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Caries is a pathological disease of the oral cavity due to damage to the tooth enamel with acids, alkalis and other harmful compounds formed as a result of the reaction of microorganisms in the mouth with carbohydrates. As a result, the enamel begins to gradually deteriorate, and the teeth themselves begin to deteriorate.

Signs and features

This phenomenon was first identified by W. Miller, back in the late 19th century. Nowadays, he has been given a clearer definition, in which this disease is associated, first of all, with damage to the hard tissues of the teeth, with a subsequent decrease in the necessary minerals in them and the formation of voids.

In case of a disease, teeth are first covered with a colorless and then a dark coating, become thinner, small holes appear in them, which, without proper treatment, can lead to their final deterioration and even loss.

Caries is one of the oldest diseases; people who lived about 3-4 thousand years BC suffered from it.

Its reasons are very difficult to identify, since the disease can be in some way hereditary, and maybe acquired, due to malnutrition and mouth care.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

Caries can develop over 4 years, because its appearance is not noticeable even to an experienced dentist, which is extremely dangerous, since it can develop not only in adults, but also in infants whose teeth have just erupted. For this reason, it is extremely important to know not only the causes and symptoms of the disease, but also the stages of its course.

Stages of development of the disease

Experienced dentists identify and treat the disease according to the stage at which it is, highlighting 4 main stages in the development of the disease:

  • the stage of the usual white, or chalky spot;
  • surface caries;
  • average;
  • deep.

Having studied each stage separately, you can see that it develops gradually, affecting first the surface of the tooth, and then penetrating to its roots. Each of these stages has its own symptoms and clinical manifestations.

Stage 1: Spots

The appearance of a chalky or dark speck on the surface of the enamel is the first sign of an incipient disease
... The cause of the stain is the gradual washing away of the mineral substances necessary to strengthen it from the surface of the tooth. In particular, the enamel is deprived of the required amount of calcium and therefore its structure is gradually destroyed.

At this stage, the disease does not manifest itself in any way and therefore the patient may not be aware of it, since it is almost impossible to see the presence of spots on his own.

No painful sensations at this stage it is not observed and therefore, to detect it, the dentist most often uses a methylene substance, which stains the affected area blue.

One of the best preventive measures for this disease -! Find out their benefits and varieties.

In addition, to prevent the occurrence of this ailment mouthwash Listerine.

Here: - you are invited to learn from the video how to use dental floss.

This stage is completely reversible, since with the timely saturation of the tooth with useful minerals, its enamel is restored, and the stain disappears. In addition, the stain can also be removed with the help of laser therapy in the dental office, the main thing after that is to undergo the course of treatment suggested by the doctor.

You should not postpone the visit to a doctor at the first stage of the disease, because even an imperceptible speck can develop into a real problem and cause tooth loss.

What do dentists say about the prevention and treatment of this disease - watch the video:

Grade 2: Surface

Left without proper attention and treatment, caries at the stain stage gradually turns into a disease of the tooth surface, characterized by irreversible changes in the structure of the enamel, the structure of its prism.

At this stage, the enamel can no longer recover on its own and therefore the patient must immediately contact a competent dentist. Superficial caries affects only the surface of the tooth, without penetrating deep into the tissues.

It can concentrate on the uneven surface of the teeth, or between them, usually with inside the oral cavity, therefore, it can also remain invisible.

Externally, the transition of symptoms to the superficial stage can be determined by the appearance of small black and brown spots, enamel defects and an increase in yellow or white plaque.

It is possible that the patient is already on this early stage there will be acute pains when eating sour, sweet, hot, or cold, but only if caries is concentrated at the neck of the tooth, which happens most often. It is also possible to identify the disease at the superficial stage during probing, or during regular examinations at the dentist.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine the transition of the disease from one stage to another, therefore it is best to prevent the spread of the disease and start treatment immediately.

Grade 3: Medium (dentin)

At the stage of average caries, the disease is clearly noticeable, as a result of which it is not only meaningless to ignore it, but it is also very dangerous, since every day the painful sensations will only increase and will not lead to anything good. At this stage, the dark spots that appear on the surface increase noticeably and it is simply impossible not to see them.

But there are often cases when there are practically no stains, but there is only a small crack, upon close examination of which the dentist states the penultimate stage of caries, which is due to the fact that the surface is hard enough and it is more difficult to hit its diseases than to penetrate into soft tissue called dentin.

Caries is located at this stage between the teeth, or between them and the tissue surface... Treatment is prescribed depending on the degree of spread and basically comes down to cleaning the affected surface of the tooth from plaque and medication, mainly in the form of lotions and rinsing of the oral cavity.

The final stage of treatment is the installation of a filling and its regular cleaning of plaque.

Grade 4: Deep

The main distinguishing feature of the last deep stage is the occurrence of painful sensations in the area of ​​the dental nerve. He is not yet inflamed at this stage, but becomes very sensitive to hot or cold food.

Outwardly, deep caries is no different from the symptoms of the disease at the previous stage, but the area of ​​enamel and dentine lesions with black spots can expand.

It is important to remember that the deep stage is not characterized by pain, especially at night, pain when chewing food, or in direct contact with the tooth, since all of the above is a sign of pulpitis, or acute periodontitis, periodontal disease.

Treatment of caries at its deepest stage is the same as at the middle stage, that is, at first the doctor must carry out a cosmetic procedure to clean the enamel from plaque and tartar, and then put a filling, clearing the existing crack.

The above division into stages is used exclusively on the territory of Russia, in Europe and America, a different classification of this disease is generally accepted:

  1. Caries of enamel - identical with caries of the first stage, that is, with the appearance of white spots on the surface;
  2. Caries of the soft tissues of the tooth - dentin;
  3. Caries of cement;
  4. Delayed caries.

Grade 5: Cement

Since two of these stages have already been described, one should dwell on cement caries, which is characteristic mainly of older people aged 60 years and above. Dentin or cement in the cervical region of the tooth is affected.

The reason for the transition of the disease to this stage lies in the exposure of the root surface, as well as the excessively frequent consumption of carbohydrates, which have a direct effect on the development of caries.

In addition, the elderly stop brushing their teeth, do not follow the basic requirements of oral hygiene and, as a result, get caries, which not only affects their teeth, but leads to their loss, since the body does not have enough strength and capacity to restore enamel.

Also, the development of the disease is affected by a decrease in the secretion of saliva, which has a protective effect and promotes the restoration of teeth.

6th degree: Slowdown

Suspended, or slowed down, is considered to be caries, which the dentist managed to prevent or heal by promptly using all the means of treatment available to him. It is possible to suspend the course of the disease only in the first two stages, because the more often the patient visits the dentist, the healthier and more beautiful his teeth will look.

With a correct and timely diagnosis, the patient can avoid many negative consequences for the health of your teeth, which will allow you to keep them intact until old age.

So, caries is an extremely dangerous and most common disease of the tooth and its enamel. Statistics show that more than 98% of the inhabitants of the planet Earth suffer from it and its consequences, and every year the percentage is increasing, so if there is no way to avoid the disease, you must try to avoid its consequences.

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Caries(lat. Caries - decay) - dental disease, - a complex pathological slow process of tooth decay.

According to statistics, caries is observed in over 93% of the world's population.

How does dental caries occur? Tooth decay begins with plaque on the teeth, which is made up of food debris and bacteria that feed on sugary foods or sugars. The digestion of these sugars creates acids that attack the surface of the teeth and negatively affect oral health. Tooth decay occurs when acids eat away at the hard layer of the tooth's surface (enamel). Over time, this decay process can lead to holes in the surface of the tooth - tooth decay. If tooth decay is left untreated, cavities can become larger and eventually lead to tooth decay.

Consider what causes caries other than food debris?

Causes of caries

Heredity. If parents have frequent diseases of the teeth and gums, then they can transmit this predisposition to their children. Also, the chemical composition and structure of dental tissues, the nature of salivation depend on heredity.

Nutrition. Eating a lot of sweets (sugars) has a beneficial effect and accelerates the process of tooth decay. Also, the development of caries is promoted by insufficient intake of food rich in proteins, mineral salts, fluoride and others.

Saliva. It has been noticed that in people prone to caries, saliva is more viscous and the ratio of the content of mineral salts in it is changed, which leads to the development of caries.

Oral cavity immunity. Oral immunity can be weakened due to acute respiratory and respiratory viral diseases. With weakened immunity, bacteria will multiply more easily and faster.

Teeth cleaning. Many people do not brush their teeth twice a day. Others do not clean correctly, "for show". Also, sometimes a professional dental cleaning is necessary to remove plaque in hard-to-reach places.

Profession. People who work in chemical plants are more susceptible to the appearance and development of tooth decay.

Age. In the first years of a child's life, milk teeth are more likely to undergo destructive processes than molars. But, as they grow, they begin to be more attentive to and the molars grow healthy. It is very important, from the very childhood, to teach the child to oral hygiene, which will prevent milk caries of the teeth.

Geography. Scientists have found that the region in which a person lives affects the condition of the teeth, which is associated with the percentage of fluoride in drinking water.

Sexual sign. Dental diseases are more common in women than in men. This is due to pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a greater cravings for sweets than men.

- a change in the natural color of the tooth, the appearance of chalky spots or blackening;
- the appearance of holes in the teeth;
- sensitivity of teeth to hot, cold, sour, sweet and salty;
- aching pain in the tooth;
- bad breath.

At the first symptoms of caries, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Complications of caries

If you do not go to the doctor, having obvious signs of caries, the process of tooth decay will progress: microbes will penetrate the dentin into the pulp of the tooth and cause its inflammation - which, if untreated, will turn into inflammation of the periosteum - periodontitis, which ultimately may not only to the loss of a tooth, but also damage to the growing teeth nearby.

Types of caries

Fissure caries. This type of caries is the most common. It is characterized by damage to the grooves on the teeth, natural anatomical depressions and interdental spaces. The fact is that in these places, food debris most often accumulates, which is difficult to thoroughly clean out from there.

Cervical caries. This type of caries is considered the most difficult. It affects the neck of the tooth. In the area of ​​the tooth neck there is a very thin layer of enamel, and these places are also difficult to reach to clean them at home.

Atypical caries. This type of caries is characterized by damage to other parts of the tooth - for example, a tubercle or an incisal edge.

Secondary caries. This type develops as a result of the use of some poor-quality filling materials, as well as due to the poor-quality work of the dentist. In addition, secondary caries can be triggered by: unsuccessful prosthetics, malocclusion, solid food, temperature irritants.

The first stage of caries. The initial stage is characterized by the formation of a light speck on the tooth enamel. No other symptoms or discomfort may be observed. At this stage, it is advisable to consult a dentist, which will significantly save time and money for dental treatment in the future.

The middle stage of caries. At this stage, not only the enamel of the tooth is damaged, but also the dentin (the main tissue of the tooth, which is softer than the enamel). From the middle stage, caries can develop very quickly into a deep one, therefore it is better not to delay treatment.

Signs of the middle stage of caries are dark spots on the tooth, shallow carious cavities, aching pain in the damaged tooth when eating sweet and sour foods, as well as when exposed to cold and hot.

Deep stage of caries. At this stage, a person may already experience severe pain when eating hot and cold food, sweet, salty and sour. If the pain disappears within 15 minutes, then the caries has not yet developed into pulpitis and the diseased tooth can still be saved. In some cases, in a deep stage, damage is not visible on the surface of the tooth, while there is already global destruction inside the tooth.

Caries diagnostics

For the diagnosis of caries, you should refer to.

At the dental clinic, the doctor will examine the visible surfaces of the teeth. Where invisible, it will try to find enamel violations (cavities, roughness, irregularities) with a probe. Special attention will focus on the areas between the cusps of the tooth, the gingival areas, the areas between the teeth and the edges of old fillings. Also, the dentist may prescribe other methods for diagnosing caries.

Methods for diagnosing caries:

- examination by a dentist;
- probing (it will help to identify defects on the enamel surface, especially in hard-to-reach places, to determine the density of the bottom and walls of the cavity in the hard tissues of the teeth and the degree of their sensitivity);
- percussion (used to exclude complications of caries);
- thermometry (carried out to clarify the reaction of the tooth pulp);
- vital staining (carried out to identify the initial caries and to indicate the affected dentin at the bottom of the carious cavity);
- (allows you to determine the depth and proximity to the pulp of carious cavities);
- electrodontometry (performed to exclude complications from the pulp);
- transillumination (to identify the initial stages and hidden foci of caries).

To treat caries, you need to go to a dental clinic. The sooner you see a specialist, the easier, faster and cheaper the treatment will be.

Caries treatment is well established and practically painless.

At the initial stage, the doctor just needs to clean the enamel with a special tool and restore it with mineral solutions or varnishes.

At deeper stages, it is already necessary to remove the affected tissues, disinfect, fill and process so that the tooth looks natural.

When a tooth is eaten away by caries, so that there is nothing to fix the filling, the doctor will have to grind it and put a crown on top.

Caries of the front teeth is treated in the same way as the rest of the teeth, the only thing the doctor can suggest using a photo-filling, which after installation will be invisible against the background of a healthy part of the tooth.

Caries treatment with folk remedies

For the treatment of caries, it is better to consult a dentist, since caries treatment at home folk remedies it is possible only at the earliest initial stage and acts more as the prevention of caries.

Calamus root. Just take a small piece of dried food in your mouth and suck or chew for 5-10 minutes a day.

Calamus tincture. Take 0.5 liters of vodka and add half a glass of chopped calamus roots. Let it brew for 7 days. Rinse your teeth with tincture for 1-3 minutes and spit it out.

Honey and salt. Mix 200 g of liquid and 100 g of fine. Massage the mixture into your gums for 5 minutes, morning and evening. After rubbing in, rinse your mouth with a little salted water.

Pumpkin. Cut the pumpkin tail into thin shavings, pour boiling water in a cup and leave to brew for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth with warm water.

. Just brew as indicated on the package (usually 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water) and rinse your mouth with a warm broth.

Raspberry and mint leaves. Raspberry leaves and cut, pour into a glass and pour 30 g of wine vinegar. Let stand for 3 days, strain and rinse your mouth.

Laundry soap. Brush your teeth with soapy water. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after cleaning. Use only fresh solution for cleaning.

Propolis. Just put on a sore tooth and hold the prepared pea for 30 minutes, putting another cotton swab on top.

Camphor. Moisten a cotton swab with camphor alcohol and apply it to the affected area of ​​the tooth. Leave the tampon in place for a few minutes and apply it to your gums.

Onion peel. Put the husk of 3 medium onions in hot water and bring to a boil. Strain and let it brew throughout the day. Rinse your mouth with the solution several times a day.

Correctly balanced diet. The body definitely needs sufficient quantities of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products. The consumption of starchy foods and sweets should be limited. Eat raw carrots and apples as often as possible. they are able to clean our teeth from food debris.

Pay special attention to nutrition during pregnancy so that the baby has a healthy structure of hard dental tissues even before birth. Do not take medicines without a doctor's prescription, do not drink alcohol, and if you have not had time yet, quit smoking!

Teeth cleaning. Brush your teeth 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening after meals. Clean the interdental spaces with dental floss. Try to rinse your mouth with water or a special mouthwash after every meal.

Among all diseases known to science, dental caries is the most common. The pathological process and its beginnings are found in 93 percent of adults and in 80 percent of children with a milk bite.

What is dental caries: definition

From Latin the name is translated as "decay", and it is. In the initial stage, due to the unfavorable environment, the inorganic part of the tooth enamel is destroyed. If at this time you examine the affected area under a microscope, you can see foci of reproduction of cariogenic bacteria - streptococci. Their vital activity is characterized by active fermentation, which is the catalyst for the decay process.

Later, destruction of hard tissues is observed, which is also a consequence of putrefactive processes.

If untreated, incipient dental caries turns into pulpitis and periodontitis - complex inflammatory complications.

The main stages of the development of caries

Tooth decay occurs gradually and continuously. But for a more accurate diagnosis in dental practice, it is customary to distinguish four stages in the development of the disease. The differentiation is based on the degree of penetration of caries into the dental tissue.

Spot stage

The clinical picture of the first stage, when dental caries only appears, is expressed in the loss of enamel gloss. Already at this stage, professional supervision is necessary, which is why doctors strongly recommend that you come for preventive examinations twice a year - every 6 months. This is exactly the period during which the disease does not have time to develop before the destruction of the deep-lying tooth tissues.

The insidiousness of the spot stage is in its asymptomatic course. Faded enamel with whitish spots rarely causes alertness.

To identify such areas, dentists use a special dye substance - methyl blue. Only by touching up the enamel, the doctor can identify caries in the stain stage.

The unnoticed destructive processes of the upper layer of enamel progress. Painful sensations arise, patients note an increase in sensitivity to salty foods, sour drinks, sweets. All these are classic symptoms of the next stage - superficial caries, which is much more difficult to treat.

A small cavity appears in place of the stain - a defect that is still within the enamel, but already bordering on dentin, the main part of the tooth.

With medium caries, rotting occurs not only in the upper layers, but also in the dentin. The size of the carious cavity increases, and the discomfort is more and more pronounced. Patients begin to give up cold and sour foods, about half of the patients are planning a visit to the doctor at this time.

Since dentin is much softer than enamel, caries develops faster at this stage - it is better not to postpone a visit to the dentistry.

The reason for urgent treatment should be pain that does not go away within 15 minutes after eating hot or cold food, salty. This means that the putrefaction has reached the pulp.

Strong changes in dentin, painful reaction to temperature and chemical stimuli, pain from touch - all these are symptoms of deep caries. Externally, an extensive carious cavity with softened darkened dentin is visible.

This stage is the last chance to save the tooth. If pulpitis occurs, nerves will have to be removed, and more global consequences can cause tooth extraction.

Types of dental caries

Another classification of caries is based on the location of the affected area:

  • Fissure caries. The most common among the population. The places of its concentration are natural depressions due to anatomical structure tooth, interdental spaces and grooves.
  • Cervical. Affects the neck of the tooth.
  • Atypical. Appears in places unusual for classic caries: on the cutting edges, protruding tubercles.
  • Secondary. It is observed when any therapeutic manipulations have already been carried out in the oral cavity: prosthetics, caries treatment.

The reason for the observation of a secondary type of dental caries in the oral cavity may be the use of low-quality filling materials. The unprofessional work done by the dentist can also affect.

Causes of caries development

Risk factors are:

  • improper diet with an abundance of sweets;
  • viscous due to genetic predisposition saliva;
  • weak immunity;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • hereditary softening of dental tissues;
  • work at chemical plants;
  • place of residence (fluoride content in drinking water).

It has been noted that carious teeth are more common in women. This is due to physiological processes (pregnancy, lactation), which create conditions for the weakening of the body.

Diagnostic methods

To accurately determine the nature of tooth damage, doctors use many methods. The main types of diagnostics include:

Examination of the tooth surface with staining to identify a carious spot.
Sounding. Allows you to establish the depth of the carious cavity, assess the state of the pulp chamber, the density of the affected tissues, the degree of pain.
Electroodontometry. A test to determine the degree of pulp excitability. Normally, in an inflamed or necrotic state, it reacts differently to irritation.
Percussion (percussion). With caries, the procedure is painful for the patient, healthy person will not pay attention to her.
X-ray. With the help of interproximal radiography, it is possible to reveal hidden caries, to determine the depth and degree of tooth damage. The method is used only in combination with other diagnostic methods.

These methods are used only in relation to carious teeth; healthy teeth do not undergo unnecessary diagnostics. Only a doctor with a special education is able to determine what the research should be. The patient can provide assistance by providing the results of a previously performed diagnosis. According to them, dentists determine how long ago there were violations, at what speed dental caries and its complications develop.

Caries treatment methods

There are several ways to cure tooth decay. Modern means and medical technology allow you to choose not only the most effective, but also the most gentle technology.


In the stain stage, carious teeth are sensitive to remineralizing therapy. It is better to treat them in this way in the doctor's office. The process looks like this:

  • Dental plaque is removed.
  • The stain is treated with a weak solution of citric acid, the remnants of the composition are washed off with a small amount of water.
  • After that, an application is made with a solution of calcium gluconate.

The effect of gluconate is enhanced by electrophoresis. In the most severe cases, the duration of therapy does not exceed 15 minutes; the determination of the duration of the procedure is at the discretion of the doctor. With the right treatment, you won't have to treat your teeth - the stain will disappear.


If caries cannot be avoided, demineralization is useless. At this stage, the only way out is to install a seal. Affected tissue is removed and replaced composite materials, amalgam or ceramics. Ceramic and composite inlays are most preferred as they have the natural color of tooth enamel.

Ceramic fillings

The more the caries is started, the more part of the tooth will be prepared. To reduce the loss of healthy tissue, it is necessary to start treating the teeth as early as possible.

New developments

In the near future, caries can be treated with a new method. It is based on the fact that melanocyte-stimulating hormones are introduced into the carious cavity, and under their influence, healthy cells of the dental tissue begin to actively multiply, gradually displacing caries.

According to the staff of the French Institute INSERM, it takes only a few weeks for a tooth to be completely restored using this method.

The method is unique and quite effective. But until he has passed the necessary clinical trials, only traditional treatment is possible.

Disease prevention

The occurrence of dental caries is by definition associated with a lack of hygiene. Rot occurs where favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of acid-forming and lactobacilli: mucus, plaque, food debris. That's why important condition prevention of the disease is permanent and correct cleaning of teeth using brushes, threads and fluoride toothpastes.

How to brush your teeth properly

In addition, the prevention of dental caries of any type should include:

  • restriction in sugar consumption;
  • rinsing with Chlorhexidine, the solution must have a certain concentration - from 0.1 to 0.2%;
  • using xylitol chewing gum;
  • regular visits to dentistry.

Moscow clinics offer another preventive measure - sealing fissures and depressions with flowing polymers, the presence of which leads to caries. This procedure reduces the risk of caries by almost 90 percent and allows you to postpone surgical treatment for a long time: drilling and filling.

Caries is a phenomenon that everyone has encountered. The gradual decay of teeth haunts all people, of all ages, from young to old. However, few people know why caries appears in the first place and what factors lead to its early development.

What is caries

Before you understand the reasons, you should define caries. The name itself comes from the Latin word "decay" and this is close to the truth - with caries, the hard tissues of the tooth, such as enamel and dentin, are destroyed. Starting with a slight damage, it spreads, forming cavities of the most different sizes... In this case, without treatment, caries can completely destroy the tooth and spread to neighboring ones.

What causes tooth decay

From the moment people began to worry about the health of their teeth, many different theories have been proposed to explain the occurrence of tooth decay. At the moment, the following is considered the main one: certain bacteria that live in the oral cavity process food debris into organic acids, as a result of which the integrity of the enamel is disrupted, and then begin to destroy the internal tissues of the teeth.

The development of caries is influenced not only by the activity of these bacteria, which is manifested in all people to varying degrees, but also by the level of oral hygiene. So, the activity of bacteria is influenced by the natural resistance of the body and the degree of mineralization of the enamel. However, in addition to this, the presence of tartar, in which food debris gets stuck, also has an effect.

It is interesting! The main bacteria that cause tooth decay are streptococci.

Tartar is formed from soft dental plaque, due to the fact that it is impregnated with calcium salts. And if the plaque can still be removed with a toothbrush, then the stone is removed only by a dentist using ultrasound.

There are also natural, hereditary factors that affect the development of caries:

  1. Uneven teeth. An incorrect bite leads not only to problems with the gastrointestinal tract ( Gastrointestinal tract), but it also increases the chance that food gets stuck between the teeth and causes tooth decay.
  2. Poor salivation. Saliva is designed not only to moisturize the oral cavity, but also to partially wash away food debris. If it is produced too little, or it is produced too slowly, then the risk of tooth decay increases.
  3. Low alkalinity of saliva. Usually, saliva is able to neutralize the acids produced. However, if the alkalinity of saliva is neutral, then it cannot protect the teeth from decay.
  4. Improper nutrition. The more carbohydrates you consume, the more bacteria that cause tooth decay in your food. These include all kinds of sweets such as sugary drinks and cakes. Also, acidic foods, which include lemons and a variety of citrus juices, can have a negative effect.
  5. Nervousness. Severe clenching of the jaws, during sleep or while awake, as well as grinding teeth, can ruin the enamel. And this, in turn, will open up access to bacteria.
  6. Lack of nutrients. In particular, if the body lacks fluoride, then the enamel will not be strong enough to effectively resist bacteria.

It is interesting! The number of bacteria is also influenced by the state of your immunity and the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.

If we talk about the places where caries is most often formed, then we can mention the places where food debris accumulates and the formation of soft dental plaque. These areas include:

  1. Gaps between teeth. These are the places where food most often gets stuck, which is not so easy to clean. The best solution is to use dental floss.
  2. The base of the teeth. The part of the tooth, which is close to the gum, most often collects soft plaque on itself, which eventually transforms into tartar.
  3. Chewing surface. The very grooves and irregularities that allow chewing food often collect microscopic parts of food on themselves.

The degree of caries development

The appearance of a spot. The first stage, at which caries is highlighted only by color, in the form of darkening or lightening of the enamel
Violation of the enamel, but without destroying the tissue of the tooth itself
Pulpitis. Damage to the pulp, problems with the nutrition of the tooth begin, which only speeds up the process
The pulp is destroyed, the nerve is affected. At this stage, the tooth must be removed.

It is important! Many people believe that if there is no pain, then there is no caries. In fact, caries may not give out painful sensations for a long time until it reaches the nerve.


Caries should be treated and done as quickly as possible. The reason is that with the development of caries, a variety of complications can occur, among which the following can be distinguished:

  1. ... The soft tissues of the tooth are affected, including the nerves and blood vessels that supply nutrients... As a result, the tooth begins to rot and die off. This is accompanied by severe pain.
  2. Periodontitis... The inflammation begins to spread to adjacent tissues, both the gums and jaw.
  3. Cyst... With the development of periodontitis, it can begin to collapse bone... As a result, a pus-filled cavity forms, which is accompanied by severe pain and can lead to tooth loss and increased bone fragility. As a result, an operation may be required to excise the cyst, or to remove the tooth, followed by the debridement of the formation.
  4. Flux... In some cases, detachment of the periosteum, which covers the outside of the bone, may also begin. In the cavity that appears, pus also appears, and the surrounding tissues become inflamed and swollen. This also requires surgery to remove pus from the tissues of the body.

It is important! Caries on milk teeth also needs to be treated. V otherwise, inflammation of the surrounding tissues may begin.

How to prevent

As with most diseases, tooth decay is easier to prevent than cure. With rare exceptions, the body itself tries to fight the bacteria that cause tooth decay. And sometimes the characteristics of the body can lead to the fact that caries in a person will not appear at all.

Natural factors limiting tooth decay

  1. Lysozyme in saliva. This protein helps curb the growth of bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  2. Mineralization of enamel. The stronger the enamel is saturated with minerals, for example, calcium and fluorine, the more difficult it is for organic acids to destroy it. Accordingly, it reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Prevention of caries

If we talk about the actions that everyone can take, then the following points can be highlighted that will help, if not completely avoid caries, then significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence:

  1. Brushing your teeth in the morning and evening... If there is still controversy about brushing after each meal, then brushing your teeth in the morning and before going to bed makes sense - you clean out the remnants of food.
  2. Using dental floss... Just like brushing your teeth, flossing can help clear food stuck out of hard-to-reach places.
  3. Visit to the dentist... Checking the condition of your teeth, as well as cleaning tartar, if any, will reduce the risk of disease by an order of magnitude. In addition, by visiting the dentist twice a year, you can track the destruction of existing fillings, which can be repaired immediately. The restoration is also much cheaper than installing a new one. What's more, a crumbling filling can behave like tartar - clogging up with food particles and giving bacteria access to the pulp.
  4. Proper nutrition... By consuming enough minerals, your enamel will be much stronger. This point also applies to the advice not to eat hot and cold food at one time. With sudden changes in temperature, the enamel can begin to deteriorate, giving bacteria access to the more delicate parts of the teeth.

It is worth noting that when talking about brushing their teeth, people often show enviable carelessness. So, for example, not everyone knows that the same toothbrushes should be selected very carefully. They differ on many factors, such as:

  1. Bristle stiffness... Children's brushes are made extremely soft, and medium hardness is suitable for most people.
  2. Bristle arrangement... Despite the fact that the most exotic options are now very popular, ordinary, flat bristles are also suitable for many, and hard-to-reach places are easier to clean with a thread.
  3. Method of work... In addition to the usual ones, there are electric and rotating brushes. They are quite effective, but they may not be suitable for everyone - it all depends on the condition of the teeth and gums. In some cases, such devices can compromise the integrity of the enamel.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the brushes must be rinsed after use, and also stored separately from each other. This is done to avoid transmission of infections. For the same reason, you should not store them in closed boxes - a wet brush will be practically in a greenhouse, which will lead to the multiplication of a variety of bacteria.

It is important! The toothbrush should be changed every two to three months, at least. During this period, it will lose its effectiveness and stop cleaning the teeth from plaque.


Summing up, I would like to repeat once again - it is easier and cheaper to prevent caries than to cure it. In those cases when it is already there, you should not postpone its treatment for the mythical "sweat", which usually occurs when the tooth is already beginning to decay, and caries is spreading to the adjacent teeth.

Video - What is caries and how to treat caries

Video - Why does caries appear

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