Elmir Nabiullin: "My finances are still managed by my parents." Elmir Nabiullin: “I started to get impudent on the field, but in life I got used to being modest Nabiullin rubin


- You once said: “I would like to become for Rubin what Totti was for Roma or Gerrard for Liverpool. Why didn’t this happen and you left Kazan?

Complex issue. First of all, I want to say that I am grateful to Rubin for all the 10 years that I played there, but I need to go further, so I decided to leave the team and go to Zenit.

- When in last time did you talk to Kurban Berdyev?

Before leaving for the “Zenith” came to him for advice. He said that he understood me, wished me luck, said that he would follow me.

- Spartak was also interested in you. Why did you choose Zenith?

The real interest was only from the “Zenith”, so we decided to take this step. Zenit have been interested in me for many years, this is for real big club and I wanted to try my hand here.

- If identical proposals came from Spartak and Zenit at the same time, what would you do?

I would still choose Zenit.

- Why?

I think it suits me better.

- Why was the transfer delayed until the end of the window? After all, because of this, you did not get into the application for the Europa League.

Negotiations were conducted by my representatives, so this question is more likely to them. I can only say that I learned about the offer only a couple of days before the transition, in February, when I was at the training camp with Rubin. Everything happened very quickly.

Elmir NABIULLIN. Photo by Vyacheslav Evdokimov, FC Zenit


- It is believed that you were bought to replace Criscito. Have you discussed this topic with the leadership of “Zenith”?

The leadership of “Zenith” said only that in the future he sees me as the main left-back.

– Which of the old-timers of “Zenith” most communicated over the past week?

Ozdoev and I communicate a lot with Kuzyaev, Zhirkov, Kokorin… I knew many of them before, and because of this I can easily adapt to the team. As for housing, I was interested in them, asking where it is better to take.

- And where?

The guys advise Petrogradka, Krestovsky Island.

- In "Rubin" Ryzhikov and Gekdeniz made comments to you, because you addressed them to "you". In the "Zenith" even with all the "you"?

Yes, it was the first time in “Rubin”. These are experienced, adult players, so at first they were addressed only as "you". In “Zenith” the situation is freer – with everyone on “you”.

- Even with Zhirkov and Ivanovich?

Even with them. They advise and help.

- You already played at the stadium "St. Petersburg" in July last year. How do you like the arena?

Impressed by how many fans come to the stadium and support the team. There are a lot of people in the stands, almost in every match full stadium, it's very nice. Zenith has very good support.

- Especially in comparison with Kazan.

Rubin also had high attendance when the Kazan Arena first opened. True, in recent times there are few viewers, and this is very disappointing.


- On the website of "Zenith" in the news about you on the very first line it is written: "The older brother Adele brought the newcomer to football." Tell us a little about him.

As a child, I often played football in the yard, there was a box near the house, we were chasing the ball there in the snow. My brother also took me with him, even brought me to sport Club"Rocket" where myself did judo. But me in football section I didn't like it so I left. Although I continued to play at school, and one day at the competition between classes, the coach Renat Rashidovich Ibragimov noticed me and invited me to the Youth Sports School-14. Then he asked permission from his parents, and they agreed to send me to football. Although I was often sick as a child, I always went with a cold, so my parents were afraid to let me go. But it's good that they gave it away - everything passed.

How did it happen that your brother died? What happened?

On the street there was a usual conflict with a certain man, and at one moment he turned sharply and stabbed Adel right in the heart. If his brother had seen the knife, he would have jumped back in advance, but he did not even imagine that everything would turn out like this.

Did you find the killer?

Yes, he is sitting now.

- If your brother were alive now, would he play for the Russian national team?

With judo, he would have succeeded. I think he is very happy for me.

BEST LEFT-BACK: Marcelo, Milner & Zhirkov

- Rinat Bilyaletdinov compared you to Bale. Do you agree with this comparison?

I started playing as a flank attacker, but at some point I was transferred to the defense. Bale also used to be a defender and liked to connect to attacks. I think yes, we are somewhat similar.

- Bale in the course of his career was transferred just from defense to attack. Maybe you should move?

If the coach puts on the attack, I will not mind. But the coach knows better where to use me.

- Name three the best football players peace in his position.

The first is Marcelo from Real Madrid. Then Milner from Liverpool - I like that he plays both in midfield and on the wing. Let Zhirkov be the third. I remember him playing Euro -2008 as a left back.

- You told how you ended up in the football section. What about Ruby?

For several years I was called to Rubin by a coach born in 1995, Gennady Orlov.

- Good name.

Yes, the namesake of the Zenith commentator. For several years he called me, but my parents and I believed that we were not yet ready to move to Rubin. And one day he said that he would no longer run after me. At that moment, something clicked, and we decided it was time.

Elmir NABIULLIN. Photo by Daria ISAEVA, "SE"


- Do you consult with your parents in everything?

Yes. Their opinion is very important to me.

Hulk bought a house for his parents with his first salary. And you?

I bought a big cake and gave all the money to my parents. I still do that now. If they need something but cannot afford it, I will always help.

What is the most valuable gift for parents?

I built them a country house, and bought my father an SUV.

- Are your parents still in charge of your finances?

I would say so, yes. But if I need any amount, then I can get it without any problems.

Let's get back to Ruby. Under Berdyev, five years ago, there were no chances to break into the base?

It was difficult. The youth did not play at the base, although the coach attracted me to friendly games.

- When Bilyaletdinov came, did you assume that now you would get into the starting lineup?

I knew that he loves to work with young people. There were thoughts that I should get a chance. And so it happened.

- Before the debut in the match against Anji, you said that you were sweating ten times. Before the debut for the “Zenith” will also worry?

- (Laughs) I will worry less, of course, because I have already played in the Russian Championship, but the excitement will be for sure.

– What are the three most memorable matches for the “Ruby”.

Match with Liverpool away, when we played 1:1. The game with CSKA in the summer of 2014, when we won 2:1, and Karadeniz scored on last minutes. And the match with Zenit in the spring of 2015, when I scored the first goal in the championship.

Ilya KUTEPOV and Elmir NABIULLIN. Photo by Daria ISAEVA, "SE"


- In December 2015, Western and our media reported Southampton's interest in you. What do you know about it?

I saw the news in the press, but I didn’t hear about the specifics, this information didn’t reach me. I know that Saint-Etienne was interested in me a year ago, my agent Thomas Zorn spoke about this.

- If you received an offer, would you go?

I would think. Europe is also big step. I have a goal to play in Europe.

- Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko cited you as an example a couple of years ago when he spoke about the fruits of the limit. Do you yourself think that the limit on foreign players helped you progress?

There really is help. The limit helps Russian players to get playing practice.

- And how do you feel about the idea of ​​introducing a salary cap for young players?

It will be useful for young players. Although it all depends on the character. Someone can forget about football if he gets a big salary, but someone perceives it as normal and continues to work.

Daler KUZYAEV. Photo by Daria ISAEVA, "SE"


- A year and a half ago you starred in documentary. Did you feel like a star?

- (Smiling) No. I was asked to film, captured on camera everyday life, workout, nothing special. I didn't feel like I was a star.

– And after the transition to “Zenith”?

Also no. It's just nice to have such an offer. It was difficult to refuse him, this does not happen to everyone. This is a big step for me, I would not forgive myself if I refused.

- You were not confused by the examples of Bukharov, Ryazantsev, Dominguez, Ansaldi, who moved from Rubin to Zenit and did not play here?

No, they didn't. For me, an example is Daler Kuzyaev. He succeeds at Zenit, and I think I will succeed too.

- Do you have a goal for the next six months?

My goal is to get into the Russian national team, and I want to do it through Zenit. Including getting to the World Cup.

- When was the last time you talked to Stanislav Cherchesov?

In the autumn, at the end of the collection, he called me to his office. Then he told me that I need to grow up, add confidence so that I mature.

- Have you heard that you were allegedly included in the list of potential participants in the 2018 World Cup, compiled by Stanislav Cherchesov?

Yes, someone told me about it. It's nice, but it doesn't matter. Only the final list of those who will be included in the squad will matter.

Elmir Nabiullin - Russian football player, defender of "Rubin" and the Russian national team, the best young player of RFPL-2014. Elmir was born in Tatarstan, is a pupil of DYUSSHOR-14, later gained experience at the Rubin Academy. In March 2014, he made his debut in the main team of the Ruby. At the end of the 2014/15 season, he was recognized as the best young player of the championship. In March 2015, he made his debut in the main team of Russia, coming on as a substitute in a friendly match against Kazakhstan.

  • Full name: Elmir Ramilyevich Nabiullin (Elmir Ramilyevich Nabiullin)
  • Date and place of birth: March 8, 1995, Kazan (Russia)
  • Role: left back

Club career Elmira Nabiullina

Born in Kazan, initially brought up in the ranks of the Youth Sports School-14, then moved to the Rubin Academy. He worked under the leadership of Renat Rashidovich Ibragimov. In the youth team of Rubin, he was a regular player in the starting lineup, wearing the captain's armband. Spent the 2012/13 season as a substitute for the Kazan team, where he was also a player in the starting lineup. He missed the first half of the 2013/14 season due to injury. He was recovering under the guidance of Evgeny Georgievich Bondarenko, and in the winter he went with the first team to the training camp in Turkey. In March 2014, he made his debut in the main team of the Kazan team, leaving from the first minutes of the match against Anji. The footballer himself assessed his debut as follows:

“The impressions are indescribable, at first there was excitement, but then it passed. After the match, the coaches praised me. Thought it would be harder. Now I have to justify the trust of the coaching staff.”

Until the end of the season, Renat Bilyaletdinov continued to trust Elmir with a place on the left flank of the defense, releasing him in six championship meetings. The following season, the defender missed only five matches of the national championship. On April 12, 2015, he scored his debut goal in a Ruby T-shirt, bringing a draw in the confrontation with Zenit. Nabiullin also gave out five assists. At the end of the season, he was recognized as the best young football player of the Russian championship. Fabio Capello, Leonid Slutsky, Mutko, Villas-Boas, Galitsky and many other football figures of the country voted for the talented defender. Also, Elmir was included in the symbolic list of the most promising players on the planet according to the British edition of The Telegraph.

In the summer of 2015, Zenit and Spartak Moscow were actively interested in the football player, however, representatives of the Tatarstan team made it clear that they would not part with their football player, although they considered the option of exchanging for Christian Ansaldi and additional payment from anti-aircraft gunners. Nabiullin started the 2015/16 season at Rubin and on July 30 he played his first match in the Europa League. He scored his first goal in the new season on September 27 in a home match against Ural (1-2).

International career of Elmira Nabiullina

In 2011, he received an invitation to the Russian under-17 team, spent 10 matches here and scored 1 goal. Two next year spent in the under-18 team, also made his debut in the under-19 team. Since 2014, Nabiullin has been a player in the youth team of the Russian national team. In March 2015, he made his debut in the main team in a friendly match against Kazakhstan. Subsequently, he got into the application for a friendly match against Belarus, as well as for the Euro 2016 qualifier against Austria. After Leonid Slutsky joined the team, he stopped getting into the application of the main team.

Individual achievements of Elmira Nabiullina

  • The best young player of the championship of Russia 2014
  • Elmir's idol is Real Madrid fullback Marcelo;
  • In October 2015, I bought 50 school tickets for a Europa League match against Liverpool.

young Russian players think about football. They do not need crazy salaries - says the defender of the Kazan "Rubin"

If we discard the professional interests of the journalist, then the young "star" of Tatarstan football, the "Tatar Bale" Elmir Nabiullin can simply be admired. A modest, laconic guy who, with his work and partly talent, made his way into the main team of his native club - Kazan's Rubin. In an exclusive interview with the sports editorial staff of Realnoe Vremya, Nabi started talking, telling us about all the stages of his interesting journey. In addition, Elmir spoke about the coaches of the Kazan "Rubin" - past and present, assessed the upcoming salary ceiling for young players in Russian football and, in general, surpassed himself in verbosity.

“I still give all the money to my parents”

You are one of the few local players who managed to break into the adult Rubin. Why are there so few of you?

Complex issue. We seem to have everything and built the academy, a lot of people are engaged in Rubin. Why don't they take on the main teams? I don't know, maybe first they have to go through all the stages professional football. Play in the youth team, and in other leagues. And then, who will grow to the desired level, those will be taken. Coaches are not your own enemies. There will be a level - there will be a composition.

- And how did you get into football? Why not hockey, for example?

As a child, he also played bandy on the boxes. I don't know, but I liked football more. At first he played in SDYUSSHOR. My first coach - Renat Rashidovich Ibragimov , recruited players, noticed me, approached my mother - she worked at the school. I was often sick as a child, and because of this, my mother was not enthusiastic about the idea. The coach persuaded, let's try. Mom gave up, well, let it be like that. That's how I started playing football.

Have you played defense since childhood?

No, I started on offense. Then they transferred me to the defense.

- And why?

I don't know, that's how the coach saw it.

- Where did you like it the most? In defense or attack?

When we were little, everyone wanted to score more, ahead, of course, they liked it.

- How did it turn out with Rubin's double?

Initially, we were taken by several people. At first it was difficult to adapt. Still, the speeds there were much higher, and then slowly began to get used to it, and when they called in main team, it was easier.

About the pupils of Kazan football: “We seem to have everything, and the academy has been built, a lot of people go to Rubin. Why don't they take on the main teams? I don’t know, maybe first they have to go through all the stages of professional football.”

- Do you remember the moment when you became a professional footballer? That is, I started making money.

Of course I remember. But in doubles, we didn’t have such big salaries. Thousand 15 rubles, no more.

- At first, did you give everything to your parents?

Yes, I still give everything to my parents. They control my money.

“Under Berdyev, few of the young managed to get into the squad”

Under Berdyev, they say, it was hard for anyone from the youth to get into the starting lineup at all. So it was?

Yes, under Berdyev I don’t even remember young players playing. Few succeeded.

- And you were attracted to the base at that time?

Yes, but only in training. He has discipline first. Berdyev is a tough coach, demanding.

Did you also play defense then?

- Was there a moment when you were closest to the base?

We had cup games, I was invited to training. We played with Luch-Energy for the cup, they took several young players, and I got injured just before the match.

- Then in training with the base, how did the elders treat you? Supported?

Certainly. I already knew many players, so it was easier, they prompted, helped. And quickly adapted. Sharonov helped most of all, advised a lot.

- Many believe that Bilyaletdinov paved the way for you into adult football. What do you think?

Yes, I agree. Bilyaletdinov noticed, invited to his place. At first, he began to call for training with the main team. Then he said: get ready for the game. It was before the away match against Anji. But I thought I would go out for 10-15 minutes, and he put me at the start. Didn't expect it, of course.

On training under Bilyaletdinov: “Physically, we were very well prepared, so in the second half we ran across almost all the teams”

- Did your knees shake when you went out on the field?

Before the game was a little jitters. And when the referee blew the whistle, everything was over.

- Did you play on the same flank with Karadeniz?

Yes, with him.

- I’ve been noticing for a long time that during matches he pushes you something, does he tell you?

Yes, sometimes.

How about in the first match?

He pushed more, too, and cheered. He told me everything was.

- From the very beginning you somehow very actively ran into the attack, but they say you are modest ...

Well yes, I think it's mine strengths- join the attack. So I love this business.

“Bilyaletdinov and Bondarenko prepared us well physically”

- Why was Bilyaletdinov's team so strong, which took 5th place in the championship?

Physically, we were prepared very well, so in the second half we ran across almost all the teams.

- This was especially noticeable in that match with CSKA. Remember?

When did you win 2:1? Certainly.

- A former athlete was engaged in "Fizukhoy" with you. After the dismissal of Bilyaletdinov, many critical arrows were fired at him.

Yes, Bondarenko... I think he contributed to these victories. There were more pluses, we were so well driven in "physics".

On star disease: "I don't think I've ever had this problem. And it won't. All my relatives will confirm this to you.

- At the end of that season, you became the best young player in Russia. What were the emotions?

When you receive such awards, it is very pleasant and it motivates, gives you more self-confidence.

- Do you follow other careers of other nominees? The same Miranchuk ...

We have known each other for a long time, from the youth team of Russia. Yes, Miranchuk is growing, you can see that he is improving both tactically and technically.

- There were no problems with star disease?

I don't think I've ever had this problem. And it won't. All my relatives will confirm this to you.

"Gracia puts emphasis on defense"

I got the impression that in the first season your attacks and defense were more balanced than under Chal. What do you think?

I believe that when you play well the first season, the same thing is required of you in the second. Sometimes you can burn out, and something like that happened. I think now we need to gain the same form, train hard.

What exactly needs to be added, in your opinion?

As a young man, I still have a lot to improve both in technique and in tactics, thinking, everything.

What exactly is Javier Gracia working with you on right now? What does it focus on?

He focuses more on defense. So that we act more clearly on defense.

Why doesn't this always work?

Because not so long ago we just started working on it. Previously, before the appointment of Gracia, maybe they did not pay attention to this special attention. And now we try to play better in defense.

O this season: “Gradually we find our style of play. It doesn't happen all at once. Coaches and players need to adapt to Russian football. But we are already adding

- Both Bill and Chaly tried you in midfield, closer to the attack. Why did the experiment fail?

I don’t know, I’m more used to defense. Maybe he hasn't played in attack for a long time. Perhaps if there was more practice in midfield, then he would have added in this position.

- Maybe you just need more run-up space, as in the case of the full-back position? (laughs)

Maybe (smiles).

- This season, Rubin harnessed for a very long time. Can we say that you have already found your game?

Gradually we find our style of play. It doesn't happen all at once. Coaches and players need to adapt to Russian football. But we are adding.

- Can you characterize Rubin's playing style at the moment?

Now we are coming to more control of the ball. Maybe so far something is not working out, but I think we still have a long way to go.

"I am very grateful to Javi"

Gracia is your first foreign coach and I'm sure not the last one. What have you learned from this experience?

Xavi is very supportive of young players, gives us confidence. With each mistake, he motivates the player to quickly forget this mistake and continue playing. I am very grateful when Javi tells me all the time, encourages me. Unlike Russian coaches, he does not act authoritarianly, but tries to explain.

Ahead of Rubin is a match with Rostov, which means a lot to many fans. And inside the team, do they somehow set you up in a special way for the match with Rostov?

There is still time before the game, but we are already preparing for it. While there were no such conversations, their team was not dismantled yet. And I have not yet felt a special relationship with Rostov. There is something in the air though.

You are young, promising football player. What are your career priorities? We do not take Rubin, it is clear that this is a native club. Are you fundamentally ready to stay in the Russian championship or break into Europe?

The first task is to get into the first team. It is very important for me to be there. Well, I would like to try my hand at the European Championship. I think Spanish would suit me better.

About girlfriend: “I have a girlfriend. We've been dating for about two years now.<...> Her name is Zuhra. Plans? The most serious!

Ready for a pay cut for the chance to play in the same Spain? Here, Kokorin, for example, or Denisov refused.

To be honest, I'm interested in playing in Europe. I can say that I dreamed of playing there since childhood. Money in this case will not matter much.

What do you think are your chances of making it to the national team? home championship world by the 18th year? And who are your main competitors?

The main competitors are Zhirkov, Kudryashov and Petrov. They are currently being called. What are my chances? This, I think, should be asked from the coaches. But I would like to get there as soon as possible.

- Do the coaches of the first team keep in touch with you? Motivated?

Not at the moment.

“Upset the Kazan girls? Not scary"

- There are legends about your modesty. Is it the same for you on the field and in life?

Before, yes, but now I have become much bolder on the field, and the players and coaches see and notice this.

- That is, on the field you are no longer a “silent person”?

That's it in this component and add.

Why are you lagging behind in life?

I don't know, maybe I'm used to being like that.

- I'm sure the next question worries Kazan girls a lot. Do you have a personal life?

Sorry, I have a girlfriend. We've been dating for about two years now.

- Tell me more: how did you meet, what is your name, what are your plans?

We came to a friend's birthday party. And there I saw her. I could not forget her for a long time, I learned from friends how her personal life was. As it should be for a man, he took the first step - he asked for a phone number. That's how we met, began to communicate, then meet. Her name is Zuhra. Plans? The most serious!

- Well, he took and upset all Kazan girls.

Not scary (laughs).

- Do you still live with your parents?

- At the age of 21, usually people are already trying to live on their own, for the overall development of the personality ...

Yes, I agree. It's time already, but now I'm used to it with my parents. But soon you will have to prepare to live separately.

Are your parents ready for this?

I think not yet. But I think they will support me all the time, I don’t see anything wrong with that. We will also communicate.

On the salary cap for young players: “I think it will be fair. Young players should think about football first

- Who is the leader in the modern "Ruby" among the players? For example, there used to be Karadeniz, but now he hardly plays.

Rochina, Jonatas, Ryzhikov, the guardian of the gate, are now showing leadership qualities. And in the locker room, as always, Ryzhikov. Well, Karadeniz and Kuzmin, of course.

- Which of the Rubin players helped you in your development the most?

Initially, it was Sharonov, as I already told you. And when I started playing, it was Karadeniz, he helped a lot.

- And in what?

In movements on the field, for example. When something did not work out, he said that here it was necessary to do so, here it is necessary to do so, and through an interpreter he explained it to me. And gradually I began to understand and improve what he requires.

"Young people should think about football, not money"

- But now you play with Tkachuk more often. How is your interaction?

Yes, he also likes to tell. He helps me too. This is mutual: he is on my defense, I am on his attack.

Almost a fait accompli: from the new season they plan to introduce a salary cap for young players “with a passport”. Your attitude?

I think it will be fair. Young players should think about football first. They don't need to make crazy salaries. And then they can get lost because of this. Everything must be done gradually.

- Akhmetov has now passed, why is he not actually playing - to the question of the lost? ( laughs)

Well, salaries have nothing to do with it. At first, he played, then something didn’t work out, but he still shows himself in training and this will definitely bear fruit. He will have chances.

- You, in fact, do not have a competitor in the main team?

Mavinga was in training, and Bergström was also playing in this position.

- He played a couple of matches there and was never seen again.What club would you like to play for?

Childhood dream - to play for Real Madrid (smiles).

All "hispanophiles" are divided into fans of "Real" and "Barcelona", it seems. Why in your case "royal club"?

The answer is already in the question (smiles). The club is royal.

- Do you have idols among left-backs in our and world football?

My idol is Marcelo from Real Madrid. And from the Russian championship it was Ansaldi. When I was little, I watched his games for Rubin.

“If it weren’t for my brother, I would be sitting at home”

- You made your debut in the first team against Kazakhstan. How did you find out about the challenge?

This is what my mother told me. I read this news on the Internet. It was very nice, it was my first call up to the national team.

- What do you do in free time from football?

I try to spend more time with my parents and friends.

- Where do you go with your friends? I wonder what modest Rubin players are doing.

I don't know, there is nothing like that. We go to the cinema, cafe. I spend time at home, well, nothing interesting.

About idols: “My idol is Marcelo from Real Madrid. And from the Russian championship it was Ansaldi. When I was little, I watched his games in the colors of "Ruby"

- It is known that your late brother Adele had a serious impact on your football future?

If not for him, he would be at home. It was he who dragged me into the yard to play football.

- What happened to your brother? They say they killed...

There was an incomprehensible situation. He somehow went around the corner. And some guy says, like: "what are you doing here." Word for word went, that man leaves. His brother is catching up with him, he wanted to find out what happened. And he immediately turned without a word and stabbed in the heart.

Our common acquaintance with you told me: I remember, the two of them (Elmir and Adele) came to visit relatives, and we played against their street. We, he says, had a strong team, but no one played for them, except for Adel. He was a powerful striker, Nabiullin always stood behind, small because he was. It was so?

Yes, they just played among themselves when they came to their village. There are fields there. It's fun to kick the ball. Adele was the main star there, but they are all older than me, and it helped me a lot that I played with adults.

Artur Khalilullov, Zulfat Shafigullin, photo by Oleg Tikhonov
