Cameras for drying fish. Dried fish production technology

When you are preparing to buy equipment, you need to carefully study it. All characteristics, consider electricity consumption, performance, area. Below is an article in which our apparent flaw, after careful calculations, turned into a small and insignificant difference. And the advantages of our equipment so much exceeded the capabilities of competitors' cameras that we can safely say that we have designed the best drywall in Russia. + universal. In which you can dry whole fish, layers or fillets. For example, make (dry) in one chamber both fish sticks and whole fish of any size.
Recently leafing through YouTube and I came across a video of our competitors, my former partner. Curing cameras which we somehow sold. I got interested, started commenting, and as a result, an employee of that company posted a link to an advertisement for these curing cameras. In which he indicated the characteristics and cost of these drying chambers. And the prices there were cheaper than our equipment…. At first I was sad. Our price was 20% higher. But then I began to study the characteristics of the cameras more closely. Count and compare what is the result. With us and with them. I knew the drying time of competitors' cameras earlier. And for the sake of reality, the comparison even reduced a little, but still the figure for the difference in camera performance turned out to be huge. I even double-checked it again. It turned out so gigantic. But no, that's how it is. Below are these calculations.

By technical characteristics there is almost no difference between our equipment. kW of heat, cold, air movement, reverse for both designs. We and our competitors have all this. But there is a nuance…. Even 2 nuances. Which ultimately had such an impact on these calculations. And I will not disclose them, so as not to teach our competitors what we have known for 2 years.

So let's start counting. For economic calculations, we will assume that the finished product is 21+ dried roach. On average, the wholesale price is at least 300 rubles per 1 kg. Take, for example, drying chambers of the same loading. 2x5 = 10 frames loading. I repeat - the characteristics of the fish drying chamber differ slightly. But for comparison, let's take such a characteristic as performance. The camera descriptions of our esteemed competitors indicate the load on the frame. 150 kg per euro frame 1x1x2 meters. Drying time is not specified. But we know him. We launched such cameras. 3 pieces and everywhere there was just such a drying period. 7 days instead of 3 days declared to us during negotiations with this manufacturer. Now, in the 3rd generation of these dryers, it has decreased to 5 days per cycle. This was indirectly confirmed by the employee with whom we dived in YouTube. "We are not striving for records, our time is real." So the initial data: 5 days of drying, 10 frames loading in the chamber and 150 kg of fresh fish loading on the frame. In total, we can get 30/5 = 6 cycles in 1 month. Those. 150 kg x 10 frames x 6 cycles = 9000 tons of raw materials are loaded into the drying chamber per month. When the moisture content of the finished product is 33-34% (for example, dried roach), we get that the output is almost 1/3 of the loaded fresh fish. Total 1/3 of 9000 kg = 3000 kg. We get 3 tons of ready-made cured roach from competitors' cameras.

We count our productivity. Due to the same nuance described earlier, we can easily load up to 200 kg onto the frame. This figure is confirmed by all our partners who have our equipment. A description of our similar camera is here. And the drying time of the same products is 3 days, too, real. That is how much blue bream, roach, vimbets and others similar in weight and structure are dried. Those. we get 30/3 = 10 drying cycles per month. One-time loading of our drying chamber is equal to 200 kg x 10 = 2000 kg of fresh produce. 2,000 kg x 10 cycles per month = 20,000 kg load. Total finished products 1/3 of fresh load = 1/3 of 20,000 kg = 6667 kg of ready-made cured roach 21+ per month allows you to receive our equipment... In the same squares. With the same power consumption.

So to summarize: 3 tons in the competitor's chamber and 6.667 tons in our chamber in the same period of time. The performance delta between our equipment and competitors' dryers is 3667 kg. The cost of this batch is 300 rubles x 3667 kg = 1 million 100 thousand 100 rubles per month !!! For this amount you will get more products using our fish curing chamber. Of course, the figure turned out to be approximate. But this is the order of exactly that delta, the difference between our equipment. And a year? 1.100.100 x 12 = 13.201.200 rubles. This is exactly how much our camera increases the turnover. What percentage is your profit on dried roach? Count it up. Multiply by 2, 3, 5 years. The delta will get even bigger.

And when I received these figures, I realized that yes, our design is much more expensive, more complicated. But much more effective! + we have come up with another bauble that will make the uniformity of drying along the height of the frame as uniform as possible. It was weakness of our cameras, which we as manufacturers knew about. I knew as the designer and inventor of this camera. Although none of our fish processing customers have complained. But we decided to fix what haunted our conscience, my conscience. We are conscientious. Our team. We work not out of fear, but conscientiously. After all, our motto is - Trust is more valuable than money. That is why our partners respect us. Because we do everything that our client was satisfied with working with us. Received from us good equipment, excellent and fast service, availability of a large number of spare parts in stock, excellent and fast quality of the products. And much more. So that not advertising for money would work, but word of mouth: “RZPO? Former Duko-Technician? Great team. I recommend working with them. " It is for the sake of such words that we go to work, go on business trips, arrange brainstorming, Skype conferences with clients, we participate in seminars, we go to import exhibitions and factories looking for new interesting equipment, engineering solutions.
And yes! News for all food processors. We now have packaging. We have reached an agreement with a leading manufacturer South Korea... Which manufactures the entire line of packaging machines: thermoformers, traysillers, skin packers, vacuum machines and related machines. And after the New Year, we will present to your attention a new site and a description of these machines on the pages of our sites that are already working. We will inform you about this immediately. In any case, translation and preparation of commercial proposals for this equipment is already underway. And now we can supply equipment from a country that makes the best electronics in the world (Samsung, LG) and the most popular and demanded cars (Hendey, KIA, Sanyong). And now our company also represents the packaging equipment of this country. The same high-tech and reliable.
Best regards, RZPO company. Russian Food Equipment Plant. Former Duko-Technician.

P.S. The name "Duko-Technic" is rooted in Ukraine. There is a plant of the same name in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Which stands for: Deutsche Ukrainish Cooperative. Which in 2007 opened a branch in Russia. But we have grown from a dealer into an engineering plant that independently designs and manufactures equipment: smokehouses, defrosters: dryers, air conditioners for raw smoked sausages and much more for food production. And so the time has come to change the surname. But we are grateful to the Duko-Technik plant. He is our dad. Which made our company. Our factory. And taught me a lot. Our managers, our service engineers. But in next year our company will be 10 years old. It's time to tell yourself by your name. Russian Food Equipment Plant.

P.S.S. In order to calm our (my) conscience, we are now modernizing for free equipment that dries up for 7 days, instead of 3 promised when delivered a few years ago. Because they have matured and learned to correct their own and others' mistakes. We know how to dry fish correctly and quickly. Grew up, matured for these actions. And let the author and manufacturer of this camera do not care about their brainchild. On Smairflow dryers supplied through our company. I put it and forgot it. Despite the fact that they dry for a long time and tediously. But I remember. And all this time the realization that I had let someone down haunted me. And our team will bring to mind all 3 curing chambers we have supplied. Because this is my respect for myself as a director, businessman and quality equipment manufacturer. For the money, it is certainly unprofitable. But the respect and trust of my friends and partners is worth much more than any money.

  • Smoking chambers (KKA automatic smoking chamber)

Advantages of the modernized smoking chambers (KKA automatic smoking chamber) in comparison with domestic and foreign similar smoking chambers.

  • Low consumption of chips. Due to the modernized combustion cup. Allows to completely burn wood chips. Completely burnt ash is obtained at the exit after the chamber.
  • 3 types of evaporators to choose from: internal, external with constant air supply and external evaporator in closed loop with bypass. Standard - internal made of stainless steel pipes. Most effective in our opinion. Allows you to maintain low air humidity during drying and smoking.


Hot and cold smoking chamber KKA (automatic smoking chamber)

Hot and cold smoking chamber KKA (automatic smoking chamber)

  • Climatic installations KLIMATRONIK type S. Drying of fish (drying of fish).

Purpose: Designed for drying fish (drying fish) with full control of the technological process according to the user programs specified in the control system. Allows dry fish with minimal time and energy consumption.

For drying in industrial production, fish varieties such as roach, weighty bream, ram, shemai, sweet asp, barbel, red mullet, sprat are suitable. They are the ones who have the best qualities taste. In the process of drying, complex biochemical reactions take place inside the pulp, as a result, not only complete dehydration occurs, but also a kind of maturation of the fish.

The necessary conditions

For sufficient maturation of fish, the following conditions are required:

  • sufficiently bright lighting;
  • Fresh air;
  • constant warmth.

The optimal time to start drying is in the spring, when the average temperature is not yet so high, and the air is rich in oxygen and useful ozone.

Drying technique

To begin with, the fish are laid out in the same size, washed from river slime, and thoroughly salted. Salting is carried out in the following way: the bottom of the container is filled with brine (a strong solution of ordinary table salt).

The total volume of the saline solution should not exceed 20-30% of the specific gravity of fresh fish. The selected fish is placed in rather dense layers in a prepared barrel with a solution. It is necessary not to forget to sprinkle each laid layer of fresh fish with salt, the lower layers need to be added less, the upper ones more. Moreover, the uppermost outer layer of the fish must be intensively sprinkled with salt 1-1.5 cm thick.

It is important that all the selected fish are salted evenly, they are gently mixed a few minutes after laying. The duration of the salting of large fish is from 3 to 6 days immediately from the moment of laying. And small fish are salted faster - in just 2-3 days.

At the end of the salting, the fish must be rinsed from the remnants of the saline solution under fresh water... After these steps, you can directly dry the fish.

Important rules for drying fish

  • for a start, the fish must be prepared: gut large specimens and remove unnecessary gills, small fish are dried entirely. Big fish neatly divided into layers along the ridge, strung on strong sticks;
  • on a thick needle with a strong twine through the eye sockets, the fish are strung with their backs in one direction. One such rope piece holds up to 8 medium specimens;
  • then the finished fish ligaments are washed a second time by the flow cold water, hung out under a prepared canopy, reliably protecting from rain and scorching sun;
  • the main task is to get rid of annoying flies. You can get rid of these enemies in two ways: moisten the sides of the fish with vinegar and rub them well with sunflower oil, or wrap each fish. It is advisable to perform both of the proposed methods in order to ensure that the fish is protected from insect infestations;
  • it is advisable to hang the unpicked fish by piercing the tail. All the internal contents of the fish stomach will slowly flow out through the open mouth cavity, and jerky will not have a bitter taste of bile;
  • the average duration of the drying process depends on the original size of the fish itself - it can reach up to 15 days;
  • the degree of readiness of fish drying, the technology provides for a visual determination: well-dried in a ventilated place acquires noticeable elasticity, if it is bent from head to tail, it should quickly take original shape... If there are white salt crystals on the outside, there is still no elasticity, it means that you still need to wait for the product to be fully prepared. A faint iodine aroma appears, this is due to the fat that has undergone oxidation.

Even a faint smell of rot is not welcome here; such a specimen should be immediately disposed of - it is absolutely unusable. Gourmets who prefer to feast on dried fish with a "light smell" should not forget about how destructive the results from eating spoiled fish can be;

  • you can check if the fish is quality dried or not by removing the skin. If after the skin there is a layer of fat immediately, the meat is not dry, but only slightly harsh.

Drying of fish technology in at home?

The cooking procedure for fragrant dried fish is very simple. Required Ingredients: fresh fish(pike, burbot, roach, sweetish pike perch are suitable), salt, fresh water or pasteurized milk, kvass or draft beer for further steeping.

Cooking procedure:

  • gutted fish carcasses are wiped with vinegar with the addition of salt, then they are carefully placed in the prepared container, and sprinkled with salt. This composition is set aside for 3 days for complete salting in a cool, unlit place.
  • the prepared salted fish is taken out and thoroughly soaked for 12 hours in water, lukewarm milk, draft beer or aromatic bread kvass. It is a matter of everyone's choice, everything depends entirely on taste preferences;
  • you can start drying in your usual home conditions, we also string the fish onto a piece of twine and hang it in a place where reliable protection from strong gusty wind and sun is provided. Do not forget to protect our catch from annoying flies by treating everything with vinegar and ordinary vegetable oil.

So that, as a result, the drying of fish technology is observed and the product is prepared with high quality, you need to follow simple recommendations.

  1. Fatty varieties of dried fish are the most delicious.
  2. Do not rush to process fresh fish. To begin with, you need to put it in a dark place along with the plucked nettle for a couple of hours.
  3. The original quality of dried products depends on the moisture content. A suitable level for successful drying should not exceed the humidity threshold of 85%, provided there is sufficient shading.
  • The dried fish effectively destroys cancer cells due to the sufficient content of Omega-3.
  • This delicious fish product will help you quickly cope with frequent depression during gestation, prevent Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia.
  • The probable risk of death from a heart attack is reduced by 40% in those who ate fragrant dried fish at least once a week.
  • The risk of strokes and various kinds of heart disease is also noticeably reduced.
  • Fragrant dried fish prevents the appearance of wrinkles due to the sufficient content of the necessary nutrients, healthy fats and vitamins, perfectly assimilated by the human body.
  • Fish prepared in this way is capable of causing significant harm only if it is found in dirty, unusable water bodies or in violation of the drying technology.
  • If the basic standards of storage and delivery are violated, there is also a risk of getting a spoiled product. Subject to the main stages of the drying technology, there are guarantees to get a harmless product prepared by hand.
  • Regular consumption of dried fish allows you not only to significantly diversify your diet, but also to effectively prevent the development of many dangerous ailments.
  • It should be borne in mind that fragrant dried fish is a rather difficult product to store. In a room with a high humidity indicator, it deteriorates faster. Therefore, ready-made fish can be placed in a good fabric bag and carefully hung in a dry place.

Currently, the food industry pays great attention to the quality of seafood and their processing. First of all, because of the tendency of the same chilled fish to quickly lose freshness after being caught.

Considering that the modern consumer is more and more serious about the choice of food, a simple fact is obvious to their producers: to get ready-to-eat seafood with high gastronomic qualities, good digestibility by the human body and environmentally friendly is possible, using only advanced, high-tech food equipment. One of these types, of course, are industrial chambers for drying and drying fish.

Technology, types of cameras and their principle of operation

Industrial drying and with the help of special cameras, due to strict adherence to all technological nuances, is called upon to ensure the production of a quality product in volumes sufficient for wholesale and network trade. This variant of fish processing is an interconnected chain of several sequential processes, the task of which ultimately comes down to one thing: the transfer of moisture in the product into a vaporous state and its removal into the external environment.

Now the market offers three types of drying and drying chambers for seafood: tunnel, cabinet and chamber. All of them can be of periodic or continuous action. Tunnel plants are the most popular among fish processors. Their main advantage is productivity, which in the most powerful models reaches 2000 kg per day. True, there is also a significant disadvantage - with such volumes, it is very difficult to obtain uniform quality for all finished products. That is why it is sometimes more expedient to use less productive (up to 400 kg / day), but more efficient chamber or cabinet chambers.

The principle of loading raw materials into installations different types has its own differences. In some, the fish is suspended vertically, in others it is laid horizontally, but for all there is one requirement - the products should not come into contact with each other.

As for the drying or curing technology itself, it is built according to a single concept. First, in the air conditioner of the chamber, the air is cooled to dew. Condensate is also removed from it. Then the air from the heating elements heats up and becomes dry. Then, heated from 18 to 35 ° C (when drying) or from 40 to more than 100 ° C (when drying), air at a speed of about 18 m / s is fed into the chamber with fish products, where it takes moisture from its surface. And so it goes cycle after cycle, until the seafood reaches a state of full readiness.

Camera overview

On Russian market today a large number of models of dry-wand units are presented. Moreover, for the most part, this is equipment of domestic manufacturers. Within the framework of our material, of course, you cannot tell about all of them. However, it is in our power to single out the most interesting from all the diversity.

For example, cameras of the Izhitsa company (St. Petersburg) are very popular in Russia and neighboring countries. The model is designed for efficient drying and drying large and small fish before smoking. The advantage of this cabinet-type unit is that it covers an area of ​​only 1 square meter. m, and from 3-8 chambers it is possible to form a single drying complex for industrial drying of large volumes of seafood. In this case, there is no need to separately configure each of the cameras. All control is reduced to a single control unit. With one installation with a capacity of 80 kg, you can get 20-55 kg of dried or dried fish in one cycle.

As already mentioned, the wide practical use in the food industry, tunnel-type chambers for drying and drying fish are obtained. One of the most common models is produced by the MNPP "INITSIATIVA" enterprise (Aleksandrov, Vladimir region).

It has a collapsible modular design, which allows you to adjust its performance, changing the parameters of a single load from 200 to 1000 kg. True, for such an industrial installation there are also
certain requirements for the room in which it is planned to install it. So, it should be dry, spacious, providing ease of maintenance of the chamber, loading and unloading of products. The ambient temperature is from +10 to +30 ° C, and the ceiling height is at least 3 m. Finally, the unit will need to be connected to the central ventilation and sewerage system.

A large model range of drying systems is being created in another St. Petersburg company. By the way, in this organization there is an opportunity to purchase installations of all types: chamber, cabinet and tunnel. We will draw your attention to the first type.

The manufacturer offers its customers chamber installations operating from various energy sources and any type of fuel: electricity, oil products and their waste (mining), natural gas, steam, wood processing waste, pellets (pressed wood waste). Moreover, depending on the client's capabilities, the company's specialists will select exactly the equipment that will allow organizing a truly profitable business with a production capacity of 100 to 2000 kg.

Very high-quality installations for drying and, as well as snack and meat products are produced in the PKP "TEKHTRON +" (Obninsk, Kaluga region). The developer gives a 20-year warranty for their thermal cameras!

For example, model UK-ZSV tunnel type is made of high quality stainless steel and has a rigid structure that protects the chamber from fatigue changes and destruction of thermal insulation during long-term operation. One-time loading of the installation varies from 100 to 250 kg, depending on the product. The chamber layout options are also different: the location of the doors, the dehumidifier, the installation of overhead tracks, the passage design (2 doors), etc.

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The process of drying fish involves the use of fresh, chilled or frozen raw materials. For drying, they take fish of the first and highest grade.

The technology for the production of dried fish is simple. The stages are as follows: the fish is washed, sorted by size, then - the process of salting and drying. Then the finished product is packed.

Now more about each stage. First, the raw materials must be thoroughly washed: this removes the film that envelops the fish.

If this is not done, the film will interfere with high-quality salting, and after drying, the product will not have a presentation. Sorting by size promotes even salting of the product.

Salting methods for fish - brine and dry. Tuzluchny - a method when defrosted fish is poured with brine - is more suitable for processing small fish. The thawed fish is washed, sprinkled with salt and filled with concentrated saline solution.

The brine temperature should be up to 10 degrees Celsius. The dry method requires about one to two salt consumption per fish weight.

Depending on the size, the salting period is from three to eight days. The bottom of the salting bath is covered with salt for 2-3 centimeters, then the fish carcasses are laid out with their belly up. Each row is covered with a layer of salt, increasing the amount as the bath fills. One fifth of the salt must be left in order to cover the top row.

When salting fish, it is imperative to check whether the tails of the carcasses are wrapped on the wall of the bath, otherwise the products will be defective. The oppression is placed in a bath with fish on the second day of salting. The fish is soaked exactly as much as it was salted.

Otherwise, salt will appear on the surface of the fish during the drying process, which, firstly, will spoil appearance the product, secondly, will lead to an increase in its moisture content. Then the fish is hung up and washed with a hose or shower. Dry for 1-2 hours. The drying chamber is filled with fish.

It is strictly forbidden to add the product later, otherwise the already dry fish will be saturated with moisture. The drying temperature is 28 degrees, the time is 3-8 days, depending on the type of fish. The chamber is turned off every 6 hours so that moisture is evenly distributed in the product. You can dry the fish naturally. For this, well-ventilated rooms are used.

Finished products are packaged in cardboard boxes, boxes or vacuum plastic bags. The best packaging option is polymer. For storage of the finished product, the indicator of air humidity is important.

High humidity leads to saponification and mold. The optimal conditions for storing dried fish are an air temperature of 10 degrees Celsius and a relative humidity of no more than 75%.

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Finally, I assembled a chamber for drying / drying delicious meat sausages. A kind of result of love between a hedgehog and a snake.

The task was to strictly maintain the temperature and humidity in the chamber where sausages and other balyks are dried / dried for a long time. Although in our Geyropy meat is a thousand times safer and more reliable, botulism and other mold does not sleep and tries to get through with Aeroflot flights.

He was taken:
Outdated refrigerator
Temperature control device STC 1000 (Amazon € 20)
Humidity control unit DHC 100+ (Amazon € 50)
Orbegozo humidifier - Ultrasonico (Amazon 40 euros)
Toilet exhaust fan (Amazon 20 euros)
A pair of boxes for wiring and sockets for a couple of euros in a building store
And like everything

The temperature device is adjusted to the desired temperature fork with any step (for example: from 12 to 18C) and will keep it in the chamber. If it falls less than necessary, it will turn on the heating element (rug, lamp for reptiles, etc.). In my case, it is not necessary, in the most severe winter in the garage there is no less than + 10C.

The temperature rises - the refrigerator will turn on.

The humidity control device works on the same principle: it turns the humidifier on and off, that is, it keeps the desired humidity plug in the chamber.

Gadgets the size of a pack of cigarettes. I cut them into electrical boxes, screwed sockets on the back, everything about everything - an hour of work.

I checked for 4 weeks on sausage drying, setting the camera with several third-party temperature / humidity meters, everything worked like their native Chinese - for days, without noise and dust.
The sausages dangling in the photo lost 45% of their weight in 19 days and were destroyed orally. All are alive, and even slightly well-fed.

Well, my hands were scratching to break something ... I cut two holes of 10 cm from the walls of the refrigerator. In one he inserted an exhaust fan, and in the other a beautiful net he flies.

In the absence of a product for compound drying, the chamber can be used as a drying chamber. (aesthetically - dehydration).

An air flow of 97 liters per minute dried 6 chickens after wet salting for smoking in 45 minutes. dried a piece of beef tenderloin (sunzhuk) in 2 days.

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