How to pump up a simulator make a body. Body hoop trainer

Make a body hoop is a great tool for self-correction of your figure. Unique sports equipment not like standard hoops and hula hoops. Its weight is 2.5 kg, which is much more than traditional hoops. The diameter of the hoop is 90 cm, and the cross-section of the ring itself is thicker than ordinary hoops and covered with a special soft fabric so that classes can be carried out safely and comfortably. During the rotation of the hoop, a kind of massage of the lower body occurs. This stimulating effect makes different muscle groups work, which helps the body to get rid of those extra pounds.

Make the body hoop is well suited for regular exercise for 15-20 minutes a day, from such training, coordination of movements will significantly improve and the vestibular apparatus will be strengthened. The end result will be slim figure without extra pounds and a strong sturdy body. The condition of the skin in the most problematic areas will also noticeably improve. Correct posture will be restored, muscle tension will be relieved. The body will become more flexible and stretchable. As for the waist, you can easily reduce its size to the desired size by doing simple physical exercise with a hoop.

Make a body hoop is ideal for all people who love sports and cannot imagine their life without it. Exercises with the Do-body hoop give amazing results, this is confirmed professional athletes who always need to be in great shape. A wide variety of gymnastic and stretching exercises can be performed with this hoop.

Buy a body-making hoop is considered their duty by the owners of all modern fitness centers. This simple tool replaces a multi-muscle complex trainer. Simple, and from this extraordinary effective method get rid of excess weight and give yourself a dream figure.

The body massage hoop is suitable for both adults and children, it is easy to use and pleasant to the touch. Rotating the Massage Hoop Make Your Body so much fun and addicting experience that you will be surprised how you did without the hoop before. After all, training is also good for health and attractive appearance... You should really buy a Make a body hoop and start exercising, we are sure you will definitely like it.

In our store you have a unique opportunity to buy a Make a waist hoop, which is specially designed for effective work above the waist, a significant decrease in its volume. The result of 10 cm is achieved already in the first months of regular daily training. It is enough to buy a hoop Make a waist and start doing positive gymnastics, after that you can watch with pleasure how your body becomes slimmer without unnecessary effort, only from exercises with a hoop.

Many people ask: "What if I buy a hoop Make a body, and no one can practice on it?" You don't have to worry about it, hoops are great home trainers that will suit all family members without exception.

The peculiarity of this hula hoop is that everyone can do it with it: women, men, the elderly and even children! The load level is changed by the degree of inflation of the hoop and the fastening of the belts. A number of exercises with this trainer are suitable for carrying out exercise therapy.

Main characteristics:

  • made of reinforced two-layer material;
  • equipped with a sealed chamber filled with air;
  • the cover in contact with the skin is made of hypoallergenic soft tissue;
  • section diameter - 7 cm;
  • the set includes 2 soft pillows, a large and 2 small belts.

You need this hula hoop because it:

  • with the help of belts it is transformed into 9 simulators, which are suitable for performing more than 60 exercises;
  • quickly removes extra centimeters from the waist;
  • suitable for training the muscles of the buttocks, legs, back, arms, chest;
  • restores skin elasticity;
  • improves posture;
  • recommended for cardio and power loads;
  • makes the body more resilient and flexible.

This multifunctional DIY body hoop is very compact, lightweight and easy to store. Great alternative bulky exercise machines that take up a lot of space in the apartment!

Product characteristics Product characteristics



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Marina from 12/26/2018

kneads the body well

not immediately leveled

While lying in the box, it became oval and in no hurry to level out) But I still got the hang of it, the main thing is to take care of my legs when it starts to fall. Of course, he kneads his stomach and sides great, twisting it is difficult, but I like it)

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Anastasia Grishaeva

Online store director

Store response:

Thank you for your feedback, Marina!)

Yaroslava from 22.12.2018

there is an effect from it

you need to get used to it, adjust

At first I could not really deal with him, it seemed heavy, so for some time I just hung on a carnation. Several times I tried to start classes with him, and only once on the third did something work out. The first times I twisted it on my naked body and it turned out that the fabric caused abrasions on the skin. Now I twist only through my clothes, I try to practice as often as possible and see the results. Has become a favorite exercise machine, can be used for exercises on any part of the body.

Is the review helpful? 1 | 0

Anastasia Grishaeva

Online store director

Store response:

Yaroslav, we express our gratitude for the feedback left. We are glad that you did not stop and continued to practice halahup!)

Make a body expander hoop

Today it is difficult to find a girl who at least once would not try to "make a waist" by rotating a hoop or hula-hoop. The inventors of the simulator "Make a body" combined the popular model of a rotating hoop with a conventional rubber expander and have achieved amazing sales results. This one does not have age restrictions and is able to help both women and men. But is it really that effective?

How "Make a Body" works

Make a body Is a hoop made of a weighted flexible material, covered with a rather soft fabric upholstery. It can be rotated around the waist like a regular hula hoop. A good massage effect is achieved due to the weight of the hoop. This simulator is quite difficult to "spin", and therefore the muscles are used a little more than when rotating the "plastic brother". The authors of the invention insist that this item is able to relieve us of almost a whole size of clothes in the waist in just 30 days, subject to daily activities.

However, if you want not only to lose weight at the waist, but also to reduce the volume of the hips, buttocks, tighten flaccid triceps or strengthen the back - "Make a body" can also help with this, because the hoop can be used as expander and do exercises with it for different parts of the body. The resistance here is adjusted by changing the angle of inclination of the expander.

Hoop make body can be used for cardio (rotation at the waist) and for. The projectile comes with a disc with a video set of exercises for all large muscle groups. The hoop itself must be periodically pumped up, but this is not a problem either: in many large cities there are service centers for servicing the simulator.

Fitness trainer opinion

Make a body is undoubtedly a good expander. His resistance is enough to strengthen the muscles of a fairly experienced athlete, and even beginners will be comfortable with him. All exercises are pretty self-explanatory and well explained in the video.

It is true that expander hoop there are several disadvantages. First of all, the training program itself is somewhat unbalanced. On sale you can find complexes that say that you can do strength exercises every day. However, from the point of view of human physiology, this approach to training is a waste of time: overwork, non-recovering muscles can lead not to the long-awaited harmony, but to swelling and painful sensations.

Working with the hoop as an expander is in the traditional "power" manner. If you want to lose weight, do 3-4 sets of each exercise for at least 20 repetitions. If the goal is to "pump", try to provide such resistance that the muscles become very tired already at 10-12 repetitions.

The second drawback is related to the lack of a normal load regulator. For example, for the muscles of the buttocks of most women, make the body weak, but for the arms and chest - quite the opposite. It takes a long time to “try on” the hoop in order to learn how to regulate the level of load due to the posture and without prejudice to the exercise technique.

But the rotation of such a heavy object at the waist can be quite painful and in some cases even traumatic. Of course, it is impossible for them to beat off the kidneys, but bruises will “decorate” your body for at least a month.

According to the instructions, "Do it yourself" must be twisted for about 15 minutes, but practice proves that girls can withstand that much time either with a truly iron press, or with weighty fat deposits in the abdomen and waist.

It turns out that all these self-torture is not at all worth the result obtained. Cardio load in this rotation mode is not enough for weight loss, and there is little sense from "massage" the waist: at first, however, a few centimeters may go away due to the "tightening" of the oblique, but after about a month of training, the effect will come to naught.

So swinging with the hoop is quite convenient, but the usual hula-hoop is better and safer to twist.

Have you managed to lose weight with the Make the Body expander hoop? Leave your feedback!

"Make a body" is a hollow hoop weighing 2.0 kg, with a cross-sectional diameter of 7 cm, made of elastic material. Unlike bulky imported exercise equipment and other "hardware", to which it is sometimes impossible to force oneself to approach, this is an elastic elastic hoop, which is simply pleasant to work with. The "Make a body" hoop is very easy to use and does not take up much space. The simulator can be twisted around the waist as a regular hoop, or perform various gymnastic exercises that develop grace, improve posture and overall the physical state organism.

The set of exercises for the "Make a body" simulator was developed by specialists of fitness centers on the basis of shaping programs and even beginners can do it.

A set of belts is attached to the simulator, with the help of which 10 variants of the simulator are obtained, on which you can perform more than 90 different kinds of exercises for almost all muscle groups. Moreover, exercises on the "Make a body" simulator are recommended by exercise therapy doctors to correct posture and recover from injuries, as well as adaptation exercises for patients with cerebral palsy.

The "Make a body" exercise machine gives loads depending on the chosen position and shape, which can be changed with the help of belts, and is able to give the required effort to both a child and an adult strong man.

The trainer is ideal for every family member.

Moms will be able to regain their former harmony and grace and get rid of the "problem" areas. After all daily rotation of the hoop for 15 - 20 minutes a day leads to a decrease in the waist to 12 cm in the first month of training, and with health benefits, unlike diet pills. At the same time, most of the exercises are accompanied by massage, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and leads to a decrease in cellulite. Calories burned, exercise the cardiovascular system, more oxygen enters the body.

By doing strength exercises on the simulator, dads will finally be able to get rid of the "beer" belly and pump up the muscles of the arms and legs. For men involved in sports for more professional level, the "Make a body" simulator is perfect as a sports equipment that warms up all muscle groups for standard lessons in the gym.

Exercises for young people:

The "Make a body" exercise machine is recommended for elderly people, because after a month of training, back pain will weaken and decrease arterial pressure, the flexibility and mobility of the joints will remain, the general well-being and vitality will improve.

Exercises for mature age:

Well, for children, the "Make a Body" exercise machine is an interesting and useful toy that will not only direct vital energy Your baby back on track, but also help to acquire correct posture(which is so important for schoolchildren!) and will provide good physical development child.

Exercises for children:

Thus, almost every family member can draw up an individual training program for themselves on the "Make a body" simulator, select the necessary load, and most importantly, do it when it is convenient for him!

Included: straps, transparent case, instructions.

  • Diameter: 90 cm.
  • Weight: 2.5KG
  • Color: assorted.

Make a Body Exercise Machine - PERFECTION IS ENDLESS!

Made in Russia.

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