The cost of the new project has increased again. In connection with the 2018 World Cup, the city authorities were able to apply for an increase in the budget by attracting federal funds. By the end of the year, Zenit President Dyukov announced that the redesign of the stadium had been completed, with a final capacity of 68,000 spectators.

2011 - The cost is already over a billion dollars

Another postponement of the deadline - end of 2012... The estimate has risen again, now it reaches $ 1 billion - 33 billion rubles at the rate of 2011. The conclusion of the state expertise came three months later than the planned date, but the builders have already begun to erect the roof, which will now have to be dismantled due to changes in the stadium design. The general contractor reiterates that he can build the arena cheaper - 28.7 billion rubles.

At the end of the year, the deadline was postponed to 2013. The roof is being remodeled again, which will take up to a year and a half. The building owner insists that the sliding roof cover not only the stadium stands, but also the field. According to new information, the cost of construction will increase by 40 billion rubles.

2012 - Let's build with the whole world!

The project was again sent for state examination. Its cost is now 43.8 billion rubles! The Prime Minister comes to the stadium and is surprised at the lengthy construction. Governor Georgy Poltavchenko (construction began under Matvienko) denies rumors of embezzlement at the construction site and admits that residents of the city may be involved in the construction.

2013 - Criminal case and the Accounts Chamber

Almost 15 billion rubles have already been spent on the stadium, and its readiness is estimated at almost 35%. Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation starts a criminal case: The first general contractor Avant LLC is suspected of unreasonably overstating the cost by 500 million rubles. The new general contractor "Transstroy" and the company "Mostootryad-19" are exchanging claims, challenging the funds allocated for the construction of the stadium roof.

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The deadline for putting the stadium into operation has been postponed on June 15, 2016... Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg Marat Oganesyan and Zenit President Alexander Dyukov agree with this date. The Accounts Chamber conducts an audit, finds non-core areas at the stadium and reduces the cost of the arena to 34.9 billion rubles. Oganisyan confirms that it will no longer be required, and the head of the Accounts Chamber, Sergei Stepashin, does not believe in the indicated deadlines - in his opinion, the stadium will not be built until 2017. The city terminates the project with Transstroy in order to hold another tender, which will be won by the same contractor. A new project requires a new contract.

2014 - The depreciation of the ruble

9.1 billion rubles are allocated for the completion of the stadium "Transstroy". The retractable roof and retractable field of the stadium are not ready. At the end of 2014, an additional 2.3 billion rubles are allocated for construction - for the formation of an alluvial plot of land in the area of ​​the stadium. The dollar rises sharply in price, and suppliers declare a rise in the cost of building materials by 20-30%. The city authorities claim that this will not affect the cost of the stadium.

2015 - Conflict between contractor and customer

The readiness of the stadium is estimated at 79%. The Construction Committee informs that the first game on the Krestovsky field will take place in September 2016. December 2016 will be announced later. The general contractor asks for another half a billion rubles, increasing the cost of the project to 35.3 billion rubles. A protracted dispute begins between the contractor and the city authorities.

Construction stops at around 85%... The general contractor accuses the city authorities of artificially delaying the approval of the project, which is why the company cannot start work. Also "Inzhtrasstroy-SPb" declares about the suppressed attempt of raider seizure. The city authorities are threatening to break the contract with the company.

2016 - Almost done!

The city's construction committee freezes the Transstroy contract for six months at the beginning of 2016. The reason is non-performance of work in volume 3.1 billion rubles... According to the contract, the work was to be completed by the end of 2015... Company officials say the contract has not been indexed for the past three years, despite economic turmoil and the use of imported equipment at the construction site. The contract is renewed in a month. The headquarters coordinating the construction is headed by the vice-governor personally Igor Albin.

The cost of the stadium is increased by 4.3 billion- before 39.2 billion rubles... The reason is the safety requirements of FIFA. The city authorities are breaking the contract with Transstroy, which has a construction deficit of 2.5 billion rubles. They plan to collect the amount through the courts, but for now they are allocating money from the city budget for social spheres. The general contractor was appointed " Metrostroy”, Partly owned by the city. The stadium receives the official name - "Krestovsky".

In the last days of December 2016 an act on the commissioning of the stadium has been received... On him already spent 41 billion rubles and a contract was signed for additional work worth 952 million rubles.

2017 - What happened in the end?

The stadium has problems with a roll-out field - they say, they did not take into account the problem of vibration of the structure and the problem with a sliding roof, which is leaking.

April 22, 2017 the first official football match took place at the stadium "St. Petersburg" - St. Petersburg "Zenith" hosted the Yekaterinburg "Ural" in the Russian Football Championship and won with a score of 2: 0. The first goal in the history of the new stadium was scored by Serbian Zenit defender Bronislav Ivanovic.

Summer 2017 Confederations Cup was held in Russia. The stadium "St. Petersburg" hosted the final of the tournament.

December 7, 2017 it became known that the stadium "St. Petersburg" will host matches of the group stage of Euro 2020 (the first tournament in history, which will be held in 13 countries).

Is St. Petersburg stadium worth its money?

The cost of the stadium in St. Petersburg according to official data amounted to 43 billion rubles.

According to Fontanka, which studied open sources, the arena cost 48 billion rubles. Part was spent even before the ruble exchange rate changed, so the cost can be estimated at more than $ 1 billion dollars... This is the most expensive stadium in Russia and one of the most expensive in the world.

The tallest skyscraper in the world - Burj Khalifa cost $ 1.5 billion.

The updated one costs about the same Wembley(capacity - 90 thousand places).

In the world no stadium with the same capacity, which would be worth at least $ 1 billion.

How to get to the stadium in St. Petersburg?


Take the train to the metro station " Krestovsky Island". Then you need to walk 2 km through the park. You can also get to the metro station " Novokrestovskaya"- 1.6 km along the pedestrian bridge across the Yuzhnaya road.

By tram

- From the metro station "Staraya Derevnya" and further to Yakhtennaya street can be reached by tram number 19, then along Yakhtennaya street, Yakhtenniy bridge and Northern road (2.3 km). The tram takes about 10 minutes.
- From the metro station "Chyornaya Rechka" and further to Yakhtennaya street you can get by tram number 48, 48A, then along Yakhtennaya street, Yakhtenniy bridge and Northern road (2.3 km). The tram takes about 20 minutes.

The Krestovsky stadium will be the main football fortress of the northern capital during the 2018 World Cup. There has been a lot of talk and controversy on this score for a long time, because originally it was planned to name the stadium the same as the city. In addition to these names, and Zenit-Arena, there were several other variants of names, among which Gazprom Arena and Putin-Arena most often appeared. But the choice fell on the first option, although in some sources this arena is called the arena "St. Petersburg". In general, some kind of confusion.

General information about the stadium

The name of the stadium is one thing, and its commissioning is another. The construction of the arena began back in 2007, and only this year the arena was finally prepared for the Confederations Cup and the World Cup. Over the past 10 years, the final date for the completion of the reconstruction of the Kirov stadium, with the subsequent creation of a high-tech and ultra-modern arena in its place, has changed about 35 times, which in itself already looks strange. At first there was a speech that the team from the banks of the Neva would hold their first duel in 2009, after which continuous transfers began. All this led to the fact that he held his first meeting at Zenit in a new arena only in 2017 - in the game against Ural, on April 22, which, as you know, ended scandalously.

The author of the project and features of his creation

I would also like to highlight the author of the project, who was an architect from Japan - Kisho Kurokawa. His idea was to embody the most advanced technologies within one arena. And, apparently, his desire in the creation was fully embodied, because the main difference between the Krestovsky arena from other stadiums of the World Cup is the presence of transformable details of the structure, roof and field.

It should be noted that the roof of the stadium will be closed during World Cup matches. Even if these very precipitations are not the most abundant. A special pipe system is built into the roof, which will be ready to fulfill a kind of role of a pillow, that is, to fill parts of the canopy with warm air for the sake of an accelerated process of the same melting of snow, followed by water drainage. Powerful air currents are also expected to "disperse" rain.

Problems with the construction of the stadium

Perhaps the problems with the construction of a football arena in the northern capital have long become a part of folklore. However, even after the commissioning of the stadium, there were many reasons for memes and jokes. The main one lies in the disgusting state of the field, which forced Zenit to transfer one of their home matches to the Petrovsky stadium (the game against Krasnodar).

Everyone who watched the game Zenit - Terek (0: 1) live or on TV on May 7 had no doubts that playing on such a pitch is at least uncomfortable, and at the most dangerous for the health of the players. With banal low passes, the players' ball bounced on bumps, and pieces of turf constantly soared into the air after the players rolled and fell.

At the time of this writing, a new lawn had already been laid on Krestovsky, and now it is being updated. Everything should be finished by June 11-12, although it is possible that the stadium will be finished a few days earlier. Do not forget that the St. Petersburg arena will host the games Cameroon - Australia (June 22), New Zealand - Portugal (June 24), as well as the final of the Confederations Cup on July 2.

Not a single field

In the debut game for Krestovsky, Zenit - Ural, due to an unexpected snowfall, it was decided to leave it closed, after which it became clear that it was leaking in places. On the side of the fan bend, water began to drip, and in the rooms under the stands, this problem was dealt with with the help of plastic buckets.

The problems at the stadium did not end there. Before the match with Terek, the blue-white-blue had problems with coming to Krestovsky Island due to traffic jams. In addition, there were interruptions in hot water in the owners' locker room. During the meeting with Grozny residents, the spectators of the meeting also complained about the comfort, according to which an icy wind was blowing around the stadium.

Arena cost

Constant changes in the cost of the Krestovsky stadium make it almost impossible to accurately calculate the amount spent on construction. But we can say that this is not the most expensive arena in the world, as many believe. According to unofficial information, the cost of the stadium is estimated at 39.2 billion rubles, but, of course, much more was spent on this construction.

How to get to the stadium?

As for the location of the arena, the Krestovsky stadium is located on the site of the former arena named after S.M. Kirov, in the western part of Krestovsky Island. We can already say with confidence that the location was chosen very successfully, and the local infrastructure and transport interchange reached a relatively new level already in 2016.

The best way to get to the new stadium in St. Petersburg is by metro. The nearest metro station is Krestovsky Ostrov, which is a lilac metro line. From the station "Mezhdunarodnaya" to "Krestovsky Island" about 30 minutes. The option of driving by buses is possible. Buses on routes 10, 14, 25 and 25A will take you to the stadium.

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Only two and a half months are left before the start of the main football festival of this year - the final part of the FIFA World Cup, the matches of which will be held in 11 cities of Russia. St. Petersburg will become one of the host cities. The brand new St. Petersburg arena will host four group stage matches, as well as one game in the 1/8 and 1/2 finals and the match for third place - a total of seven meetings.

The friendly match between the national teams of Russia and France became another training session for all services that ensure order and security during the event. The journalist of our editorial office visited the game as an ordinary spectator and offers some advice to those who have not been to the stadium yet, but are going to go to the next matches of the Russian Championship or the World Cup games.

First tip: think over the route to the stadium and back in advance

The stadium "Saint Petersburg" (unofficially "Zenit-Arena" or "Krestovsky") is located in the western part of Krestovsky Island at Football Alley, 1. The stadium can be reached in several ways. I would like to say right away that it is most convenient to approach the object on foot. The easiest option is to get to the Krestovskiy Ostrov metro station and walk 2.5 kilometers directly through the park along Battery Road. From the metro station to the stadium, the walk will take 25-30 minutes.

Another option is suitable if you visit the Piterland shopping and entertainment complex, built on the edge of the mainland of the Primorsky district. Buses run to the mall from the Staraya Derevnya and Chyornaya Rechka metro stations. It is not very convenient to get to Piterland itself, but the walk from it to the stadium through the pedestrian Yacht Bridge will take about 20 minutes.

On match days, the arena can also be reached by free buses, which are commonly called "shuttles". They run for two hours before the start of the game towards Krestovsky Island and for two hours after its end. Shuttles allow to avoid traffic collapse after the match, when the work of the Krestovskiy Ostrov metro station is temporarily limited. Free buses carry thousands of spectators to the Chkalovskaya metro station. On the day of the match between Russia and France, several dozen shuttles flew. Their stops are located near the Vyborgskaya (red line), Petrogradskaya (blue line) and Chkalovskaya (purple line) metro stations.

Of course, you can also get to the place by private car, but it will be difficult to do this. On the adjacent territory, there are paid two-level covered parking spaces that surround the stadium from south to north, but there are no free ones. Paid parking allows you to park vehicles near the arena, and the journey from the car to the fan's seat will take from 5 to 15 minutes. For paid parking only, you need to purchase a subscription in advance either at the sales office or through the official website of FC Zenit. Currently, you cannot buy season tickets through the website. Apparently, they are all sold out long ago. However, it is not necessary to travel directly to the stadium by car. If you try, you can leave the car in the eastern part of Krestovsky Island and walk 3-4 kilometers on foot for a conditional 40-45 minutes.

Tip two: read the list of prohibited things

During World Cup matches, all aisle zones must operate, but the flow of people to the 68,000-seat stadium will be large each time. At Zenit's matches alone, there was a sold-out several times. The framed passage area is preceded by a labyrinth made of metal fences. To save space, it is advisable not to take backpacks and bulky bags with you. In addition, in the absence of carry-on luggage, you can avoid several nervous minutes of interrogation by the security officer, who will definitely ask you to show its contents. You can also save a minute or two if you immediately take a mobile phone and other metal objects out of your pockets before going through the control frame.

During the matches of the 2017 Confederations Cup, which became a rehearsal for the home World Cup, the press service of its organizing committee published a list of items prohibited in arenas. Krestovsky was also among the host stadiums, so restrictions apply there as well. As a result, the following items are not allowed to be carried to the matches: food and drinks, liquids in containers of more than 100 ml, thermoses and flasks, pyrotechnics, perfume and powder compacts, any sports equipment and umbrellas larger than 25 cm in folded form. A separate list includes professional audio, photo and video equipment: voice recorders, photo and video cameras, tripods, drones and even selfie sticks.

Remember: the sooner you pass through the checkpoint, the more you will save yourself and the staff member working at the stadium. And let the other fans, who nervously queue behind you, pass faster.

Tip three: eat tightly before playing

As we have already found out, food and liquids, the volume of which exceeds 100 ml, cannot be brought into the stadium. Of course, you can try to put a Snickers or other energy bar in your pocket, but once you don't have to, they can take it away. The most correct decision in this situation is to eat a large meal before going to the match. If a bright game awakens your appetite, then during a break at Krestovsky, you can look into one of the six grocery stores located in the stands.

Prices by the standards of an ordinary Petrozavodsk resident, of course, bite: 100 rubles for half a liter of water and any other drink, and 150-300 rubles per unit will go out for various snacks on a check. You can choose from the menu of ordinary fast food, for example, burgers or rolls. Since the days of Petrovsky, many fans have come to love buying hot corn, and they also sell it at Zenit-Arena. Moment of celebration: with food purchased at the stadium, you can go up to the podium, only the first attentive stewards will ask you to pour the liquid from the bottle into the cardboard glass that comes with the drink.

Tip four: think about clothes

The case when you want to warn not about the “Dubak” at the stadium. On the contrary, the FC Zenit stadium is very warm even in winter due to the covered roof. It felt like at the end of March on the field and in the stands it was about +15 degrees. The intensity of passions on the lawn during the match between Russia and France did not happen, but in the fan's chair it was still warm and comfortable.


At the stadium "St. Petersburg" the roof is retractable, so in summer, provided the weather is good, it is opened so that the audience does not suffocate, and when it is raining and windy, it is closed. It's funny that the roof has its own Twitter account with a 1,500 audience. The roof informs if it will be closed or not.

Fifth advice: do not slow down - and there will be no problems

The last tip summarizes all the previous ones. If you calculate the possible scenarios in advance and assess the risks, then there should be no difficulties in the trip. There are many negative comments on the Internet about the poor organization of work at the entrance and exit from the stadium, but most people interfere with themselves.

The game of the national teams of Russia and France was attended by 51 165 spectators. Of course, if all people gather for the game at the last moment, then pandemonium will not be avoided. Therefore, the entrance to the stands usually opens two hours before the start of the matches. Another thing is that this match was held on a weekday working day, and most of the spectators barely made it to the stadium by 19:00, given the St. Petersburg transport realities.

A bus with fans from Petrozavodsk arrived an hour before the start of the game, in half an hour the majority managed to reach the arena at a fast pace and in 15-20 minutes without any problems go through all the authorities at the entrance. At the exit from the stadium, in order to avoid the crowd, it was necessary to go to the middle or far stairs, because the main stream of people always chooses the nearest descent. By the way, volunteers informed about this, who constantly repeated instructions into a megaphone to leave the arena and leave Krestovsky Island.

Remember: everything is in your hands. To truly enjoy football, you need not only great play on the pitch, but also a little self-organization and discipline. Situations are different. You should not always hope for a good organization, there are always freelance situations. If you anticipate them, then in many cases they can be overlooked or mitigated.

The Gazprom Arena stadium in St. Petersburg, better known as the Zenit Arena, was officially opened in 2016. The main architect of the building is Japanese Kisho Kurokawa.

For a long time they could not decide on the name of the sports facility, at first they wanted to name it the Krestovsky stadium (after the name of the island where it is located), then the more popular ones appeared - Zenit Arena and the St. Petersburg stadium. The final version - Gazprom Arena - was chosen only in December 2018 - 11 years after the start of construction. Over the years, residents of the Northern capital and tourists have got used to calling the stadium each in their own way, so today you can hear different versions of the name.

Even before the opening, Gazprom Arena became famous as the most expensive stadium in Russia. Indeed, a fabulous sum was spent on the construction of the facility. According to various sources, the cost of Zenit Arena is over $ 1 billion. Over the years of construction, the stadium has earned the notoriety of the main long-term construction of the country, the costs of which have only increased every year. However, in preparation for the 2018 World Cup, the lease was nevertheless completed.

Characteristics of the Gazprom Arena stadium:

  • Capacity - up to 68,000 people;
  • The area of ​​all premises is 287.68 thousand square meters. meters;
  • Height - 9 floors (75 meters), including pylons - 110 meters;
  • The area of ​​the football field is 9 840 sq. meters.

Today Gazprom Arena is one of the best venues in the city, suitable for both sports and music events. The sliding roof of the stadium allows the facility to be used in any weather. The infrastructure of the facility makes it possible to organize events of any scale. At the service of tenants are premises of different areas, a catering service, a site and experienced staff.

The most significant events stadium "Gazprom Arena" in St. Petersburg:

  • Football tournament "Confederations Cup - 2017",
  • 2018 FIFA World Cup.

In 2019, the arena will host UEFA Europa League matches. Of the musical events, the most memorable was the concert of the Leningrad group at the Gazprom Arena in October 2018.

Schedule of matches of the stadium "Gazprom Arena"

Sports competitions of various levels are held at the stadium all year round. Of course, the most striking event was the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Today, Gazprom Arena is the base of FC Zenit - home matches of the most popular and beloved football team in St. Petersburg are held here. In winter, ice hockey competitions are held in the arena. The 2018/2019 season game calendar is available on the Gazprom Arena official website.

Zenit Arena scheme

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